Merce s 220 rest river. "Mercedes W220": technical characteristics, equipment, photo. Transmission and drive

Today we are living in our world, not caring about those that were released in the distant 1998. Tse vіdmіnniy pouzhnіy avtomobilіl, which may have nimble technical characteristics. Today old "Mercedes" continue to be more beautiful than any new cars.

The beginning of history

Priyshov to change another model, W140. The novelty turned into something like a name, so in the middle - the length of the її changed by 12 centimeters, which was not positively assessed by the brand's fans. However, after a few hours (to be more precise - in 2001) this car became famously popular. A stable drink appeared on the new one. At the same time, for sіm z hakom rokіv far away from іbrati close 485 thousand sedans in the predstavnitskogo class. In 2005, the roci virobnizstvo zupinili. And in 2001, the installation of twelve-cylinders was probably one of the most popular models of this virobnik, as everyone has heard of their own nickname "six hundred".

Corinthian features

Cicavo, that you can get into the salon without pressing on the signaling key fob. You can also start the engine without locking the key. And all the highlights of the visibility of the special Elcode card are one of the main features that make the W220 stand out. "Mercedes" of this model can boast that it has a steering wheel, as well as a seat equipped with a memory, and even more additional garne. And if you just insert water into the key (as if you don’t want to make it up earlier with a card), then the kermo immediately accepts the provisions, as it was fixed the last time. And after that, as the motorist turns off the engine, the windows go up to the panel - it will significantly ease the process of landing. Before the word, the steering wheel is under the control of the servo drives. And under the water seats there is a button under the name "Dynamic", for which it is possible to pump up the rollers on the corners. And why do it automatically - you just need to activate the button.

Also varto means respect for the presence of the keys to the electric seat, cruise-climate control, as well as the system under the name Pre Safe - there is a load of safety belts, so that after a few seconds an accident is thrown, and blocking the sunroof. The basic equipment has more heating, and the more advanced ones also have the function of massage and ventilation. Zagalom, how can you bachiti - at the 220th mass of people, and yet not all of them, chim vіn vіrіznyаєєєєє.

Comfort and convenience

Obviously, everything that was described above was created by retailers and engineers, including for comfort, safety and security of water and passengers. With such equipment, you can effectively feel yourself calmly. And yet, even more so, as it allows you to watch the right person in the middle of the car. For example, it is the function of raising the head of the head (there are rear seats). And the warehouse is equipped with heat-retaining power. Until then, the stench can protect passengers in the midst of ultraviolet changes. At the salon, there are more rich places - flooring, so that people, like sitting back, can calmly cross their legs.

I, obviously, soft, comfortable armchairs - all obov'yazkovo. Plus to everything - the classic "Mercedes" design, which cannot be baited by a fan of the Stuttgart virobnik.

Technical excellence

Obviously, the infection cannot be called a novelty, at that time Airmatic was the prote itself. W220 "Mercedes", having become the first car, they installed it on some one. It changes the steps to the comfort of the undercarriage, before that, it adds to the change in the height of the road clearance. If the arrow of the speedometer goes up to the indicator of 140 km / year, then the "Mercedes" becomes lower by 1.5 centimeters - and that positively adds to the stability.

More veterinarians propagated another pidviska, Active Body Control. The first one appeared more above, lower in front. And on a regular basis її only installed on the "six hundredth". Then, on all basic modifications, a course stability system is available, as well as Brake Assist, for which the efficiency of galms is promoted.

Before the speech, in 2002, the "Mercedes W220" roci, the technical characteristics of some kind of operational capacity, having removed the system of a full drive, called it 4 Matic. In this rank, this car became the first representative class of the Stuttgart virobnik.


Let's talk more about the security of the varto. Adzhe tse is importantly important - it’s very important to feel the car driver behind the kerm. Well, in this "Mercedes" there is a special system called Distronic. Vaughn automatically pidtrimuє sing to go to the car, as I go ahead. And in that moment, as it changes, it will immediately bring the galmivna system into the working camp. Another system supports the specified speed.

At the same time, the system processes the signals that should come from the radar installed behind the radiator grille. This is done in the coming order - the impulses are transmitted to the car that goes ahead, the radar is processed and transmitted to the computer. Until then, the system gives signals about the need for emergency galvanization. Zagalom, Distronic - tse pravzhnіy pomіchnik on the road, varto vіddati nalezhne rozrobnikov - they have done it especially and thoroughly.

Engines and models

The weakest model (as you can say about a car of this equal) is the Mercedes W220 S280. An M112 motor is installed on it, the torque of which is 270 Nm. Ale, she has a lot of kinsky forces - 204. Drinking on a car is not great. It’s hard to do it yourself for the sake of reason.

More popular buv W220 "Mercedes" Long S320. This car is a V6 engine with 224 horsepower and 315 torque. Chotiri rocky model was popular, and then in the world of viyshov S350 with full showings: with a 3.7 liter engine and 245 hp. With.

The car S430, V8-th engine of some kind is not rich, not a little - 279 Chinese forces. A hundred kilometers of this "zvіr" reach less, less in more seconds. І maximum for a new serious, protein-electronic intermediate, which sharpens the speedometer needle at 250 km / h.

Legends of the German car industry

"Five Hundred" and "Six Hundred" - these are truly legendary machines. W220 S500 - "Mercedes", which all lovers of the auto industry know (and not only German), as I will come, the 600th model. The "five hundred" under the hood has a tighter V8 engine, the tightness of which is 306 hp. With.! Up to a hundred kilometers you need a trio more than six seconds.

What is "six hundred"? Navit itself yoga first version May 367 l. With. And in 2002, if the car was going through the process of working, straightening it out to perfection, the light of the world had an absolutely new "Mercedes" - for 500 horsepower with two turbines. Ale and on tsomu nіmetskі vyrobniki vyrіshi not zupinyatisya. AMG - three letters say a lot about what. There are no more straining, superficial, serious, respectable and swedish cars, lower ones, on the hood of which the abbreviation is indicated.

In 2004, roci in the world viyshov "Mercedes S65 M275" - and ce buv in full 600th. Yogo tension increased to 612 liters. s., plus up to all wines adding bi-turbo. It’s also not surprising that on this day, this car is one of the best in its segment, unimportant to complete a solid century.

Vitrati Paliva

There are a lot of people when they arrive at the car to think about those, how many wines are economical. І kіlkіst pennies, scho to go to the car, to lay down not only in the case of її pochatkovoї vartosti, in the form of technical maintenance and breakdowns (as such, they happen). Even more important is gasoline. And more precisely, then, some yoga is necessary in order to "blow" your "flying horse". Well, the most economical option in this plan is the S 320 "Mercedes W220". become 7.7 liters per 100 km. Before speech, such a small amount of fire has been added to the popularity of the car - it has already been said that the given model was already demanded. Step on S350 and S500. So, for the sake of justice, it should be noted that the “five hundred” have a small amount of paliva wine, even if it’s not small - about 11.4 liters. Let's take a look at this plan for є Long "- on a new one, we need less than 15 liters.

Yakiy in 1998 changed the bad model W-140. Having taken the premium solidity, the car of the new generation has become more elegant than the predecessor and has become more unpretentious. At the same time, the car has been brought to a new level of technical equipment. Irrespective of what the first show models called out to be foolish, she was smart to save the S-class in the light auto industry and become a black legend of the German brand. Let's get to know this car closer.


In 1998, when public introductions of the new flagship Mercedes-Benz S-Class were made, viewers were simply shocked. In the case of the W-140 model, which in our latitudes was called the “elephant”, the new car seemed to fall short of the representative rank. The majestic feed, the massive silhouette and the unobtrusive grille of the radiator went into trouble. A frail hood, a massive, but not very important silhouette, a rounded shape of the body - the axis of the main image of a new car. First, the straight-cut false radiator grille, which is how the W-140 model was written by the vlassniks, has changed beyond recognition. It is possible to call її rectilinear ї yakscho і, then with a great stretch.


The first hour shocked by the revolutionary changes in motor vehicles began to panic their own remaining versions of cars of the previous generation. Ale, not a bare shock at the novelties of the proishov and richly recognized that the Mercedes W220, a photo of which illustrates the seriousness of the viability of the elder brother, effectively garni. In addition, zavdyaki thoughtful design, vin pozbuvsya static svogo front. Today, the S-class, fitted in the body of the W-220, is more powerful and dynamic, lower than the older brother.

The classic "armored car" gave way to an Italian-style wrought-iron car. Vіn becoming lighter and smaller due to dimensions, but on the solidity of tse zovsіm did not appear. It means that in that period, if a new representative of the premium class of the German brand appeared, in the lands of the affected space, the crazy unsafe hours were extinguished. To say the least, the Jeep Grand Cherokee is another symbol of the 90s, having experienced similar changes at about the same hour.

Interior and equipment

The old generation's hoarders immediately criticized the salon: moving, and there was less space, and more noise. But for lovers of space, a new version was created, and if there is a lot of noise, then the aerodynamics of the car is even more beautiful. From the point of view of comfort, the car is a good representative of the premium segment. Shkіryana obrobka, elektroprivodi, vіdmіnny sound, pіdsvіchuvannya and zoom saloon mirrors, ventilation and pіdіgrіv sidіn, a wide range of insurance elektronіki - all the same and richly іnshoy rob the salon unique and in a right way premium. Elegant style and modern ergonomics complement the effect.


The range of motors, which can be equipped with a given car, is wide. It starts with a 2.8-liter 193-horsepower engine, which is installed on the model, as it positions itself as a service, and ends with a top-end 6-liter 367-horsepower engine. Between them, three more engines were roared: 3.2 pressure in 220 liters. With. (Last yoga was replaced by 3.5); 4.3 V8 at 275 hp With .; and 5-liter 300-horsepower engine. Before the restyling of 2003, a couple more new engines appeared, including a 500-horsepower V12.

Until now, all motors as a whole serve to do more than necessary, and in case of great runs, they perform less than routine maintenance. Oil "Mercedes" W220 stained dry. The volume of engines and machines with a serious run is especially important. Filters need to be changed after 20-30 thousand kilometers in a run. Svіchki zapalyuvannya z our gasoline lead very ambiguously. Varto indicates that it is necessary to install candles with platinum electrodes on all motors. In addition, most engines have two spark plugs per cylinder.

Vlasniki of the front model often complained about the ruining of the timing belt. In the W220 model, everything is in order in this plan. Problems with the lancer are rare, especially if the driver competently operates the car.

Transmission and drive

The widest gearbox for this car has become a five-speed automatic. Varto indicates that the version of the S280 with a manual transmission is rarely sharpened. "Automatic" works smoothly, shifting gears without interrupting pauses. No VIN required for service. Change the oil only at different times, as the gearbox will require repair. If you operate a car with a mind, then the "automatic" will not bring any kind of imperfections. Prote yakscho viriti vydgukami spіvrobіtnikі v avtotehstantsіya, z automatic transmission model W-140 problems were less.

The main number of examples in the car "Mercedes" W220 works on the rear drive, however, there are also fixed models. I am a representative of such a modification of the 4-Matic, which made the S-class a competitor to the famous Audi A8. Judging by the results of fakhivtsiv, the system of a full drive works without a hitch, to follow the modern worlds. Vzagali, if the language is about the 20-year-old "Mercedes", you can boldly compare with the bagatma of modern cars. The German company has always been the flagship of the market, and many decisions of other companies will influence life in ten years.


What in the car calls out deeds of the drug, so it’s a pidviska. Obviously, the fact that the car is moving forward stronger is obvious, but the older version of the chassis design was more thought out. As a show of signs, stabilizers of transverse stability are most likely to come out of harmony. It is necessary to change them in a short fall after 30 yew. Km. Shock absorbers come out of tune: through the non-standard ABS system, x, together with the relay, you need to change it after 40-50 yew. Km. Versions of the car, as a substitute for pneumatic shock absorbers and equipped with hydraulic ones, serve longer.

After 100 thousand. Km, it's time to replace the sump supports. Varto signifies that the lower supports are changing around the vіd vazhel. Kermovі traction at once with tips to serve vіd 60 to 100 yew. Km. The survivability of galmive disks and pads, of course, lie down depending on the manner of driving. In the average, it is circulated from 10 to 40 thousand kilometers. Spare parts for the "Mercedes" W220 cost a little, therefore, choosing a model for the secondary market, the varto buti is borderline respectful to the її camp.

trohi dogtu

Varto vyznat, scho conservators, yakі vvazhayut model 1998 to the fate of the indecent її opednitsa, often malice. The W220 generation is not so old-fashioned as the W140. And yet, the hours have changed, and the public, like buying a premium Mercedes, has become more civilized. In order for the car to go to a new level of life-giving qualities (and how to show the characteristics, "Mercedes" W220 was purposefully robbed), I had to sacrifice the legendary reliability.

It looks like a doorway, far from everyone can see the difference in supremacy. And the axle is thrown into the eyes, so marvelous is the equipment, the high quality of the moves and the high level of the design work.

On the road

Now let's talk about those, yakim є "Mercedes" (S-class, W220) in operation. And here wine is diisno on a high level: smoothly, silently, swiftly, at the same time calmly. It turns out that if you are reasonable, the swedishness of wines develops wildly. When you are in a car, it is comfortable to drive both in static and driver modes. Galma miraculously copes with her work, oblyagayuchi important car s be-yakіy shvidkostі. The keratinization of the car "Mercedes" W220 is truly premium.

Released in 2003, the S600 Biturbo rotation version makes the car 100 km / year speed in 4.7 seconds. Modification of the S55 AMG with the same intensity (500 hp) It was created for those who love not only straight ahead, but also straight away in a turn. To that, a short base and changes in the car were received. And for those who are not ready to pay for a top-end modification, or want good dynamics, this is the Mercedes S500 W220 version. Won cost a lot cheaper, but it expands to “hundreds” in 6 seconds.

Restyling 2003 rock

Navit for such a wonderful car, like a Mercedes-Benz S-class, five years ago. That is, if a small number of high-class competitors appeared on the market: the revolutionary SIM card BMW, the all-new Audi A8, the vikonan in an aluminum body, and the popular VW Phaeton - the German company’s core business did not check for the release of a new generation, and lightly modernize the S-class. The soundness of the car practically did not change. The front optics became “crystal”, the rear lights took off a more fresh look, and the spoiler was installed under the front bumper, becoming a similar detail of the Mercedes-Benz SLR model.

In the middle of the S-class, otrimav more significant changes. The language is not about design, but about the technical aspect. New motors have appeared, new chassis have been improved, and most importantly - the possibility of installing a 4-Matic re-drive, about which it was already guessed more. Previously, only models of class C and E could boast of such a system. The newer drive does not only improve the speed of a car, which is not so important in the premium segment, but it also improves the stability of the car on any kind of shoes, to work more dynamically on wheels.

In addition, the restyled W220 with a 6-liter engine can reach a tightness of 500 horsepower. In this way, Vіn zberіg the status of the most expensive car in its class. Such visible indications were at the reach of the zastosuvannya of the turbocharging. The leather block of a 12-cylinder V-engine has removed its turbine.

Mercedes S W220: tips

Based on the opinions of Vlasniks and experts, we can see the main strengths and weaknesses of this model.


  1. Elegant sound.
  2. Vіdmіnna dynamics.
  3. Rozkishna complete set.
  4. Spacious salon.
  5. Balanced moves.
  6. Prestige.


  1. The older version is still superior.
  2. Not everyone appreciated the change in image.
  3. High price, wind through Mayzhe two decades.
  4. Road maintenance and spare parts.
  5. High vitrata paliva.
  6. Sensitivity of electric power.


"Mercedes" W220, the comments about the new generation were very positive, becoming a funny turn in the development of the German brand. Formerly, for a lot of rock, the company was slightly ahead of its reputation as a builder of eternal, conservative and quite pragmatic cars, propagating buyers a little bit more pidhid to the right.

Fashionable design and rich equipment are easily recognized as equals. Alas, it was inevitable, even more modern and technically foldable cars, more in a new node, more flexible before breakdowns.

Summarizing the foregoing, it is possible to increase the number of whiskers that the Mercedes W220 is a high-status car that will be popular again, regardless of those that have already changed the new generation.

On the other hand, it means that the price of this car on the secondary market, in the fall due to the release date and equipment, is approximately 7-12 thousand dollars.

The first public display of the Mercedes S-Class W220 took place in 1998 at the Paris Motor Show. The S320 CDI model and the flagship version of the S600 were presented through rіk, and the S400 CDI was also presented via rіk. In the autumn of 2002, the fate of the car, having recognized a small facelift. The sedan has taken off three changes in the rear lights and new front lights, with transparent lenses. The rest of the W220 left the factory in 2006. Limousine picking up in New Mexico and Indonesia.


At the same time, design has recognized a right revolution. The Mercedes S-class has become more tinted, and the headlights have been given the original configuration. Irrespective of the smaller aerodynamic shape, the German sedan still looked presentable even earlier, especially in the black color of the body.


A lot of things have changed in the interior. Here they broke the link with the style of other Mercedes models. S-Class is guilty of becoming unique and vіdrіznyatisya vіd more cheap E and С-class. This is the only car in the assortment of the German automaker, which has a special kermo, a central console, door panels and a seat. Well, the steering wheel with buttons to control the phone and the audio system was exported to Maybach, which is based on the design of the S-class.


From the drive you can speak for a long time. The front of the W140 has already set the bar high in the field of equipping with electronic attachments. W220 didn’t lose anything, how to go straight ahead.

The one who dares to buy a luxury German sedan is guilty of the nobility, that this car is not in any way equipped with a set of equipment. The list of basic installations is already lying in the power unit under the hood, and everything else can be taken for an additional fee. So theoretically, if you want to get an S-class in the most advanced equipment, you need to choose among the flagship engines. Prote, in practice, the 320 CDI can be equipped with the Keyless Go keyless entry system.

Active ventilation of the seat with the function of massage for an hour of easy passage of the turns and the water in the optimal position. Armchairs are used in conjunction with the Pre-Sef system - a preventive security system created by Mercedes itself for this model. If the system detects a problem, then the water and passenger seats will be placed in the optimal position, the sunroof will be blocked, and the belts will easily attract water and passengers. Zavdyaks are preparing all security systems, including 8 airbags, to ensure the highest level of protection when closed. It is noteworthy that the S-Class did not take part in EuroNCAP crash tests.

From the electronic add-ons, you can also choose an electric seat, a refrigerator, a Command navigation system, as a result of restyling in 2003, the company removed a wide-screen screen, Linguatronic voice control, xenon headlights, and later bi-xenon headlights, a door closer, electric control of the Distronic lid , which increases the distance to the front of the vehicle.



  • 2.8 V6 (204 HP) S280;
  • 3.2 V6 (224 HP) S320;
  • 3.7 V6 (245 HP) S350;
  • 4.3 V8 (279 HP) S430;
  • 5.0 V8 (306 HP) S500;
  • 5.4 V8 (360-500 hp) S55 AMG;
  • 5.5 BiTurbo V8 (500 hp) S600;
  • 6.0 V12 (367 hp) S600;
  • 6.0 BiTurbo V12 (612 HP) AMG S65;
  • 6.3 V12 (444 HP) AMG S63.


  • 3.2 R6 (197-204 HP) S320 CDI;
  • 4.0 V8 BiTurbo (250/260 HP) S400 CDI.

Under the hood of the Mercedes S-Class W220, 6, 8 and 12-cylinder engines were installed. Among gasoline units, the weakest is the 204-horsepower V6, which is the S280. Two more V6s: S320 and S350 were poked at the vibe. The line has two V8s: the weaker S430 has developed 279 k.s., and the strongest S500 has 306 k.s. Stop the massive sedan up to 100 km / year in 6.5 seconds. If it’s too little for someone, then you can always choose the S600, the power unit of which can deliver 367 k.s. Pіznіshe vіn becoming rozviti 500 k.s.

Europe has the widest range of diesel units. The weakest of them is 320 CDI with an intensity of 197 k.s., and then - 204 k.s. The most powerful 400 CDI with two turbochargers can deliver 250 or 260 hp. With the turbodiesel V8 S400 CDI, it runs from 0 to 100 km/year in 7.8 seconds and reaches a maximum speed of 250 km/h.

The S55 (360 and 500 hp), S63 (444 hp), as well as the top version of the S65 (612 hp) were prepared for AMG shanuvalniks, which can be built up to 100 km / a year in 4, 2 seconds, and after the closure of the exchange, you easily cross the sign of 300 km / h.

The least vitrates in operation are 6-cylinder gasoline engines. The stench will ensure the optimal compromise between the vitratoy paliva and nadіinistyu. The greatest emotions, insanely, bestow the strongest units of the AMG court tuning studio. Ale tse vibir is quiet, who does not have a terrible vitrata of 20 l / 100 km. In general, the operational performance is proportional to the size of the engine. The most wide-spread problems of gasoline units are the introduction of coils.

Fans of diesel engines are stuck with malfunctions in the injection system (injectors). One of the weak points is the turbine, and in the V8 (OM628) there are two, which will cost more for repairs. Another curse of diesel engines is the stretching of the timing belt. In order to replace, it is necessary to take the engine, and add additional parts, such as a check after 200,000 km. More weak options bring less inaccuracies. The S320 CDI version has a flap on the intake manifold.

Also, malfunctions of the throttle valve and slippage of the valve of the EGR gas recirculation system are reported. Often the oil seal of the crankshaft is leaking. Sometimes you need to replace the catalyst and lambda probe. Faults in the robotic engine control unit are not turned off.


Zhodin s dviguniv not available with a mechanical gearbox, only 5 or 7-speed automatic. The S-Class W220 is not a superior car, and the gearbox is one of the weak points of a limousine. Mercedes buv is also available with the 4Matic system of full drive, as a result of which it increases stability and keratinization.

The great torque of hard engines, especially the 560 Nm S400 CDI, can lead to serious problems with automatic transmissions. Often problems were blamed already after 50,000 km. You can overcome inaccuracies by following a simple rule - do not press on the gas all the way until the car is destroyed from the moon. The cost of repairing the box is about 2500 dollars. Persh for everything, everything has been said with a 5-speed automatic transmission.

Zustrichayutsya podtikannya oil from the rear differential.

Clattering when changing the desire to talk about the wear of the cardan damper.


Like in the back, so in the front, the S-Class has a suspension with Airmatic pneumatic elements. In some instances, the Active Body Control system is also present, as it itself underlies the characteristics of the suspension from the minds of the mind.

Pneumatic suspension delivers the most problems. The compressor goes out of tune, and the turn in the system turns on. About the problems with Airmatic, they suspected a low clearance and it was too reluctant to say after the launch of the engine. Rotating compressor on the right side behind the bumper. Yogo robot can be distorted by turning on the zaplyuvannya - wine is guilty of earning. Claims for fixing defects in the suspension can cost around 1500 dollars. The biggest expansion of the vintrat is the “TOO LOW” message on the screen of the on-board computer.

The next unique example with the optional Active Body Control system is that the pump and hydraulic shock absorbers often break. Hocha, the system and vіdmovlyає rіdshe, nіzh pnevmopіdvіska, аlе vіdmovіlіє іn dоrоchа.

Problems with pneumatics are often associated with depressurization of the air supply line and air spring.

typical faults

Before buying, I should pay attention to the car body elements, which often oppose irzha. Corrosion is most pronounced on the lower edges of doors and in the area of ​​wheel arches. "Ore Plague" is powerful for cars, it was chosen until 2003.

There are also fluctuations in the way out of the fret of the hydropidsilyuvacha pump, about which it is necessary to confirm the opir’s declaration, that it is about to be wrapped with kerm.

The manager of inaccuracies and the electronics was blamed. All sensors come out of the way. Blame the problems with the navigation system and the CD player. Through a hardware failure, the screen of the Command system fades. At low temperatures, the parking sensors should be disturbed. Can use ESP sensors and alternator.

Alternator failures are often blamed on pre-2003 cars.

Deyakі vlasniki skarzhatsya on fluctuations in temperature or change the speed of the wrapping of the tidal fan in the tidal order. Required calibration of shutters.

There is only a fraction of the pastures that check the Vlasniks in the S-class.

Kermov rods are worn in equal parts.


With the advent of the W220, it was clear that the era of the indifferent and arrogant Mercedes was over. Therefore, when choosing the W220, it is not necessary to pay attention to the found props. Similar examples are guaranteed: a junkyard, a major overhaul of a dvigun or an overhang, a comprehensive repair of electrical wiring and pidviski. In the final bag of the sum, stained for the limousine's renewal, to transfer the versatility of the car itself.

It’s better to choose srazki according to the fresh - the rest of the years of release. Ignorant of the latest reviews about cars, win your price. Prote, before buying, think carefully: how can you afford a repair, which in an hour exceeds the sum of 2-3 thousand dollars.

However, Mercedes S-Class - not only high performance, but also comfort, luxury and power of engines.

Technical data Mercedes S-class W220 (1998-2005)



Working volume

Cylinders / valves

maximum pressure

Max Torque


maximum speed

Rozgin 0-100 km/h





Working volume

Cylinders / valves

maximum pressure

Max Torque


maximum speed

Rozgin 0-100 km/h

Average vitrata paliva, l / 100 km

Chi did not appear as a hero of anecdotes, but instead he entered the literature as an object of greed and appeared in a section of films. The company was actively working on product placement for pushing the car into the mask. The massive rocky ancestor in W140 specimen is phenomenally prestigious, but the axis of the Volodymy is far from leathery. The new car was broken down a little less, a little lighter and richer thinner.

True to himself, the biggest "m ors" roamed like hot cakes in the States, and as a result, they sold maybe half of the total circulation of the car - 188 thousand out of 460. It was clear that the headmaster had already driven on such a car, and not looking like hiring water prosperous people . The company realized that it was impossible to build a car too prestigious, and did not repeat more pardons. For those who need a better image, they tried to revive the Maybach brand. Crim less massive design, less weight and new features in mechanical gearboxes, the car was remembered for more moments. In a first, mass-produced pneumatic suspension, as if robbed the car at once and comfortable, and receiving ceramic. In a different way, the unprecedented adjustment of the electric power of the body is closely related to the factor of service, as it has grown in sprat times. And also vkray not far off the bodywork. In the past, a car of this class has few problems with stress and corrosion.

It is impossible to say that the car took away the status not far away. No one can say that about a top-end Mercedes. But insanely the car seemed “acutely topical”, and not “hourly”, like other ancestors - not only the W140, but also more early -, i.

Another important feature of the two-twentieth body was the appearance of a new drive on the top sedan - up to which option the bula is available only for the E-class and pozashlyahovikiv. Until the beginning of the 21st century, it appeared that all the wheels were requested not only by "jeepers" - the stench appeared to the soul and "athletes", and those who operate the car at night, in the mountains, or simply tow tethers (so-so, in the States whole and relevant for the S-class).

To pay attention to the special demand for vehicles with regular armor - however, this vehicle is not represented on the secondary market so widely in the armored version. Armoring here is factory-made, which means that cars take advantage of good running characteristics and resources.

Reservation Mercedes-Benz S-Class Guard

Breakdowns and problems in operation

Walking part

Technically, the car is not seen among other Mercedes models. The design is rich in what is classic, with decisions, pereverenimi hour on hundreds of thousands of cars. Two-way pіdvіska in front, mayzhe yak on, mnogorichachka zzzadu. As I said before, pneumoplasty has become a serious punishment for the victims and “curses”. Її additional elements, compressor, pipelines and sami stіyki turned out to be more expensive "consumables", which before that didn't like rough roads.

The reliability of rather expensive air bellows was a pleasant success when operating in a dry and clean climate, and the axle in Europe and in Russia is larger, the resource of the part, becoming a whole lot of rock. Dodatkovi come in safely, so regularly mittya pіdvіski, oiled the balloon with special warehouses and installation of casings, could prolong the resource up to five or six years, it’s already bad, but all the same chances to get the car to lie “on the neck” were great.

The variance of the components in the traditional temple - the compressor cost of the "all" 23 thousand rubles, and the axis of the price for the air springs starts at 80-120 thousand, and as a whole with the shock absorber the price is 300. whole machines.

Replacements, but the stench is affordable, and the price is all the same "biting" - two baloons cost no less than 60 thousand rubles, and a pleasant quality - even closer to a hundred. The main consumables for lightly "inline" racks are the compressor, which is often changed. A lot of cars are operated by rocks on the racks, hanging batteries and driving in pairs of compressors on the river.

In other cases, you can’t think of any serious certificates of the same E-class in terms of resource, if you don’t buy an armored car - there the carrier’s resource will be small, and the price of such components is higher for a lot of people. Before the speech, as if you had a Maybach, then a part of the W140 suspension elements and W220 armors would fit on the new one, and won in price for the partition of the suspension of one axle in the warehouse ... about a million copies. Well, let's tell millionaires are not strangers Life hack.

Body and salon

It would have been better if the company would never let the door of filthy cars, as if they would rot like a Zhiguli clock. Ale on the stick to put a puncture. The back of the head was not very corrosive resistant, but on the whole it was acceptable. І axis, new W220, person of the brand and raptom ... On the third or fourth time of exploitation, the LKP of the machine wears a glare, farb to climb, and z-pіd neї lіze rust. This was a more serious blow to the image, moreover, the company did not encounter anything with the technical process on the most running C-class W203, like a viishov in 2000, and the problem also hit.

They corrected only a few in 2002-2003, if the technology was finished off, and the cars stopped rusting with a slick swirl. In most parts of the United States, the problem did not manifest itself severely - moreover, American cars often did very well without reinforced anti-corrosion dressing, which is especially bad for itself after bringing such a car to Russia. "Americans" of early rock are strongly recommended to bypass for a kilometer, so, obviously, you do not choose to just put the car in the garage and have a good time.

The price of more conciliators on the “secondary” is low to speak about the problems with corrosion, and, therefore, about the loss of prestige. Fortunately, the power structure of the body is protected to do good, the cars do not have spars and do not fail the log, but there are still ten years ... I'm afraid that there will be more until that moment.

And the axle interior is really good, especially on European cars in good configurations. The change in design was positively marked by an internal calm, before that the interior became much more functional and safe. And it’s possible to see clearly, even though there’s no varto perforated shkira with ventilation, so cover to serve much less.

And the axis of wear is covered by kerma, not to talk about record runs. If the salon is light-shkiri, then the kermo will be in scuffs after a hundred thousand runs, and the problem manifests itself especially strongly, as a woman drives a car with rings on her hands and long fingers.

In another case, why lamatis, but not outside the house. Electricity as a whole is not particularly stable, there are digital data transmission buses and blocks with SAM-modules, between themselves the front and rear modules are connected via an optical line. As it is, problems due to a nearby smoking, turning on the batteries on the go, short flickers can be even more expensive. Tue, the average price for repairs at a time is not high and is between 5-10 thousand rubles. Golovne - do not allow flooding blocks with water and burning contacts and boards.


Tsіkavo, scho on the other problems of the motor here is ideally nadіyni. About the engines of the M112 and M113 series, V6 and V8 series, they form the main mass of engines for the S-class. The stinks dosit nadіynі, good repaired, mayut great and forecasting resource.

Diesel engines of the OM613 and OM648 series also helped to solve some serious problems. And the top-end V8 OM628 turbodiesel axle is strongly not recommended before purchase. Some problems are caused by in-line nozzles and injection pumps, which lead to cracking of the cylinder head and pistons. Microcracks lead to increased pressure of crankcase gases, and this is the main indicator of the need for overhaul.

The top petrol motors V12 are presented by two variants of the M137 engine, which for the design is guessing two M112s at the same time - the same architecture of the block heads and the central layout. One of the serious features is only the system of connecting half of the cylinders to the partial drive, which allows to reduce the fire rate to the level of models with V8. The resource of a rather long-stroke engine is smaller, lower than that of the V8, and the problems of overheating such a folding design are more frequent, but in general the motor is of good reliability. All the problems of viklikanі tim, scho vіn even nasty fit into the podkapotny space - already vіn great for the W220.

As a rule, the main enemy of all motors is overheating, and also - different manpower and sensors, out of tune with catalytic converters with partial igniting passes, etc. Ale, on most machines, motors may have an inconsistent margin of resource. The cars were mostly cherished, and it’s not good to blame the old dviguns for the robot on idle wrappers.


There are no surprises here - the transmissions are traditionally superfluous, including those on modern versions. The difference between front-wheel drive hubs on the secondary market is already great: roads and drives, and gearbox, but it’s not easy to break them.

Automatic transmissions here in the main series 722.6 , and on , i on. The main mass of cars released after 2001 was relieved of the greater part of the "childish ailments" and with a run of up to 250 thousand kilometers, there will be no special resource problems for the mother.

The first public display of the Mercedes S-Class W220 took place in 1998 at the Paris Motor Show. The S320 CDI model and the flagship version of the S600 were presented through rіk, and the S400 CDI was also presented via rіk. In the autumn of 2002, the fate of the car, having recognized a small facelift. The sedan has taken off three changes in the rear lights and new front lights, with transparent lenses. The rest of the W220 left the factory in 2006. Limousine picking up in New Mexico and Indonesia.



As an optional equipment for Mercedes, the Elcode key card was introduced, which allowed you to get into the cabin without pressing on the alarm key fob, and the engine was started without a key. The seat and steering wheel of the Mercedes are equipped with a memory, as if only by inserting the key into the ignition lock (in the base of the traditional key), the kermo accepts the remaining programmed position, and when the wine is silenced, it moves closer to the panel, in order to ease the landing from the kerm. The steering wheel itself is controlled by additional servo drives.

Under the water seats there is a special button - Dynamic, the function is given to lift the rollers of the rear wheel in sharp turns - if it is necessary more quickly to increase the temperature of the water. The keys to the electric drive of the armchair, according to the Mercedes vikonan, they looked at the armchair and were placed on the door card. Already in the base of the presence of heating, but on the rich old cars, armchairs with the function of ventilation and massage are installed. Climate control and cruise - Distronic control, which allows you to get up to the car, which is included in the package of the most basic Mercedes W220. On safety, the Pre Safe complex system is used, as if it were inevitable that it would shut down, or change the load of the safety belts, install all the seats in the optimal position and close the sunroof with windows.

On the central console, there is a three-way button for emergency signaling, as it was previously installed on the rich sedan of the brand (W140, W124 and others). Right-handed in the emergency keys, the central locking button is placed, the parking sensors are turned on and the button for the rear curtain servo drive. The button for exiting the headrest of the rear sofa was placed on the left side of the tricot of the emergency room. Comfort in the cabin is ensured by special heat-retaining windows, which protect passengers from ultraviolet radiation. According to the tradition of the brand, the galmo of the parking lot is driven by a scissor. As an option for Mercedes, the two hundredth body has a “closer” for doors and trunk lids - this is a premium option, like talking about a high class car.

The rear seat is also equipped with electric drives and all possible options for transferring quiet people to sit in front (massage and ventilation). Sitting on the rear seat of the Long version, you can easily cross your legs. Luggage capacity of Mercedes is 500 liters and a full spare wheel.


From the drive you can speak for a long time. The front of the W140 has already set the bar high in the field of equipping with electronic attachments. W220 didn’t lose anything, how to go straight ahead.

The one who dares to buy a luxury German sedan is guilty of the nobility, that this car is not in any way equipped with a set of equipment. The list of basic installations is already lying in the power unit under the hood, and everything else can be taken for an additional fee. So theoretically, if you want to get an S-class in the most advanced equipment, you need to choose among the flagship engines. Prote, in practice, the 320 CDI can be equipped with the Keyless Go keyless entry system.

Active ventilation of the seat with the function of massage for an hour of easy passage of the turns and the water in the optimal position. Armchairs are used in conjunction with the Pre-Sef system - a preventive security system,
created by Mercedes itself for this model. If the system detects a problem, then the water and passenger seats will be placed in the optimal position, the sunroof will be blocked, and the belts will easily attract water and passengers. Zavdyaks are preparing all security systems, including 8 airbags, to ensure the highest level of protection when closed. It is noteworthy that the S-Class did not take part in EuroNCAP crash tests.

From the electronic add-ons, you can also choose an electric seat, a refrigerator, a Command navigation system, as a result of restyling in 2003, the company removed a wide-screen screen, Linguatronic voice control, xenon headlights, and later bi-xenon headlights, a door closer, electric control of the Distronic lid , which increases the distance to the front of the vehicle.



  • 2.8 V6 (204 HP) S280;
  • 3.2 V6 (224 HP) S320;
  • 3.7 V6 (245 HP) S350;
  • 4.3 V8 (279 HP) S430;
  • 5.0 V8 (306 HP) S500;
  • 5.4 V8 (360-500 hp) S55 AMG;
  • 5.5 BiTurbo V8 (500 hp) S600;
  • 6.0 V12 (367 hp) S600;
  • 6.0 BiTurbo V12 (612 HP) AMG S65;
  • 6.3 V12 (444 HP) AMG S63.


  • 3.2 R6 (197-204 HP) S320 CDI;
  • 4.0 V8 BiTurbo (250/260 HP) S400 CDI.

Under the hood of the Mercedes S-Class W220, 6, 8 and 12-cylinder engines were installed. Among gasoline units, the weakest is the 204-horsepower V6, which is the S280. Two more V6s: S320 and S350 were poked at the vibe. The line has two V8s: the weaker S430 has developed 279 k.s., and the strongest S500 has 306 k.s. Stop the massive sedan up to 100 km / year in 6.5 seconds. If it’s too little for someone, then you can always choose the S600, the power unit of which can deliver 367 k.s. Pіznіshe vіn becoming rozviti 500 k.s.

Europe has the widest range of diesel units. The weakest of them is 320 CDI with an intensity of 197 k.s., and then - 204 k.s. The most powerful 400 CDI with two turbochargers can deliver 250 or 260 hp. With the turbodiesel V8 S400 CDI, it runs from 0 to 100 km/year in 7.8 seconds and reaches a maximum speed of 250 km/h.

The S55 (360 and 500 hp), S63 (444 hp), as well as the top version of the S65 (612 hp) were prepared for AMG shanuvalniks, which can be built up to 100 km / a year in 4, 2 seconds, and after the closure of the exchange, you easily cross the sign of 300 km / h.

The least vitrates in operation are 6-cylinder gasoline engines. The stench will ensure the optimal compromise between the vitratoy paliva and nadіinistyu. The greatest emotions, insanely, bestow the strongest units of the AMG court tuning studio. Ale tse vibir is quiet, who does not have a terrible vitrata of 20 l / 100 km. In general, the operational performance is proportional to the size of the engine. The most wide-spread problems of gasoline units are the introduction of coils.

Fans of diesel engines are stuck with malfunctions in the injection system (injectors). One of the weak points is the turbine, and in the V8 (OM628) there are two, which will cost more for repairs. Another curse of diesel engines is the stretching of the timing belt. In order to replace, it is necessary to take the engine, and add additional parts, such as a check after 200,000 km. More weak options bring less inaccuracies. The S320 CDI version has a flap on the intake manifold.

Also, malfunctions of the throttle valve and slippage of the valve of the EGR gas recirculation system are reported. Often the oil seal of the crankshaft is leaking. Sometimes you need to replace the catalyst and lambda probe. Faults in the robotic engine control unit are not turned off.

Technical part and characteristics of Mercedes S-class W220

Mercedes s-class W220 became the first model of the brand on the basis of Airmatic pneumatic suspension, as well as the height of the road clearance, as well as the height of the road clearance. With the reachable speed of 140 kilometers per year, the machine “crouches” by 15mm, which gives more stability. Respectfully, cars are approved for the USA to squat no more than 15mm, but only 5mm. For an additional fee, the Active Body Control suspension was offered, which showed itself more superior than the lower Airmatic.

Active Body Control was installed as standard only on the top modification - S600. The ESP systems (system of exchange rate stability) and Brake Assist (the system of recognizing sharply, but weakly by the force of pressing on the gas pedal and increasing the efficiency of the galm way to lift the vise in the contour) are available on the basic modifications themselves. In 2002, the 4 Matic all-wheel drive system appeared, so the W220 became the first Mercedes representative class with all-wheel drive. Behind the words fakhіvtsіv povnoprivіdniy dvіstі twenty bring no more problems and vitrat, lower rear-wheel drive car.

The smallest gasoline version of the Mercedes C-class was the S280 model with the M112 engine for 204hp and 270N.M. Drinking on the S280 is not so great that the model was taken for a reason. It's hard to finish the old S280 today. The S320 was produced from 1998 to 2002, the V6 3.2L engine develops 224hp and 315N.M of torque. In 2002, the S320 replaced the S350 with a 3.7L engine at 245hp.

It so happened that representatives of sedans with eight cylinders under the hood were huddled with great pomp. S430 with V8 has 279hp and 400N.M of thrust - it allows you to get the first hundred in 7.5s, the maximum speed is surrounded by electronics - 250 km. S500 prikhovuє under the hood motor V8 series M113 306 HP and 460 N. M of torque. P'yatisotiya prirashyuetsya to the first hundred in 6.5 seconds. The most prestigious S600, with a total of 5786 cubes, develops 367 horses and 530 N.M.

In 1999, the S55AMG appeared with a 360-horsepower V8 engine, the selection was made manually, the AMG sedan was made with a larger zhorstkoy pidviskoy. In 2002, the S63AMG was brought onto the scene, and in 2004, having replaced the S65AMG with a pressurization of 1.5bar, the M275 engine produced 612hp and 1200N.M of torque - it allows you to gain a hundred kilometers in 4.4s after the start.

Diesel sedans of the predstavnitskogo class are not worthy of significant success in the SND, but such cars are not rarely chosen by Europeans. The OM613 diesel engine with a volume of 3.2 liters and 197 hp (204 April 2002), and the larger exhausted OM628 4.0 liter with 250 forces and 660 N.M at the time of its appearance in 2000 became the most powerful passenger diesel engine in the world. Diesels are not much better digested by the locals, which can lead to failures and malfunctions in the robotic injectors.

All C-class motors are equipped with a lancet timing drive; In our minds, candles with platinum filings serve 10,000 - 20,000, and on leather cylinders, they fall on two candles. With candles, it’s better to “do not fry”, even if it doesn’t burn hotly in the scorching chamber, it burns out in catalysts (there are two in Mercedes), but it will bring you to an accelerated exit from the fret. One catalyst for a Mercedes for two hundred and twenty body costs $1,000. Wash the fuel injectors once every 40,000 km. Oil change in Mercedes engine should be done every 10,000 - 12,000 km.

The pillars of the sedan ring out 50 - 60 tis. After a 100th run, we repair the steering rack. Galvanized disks on important machines are worn out quickly, front and rear disks serve about 30 thousand. Airmatic comes with a compressor that costs $400.

Until 2003, all Mercedes W220s were equipped with five-wheel boxes, and in 2003 they replaced the seven-speed automatic.

We respect the technical characteristics of the Mercedes S-class W220 with a V8 5.0 liter engine - S500.

Technical characteristics:

Engine: V8 5.0 petrol

Max: 4966cc

Pressure: 306hp

Torque: 460N.M

Number of valves: 24v (three valves per cylinder)

Operational indications:

Rozgin 0-100km: 6.5s

Maximum speed: 250km (surrounded by electronics)

Medium vitrata paliva: 13.2l

Fire tank capacity: 88l

Dimensions: 5038mm * 1855mm * 1444mm

Wheelbase: 2965mm

Loaded weight: 1780kg

Road clearance/clearance: 150mm in zoom mode

The cylinder diameter in the V8 S500 is 97mm, and the piston stroke is 84mm. Transmission of the head bet 2.82. Squeeze step 10.0: 1, which allows you to safely fill in 95 gasoline, and if necessary, 92.

Modifications Mercedes S-class W220

Mercedes S 280 W220

Mercedes S 320 CDI W220

Mercedes S 320 CDI Long W220

Mercedes S 350 W220

Mercedes S 350 4MATIC W220

Mercedes W220 for 250 thousand rubles! Vitrati for the river Volodinnya, and be a contribution to the car!

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