List of violations of traffic rules for yakі allow rights.

07.06.2014 22:34:01 35974

fines list Porushen PDR , How to pull relief water rights

- finish the great one. Not all administrative offenses related to violations of traffic rules are definitely punishable pampering water history

. However, the list of offenses, through which there is a negative possibility of obtaining a driving license by transport means, is great. All stinks are directly connected with the sphere

road ruhu and assigned to the secondary chapter (twelfth) of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Renewal of administrative torts, legislative pull

reduction of water rights , Representations of the following illegal acts (item by article according to codified administrative legislation, or according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation): In addition, at the present time in the lower house of the Russian parliament there is under consideration bill No. 171601-6, which transfers the revision of the Federal Law on Vikonavche provadzhennya.

The bill introduces innovations that are especially important for car owners:

reduction of driving rights for alimony

  • .
  • So, before the worst non-payers of alimony can in the near future become stagnant, the same additional steps will be taken into account in the limited water law until they pay the debt that was incurred for alimony.
  • In this manner, it is possible to obtain your driving license in the event of a large number of offenses.
  • Peculiarities and subtle procedures for removing driving rights in court.
  • Reduction of driving rights for changes in speed.
  • Subtle changes to Statute 12.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in light of other changes to the Legislation.
  • A fine or a reduction in driving rights for violating the rules for the passage of illegal roads?
  • Subtleties for the sake of a lawyer.
  • Reducing the driving license for crossing the main line of marking and entering the river: subtleties and nuances.

How can you revoke your driving license even after a court decision has been made?

Reducing rights for drunkenness and how to take away rights for drunkenness, which resulted in one’s innocence.

Today, almost everyone has fines on their “record” for other violations of the rules.

And besides, the payment of the receipt is not deducted from the crime.

If a motorist has committed 3 violations of official registration by the traffic police in the region, then he can withdraw his rights.

  • After any damage will rights be restored?
  • At this time, the State Duma praised the liberation of rights during the period between fate and re-occurrence.

There is a Danish bill to reduce the rights of preparation and operation in 2017.

  • And now the new article 12.38 is included in the Code of Administrative Offenses, about 3 violations that were systematically repeated.
  • But there are some subtleties and nuances here:
  • The driver is threatening to have his license suspended for three traffic violations, which were of the same type and repeated within the previous hour;
  • Until any damage occurs, a motorist can “claim” to have his driving license reduced, to be sure. There is a simple list that conveys the relief of rights for three violations: the value of excess fluidity;
  • it is incorrect to mark the span of a zaznichny crossing: in an unowned place, or on a fence sign;
  • roars at the outer light signal;
  • when the rules of the road at intersections are broken, as well as driving

in reverse

in localities, where it is protected by law;

  • in Russia according to the succulent smoothie;
  • because at one hour of driving there is no way for walking, and for other participants in the movement, they may have the advantage;
  • Driving that breaks the rules on streets with one-way traffic.

then the one on the right will be sent to trial.

And then decisions about relief will be made.

An important factor here is that, having destroyed the city, he suffered punishment in the appearance of relief in the event that the crime was recorded by a car - a traffic inspector.

In order for the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate to identify the violation of the transport order, you will need to confirm the water supply, warehouse protocol and write a receipt for payment.

In case of video or photographic recording, the fine for the last time violation, in case of reduction of rights, is not transferred.

If a driver, having already lost his rights to drive a vehicle, violates traffic rules again, he will be threatened with fines ranging from 10 to 30 thousand. Rub. In case of violations for which term should rights be abrogated? Naturally, the praise of the project, which the legislature adopted and introduced additional amendments to the traffic rules, evokes different emotions among motorists.

Depending on who sets the diet, during which period the frequency of disruption will be taken into account.

After the penalty has been imposed on the citizen, he is obliged to pay off the debt, or, in case of misfortune with the accused, discredit them, in

established by law


And in order not to create any problems for yourself, save documents and the legal ability to drive your car, it’s better to drive, adhering to all the rules.

And if you find yourself in such a situation once, even people on the roads can be provoked into committing a crime and risk being killed again.

Video: Reduction of driving license for 3 violations

We may not be able to find out, as we write, that today practically all drivers have fines - and paying fines is the same fines. And the rich have at least three. Beginning in 2016, such drivers may receive a license reduction for 3 violations (fine) or more. The law as of today, 27 Spring 2017, has not yet been adopted, but with great uncertainty it will not come into force. At the moment, the law of law is the first to be read in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. What kind of law is this that would introduce a reduction in rights for 3 violations after the death?".

The law is called " project federal law

  • "About making changes to the Code
  • Russian Federation

about administrative offenses regarding the introduction of differential punishment for systematic violation of traffic rules and operation of transport vehicles.

In this manner, the law proposes to introduce

Code of Administrative Offenses new

  1. article - 12.38 (there are 37 articles at a time), which describes the procedure for reducing rights to a term from 1 to 1.5 rubles for 3 fines.
  2. It is important to note two important points here:
  3. the reduction of rights was transferred only for three violations of the same type (fine) of traffic regulations;
  4. Not all traffic violations fall into the “three” for relief.
  5. Entry to the Smuha of the sustrichny movement in violation of the Rules, including repeated (parts 4-5 of Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).
  6. Damage to the U-turn and left turn there, where it is blocked by traffic regulations (Part 2 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).
  7. Failure to give way to pedestrians and other road users (Article 12.18 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

Earlier - even when the bill was introduced for consideration - there were many more violations in the number of those for the systematics of which the reduction of rights was transferred.

But now their numbers were increasing in speed. Most importantly, the initiators of the draft law on the reduction of rights for 3 or more fines simply took one of the most extensive violations of the traffic rules, more precisely, statti of the Code of Administrative Offenses


In this case, the reduction of nothing will be transferred for 3 damages, since these damages were recorded using auto-fixation methods (on a camera with a “leaf of happiness”).

The axis will look like this in the new article 12.38: Article 12.38. Systematic violation of operating rules, violation of the transport system and violation of the transport system. Violation of the rules of operation, violation of the transport service and failure of the transport service of the same type, transmitted by parts 3 - 7 of the article 12.9, parts 1 and 3 of the article 12.10, parts 1 and 3 of the article 12.12, part 2 of the article and 12.13, parts 2 and 3 articles 12.14, parts 4 і 5 articles 12.15, part 2 articles 12.16, article 12.18 of the Code, special, we will give administrative punishment three or more times for committing designated administrative offenses , Due to the outbreak of fixation, administrative offenses are carried out in automatic mode
special by technical means What are the functions? photo and film recording, video recording, and by means of photo and film recording, video recording, drafting exemption from the rights of Keruvanya transport means for the term from one rock to a repeat of rocks or else.


administrative fine

There is no clear information about the terms of repeated damage. Well, for example, for the first time we revoked the ruling on one of the imposed articles of fate 5 years ago, and for the remaining two years we revoked 2 more fines on them. A special article from the same Code on administrative violations gives us an answer to this question.

Yak bachimo, in statti 12.38 mov we go about the person, subject I will punish you for tsimi stats. And the very term given gives us Article 4.6 of the Administrative Code: A person who has been sentenced to administrative punishment for wrongdoing administrative offense, We respect the submission of this punishment from the day the decree on confession came into force

administrative punishment

until the end

one fate

from the day of completion of this decree.

The day the resolution will enter into legal force is after the completion of 10 days after its adoption, as long as it has not been discredited.

  • If the decision was disgraced, the day is transferred to the date when the term of disgrace has passed the decision of a major body or court.
  • And the Vikonannya is punished, in our case the fine is not due, payment for the fine is not possible.
  • In this case, drivers are required to submit to punishment upon completion of 10 days after the fine has been issued and the deadline for payment has expired.
Let's get on the butts!

Apply relief for 3 damages