What problems await you, if you do not notice in time, what stretched the timing chain on the gasoline act (SsangYong Actyon)? Features of the SsangYong New Action chain How much is the timing chain and its replacement

Today we will talk about how to replace the timing chain in SsangYong Actyon cars with their own hands. I think all owners of SSANGYONG Aktion is known for the chain jumping problem due to its stretching. You can conduct an independent diagnostics removing the valve cover and estimating the state of the chain.

How much is the timing chain and its replacement?

The original timing chain with number 1729970094 (on gasoline) stands in the area of \u200b\u200b12 thousand rubles, it is done by the way in China. The calling of official dealers was clarified that the procedure for its replacement ranges from 17 to 30 thousand rubles. It turns out not the cheapest renovation if you trust professional craftsmen. But you can save very significantly. A lot of SsangYong Actyon owners set themselves a chain from the production of Czech CZ. Its reliability is tested, even on Hummer. One chain for 84 levels is on average 800 rubles, you need to buy two sets and make 146 links of them like the original one.

40904.1006040-01 / 18049 Chain details number 84 links from CZ, which is put on UAZ.

This is how the device for parsing and assembly of the chain looks like:

You can order with express ali or make a squeeze chain for a bike.

Video Replacing the timing chain in SsangYong Actyon by Tags G20D:

For convenience of viewing, we recommend expanding the video to the full screen. At this car, the chain was recently replaced, but the camshafts were incorrectly installed, there was a lag in one tooth. At the same time, Chek Engine was not burning on the panel, but there was a weak acceleration, the power disappeared. After setting the labels, the problem disappeared. The author of the roller does not comment on the course of work, but text annotations are inserted in the video, which explain the incomprehensible moments.

Video How to replace the chain in SsangYong Actyon broach:

Several scattered rollers from the experienced motorist glued together into one by removing the abnormal moments.

In this article, we will talk about the chain of the gas distribution mechanism, abbreviated by the timing.

GRM chain functions

The timing chain on SsangYong Actyon binds the crankshaft and camshaft (s), and also provides synchronization of their rotation. The timing chain is no different from the belt, ensuring the work of the timing on the principle of gear on the bike.

Timing chain on SsangYong Actyon.

Camshaft without timing elements.

Myths about the chain timber

It is the opinion that if on your engine is not a belt (timing), and the chain, then you can not worry at all - this is the steel chain, in the end! Chain, without any doubt, much more resistant to external factors (water, oil, dust) than the belt, but it is not at all eternal - wearing like any part of your car. Only the chain, in contrast to the belt, there is no regulation of the replacement, that is, you will have to focus "Feels". For example, by car Sang Ag Aktion (SsangYong Actyon) The timing chain is a real headache! After all, by 30 thousand runs, it can fail!

How to determine that the chain lives its last mileage kilometers?

We have already figured out that the immortality does not possess the chain, since she "dies"? Consider on the example of SsangYong Actyon, since this problem is most often found here. In the process of operation, the chain is wear out - stretched and begins to publish "clang". Important! The chain always makes noise when working, but because of the modern sound insulation, you most likely did not notice it if you had doubts about strange sounds in the area of \u200b\u200bthe engine it is better to contact the car service. If your chain on SsangYong Actyon stretches (relevant for both other cars), first it will publish "clang" at the start of "on the cold", and with a worsening situation will make it constantly. With a completely running situation, the chain can "jump", and then your car will stall and without replacing the chain will not start.

This is how the stretched chain looks like. It becomes completely "wooden".

Approximate composition.

Comparison of stretched and "healthy chain"

What threatens the malfunction of the timing chain?

Unfortunately, noise from under the hood, it's not all that threatens you and your car. Above, we described the chain jump option, because of which the car stalls "tightly". This course of events is much more dangerous than it may seem, imagine that you will not stand in the parking lot at the house, but on a busy highway, the picture immediately changed, isn't it? In fact, it's still worse, because the engine stops its work as follows:

  1. Defuse brakes. When the engine stalls, the vacuum brake amplifier stops working. Some will say that our fathers and grandfathers traveled on cars without any amplifiers, and there were brakes. That's right, but the brakes were designed without taking into account the amplifier, that is, calculated on human force. Those who have a modern car bar on the go will say that feeling that there is no brakes at all.
  2. Clinical steering wheel. When the engine stalls, the power steering power steering wheel stops. In fact, the steering wheel is not clinically, but the sensations are exactly how it is necessary to make a lot of effort so that the car turns. Machine owners with electric power can relax, they do not concern.

Thus, the chain jumps can send your car to body repair, and intensive care. So regardless of what you have: a chain or belt, for both of them need regular control and timely replacement.

On some cars when the chain jumps, pistons are bent or even broke the valve. Fortunately, this does not concern SsangYong Actyon, because We did not have to see a single car with curved valves. But damaged gears of the camshafts occur periodically, and given the fact that one of them with a phasemator, then it also increases the already not a small cost of repair.

What to do to avoid problems with the timing chain?

Unfortunately, there is no good solution at the moment. Avoid the problem will not work. It remains to closely monitor the state of the chain and change it when tensile.

In the car, very little space for repair, which is not at all a plus and significantly complicates repairs, and also prolongs it. Typically, the chain replacement on SsangYong Actyon takes about a day and is quite expensive, due to the fact that, firstly there are no good analogues of the chain, and the original, to be honest, leaves much to be desired, and secondly for reasons associated with complexity This process. And all the "Kulibinsky" methods of repair We are therefore "Kulibin" for their fear and risk.

The timing chain SsangYong New Action is in the literal sense of the word chain intended for proper gas distribution, timely opening and closing valves. The pulley is equipped with marks, allowing rational to set the position of the crankshaft relative to the distribution. The SsangYong New Actyon timing chain is used on gasoline and diesel engines. It is quite difficult to break it, unlike the belt. But in the process of wear, it can reach several centimeters. Fully all operation of the engine depends on the chain uninterrupted operation, it is necessary to carefully monitor the mechanism and in time to replace when wear.

The most frequent problem is to pull the chain, which leads to the retelling of it for several links and a break. In the event of a break, there is a piston with a valve, which threatens the engine overhaul.

Timing chain SsangYong New Actyon G20D (gasoline) - Benefits of the Mechanism

The main advantages that can be attributed to the timing chain SsangYong New Actyon G20D (gasoline):

  • the mechanism has the highest resource;
  • it has high resistance to external factors. It is not terrible water, dust, dirt, various temperature differences;
  • the timing chain can be installed with accuracy to each label, respectively, to independently adjust, which means to accurately adjust, which contributes to more rational control of intake and exhaust valves. Even if it is already stretched, the valves do not go beyond and do not cocks, which is very important;
  • significantly increases the resource of the chain that it is constantly in oil;
  • if there is a place of workable tensioner SsangYong New Actyon chain, then it will not jump onto the tooth forward, no matter what mode you have to work. The timing chain is highly resistant to large loads and is able to withstand the highest revs;
  • durability. The timing chain is able to serve 300-500 thousand km without the implementation of any kind of repair work. Of course, visually browsing the mechanism is necessary, in order to determine the deviations in operation on time.

Speaking about the lack of chain mechanism, it is worth mentioning about its noise, which is several times higher than on the belt drive. The minus is also the complexity and high cost of replacing the SsangYong New Actyon chain. When replacing a replacement, you will need to buy a set of spare parts with various asterisks, tensioners and straps. The rational one will contact a specialized salon and there to replace the chain mechanism. Experienced specialists will work faster and better. An independent execution of this manipulation does not guarantee the further quality of the work of the new mechanism. If the chain is incorrectly laid and exhibited, it will quickly fail, which can lead to even greater adverse problems.

Replacing the timing chain on SsangYong New Actyon - painstaking and time-consuming work, not every experienced car owner. If not confident in your abilities, it is better to contact a hundred, and trust professionals.

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