Calculation of the compatibility of robots and transport equipment. Methodological recommendations from the technical and economic por_vnyann_ options for road clothes in the federal road agency

2.3 Razrahunok statti "Vitrati for 1 km run" zdіysnyuєtsya for the formula

de - vitrati on palevo, penny / Km;

Wiping on oil and cleaning materials, monetary unit .. / km;

Vitrati on those. maintenance and in-line repairs, pennies / Km;

Cost of depreciation, grosh / Km;

Costs for repair and renewal of tires, grosz / Km;

Vytrati on salary vodiїv, penny / Km;

Vitrati on invoices vitrati, grosz / Km.

2.4. Rozrahunok statti "Vitrati Paliva" is written according to the formula:


de - wholesale price of paleva;

Norm vitrati paliva, l / 100 km;

Coefficient, which promoted vitrata paliva in the winter period.

2.5 Razrahunok statti "Vitrati on mastilni and wiping materials" zdіysnyuєtsya for the formula:

de, - additional norms of vitrates of machine, transmission oils and plastic oil per 100 km run.

Wholesale prices for oil stasting, grosz

2.6 Investigation of the article "Vitrati for technical maintenance and operational repairs" is based on the formula:

de - vartist according to the norms of vitrate for TO-1, TO-2, ЄВ, monetary unit;

The average number of in-line repairs per 1000 km of run;

- normative run of the car up to TO-1, TO-2, ЄВ, km;


de - koefіtsієnt, scho vrakhovuє reduction of costs for maintenance repairs for a new car.

2.7 The cost of the article "Depreciation expense" is based on the formula:


de - wholesale price, monetary unit;

Average mileage of the car, km;

Rіchna rate depreciation vіdrakhuvan on vіnі vіdnovlennya avtomobilіl,%,

Richna depreciation rate for capital repairs of a car,%.

2.8 Rosrokhunok statti "Vytrati for renewal and repair of tires" is based on the formula:


de - wholesale (rozdribna) price for one tire, monetary unit;

Number of running tires, pcs.;

Tire depreciation mileage, tobto tire mileage, km;

Coefficient, scho vrakhovuє vtrati for tire repair.

2.9 The cost of the article "Vtrati on wages of water" is based on the formula:


de - tariff income of water, monetary unit;

Coefficient of insurance premiums and premiums;

12 - the number of months in rotation.

2.10. Rozrahunok statti "Vitrati on invoices vitrati" is written according to the formula:


de - standard of river invoices for one car, grosz

II. Folding the cost of operational veils for 1 km

Table 51

Statty vitrat Amount, rubles


rise in price


basic new
1 2 3 4 5
1 Vitrati on fire 0,0754 0,0742 -0,0012
2 Vitrata on oil 0,00605 0,00608 0,00003
3 Vitratu for maintenance 1,035 1 -0,035
4 Vitrate for depreciation 0,0256 0,3023 0,2767
5 Vitrati for tire repair 0,0075 0,0082 0,0007
6 Redeem for a salary 0,0425 0,0386 -0,0039
7 Vitratu on the bill of vitrati 0,026 0,0236 -0,0024
8 Together: 1,21805 1,45298 0,23493

III. Cost per unit of transport work (cost of 1 t-km.) Is calculated according to the formula:


IV. The normal operating costs are covered by the obligation of the transport company, which is covered by a new car for the base and new car:


de, - vitrati in operation on the river, according to basic and new technology.

PART 3. Razrahunok demonstrating the economic efficiency of new technology.

I. Designated mentally cost savings (raise the price) are carried out in three areas:

3.1 in the field of manufacturing:


de - river program for the release of new technology.

3.2. in the field of operation:


3.3. in general for the people's dominion:


II. The appointment of the river economic effect on the national government is carried out according to one of the following formulas:

3.4. Just as new technology changes vitrati, both in the field of manufacturing, and in the field of operation, the economic effect is protected by the formula:

3.5 If a new technique gives an economic effect only in the field of operation, and it is more expensive for a manufacturer, then the economic effect should be paid for by the formula:

3.6. As a new technique for increasing the brightness (with a higher price), an economical effect, it is necessary to pay for the formula.

How is it correct to calculate the cost of the cost of transportation, and what is the price of the cost of transportation? Dane food stands in front of the most logisticians. It is necessary for the correct control of price and co-variability. In addition, similar rozrahunki can be needed for the client's request, in order to cover the necessary price. Servіs z transportuvannya goods is guilty buti payments by the deputy of transport services.

What is the duty to enter the vartist vantage transport?

Prices for baggage transportation are summed up from impersonal factors. On їх rozmіr you can add product features, її weight and dimensions, number of months, category of folding, type of packaging. The density of vantage can be different: the products can be great, rare, free-flowing, or be food products. Otrimavshi vіd vantazhovіdpravnik іnformatsiyu about the transportation of goods, transporter take to respect the particularity of yogo transportovannya і vkhodyachi z th rozrakhovu vartіst delivery of products.

Rozrahunok tsіni on vantagetransportation

Most of all, the portability of transportation is directly proportional to the mass, I oblige or the number of places occupied by the vantage. The logistician is guilty of seeing for himself the greatest initial moment of resurrection. Rozrahunok bets is guilty of swearing on the same mind: the mass of one cubic meter is not guilty of more than a specific number of kilograms. When choosing a tariff, the Rozrakhunkov mass vantage is taken as the basis. For example, the weight of one cubic meter is 0.5 tons, and one linear meter - 1.5 tons. 2 rozrahunkovyh vags are being repaid: \u200b\u200b according to "chauffeurs" and by cubic meters. Let's sweat the stench of the real vaga. Three times taking the results, it is necessary to choose the largest one. For a bag, you need to look at the tariff scheme and find out the variability of a specific delivery.

Razrahunok to the tariff for transportation, price per kilometer

What is the rule for transport companies that cover their rates? Traditionally, roses are seen on a skin kilometer. Before the transfer of the main windows, the purchase of firewood, materials and equipment is included. You can also pay for the infrastructure, payment of taxes and other contributions. At the pіdbag you can get together with one kilometer of the way, plus tributes and vitrati for the good. For that reason, if the carrier works less on a specific route and knows the current monthly charges and charges for the trip, then it is much easier for him to calculate the fare. Approximately 25% is invested in the development of the transport sector. The bag has prices per kilometer. If you want, the carrier is guilty of reason, that in reality the income rarely comes out more than 5-10%.

Rozrahunok tsіni vantazhoperevezennya, rate for outside cost

With a lower cost of delivery, the tariff per kilometer must be multiplied by the total number of kilometers to the final month. The sub-bag has a bet for the next “colo”. With a one-sided vantazhennі kіlkіst kіlometrіv duly buti not podvoєne, but single. The number of trips per month is based on the production run. Otrimane number i є varіst flight back and forth. It is necessary to remember that co-operation will become much lower, as if for one good, the ambition will go down to the vivantages.

Rozrahunok vartosti transported, often vikoristovuvaniya transport companies

There is one more option for the cost of transportation, which is based on the budget of the transport company. At the same time, all vitrati organizations are divided into equal parts between different deputies.

Don’t forget that not only internal causes and roses can be added to the prices. For example, for the skin region there is a different tariff. At the central places of Russia, the stench is 20-30% higher than the average. In this case, the increase in the cost of transportation is explained by a large number of propositions for the transportation of products.

Vodіy fury falling asleep for kerm

Volodiyuchi іnformatsієyu pro sobіvartіstіst one car-year of work and transport zasobu, the company can vibrіvіdno vibrati stavlіk, yak naє z zorendi iz machines and mehanіzmіv. We offer you a report algorithm for such a rozrahunka.

In order to determine the compatibility of robots and transport equipment, it is necessary to develop the compatibility of one machine-year in Persh Cherga. Danish rozrahunok is necessary for such types of cases:

  • choice of a postal worker of transport services for business needs. Volodiyuchi information about the real co-operation of one machine-year, you can choose a postal worker on the most viable minds. An analysis of the market in this situation will not give objective information, so that the post-employees can work up to the maximum profit;
  • renting out cars and mechanisms to third-party organizations. The correct plan allows you to install the optimal plan for savings.

In order to determine the compatibility of one car-year of the first type of transport, it is necessary to insure the following indications:

  • balance sheet variability of transport security;
  • depreciation of the main debt;
  • vitrati for all types of repairs, diagnostics and technical services;
  • stained on fire and fire-oil materials;
  • payment of the worker to the machinist from the remuneration of the worker from the salary;
  • stained glass overlays.

Let's look at the report of the leather show and put on the rosary.

Balance sheet variability of the transport- the variance of the transport allowance, shown in the oblique documents, as when the transport allowance is added, the primary vartost of the transport voucher is added, and after the re-evaluation, the additional vartosti of the transport voucher is added.

depreciation rate according to the skin object, the lane is depreciated by the linear method according to the formula:

  1. = (1 / n) × 100%,

de K- the rate of depreciation in vіdsotkakh up to the first (vіdnovlyuvalnoї) varnosti object depreciated lane;

n- rows of the coryne quotation of the given object are depreciated by the lane, the number of turns in months.

Get respect!

When the terms of the core wages of the main assets are introduced, it is necessary to revise the Decree of the Russian Federation on 01.01.2002 No. 1 “On the Classification of the main assets to be included in the depreciation group” (as amended by the Decree of 10.12.2010).

Regulatory indicator vitrat on vikonannya all kinds of repairs, diagnostics and technical maintenance of machines depends on the formula:

de Vz - vіdnovna varіst of the car, rub.;

N r - the norm of river costs for repairs and technical services at vіdsotkakh vіd vіdnovnoї vartosti machines;

T- r_chny mode of robotic machines, machine-year / r_k.

Vitrati on fire and fire-oil materials can be calculated on the basis of the norms of vitrates for firewood and oil materials, installed in a particular organization. Ring out these norms and establish them on the basis of the choice in the company.

You can also follow the methodical recommendations “Norms for staining fires and oily materials on road transport”, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 14, 2008 No. AM-23-r (as amended by date May 14, 2014).

Payment of the driver's worker from the salary deposit in the form of payment for services in the company. The most extended form of payment is vodryadna and pogodinna.

row form pay for the work transferring the payment for the work for the number of manufactured products (work) installed as a cost to improve the folding and minds of the work. Vіdpovіdno up to the accepted order appearance can be restored by the result of pracі dermal vikonavtsya okremo or collective (group) result (for all group pracyuyuchih).

With weather form work is paid for in the fall at the right time and hour, daily and monthly rates or salaries. This form of payment is zastosovuєtsya in quiet situations, if the work of a given practitioner cannot be exactly insured and reflected in the same amount of products, or work, or if, due to the nature of the work, economically and economically underestimated, transfer the worker to a contract payment for work.

butt 1

Postal data:

  • the number of years of practice per month - 162;
  • price per year, installed \u200b\u200bin the company, - 130 rubles. / year;
  • promotional coefficient - 1.3.

Salary for the improvement of the PDFO to become: 162 × 130 × 1.3 \u003d 27,378.00 rubles.

Reimbursement from wages: 27,378.00 × 0.3 \u003d 8213.4 rubles.


Overhead stained glass suprovodzhuyut the main virobnitstvu, pov'yazanі z him. The cost of spending on the morning and operation of the main assets, on the management, organization, maintenance of the production, on the recruitment, on the training of workers and the so-called unproductive expenses (spent during downtime, the use of material values ​​and etc.). Stained glass overlays are included in the product compatibility, window dressings are included in the selection and overalls.

butt 2

It is acceptable that in example 1 the craft of everyday life is looked at. Vіdpovіdno up to the normative invoices vytrati ponnі fold 90% of the fund to pay for the work. Vіdpovіdno, invoices for folding: 27 378.00 × 0.9 \u003d 24 640.20 rubles.


Let's look at the butt of the rozrahunka sobіvartosti for 1 machine year.

butt 3

Let's consider the compatibility of 1 machine-year of robotic truck crane ZOOMLION RT-550 with a cost of 55 tons.

  • balance sheet of a truck crane - 10.3 million rubles;
  • rows of brown vikoristannya - 61 months;
  • the number of years of practice per month - 166;
  • rіchna norm vitrat on technical service and car repair - 23%;
  • Tariff rate for payment of services - 140 rubles. / year;
  • the norm of vitrati paliva for 1 machine / year - 14.3 l;
  • varity 1 liter of PMM - 27.34 rubles;
  • the norm of oil content of oily materials per 100 liters of oil content is 2 liters;
  • varity of 1 liter of oil materials - 169.49 rubles;
  • the norm of overhead witrates - 90% of the fund payment for the work.

Razrahunok representations in tables.

Table 2

Name of the mechanism: ZOOMLION RT-550 short truck crane, capacity 55 t

No. p / p

Vitrat name

Alone in the world



Balance varity


Monthly depreciation rate

1/61 min. × 100%

monthly depreciation

10,300,000.00 / 1.64% × 100%

valid depreciation

168 920,00 / 166,00

1 017,18

Vitrati on technical maintenance and repair of the machine

river norm


10,300,000.00 × 0.23

monthly vitrati

2 369 000 / 12,00

spend hours

197 416,67 / 166,00

1 189,26

Payment for work (salary of a machinist)

Tariff rate, rub. / Year

Insurance contributions

Annual salary

Vitrati on fire

Norm of vitrati paliva for 1 car-year

Variety 1 l PMM

Hours varity paliva

Vitrati on oil materials

Vitrati oil rate per 100 l vitrati paliva (truck crane)

The norm of oil vitrati vіdpovіdno up to the norm vitrat PMM

14.30 × 2.00 / 100

Hours spent on oil materials

Overhead stained glass

Together sobіvartіst for 1 machine-year

1017,18 + 1189,26 + 182 + 390,96 + 48,47 + 126

A. V. Makina, economist, TOV "Bolverka"

We take five of the most popular cars in their classes - leather in the most requested configuration - and pretend to be able to operate the first three years, after which the stink will end the factory warranty and the car will pass into our hands. Shards of a bagat (not taxi drivers and not "proliskas") accumulate 20-25 thousand. Km, hot run for three rocks we took equal to 70 thousand.

More precisely about rosemary vitrate to speak of a specific index. I show you how much it costs to cover a kilometer of leather or one day by car. To include in the cost of housing, paid parking, planned repairs, fines for breaking the PDR and otherwise, the index should be changed, and even if it were to lie down in full according to the mode of operation and the way of life of the hairdresser, we were not insured.

Tsіkava arithmetic: the more expensive the car, the more pennies you win in the course of operation
What to talk about our motherfuckers? Visnovok is not new, not everyone wants to come before new himself. The more expensive a car is, the more expensive it is for pennies in operation - the more expensive maintenance, stained glass materials, insurance, and for an exhausted car with an automatic transmission, it’s more expensive. More than that, an expensive car appreciates more rapidly - not in percentage terms, but in absolute terms: you sell it a lot cheaper, you buy a new one for less.

Obviously, it is impossible to go to the purchase of a car in a rational way. We are not only tearing up a cold roar, in the form of emotions do not drink. And yet, the similar index clearly shows how expensive a car is more burdensome than a family budget. Sip?

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