The beginning of Another Light War.


Another World War 1939-1945.

Handler: Smirnova Z.F.

reader of history and marriage, MOU ASOSH No. 1, born 1939-1945.

born 1941-1945

An excursion into the history of 22 June 1941 will forever be lost in the memory of the citizens of Russia.

No matter how much time has passed - 10,50,100 years - the days of the Great Crimean War will forever be our memory, poignant... As long as the war is over, then there will be fewer of the middle-of-the-road reports, the rows of hand-me-downs are fading further away, the details are more important than understanding, as this is... .

Like tomorrow there’s war, like tomorrow there’s going to be a campaign,

How dark is the power of the onslaught

Like one person, all the Radyan people

Stand up for your beloved Fatherlandism.

On earth, in heaven and at sea

Our dream and power and strength:

Like tomorrow there’s war, like tomorrow there’s going to be a campaign -

  • Be ready for the hike today!
  • Sew up the machine gun, fly like that,
  • To rumble the slimy tanks,
  • And the cars are gone, and the rush is gone,
  • And drive dashing carts
Another World War 1939-1945 Aggression of Hitler's German Empire (plan) 1. Causes and periodization of the war 2. The beginning of Another World War: attack on Poland, a wondrous war in Europe 3. The position of England and France.
  • The defeat of France.
  • “Battle of England” 4. Military actions in Africa and the Balkans
  • Acquired knowledge on the topic
  • Carefully deal with dzherels: analysis of the potential of dzherels
Remember to express your thoughts
  • 1939-1941
  • It’s time to have a discussion on the topic
  • 5. Working with a historical map
  • 1944-1945
The beginning of Another World War Historical calendar 1st Spring 1939 - Nazi attack on Poland.
  • The beginning of Another Light War The causes of Another Light War
  • Conflict of powers (alliances of Germany-Italy-Japan and England-France-USA)
  • The Versailles Peace Treaty is disappointing for Germany
  • Weak control over the brutal exchanges of the militarization of Germany (behind the minds of the Treaty of Versailles)
Hitler's dream about the world's panova

1.09.1939 Etapi

3.09.1939 1941-autumn 1942

28.09.1939 - end 1942-1943

Reasons Nimechchini prevailed New methods of warfare (tanks, aviation, mechanized and airborne troops)

1. Historical calendar

- Nіmechchina's attack on Poland.

09.04.1940 - Entry into the war between England and France.

10.05.1940 The Radian-German Treaty of Friendship and Cordon.

26.05.1940 Parade

14.06.1940 German troops

near Gdansk

- Nіmechchina's attack on Poland.

2. Historical calendar- Submarine and renewed war against England (“Battle of England”)

Summer 1940– Completed roots of Europe.

28.10.1940 - Italian attack on Greece.

6.04.1941 - The invasion of the German army to Yugoslavia.

PPO soldier at the London booth

  • Paragraph 22
  • Write here “What do you think about the possibility of defeating another world war”

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Captions before slides:

Change your mind about the beginning of Another World War

I II 1914 - 1939 - 1918 1945 World economic crisis On the road to another World War

I II 1914 - 1939 - 1918 1945 World economic crisis WHY?

What led up to the Other Light War?

What were the reasons?

How could it have been saved?

Lesson plan 1. Implications of military insecurity and the proximity of aggressors 2. Reasons for underestimating insecurity in the world 3. The policy of appeasement and the policy of collective security 4. The foreign policy of the USSR in the 30s.

The roots of military insecurity in the world and the proximity of aggressors Japan Germany Italy 1931 r. – occupation of Manchuria; 1933 r. – withdrawal from the League of Nations. 1933 r. – withdrawal from the League of Nations;

Benefits, taken away by Nimechchina as a result of the non-aggression treaty The possibility of burying the first bastion at the gathering (Poland) Elimination of the threat of war on many fronts -

Gains per hour to improve the defense of the region - 1 river 10 months Expansion of the Radian territory - by 460 thousand. sq.

km Transfer to the Settlement of the cordons of the SRSR - to 200-350 km Elimination of the threat of war on two fronts - Serpen 31-15 Spring 1939 The beginning of England and France's attempts to draw the SRSR into the war with Germany - Serpen-Versen 1 939

On the 1st spring of 1939, another world war began... the most bloody, most powerful one, which buried 61 powers of the world - 80% of the Earth's population.

The number of dead was 65-66 million people, of which 27 million Radyan people. Could they be saved?

Homework Power Supply: What were the causes of the Other Light War?

How did we force the non-aggression pact into the international situation of the pre-war rocks? Fold the chronology of the first period of the war 1 September 1939 - 22 chervenya 1941 § 15 -16 1 slide 2 slide Lesson plan

Zagalnye Vidomosti

Other World War Plans largest countries– participants in the war in Europe until 1939. Theaters of military operations Periodization of another world war Creation of a problematic situation Main ideas and results of the first stage of the war: (table) 6. Reasons for the formation of the Radyan-German treaty 7. Introduction of the new knowledge Nya.

Solving the problem.

3 slide FEATURES OF ANOTHER WORLD WAR 1. Another world war flared up in the great territories of Europe, Asia and Africa. 2. The military campaigns took place on the Ice-dry, Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans and adjacent seas.

3. Trivality – 2194 days.

4. 62 world powers took their part in the war.

5. Neutral powers – 6. 6. Fighting events were fought by more than 40 powers.

4. The war involved 1 billion 700 million people (the population of the earth).

The SRSR closely merged with Germany.

Having washed the spheres from it in Europe.

Check out Hitler's slaughter of Europe.

Exporting the revolution in the hour of war.

8 slide Slide 9 10 slide Periodization of Another Light War Stage I (09/01/1939-06/21/1941) - The beginning of Another Light War. Stage II (06/22/1941-11/18/1942) -

Cob stage

The Great White War.

Invasion of Germany before the USSR.

The entry of the Radian troops.

III stage

(11/19/1942 – 1943) – A major turning point in the Other World and the Great Vietnamese War.

Stage IV (1944 - 05/09/1945) - Defeat of fascist Germany.

  • The end of the Great Great War.
  • Stage V (05/09 – 09/02/1945) – defeat of militaristic Japan.
  • The end of Another Light War.
  • 11 slide

1939-1940 pp.

– annexation of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to the USSR.

Spring 17, 1939 - The Chervona Army took control of the Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, and at the end of the fall they were legally included in the warehouse of the Belarusian and Ukrainian SRSR.

  • 30 leaf fall 1939 r. – 12 Bereznya 1940 r. – Radian-Finnish War – annexation of the Karelian Isthmus and the pivnichny shore of Lake Ladozka to the USSR Cherven 1940 r. – annexation from Romania, Bessarabia and Pivnichnaya Bukovina and their annexation to the USSR.
  • 12 slide

1. The collapse of the USSR was plagued by war on two fronts: with Germany and Japan.

  • 2. The leaders of England and France want to send Germany to a rally against the USSR.

3. Ineffective Anglo-French-Radian negotiations in Moscow. 4. Stalin’s distrust of England and France. to vote out the war against Germany after it withdrew without proof its ultimatum about committing aggression against Poland . " New Zealand and Australia also voted against the German War. .

From now until 10 May 1940 this is called

  • Wonderful war

Radian-Finnish War 30 leaf fall 1939 Roku The Radian army invaded the territory of Finland (that’s what it’s called

Winter War

  • Trival until 12 Bereznya 1940 rock and is not affected by part of the Other World War). Finland's defeat.

The SRSR is included from the League of Nations.

Occupation of Denmark and Norway

  • 9th quarter 1940

Germany occupied Denmark and Norway. War on Zakhidny Directly .

10 May 1940 Roku

  • German armies invade the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg (operations will end on the 14th of May) - the plan is being implemented

"Gelb" Peremoga Nіmechchini na Zahodі May 25, 1940 Over 300 thousand British and French soldiers, exterminated by the Germans at Pivnichno-Skhidnaya .

  • France

, begin the evacuation from Dunkirk (4 cherubs will end) -

Dunkirk operation

  • 22 chervenya 1940 roku

France capitulated Dunkirk operation . Battle of England

1 serpnya 1940 roku

  • Hitler, having seen Directive No. 17 about carrying out a widespread military war against England, began

This battle was won by W. Churchill, A. Hitler’s chief enemy.

Triple Pact

27 Versya 1940

  • The “Tripartite Pact” was signed: Germany, Italy and Japan about the military union.

“All Rome-Berlin-Tokyo” “Axis Lands”

  • Plan "Barbarossa"

18 breast 1940 roku

Hitler signed Directive No. 21 about the war against the USSR (Plan "Barbarossa").

  • 3 fierce 1941 rock
  • 27 Versya 1940 The German high command ordered the start of large-scale military preparations for the attack on the Shed. The beginning of the Great White War of the Radian people against fascist Germany

22 chervenya 1941 rock.

It is reported that the German armies invade the USSR with three army groups, aiming to bury Leningrad, Moscow and Ukraine (the Romanian armies encourage aggression). The start of the Barbarossa plan meant the death of fascist Germany. The feat of the fortress hero of Brest

  • About 4 years ago, Germany attacked

border areas Radyansky Union. 22 chervenya 1941 roku Defense began at the border of the USSR

Brest Fort

  • (Belarus)
  • , scho trivala up to 20 lipnya 1941 r.

Battle of Smolensk

10 Lipnya - 10 Veresnya 1941 fate. Brest Fort Results of the battle:

It was possible to shut down the enemy for two months.

  • It was possible to shut down the enemy for two months.- the unification of the powers and peoples who fought against the Other World War of 1939-45 the edge of the Nazi bloc, also called Regions of the Axis: Germany, Italy, Japan and their satellites
  • The origins of the war synonymous with the anti-Hitler coalition became the term “United Nations”, coined by Roosevelt and first appeared in the Declaration of the United Nations in 1942 (Washington Declaration twenty-six). By 1941 fate had reached the coalition Radiansky Union , United Statesі China.

As of 1942, the anti-Hitler coalition consisted of 26 powers: the so-called Great Four (USA, Great Britain, USSR, China), the British dominions (the regions of Central and Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as expulsion of occupied European countries).

  • the war intensified; At the time of the end of the war with Japan, there were 53 world powers at the site of the war with Germany and its allies.

Battle for Leningrad 1944 8th Version 1941 The beginning of the battle for Leningrad. .

The Germans are taking over Lenin's place.

  • The Germans could not take the place on the move, so they had to move to the frontiers of the place.

The Chervona Army deprived Shlisserburg.

  • The siege of Leningrad began, and it lasted until the 27th


  • The Battle of Leningrad ended with the defeat of the Red Army

Moscow Battle

30 Versya 1941

The battle for Moscow began. The German command is implementing the “Typhoon” plan, in which the attack on the capital of the USSR is gradually fading to the cob. 5-7 babies 1941 roku

the beginning of the counterattack of the Red Army.

The first defeat of the Wehrmacht in Another World War. The evolving myth about inability Fascist Nimechchina. US entry into war A week's wound 7 breast 1941 The fate of the aircraft carrier flights of Vice Admiral Chuita Nagumo led to a devastating attack on the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor. Until 6.15, after the Hawaiian hour, 183 flights of the First Shock Corps, guarded by Captain 2nd Rank Mitsuo Fuchida, were in the wind. 49 horizontal bombers armed with 1,600-pound armor-piercing bombs (converted from shells), 40 torpedo bombers with special torpedoes adjusted to small depths, 51 dive boats with 500-pound bombs collapsed ami. Wasps on the territory of Egypt and Libya during the period from 18 November to 30 April 1941 during the Lower African Campaign.

The victory of the British during the operation became the first victory of Great Britain over the Wehrmacht troops.

  • Erwin Rommel's Panzer Army Africa and the German Afrika Korps were defeated by the British.

Battle of Stalingrad

  • 17 Lipnya 1942 Roku

Battles began for the place of Stalingrad.

November 19, 1942

  • The beginning of the counter-offensive of the Radian troops near Stalingrad. The offensive continued until February 2, 1943. The German army under the command of Frederick Paulus was defeated.
  • The ear of the root fractured during the hour of war.
  • Battle of Kursk 5 June 1943. The offensive of the German troops on the Kursk River began. .


  • "Citadel"

12 lipnya 1943 roku

12 June 1943 rocky tank battle near Prokhorivka.

Defeat of the German troops.

  • Defeat of the German troops. A major turning point during the war (Operation "Bagration"23 chervenya 1944 roku
  • Defeat of the German troops. It started A major turning point during the war (Operation "Bagration" offensive operation "Bagration" 23rd Chernya - 29th Serpnya 1944 r. Radian troops in Belarus and Lithuania. 23 chervenya 1944 roku The German military group “Center” has been completely depleted.
  • Defeat of the German troops. It started A major turning point during the war (Operation "Bagration" offensive operation "Bagration" 23rd Chernya - 29th Serpnya 1944 r. Radian troops in Belarus and Lithuania. 23 chervenya 1944 roku The German military group “Center” has been completely depleted.

Tehran Conference

  • F.D. Roosevelt

USA SRSR) - a conference of the “Great Three” - leaders of three countries: ), W. Churchill (Great Britain) and I. V. Stalin ( .

[ , What happened in Tehran 28 leaf fall - 1 breast 1943 r.

  • The conference became an important stage in the development of international and inter-allied conflicts, it looked at the low level of war and peace - the exact term was established for the allies to support another front in France.

Violating the Other Front in Europe 6 chervenya 1944 roku It started

USA Allied landing at Normandy .

USA Vidkrito Another front. The plan has begun

USA "Overlord"

USA The permission of Europe

2 serpnya 1944 roku

fighting began in the area Warsaw

army of the 1st Belarusian Front (2 Serpnya - 23rd Veresnya 1944).

  • Belgrade operation

The beginning of the Berlin operation of the troops of the 1st, 2nd Belarusian and 1st Ukrainian fronts.

  • 2 May 1945 Roku

During the Berlin operation, the Radian army occupied Berlin.

  • May 8, 1945 Roku
  • Signing in Karlshorst (the suburb of Berlin) to the Act of the unguarded surrender of fascist Germany.

Decree of the Supreme Presidency for the Sake of the USSR about the Stun of the 9th Day of May of Saint Victory

  • Atomic bombing of Japan

6 serpnya 1945 roku

  • US aircraft dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima

9th sickle 1945 roku

US aircraft dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki

Berlin Conference

The Berlin (Potsdam) Conference was held in Potsdam at the Cecilienhof Palace from 17 June to 2 September 1945 with the participation of the three largest powers of the anti-Hitler coalition with each other This light war is intended to determine the further course of the post-war structure of Europe.

  • The conference was attended by the heads of the orders of the three powers - US President Harry Truman (heading at all meetings), the head of the People's Commissars of the SRSR and the head of the State Defense Committee of the SRSR I. V. Stalin and Prime Minister of Great Britain Winston Churchill (at the time of the conference, having recognized defeats in the elections), and his defender (Clement Ettlie) arrived in Potsdam.

War against militaristic Japan 8 serpnya 1945 roku The offensive operation of the Radyansky Armored Forces against the armored forces has begun

  • Japan.

Trivala from 8 serpnya to 2 vesnya 1945 rock.

  • A million Kwantung Army was defeated. 72 Spring 2, 1945 marks the end of Another World War. 110 Results of Another Light War Another world war was received powers. The countries that took part in the war were mobilized until million people.
  • During the course of the war, it perished until
  • 62 million
  • h. (including St.

27 million

Radyanskih giants).

The fascist regimes in Germany and Italy were destroyed

Fallen down by militaristic Japan

FEATURES OF ANOTHER WORLD WAR 1. Another world war flared up in the great territories of Europe, Asia and Africa.

2. The military campaigns took place on the Ice-dry, Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans and adjacent seas.

3. Trivality – 2194 days.

4. 62 world powers took their part in the war.

4. 62 world powers took their part in the war.

5. Neutral powers – 6. 6. Fighting events were fought by more than 40 powers.

4. The war involved 1 billion 700 million people (the population of the earth).

5. 110 million people were mobilized into the army (1.5 times more than during the First World War).

6. Humanity spent over 60 million osib on them.

7. Money from the ruins and costs spent on the war amounted to 4 trillion.


Slide 4

In 6 years Usyogo was revived by the military community.

There was a unique war on two fronts.

The Great White War.

Planned for revenge for the defeat in WWI.

The entry of the Radian troops.
And these are meta – light panoramas.
