Which crossover is better: Kia Sportage or Skoda Yeti? Crossover of cars Kia Sportage III crossover and Skoda Yeti I crossover

When choosing a car, it is important to care for all officials, as they may otherwise be affected by comfort, safety and functionality. For this, it is best to conduct a parallel analysis of two suitable models of transport costs, in order to understand how they resemble the need for a potential purchase more quickly. How to choose what to add to the Skoda Yeti or Soul KIA, it is necessary to look at the details that characterize them in this other world.

As soon as the KIA Soul and the Skoda Yeti are connected, then the success will be without a hitch, at the thought of a lot of motorists, the other transport zasib. It is connected with the fact that the machine of the Czech weeding is tedious to finish. At the link with this third-party person, there is no reason to look at something and nothing to look at. The only element of the exterior, which is so chi іnakshe can get it, pogo in the presence of round fog lamps. The stench of the kіlka rozblyayut dosit typical osvіtlyuvalnі prilady avtomobilіya, yakі trohi in their zvnіshny vglyadujut similar fittings Shkodi Fabiy.

The opinions of Vlasniks about KIA Soul are also very positive. Denmark's car is about to complete the great front optics. There's a hood and a bumper behind it. Likewise, the front line of the radiator grille was suddenly brought up, as the designers did not want to turn it into a dark color. The rear doors are guessing for their shape, there are holes in the screen for mail.

In this rank, you can sprout visnovok about those that the Skoda Yeti is the least original car, lower KIA Soul. At another point, the retailers did their best. Varto respect that the Danish transport sufficiency is up to the Korean harvester, and also the tax collection is taxed in the Kaliningrad region of Russia.

The variability of the Skoda Yeti is in tandem with її characteristics and the place of production is three times higher. Chim KIA Soul. Deyakі avtomobilіlіst vvazhayut, scho such a price is fully primed and correct.

features of the interior

Porіvnyannya avtomobilіv pokazyvaє not only їh yakіsnі characteristics, but also comfort and functionality. Most of the time, water with given concepts sticks without a middle in the middle of the car, estimating and contacting with the elements of the interior. If you are talking about KIA Soul, then you should finish the interior decoration with bagatim, and finish the front panel with light and reception. If you mean the designer's pro-rahunki, then, sing-song, varto say about the dark patches of the deflectors of the blowing system. The stench strongly throws itself into the eyes of these people, who looked into the salon more than out of the corner of their eye.

Interior Kia Soul

The central console, installed in the KIA Soul car, looks old. Vaughn may have been sleeping with Nokia smartphones, which were popular about 10 years ago. Until then, in the design of the foundations, it is hard and hard to make plastic that is unacceptable in terms of tactile sensations. Irrespective of the price, the ergonomics of the placement of the buttons are done on a high level. The stench is competently roztashovanі and may vіdpovіdnі dosit great signatures.

If you talk about fittings, such as the security of the KIA Soul salon, then the stink to do good placement. Zavdyaks will reveal kozirkiv, the stench will not create unacceptable vіdbliskiv pіd hіzdі hour. The seat is upholstered with a curtain and may be impersonal different regimes in fixation, which allows you to hand-pick yourself behind a kerm, like a great man, and a trendy maiden. The rear space for sitting is also spacious. This scale is not ochіkuєsh vіd similar to the dimensions of the hatchback. Through the trunk of the car is not too big.

Interior Skoda Yeti

How to pair up the interior of KIA Soul and Skoda Yeti, a lot of car owners think that we will get the best transport zasib. Irrespective of the price, deyaki avtomobilisti chesku car so dosit good estimate. In general, we can say that the Skoda Yeti seems to be simple and primitivism. The retailers have broken the traditional center console, but they don't see anything remarkable. At the salon vikoristovuєtsya only gray and black plastic. The steering wheel is four-spoke, so that you can cover the large gaps of the matochine. Irrespective of the kerm, the water feels itself drunk. The similar decision of the designer is not to talk about vigilance, but to speak about conciseness.

Organs of management in Shkodi Yeti roztashovanі z urakhuvannya ergonomicheskih rules - stink roztashovanі manually and logically. Irrespective of those that aesthetically pleasing plastic looks no better, the workmanship and quality of preparation compensate for this shortfall.

Appliances in the Shkodi Yeti are able to easily read information. It is safe to say that the principle of radial digitization is victorious. May be on the basis of data, the method of roztashuvannya of numbers in a shabby look in the fallows of the significance of the songs on the circular scale. The display of the accessory computer is easier to look at in the Skoda Yeti, lower in the KIA Soul.

The front seats in a Czech car are more comfortable. The range of their regulation is also great, for some reason, be it water, you can feel yourself in the car as comfortably as possible. I’ll look at those who have broken the trunk and make the trunk big, the back seats don’t look like they’re handy. The stench is close to roztashovani to the middle of the transport barrier.

Baggage clearance

For luggage carriers in cars, their main and most important part is the trunk. The very same varto is equal, what is the fault of Shkodi Yeti and KIA Soul. First transport zasіb in this plan, you can take the badge. The volume of baggage storage capacity is 410 liters. With this varto, it means that the virobnik has blocked the possibility of the rear seat being destroyed, that it is possible to add a hundred liters to the trunk. As soon as I fold the rear seats in the car, I can take away the extra vantazhny vіdsіk, in which I can make room to make a lot of speeches. Yogo obsjag bude revisit 1500 liters. Before that, in Shkodi Yeti, dismantling is easier and faster, lower in KIA Soul. So let's say a few words about those that in a Czech car, the leather of three parts is crumbling apart from others.

KIA Soul, yak and rich Asian cars, all compact. Won maє vuzku and no longer zruchnu zadnі dvorі, yak not allowed to put in the saloon of oversized speech. Luggage capacity at maximum capacity is 222 liters. The rear seats can be folded, but not dismantled. To that stench in a be-yakoy vpadku will be by itself borrowing the singing obligation of the inner space. Even though it’s safe, then the water comes out all the same twice as small, lower in the Shkod Yeti - about 700 liters. Until then, in this plan, the varto will also mean the stability of the spare wheel. At KIA Soul, it is necessary not only to lift the log, but also to build a box with tools. Less than a second, in a deep niche, you can pull the wheel for a replacement.

Technical details of machines

In order to evaluate what is more important - KIA Soul or Skoda Yeti, varto also match their design features and details.

KIA Soul was introduced to cars with a hatchback body type, while the Skoda Yeti was a crossover. At the skin machine for five months. They also have the same type of drive - front.

Іsnuє raznі vіznі complete set of cars. So the buyer can choose for himself the one that suits you best. Match the best maximum indicators. The volume of the KIA Soul engine is 1591 cubic centimeters, and the Shkodi Yeti is 1197 cubic centimeters. With this, the first power unit of the building develops a tension of 130 kіnskih forces at a speed of 6300 units per whilin, while the other one - only 105 "horse" at 5000 rpm per whilin.

The average difference is up to 100 kilometers per year for KIA Soul and Shkodi Yeti, it is also different - it becomes 10.8 and 12 seconds, obviously. Offensive cars are used only on gasoline fires of brand A-95. Vitrachayut stinks yogo approximately in the same vows. Vitrata Paliva Shkodi Yeti in the minds of the people to become close to 8.2 liters per 100 kilometers, and for the city - close to 6 liters per 100 kilometers. KIA Soul, like a hard worker, stained glass in the city at 8 liters, and after it - at 5.8 liters per 100 kilometers. With this tank, regardless of the vitrata, the transport facilities can have a lot of room. The Shkodi Yeti Yogo was obliged to become 60 liters. KIA Soul has a total capacity of 48 liters of gasoline in its capacity.

The dimensions of the cars are practically identical, with a little clearance. Dovzhina KIA Soul is 4120 mm, similar to Shkodi Yeti - 4223 mm. The width is approximately the same - 1785 and +1793 millimeters in width. The height of the troch differs, so the Skoda is 81 millimeters higher. At the same time, the clearance is also greater - 180 millimeters in pairs with 164 millimeters of KIA. So the operation of Skodi in rich weather will be more visible and handy for water.

An important role is also played by the suspension of the car. In his plan, as the tests showed, they also play the Czech virobnik. If there is a change in the gearbox, then the new one has a robotic seven-stage. Korean retailers decided to equip their transport facilities with a six-speed automatic transmission.

Technical characteristics - these are important details that can give a notice to a potential buyer about a car. They are the best in pershu black work respect, so that then we do not need to often repair the purchased car. After this varto evaluate the superficiality of the body. First of all, it’s worth it to be quiet vipadkiv, if the transport zasіb will be operated in folding road minds.


Vibirayuchi, like a car to pick up - KIA Soul or Skoda Yeti, it is necessary to conduct a relative analysis between them. Vіn dopomogає vyznacheti vznіlsh vіdmіnі vіdmіnі risi dermal s transport zabіv. It is important to look at those who, according to the choice, to lay down those, how much the car will be according to the parameters declared by the picker, as well as to the needs and needs of the purchase. Obov'yazkovo before the arrival of the varto to conduct a test drive, which can give you a better understanding, not just a look at the car.

Video materials

Video wiring for cars

Anton Vorotnikov test drive Kia Soul

More test drive about Kia Soul

So and so production about Skoda Yeti

A look at the dorestyle Yeti from Akademika

Without tyzhnі 3 rocks to that I transferred to the whole car. Vіk is small and, as it turned out, not critical in terms of reliability, at least for my copy.

In the middle of April, the dealer carried out diagnostics of the suspension, which did not reveal any problems. Buv priєmno zdivany tsієyu furnishing. There is a good margin for reliability

Also, at the dealer, having stuck a chirp in the area of ​​​​the glove compartment in the presence of peacock tubes (trochs fighting a child sore). Kіlkom earlier signed vag-com and marveling at pardon. Nothing! Auto in good order.


  • I respect the basics of goodness, that the Skoda Yeti for q 3 rocks less than nothing. Good car!

Weak sides:

  • 2010 and 2011 the fates of the collection of cars may have a lot of "childish sores". In my case, the dealer successfully fought with them

Review Skoda Yeti 1.2 (Skoda Eti) 2011 r Part 4

From the rest of the day, the passage of the cilian river. The run has already exceeded 45,000 km. Undaunted by all the evil spirits behind the drive of Vagan's products, he did not bother the car with problems, wanting to get rid of the "children's" sores that did not even disappear. Maybe, I’ll start from them.

The main problem is the folding of the farby doors below the molding. For the first time I wandered along the water sides. The dealer worked without any problems, but nasty pasted zahisnu plіvku. At the re-appointment, they reminded me that there was a problematic place, but they re-pasted it again for their own rahunok. In the middle of April 2013, after Miyka, he gasped. Those doors, which were being turned, looked stingily. Plus, having shown and from the passenger side of the bulb, the aloe looked like their boobs in the first order. Have you been faring? I went back to the dealer with my problem. Everyone vіdznyali, everyone pleased. Dodatkovo was told that, according to the action, to replace the door seals, they rubbed the farba on the racks. After a couple of days, I went for a day to ride on a substitute Fabia. They killed everything well. This time, there were no problems with zahisnoy plіvkoy.

Another sore is the timing belt. In the spring, when the engine is started, a loud roar sounds. A couple of days before the end of the warranty, I came with a problem to the dealer. Rozpoviv about suspicions. They said, scho povіdomlyat. After a day of calls - come tomorrow. They took the car without looking back and sent the robots to replace the timing belt for modernization. If, after picking up the car, the manager explained that the work will be carried out for the first time, the client will be able to, there will be no public action.


  • Still a crossover, even a front-wheel drive
  • Sprite engine 1.2 TSI
  • Good running characteristics
  • Compact city car

Weak sides:

  • A lot of childish sores

Review Skoda Yeti 1.8 (Skoda Eti) 2012 р

I drove myself on a diesel pajero.

2005 mileage 180 thousand km. Chi do not rejoice. 6 years Ale began to get excited. Great, vibrating. Old. Important. That one is straightened її from the sides. And I don't want to do any repairs. I wanted something small, light and gasoline. Well, taking your own money. Test drive for kshtalt for a whole year.

On this machine, you can also do it for a long time. 1.8 4n4. 43 thousand kilometers of driving. All in all, I wanted to. Design, interior, ceramics, ergonomics are simply wonderful. Trim the road miraculously. Light, easy. Short-flare up without problems ALE! A chink is thick and looks flimsy. Gude has no strength. (Guma-studded Pirelli). Zrobiv underlined vibration-noise insulation (40 thousand rubles). Sprat is more beautiful, but not richly. Just changing the timbre is buzzing. Becoming more low. On the ideal road, everything is nothing, but the rumble is all the same. And from the place you see it and everything ....


  • curing
  • throttle response
  • Ergonomics
  • Vіdminno trim the road
  • Good pick for the salon

Weak sides:

  • Zhorstka. For clues, kwola pidviska
  • Pogan vibro-noise isolation
  • warm up for a long time

Vіdguk Skoda Yeti 1.2 (Skoda Eti) 2012 р

Hello everyone, I finally got to the computer and wrote my review about my machine.

I’ll start from the fact that I’m calling for the predbannya of this beast. I don’t have a lot of water, but my friend’s car is in life, and I need to say a couple of words about my first miracle, the Chevrolet Lanos 2006 release date. I chose and bought yoga myself, and at that time I didn’t know anything about cars, as a result I bought a copy of a copy in a scrawny technical camp, I drove three rocks, in an hour I traveled 8000 km and invested 200,000 rubles in a new one, after all the torment of auto sales and it is given to the obitnitsya himself more than no one knows about cars.

І axis I joke about my new horse, I could not see any particular ones, but there were a number of parameters when choosing: high clearance and price no more than 1,000,000 rubles and the number of clutch pedals. In this category, it was enough to finish a lot of cars, but the main options were to change the hour for cats, a convenient hover 5 diesel with an automatic machine, well, and yet with a robot. Speaking out of the door, we and the squad wanted to buy a Hover until the very last moment, sumniv buli only for two points - those that are the main reason behind China. Wanting a test drive and just looking at the car gave me 100 points, but it was still in Moscow, upon arrival from the permit to Murmansk, it turned out that the hover was still running, the wine had risen in price by 50,000 rubles and the price of the necessary preparations for the car was 9700 rubles00 At the link with the cim directly from the Great Wall salon, I straightened into the Shkodi salon and through chotiri months in akurat until the end of leaf fall in 2012, I took the 1.2 TSI DSG complete set of ambishin with dopami from the salon of my white snow man.


  • Small ring of space in the middle
  • live motor
  • command robot
  • Interior transformation system
  • Yakіsnі materials for the improvement and selection of cars

Weak sides:

Virobniki proponuyut motorists wide. Leather from them may have its own vagomі perevagi and deyakі nedolіki. How can the buyers choose the correct choice when buying a car, and choose their own model, how to please everyone? At the present day, we will try to give an objective assessment of the Skoda Yeti, as we will compare it with its direct competitor. I will become an opponent of the “Czech”, having long occupied a leading position on the domestic car market, forging its wonderful exterior design and surprisingly dynamic and swedish characteristics. Which car is better than Kia Sportage or Skoda Yeti? On the food chain, we will try out the evidence in today's look.

Kia Sportage or Skoda Yeti - these compact crossovers have long been fighting for the first place on the domestic market

Trochy about exterior design

Technical characteristics
Car brand:Skoda Yeti 1.8TSI 4×4Kia Sportage 2.0
Krajina virobnik:Czech RepublicPivdenna Korea (selected by Slovan)
body type:poshlyahovikposhlyahovik
Number of months:5 5
Number of doors:4 4
Obsyag dviguna, cub. cm:1798 1995
Tension, l. With. / about. hv .:160/6200 136/4000
Maximum speed, km / year:200 182
Rozgin up to 100 km / year, s:9 10.5
Drive type:4x4front
Checkpoint:6 manual transmission6 manual transmission
Fire type:AI-95DT
Vitrata per 100 km:place 9.8; route 6.6location 7 highway 5.2
Dovzhina, mm:4422 4440
Width, mm:1793 1855
Height, mm:1691 1635
Clearance, mm:180 172
Tire size:235/55 R17215/70 R16
Ordered weight, kg:1430 1458
Povna mass, kg:1865 1912
Fire tank fitting:60 55

One of the key chinniki in the popularity of "SUV" Kia є scho attaches respect to the old look, which sees the air and aggression. Just like a car is worn by a branded orange style, shanuvalniks simply can’t stand up in front of miracle vigukivs. The “Korean” vibration is especially strong. Athletic and stringent exterior design deserves only positive feedback. The designers have done their best and created a brilliantly unfailingly perfect auto style.

Car Kia Sportage - examination of the skin woman

On the view of a Korean car, the call "Czech" looks more modest. Obviously, no color scheme can put Skoda on a par with the Sportage due to the attractiveness of the modern design. Behind the kerm “Snіgovu lyudin” it will still look like a person of middle rokіv and a young girl, wanting a strict, human design of the exterior, one can talk about those that this car is more suitable for people. There is nothing supernatural in the modern looking Czech car, and this means that the “Korean” can prevail in terms of modern design.

Skoda Yeti - a crossover with a strict character

Sprat of words about the interior

There is nothing bad to say about the ergonomics of the Korean car. Dosit zruchna elektrichna console did not yelled especially narіkan. One obvious nedolіk - tse tovstі stіyki, yakі obmezhuyut look around. Ergonomics of Skodi is remarkable for the high level of perfection of the design of the elements. Vodіyske mіsce in the Czech car miracle. Varto is the effective rollers of the back support, like in the Kia Sportage it’s not so well suited for the performance of its functions, that water seat in a pair with a Czech car is a trifle warmer, it doesn’t look so springy and stuffed. The great short-lived Skoda Yeti is tightness. The salon is not suitable, even if only two people can fit on the sofa of the rear seat, without surrounding their own floors.

At Kia Sportage, navpaki,. Trips over three distances will bring satisfaction to passengers. How to choose between Yeti or Sportage in terms of interior design, the name may be “Korean”. To the point, Kia has a large trunk, Shkodi has a lower one.

Comfort and calmness - the axis of v_dminn_ characteristics of the Kia Sportage interior

dynamic characteristics

Skoda Yeti test drive:

- unparalleled leader for swedish characteristics. A 152-horsepower turbocharged engine with a volume of 1.8 liters makes the “SUV” up to a hundred in nine seconds. The accelerator pedal responds well to dif- ferent water. The Czech car is great to enter into turns, be it folded and perfectly trim on a straight line. Kia maє more low speed and dynamic characteristics. “Koreets” is more important than the enemy, but it’s not the main reason why Sportage acts like a swedish magician. The traction is evenly stretched along all the gears on all speeds, while reaching the high speed of the engine, without “vibration” points. This is the main reason for the "rotten" course of the Korean car. It is impossible for Kia to boast about it, there are problems when overtaking. There are significant changes in dynamic characteristics. Here, the Czech car took revenge after its own defeats in terms of internal and external design.

Test drive car Kia Sportage:

pіdvodimо pіdbags

The hour has come to pick up the bags. Since the pairing of two similar to each other "" it can be said that the "Korean" can outperform the "Czech" in terms of internal and external design, but the axis of speed and dynamic characteristics are higher in the non-ostentatious Skoda Yeti. So, choose one of two compact crossovers varto before making a purchase. If a car is bought for the beautiful half of the people, then, without a doubt, Kia Sportage is to blame. For a more efficient ride, which means more high dynamic and, rather than a Skoda Yeti.

“Vchora five o’clock were already great. And this year, three, ale small. Now to show the experience of the hero of the famous miniature Mikhail Zhvanetsky about crayfish, yakbes "great" and "small" were scribbled at the same time. Our drop! New Nissan Qashqai and upgrades of Kia Sportage are more compact, lower MazdaCX-5 and Toyota RAV4 - retail stocks are from 10 to 19 cm. Ale popatkovі prices on ponovnoprivіdnі version of all five crossovers with gasoline engines exhaustion close to 150 k.s. practically the same. Khіba scho tі, scho trochi less, will be equipped richer. However, the key nutrition is the same as in the case of crayfish. How shorter: tі, scho today, or tі, scho yesterday?

What is the bigger car, the more spacious? So, ale ... From one side, Toyota is in the quintet of the pose of competition: you sit in the back like in a business class. You can podrіmati, in a light way by throwing the back of the sofa to that, you can cross your legs. The next Thursday is thinner. Ale, the vertical landing of the most compact Skoda in terms of space for passengers is not higher, lower than Mazda, Nissan and Kia, - people have a height of 176 cm behind the same water in front of the knees, the stock is more than ten centimeters!

Moreover, while in the CX-5 and Yeti sit handily, the Qashqai and Sportage seem to have moved away - to propagate a low landing with a bunk, from the raised knees.

New Qashqai - like a dietary hamburger: looking appetizing, but savory

0 / 0

And the trunks? We vymіryali їх obsyagi for the help of "packed" bags, and ... The axis here is already connected with the length of the body is straight: Skoda can hold only 343 "ball" liters and can be compared with Nissan (404 l) and Kia (413 l), only to destroy forward, or we will dismantle the three rear seats. By the way, Yeti has such a possibility, as well as an optional folding front seat.

"Fat!" - the greatest praise of Qashqai for aggressively progressive youth. A chimeric composition of pliable plastic, glossy decor and "accessories" of the new Teani looks rich

And yet, having surrounded the freedom of passengers up to the border and taking off 447 liters under the curtain, in Skoda you still don’t zavantazhish styles of belongings, but Mazda (540 liters) or Toyota (537 liters) allows you to ski. Moreover, the RAV4 has an optional electric drive of the fifth door, and the pitch height is lower. Since the spring of this year, Russian “rafiks” are equipped with a dokatka: the luggage compartment is lowered, there is no more hump than a full-size reserve.

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