What is the main tank of a patriot. Peculiarities of the fire system UAZ Patriot. How to anger gasoline from tanks

Vіdpovіdaєmо on your nutrition, like details on UAZ Patriot and on the type of vehicles suitable, what can and should be replaced and what can be upgraded in Patriot. We tried to report on the addition of UAZ Patriot in this article, described how the sensors can be installed, what to replace.

How can you install a replacement for a staff member?
We recommend
a) LUK 324004126 + 124004520
b) coupling for M50 engine 2.0-2.5 liters BMW 3 - BMW 5 of the 90s
c) BMW sachs 3T2305 # 1861931033 + # 3082147032 (bmw 1251260)
d) BMW sachs 3000 458 001 BMW (3082 147 032, 1862 149 132, 3151 231 031)

What kind of vice can be in the wheels?
Front 2.1 rear 2.6 (for lithium discs).

If you want to buy UAZ Patriot, I would like to know its dimensions, I'm afraid I can't go to the garage?

How to deal with vibration when the speed is reduced from 110 to 100?
It is necessary to replace the cardan shaft with a bearing bearing, for a straight cardan shaft without a bearing bearing (catalogue number: 3162-10-2201010-00).

Can you put Yaku gum so that you don’t overdo anything?
Optimally, you can set 245/75 R16 to a maximum of 265/70 / R16 (remember those that the speedometer readings will not be accurate).

What disks are installed from the factory?
Lithium rims: 7J x 16CH Talisman ET 35 PCD 5x139,7 DIA 110
Stamped discs: 6 1/2 J x 16H2 Talisman ET 40 PCD 5x139.7 DIA 110

What is needed for a patriot Noise insulation and anticorrosive coating?
Obov'yazkovo need to work anti-corrosion treatment (bottom, sills, motor vіdsіk, doors in some areas of obov'yazkovo anti-gravity). Noise and vibration isolation of the car UAZ PATRIOT Simbir.

In yakіy z 2 tanks it is required to fill in gasoline, in the right one or in levi?
In the off tank, if you want the main right tank, so in the right tank half of the left side of the filling stations, the gasoline pump is pumped to the right to the full, and you will take gasoline from the right and pump from the left. In insult, you need to pour gasoline, if you want to, because if you don’t work, then one of the tanks will simply be rusty.

Why Torokhtiy razdatka?
Through those teeth in the razdatka, there may be insufficient engagement, but you can still correct the normal turner. As a basis for additional distribution of the distribution box, you can take the article on the helical razdatka (Obrobka gear wheel of the other). , I more. It is a popular idea that when you replace the zcheplennya on the BMW, you will stop roaring (it’s been turned over, but it’s not known).

Which place can put the differential?
If you are not a tortofi racer, then dosit in the front, if you jam it, then you can reach it in the back. On the rear axle we ride the main hour. A samoblok often wedge.

Where can you get leaks from the right gas tank?
More often than not, gasoline is flowing from the squirt pump (crap is like that with the letter T), the squirt pump often falls apart or melts.

A tachometer, a level sensor and a temperature sensor show more lower than true - but on a running engine do not take their "extreme left position".
The procedure is on: when the ignition is turned on, press and reduce the button for switching the time, then turn on the ignition and after 5 - 7 seconds release the button, which does not turn on the ignition. If necessary, repeat the procedure. You can read the sheet from the factory \u003e\u003e\u003e.

What kind of varto mined candles and high-voltage rods on a new machine?
Replace spark plugs on NGK No. 2 in engines with EURO 3 NGK No. 11, high-voltage wires on normal wires in a silicone braid (TESLA Magic Car option for 406 engines, factory green vikinuti) at the factory).

Run out of gasoline, after filling a new car fart and not їde.
The cracked cork was fixed, її it was necessary to winnow and then along (when it's wonderful).

Frost and frost over the warehouse of UAZ Patriot?
Try to clean up all the gaps in the scorching system, fix the factory jamb in the recirculation of repeated flows, clean the gap between the wall of the engine window and the torpedo (the dirka can be seen as moving uphill from the bottom), improve the additional ventilation of the body.

The wind is blowing and the water is stagnating from the door openings, the filthy trimming of the zovodsk gorges.
Virishuetsya door adjustments, or replace the door seals with VAZovsky.

The saloon lamps stopped lighting up after the doors were opened, the signaling failed.
You need to clean it (turn it up and blow it out with WD 70) or replace the door switches with new ones.

Who can competently perform chiptuning in Moscow, so that the guarantee is saved, what does chiptuning give?
There is a change, the air conditioner works correctly (as well as connections to the brain), the vitrata paliva changes, the winding up to the Lambda sensor of the veins does not go out of harmony with the skin for 1000 km. Call for a chiptuning service, sign up by phone: 8-926-166-77-99 Oleksiy. About lambda sensor

How better to buy a UAZ PATRIOT, so they didn’t get a car without a pre-sale preparation, or a test drive car (such things practice AUTOMIR and other offices)?
We don’t have any problems, call us and we will help you buy, send us to Ulyanovsk with you, we will bring you a fresh device at the factory. Marvel at everything that you can marvel at, check everything that you can review and amaze (according to the service book). The presence of all kilimkiv, drive in the barrels of the omivacha warehouse (like winter, then the frost-free winter) in the right gas tank 5 liters of gasoline, the robot of additional equipment.

Why do I need to marvel at the skin for a day if I get into the car?
UAZ needs constant control and surveillance! The presence of oil, TASOL riven (antifreeze), follow the oil piping (faucet, front, top cover of the engine), oil slicks on the oil (asphalt) and other wheel dribs, water in the salon after the board, especially when it’s zatikaє abi mikas.

Where to buy normal BOSH sensors for UAZ and Askan (tester for sounds) at a reasonable price? Look at the analogues.
Knock sensor BOSCH 0 261 231 046
MRV sensor BOSCH 0 280 218 037
Throttle position sensor BOSCH 0 280 122 001
Synchronization sensor BOSCH 0 261 210 113
Phase sensor BOSCH 0 232 103 006
Idle speed regulator BOSCH 0 280 140 545-002
Thermostat THOMSON (with Japan) at 87
Addresses: ELCAR r Moscow, Vidkrite shose, 48a t 8-499-168-86-25.

How to tidy up turn signals in Patriot?
Break the gum pad one pod_lku vglib. You can change the jumpers to Shnivovskie.

Like in the Patriots, wear a train in the doorway?
Push the gum corrugation farther into the door behind the court rack, or lay the plastic corrugation (for electrical wiring) behind the plate, rubbing it and sealing it with an insulating line.

How to fix the rear wiper in Patriot?
Replace yoga Rileev, and expand the casing of the kerma, viynyat the permikach and change the contact. You can change the jumpers to Shnivovskie.

Flow regulator to the vice in galm (in Patriot).
Qia spare parts are wikidated in a nutshell. On this place is placed the regulator of the vice "Fenom", a Belarusian manufacturer.

How to use the unacceptable Gazelle sound of whistles?
Finish off your pants.

Strong draw in salon
It is necessary to replace the UAZ gorge of the doors with the hinged gorge of the Gazelle (obov'yazkovo with soft gumi).

How can you secure a car from theft?
Install an alarm, a multilock (so you can’t see the Guarantor), turn on the fuel pump smartly, turn on the crankshaft sensor, put plugs on the fuel tanks.

Pozashlyahovik UAZ Patriot є poddnannya tight jeep with a beautiful foreign car. Tsey car may be able to recognize other types of transport facilities, so for example, few people, it seems, that the presence of two plugs for refueling a fuel tank has been implied by the presence of two fire tanks. Just like that, the UAZ Patriot was equipped with two fire tanks, which are recognized for saving and transporting fire. Moreover, the design of two tanks is powerful, both for foreigners with a gasoline engine ZMZ-409, and with a diesel Iveco. In this material, we can look at the constructive features of the hot water tanks on the poshlyahovik, which obsyag, stink, how to replace one of the outbuildings and other thin ones.

The design of the fuel system of the UAZ Patriot has two tanks, which are designated for the storage and transportation of the fuel. Pozashlyahovik UAZ Patriot may be a decent vitrata paliva, so the presence of two tanks is not just an idea of ​​engineers, but a necessity.

The fire tanks are roztashovan without the middle under the bottom of the pozashlyakhovik from the left and right side. Єmnіst tsikh vrobіv in total to become 76 lіtrіv, as the virobnik declares, but there is a thought, that actually more paliva can be accommodated. There are filling plugs on the front side of the tank, which allow you to refuel the fuel from any side. This is a special feature of power, especially for the Russian foreigner UAZ Patriot.

Between themselves the tanks are connected by gum pipelines. The supply of fuel to the engine is directly from the right tank, and from the left fuel tank, the river flows into the right one. In the world of vitrati, the right tank is reminiscent of the left one. The constructive scheme of the fire-fighting system of the UAZ Patriot may look like this, as shown in the photo below.

How does the pumping process work? From the left tank to the right one, it flows steadily for the additional functioning of the ejector-type jet pump. The design of the left annex has a daily fuel pump, and only a level sensor. The system works in an offensive rank:

  • if the engine of the car of the establishments, then the functioning of the fuel pump is required, which ensures the supply of fuel from the right tank;
  • in the design of the heating pipeline there is a special tee, which is located between the right element and the engine of the gas blower;
  • from the tee, the excess fire, which was not consumed in the ramp, turns into the right tank, which takes care of the tightness in the system;
  • tsya homeland, like to pass with great swedishness, calling out a sharp fall of the vice in the system, which is a mind-boggling creation of vacuum;
  • for the vacuum, the transfusion of the right one from the left into the right tank is taken into account.

This phenomenon appears only when the engine is running and until the moment when there is no emptying of the left element. Chi does not need to be recycled, and then, if the right element of the reinforcement. In this rank, you can remember that the main tank on the UAZ Patriot is on the right side, and the additional tank is on the right side. Additional and main tanks may be absolutely identical in design and capacity.

Larger and larger bond tank

How to anger gasoline from tanks?

For an hour, there is a need for a small amount of gasoline, either for the production of spare parts or parts, or for the development of luggage. It’s not so easy to anger gasoline from a tank of a UAZ Patriot, even as we remember, - it’s not just a car, but a correct vitver of technology.
To anger gasoline, it is necessary to twist the vent plug and through it to collect the necessary amount of fuel. The gas tanks on the pozashlyahoviks may bend the pipeline system, which goes through the filler plug, then put the hose through the plug and, in a way, the gasoline does not come out. It is unrealistic to anger gasoline from any gas tank, like from the right, so from the left.

Use one more way, but a little more folding. For which it is necessary to drop the vice in the ramp behind the auxiliary valve. After removing the hose from the ramp, lower it into the container, as it is necessary to fill it with gasoline. Then the priming is switched on, at which point the filling of the capacity is guarded. If the capacity is filled to the required amount, then the next step is to simply turn off the seal. Start the engine at any time you need it, so that even when the ignition is on, the functioning of the fuel pump is activated. In such ways, it is possible to pour gasoline from the gas tanks of the UAZ Patriot tanker.

capacity expansion

The expansion of one gas tank of the gas tanker, or else it was about to become 38 liters, but in fact, the neck of the neck, as I go to the filling sample, I will add volume. In such a situation, you can change that in absolutely empty gas tanks you can fill in 43 liters of gasoline or diesel fuel.
To that, it is possible to protect only the tanks themselves, then the wines become 38 liters, and in the sum the system allows you to fill the car with 86 liters. Tse accept additional, since the car will require a spare amount of fuel.

The system may be so small, like pumping a fire, more about the yak was looked at. The pumping of the fuel is the process, which ensures the uninterrupted renewal of the right gas tank. However, if with the right tank itself you can have a meal at a glance, then such a pumping system will only save up the waste of the fire. That would not bother the presence of a special button on the panel, for the help of which it is possible to allow or to pump gasoline.

krishka baku

Open two fillings for the UAZ Patriot, which means that there are two caps. The lid of the tank is a hermetic element, for the help of which there is a closure of the inlet opening for refueling the fuel. Tightness in this right is important, as leaky zamikannya priyaє vіtіkannu i vapirovuvannya gasoline.

The lid on the Patriot is special and is not equipped with a special lock. In principle, a lock on the filling cap of the gas tank is not needed for the cap, but we won’t get it, so you’re worried about the safety of your car. Therefore, it is recommended to install a cap for the gas tank with a lock, as it closes behind the help of a key. In this manner, as if you can sleep peacefully and do not worry about those who are smart enough to try to anger gasoline.

Znyatya and change

The year of operation of the car may cause such a peculiarity, as if the integrity of one of the tanks is damaged, or the need for their cleaning. Sob zdіysniti purge or change vrobіv, nbspіbno zdіysniti znyattya. What is the znyatya of these outbuildings, we can look at the distance.

Znyatya gas tanks for the UAZ Patriot pozashlyakhovik zdіysnyuєtsya offensive rank:

  1. For cob zdіysnyuєtsya lowering the vice in the system of living.
  2. In order to anger everything with fire from the outhouse, it is necessary to wigvinch the wicked cork and provide an amnesty.
  3. At the onset stage, the removal of the pads with wires and the tightening of the nuts for fastening the pipelines are carried out.
  4. To be carried out in the pipeline under the fire pump and loosen the tightening of the clamp.
  5. The inlet hose is pulled out, which is a connection with the tank.
  6. There is a wigvinchuvannya of bolted fastening clamps. If weakened, clamps should be put to the side and dismantling of the gas tank.

Tsya technology is old, like for the left son, so I will build it on the right. Just in front of them, like zdiisnyuvati znyattya left, next in the vіd ny vіd'єdnati piping and pads of wires.

As soon as a replacement is needed, then after the replacement, the installation of a similar outbuilding, only a new one, is required. The replacement of the tank is not a special folding and is completed in 2-3 years. It is also allowed to replace the regular vane on tuning or so the ranks of the tank of the Bakor brand. I will increase the capacity of this extension to 53 liters, but in case of this it is important to take care that there will be an increase in the pressure on the pidviska. Therefore, choose between accepting and accepting.

zahist bakiv

Ale, in principle, the replacement for a new gas tank of the Bakor brand is only confirmed by the positive feedback from the automakers. On the basis of this, it is important to note that it is important to control the capacity of your containers to save fire, as the smallest blow provokes the appearance of microcracks. That is why it is recommended in such a situation to set up the installation for the tanks.

You can change your KBM, and you may need to change yoga!

UAZ Patriot - this is a car with a full drive, a haze system that practically does not interfere with the UAZ Hunter. Injector UAZ Bukhanets is equipped with a similar system of fire, which will require modernization.

Technical moments

Under the hood of the Patriot

The firing system in UAZ models is composed of advancing units:

  • fire tank;
  • coarse and fine cleaning filters;
  • fire pump;
  • povitryanogo filter.

Diesel representatives of the UAZ Patriot can be used for high-pressure fuel pump and nozzle, carburetor - carburetor. Maliy obsyag regular gas tanks and їх neruchno mistseznahodzhennya - the main reasons for tuning UAZ Hunter and UAZ Patriot. The first step is to start the procedure, it is recommended to check the features of the pumping system.

In gasoline models, when the engine is running and the fuel pump is in good condition, the fuel is pumped from the left to the right tank constantly and automatically. It is connected with the presence of the squirt pump. Stacked wine from 2 tubules. When the engine is turned on, the fuel pump pumps fuel into the fuel line, which flows between the right tank and the motor's fuel rail.

Nadya R_dina only from the right tank. The left unit has a temperature sensor. At the fuel line, a tee was installed, for which there is excess gasoline, which, without having consumed it in the ramp, under a vice, go back. Shvidkіst rіdini temple, scho priyaє sharp fall vise in the second pipe, roztashovanoї near the nozzle. Gasoline from the left tank overflows into the right tank by vacuum.

This appendix functions to the point of being obvious in the left tank, or until it is quiet, until the right tank is filled up. After emptying the first capacity of the robot of the squirt pump, it works with the function of a simple fitting for pouring out the fuel (draining the gasoline from the return to the motor). The UAZ Patriot firing module shows the views of the advancing units:

  • gasoline pump;
  • jet pump pumping;
  • vice regulator.

Element number 2 is placed in the cover. Together with the rest of the building, it is easy to see into the body of the first unit.

cause breakage

If the plastic sieve is strayed, or the caliper sieve of the vise regulator is clogged, then:

  1. The pumping of the fire can be damaged.
  2. Vinikne transfusion of rіdini through the adsorber.
  3. The car is more likely to smirk at a sharp dispersal.

The reasons for such malfunctions of auto mechanics are:

  • zaminannya tanks;
  • incorrect installation of the jet pump (on UAZ Patriot 2006-2007 r.v.);
  • intertwined pumping and steam hoses (most often such a pardon is allowed in car services);
  • pinched or clogged hoses with steam water and pumping.

The last important element of the UAZ Patriot fuel module is the tank cap. Tsya detail is guilty of being hermetic, deaf and closed. It was connected with a permanent pumping of the radiator with a working gasoline pump. Through the povna of the right tank, it is possible to overflow through the filthy covered cover.

Aggregates of the heating system

Of the main causes of problematic pumping between tanks, auto mechanics see the following:

  1. The mesh is clogged with smіttyam.
  2. Fine filter clogged with ford for gasoline.
  3. Replaced pump, hoses, vitrati regulator, fuel lines.
  4. Showing up in hoses or fittings in tanks.
  5. Vidsutnist tightness in the right tank or yogo lid.
  6. Stopping a fuel pump with low productivity and pressure (installation of this unit in other cars or used cars, which has spent a resource and does not have proper technical characteristics).

In order to take the best result when replacing a UAZ Patriot with a ZMZ-409 Euro-3 engine and a BOSCH heating module, it is recommended to install a BOSCH electric fuel pump (marking 0 580 454 001). The number of attachments may be affected by productivity (at the discretion of similar units with marking 0 580 453 453).

The process of replacing the hot water filter

To the features of the UAZ Patriot firing system, you can see:

  • 2 gas tanks;
  • opening on gas tanks for pouring gasoline;
  • presence of 2 necks for refueling: zliva and on the right;
  • visibility of the overflow valve;
  • supply of water to the motor by a fire pump from the left tank;
  • presence of the sensor in the left gas tank;
  • deaf plugs of the necks, which include tightness (including vaporization and supply of gasoline);
  • there is no success between the left and the atmosphere;
  • presence of the valve block installed under the hood on the radiator;
  • automatic replenishment of the left capacity from the right one for the rahunok to make a distribution;
  • basic vitrata from the 2nd element;
  • the presence of a turnpike highway zlivu gasoline.

The following is a copy of recommendations on the operation of the UAZ Patriot module. It is necessary to change the correctness of the plugs and the integrity of all gaskets. The first details need to be twisted with zusills. The left tank is refilled. The pump for inflating tires is connected to the gas tank valve in case of damage to the automatic transfer from the right tank to the left (or, if necessary, the filling of gasoline in the first unit).

To ensure that the engine is fed from the right tank, it is necessary to connect a hose to the fuel line from the tube of the exhaust sensors. When carrying out the above described work, it is necessary to check that the eating system at the distance between the Electric fuel pump and the pressure regulator (at the time of the switched on priming and stretching of the dekilkoh hvilin after it is turned off) is under the pressure of 300 kPa. In this case, gasoline can heat up to a high temperature.

It is obstructed to maintain and repair the eating system when the ignition is turned on or after it is turned off. The first step is to proceed to work, it is necessary to reduce the pressure, loosen the cork again, put it on the filter of fine cleaning of the fire.

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