Clearance of Chevrolet Aveo, real road clearance of Chevrolet Aveo, installation of spacers. New dimensions of the Chevrolet Aveo sedan T300

Why do you need to know about the dimensions of the Chevrolet Aveo hatchback
The Chevrolet Aveo is up to the compact C-class, but its design is a turn-off - the car of the latest generation looks presentable and more shifty on the aphids of the front. Strict and fashionable design creatively building create the illusion of a great car. Ale true Aveo hatchback Aveo in dozhina trohi perevishuyut chotiri metri. At this article, you can report on the parameters of the Aveo body in a hatchback body, even if a lot of car enthusiasts get lost in car classes.

Rosemary Chevrolet Aveo hatchback (dimensions)

Bude will balance the dimensions of the lower Aveo with the front generations of the hatchback.

  • Dovzhina - 4 039 mm
  • Width - 1 735 mm
  • Height - 1 517 mm
  • Wheel base - 2 525 mm
  • Number of front and rear wheels - 1497 and 1495 mm
  • Trunk volume - 290 liters, with rear seats folded 653 liters.
  • Fire tank expansion - 46 liters
  • Road clearance or clearance Chevrolet Aveo hatchback - 155 mm
  • Ordered weight 1168 kg, full weight 1613 kg

The length of the front generation Aveo in the hatchback body reaches 3920 mm, the width is 1680 mm, and the height is 1505 mm. In this rank, a bigger new car was upgraded for all parameters. The car has a front wheel count of 1,000 and 90 cm, and a rear wheel count of 1495 mm. The maximum amount of gasoline that can be poured into the Aveo oil tank is 46 liters. The weight of the car is ordered to become no less than 1168 kg, and the total weight to reach 1613 kg.

Recently, the Chevrolet company introduced the black generation of Aveo 2016 model rock, which will not be sold in Russia soon. Therefore, in this article, let’s take a closer look at the very latest Aveo, which is worthy of a stable drink on the domestic market.
Kolisna base
The length of the wheel base reaches 2525 mm. Tsіkavo, that at the front, the indicator should be less than 2480 mm. In this way, in the new machine, the increase in internal space in the back of the warehouse is 45 mm.
Road enlightenment
Needless to say, the Chevrolet Aveo is not bad for Russian road and climate minds. For example, the road clearance of a car of 150 mm generally reflects the clearance of competitors. These are the official data of the virobnik, which, in fact, can be checked in staleness due to the dimensions of the installed tires. For example, even more important is the height of the profile. At Aveo, it can become 15, 16 and 17 inches, depending on the configuration. From the skin of these wheels, the machine becomes a little higher or lower, although the difference is not visible with an eye of the mind.

Looking at the characteristics of the Chevrolet Aveo hatchback, varto zvernuti pay special attention to the yoga trunk. The capacity is 290 liters, which is not bad for C-class hatchbacks, but it could have been better. Ale Chevrolet Aveo, like and іnshі classmates, can boast of the function of folding the backs of the rear seats, which allows you to increase the luggage space up to 653 liters. For some reason, the youthful hatchback turns into a mini-van for transporting, let's say, freezing pharmaceutical products or perfumes.
Aveo for drivers and summer residents
Having become familiar with the dimensions of the Chevrolet Aveo hatchback, we can say that a seemingly sporty car can satisfy the needs of not only active and young motorists, but also family summer residents.

Clearance Chevrolet Aveo - tse stand between the road and the lowest part of the car. To be more precise, the clearance is subject to factory standards, according to the threshold of the transport barrier to the road. Road clearance directly affects the aerodynamics of the car, as well as generality.

Ground clearance for sedans, hatchbacks and station wagons

Ring out, avtovirobnikov for different body types install different road clearance. At the exit of the Chevrolet Aveo, then the virobnik having installed one clearance for all three body types: hatchback, sedan and station wagon. Also, the road clearance is stored according to factory standards - 150 mm.

When installing tuning spare parts, road clearance will be changed. So, if you install the crankcase guard of the engine, then the indicator will change by 15 mm, and we will set it to the average - 130 mm. And if the car is supplemented by body tuning, then the clearance can change by 120 mm. Therefore, most motor vehicles regulate the height of road clearance for additional special benefits.

Understatement clearance.

The tables show different clearances in fallows per generation:

1.6MT LTZ133
1.6MT LT133
1.6MT LS133
1.6MT LT Comfort Pack133
1.6MT LT Alloy Wheels Pack133
1.6MT LT Comfort and Alloy Wheels Pack133
1.6AT LT133
1.6AT LT Comfort Pack133
1.6AT LT Alloy Wheels Pack133
1.6 AT LT Comfort and Alloy Wheels Pack133

See spacers.

1.2MT Base150
1.2MT LS150
1.2MT LT150
1.4MT LS150
1.4MT Base150
1.4MT LT150
1.4AT LT150

Clearance Chevrolet Aveo restyling 2007, hatchback, 1 generation, T250

Chevrolet Aveo spacers.

1.2MT Direct155
1.2MT Plus155
1.2MT Star155
1.2MT Elite155
1.4MT Premium155
1.4MT Elite155
1.4MT Direct155
1.4MT Platinum155
1.4AT Premium155
1.4AT Platinum155
1.2MT Base150
1.4MT Base150
1.4MT LS150
1.2MT Direct155
1.2MT Plus155
1.2MT Star155
1.2MT S155
1.2MT SE155
1.4MT S155
1.4AT SE155
1.4MT Star155
1.4MT Premium155
1.4MT Elite155
1.4AT Premium155
1.4AT Elite155

Clearance Chevrolet Aveo 2011, hatchback, 2nd generation, T300

Clearance Chevrolet Aveo 2011, sedan, 2nd generation, T300

Clearance Chevrolet Aveo restyling 2007, hatchback, 1 generation, T250

Clearance Chevrolet Aveo 2002 hatchback, 1 generation, T200

Clearance Chevrolet Aveo 2002 sedan, 1 generation, T200

Clearance Chevrolet Aveo 2002 hatchback, 1 generation, T200

1.6MT Special Value155
1.6MT LS155
1.6MT LT155
1.6AT LT155

Methods for improving road awareness

Shards, road pavement on the territory of the krajn SND, mainly, they cover the luggage of the best, pits and victories, then a lot of Aveo vlasniks are trying to increase the height of the clearance, so as to avoid bad body elements, such as bumpers and door sills. You can do it in a number of ways. Naiposhirenishi - installation of spacers or springs with shock absorbers. Let's take a look at the options.


Spacers - tse gum-metal mlins, yak_ inserted between the body and the shock absorber, to increase the road clearance of the car. Additional details can be purchased at car markets or in car dealerships. The oskіlki vartіst is richer than the shock absorbers and springs, then the greater number of motor vehicles will give the priority Spacer.

Installation of spacers.

Let's take a look, the sequence of viconnance works for the installation of spacers:

  • We are dismantling the shock absorber strut with all the components at once.
  • We dismantle the metal cover, like fixing the spring.
  • It is installed so that it becomes between two metal plates.
  • Montuyemo creaking bolts, with which then the stalk will be fixed on the glass.
  • We install a stand on a standard seat.
  • In this way, you can increase the road clearance on the Chevrolet Aveo by 15-20 mm.

Shock absorbers and springs

Another way to improve road safety on Aveo is to install high shock absorbers and springs. For whom it will be necessary to know a set of non-standard running gear for increasing the clearance. Call the car to go to the tuning shops or the car market to buy this type of spare parts.

Installation is done by hand. Old parts are dismantled from the car, and new parts are easily installed on the old seat. So, it’s not necessary to remake anything, or to replicate. The only nuance is that large bolts may appear, as it is necessary to fix them already after installation on the car.


Chevrolet Aveo clearance for all body types is one and becomes 145 mm, according to the technical documentation given by the virobnik plant. So, in order to improve the road safety of motor vehicles, there are different ways. Naiposhirenishy - installation of spacers.

Road clearance Chevrolet Aveo or clearance, As for any other passenger car, it is an important factor on our roads. The very camp of the road surface, otherwise, the visibility of Russian motorists will be affected by the clearance of the Chevrolet Aveo and the possibility of improving the road clearance for additional spacers.

For the cob varto honestly say what real clearance Chevrolet Aveo You can seriously criticize the declared virobnik. The whole secret is in the way of vimiryuvannya and the place of vimiryuvannya of road enlightenment. Therefore, it is possible to recognize the real camp of the right only by using a roulette wheel or a line. Official clearance Chevrolet Aveo become 155 mm. However, in reality, under the apron of the front bumper, you are unlikely to be able to make more than 150 mm, and under the apron of the front bumper, 123 mm! Pleased only, that under the rear part of the Aveo sedan 205 mm.

Deyakі robniki go to the cunning and declare the expansion of road awareness in the "empty" car, in real life we ​​have a new trunk of all kinds of speeches, passengers and water. So in an advanced car, the clearance will be different. Another factor, which few people can afford, is the cost of the car and the wear and tear of the springs during their "expiration" in old age. Nutrition is corrected by the installation of new springs or by the purchase of spacers sagging springs chevrolet aveo. Spacers allow you to compensate for the gap of the springs and add a couple of centimeters to the road clearance. Sometimes a centimeter on the parking lot plays an important role for the curb.

Ale not varto zahoplyuvatisya "lift" road clearance Chevrolet Aveo, even spacers for increased clearance orientated only on springs. If you don’t pay attention to shock absorbers, even if some of them are often closed, then independent modernization of the suspension can lead to wear and tear and breakage of shock absorbers. From the point of view of the passability, great road enlightenment in our smart minds is good, however, on great roads on the highway and in the corners, there is a serious change and additional body roll.

Detailed video of installing spacers to improve road clearance on a Chevrolet Aveo front.

Whether it’s a car maker when designing a suspension and choosing a clearance value, the gold is the middle between the keratinization and the passage. Might be the simplest, safest and simplest way to increase enlightenment, to install wheels with a "high" gum. Changing the wheel allows you to easily increase the clearance by a centimeter.

Do not forget that a serious change in ground clearance can lead to a change in Chevrolet Aveo CV joints. Aje "pomegranate" will have a chance to practice trochs under another kut. And only the front axle should fit. Moreover, a serious change in clearance can lead to an uneven wear of gumi.

Rosemary Chevrolet Aveo to talk about its compactness, the prototype of the modern look of a car creates the illusion of a great car. In fact, the dimensions of the Chevrolet Aveo do not exceed 4 meters 40 centimeters for a sedan, and the size of the Aveo hatchback is even smaller.

Let's talk about the same thing today. Before the speech, you can read a review of the characteristics of the Chevrolet Aveo from the photo, so that you don’t need to talk about it, the same information is in this article.

How to equalize Chevrolet Aveo sedan expansion of the previous generation, then it turns out that the new version has become larger. Dovzhina increased from 4,310 mm to 4,399 mm. Width from 1 710 to 1 735 mm, the height of the bula 1 505 mm became 1517. As for the Aveo hatchback of the old generation (T250), then it is less than the new hatchback.

Improvement of expansion of Chevrolet Aveo of the latest generation (T300) was positively marked on the luggage compartment and space in the cabin. The old version of the sedan has its own capacity of 400 liters of luggage space, the other generation may have 502 liters of space. Hatchback Aveo zbіlshiv svіy luggage vіdsіk 70 lіtrіv. The current wheelbase is 2,525 mm in the larger version of the total 2,480 mm. Tobto dovzhina salon increased by 4.5 centimeters.

What is the cost clearance Chevrolet Aveo or road clearance, then the front generation of the Aveo sedan has little clearance of 155 mm, and the hatchback is 150 mm. The current Chevrolet Aveo has a clearance of 155 mm for official records, but in fact it is close to 150 mm. Be sure to have a healthy diet. The reason for this is that the possibility of varying different disks and tires can vary in profile height. Andje on Aveo, you can put the wheels with a size, like 15 or 16 inches, so і R 17. If you turn, be it manipulatives with wheel sizes, you can change the clearance of any car, like in the direction of zbіlshennya, so in the future, change in road light. Reports of sedan and hatchback below.

Chevrolet Aveo sedan Rosemary

  • Dovzhina - 4 399 mm
  • Width - 1 735 mm
  • Height - 1 517 mm
  • Wheel base - 2 525 mm
  • Luggage compartment - 502 liters
  • Road clearance or clearance Chevrolet Aveo sedan - 155 mm
  • The ordered weight is 1147 kg, the full weight is +1598 kg

Rosemary Chevrolet Aveo hatchback

  • Dovzhina - 4 039 mm
  • Width - 1 735 mm
  • Height - 1 517 mm
  • Wheel base - 2 525 mm
  • Number of front and rear wheels - 1497 and 1495 mm
  • Trunk volume - 290 liters, with rear seats folded 653 liters.
  • Fire tank expansion - 46 liters
  • Road clearance or clearance Chevrolet Aveo hatchback - 155 mm
  • Ordered weight 1168 kg, full weight 1613 kg

It is possible to change the dimensions of the Aveo with compact classmates in the "B" segment, tse Volkswagen

The axle has been reached and the new Chevrolet Aveo 2012-2013 model year has reached Russian and Ukrainian buyers. In the spring of 2012, the new budget Chevrolet Aveo T300 sedan and hatchback in a five-door body variant became available to local motorists.

Competitors Chevrolet Aveo in a new body in the B-class:

New Chevrolet:

Let's guess that the presentation of the Chevrolet Aveo T300 hatchback was held at the Paris Motor Show in spring 2010. Chevrolet Aveo new body sedan T300 will be presented to the European public in the framework of the Geneva Motor Show in Berezn 2011.
On the market of Pivnichnoy America and in a number of other countries, the new Aveo is sold under the name Chevrolet Sonic.

Design of a new sedan and hatchback body

The new Chevrolet Aveo 2012-2013 represents an American automaker in the European B-class, although with its modern dimensions it is an overgrowth of this segment.
Dimensions rosemary Chevrolet Aveo 2012-2013 in a new body sedan and hatchback are composed of:

  • dozhina - 4399 mm (4039 mm), width - 1735 mm, height - 1517 mm, wheel base - 2525 mm,
  • clearance(Road clearance) - 150 mm.

From the dry numbers, let's move on to the aesthetic adoption of the new generation and let's take a look at the Chevrolet Aveo.

The front part of the updated Aveo instantly “chips” with the original solutions of the front lighting technology, the skin of some of the headlights was dressed up in its own “tare”. Most LTZ configurations are equipped with more round “harmonics” of foglights (available in the base) and also the Chevrolet Aveo T300 to marvel at the road of the sixth “eye”, Nemov Alfa Romeo 159. The front obtіchny bumper with a brightly curved aerodynamic lip and aggressive edges merge into the bulges of the round wheel arches. U-shaped ribs on the bonnet harmoniously flow into the front struts of the dahu.

The profile has a new Aveo body - with neat and stylish rear-view mirrors, a high trailing line, a sharp edge along the upper part of the doors and a vibrating vibrator along the bottom. The T300 Sedan is only visible from the mid-layer of the body, it is airborne from the hatchback.

Let's take a closer look at the rear and rear of the new Aveo sedan. It is practically equal to the line of the dahu to smoothly move into the rear slope, and then to a small, high-rise trunk lid.

The shape of the shriveled feed of the sedan is due to the unsatisfactory light of the rear lighting equipment, which is in dissonance with the front lighting equipment. A bumper with a simple configuration, an immodest rosemary cover of a vantage vіdsіku is pulled onto a decent trunk.
The rivna of the hatchback is shaved in the rear part and under a straight kut to go to the five doors. Doors for passengers in the back row may have a larger configuration and a chip at the door handle, which is attached to the frame of the warehouse (at a glance, the five-door Aveo can easily be mistaken for a three-door). In the rear, a car with a tight bumper, small luggage doors and stylish “glasses” of overall lights (to be adjusted to the solutions of the front light).

Salon - ergonomics, quality of materials and choices

All the interiors of the Chevrolet Aveo 2012-2013 continue to please with surprises. Absolutely new front torpedo with a lot of niches, polychoks and capacities.

Significant changes in the interior of the main panel of fittings, made in the style of the young Chevrolet Spark (motorcycle motifs), a round dial of the tachometer and an electronic speedometer display with okremo ruffled in the ends of information lamps. A gripping kermo is handy (clothing is an option), however, the steering column is only adjustable in height. On the central console there was a regular radio (radio, CD MP3, AUX and USB), below there was a place for controlling the air conditioner with a heating system. New Aveo can boast two glove compartments.
The seats of the front row are vіdmіnno profiled, the range of regulation is wide enough for people with a height of 190 cm (water with a microlift), but on garden waters the profile of the seat is not rozrahovany. Passengers in the other row are not comfortable and comfortable, like in front.

More beautifully, it will be doubled, the knees do not stick into the backs of the front seats, do not emboss on the head, and heat for the rear passengers. Processing materials on equal class representatives (hard plastics, metal inserts). The selection of the interior is far away from German cars, sometimes you can see small flaws and elements of the interior creak.
Basic complete set LS new Chevrolet Aveo 2012 sedan for Russian and Ukrainian buyers will be equipped with a radio with CD MP3 and 4 speakers, air conditioning (extra charge 30,000 rubles), front hoods, a water-seat lift, adjustable steering wheel behind them, central speakers for height, R14, two pillows, ABC, BAC (Emergency Galvanic Assistance System), EBD. The most complete set of LTZ new Aveo T300 sedan and hatchback to equip the basic model will be added to the adjustment of the transverse trim of the seat water, cruise control, electric mirror drive, rear mirror adjustment and front seats, steering wheel adjustment, easy steering column discs R16, front fog lights, parking sensors, 6 airbags and more airbags.
In a new body trunk Chevrolet Aveo sedan has a non-abyakim 502 liters.

The trunk of the Aveo hatchback in a new body is modest - 290 liters in a stowed position and the vantage capacity grows up to 653 liters with folded seats in another row.

Technical characteristics

For the third generation of the Chevrolet Aveo, the technical characteristics are based on the off-road base, the car prompts on the global platform GM Gamma 2 (like the Opel Corsa, the Opel Meriva). Front suspension of the new Aveo - MacPherson strut, rear torsion beam, galma discs with ABC, BAC and EBD, electro-power steering.
For the novelty, dvigun was transferred: three petrol and two diesel (for Europe):

  • Petrol can be selected from: 1.2 liters. (86 k.s.), 1.4 l. (100 k.s.), 1.6 l. (115 k.s.).
  • Diesel: 1.3 liters. VCDi (75 k.s.) and 1.3 liters. VCDi (95 k.s.).

In Russia and Ukraine, the Chevrolet Aveo in the new body is still only equipped with the most powerful 1.6-liter (115 hp) engine, in addition to it, a 5 manual transmission or 6 automatic transmission is assigned.

Test Drive

The first hostile test drive Chevrolet Aveo 2012-2013 rock is full of ambiguity. Tuga, European-style beaten pіdvіska, gostry (nervous hour) kermo, chips galma, shvidka robot machine gun. At the place behind the kerm of the new Aveo, one feels miraculously: the car is suddenly roaring, it’s rough and steers, though it’s true that on small pits the walkway clearly duplicates the profile of the road to the salon.
On the highway, the car starts to stress the steering wheel, an unimportant exchange rate (it is necessary to turn the car on a straight line), a hard shift and a middle sound and noise insulation.

Options and prices for 2012 and 2013

In Russia, the Aveo T300 sedan is available in three trim levels: LS, LT, LTZ. Let's take a look at some of the skins of them.

  • The price of a sedan in Russia LS costs 444,000 rubles, LT costs 487,000 rubles (version with 6 automatic transmission is 33,000 more expensive), LTZ variant - 523,000 rubles.
  • The price of a hatchback for a complete set of LT 1.6 automatic transmission - from 527,000 rubles, for LTZ 1.6 automatic transmission - from 563,000 rubles.

For quiet, to whom it is necessary skilki koshtuє Chevrolet Aveo in a new body in Ukraine:

  • sedan LT 1.6 (115 hp) 5 manual gearbox is estimated at 128,700 hryvnia, for a sedan LTZ 1.6 (115 hp) 6 automatic transmission ask for 145,080 hryvnia,
  • price Aveo hatchback in the configuration LT 1.6 (115 hp) 5 manual gearbox varto 132840 hryvnia, variant LTZ 1.6 (115 hp) 6 automatic transmission - 147850 hryvnia.
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