How to know the terminal of the battery. At a tribal standing, in order to vanish from the ranks. How to save the battery charge? What do you need to charge the battery from the car? At a certain temperature charge the battery

The battery is required to start the vehicle engine. Yogo spravnіst rob a stable robot mechanism. The downtime of the car, which is most often observed in the winter period, is not less often indicated at the battery station. The rules of saving in the cold season of rock will help to save yoga practicality.

  • dry-charged - indicated for independent refueling with electric power, if the battery is ready to work, not dependent on additional charge;
  • flooded with electricity during the process of vibration (not serviced) - equipped with special elements, so as to absorb the water and not to let the electricity run out of the body;
  • gel-electrolyte to be carried in thickened mills (strengthened to great strength, with a strong charge and vibrancy to deep discharges);
  • motorcycles - electrolyte in the form of absorbed fiberglass.

Battery photo gallery

Motorcycle batteries are inspired by great electric adventures
Gel Battery
The maintenance battery does not allow the battery to be changed, but it requires periodic charging

Dry-charged accumulator for periodic re-checking of the electrolyte level and addition of distilled water

Why is it necessary to take a levy?

Deyakі motorists znіmayut battery at night and take home. What are the remnants of the past? Only one thing can be said for sure - there is no sense in trying a similar procedure today. At the winter hour, as the Frost does not drop to 30 degrees, and the car regularly beats, charge the battery twice a month to charge it.

It is possible and such an option that the battery is already old, so I don’t see it for the night on the street in the winter hour. In such a mood, it is also necessary to talk about those who want to bring you into the heat. If you want to get a new battery in a similar situation, the rocks are constantly picked up and brought home is troublesome.

Vlasniki, like a vikoristovuyut car, rarely wart about saving batteries in the heat. To find out how to do it right, in the idle mode, sit down literally in two days. Bring the battery into the heat for a night, as if it were very cold. In such a state of mind, rizikuvati and lose the attachment in the machine is not varto, otherwise it may simply not start. As soon as the car is not charged, the battery is charged and saved for the entire cold season.

Preparatory work

When the battery is idle for an hour, it is recharged, it is necessary to turn on one terminal. With which charge the charge will be, but it is insignificant. However, the best option is to save the battery during the winter hour in a warm room. When the battery is removed, the car will safely take the voltage. You can tell me what you brought melancholy to you.

When the battery is removed, a minus one comes out, and then a plus terminal, which allows a short chime to disappear

dry battery

The preparation of a dry battery is carried out in this way:

  1. The corks of the cans are twisted, and through the opening, the riven elektrolyta settles behind an additional glass tube. It is also possible to estimate the amount of water by the marks, which are present in the middle of the skin bank. Like a battery of transparency, electric rіven can be seen from the outer side. In such a situation, the signs will sound applied to the battery case. The rіven elektrolіtu is guilty of being in the boundaries of 12 mm. If the other values ​​appear less, it is necessary to add distilled water.
  2. The electric power is checked, and the indicator is guilty of adding 1.25-1.29, but not more lower by 0.01. If such a mind is not reached, it is necessary to achieve an average value. If the pressure is higher, distilled water is added, with a smaller indication, battery acid is added.
  3. The top of the battery is washed with a mixture of grub soda to neutralize acid, and the whiskers are covered with conductive oil.
  4. Pereveryaetsya the surface of the body for the appearance of a little.
  5. The battery is charged, wrapped in polyethylene slick or ganchirka, so that it can escape the possible cold swell, and be put in charge to save space.

In order to be able to charge, the battery is serviced every day, after filling it with boric acid (5%). It will be necessary to viconate the children in the following sequence:

  1. The battery is fully charged.
  2. Rozchin elektrolіtu is angry with a stretch of 15 minutes.
  3. Distilled water is poured inside, the battery is thoroughly rinsed 2 times.
  4. Boric acid is poured.

We will fill it with electrolyte

In order to prepare an attachment before saving, such a sequence is victorious:

  1. Assess the level of charge of the attachment - as it is low, then move for the help of the appropriate charging attachment.
  2. The battery is removed from the machine, the terminals are inserted in the correct sequence.
  3. The body of the accessory is cleaned in the event of contamination.
  4. The battery is wrapped with a ganchirka or a polyethylene plaid and is sent to the savings.


Such batteries are considered to be non-serviceable devices. In addition, the stench is up to atmospheric and other types of splendid infusions. To prepare attachments for harvesting during the winter period, it is necessary:

  1. Charge the battery, as if it is discharged. If you keep in mind that gel batteries are more powerful to the point of strain. During the charging process, it is guilty that it is irreplaceable, so as not to overshoot 14.4 V.
  2. Remove the accessory from the car.
  3. Find a place to save the battery and place it in any position.

The gel battery is built to work with a small case, but you can’t mess it all up.

for motorcycle

The first step is to install a motorcycle battery for wintering, it is necessary to prepare:

  1. Attachment is removed from the motorcycle.
  2. The battery heats up at room temperature and is fully charged. With this respect, it is important to respect that the electrochemical system will stagnate in it. In today's motorcycles, lithium batteries are supplied - or lithium - medium batteries. Charging them on their own is not recommended. I’ll look at those that can fit this type of smaller capacity, lower car batteries, in which case a special charger is used.
  3. The battery is to be used for a short period of time and run in a dry, dark place for storage.

Rules for saving in household minds

There are some rules to follow, which should be done in order to ensure the safety of the battery. The leather look of the battery has its own nuances and features of saving.

The accumulators are placed close to hygroscopic materials, so that the evaporation of acid can put a destructive effect on them.

The place for saving is due to be dark, dry and well ventilated. The optimum temperature is 0˚С. During the storage period, the battery is not liable to come into contact with textiles and other products. In addition, it is necessary to protect the battery from the consumption of direct sleepy shifts, shards of stink can destroy yoga cover, which will lead to a waste of cob power. Don’t forget to change the steps of your charge with a method of increasing in times of need.

The battery is maintained in a vertical position. Yogo corks are burnt brightly, so that I didn’t waste the water in the middle. The body of the accessory is to be kept dry and airtight. When choosing such a battery, it is necessary to trim at least 1 meter from the scorching accessories. Periodically, after turning the plugs - as if the stench was seen, they need to be tightened again, after which the battery can be installed in a larger space. Bagzhano take the attachment on the stand.


Vimogi until the battery is taken out of the flooded with electricity, it is practically not charged with dry-charged batteries. However, perevіryati, naskіlki twirl cork, do not happen. The attachment is also placed in a dry room with low moisture content and good ventilation, installed vertically. It is recommended to avoid sudden temperature fluctuations, as the chips may be negatively marked on the robot battery in the distance. If the battery is less likely to fail, it does not need to be dependent on additional charging. In other cases, the attachment sounds charged skin for three months.


Gel batteries require recharging significantly faster, lower battery types. To finish the robit once a season, sometimes more often. Golovne, do not interrupt the process, but bring yoga to the end. For example, as if it is 70% sharper, the attachment cannot get the necessary capacity for the next time. Therefore, in order to save, it is necessary to deliver a rechargeable battery. As if he were in charge, better for everything, it would not be possible to carry out manipulations with him. If you want, do not start a periodic review. Gel batteries vitrimuyut temperature from -35˚С to + 60˚С, they can be installed in any position. Application does not require supplemental ventilation.


If the motorcycle is kept in a dry garage, which is heated and the temperature is not lower than 15 ° C, the battery can be left out. Make sure to close the gaps with negative glue, so that there is no self-discharge. If you know not to be suitable for saving the battery, you may have to take it out and put it in a warmer place. During the winter, it is necessary to charge 3-4 times.

I will become a worker

At the end of the winter, the battery should be prepared for recovery. On the back of the new rage, the floods of autumn are angry. Varto means that it is necessary to work properly, at the same pace, in the same way as the floods. For an hour, draining the acid takes about 20 quills. Then we wash the bait sprat once in the middle with distilled water. Bazhano, sob won't stand in the banks of the battery 10 hvilin to eliminate the shortest effect. If the battery is pro-mitium, the new one is filled with electrolyte and is depleted for 40 minutes. It is necessary for a re-verification, that this space has become permanent. In a different situation, you need to correct the show, orienting yourself to the clues.

If such devices are built, they are ready to be used before operation, they can be installed in the transport zasib. Clemi joins in reverse order, as if to match the process of removing the battery.

To comply with the established rules for saving the battery and correctly yogo vikoristovuvaty, vіn serve even more for a long time.

Already so it happened, that the article about the article received enough comments and likes - both on the blog and on the YOUTUBE channel. I have mentioned that in order for the battery to be charged, it is necessary to “throw off” the terminal, especially if it is important to leave the car for three hours - say for 2-3 months, or take off for the winter. If you leave the car at the station, let's say for a couple of days, then it's better to rent it. However, my readers on the channel have a winklo feed - and how, do you need to know plus or minus? Aje stink pratsyut differently! The food is fair and I respect it even more correctly, having written this article and taking a video, I’ll lay it all out “on the fly”, how to sound ...

Guys, what do you want to respect - what you need to know about the terminal and the intake, if you don’t plan to drive your car for a long time, save your battery from discharge. There is a stream of micro-leaks in the on-board storage, which early on will take the entire charge from the battery.

Why does the battery charge when it stops?

Guys, it's simple, our battery is just connected to the car. Turn on when the ignition is turned on and the key is pulled out of the lock, and you will not turn on all the keys.

On the right, there is an axis at the chomu, є outbuildings, yakі "blow" the energy to induce when the ignition is off. These can be seen - signaling (there and beacons), radio, on-board computer, and so on. Obviously, the same microstrums for a couple - three days in an idle car cannot discharge the battery, but after a month or two, the discharge can critically fall, say, to the same 12V, then a minimum of recharging is required. To avoid such turns, it is necessary to minimize the battery from the side rail. It's easy to fight - you know the glue.

Self-discharge currents

So varto means - what the battery has to know, so the name of the self-discharge jet. If you throw off the clamp and open the lid, then the chemical processes in the middle will smoothly discharge the battery. Even after 6 - 7 months, the discharge may be close to 30% for a fully charged battery. On the right, you can have the titles of “brudny upper ball”, as a rule - the battery is located on the street (under the hood), on the surface between the clamps, right on the lids of the cans, various speeches accumulate, it can be buti yak - brud, vologa, oils, leftovers cold coolers - anti-freezes, etc., stinks make micro-fusion, as if the electrodes lock between themselves, thereby increasing the self-discharge jets. Why is it so important to take care of the cleanliness of the upper part.

If you talk about plus and minus plates, yak, then the greater self-discharge will lead to the same minus. In the hour, the stench begins to break up, seeing at the same time the water.

As I already wrote to the beast, the discharge will not come to a mittevo, but even after 10 months the battery will spend half its charge.

Why is it that someone does not throw off the glue?

The reasons are also sprat and all the stench of life:

  • Just can't , Do not mind, never threw off and do not know what it is (especially relevant to). To that, for the cob, we read the article - how to work the battery, then how to remove the clamp. Bagato to clear up.
  • central lock . On the right, in the fact that a lot of cars can lock the central lock - that way you can turn on the battery, then you can only close one door with a key - water, and from others you will be left like a bidkritimi.

There are two paths here:

  • Open the hood - close the door from the remote control - open the terminal - close the hood. Tse yakscho you don't have a lot of doors to the beast, just like that on expensive cars.
  • Yakshcho zasuvki є. We know the terminal - we sit at the door of the car - we lower all the “rams” on the doors (passenger) with the handles - we lock the water doors with the key.

The car is closed. I'm glad it's winter on the streets, to cover the castle's slit with silicone for locks, shob. Adzhe buvaє i vіdliga i frost, drink water, tortured indіgrіvati.

  • settings fluctuate . Deyakі vodії worry, scho they have known probig, know all the parameters of the car. The lads are also tales, all the data are smartly sewn into the EBU of your “flying horse”, to wind up like a wine without a battery trivalid term, let’s say a pivroku, you won’t stink! The maximum that can be done is the radio and audio settings. Ale tse is corrected for a couple of quills.
  • Fear for stolen cars . Leave the connection for that, so that the signalization and beacon worked (which is how it is). But here you also want to rebuke - if the parking lot is seriously serious, then your car is under a serious look (cameras, dogs, security, etc.). If there is parking at the courtyard - I would be afraid to leave it for 2-3 days. So, it’s like a demo for 2 - 3 months, or just don’t scorch, I choose to overturn the parking lot.
  • Spodіvatisya on the reliability of the battery. They write a lot - but I don’t care, I have a serious company robbed my battery, I won’t be discharged for a long time. I have a piece of truth - there is more lead, the plates are weaker, but the stench is not visible for 3 months, the connection to the electricity system, without disruption. Є option to freeze your battery when deeply discharged. If you don’t have mercy, just throw away your new, “twisted” battery.

Zagalom, obov'yazkovo znimaєmo, it is not necessary to try a share, it's just that it will be more correct. Well, now it’s better - you need to know.

How do you know and why?

As it turns out, our battery has only two contacts, one plus, the other minus. Like a plus, go without a hitch to the needs of the people, such as a generator, starter, life blocks, ECU, etc. Those minus clima "live" that go "to the mass". What does it mean? The body of the car is a "metal" box, which makes it perfect to conduct an electric stream. So now you pull and minus wires, so you can screw the wire to the body from the minus of the battery, and then live to the minus at the required spare body. That is the body in more and є minus the car (exactly vin through the new way). Just turn on the logic here and so everything is already understood.

Remember, always know the negative terminal of the battery! To fight for this, minus going to the body of the car, but even more inertia is great. So, as I wrote to the beast, the minus plates differ in sulfuric acid by themselves after a trivial downtime. The positive contact in this case is rich in a more winning position, on the other hand there is no such inertial pressure.

Taking the battery out of the car is a task, for which one sticks, be it a car driver. It may be necessary to replace the battery itself, or to service or save time, for example, in the winter period in a warm place.

Take it out quickly, and then install the battery as a whole for a great motorist and for that, as a rule, you don’t need special skills. It is necessary just to know the sprat of rules and to follow the sing-along order.

To what extent can the wrong order of inclusion be brought

Forgiveness and inadequacy when the battery is taken out can lead to the failure of the battery itself, and to the failure of the car's electronics. Even if the battery can be replaced with a new one without large losses, then the loss of the on-board computer as a result of a short flicker can cost you dearly.

How to properly remove the battery from a car

In order to correctly remove the battery, it is necessary to accurately trim the song order.

Preparation for work

For the cob, if you don't already know for sure, explain to yourself that you know the battery in your car. In a modern car, the battery can be drained in different (time-out) areas: in the trunk compartments, under the rear seats, under the front seats, in the underpasses under the passenger's feet.

If you opened the hood and didn’t see the battery there, then look in the trunk and check the log panel - just like there is nothing there, then Google will help you, as it seems.

Dali, if the battery is closed with a cap - know it. With a shield (not a metal one !!), brush away the new accumulated saw and ford. Know what kind of bolts are used to tighten the battery terminals and prepare double nut wrenches or cap heads (in most cases, stinks of 10 or 13 mm in size).

Video - how to remove the battery from a Mitsubishi ASX car:

The battery will be secured in its own container. Take a look and figure out how to see the fastening and what kind of tool will be needed for it.

Yakі wash the guilty buti vikonanі

Before that, how to turn in and throw off the clamps from the battery:

  • turn on the pickling of a car (it’s better to turn off the pickling key and put your body in the gut);
  • turn on all the practical electrical equipment in the car (light, radio, headlights, lighting and other speech, which can function when the ignition key is turned). It is necessary that it is guaranteed to turn off all the electronics, tied to the inclusion of the fuse;
  • close all doors in the car, close all doors and trunk (if you have a battery in the trunk, then, obviously, the hood);
  • as your car is equipped with a vimikachem masi - vimknіt yogo.

Deyakі avtoalnіzatsiї may sound automatically block all the doors, at the time of the car's life. Good, like at a moment like this, the key to the stinger is in your gut, and not in the middle of the car.

If you already have the original manual for your car, then turn it over: there may be instructions that you need to install in your car before dismantling the battery.

If all the preparations are finished, you can proceed before the її znyatya.

Know the battery terminal first

Remember: the first time the minus terminal of the battery is used! It can be determined whether your battery has a “plus”, and de “minus” can be for the color of wires (plus red wires) or by the “+” and “-” marks on the battery itself.

This may be true for all types of cars: injection, carburetor, with signalization, immobilizer or without them.

Do not lie, if you read it here, or you will feel that there is no difference, so you know first: “plus” or “minus”.

The minus contact of the battery connects with the body of your car - "mass". Znіmayuchi z minus vi, vіdpovіdno, vіdklyuchaєte battery vіd car body. Nadal, as if with the release of the positive clamp, it will suddenly jump or the wrench will slip and the metal part of the body or the engine will not become anything. Lanzyug: “minus the battery - the body of the car” is broken and do not get out of the way for a short flicker.

If you remember the first thing about the battery, the positive terminal i, if you hit the metal part of the car body or the engine with a key, then there will be a short flicker, as a result of which, through a strong streak, you may be able to plug in the car.

Remember: in a modern car there are electronic blocks, which DO NOT flicker and are constantly under pressure. The stench itself poshkodzhuyutsya in times of short flickering on the battery most of the time.

More trivalent contact of the “plus” of the battery with the case can lead to a connection before the battery is borrowed and later.

Order dіy

  • loosen the nut fastening on the minus terminal, so that it does not twist it;
  • znіmaєmo clema, vіdvodimo її aside and fix;

Carry out on the battery terminals of the goods and springs, to that, if they are not fixed, the terminal can be quickly “stripped” again to contact and call for a short flicker. For fastening, you can fasten with a dart or plastic fasteners.

Video - how to remove the battery from the VW Polo Sedan:

If a spark jumps when the terminal is disconnected between it and the battery contact, it means that you have lost the inclusion (or the car's electrical wiring is faulty).

  • loosen the sliding nut of the positive clamp DO NOT twist it up;
  • notice the positive terminal and also fix it in the side of the battery;
  • we know the reinforcement of the battery itself.

How did the glue stick

If one or the other offended with a glue covered with a white sludge, then before you know it, it is necessary to clean it in front with a brush (better with a thick one, but not with a metal one).

As soon as the clamp has “sticked” to the contact, you can use the help of a WD 40 retailer. Let's try to slightly twist the terminal from the side to the side until you see it.

Important: unique the great zusils, so as not to harm the contacts of the battery.

Yak viimati correctly

After that, as an insult to the battery, remove the battery from the battery. Then the battery can be carefully pulled out.

When dismantling the accumulator, apply trimati yoga vertically to avoid possible acid ducts. Regardless of the good tightness of current batteries, sometimes they trap.

Features of getting out of a car with an on-board computer

When the battery is disconnected or turned on, the on-board computer uses all data savings, deleting sensors in different modes of car operation.

Obviously, after the installation of a new battery, it will be necessary to protest the car in different modes, so that the computer will again save and save the necessary parameters in the memory. If you don’t break something, then damage can be blamed on the robotic engine.

Possible problems when removing the battery

With alarm

When the battery is turned on, a malfunction can be caused in the robotic alarm system of your car, and itself:

  • the cost of one or more dekіlkoh keys / remotes;
  • Vіdmova in the robotі whether any additional functions of signalization.

As it turns out, in order to upgrade the robotic signaling systems, you will need to go back to the specialist service.

It is required to indicate that failures in the robotic signalization when the battery is switched on are rare.

With a radio receiver / tape recorder

Before removing the battery, check the equipment of your car radio receiver with your PIN code. If this is the case, then it will change that you have the correct PIN code.

When enabled, all radio settings will be reset and at the next hour of the next wake-up call, you will need to re-enter the PIN code and reset the radio receiver.

Why can't you work with a battery

  • shake the body;
  • poshkodzhuvat filler plugs otvorіv і їх necks;
  • turn it over or strongly heal the battery;
  • poshkodzhuvati contacts (for example, using force to plant on them inconspicuous wires for the size of the wires);
  • save batteries (especially at minus temperatures);
  • add acid.

It is important: if it is shown that in one or more jars the electrolyte is lower than the norm, only distilled water can be added to them.

Come in later

Remember - the battery is to finish the job. Trim її mіtsno and use unique blows so as not to damage the battery case.

Important! If acid from the battery gets on the skin or clothes, wash it with a variety of starchy soda. If soda is present, just rinse the area of ​​acid with water.

If you have a puddle battery, then if the meadow gets on clothes or skin, you will need to wash them with acid. (For this experiment, the main citric acid or 10% of octu).

Best of all, you will be carrying out the battery removal work in wicked mittens.

When the battery is working, water can be seen through the ventilation opening. The gas is supra-visually vibuhon-unsafe. It’s not a big spark in the wake of a quick short chirp, it can lead to a vibe with singing minds. It’s better for him to take care of robots with a battery in a well-ventilated place or on the outside.

How to correctly connect the battery to the car

Important! When installing the battery in the third place, pay attention to the expansion of the contacts “+” and “-”, so as not to put the battery on the side: we connect the positive contact to the negative wire.

Specially \u200b\u200b it will not be possible to see something - the expansion of the plus and minus contacts in different ways and tightening the minus terminal on the plus contact without hammering is simply not visible.

As if you tightened the fixing nut on the positive terminal, but there it was, but it didn’t work hard on the contacts - they turned it over, so they didn’t put the positive terminal on the negative contact.

Installing the battery is carried out in reverse order:

  • put the battery in your place in the car;
  • tightly fasten її regular fastenings;
  • firmly put the positive terminal on the output contact;
  • tighten the fixing nut;
  • then repeat the same with the minus battery terminal.

If the contacts are either covered with a characteristic white coating - you can see it with a hard shield (non-metal). You can also use a special tool for cleaning electrical contacts.

Respect! Do not scratch for cleaning contacts, or use thick metal shields! The stench is covered with deep undercuts on the battery contacts and on the terminals, which cause them to heat up in the process of work.

Before this, tighten the fixing nuts, you can smear the adhesive with special oil for electrical contacts or technical vaseline.

simple glance

Once upon a time, when you look under the hood, do not forget to check the battery clamp and clean it as much as possible that the stench is covered with a lot of nasty.

Since you don’t have time to know the glue, you can, as an alternative, just sip soda and drink 15-20 min. Potіm zmiti vyyshla brud with water.

Krim contacts and terminals, regularly need to clean the ventilation doors. The stench is found in the plugs of the middle cans of the battery.


Despite all the simplicity, it works to replace the battery, in some modern car models, stuffed to the brim with folding electronics (for example, VW Faeton, with a robotic node and mechanisms of which there are 5 on-board computers 'yati), change of the battery is more likely to start independently, not viroblyat, but to go to the official representation or service station.

The risk of getting out of the way of the on-board computer, resetting to zero or other inaccuracies is already great, and further repairs or adjustment will cost a lot more, lower variability of work to replace the battery.

Video - how to remove the battery from the Citroen Berlingo 2:

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Comments before article:


    Zіtknuvsya z situation as znyat battery zovsіm recently. They turned with the retinue from the exits, they started the car, but the car didn’t start, they didn’t react to anything. Vіdrazu becoming podozryuvati that the battery is sіv. Susid had a charging attachment. Already, I don’t remember what kind of clema, having taken the first one, I didn’t think about it. Ale, everything went well for me and nothing bad happened.


    Not long ago, on a field of water, forgetting to turn on the headlights, they stood for all the hvilin 20 and the car would not start. “Light up” a passing car, good dart buli, and it would have happened in the fox Kuvati. I got home normally. For a couple of days everything was fine, then, having knocked frost, the car stopped starting. Having tried to charge it myself, it didn’t work. I had a chance to pick up a car service. There maistri all zrobili yak fit. Now at -30 start up without problems.


    The battery knocked 5 years and the axis in one frosty morning -20 autostart could not start the engine, I could not breathe life into the car with the key. And everything is not at once !!! In the evening, having removed the battery (according to the instructions) and setting the charge to zero.

    Igor Vasilovich

    I think, for special respect, add a spark, ride on a clamp when it is open, not a varto. Memory in years, priymachi, etc., in any case I create a small charge on the battery, there will be a small spark for it.


    For days, I ran into a problem like taking a battery))) a person went to another place, leaving me with our car. And on the street, it hit -30 below zero. The car was on autostart all night, and Akum didn’t get into the bag. I had a chance to get up to the susіda - the sincere uncle showed up))) Everything ended well, susіd loaded the booth and put it back!)


    My car lost its “night stay” with increased marker lights. Go to work .. Good brother viruchiv, changing the battery. She herself did not risk taking it)


    I live on pіvnochi, the frost is much stronger here (up to -50), so I suffer from the battery for more than a day. But recently I was told that if it is possible to increase the power of the battery electric, then in such a frost it is possible to start the car. And it turned out to be true! The car is working, but it starts up, raja and you win the quority of the council on the operation of batteries in frost)


    With all the obvious simplicity of working with a battery, there are a couple of important moments. So, know the first minus terminal. Before the cob of cold, take yoga and charge it. 4-5 years - the middle term for a robotic battery, after which you need to think about buying a new one. If you stand idle in the cold in the car over the full charge of days, then you can irrevocably spend yoga. For the winter, pour winter oil into the engine, it will be easier for you. Well, if you buy a new one, there are some nuances with roztashuvannyam and rozmіrom maidanchik for installation, it’s better to go to the store by car, the battery will be put on the yak.


    I remember from my youth without imposing the meaning of simple rules when taking the battery out of the car. That's why the term of the yoga service was short. In modern cars, designers can put a battery (either in the trunk, or in the trunk). I prepare the keys and marvel at the roses and step by step I ring the clamps (I start with a minus one). It is necessary to remember that the battery is important and you can’t keep it, you will get into trouble and come into disrepair. I remove the battery without haste. As in the car, the on-board computer will be necessary after the installation to protest the electronics and there may be problems with signalization. Our time is not a problem to go to the car service in times of trouble.


    Zovsim recently got lost in the light in the car and went out of place for a few days. Upon arrival, we received an unexpected surprise - the battery was discharged. Good, there are no severe frosts on the street and we always have darts in the trunk. I had a chance to ask for a susida to set fire to us, but remember that you can’t light a cigarette like a veitik elektrolit, the battery sees a strong smell or you get warm. Good riven ranks were not critical and we were hurt. Now I'm constantly reviewing the light in the car. I don’t want to spend more in such a situation.
    I would like to hear some tips about chargers, who are they?


    There is nothing folding, it’s just that in some cars the wines don’t roll out in handy places. If you do not know all the nuances when removing and installing the battery, then you can lead to a malfunction of the electronics in the car. It is necessary to stock up on the keys of a universal rozmіru and turn on the zaplyuvannya and all the fittings of the adhesive. Well, I know firstly that they are minus. I keep in mind that after the battery is removed, the on-board computer can be weird, so after installing a new battery, I test the car in different modes and the computer takes all the parameters.


    If a car is without an on-board computer, then it is not necessary to be afraid. Just once wonder how to rob the water or watch the video on the Internet. You can’t hurry to go to the trouble, marvel at the de-rotting of the battery, so that modern models of wines can have intoxications in the most unsettled place. Open a niche and, for help, turn the nuts and open the clamps. The battery should be taken out properly, without falling into it, otherwise it will be more difficult and sometimes it will be possible to buy a new one. And the axis is like an on-board computer in a car, then it is necessary to respect the borderline and first for everything including the fuse and all accessories. So, and know it is necessary, starting with a minus terminal.


    The most basic thing is when the battery is taken out, so that the key of the pickle was in the gut of the water, not in the lock of the pickle, but not on the seat, not in the glove compartment, not on the panel. The central lock can block all the doors and open them, you can only fakhivets with a “crowbar”, well, or break the slope of the doors. Vipadki such boules, є і will be. And in the other case, the procedure for removing the battery is simple and after a bet, try to remove it and put the battery on the spot, young water, remember the sequence of events. Don't leave the battery unattended when charging, it's not the best option to leave it for charging in a closed garage for nothing!

    Kolya R.

    It’s all the same for mine, I know the first thing! Skilki cars boulo for twenty years, and tse and dosit decent and fresh Land Rover, Passat SS and Honda CR-V, there were no problems. And the axis with battery fastenings, especially with them, as they are screwed on the narration of success, and sometimes troubles were dragged. Rzhavіli іnоdі tightly, it was possible to vikoristovuvat rough slyusarny іnstrument, the axis all under the hood shine and may be new, and near the battery the bare metal was writhing rusty. One autoslusar said that through the evaporation of acid from the cans of the battery, if, with a three-fold recharge, the electrolyte is actively boiled.


    If you leave the car for a long time in the parking lot, then it’s best to remove the glue, clean it and seal it (burn it with a plastic bag on a gum) before the onset of operation to save the battery charge. At the winter hour, take the battery out of obov'yazkovo, so that it would be possible to avoid freezing and resurfacing out of tune. Before that, how to move the attachments to the closed place of the obov'yazkovo on the cracks and cloaks, clean the place of the day and put on the caps. It is impossible to forget that when the battery is switched off, it will discharge itself in an hour - before operation, it is necessary to recheck with a multimeter, if necessary, carry out a new prophylaxis.


    The battery has been dropped more than twice. The infection is important - if it brought it to the verdict in the garage (persons were hurt). I knew it happened after I forgot to close the water door and the car stood for a day in the garage. The battery is siv povnistyu. Axis i had a chance to buy a new one. The old charge is already not trim. If she put a new one, she put the key with the key fob at the car, and if she began to arrive minus, the signaling signal was sent. The doors were blocked and nothing could be done. Good thing in the garage there was a box with a signaling bula, and in it a small key. I took the humov plug on the signaling and turned it on with the key. And then we'll go home for another key fob. Now I never leave the axle in the car and another key fob in the garage.


    I respect that it is necessary to know the battery at least twice on the river, especially as it is worth standing in the engine compartment. On the right, in that, under it, sand can accumulate, old leafing that other nonsense, as it practically does not hang. Vidpovidno under the battery there is a cavity of corrosion and the first dirks in the body can start there. The sequence of seeing the side railing was clear - the first clema is negative, then it is positive. If the nuts are strongly soured, otherwise they are more deadly rusted - and in some cases you can’t stop brute force - you’ll kill the lead clamp, you’ll go for a new battery. It is better to see the nut with a grinder.


    With a battery, like a be-like attachment, which can be shaken by a strum, it is necessary to carefully behave and follow the rules of safety. If the car is not expected to be used for three hours, the battery will need to be removed to avoid unacceptable situations.


    The rule is to open the minus terminal of the battery in the first place, which guarantees the safety of the car in the event of a short circuit. It is possible to break the rule, as if in a car there are vimikach masi. Todі not maє znachennya, which drіt znіmati first - minus or plus. It is important to understand that the lead terminals of the battery are softer and when the battery is installed back, it is not necessary to have a large susilla in the tightened tips of the wires, so that deformation will occur and with further similar procedures, the manual tightening is no longer visible. The wire lugs will spin and cause poor contact.


    I pray for the time being not to climb to the vozlіv of the car, but there are a few speeches, like the goiter of the nobility and remember the work of the skin of the water (including women). The removal / installation of the battery is just one of them. I had a chance to know the rest only once, but it was disturbing. Stilki heard a lot about high streams and the chance to “drive in” the wiring and they were quick to reach them! I had a chance to click on the susida and under the yoga control to carry out this operation. I forgot that I needed to start with a minus terminal, carefully steal the old contacts, and in no case do not smack the darts and, more than that, do not let the important bandura on my feet. Well, Susid said so)). In general, I got into it.


    In the present hour, at the current waters, it is better to set up the batteries, as before. You can easily buy a battery, the stench is always on sale, cars are victorious, so few people charge a battery, carrying it in a warm place. Ale znіmati battery all the same brought, mainly for recharging, or replace the battery with a new one. The work on the contract and installation is not foldable, from one side, and from the other side it is necessary to know, there are a lot of features of this work. In my youth, when I was young, I had to break the battery case, break the terminal on the battery, and I had to often know-install it, then lamati and conduct minus terminals. The appearance of an injector and signalization on cars happened to be so very special to replace the battery. Once, the alarm system for an hour to replace the battery tightly closed all the doors for me at once with the key. Good, what happened at the courtyard of his booth, scurrying like a duplicate. At the same time, the work needs to be carried out later.


    First of all, you need to understand the battery, but now? If the battery was out of tune, then it is so unambiguously known. Charge - you can and do not know. Necessary repair robots, nestrumiti is required, it is not required to know, we just throw off the clamp. The battery closes access to other parts of the car, but you can’t do without it. So bachimo, scho know that you don’t need to. But if it happens, then you need to remember that if you have a foreign car, de electronics, secret police, an on-board computer, renting a battery can become a problem. I have a susis in the garage, changing the battery for a new one on AUDI 6, so the axis of the new one was littered in the car and had a chance to pull the tow truck to the service center. So that this did not happen, it was necessary through the clamp or the cigarette lighter to connect the front auxiliary battery. We gave everything for the article: we know a minus, then a plus, then we trim the battery bar with the keys, then we carefully remove it and put it on a flat surface. Before the speech of the battery, take into account 18 kg, so be careful.


    Conducted on an hourly basis and in bulk, technical oils can use their own color, and more often dodatkovo markuvati on polarity. The tik method can cause serious mishaps. And the glue is better to make a special. spray before skin removal and installation.


    Problems with the removal of the battery can be blamed either on the back of the gouging of the one who knows (not from the same place), or, as the battery has not been dismantled for a long time (the darts “stick”). Unfortunately, in my practice, I have gone through offensive problems. Until now, I remember my first dismantling - already something “fun” appeared ...


    I have an old 2108. So I have a lot of problems with the battery. And the axle at the person's Audi Q5 and wine was left at the repair, and the car was left in the garage with a door open, and if you arrived you couldn’t start it. Having taken the battery and let it charge. Then the car didn't start. At the service they said that there was a sound through the removal of the battery. They said first of all, you need to connect another battery in parallel and just remove the old one. And then I had a chance to reflash the mіzki.


    I took the battery, put in a new one and stopped working on the windows. What was trapilosa???


    But there is nothing special about the battery. They wrote the article correctly, just take the first minus lemma and you won’t have any problems, well, if you have scammers, then don’t forget to close the sack for the cob, on which all the preparations will end.

    I'm constantly checking the battery, so it looks lower than -26 degrees. What a sense to get into the lottery: “start up chi ni”, if you can win 2 credits, take a battery and take it home. On the next morning for any weather, the car is guaranteed to start up and you will go wherever you need. And without it, it's far from a fact. We have harsh winters in the Urals.

Details Category: Articles Published on 13.01.2016

A lot of motorists know the battery from the car, carry it home at night. Chi you need to charge the battery from the car or is it a relic of the past?

One thing can be said for sure - take the battery out of the car there is no skin day for sensation. To pay off, in order to keep the battery alive, do it a couple of times for a month, take yoga and re-charge.

know the battery and carry yoga in the heat, ring out if the battery is already old. It’s good to carry the battery well and charge it well to endure the night on the streets and the charge and the wind.

If the battery can’t turn the crankshaft to the wound, then it’s too bad to bring it home every day. This is a clear signal that it's time to get a new battery.

When do you charge a car battery?

Buvayut situations, if the battery is taken out of charge, navityat vin new and charging.

For example, if you haven’t been in a car for a long time, then you can bring the battery home. For a couple of days of idle time in the cold, you can install a new battery.

Also, the battery can be rented, as it is necessary to travel by car, and on the streets it is very cold - minus 30-35 degrees. Better not risky and bring the battery into heat, otherwise start the car early.

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