What are the differences between twin-turbo and biturbo systems? Twin Turbo system - recognition, budovu, principle of operation

In the given hour, they use such engines, like two turbines. However, far from all car owners can afford to use their own motors. Today, the most popular car engines, on a yak will drink from the skin day, are Twin-Turbo and Bi-Turbo. Obviously, not a leather car enthusiast knows the difference between them, but at first glance, one can say that they are the same. However, we think not so. So it’s not easy to think that Bi and Twin is the same, but the turbocharging system is the same in its power and capacity, but with different names.

Twin-Turbo turbocharging system

In order to get into this system, it is necessary to clearly state one's own principle of work. The system vibrates the necessary pressure again, like it is guilty to pump into the engine cylinders themselves. In the world of that, how to run the arrow on the tachometer, the engine wears out its tension, and the vibration of the turbine itself is rapidly decreasing. For this reason, the motor did not suffer from exhaustion, and the vibration of the turbine only grew, and another similar turbine was also built.

Obviously, the work of such a system needs to be regulated independently or in a car service. Turbines can be included in the robot at once, but it’s better to adjust the turbines so that one of them starts its work, and in the world the increase in revolutions on the tachometer is included in the robot. However, with such robotic turbines, such a problem arises, like a turbo lag. So don’t forget about those that this system can be installed not only on V-like engines, but also on standard row engines.

Bi-Turbo turbocharging system

Bi-Turbo, yak and twin, may have two turbos. However, there are two absolutely different between them due to the tightness of the turbine. While in the first turn two turbines can have the same pressure, the Bi-Turbo can have one standard turbine and one with a higher pressure. These turbines do not need to be independently regulated. Stink on the back of the head in such a way that the first big turbine is turned on on the cob, and if the tachometer needle shows more and more wraps on the tachometer, then a friend is included in the robot, a larger tight turbine. This system ensures not only swedish, but also equal machine breakdown. Until then, such a boost allows the turbos to disappear. Such a turbine, just like Twin-Turbo, Bi-Turbo, can be installed not only on a V-like engine, but also on a superior in-line engine.

Retail between data systems

In the first place, Bi-Turbo creates a smooth and smooth start and expansion, and Twin-Turbo reduces the maximum engine strain.

On the other hand, the Bi doesn't do turbos, which you can't say about the Twin.

Thirdly, Bi-Turbo allows you to operate not only on the road and on the highway, but also on the racing tracks, while Twin-Turbo does not have such a possibility.

Also, check that AvtoVAZ appeared in the model range and with turbo engines \u003d)

Vin allows you to increase the pressure of the engine and increase the amount of fire that vporskuetsya into the cylinder in one cycle. Since the middle of the 20th century, cars have been developed, in which two turbines are combined - this arrangement is called Twinturbo, Biturbo, Double Turbo and in other words. It is often possible to learn information about the principles of power of twinturbo and biturbo - in a few articles, the designation and essence of unique design elements are indicated. We will try to expand in the layout of these systems and mi.

Pressurize more and more often to increase the pressure on the engine

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The most important moment in this problem lies in the fact that there are no principles of authority. Biturbo and its counterpart to Twinturbo are simply alternative names for the same dual compressor supercharging systems. Moreover, like Biturbo, so Twinturbo is allowed to use different variations of the technical part.

Different names were invented by marketers in the form of automobiles, so that they could see their products among anonymous similar cars, prompted from stasis and layout. It’s like the Japanese companies are trying to win over their Twinturbo turbocompressor twins, the same as the European companies write Biturbo - that’s how it happened historically. Cars come to our country from both parts of the world, to that which I called Biturbo, which Twinturbo is known to the veterinarian of spozhivachev. That's why the superechka about the distinction between the names of turbocompressors can be considered impossible - and the axis of knowledge about fundamentally different systems, which are victorious in international practice, will be cicavo.

Classics of the genre

If you know what turbocharging is, then you will understand that in the installation of two turbochargers there is its own folding. Offset turbines of the Biturbo system must be installed on one single line, and between them it is possible to avoid a single line. The problem lies in the fact that the long-range turbocharger will take less energy and not be as efficient. In the middle of the 20th century, this problem was solved simply - another turbine in the Twinturbo layout is small in terms of the characteristics of the bearings and the shape of the impeller. It was possible to synchronize the work of two units for the rahunok and to precisely increase the pressure of the engine behind the auxiliary Biturbo system.

The Biturbo system wins all over

However, practice has shown that the last layout of Twinturbo may have some important shortcomings:

  • The presence of a serious "turbo", to a range of revolutions, in which a turbine simply does not work;
  • To finish the great hour of respite for the gas supply;
  • nearby turbine;
  • Unsuccessful installation on V-shaped motors.

The problem was solved in different ways. However, the most elegant and efficient engineering solution was proposed by Toyota, as it turned on the inclusion of turbochargers in its Biturbo variant. At low speeds, the valves are closed and the exhaust gases pass only through a small first turbine, easily spinning and safely early exit from the turbos. After the reach of 3500 rpm, if the pressure of the gas is already becoming transcendent, the electronics open a special shutter, and the hot flow is directed to another turbocharger of a larger size, protecting the natural increase in the pressure of the engine.

current interpretation

However, due to the massive expansion of V-shaped motors, the last Biturbo system began to stagnate more and more, the shards of vikoristovuvat її it was unhandy from the constructive point of view. Approximately on the cob of the 80s, an alternative layout of the Twinturbo was proponated, in which the skin turbine was fixed behind the engine cylinders - as a rule, the language was about that other "half" of the block. could have been pushed closer to the intake and exhaust manifold, which significantly changed the ratio of mechanical and aerodynamic inputs, and also increased the stiffness of the engine. In addition, the parallel Biturbo system, like vikoristovuyu compact turbines, allowed to work in the form of "turbos" and work the motor even more sensitive to changes in the supply of fire.

In most cases, the Twin Turbo scheme is parallel to the transmission of a variable intake manifold, which will simplify and work less in service, but will intersect the dynamic potential of the car. To that, as an alternative, the Biturbo layout with separate intake tracts and manifolds was proposed. Krіm іnshoy, tse allowed to adapt the system for vikoristannya on compact in-line engines, yakі previously equipped with two turbochargers, roztašovanimi sequentially.

However, the biggest cіkava Twinturbo scheme was propagated by the BMW company - її vіdmіnіnіst polyad vіdmіnіst vіdmіnіst vіdmіnіnі vіdnіnі vіrbіnі V8 v8, but not vсі bіd vіd vіd block tsilіndrіv. Moreover, the skin of the turbochargers will live in the cylinders, which are found on the sides of the engine! Regardless of the greatness of the difficulties, as if the engineers had a chance to podolat, the result turned over all the points. This original Biturbo system changed the length of the "turbos" by 40% without reducing the pressure of the knot. In addition, the stability of the robotic dvigun increased and the intensity of its vibrations changed.

Don't know Biturbo

Some of the Twinturbo layouts confuse the Twinscroll turbine. The rest of the transmission is of one turbine, which has two channels and two rows of impellers with a different shape of blades. At low speeds, the valve opens, which leads to smaller impellers - as a result, the turbocharger starts to dry out quickly and ensures an increase in tightness without "turbos". However, due to the movement of the pressure of the exhaust gases, another valve opens up - now only the large impeller is victorious. As a result, the car will take additional productivity increases.

Obviously, such a system may be less efficient than the classic Biturbo. However, in the case of a single turbine, the thrust capacity of the engine still grows. Obviously, the layout of the Twinscroll is foldable in terms of versatility and it is important to do it inappropriately. However, in this time of year, you often get stuck in tight cars - including in the warehouses of the Biturbo system.

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If you know how a mechanical compressor is driven by a turbine, you will understand why two systems are indispensable - the first one is guided by the crankshaft, the same way the turbocharger is driven by the energy of exhaust gases and is practically impossible. However, there is nothing impossible for Volkswagen engineers - in their version of the Twinturbo system, the stench included an offensive node. The turbine works steadily, just like the compressor helps to put the "turbo-ama" at low speeds. Years of wine turn off, but with a sharp pressure on the gas pedal, I again enter into action, reducing the reaction of the engine to the supply of fire.

The result of winning this variant of Biturbo was more significant, reaching the inter-torque on small wraps, speeding up the set of revolutions, as well as changing the hour on pressing the gas pedal. Forgive me Twinturbo for water is practically unremarkable - it is less easy to predict tight dynamics and does not react to pressure failures or other problems. However, the system, broken down by Volkswagen, seemed to be more foldable and inappropriate. Therefore, in this hour, on branded cars, which are included in the group of companies, vicorists only have one of two options for supercharging.


Summarizing what has been said above, we can add a few words about those that the Twinturbo and Biturbo features are only in the name. Well, it’s good for you to chirp with different pressurization systems, you need to get respect for the parallel and subsequent layout. In addition, we will not make more reports about the characteristics of a turbocharger with mechanical supercharging and the advantages of its sleepy zastosuvannya.

Imovirno, you are not one-time chuli, which are turbocharged engines, moreover, turbines are є і in gasoline ICEs. Ale in the engines buvaє i dvі turbines. However, high-width such cars are not taken away, being expensive. But you can take the information without cost.

From the same time, turbo-van engines were developed under the names Bi-turbo and Twin-turbo. It is very important for someone to know that the difference in names should be found in the companies-manufacturers of cars. However, the cream of the company, the reason for the failures lies in the turbocharging itself.

Twin-Turbo supercharging system. Show how the turbine functions. Vaughn was called to make a vice again, so that we can pump into the cylinders. Due to the increase in the speed of the internal combustion engine, the turbine loses efficiency, and with it, the pressure decreases. In order to avoid this, for її growth at high speeds, the car engine was simply equipped with another turbine.

But the functioning of the turbines can be carried out in a different order - marveling at how the system will be fixed. For example, it is possible to work parallel to the robot, and also the last one - I will press one turbine, and then we will change another. Sometimes an additional turbine is connected in case of failure of pressure, compensating for waste. Dodamo, the Twin-Turbo system is successfully installed on in-line and V-like units.

Bi-Turbo - in such units there is also a pair of turbines, although the "Twin" variant has the same stench, then more pressure is added to the stellar turbine, as well as a larger size. The way the turbines are turned on is always the last one: at medium speeds, the turbine is more efficient, and if the stench grows, and it stops running, the larger turbine is started. The configuration is given for the safety of the parameters. The installation of two turbines of this kind is also possible to offend the larger type of internal combustion engine.

But a car with different pressurization systems, everything is the same in travel itself differently. In Twin-Turbo, there is a weakly dented effect of turbos, if the pressure of the accelerator and the operation of the turbine divides an hour, which is more like a fraction of a second. During this moment, the turbine spins up and gives the required increase. In Bi-Turbo engines, there are no “holes” through different turbines, which is why when dispersing daily shipments.

Respectfully, that bi-turbo cars take part in races and car races, Twin-Turbo does not allow this, because the design itself, you know, can not be driven.

Bi-turbo (biturbo) - a turbocharging system that consists of two sequentially included in the operation of the turbines. In such a system, there are 2 turbines, one small size larger than the big one, it’s broken because the small turbine spins up significantly faster, and enters into the work of the first, then, with the reach of larger high wrappers of the engine, another spins up, the turbine is large, significantly more charge. Such a rank of Persh for all the Minimiza lag, to diverted to finish Rivna Rosginna characteristic of auto mobly without Rivka, Power Great Turbin, I reached the can vicoristovati Turgia on the motto we are not in the auto mmobili for the same the motor is not permanent, but take more pressure from the motor of a small engine, it may be sensible, for some reasons, for example, due to legislation on taxes from this country on the displacement of the engine. Bi-turbo systems are expensive to install, and the installation, as a rule, in serial production, is carried out on a high-class car, such as MASERATI or ASTON MARTIN (there is a compressor).

Such a system can be installed \u200b\u200bly on a V6 engine, the leather turbine will hang on its head in the exhaust, the inlet is hot, so on an in-line engine, for example, a row 4, in which direction the turbine can be switched on in the exhaust like in parallel, 2 cylinders for one, 2 for another, and so in sequence - the turbine is large on the back, then small. There are so many options, if only a 2-cylinder whistle comes up to a small turbine, and a small turbine comes out of a large turbine.

Twin-turbo (twinturbo) - in this system on the front of the bi-turbo system, the main task is not to reduce the lag, but to achieve greater productivity by pumping more or more pressure. Efficiency for pumping repeatedly is necessary, in case the engine is running at high speeds, it slows down more, the lower turbine is safe, in such a way it can fall under the pressure of supercharging. Twinturbo systems have two identical turbines. In general, the productivity of such a system is 2 times greater than the lower one of the system is formed from one turbine, with which 2 small turbines can be blocked in terms of productivity, it is possible to reach the effect of reducing the lag. So the situation itself is clear, if the productivity of the present great turbines is insufficient, for example, when the engine of the dragster is driven, then the combination of 2 turbines wins. The scheme is given as a variant of biturbo, which can be practiced on engines with a V-shaped camber of heads, as well as on in-line engines. Variants of inclusion of turbines are the same as in biturbo.

As a matter of fact, the system itself is made up of 3 or more of the same turbines, the result is the same as in the twinturbo. As a rule, such systems in civil zastosuvanny do not rozpovsyudzhennya, and zastosovuyutsya as a rule, for pobudov hard sports motors, for cars to take part in drag racing.

In modern turbocharged engines (Zokrema RRS V8 diesel) turbines change the geometry of the impellers. This minimizes the problem with turbos and gives a high potential for turbocharging even at the lowest crankshaft speeds. Krіm tse dodaє ekonomіyu paliva.

A lot of you have had a little bit about the construction of motors, reinforced by two turbines. Obviously, such power units are more easily accessible through the high road, but all the same, if you don’t come, then if you want to get skin from us, we have the right. And chi were supposed to be the ones that make Twin-Turbo, B-Turbo, even at first glance, you might think that they are one and the same - dvigun, equipping two with turbines. Let's dig a little bit into the technical characteristics and figure out what to what.

Deyaki paromilkovo respect that twin-turbo і - ce rіznі komertsіynі naming odnієї supercharging systems. It’s amazing that the difference is not only in the company, but also in the way of supercharging.

Engine with Twin-Turbo supercharging system

Let me know, like a wind turbine. She creates a singing vice again, which is pumped into the cylinders of the engine. In the process of increasing revolutions, the efficiency of the turbine decreases and the exhaustion of the motor falls. To turn off the pressure drop and secure the increase at high speeds, another similar turbine was installed.

It is noteworthy that turbines can enter into the robot in different ways. For example, you can fix the turbines in such a way that the stench blows in parallel, otherwise, it’s possible to fix it in such a way that one turbine presses the back of the hand, then, if your tension becomes insufficient, a friend was connected and, in this order, compensated for the waste.

To guess whether the Twin-Turbo supercharging system can be installed both on V-like engines and on in-line ones, there is nothing special here.

Engines with Bi-Turbo system

Bi-Turbo also may have the presence of two turbines, however, although in the front version the turbines were the same, then the Bi-turbo includes the presence of a splendid turbine and a larger, more strained one. can be switched on in the last way, so at low and medium speeds the first turbine is used, at high speeds it is reduced. Zavdyaks of such a configuration are secured by a regular breakdown of the car.

For its own sake, the Bi-Turbo can also be installed on V-like engines, and on rows.

Vіdmіnіst vіdmіnіst roboі Bi-Turbo vіd Twin-Turbo

Also, the design features of the skin systems have added to the outrageous nature of the car's behavior. Just like the Bi-Turbo system, which eliminates the pressure of the turbines, ensures that the car has a smooth gap, without spending, or a sharp increase in the pressure, then the main priority of the Twin-Turbo is to remove the maximum strain from the engine. Twin-Turbo, on the face of a competitor still suffers from t.sv. turbos, then a small zatrimkoy, until the turbine spins and gives an increase. Sounds vibrate and sharp postovh in dispersal, with the Bi-Turbo system, disengagement moves smoothly.

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