Tightening torque of the main and connecting rod bearings. How to tighten the connecting rods and core bushings How to tighten the bushings

The engine of the internal combustion constructively has a large number of received parts, as a matter of fact, the work is important. Іz the appointed reason for the selection of the motor is a double and collapsible operation, for successful completion of the following technological process. Due to the reliability of fixation and accuracy of fitting of all the elements, it is absolutely necessary to lay down the practicality of the entire power unit. For this reason, an important moment is the exact implementation of rozrachunkovyh successes between mating surfaces or rubbing in pairs. For the first time, I’m going to talk about fastening the cylinder head to the cylinder block, so it’s necessary to bolt on strictly sing-songs and in a clearly christened sequence.

What is the cost of navantazhenih tertovyh pairs, vymogi vysuvayutsya to fix the connecting rod and main bearings forging (root and connecting rod bushings). After the repair of the engine in the process of further folding of the power unit, it is important to trim the correct tightening torque of the main and connecting rod bearings of the engine. In this article, we can see why it is necessary to tighten the bushings with strictly singing lugs, and also to power, if you tighten the root and connecting rod bushings.

Read in my article

What are forged bearings

For a brief overview of what the inserts in the engine need to be tightened with the first moment, let's take a look at the functions and recognition of the significance of the elements. It is clear from the fact that forged bearings are designed to interact with one of the most important details of any internal combustion engine -. Just briefly, the reversible forward movement in the cylinder transforms into the wraparound movement of the windmill itself and the crankshaft. As a result, a torque appears, which is transferred to the wheels of the car in the bag.

Kolіnchastiy shaft wraps up gradually, can be folded form, vіdchuvaє znachnі navantazhennia and є expensive detail. To maximize the service life of the element, connecting rods and root bearings are installed in the design. To improve the fact that the kolіnval is wrapped, as well as to a number of other features, for given details, such a mind is created, as if they minimize the depreciation.

In other words, the engineers decided to install primary ball bearings or roller-type bearings in this way, replacing them with forging root and connecting rod bearings. The main bearings are vicorous for the main bearings of the crankshaft. The inserts of the connecting rods are installed in the space of obtaining the connecting rod with the neck cloned. Most of the root and connecting rod bearings are forged vikonan according to the same principle and are only ventilated by the inner diameter.

For the preparation of inserts, more soft materials are used in pairs, for which the crankshaft itself is prepared. Also, the inserts are additionally covered with an antifriction ball. In the middle, where the lining of the bandage with the neck was cloned, oil (motor oil) was fed under the vise. Appointed vice for the safety of oil pumps. With this, it is especially important that the neck was cloned and the forging bearing had the necessary clearance. Depending on the size of the gap, there will be a deposit of lubrication, which is a third, as well as an indication of the pressure of engine oil in the oil system of the engine. If the gap will be increased, then it will be necessary to reduce the pressure of the oil. As a result, there is a slight wear of the crankshaft journals, as well as other nodes in the extension of the internal combustion engine suffer. In parallel with the cym, a knock sounds in the engine.

Dodamo, that a low indicator of the pressure of the oil (in various other reasons) is a sign that it is necessary to grind the crankshaft, and the inserts of the engine themselves must be changed to improve the repair volume. For repair inserts, an increase in the amount of 0.25 mm was added. As a rule, repair expansion is 4. Tse means that the diameter of the repair insert in the remaining expansion will be 1 mm. less in povnyannі zі standard.

The forged bearings themselves are folded in two halves, in which there are special locks for proper installation. For the main taskers, those who, between the neck of the shaft and insert a gap, which is recommended by the dvigun maker.

As a rule, a micrometer is used to measure the neck of the vicor, the inner diameter of the connecting rod bearings is measured with an inside meter after folding on the connecting rod. Also for zamіrіv it is possible to vicorate the control smug paper, vicorist the midna foil or the control plastic drіt. The gap on the minimum value for pairs that rub is to blame buti 0. 025 mm. Increasing the gap to the indication of 0.08 mm with a drive in order to increase the crankshaft to the advance repair gap

It is significant that in some cases the liners simply change to new ones without crankshaft pins. In other words, let's just replace the inserts and take the required clearance without grinding. Please respect, dosvіdchenі fahivtsі do not recommend this type of repair. On the right, in that the resource of parts in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcatchment is very short-lived when repairing the fact that the gap in the third pair is within the norm. The reason for this is microdefects, which are all the same on the surface of the neck of the shaft at different times during grinding.

How to tighten the core bushings and connecting rod bushings

From the same point of view, it became clear from the above mentioned that the tightening torque of the main and connecting rod bushings is extremely important. Now let's move on to the folding process itself.

  1. The first for everything, the root inserts are installed in the bed of the root collars. It is necessary to ensure that the middle liner is worn against the others. Before installing the bearings, oil-preservative is used, after which trochs of engine oil are applied to the surface. After which the caps are placed, after which the tightening is delayed. The tightening torque is due to such, which is the recommendation for a specific model of the power unit. For example, for engines on the VAZ 2108 model, this indicator can be from 68 to 84 N m.
  2. Next, the installation of connecting rod inserts is carried out. Under the hour of folding, it is necessary to accurately place the lids on the bowl. Assigned caps are marked, so their installation is not allowed. The moment of tightening the connecting rod bushings is less in pairs with the roots (the indicator is between 43 and 53 N m). For Lada Priora, the main bearings are tightened from 68.31-84.38, and the connecting rod bearings can be tightened to a tightening torque of 43.3-53.5.

The next step is to add that the tightening torque is transferred to the selection of new parts. As a matter of course, when it comes to picking up, if there are more than a few spare parts, then the occurrence of other possible defects can lead to compliance with the recommended norm. In this case, when the bolts are tightened, it is possible to swing the upper bar to the recommended moment, which is an indication in technical curing.

P_vedemo p_bags

Although the tightening torque of the caps of the main and connecting rod bearings is an important parameter, it is often not necessary to adjust the magnitude of the moment in the critical technical service for the operation of a specific technical specification. For reasons of the following, the following are the necessary data in the special literature on the repair and maintenance of that other type of internal combustion engine. Before installation, it is necessary to make sure that the vikonate repair work is allowed to work correctly, as well as to remove possible traces.

It is also important to remember that in times of underestimation of the recommended susilla for an hour of tightening, problems can be caused both with insufficient torque and with overtightening of bolts. Increase the gap to a low oil pressure, knocks and wear. A change in the gap will mean that in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcure, for example, there is a strong pressure of the insert on the neck, that the robots cloned and may have to call for it.

For reasons of tightening, it is carried out with the help of a torque wrench and with the adjustment of a precisely singing zusill. Don’t forget about those that the tightening torque of the bolt caps of the connecting rods and the main bearings is little to worry about.

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Why check the crankshaft bearings: the main reasons. How to work, how to create a connecting rod, how to correctly change the connecting rod bushings.

  • Appearance of knocks on different modes of robotic diesel. Fault diagnosis. The nature of the knocks of the crank mechanism, timing, fire equipment.

  • A lot of car enthusiasts, who called themselves to repair their own car, don’t know a bit that engine repair can be more foldable and right-handed.

    Oskіlki repair of the power unit is important for the motorist not only the first novice, but also the knowledge for the correct implementation of the technological process. Today in the article we briefly review the crank mechanism, its role in the car engine.

    It is also important to note the importance of timing the tightening of the main and connecting rod bushings, the nuances and sequence of the operation, and other important aspects. It will be good for beginners to broaden their knowledge in topics by reading our article.

    Understanding about KShM

    Crank mechanism, shortened KShM, є for the engine, the most important node in the unit. The main task of this mechanism is the change of straight piston pistons under the wrap, as well as on the outside. This moment is seen as a wrap for the fire of fire in the cylinders of the engine.

    As if in the presence of a gas, when a burning sum of money burns, power can expand. They let the stench under the great pressure push the pistons of the engine to the bottom, and in their line they transfer the susilla to the connecting rods and the crankshaft. The very same shape was cloned in the engine for the transformation of one movement in another way, which allows the wheels of the machine to wrap around in the end bag.

    Behind its functions, the KShM is the most captivating mechanism of the engine. The same vuzol determines which type of material is the smallest power unit and how the cylinders will be rotated in the new one. It is due to the fact that the skin type of the engine is created with a singing method. In some cars, the maximum exhaustion of the engine is required, the car is small and the dimensions are small, in others, ease of maintenance, reliability and durability are the priorities. Therefore, the makers and prepare for different types of engines of different types of crank mechanisms. KShM are subdivided into single-row and noblemen.

    The role of the crankshaft liners

    Kol_nval is guilty of vitrimuvat strong vanatage under the hour of the robot dvigun. But bearings for which I will attach it are impossible to zastosuvat. The root and connecting rod bearings took on this role. Wanting in their own way to stink the functions of forging bearings. To wear liners made of bimetal smuga, which are made of low carbon steel, copper and lead, as well as aluminum alloy ASM or babita.

    The veins of the liners themselves are protected by the crankshaft wrap. To improve durability and wear resistance, the inserts are covered with a very thin, micron ball of oil. Ale for їх povnoї i yakіsnoї mastila is just a necessary high oil press. Tsyu role on itself and took the system mastila dvigun. All the same, think again and accept a decrease in power while losing and increasing the term for the operation of the engine.

    See and open the inserts

    In general, the crankshaft bearings are divided into two groups:

    1. The first type is called root inserts. The stench is located between the crankshaft and the passage through the motor housing. Carry on your own the most vanity, oskolki itself fastening on them and spinning the shaft.
    2. Connecting rod bearings lie before the other group. The stench is roztashovuyutsya between connecting rods and kolіnchasti shaft, yogo necks. So bear on your own greatness the ambition.

    Core and connecting rod bushings are prepared for the skin type of engine individually according to their dimensions. Moreover, for the majority of automobile engines of the Crimean nominal, factory rozmіrіv іsnuyutі repair inserts. The outer diameter of the repair inserts remains unchanged, and the internal diameter is adjusted for the expansion of the insert. In total, there are several such sizes with a grain size of 0.25 mm.

    It is no secret that during great runs of a car, not only the main and connecting rod bearings, but also the necks of the crankshaft, are worn. Qi furnish and produce before the consumer replace the liners of nominal sizes for repairs. In order to put that smaller repair insert, the neck is bored out with a smaller diameter. Moreover, the diameter is chosen according to the leather from the expansion of the insert individually.

    If, for example, even if there is a blockage of repair, the repair diameter is 0.25 mm, then in case of relief of shortfalls on the necks of the crankshaft, the gap is 0.5 mm, and in case of serious scuffing, 0.75 mm. With the correct replacement of the liners, the engine is guilty of proprating more than one thousand kilometers, which means that other systems of the car will be in good condition.

    Also, there are options, if there is no need for refinishing and the inserts are simply replaced with new ones. But people who are engaged in this professionally are not happy to simply change the inserts to new ones. Let us explain that in the process of work and operation of bushings on the shaft, all the same, microdefects are blamed, which are not visible at first glance. Zagalom, without polishing - smooth wear and a small resource of KShM.

    Signs of wear of the bearings of the crankshaft

    The phrases often sounded among car enthusiasts: “Cracking the engine” or “turned the inserts”, these words are most often put before the inserts are worn out. Tse in his line - a serious breakdown in the engine. The first signs of such malfunctions are the loss of oil or the appearance of third-party sounds during the operation of the engine. It will be important for an uninformed car enthusiast to recognize the signs of a malfunction of the inserts;

    For a professional to listen and make a diagnosis in a warehouse of serious problems. Start this procedure on idle wrappers of the engine, sharply pressing on the gas pedal. It is important that if the sound is a dull tone, or if it creaks inlets, then the problem is in the main bearings. In case of failure of the connecting rod bushings, the knocking sound is stronger and stronger.

    There is one more way to reconsider the withdrawal. It is necessary to alternately twist the spark plugs or the diesel injectors. At the same time, when the candle is turned, it knocks, it means the same cylinder, in which there are problems.

    The problem of low oil pressure may not show up in terms of bearing wear. It is possible that the oil pump is faulty, the pressure reducing valve or the camshaft is worn out. To that end, we check all the nodes of the mastila system and only a little more robimo visnovka, specifically to repair.

    Vimiryuemo clearance between bushing and crankshaft

    Inserts are made in 2 okremi parts, which can be special space for installation. When folding, the main task is to ensure the necessary clearance between the shaft neck and the insert. Sound so that the working gap between them is measured with a micrometer, and the inner diameter of the inserts is measured with a bore gauge. After that, the deacons of rozrahunki are vibrated, and they allow you to show a gap.

    However, it is much easier to perform such an operation with the help of a special plastic calibrated needle. The pieces of the necessary size are placed between the insert and the neck, after which the bearing is pressed against the necessary bellows and is re-assembled. Further, a special line is taken, as if in a set at once with a dart, and the width of the double-ended wedge on the shaft is controlled. The wider the swirling smuga is wider, the smaller the gap in the bearing. This method allows you to control the necessary difference between neck and insert with high accuracy.

    How and with what susillas do the main and connecting rod bearings tighten?

    It is possible to tighten the main and connecting rod bearings with the necessary tension using a special torque wrench. The key can be like with a trifle, so with an arrow. On both wrenches, there is a new rosemary, which is used for tightening nuts and bolts, no matter how fast. To set it up, you will need to set the necessary value on the keys, and then you can immediately proceed to the tightening.

    Keep in mind that for a Zusilla less than 5 kg there is no need to put a pipe on the key in order to create additional importance. It is possible to work with one hand, so that the eye of the bolt can be hidden.

    Tightening torque of the main and connecting rod bearings

    Before installing the liners, it is necessary to remove the preservative oil from them and apply a small ball of oil. Dali install the root bearings in the bottom of the root necks, not forgetting that the middle bearing is blown out of the others.

    The next day will be the setting of krishok lіzhok and їх tightening. Moreover, the tightening torque is due to zastosovuvatisya zgіdno s norms, yakі іnоdі vаnіnі in the rules of operation of the transport zasobu. And most often, there are fluctuations, if in the technical kerіvnitstvі for the car there is no moment of tightening the main and connecting rod bearings. In such cases, it is recommended to look for information in the special literature on the repair of a particular engine. For example, for Lada Priora cars, the tightening torque of the l_zhok cap should be set to 64 N * m (6.97 kgf * m), up to 81 N * m (8.61 kgf * m).

    We proceeded to the installation of connecting rod bushings. If you pay any attention to the correct settings of the caps, the skin of them is marked, so do not confuse them with their parts. Their tightening torque is much less lower than that of the roots. For example, if you take the very same Lada Priora model, the tightening torque of the connecting rod bushings will be approximately 43 N * m (4.42 kgf * m), up to 53 N * m (5.46 kgf * m).

    Sliding respect for those who are assigned to the butt of the data allow for the repair of new inserts, and not used parts. In another case, if there are too many bushings, the tightening torque should be selected, depending on the upper limit of the recommended torque from the documentation for this engine. Tse through the possibility of vibrating on old parts. Sometimes ignoring this fact can lead to suttvih vidhilen according to the recommended norm.

    If the first time all the bolts are tightened, it is advisable to scroll the shaft. For this one, on the crankshaft, on the side, there is a wrench, it is quietly scrolled by the year arrow. If the ring has burst, or if there is another injustice, then it will be seen in the eye. Dali having changed, there are no problems, recheck everything once again with a wrench at the moment of tightening.

    Keep in mind the fact that it would be right to use this process to lay the gap between the forging bearings to the crankshaft and the effectiveness of the work of the engine itself. If you don’t tighten the bolt to the end, then there will be too much oil, the entire oiling cycle will collapse, you can also bring the insert to breaking. If it is overtightened, then the insert will become overheated, the oil will no longer stick. In the end bag, the insert can be melted and turned, which will lead to a major overhaul of the engine.

    Rating 3.50

    Repair of the engine is important in cars of the most complicated, even if another detail does not avenge such a great number of elements that are mutually related to each other. From one side, it’s more convenient, even if in the event of a breakdown of one of them, there is no need to change the entire vuzol as a whole, just replace the part that went out of tune, and more - the more storage elements, the more folding the attachments and the more folding in the new one, who do not need to dosvіdcheny in car repair rights. However, with a great bazhanni, everything is possible, especially since your request is supported by theoretical knowledge, for example, in the nutrition of the moment of tightening the root and connecting rod bushings. For the rest of the wording for you - a set of unintelligent words, first, lower, lie in the engine, read this article obov'yazkovo.

    Core and connecting rod bushings - these are two different forged bearings. The stench is vibrated for one technology and one type of winding is more than one inner diameter (the connecting rod bushings have a smaller diameter).

    Golovne zavdannya inserts - the transformation of the progressive walk (uphill-down) under the wrapping and security of the uninterrupted robotic crankshaft, so that it did not rush before the term. For these purposes, the bushings are installed under a strictly equal gap, in which the oil pressure is strictly applied.

    As the clearance increases, the pressure of engine oil in the new becomes smaller, which means that the necks of the gas-flow mechanism, the crankshaft and in. Important vuzlіv wear rich clothes. Chi varto say that too strong a vice (change in gap) also does not carry anything positive in itself, so as I create additive shifts in the robot of the crankshaft, we can often podklyuvaty. Why is it so important to control this clearance, which is impossible without using a torque wrench in repair robots, knowing the necessary parameters, which are prescribed by a scribe in the technical literature for engine repair, as well as tightening the moment of tightening the main and connecting rod bearings. Before the word, zusilla (moment) tightening the bolt caps of the connecting rods and the root bearings of the cuts.

    We appreciate your respect that the relevant standards have been established only when new sets of parts are stockpiled, so that the folding / sorting out of a large amount in a robotic assembly for a flute of vibration cannot guarantee the completion of the necessary gaps. As an option, in this situation, when the bolts are tightened, you can focus on the upper limit of the recommended torque, or you can use special repair inserts with a choice of different sizes, which one-way-one-by-0.25 mm, do not rub against the elements 0.025 / 0.05 / 0.075 / 0.1 / 0.125

    Apply specific moments of tightening the bolt caps of the connecting rods and main bearings for certain cars of the VAZ family.


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