Tube and tubeless tires: advantages and disadvantages. Tube or tubeless tires? Chamber or tubeless, which is more beautiful

For such motorists, as before, nutrition is relevant, as if tubeless tire is used as a tube tire. Let's just say, the main interest is shown by the owners of the summer machines, or those who started the journey 20-30 years ago. The first is the chamber system of the cikava, the shards on the good b / vushnu "classics" are put especially little sense.

Others simply do not trust the new skates, vvazhayuchi that many chambers were better and easier to repair. In the midst of tsіkavih and novі vlasniki schoyno bought cars with a test. The car is guilty of buti vzuta in the same tires, but it remains to be seen by everyone at the stage of being right.

Minify all the wheels may not be included in the plans; Having just gone broke to buy a car, there are plenty of people who invest in new tires in the future. So what is the terminology needed to say, what should be put on the disks?

How to revitalize a tubeless tire in the form of a chamber, є singing ways. However, for the cob it is necessary to understand the principles of imminence, but at first glance the stench may be identical, but then it is cheaper to remember.

trochs of theory

The main view of the camera from the cameraless - in Budov. The first type of tires is made up of 2 parts: tires and tubes inserted into it, as if representing a gum pipe, closed in a silt ring. The tubeless ramp is a monolith. The outer circumference along the side is embedded with a ball of indentation, the inside is sealed with sawing, which is not penetrated by the wind. Landing at a tubeless rim is larger, lower slit, which is ensured by a special configuration, the shape of the side and a smaller diameter in the rims with a similar parameter of the rims.

Such design features give a lot of advantages in operation.
  • In tubeless skates, the vice in the middle is significantly more stable in the line with the fronts-camera. It is signified by the look of the shortest stamina, and by the look of high hearing kerma;
  • The main advantage of tubeless tires is their security. Having flown with a wheel on flowers, you, obviously, take a hole in the shell, but the vines do not burst and begin to work again and again. At the water, wind up on the great swedishness for an hour to grow and galm - the car continues to save the curing;

  • Insignificant fluctuations in the hour of the availability of the spare wheel can be transferred to the nearest tire shop. So, if you need to lift the wheel of the skin 5-10 km, but if you reach help, you will be in danger;
  • Any damage to the integrity can be removed on the spot by carrying a tube of special sealant in the trunk.
  • Durability of tubeless tires outweighs the term of service of chamber brothers here by 20%;
  • Uyavniy nedolіk beskamerok - in deyakih vipadkah impossibility of their independent inspiration - not an argument.
Tire fitting in our hour rose more expensive than a leather kilometer, and the vulcanization of the bed is not expensive, if a person, who was smart enough to buy (and tame!) A car, could not pay for a one-time liquidation of a hit on a hospital object.

The abundance of overexploited berries has led to the fact that tubeless stingrays have greatly pressed the archaic variety on all fronts. At once, to know the little chamber, to report the singing zusils and spend an hour, the floorings were stifled with a little demanding stench.

(Banner_content) It's safe to assume that during the purchase, the seller of tires put a chamber slope in place of a tubeless, high, which is behind the client's private passage. However, it’s necessary to signify, at the time of purchases, the sting of the stone, the varto, remember the songs.

The most simple and accurate way to find out, like the same gum in front of you, is to poke around on the side of the marking chart. Write "tubeless" to tell you that the tire in front of you is tubeless, "tube type" ahead, that there is a tube in the middle of the tire. There may be options soon only after the first letters: T or TT.

The worse situation is, that the marking has been erased to the point of unrecognized. Otherwise, you have come across old wheels, on which they are recognized. The presence of the letters TT accurately speaks of the intimacy of the slope, and the axis of the total number of signs does not say anything: in the course of the installation of only chamber tires, the marking was bulo zayva (in fact, as if the old slopes were caught, it’s better to throw them out).

In these vipads, it happens to be surprised to the nipple. The nipple, which can be small in height, which sits securely and secures with a low side, was the basis - belonging to a tubeless tire. On the chamber vin, smooth and free to walk on the boarding station.

If you are not convinced that you have correctly named yourself for the splendid look of the nipel, you will have to go to the more laborious and laborious, but 100% way, as if you were to inflate a tubeless tire like a chamber one.

If you read this article, it means that you already know about those that use two types of tires - chambered and tubeless, so it’s easier to talk about them. The same about the current year and the same time in this article. Under the heading "" we have repeatedly called all the "for" and "against" in that more complex nutrition, today we'll talk about tires, and more specifically, then about those. Let's go...

  • Marking tube tires - TT
  • Tubeless tires are commonly referred to as - (TL type English Tubeless - do not wash the tubes, the cameras are simply tubeless).

What is a tubeless tire

It’s a goofy food, like I’ve got wine if I’ve previously recognized or felt about this type of gumi buv - “And how do you try to get better and not go out of the name, so that you can ensure the tightness of the tire and disk?” As it was shown for tightness, a special ball of special gumi was applied, as it is applied during vibration on the inner ring of tires. The disk for "tubeless" is vented from the splendid disk with a larger folding structure and superficial fixation. On the occasion of a tubeless tire, the so-called "humpy", as it is necessary to trim the bead ring of the tire in the required area.

Advantages of "tubeless"

  1. The pluses of tubeless tires are more and less sufficient, but the main ones are taken into account to save the normal pressure in the tire in times of puncture. Seemingly simpler, if you try a wheel with a tubeless tube, then on the new one you can drive more than a dozen kilometers, but if it is obvious, then a few hundreds. The crime of prosperity is such a safety, and the high steps of safety, the shards with a mitt’s fall in the wheel, you can spend the keratin and spend it in an accident. For example, a tube tire in times of a puncture practically instantly absorbs a vice, the reason is the particularity of the tire and disk, between them there is no significant closure and, again and again, under the vice, it fills the chamber with a crisis of a puncture, as well as the rise of the disk rim, after another, the posture through the valve opening. A tubeless tire in the time of a puncture is used again only in the middle of a puncture, and then, as a rule, only in a different way in the same place. If the puncture is small, then the vice falls even more correctly.
  1. The offensive front of a tubeless tire is a vaga. tubeless It is lighter than tires with a tube, so the pressure on the suspension will be lower.
  2. Under an hour, tubeless tires heat up less in different dry and triple runs.
  3. The increased safety and reliability of tubeless tires does not mean any doubts, due to the special design and high quality of tires, the stability of sealing seals is practically equal to zero.
  4. Simple and quick repair. Іsnuyut special pastes and sprays zdatnі instantly eliminate the problem of puncture. At pov_vnyannі z kamernymnym tyres, repair of those who need a lot of time and tools - repair of tubeless tubes to give strength to women. May be for urgent repairs, if you can get home or to the nearest station for major repairs.
  5. tubeless tires there may be more common terms of exploitation, approximately 10-12%. What can be reached for the shortest temperature regime and increased heat transfer from the tire to the disk, as well as the stability of the internal pressure of the wind in the tire and the presence of any rub between the camera and the tire.

Insufficient tubeless tires

  1. There are also shortcomings in the tubeless. For example, their installation means special footwear, special possession and singing memory. Poshkodzhennya board and rims can become the cause of the sealing failure of a tubeless tire or the need to repair.
  2. Overhaul of a tubeless tire is carried out on special equipment by fakhivtsy and koshtuє tse "satisfaction" chimali pennies. On the vіdmіnu vіd vіd chamber tires, yakі you can do it on your own, tubeless repair thanks to great skills and excellent tools.
  3. Trivala driving on a flat tubeless tire (do not stray from a punctured tire, but let it go up to the optimum pressure) threatens to ruin the sealing ball and the tire as a whole.
  4. tubeless tires often ringing in mismatch under the name of the weak sidewall. However, on my subjective glance, the ringing is unsupported. First of all, it should be noted that there are no ideal tires, so that the tire makers would not lie there, ideal tires are still only a myth. The meta of the virobnik can help the tires not only to provide comfort, but also to ensure the comfort of the passengers during the hour. Behind this factor, as once again, the sidewall is clearly seen, and the softness ensures almost smoothness of the movement. Zhorstka sidewall of the Crimean jump will not give anything good, to build a straight road to build a vibrating sidewall with a "wooden" sidewall.
  5. Another shortcoming of tubeless tires is inconsistency in the area of ​​disc and tire bead slipping. Like, for example, if you want to “rumple” the disk (having eaten it in the pit, or having taken the curb), you will have inaccuracies, the wheel will be deflated instantly, it may be like a tubular tire in case of a puncture. On the right, in the fact that the tightness of the seal is broken, as it is blamed on the disk's slippage, it has led to the fact that the vice in the tires falls more quickly, it is easier to seem to lower the wheel.

Chamber tires: features, advantages and shortcomings

tube tires, Possibly, they could have lived a long time, yakby їх did not win more perfected chamberless attackers. The rest simply showed off their successors and were warmly received by all the luminous automobile community. To the point, the deacons of the "old-timers" still beat the chamber tires, for those they have their own, for example - the camera can be replaced, repaired, and with your own hands - cheap and cheerful! In principle, because of the stench of the walkie-talkie, and so do not take to respect all the sumnivnyh "pluses" of the cameraless, then vіdminnostі mіzh chamber and chamberless only in that others in times of trouble will allow you to get home or to the nearest service station, without problems and without security for life. The chamber wheel, as has already been said above, lower the mayzhe mittevo.

Crimea of ​​other shortcomings, tube tires unsafe th tim, scho іsnuє vysoka ymovirnіst puncture chamber znosheniy or rozіrvanim cord. You take away a puncture of the wheel and a non-destructive car from the bag. If a tubeless tube is pierced, then it’s not possible to blindly seal between the tires through the reasons described above, as well as the reasons why, at times, a puncture with a hot object (screw, drill, wooden thorn, etc.), the object itself is stuck in pokrishtsi, become such a cork. Zakuporyuyuchi piercings їm same otvіr, vіn do not allow poіtrya vіkhodi krіz puncture.

From the other side, you can always get a spare and on it get home or to the service, not ob'yazkovo on the spot, start sorting out and tube tire repair. Wanting to calmly seal the camera and pick up the wheel, it was considered a "worthless" right for a stern Russian peasant. It is not surprising that tubeless was invented not by "mi", but by some kind of "foreign squishy", which does not want to bother with a jack, glue and other tools. 🙂 Ale, it’s all hot ... Really tubeless having invented a good sensible person, zavdyaky diligently trying to overcome the problems we face with a puncture is easy and simple, without wasting time and effort. In addition, now developing a great swedishness, it is not necessary to worry about the cost of keratinization in a puncture.

Yak bachite, in food which is better than tube or tubeless tires, The evidence will be obvious, tubeless mayut a number of advances, buying tires for that, choose varto yourself. For the sake of respect, I can add to the opus data through the form of comments. Until new posts on the site website.

Avtomobilisti vіdrazu zrozumіyut, about scho ide mov, but everything is explained. Tubeless - the whole wheel without a tube, that is one tire and a wheel disk. The camera is, logically, crimson, secured by a camera, filled with windows.
pluses of cameraless
  • Vaughn is lighter, which is important for portability and maneuverability
  • Easier in service
  • With small punctures, it’s enough to get to the nearest tire fitting shop, in the fall, if people drive a car, in tires of a kind of self-tightness. Specially, when piercing the self-tightening screws, having coated them with a sealant, and for some time the wheel does not really run down again.
  • get colder
  • When pierced, it is lowered more richly, it will blow up to that which is open, repeat the steps, and divide it into anonymous sections.
Cons of tubeless: tubeless wheels are perfect for flat roads without pits and vibes. When driving on uneven surfaces, there is a risk of crushing, damaging the disc, which means that the tubeless can practically instantly lower (as a disc made of yoke metal, then such a risk is minimal), and as it happened when cornering and great speed, then such a wheel can » And the car is likely to roll over or fly into a ditch. With careful driving, such a risk of zvedeniya to a minimum. So you can hide it, as the discs are crushed from yakіsnogo metal (recklessness in any kind of vapadka is not varto). If you want, from the other side, on an unknown road, it’s not easy to slander a viboin.
wheel with camera
Plus wheels with a chamber: It is important that such a wheel is safer, in fact, it is debatable food. Such a thing, that the camera burst in the face of a vibe, has not yet been feared. Possibly a puncture, but it’s easy to remember yoga. Like a piercing on a great swede, then it’s also a risk for health, or even life. But in general, the whole wheel is smart, wanting the parameter to lie in the harvester. Minus camera:
  • Naivazhche, scho vlivaye on swidkіst and maneuverability.
  • Installation is more laborious, so it is necessary to work with a tire.
  • hotter
  • I think that the wheels with the cameras are old, maybe so.
  • Shvidshe "blowing"

Like a pіdsumok repeatable, smut on the roads - tse neat їzda, dotrimannya ruled the road traffic. Control over popular spare parts, do not buy all sorts of self-made, but cheap speeches, on a costly basis to save money, it can be impervious. In the case with wheels, the problem of safety will be overcome by the slickness on the disks and the slickness of gum (the cost of both chambers and tubeless).

Whether a motorist sticks with the problem of choosing when replacing skates - either put tubeless tires, or choose wheels with cameras. Calling for help and advice to friends and comrades of car drivers, as a rule, does not give unambiguous advice, and moreover, it’s impossible for professionals to get help right in their thoughts.

Axis and be brought to choose the type of selection of the number of navmannya. It would be easier for you to sign up with the choice, to look at the positive and negative sides of the tubeless and chamber selection of wheels.

tubeless tires

For its own sake, tubeless and chamber tires are not subject to anything today, more precisely, all tires are released from the tubeless installation. And the very concept of a tubeless wheel means the presence in the middle of the chamber, but the difference in the wheel is reduced only for the airtight fit of the tire on the rim and the special nipple with a spool inserted into the obid (replacement valve).

Well, pluses, you can praise them so much:

  • The presence of the camera lightens the wheel, which is positively signified for its balancing and changing the weight to a suspension when driving.
  • A tire without a tube shows less stress, which means that if you drive yourself softer on uneven sections of the road, then vibration and noise are reduced.
  • Tubeless tires are easier to cool down so as not to cause overheating on high speeds during rough rides.
  • The tire is built to tighten the worker's grip with decalcoma with flowers or self-tapping screws, for the mind of their supple fixation in the tread. And similarly pierced with a whole can be glued in a high way without knowing the wheels.

At first glance, there are quite enough positive figures of tubeless tires that “cook” in them. Ale varto look at the negative side, like adding a big "spoon of dog in a barrel of honey."

  • The tubeless tire is successfully trimmed again only for the mind of a sealed її z'ednannya with a disk, so with the least depressurization, it will be possible to repair the wheel at the service station. And the damage to the landing of the tire on the disk can be caused by a banal blow when it falls into the pit, or when it breaks important passages: ford, sand, snow.
  • otherwise, samples in a large quantity (amount of 5 pieces) will not be allowed, to those who cannot be given the opportunity to over-glue the tire. With some new skating with a high tread, it is really hermetically glued.
  • The depressurization of a tubeless wheel in most cases is caused by a sharp double grip in a visible bulge, which causes the wheel to slip down and problems with a car on a road (you can not go into a keruvannya), especially on high speeds.
  • It is practically not possible to independently overboard a tubeless wheel through the accumulation of special materials and technology. Until then, the quality of the landing space of the disk is due to the vimog, which means that not every disk can be installed on a tubeless wheel.

chamber wheels

Since tubeless tires are so good, why are tube wheels still stuck so often. Shorter sides of the chamber collection:

  • The selection of wheels on the chambers allows you to lightly rotate the tire in the direction of the wheel, which means that the wheel does not vibrate so intensively and the building has a greater vanity.
  • The tightness of the tire with the disk is not important, so it is allowed to slightly oversew the tires on the disk. In this case, the number of previous punctures does not play any role at all, but small damages due to a number of repairs.
  • The tubular tire shows great radial potential and building performance in any important landscapes, and the choice of such flooring is not critical, lower for tubeless ones.
  • Repair of chamber slopes at a high price is quite easy on the right, you can either glue the camera, or just replace it. And when a vice is punctured, the vice is very rare, basically the loss of the vice in the wheel moves more smoothly, which gives the opportunity to mark the breakdown and suddenly snap.

Why are tube tires so unsuitable for tubeless wheels:

  • When a wheel breaks, it is necessary to have a beading, which is tight, not so fast and requires special skills and tools.
  • The camera adds weight to the wheel, which is more problematic when it is balanced, and there are also additional forces on the suspension when the speed is more than 140 km / h.
  • The chamber wheel is more often in operation, which, with a small amount of pressure or a high one, should be produced before the appearance of a vibration.

Axis and be driven by auto-wielders to choose between soft cameraless, sharply descend, and hard camera, easily repaired. It’s clear that tubeless tires are more practical, but they don’t show great “rolling”, before that it’s not just that professional-trassovik mount wheels on cameras.

A couple of decades ago, chamber tires ruled the roost and stood practically on a leather car. However, since the 2000s, tubeless tires have begun to double the market, and today cars on tube tires are practically no longer known. Why is there a difference between tube and tubeless tires? Why are some of them better than others, and why are they short in both? Let's take a look.

As it is obvious from the very name of the tires, the main thing is the strength of the field in the design itself. The tube tire is folded with tires and a special tube with a valve, so that it can be inflated by squeezing winds. The tire is the upper (lower) part of the tire, it sticks to the road when driving, the protector and all the characteristics are familiar to us. And the chamber is a hermetic internal circuit, which is a gum tube closed with a ring, pumped up by squeezed winds. The camera is inserted into the tire, and the whole structure is put on the disk in its own way. Through such a case, the tire of the chamber tire adheres to the disc not too strongly, and the main thing is to push the pressure in the tire to be brought to the camera itself. At its edge, the camera does not feel the great mechanical force, and for that it will require protection from the splendid infusion, piercing and striking, which will secure the lining. Such an axis of symbiosis.

A tubeless tire itself has its own tire, and a tube. Attaching a tubeless tire to the same way that it has no tubes, its role is played by an internal sealing ball with a thickness of a kilo of millimeters, which is “welded” to a coating in the middle at the stage of vulcanization. This elastic ball made of sums of synthetic and natural rubbers is well squeezing again and at the same time tightly adheres to the disk - to the very fact, there are no additional internal contours of attachments of a tubeless tire, it does not fit right on the disk. The inner sealing ball also helps in case of a puncture: if a small hostile object is built into the tire (a piece of dart, flowers, and so on), then the wine is loaded at the inner ball and does not fall out, preventing winding through the puncture.

The addition of a tubeless tire, to say the least, means more than a folding disk. Zokrema, such a disk has special humpi - kіltsevі steps on the landing police of the rim, for the help of such tubeless tires they are superficially fixed. The sides of tubeless tires are reinforced with an additional gum ball, which is why tightness is ensured in the place where the tire fits on the disk.

Tubeless tires on this day have been put on all passenger cars and a lot of vantage, however, there is still room for tube tires. Tires with a tube are installed on motorcycles, scooters, ATVs, scooters and bicycles - on the so-called spoked wheels, as a rule, they do not trim a tubeless tire with the required tightness. Why, tube tires are still victorious on vintage and light vantage - tubeless tires only start to win popularity here. Chamber tires vikoristovuyut and "old-timers", as the main advantage is the ability to replace a punctured chamber without replacing the tire, as well as the ease of repairing the chamber with one's hands.

Chamber tires are available at a price, lower ones are tubeless;

If it’s possible for a bitch, it’s only possible to replace the punctured chamber, and not the tire itself;

Chamber tires do not require special discs and can "sit" on the spot.

A tube tire is more important than a tubeless one;

A punctured tubular tire may go down immediately and wait for a change right on the road, get to the maintenance station on it;

The high stability of the internal puncture of the chamber is pierced or worn with cord threads;

Repair of small punctures with the help of wheel disassembly.

Povіlna depressurization and mozhlivіst dovgo trimati normal pressure after a puncture, which promotes safety and allows you to get on a punctured tire until the repair;

A tubeless tire is lighter than a tube tire, which reduces the burden on a car's suspension;

Tubeless tires can be more durable, splintered tires are less resistant to overheating, can withstand internal pressure, and also do not suffer from rubbing tubes about tire;

The comfort of water on a tubeless tire is richer, the shards and the sidewall are softer.

Installation and overhaul of tubeless tires due to folding manipulations, so that only fahivets can be built up on the basis of the need; self-repair and installation of tires is impossible;

Poshkodzhennya or deformation of the wheel disk in the area of ​​​​sticking with the side of the tire was brought to depressurization and descent of the wheel;

Riding on a flat tubeless tire is fraught with collapse like a sealing ball, and the tire as a whole.

1. In the case of a chamber tire, the circumference of the chamber of the obov'yazkovo is to blame for the determination of the diameter of the tire. Try to squeeze a larger tube into a smaller tire, bring it to the point of wrinkling when the tube is filled again, and whether a fold is a potentially weak spot.

2. A tubeless tire cannot be fitted with a tube. Vzagali. Navit at її poshkodzhenni. It would have been better if it was guilty of making a poor cameraless, but in real life it’s just unsafe. Between the chamber and the sealing ball in the tubeless tire, there is a cracked cushion, which can lead to tire wear, especially with a sharp increase in stress on the wheel when cornering and when galvanizing.

3. As a matter of fact, on all four wheels the same wheels are installed but behind the tires. Ale tse navit does not require additional input.

Tse food is often blamed on buyers living in cars that are already equipped with gum. How do you know if tube or tubeless tires are gone? Summons can be blamed and when you are taken to an unsuitable tire fitting: did they install that gum? The rings are chambered and tubeless tires, already placed on disks, one type of one does not fit - all retail is covered by the middle, but the guts are not good for us. himself

obvious and non-transverse way, obviously, polagaє in tire disassembly: in this way you take away the ability to visually assess the inner part of the tire.

As such, this option is not suitable, as we carry it to the mark on the sidewall:

TT - marking tube tires

TL or single T - tubeless tire marking, Tubeless type - “no tubes”

The option for marking can be doubtful, as all the writing on the tires was erased in an hour of peeling and it’s no longer possible to signify whether a tube tire or a tubeless one. On the same old tires, they wrote Tube Type or TT and the same can be used daily, there were no options at that time, all the tires were chambered and did not require marking. Ale chi do you need the flooring of summer tires?

The remaining option, how to drill a tube tire like a tubeless one, is to carefully look at the nipple. On a tube tire, the veins are smooth and smooth, on a tubeless tire - short, with a small bead. If you lower the wheel and try to squeeze in the nipple, then the tubeless tire will not allow you to drown, the shards of the nipple are hard attached to the surface. And the axle on a tube tire nipple can fail to a little not to its full height.

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