Nissan Atlas (Nisan Atlas): description, technical characteristics, modifications.


“Nisan Atlas” is a light adaptation of Japanese textiles, published in late 1981.

A lot of rocky wines have emerged as important for the domestic market, benefiting from Japan's great success.

The European market has learned about the new partnership with the Renault-Nissan alliance.

In addition, Atlas is already popular today in Australia, New Africa, and India, where it is regularly transported (and is still in use in India).

In Russia, the first models began to be lost in the 90s (most importantly vans and flatbed cars) to private merchants.

Most often, the Nissan Atlas can be found on the roads of the Far East and Siberia. In addition to standard flatbed and van modifications, Nissan Atlas vans all over the world function as self-skids, tow trucks, and have also positively established themselves as utility vehicles.

  • The Nissan Atlas model range can be called very diverse.
  • There are two categories that are considered by the vantage point of the spoilers (small and medium vantage point).
  • The first ones are marked “F”, the others - “H”.
  • The skin category is represented by several generations, the improvements of which are being achieved up to now.

During production (from 1982 to 1992), both gasoline (Z16, Z20, NA16, NA 20) and diesel engines (SD25, SD23, DT23, DT27) were installed.

The transmission is represented by a manual transmission.

Atlas 150 was launched in Japan, and in India. It is very popular in Great Britain, where the first supplies were directed, and in Africa.

  • F23 (2nd generation) or Nissan Atlas 10 disintegrated from 1992 to 2007. In addition to the latest generation, there is completeness:
  • Once installed, it is important to have a 4-cylinder
  • diesel engine

(DT23, DT25, DT27, KA20DE, NA20, the heaviest (3.2 l) - QD32); The transmission has been upgraded to a 4-speed automatic transmission; automatic sloping brakes appeared, the control panel was improved (previously there was no tachometer).

The exterior was changed, the doors were installed Great Weeks

  • , which allows access to inspection.
  • The maximum weight of the Nissan Atlas 10 is 1.3 tons.
  • F24 (III generation).
  • With the F24, a full-fledged merger with Renault begins, as a result of differences in standards.

The basic, Japanese, package includes the following packages: both diesel (3 l) and gasoline (2 l) engines with 4 cylinders are available; Automatic and manual transmission in 5 or 6 stages (depending on the engine load); three categories of weight capacity: 2, 1.75 and 1.5 tons; the body has been enlarged (3 or 6 seats).

One of the remaining innovations is the release of F24

electric motor


Most of the interests may be

red options(For example, installing video cameras near the car, which allows drivers to thoroughly observe the road situation). Nissan Atlas of low vanity is available with 2 and 4 doors, which can be seen in the photo. It’s important to know which one is front-wheel drive and rear-wheel drive. Nissan Atlas is victorious in various areas of activity Average value

Nissan Atlas vans have average vantage capacity and are suitable for 2-4 ton vans. The stench is for the coming generations. H40 (1st generation)

- greatest Nissan representative

  • Atlas (200/300), which was produced from 1981 to 1992.
  • engines began to be installed in accordance with European gas standards;
  • the number of lighting fixtures in the cabin has been increased;
  • Capacity - 3, 6, 7 passengers, including water.

Virology was reduced in 2007.

H43 (IV generation)– diesel vantazhivka, which can carry up to 4.5 tons of vantazhivka.

Retailers tried to “adjust” it to European safety standards, and the exterior was changed. Manual transmission equipment for 5 and 6 speeds. Both front-wheel drive (2-door) and all-wheel drive (4-door) modifications are available. H44 (Vth generation)

– the ecological generation that is actively disintegrating today will remain.

H44 is a diesel engine, 5 speed manual transmission. or 6-speed automatic transmission. Maximum vaga

  • vantazhu – 4 t.
  • Technical characteristics of the Nissan Atlas 150 Basic
  • technical characteristics
  • "Nisan Atlas" 150 like:
  • From the first release, the kermo was equipped with hydraulic power, the kermo was right-handed;
  • halm system
  • classic - on two circuits with vacuum power;
  • Manual transmission 4 or 5 speed;
  • "engine" 4-cylinder diesel (3 liters) or gasoline (2 liters);

suspension: front and rear (springs with shock absorbers) are stale; the basis of the structure is the frame; vitrata paliva (with rozrahunkom per 100 km) – 11.8 l in the area, 6.7 l – posture in the area;

There are 2 and 4 door modifications (for 2 and 4 persons);


weight capacity – up to 1.3 tons.

Nissan Atlas 150 does not work high throughput, The ground clearance is only 18 cm. The car is clearly damaged not so much by the design features as by the reliability of the folding and the flexibility of the components.

Double Cabin Atlas Main technical characteristics of the basic Nissan Atlas car:

Nissan Atlas cars were most often installed automatic boxes transmissions (chotiri- or p'yatishvidkisni).

Rear suspension It was originally assembled in the configuration - it rests on springs with shock absorbers.. The front suspension was installed in different versions. It could either be independent, but with a transverse spring, or stowed, with a set of springs on both sides.

As a rule, cars with this option were chosen rear drive.

The front and rear bumpers are equipped with shockproof devices.

The kermo in the cabin is installed right-handed, and the entire set of accessories is installed exactly as it should be.

The office is run in such a manner that people are at least distracted by the length of the working day. It’s a good idea to provide a maximum of different adjustments. Gives more help

steering column

, Yaku can be adjusted either according to the angle or according to the angle.

  1. The cabin will be provided with good ventilation not only through the side windows that are lowered, but also through the hatch installed in the rear of the cabin.
  2. The advanced Atlas model can be stitched on the butt of machines produced by the Nissan concern from 1990 to 2005:
  3. Dimensions with a standard extension – 4,690x1,690x1,990 mm.

The dimensions of the machine from the middle platform are 5,990x2,000x2,115 mm.

The geometric dimensions of the machine with a long base are 6,735x2,020x2,270 mm. Various types of cabins were installed on the chassis, and there was no more than one half or two. The cabins for three people are also small

Different sizes

both in width and in height.

This was done in order to improve the comfort of moving water and passengers in the cabin.

The configurations of the "Atlas" were changed thoroughly. Since the 1990s there were vans and vans, then even across the river to the transfer of cars of this brand, self-skids and semi-trucks are supplied. After another two minutes, a lift appears from the rear side of the lift on hydraulic lifts to make it easier to transport the goods into the body.

In 2000, a branded Nissan Atlas car with a manipulator in the body was released.

It became possible to independently transport important items into a car and transport it with a weight of up to 1500 kg.

“Nisan Atlas” is a light adaptation of Japanese textiles, published in late 1981.

A lot of rocky wines have emerged as important for the domestic market, benefiting from Japan's great success.

The European market has learned about the new partnership with the Renault-Nissan alliance.

In addition, Atlas is already popular today in Australia, New Africa, and India, where it is regularly transported (and is still in use in India).

In Russia, the first models began to be lost in the 90s (most importantly vans and flatbed cars) to private merchants.

Most often, the Nissan Atlas can be found on the roads of the Far East and Siberia. In addition to standard flatbed and van modifications, Nissan Atlas vans all over the world function as self-skids, tow trucks, and have also positively established themselves as utility vehicles.

  • The Nissan Atlas model range can be called very diverse.
  • There are two categories that are considered by the vantage point of the spoilers (small and medium vantage point).
  • The first ones are marked “F”, the others - “H”.
  • The skin category is represented by several generations, the improvements of which are being achieved up to now.

During production (from 1982 to 1992), both gasoline (Z16, Z20, NA16, NA 20) and diesel engines (SD25, SD23, DT23, DT27) were installed.

The transmission is represented by a manual transmission.

Atlas 150 was launched in Japan, and in India. It is very popular in Great Britain, where the first supplies were directed, and in Africa.

  • For fifteen years on the Atlas, twelve different engines were installed in different configurations
  • Once installed, it is important to have a 4-cylinder
  • diesel engine

different tightness

The exterior was changed, the doors were installed Great Weeks

  • , which allows access to inspection.
  • The maximum weight of the Nissan Atlas 10 is 1.3 tons.
  • F24 (III generation).
  • With the F24, a full-fledged merger with Renault begins, as a result of differences in standards.

One of the remaining innovations is the F24 version with an electric motor.

One of the remaining innovations is the release of F24

electric motor


Most of the interests may be

red options Most vans have a lot of useful options (for example, installation of video cameras on cars, which allow drivers to fully view the traffic situation).

Nissan Atlas vans have average vantage capacity and are suitable for 2-4 ton vans. The stench is for the coming generations. H40 (1st generation)

- greatest Nissan representative

  • Atlas (200/300), which was produced from 1981 to 1992.
  • engines began to be installed in accordance with European gas standards;
  • the number of lighting fixtures in the cabin has been increased;
  • Capacity - 3, 6, 7 passengers, including water.

Virology was reduced in 2007.

H43 (IV generation)– diesel vantazhivka, which can carry up to 4.5 tons of vantazhivka.

Retailers tried to “adjust” it to European safety standards, and the exterior was changed.- The first representative of the Nissan Atlas (200/300), which was produced from 1981 to 1992.

Complete with petrol engines (Z20 and NA20), all-wheel drive.

  • Viral in India.
  • – the ecological generation that is actively disintegrating today will remain.
  • H44 is a diesel engine, 5 speed manual transmission.

or 6-speed automatic transmission. Maximum weight of vantage is 4 tons. Vitrati paliva:

Moscow cycle - 11.8 l/100 km;

mixing cycle – 8.5 l/100 km;

Zamisk cycle – 6.7 l/100 km. For gas versions middle of the vitrat reserves 16.7 l/100 km. Video review

Pristriy Nissan Atlas is ideal for steady and stressful work. The car chassis has a rigid frame, made of channel-type side members (dimensions: 128 mm by 52 mm by 4 mm).

These elements are fastened with steel cross bars. The frame is the basis of the structure; the axles, body, cabin, engine and suspension are attached to it. The cabin is independently installed above the unit, which ensures unobstructed visibility of the road ahead and a small turning radius (no more than 5000 mm).

The Nissan Atlas is equipped with a cabin with a large frontal slope, which is typical for

Japanese cars

The cabin of the Nissan Atlas is functional, yet ascetic. In the middle, everything is needed. The steering column is manual and can be adjusted in several directions (by tilt, by tilt). On most versions that are used in Russia, the kermo is placed right-handed, which is not very handy. Seat water can be easily adjusted and provided with constant support. The passenger seats are extremely comfortable. on

fitting panels

The minimum number of displays is shown. However, everything is installed correctly, so you don’t have to shake your head to look at it. The car has a special alarm.

Under Russia / 5 in reverse 0 a special signal is given.

I feel a similar sound when one of the cabin doors does not close.

Japanese designers have given great respect and care.

The basic model was equipped with airbags and 3-point belts.


front bumper

equipped with anti-shock devices. A special hatch is also installed on the boat, which speeds up the ventilation process. In addition to the base cabin (for 3 persons), a roll-up cabin (for 6 persons) was installed on the vantage.

Similar modifications are required in everyday business and during transportation.

Nissan Atlas – productive

Japanese vantage

, ready today to terminate their functions in any minds.

weight capacity – up to 1.3 tons.


Koristuvachiv (

As a rule, this option was used for vehicles with all-wheel drive, or with two wire axles.

On the first models, the galma was installed behind the offensive scheme.

The front is disc type, the back is drum type.

The front and rear bumpers are equipped with shockproof devices.

The kermo in the cabin is installed right-handed, and the entire set of accessories is installed exactly as it should be.

Galvanic double-circuit system with vacuum booster.

steering column

, Yaku can be adjusted either according to the angle or according to the angle.

  1. The cabin will be provided with good ventilation not only through the side windows that are lowered, but also through the hatch installed in the rear of the cabin.
  2. The advanced Atlas model can be stitched on the butt of machines produced by the Nissan concern from 1990 to 2005:
  3. Dimensions with a standard extension – 4,690x1,690x1,990 mm.

The dimensions of the machine from the middle platform are 5,990x2,000x2,115 mm.

The steering wheel is of the rack type, with hydraulic power added to the base model.

Different sizes

both in width and in height.

This was done in order to improve the comfort of moving water and passengers in the cabin.

The designers made some jokes about safety during the operation of the machine.

In 2000, a branded Nissan Atlas car with a manipulator in the body was released.

Three-point belts and airbags are included in the basic configuration.

The front and rear bumpers are equipped with shockproof devices. Adding to the handiness is the steering column, which can be adjusted both for the wheel angle and the heel. The cabins for three people are small and vary in size, both in width and height.

This was done in order to improve the comfort of moving water and passengers in the cabin. Over the course of fifteen years on the Atlas, twelve different engines of varying power ranging from 75 to 155 hp were installed in various configurations. With. Among them were both gasoline and diesel engines.

In this case, as a transmission, automatics and mechanics were chosen.

Engine and yogo parameters

Cars of this model of the factory series F24, starting in 2007, began to be produced with QR20DE and QR25DE engines.

These are some cylinders

power units

with row rotating cylinders, working fuel for which is gasoline.

The electronic life system with injection pumps ensures efficient

robot internal combustion engine

I'm burning with a small vitrata.

These engines are being rotated at the factories of the Nissan corporation.

Characteristics of the QR20DE engine:
Nissan Shatai Kyushu
Rik release
From 2000 to now

Material for manufacturing the cylinder block


Engine cylinder volume

1998 cc

Working cylinder diameter

Working stroke of the cylinder piston

Number of valves per cylinder

Compression stage of the working mix in the cylinder

Tightness of the internal viscera, which is developing

147 l.

With. at 6,000 rpm

Maximum torque
200 at 4000 rpm

Ecological standard

Engine resource, actually installed per hour of operation

The drive belt from the crankshaft pulley encloses the air conditioner, generator, pump and hydraulic kerma.

The standard burning candle is LFR5A-11.

  • The engine on the Nissan Atlas works with the following electrical units: starter
  • S114-844 Hitachi or MOT87081 Mitsubishi with gearbox, voltage 12 V, power less than 90 A, number of wraps, depending on the number, more than 2700 or 2500; generator
  • SR1110-713 Hitachi, voltage 12 V, nominal flow – 110 A. Output voltage regulation 14.1-14.7 V; battery

Capacity 48-55 Ah.

Series 100 and 150

On the Internet, in one of the videos about the Atlas 100 model, there is information about how an auto enthusiast added two flat-bed cars to the 1983 release at a price of 90 thousand rubles for damaged cars and selected a working “horse” for himself chku", how dossi operates, and The words about it are the best for all technical characteristics.

Models of cars up to the 1992 release with F-series bodies and up to a repeat of tons are often called “Nissan Atlas 150” by auto owners. These cars have good dynamic and performance characteristics. If you drive such a car with a good eye, carry out preventive maintenance promptly, change the oil, filters and supplies, then the car will save its life when driving on our roads.

positive qualities

And faithfully served the ruler.

Series 200

In 1993, the Nissan Atlas 200 Gate Lift model with the H41 body appeared on the list of Atlas modifications.

This car was equipped with an FD42 engine with a capacity of 125 liters.


How many editions of the “Atlas 200 H41” have an aluminum van, a wing-type side board that curves uphill, and a vantage crane.

  • The same modifications of the Nissan Atlas 200 N41 were produced in 1994-1996.
  • Since 2000, the names of “Atlas” have been the numbers 10 and 20. For F-series bodies, these modifications have been written as “Nisan Atlas 10 F23”.
  • From 2007 to 2012, cars were produced under the Atlas brand with bodies of the N43 series.
  • During this hour, such modifications were released as a tanker truck, a vacuum cleaner, a dump truck, a self-skidding truck, a side truck with a crane, and a burning machine.
  • From 2007 to the present day, Nissan Atlas F24 series cars rolled off the assembly line at Nissan factories in Japan:
  • with an onboard platform;

with a side platform and a double cabin;

onboard with crane; side behind the ramp; refrigerated truck;

For this address: you will find a description of the technical characteristics of the floating swamp rover GAZ-34039.

Cars on the Russian car market

The thirty-three-year Nissan Atlas is produced only for interior Japanese market.

Protely in Russia, especially on the Far East and Siberia, “Nisan Atlas” enjoys great popularity.

As soon as the opportunity arose, merchants began to import this car to Russia in large quantities.

The main targets were flatbed vehicles and vans, since the beginning of the 2000s, onboard trucks with manipulators, self-skids and tow trucks have become more popular.

The price for Nissan Atlas cars for “younger” cars of 2007 release, depending on the release date and configuration, ranges between 700 thousand. – 1 million 300 thousand. rubles

Here is a video of a look at the Nissan Atlas 200 with comments from the owner:

The TD27 engine is designed for medium-sized offshore river vessels, which relies on combustion and has a large margin of reliability; the crankshaft is transferred to the split shaft by a gear rather than a belt.

The Nissan dealer has launched the TD series on several models of minivans and SUVs.

The basic version of the naturally aspirated diesel engine DVZ TD27 with mounted attachments.

The atmospheric version was used very rarely, especially on the Nissan Atlas; turbo modifications TD27T, TD27ET and TD27ETi were more often used.

  • Turbocharged diesel TD27T without intercooler
  • Technical specifications TD27 2.7 l/85 l. With. Based on the Nissan 2.7 liter TD series engine, up to 85 liters.
  • With. and 216 Nm were selected technical solutions:
  • row diagram of the engine based on the cylinders;

chavunna head cylinder head and gear transmission

collapsible shaft

on the split shaft and fuel injection pump;

Cars of this model of the factory series F24, starting in 2007, began to be produced with QR20DE and QR25DE engines.valves are driven by rocker arms and rods behind an OHV gas distribution circuit;
the vortex chamber is turned on.Gas cylinder mechanism with lower shaft, rocker arms and valves behind OHV circuit
There are no fragments of the lance/pass drive here, the TD27 diesel engine does not open the valve.1986 – …
As a result, the most powerful and reliable atmospheric engine for important machines that are used by important minds.In the middle of the TD series, manufacturers decided to increase the pressure on the frame as the cylinders became larger.
For detailed information, all technical characteristics of the TD27 are collected in the table:GM DAT
Engine brandTD27
Rocks of VirobnitstvaAbout us
2663 cm3 (2.7 l)22
Pushing62.5 kW (85 hp)
Engine typein-line diesel engine
Zalyuvannyacandles for initial borrowing
Number of cylinders4
Replacement of the first cylinderTVE
Number of valves per skin cylinder2
Cylinder head materialhigh-ranking chavun
Intake manifoldaluminum
Inlet manifoldlithium chawunnium
Rozpodilny Val8 jaws, bottom rotation
Cylinder block materialchavun
Cylinder diameter96 mm
Pistonsoriginal, aluminum, 5 types of grooves
Colinvalcompletely anti-vagous
Piston stroke92 mm
Ecological standardsEuro-3
Vitrati palivahighway – 10 l/100 km

mixing cycle 12 l/100 km

place – 13 l/100 km

Vitrata oliimaximum 0.6 l/1000 km
Like engine oil based on viscosity20W40, 20W50 summer, 10W40 winter, 5W30 turbo
Yak oliya krasha for the engine according to the engineNissan
Oliya for TD27 behind the warehousesynthetics, synthetics, minerals
Engine oil volume6.2 l
Operating temperature95°
ICE resourceapplications 250,000 km

real 500000 km

Valve adjustmentnuts
Cooling systemPrimusova, antifreeze
Obsyag coolant10 l
water pumpGWN-23AF, F-202, N-144
Spark plugs for TD27PN137 HKT
Spark plug gap1.1 mm
Timing drivegears
Cylinder operating order1-3-4-2
Damaged filterChampion CAF100105R, Bosch 1457433275, Borg&Beck BFA2345, Ashika 20-01-110
Oil filterBosch 098AF1071, Blue Print ADN12113, Ashika 10-01-114
Flywheel6 fastening openings and 1 landing
Flywheel mounting boltsM12x1, 25 mm, dovzhina 26 mm
Oil scoops1320781W00
Compressionstandard 30 bar, minimum 25 bar, difference in vessel cylinders maximum 3 bar
Turnover XX750 – 800 xv-1
Tightening the threaded connectionsspark plug – 31 – 39 Nm

flywheel – 62 – 87 Nm

fastening bolt – 19 – 30 Nm

bearing cover – 68 – 84 Nm (root) and 43 – 53 (connecting rod)

cylinder head - three stages 20 Nm, 69 - 85 Nm + 90 ° + 90 °

Periodically, Vlasnik maintains the engine with his own hands or at a service station, before major repairs are carried out, and many motorists are looking for modernization to improve the parameters of the engine.

All necessary information for this purpose – terms for replacing antifreeze, oil and other consumables, and procedures for disassembling and collecting – is collected from the manual.

Features of the design

  • The design of the TD27 engines for important operational purposes includes the following design solutions:
  • cylinder head from high-grade chavun;
  • the steel valve cover of the cylinder head is stamped;
  • gas distribution system behind the OHV circuit with a lower distribution shaft, rocker arms and handlebars;
  • transmission of the crankshaft wrapper to the fuel injection pump and distribution gears.

Gear timing drive with a long service life, includes 100% closure of valves and pistons

An important feature of the ShPG is the presence of at least 5 options for moving the piston under the wine-type combustion vortex chamber. The service provider includes a description of the service and repair of diesel engines. Mozhliv diesel injection

by powerful forces

Just a little bit for the installation of the turbocharger.

  • Transfer of modifications of the DVZ
  • In addition to the basic version of the TD27 atmospheric diesel engine, there are modifications with turbocharging:
  • TD27T - turbine without air cooler, capacity 98.6 l.

s., torque 230 Nm;

  • TD27ti – with additional additional equipment – ​​intercooler, power and torque become 123 hp.
  • With. and 242 Nm is consistent;
  • TD27eti – the intercooler is controlled electronically, the torque increases to 279 Nm, the power becomes 130 hp.
  • s., diesel fuel consumption between 11 liters and 14 liters (highway/location, subway). The TD27T modification has a number of options with different ECU firmware: T1 – for Nissan Caravan and Homy, 100 l.


T2 – for Datsun Truck and Nisan Terrano, pressure is the same, torque reduction is up to 216 Nm; T3 - for Nissan Mistral, 243 Nm; T4 – for

Nissan Terrano

, Weight 113 l.

  • s., torque 243 Nm.
  • Modification of the TD27Ti diesel engine with turbocharging and intercooler
  • Cream

Nissan cars

– Homy, Mistral, Terrano II characteristics of the TD27eti engine are suitable for Isuzu Eargo. Pros and cons The majority of internal combustion engines with a gear drive and mechanical fuel injection pump have a number of advantages:

  • Over-the-top design with a service life of 300,000 km. after skin overhaul;
  • resistance to overheating for the shell of the chavun head;
  • low strength to the point of diesel fuel and butter.

Cast iron cylinder head in all designs for TD27 diesel engine

The main disadvantage is that the equipment is not well organized. For example, when independent replacement

  • It is difficult to reach the oil filter and make a significant effort to unscrew it.
  • Other shortcomings can be taken into account:
  • Patrol – multi-sized pozashlyakhovik;
  • Safari – for the Japanese market;
  • Pasfinder – 4th generation of multi-size crossover;
  • Terrano – for SND countries until 2013;
  • Mistral – compact cross-harness;
  • Atlas/Cabstar - commercial vantage 1 - 1.5 t.

Among the other power drives on the Nissan Mistral cross-bracket, a TD27 diesel engine was installed

In 2013, the Nissan Terrano brand was assigned to the compact brand. Renault crossover Duster, what to add to the vlasniks.

Service regulations TD27 2.7 l/86 l.


  • The TD27 naturally aspirated diesel engine requires service according to the following terms:
  • It is recommended to adjust the thermal clearances of the valves after completing 25,000 miles;
  • cleaned crankcase ventilation skin 2 parts; The distributor recommends replacementі motor oil oil filter
  • after 1000 km;
  • The exhaust filter will require replacement after 60,000 miles;
  • According to the manufacturer, the air filter must be renewed after 35,000 km;
  • The manufacturer recommends changing the antifreeze after 90,000 km the first time, then every 60,000 km;
  • the life of the spark plug is 20,000 mileage; burnout of the walls intake manifold

maybe after 120,000 km.

Valve adjustment should be carried out before maintenance of the TD27 diesel engine; it may be affected by power forces

For important operating personnel, the terms are reduced by 10% (mileage less than 30 thousand km) or by 15% (mileage more than 30 thousand km).

Inspection of malfunctions and methods of repairing them

Because the gear drive connects the pistons with the valves, the TD27 motor does not turn the valves.

However, the most advanced diesel engine from the factory has a number of faults that are characteristic, including its design: Self-repair of the TD27 diesel engine can be done in a garage one by one Stagnant oil of low viscosity or does not comply with API/SAE and

  • temperature conditions
  • (winter, summer, all-season) lead to an avalanche-like increase in problems:
  • The piston and cylinder mirror wear out, scratches appear;

the amount of gases that leak into the crankcase increases, resulting in excessive pressure;

The diesel engine becomes loud and shaking, oil and oil are beginning to burn out.

After which the ruler begins to pour in the cheapest oil, taking into account the situation. Engine tuning options The TD27 naturally aspirated diesel engine is not suitable for mechanical tuning.

  • installation of turbine 14411-7T600 and 14411-7F411 from the Korean manufacturer Nomparts;
  • installation of an air-air or water-air intercooler.

The turbine itself, or even the American Garrett one, is twice as expensive.

At the auto disassembly, refrigerated jets of the wind type cost 1000 rubles, water-based type cost 2000 rubles.

When installing an intercooler, it is important to understand that tuning will not bring results without an external air intake.

For the volume of fire to increase, you will need more diesel fuel, so you will have to change the supply of fuel to the sumish.

Thus, the TD27 diesel, created for boats, runs on Nissan vehicles and minibuses with a service life of 400 - 500 thousand km.

Through the gear drive, it is important to keep it quiet and even more reliable.

  • "Nissan Atlas" - a van of the small-tonnage class, was built on the intermediate platform N40, which was used for assembling Nissan minivans.
  • The model was conceptual, from the moment it appeared it was divided into a personal modification with different bodies, overhead structures, cabins and power units.
  • The basic "Nisan Atlas", a photo of which is presented on the page, was a frame van with a double or single cab and a flatbed body.
  • Dimensional characteristics
  • The car has the following characteristics:
  • Dovzhina – 4430 mm;
  • height – 1935 mm;
  • width – 1690 mm;
  • wheelbase - 2335 mm;

front wheel track – 1400 mm;

rear track – 1390 mm;

  • ground clearance – 180 mm;
  • povna vaga - 2445 kg;
  • weight capacity – 1100 kg.
  • Power plant
  • The Nissan Atlas engine has average characteristics (volume 1.6 liters, power 147 hp), which meets the Euro-4 environmental standard.
  • Model - QR20DE, four-cylinder, in-line.

Collected at the "Nissan Shatai Kyushu" enterprise.

Cylinder diameter – 89 mm.

Squeeze steps – 9.9.

The spacious cabin of the van could be folded into two or mono sections, with a driver's seat and folding seats with adjustable handrails.

Kermo "Nisan Atlas" is made with maximum strength, the column is adjustable according to the height of the neck, and can also be raised and lowered, which allows water to adjust the height of the kerma to suit its age.

The soft spring seats have a profile shape and are designed for relaxation.

On the backs of the seats there are rubber headrests with an adjustable cover.


  • The light van "Nissan Atlas" was produced in the basic version until 1993, then the modification 200 Gate Lift was created, which was equipped with an FD42 engine with a capacity of 125 hp.
  • p., reliable and economical.
  • From 2007 to the present day, Nissan Atlas F24 series cars rolled off the assembly line at Nissan factories in Japan:
  • And on the basis of this model, an onboard platform with a lifting crane was created.
  • In the period from 2007 to 2012, the Nissan Atlas was built with a body of the N43 series, on which tanks, overhead structures, waste containers, permanent storage, and asenification were installed.
  • However, the majority of cars produced were those with a dump body, which were indispensable on trucks.

These vehicles mainly transported sand, cement, crushed stone and gravel.

It is a self-moving body of a hermetically sealed design, allowing transport on short distances for damage to concrete.

Six modifications were made: samoskid iz rozvantazhennyam on three sides; side platform with a knight;

side platform behind the ramp;

a platform with three sides that fold up;