Morning of dirt roads

GOST R 50597-93

UDC 625.711.3:006.354 Group D22




Automobile Roads and Streets.

Requirements to the Level of Maintenance.

Satisfied the Traffic Safety

OKP 25 100

Date of introduction 1994-07-01

Peredmova 1. Divided by the Scientific Research Center of the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation

(NDC DAI MVS of Russia), Scientific and Scientific Research Institute "RosdorND", Moscow Automobile and Road Institute, State Road Scientific and Research Institute "SoyuzdorND", Academy of Communal Government named after.


Pamfilova, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

2. Introductions by the Technical Committee for Standardization of TK 278 “Road Safety”.

3. Approved and introduced into force by the State Regulation of Russia dated October 11, 1993 No. 221. 4. Entered first. 1. Zastosuvannya area This standard establishes the permissible limits for the safety of the industry, the limit values ​​of the indicators of the operational state highways , street and dear place and other.


, as well as assistance before the operational stage of technical features of the organization

road ruhu

All requirements are consistent with the road safety standards, life savings, population health and safety, and protection of the environment.

The standard is expanding:

Until 01/01/95 on federal highways that are in operation, highways and streets of places and other populated areas;

group B - highways with traffic intensity ranging from 1000 to 3000 vehicles per vehicle;

in places and settlements - main roads of regulated authority, main streets of Zagalny significance of regulated authority and district significance;

group - highways with traffic intensity less than 1000 vehicles/day;

in localities and settlements - streets and roads of municipal significance;

Established by the standard, the culprits must be protected by organizations that have highways, as well as streets and roads in areas and other populated areas.

Unfortunately, if the operating system of the road or street does not meet this standard, time-hour restrictions will be introduced on them to ensure the safety of the road, right up until the road is completely blocked.

Which Wikoristan standard has references to such standards, standards and rules, instructions:

DERZHSTANDARD 10807-78 Road signs.

Deep technical minds

GOST 13508-74 Road layout

DERZHSTANDART 23457-86 Technical aspects of organizing road traffic management.

Zastosuvannya rules

GOST 25695-91 Road lights.


Basic parameters

GOST 26804-86 Fencing of road metal barrier type.

Technical minds SNiP 2.05.02-85 Highways SNiP 2.07.01-89 Planning and forgetting of towns and villages

SNiP 3.06.03-85 Highways

VSN 24-88 Technical rules for the repair and maintenance of highways (Minavtodor URSR)

Instructions for the operation of highway crossings (approved by the Ministry of Highways of the SRSR on 08/19/91, approved by the Ministry of Highways of the RRFSR on 09/17/90 and by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the SRSR on 02/12/9 1).

3. Possibilities before the operational stage of motor roads, streets and roads of places and other populated areas

Along part of the road and street, covering sidewalks, sidewalks and

bicycle paths

0,3 (1,5)

1,5 (3,5)

2,5 (7,0)

, planting maidans, anchor points, as well as the surface of the sectional smudges, mowing and mowing of the roadbed must be clean, without third-party objects, so that they do not stain until they are polished.


2. The terms of elimination of damage are assigned for the weekday season, which is determined by the weather-climatic minds established by SNIP 3.06.03 for specific types works


Boundary dimensions of the surrounding subsidence, destruction, etc.

It is not your fault to exceed the depth of 15 cm, width – 60 cm and depth – 5 cm.



The jealousy of the surface of the remaining parts is due to the consequences shown in Table 2


p align="justify"> The coefficient of protection of the coating is required to ensure a safe ride with the allowed by the Road Rules, the fluidity is not less than 0.3 with a tire without a small tread and 0.4 - a tire that may tread pattern*.

* The value of the coefficient of consolidation is determined by the use of the PKRS-2 device (TU 78.1.003-83).

Table 2

Group of roads and streets


I'll stop for jealousy

transport and operational characteristics

Indicator of fidelity to the device PKRS-2, cm/km, no more

Number of clearances under a 3-meter rail, %, no more

Note - The number of enlightenments follows the values ​​that exceed those indicated in SNiP 3.06.03.


The time required to identify the reasons for reducing the criticality of the coatings in the type of operation is established from the moment these reasons are identified and there is no need to overestimate the value indicated in Table 3.

Table 3


The terms for the elimination of winter moisture and the completion of snow removal for highways, as well as streets and roads of other settlements with their transport and operational characteristics are shown in the tables i 4.

Table 4

Group of roads and streets for their transport and operational characteristics

Regulatory term for the elimination of winter moisture and the completion of snow removal, year

Closer than 20 m from the point of public transport;

on long roads equipped with traffic fences or raised curbs;

On the sidewalks.

3.1.9. Cleaning up sidewalks in localities and settlements walking paths

follow the regulation of the intensity of the flow of pedestrians after the end of the snowfall or the storm at the line indicated in Table 5.

Table 5


The hatches of the inspection wells comply with GOST 3634.

It is not allowed to smear the hatch cover to a level of more than 2 cm.


Additional duties comply with GOST 26008. It is not allowed to remove grout from the tray until the level of the tray is more than 3.0 cm. 3.1.12.

The elimination of deficiencies indicated in clauses 3.1.9 and 3.1.10 should be continued no longer than until the moment they are identified.

The assembled covers and gratings are carefully fenced and marked as separate

road signs


This replacement must be carried out over a period of no more than 3 years.

3.1.13. It is not allowed to touch the top of the rack head of tram or skid tracks, which have been spread between the road parts to cover more than 2.0 cm. At cross-level crossings, it is not allowed to move the inter-lath flooring above the top of the slats by more than 3.0 cm, and the depth of unevenness in the surface of the inter-lath space (flooring) should not be more than 4.0 cm. The reduction in the meaning of shortcomings may be adjusted by a length of no more than 2 dB. from their findings.


Soothe the divisions of the smog


The cracks and sections of the smudge, not reinforced from the running part with the border, are not to blame for being lower than the adjacent edge of the running part, 4.0 cm larger than the bottom.

Presentation of Uzbek (

sectional smuha


At cross-country crossings that are not guarded, drivers of transport vehicles who are at a distance of no more than 50 m from the nearest rail must ensure visibility of the train approaching from any direction, the bottom is up to the standards of table 7.

Table 7





Train speed, km/year

25 or less

Increase visibility, m, no less

Note - The fluidity of the rover of long-distance passenger trains is taken into account, and for these reasons, the greatest fluidity is received for the rover of mixed passenger trains or freight trains with empty cars. 4. Vimogi do for technical reasons

organization of road management and ownership of roads and streets


Road signs

4.1.1. Avtomobilni roads, and such a road is the road of the same settlement Posvinni boti by the traffic signs, visible to GOST 10807 that is pinkish for GOST 23457 Vidpovly to the established order of the deployment. 4.1.2.

The surface of the signs is clean, without damage, which makes it difficult to clean. × 4.1.3. For road signs with a light-turning surface during their operation, it is allowed to reduce the power factor of the light intensity (cd× lux -1 ×

m -2) up to no less: 35 – for white color, 20 – yellow, 6 – red, 4 – green, 2 – blue. 4.1.4.

Average brightness of road sign image elements from interior lighting (cd

m -2) not guilty buti minor: 90 - for white

zhovtogo kvitiv

, 20 – green, 10 – red, 5 – blue.

The brightness of the black color elements may exceed 4 cd

× m -2.

4.1.5. Replacing or updating damaged road signs (except for priority signs 2.1 – 2.7) should be carried out over a period of 3 dB. The operation process is subject to the following consequences:

The brightness coefficient is not less than the values ​​indicated in Table 8;

Table 8

Light intensity coefficient (mkd Avtomobilni roads, and such a road is the road of the same settlement Posvinni boti by the traffic signs, visible to GOST 10807 that is pinkish for GOST 23457 Vidpovly to the established order of the deployment. m -2) markings, made from light-turning materials, may be no less: 80 - for a white color, 48 - yellow.


Updating the marking of the traces is carried out in accordance with the original technology.


The marking adhesive coefficient may be no less than 0.75 of the coating adhesive coefficient value.


Road lights


The traffic lights must comply with the requirements of GOST 25695, as well as the placement and operating mode - with the requirements of GOST 23457.


Around the parts of the light fixture or the elements of its fastening are not to blame for any visible damage or destruction.

Rozsiyuvach is not to blame for the mother of cracks and chips.

The symbols that are applied to the decals must be recognized from a distance of at least 50 m-code.

The filter is not to blame for the damage and corrosion that causes the appearance of zones of reduced brightness, visible from a distance of 50 m.


During operation, it is allowed to reduce the light intensity of the traffic light signal in the axial direction by no more than 30% of the value established by GOST 25695.


Replacing the light switch that has gone wrong should be done with a stretch until the fault is detected, and the damaged electrical circuit in the light light housing or the electrical cable should be stretched with a length of 3 dibs.


Road fences and side stones


Signal stops and beacons are not to blame for visible damage and deformation and are clearly visible in the light of time to reach from the station no less than 100 m-code.


Signal stops and beacons are made of fabric, vertical layout and light switches comply with GOST 13508.


Damaged signal stops are to be replaced with a length of 5 dB.

after detection of damage.


Replacing the light fixture or damaged element of the lighthouse, which is in good order, should be continued until the moment a malfunction is detected.


External lighting


External lighting installations are switched on in the evening when natural light is reduced to 20 lux, and switched off in the morning when natural light is reduced to 10 lux. 4.6.2. Switching the lighting of transport tunnels from day to night mode and back again is carried out when natural illumination reaches 100 lux.


The percentage of active lamps that operate in evening and night modes may become no less than 95%.

In this case, it is not allowed to remove unused lamps after one by one.4.6.4.

It is allowed to turn on external lighting frequently (up to 50%) at night if the intensity of foot traffic is less than 40 people/year. and transport costs in both directions – less than 50 units/year.


If you notice any external lighting installations associated with damaged electrical wires or damaged supports, please clean them carefully after detection.

5. Control methods


The hardness and smoothness of the coating is assessed using PKRS, PPK-MADI-VNIIBD devices, a 3-meter rail with a wedge, in accordance with the operating instructions that are supplied.

Date of introduction 1994-07-01

The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by Federal Law dated 27 April 2002 N 184-FZ “On technical regulation”, and the rules for establishing national standards of the Russian Federation are GOST R 1.0-2 004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions"

Vidomosti about the standard

1. Divided by the Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute (State Technical University), Russian Academy of Transport, TOV Engineeringinvest".

2. Introduced by the Technical Committee for Standardization TK 418 "Road Rule".

3. Confirmed and put into effect by the Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on November 22, 2005. N 297-st.

Pamfilova, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

2. Introductions by the Technical Committee for Standardization of TK 278 “Road Safety”.

This standard is being extended to the design of highways in the city (hereinafter referred to as highways), which will again be reconstructed.

This standard does not extend to the design of hourly highways. for various purposes(as determined by the term of service less than 5 years), internal roads, Moscow streets and winter roads.

This Wikoristan standard has references to the following standards:

GOST R 52398-2005 Classification of motor vehicles.

DERZHSTANDARD 10807-78 Road signs.

Main parameters and benefits


When applying this standard, it is necessary to thoroughly check the validity of the relevant standards with the orderer “National Standards”, based on the 1st day of the in-line process, and for other information indicators published in the in-line process.

If the standard is changed (changed), then when the standard is used, the trace will be replaced (changed) by the standard.

If the standard is applied without replacement, then the situation in which the message is given to the new one becomes stuck in a part that does not affect the message.

3. Terms and meanings Which standard defines the following terms with corresponding meanings:.



Parking lot: a part of the surface of the roadbed is reinforced, designated for parking and parking of vehicles on it, marked with special road signs.


Proizhdzha part: the main element of the road, serving the central role of transport means.

4. Geometric elements of the plan

3. Possibilities before the operational stage of motor roads, streets and roads of places and other populated areas

and later profile of the highway



The greatest latency and the smallest visibility areas are due to the fluidity of the hand indicated in Table 1.

The greatest latency and the lowest visibility

│Rozrakhunkova │ Highest│Lowest visibility, m│

















│speed, km/h│ late├──────────────────────────────── ─────

││ ukhil, o/oo │for the zupina│zustrichnogo│

│││ │cars│


1. Least visibility for the zipper│

│2. │ can ensure the visibility of any objects that move in the air│

│less than 0.2 m, which is found in the middle of the smuga of the river, │

│from a vehicle height of 1.2 m above the road surface│


In Georgian locality (after all, there is a place with absolutes│

│by symbols over 3000 m above the sea) for plots│

│for a length of up to 500 m, an increase in the largest is allowed│

│understandings against the norms imposed by the table, but not│

│more low by 20 o/oo .│


When designing in the Georgian locality of the plots of approaches│

The jealousy of the surface of the remaining parts is due to the consequences shown in Table 2

│roads to tunnels the highest permissible value of late │


│ it’s not the skin’s fault to overshoot 45 pro/oo with a length of 250 m in view │


││ 40│50│60│70│80│90│


│portal to the tunnel.│



In all cases, where people and creatures can appear regularly in the presence of mist, it is necessary to ensure a constant visibility of the dark that lies on the road, distant from the cutting of the roadbed for roads designed for the Russian Federation bones 100 km/year and higher, at a distance of 25 m, for rashti roads – 15 m.



On the roads of the city, prolonged driving is allowed.


4.4. The dimensions of the pedestals for supporting cars on long climbs must ensure the placement of the spacer size (or not less than 3) vintage cars


The location of their deployment is chosen in terms of safe parking, excluding the possibility of bumps, rockfalls and, as a rule, near water holes.


Indicator of fidelity to the device PKRS-2, cm/km, no more

On long descents with slopes of more than 50 rpm, emergency exits are used to protect against curves of small radii, which are formed at the end of the descent, as well as on straight sections of the descent through the skin 0.8 - 1.0 km from the right side along the direction of the car.

5. Elements of the transverse profile of the highway


5.1. The main parameters of the elements of the transverse profile of the road part and roadbed of highways are included in their category for GOST R 52398 and follow Table 3. Parameters of the elements of the transverse profile of the living part

and roadbeds of motor roads │Parameters elements│Auto

- │Sko - │ Primary roads │ │expensive│magi h

- │growth-│type (non-Russian road)│

││trawl │





│││expensive -││ │││ ha ││ ││││││

││I A│ IB│IV│II│III │ IV │ V│

│Zagalna kіlkіst smug│ 4 ta│ 4 ta │ 4 ta│ 4│ 2│ 2│ 2│ 1│


│ruhu, pcs.│more │


more │more

│Smuga width│ 3.75 │3.75 │ 3.75 │3.5 │3.75│3.5 │3.0 │4.5 │


│ruhu, m │││││││││

│Uzbek width, m │ 3.75 │3.75 │ 3.75 │3.0 │3.0 │2.5 │2.0 │1.75│


│Width of the edge - │ 0.75 │0.75 │ 0.75 │0.5 │0.5 │0.5 │0.5 │ -│

│moose white uzbichchya, m │││││││││

│Width reinforced │ 2.5│ 2.5 │ 2.5│2.0 │2.0 │1.5 │1.0 │ -│

│parts of Uzbek, m │││││││││

│Naimenshawidth │││││-│


│central section -││││││

│lasting smudge││││││ │without road fences -│ 6.0│ 6.0 │ 5.0│5.0 │││day, m││││││

│Name width│2 m + width││

│central distribution



- │ fenced area││

│litelny Smuha from │││

│fencing along the axis │││

│roads, m │││


│The width of the edge is │1.0││

│moose without care│││


│moose, m│││


1.The width of the safety strip is equal to the width│ │podil smuga, and the width of the regional smuga is Uzbek.││2.

The width of the Uzbek on especially important plots of the Georgian locality,│

│farms that pass through particularly valuable land, as well as│

│in the places of transitional-Swedish smugas and with additional ones│

│saminapidyom when

│ less than 0.50 m and no more than 0.85 m when cutting the subgrade in │

│falls due to the rigidity of the construction of road fences.│



The transverse profiles of highways are similar to the profiles shown in Figures 1 - 12.

Rice. 1. Cross profiles of highways.I

A, IB, IV with fences

PB - Kraiova Smuha at Rozdilova Smuha, PL - proizhdzha partina,

Rice. 1. Cross profiles of highways.Rice. 2. Cross profiles of highways.

A, IB, IV with fences

A, IB without fences

KP - Kraiova Smuga in Uzbic, RP - Rozdilova Smuga

A, IB, IV with fences

Rice. 3. Cross profiles of highways

KP - regional smuga in Uzbic, - width of sectional smuga,

The width of the fence with urakhuvannya complies with GOST 23457

Rice. 4. Cross profiles of highways.

A, IB, IV with fences

A, IB without fences

II with fences at chotirioh smuha ruhu

Rice. 5. Cross profiles of highways.

KP - regional smuga in Uzbic, - width of sectional smuga,

II without fences at chotirioh smuha ruhu

Rice. 6. Cross profiles of highways.

II with fences at two smuhas of the ruhu

Rice. 7. Cross profiles of highways.

II without fences with two smuhas ruhu

KP - regional smuga in Uzbic, - width of sectional smuga,

PL - proizhdzha partina, KP - Kraiova Smuha in Uzbic,

Rice. 8. Cross profiles of highways

PL - proizhdzha chastyna, KP - Kraiova Smuga bilya Uzbicchia

Rice. 8. Cross profiles of highways

KP - regional smuga in Uzbic, - width of sectional smuga,

Rice. 9. Cross profiles of highways

Rice. 8. Cross profiles of highways

Rice. 10. Cross profiles of highways

Rice. 11. Cross profiles of highways - PRO

Uzbicchya, PCh - proizhdzha partina

Rice. 12. Cross profiles of motor roads of category V

5.3. Regional smuha bilya Uzbekistan and smugi bezpeka na sedilovі smoothie guilty mother road clothes of the same importance that the passage part. 5.4.

The part of Uzbekistan has been strengthened beyond the borders of the regional smuga on roads of categories I - IV due to the mother of the road with coatings made of stone material, coated with a viscous material.

The value of the road fabric may be sufficient to prevent excessive deformation

5.7. The width of the roadsides in places where transitional and additional roads are built for roads of categories IA, IB, IB can be changed to 1.5 m, for roads of other categories - up to 1.0 m. .50 – 0.85 m carefully against the harshness of the fence;

The Uzbek debt is due to the mother, which indicates the category of the road.


When adding additional dark brown to the bottom, make sure that the width of the track is equal to the width of the dark brown of the main running part.

On roads of category V with a single-vein section, the track must be regulated according to the design standards.

The width of the section of roads on roads laid across valuable lands, on particularly important roads in the city, on great bridges, as well as when roads are laid in neglected areas and in other restricted areas It is possible to change the width to match the traditional width of the fence for installing fences plus 1 m from the skin side.

Also, there is GOST R 50597-93 "Motorways and streets. Vimoga to the operational level, permissible for the safety of road traffic"

On topic:
Are you waiting for the Ministry of Transport to call motorists?

How do DSTUs appear on the roads?
Ahead of the design
The fault lies in the trump food - it’s all good, but it’s worth it:

1) to suppress the way of informing the powers.

2) yakscho wasted, TTT - formalized.

However, the first thing you can try to do is to find out the evidence that they found when they drained this hole.
Lock them.
If you want to sell a kiosk, or drive a car, or walk behind, you need to record their names, phone numbers, or even just the car number. It’s best to put together a diagram with these certificates and ask them to sign their diagram. On the diagram it is very important to indicate the dimensions of the items you used. And stand where this hole is located at the edge, near the curb of the road.
In principle, it would be good to place a booth opposite a booth, a kiosk opposite a booth, and connect the hole to the road more accurately. Best of all, if you have a camera with you, you take a photograph of this hole, large, so that its dimensions can be seen, placing some object there on the igniter base, and even better, a ruler with orders. Read more here: Zrazok declare Statement about administrative violation

Subject to clause 3, part 1, art.
28.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, I inform you about those that:

1) “01” May 2010 close to 15 years 20 years, following as waters

transport department on __________________ street (dd080a6b54a7b429eb651caa3cb5d7d9) near Bik vul.

_____________________, in the building _____, I discovered damage to the road surface, and there were also holes in the asphalt (Addendum 1).

This type of road pavement caused obvious damage to GOST 50597-93 “Roads and streets.

Vimogi before the operational camp, permissible for the safety of road traffic" and does not comply with the restrictions established by Article 12
Federal Law
196-FZ dated January 10, 1999 “About the safety of road traffic” and traction
GOST R 52289-2004
6.1.3. When laying out roads, the width of the road is taken into account with the categories of roads, using the existing norms and rules that apply. On roads where elements of the transverse profile do not comply with the current norms and regulations, the width of the lane must be at least 3.00 m. It is allowed to change the width of the lane designated for the road
passenger cars
, up to 2.75 m for the protection of the necessary boundaries for the Rukh regime.
The width of the ruffle is measured at the distance between the axes of the line marking, which marks their boundaries.
GOST 23457-86
When laying out roads, the width of the government must take into account the categories of roads in accordance with the existing norms and rules that are in place.
On roads, elements of the transverse profile that do not comply with the current norms and rules, the width of the road, which is determined, must not be less than 3.0 m;

It is allowed to change the width of the strip designated for the steering wheel of passenger cars, up to 2.75 m-code for the purpose of introducing the necessary boundaries for the steering wheel mode.

What are “transverse profile elements”?

I want to fuck up the slander.

Here the fagots have laid out rows of 2 meters of everything...

The day of everything, as we noted, and today we are still waiting a little without kicking the devil’s sideways little boy.