How to make a steam engine. The invention of the steam engine of the scheme of modern steam machines

Exactly 212 years ago, December 24, 1801, in the small English city of Camborne, Richard Trevik mechanic demonstrated the public with a steam engine Dog Carts. Today, this event could be boldly attributed to the category although notable, but insignificant, especially since the steam engine was known and earlier, and even applied on vehicles (although it would be very long to call them vehicles) ... but that's what's interesting: It is now that technological progress gave rise to a situation that is strikingly reminiscent of the era of the Great "Battle" of steam and gasoline at the beginning of the XIX century. Only to deal with batteries, hydrogen and biofuels. Want to know how it will end and who will win? I will not suggest. Nice: Technology has nothing to do with ...

1. The passion for steam engines has passed, and the engines have come internal combustion. For the benefit of the case, I will repeat: in 1801, a four-wheeled crew, capable of relative comfort and to transport eight passengers, rolled through the streets of Camborna. The car was driven by a single-cylinder steam engine, and the fuel was coal. The creation of steam vehicles engaged with enthusiasm, and already in the 20s of the XIX century, passenger steam omnibuses transported passengers at a speed of up to 30 km / h, and the average interremmonary mileage reached 2.5-3 thousand km.

Now comparable to this information with others. In the same 1801, the Frenchman Philip Lebrone received a patent for the design piston Engine Internal combustion worked on a light gas. It happened that after three years, Leboon died, and the development proposed technical solutions had to be different. Only in 1860, the Belgian engineer Jean Etienne Lenouar gathered a gas engine with an ignition from an electric spark and brought its design to the degree of fitness to the installation on the vehicle.

So, the car steam engine and the internal combustion engine are almost peers. Kpd. steaming The construction and in those years was about 10%. Efficiency engine Lenoara was only 4%. Only after 22 years, by the 1882th, August Otto improved him so much that the efficiency was now the gasoline engine reached ... as much as 15%.

2. Steam thrust is just a brief moment in the history of progress.Beginning in 1801, the history of steam transport actively continued without a small 159 years. In 1960 (!) In the United States, buses and trucks with steam engines were still built. Steam machines during this time were improved very significantly. In 1900, 50% of the fleet of cars were "for a couple" in the USA. Already in those years there was a competition between steam, gasoline and attention! - Electrical crews. After the market success "Model-t" Ford and, it would seem, lesions of the steam engine, a new surge in the popularity of steam car came on the 20s of the last century: the cost of fuel for them (fuel oil, kerosene) was significantly lower than the cost of gasoline.

Stanley made approximately 1 thousand steam vehicles per year before the 1927th. In England, steam trucks successfully competed with gasoline until 1933 and lost only due to the administration by the authorities of the tax on heavy cargo transport and reducing tariffs for imports of liquid petroleum products from the United States.

3. Steam machine is ineffective and uneconomical. Yes, once it was that way. "Classic" steam engine, which produced spent pairs into the atmosphere, has an efficiency of no more than 8%. However, the steam engine with a capacitor and the profiled flow part has an efficiency up to 25-30%. Steam turbine provides 30-42%. Gas and steam turbines are used by "in the bundle" of gas and steam turbines, have an efficiency of up to 55-65%. The latter circumstance was the promotion of BMW engineers to start studying options for using this scheme in cars. By the way, the efficiency of modern gasoline engines is 34%.

The cost of making a steam engine at all times was lower than the cost of carburetor and diesel engines The same power. Fuel fuel consumption in new steam engines operating in a closed cycle on an overheated (dry) pair and equipped with modern lubrication systems, high-quality bearings and electronic systems The operating cycle regulation is only 40% of the former.

4. The steam engine is slowly started. And it was once ... even serial cars Stanley "Divided Couples" from 10 to 20 minutes. Improvement of the design of the boiler and the introduction of a cascade heating mode made it possible to reduce the readiness time up to 40-60 seconds.

5. Steam car is too leisure. This is not true. Record of the 1906 speed - 205.44 km / h - belongs to a steam car. In those years, cars on gasoline engines did not know how to ride so quickly. In 1985, on a vapor car drove at a speed of 234.33 km / h. And in 2009, a group of British engineers constructed a steam-turbine "car" with a steam drive with a capacity of 360 liters. with. who was able to move with a record average speed On arrival - 241.7 km / h.

6. Steam car smoke, it is not eastic. Considering the ancient drawings, which depict the first steam crews emitting thick clubs of smoke and fire from their pipes (which, by the way, testifies to the imperfection of the first "steam" furnaces), you know where the persistent Association of Steam Machine and Soota came from.

As for the appearance of the machines, the matter here, of course, depends on the level of the designer. It is unlikely that someone will say that the steam cars of Abner Dobla (USA) ugly. On the contrary, they are elegant even in present ideas. And they traveled silently, smoothly and quickly - up to 130 km / h.

Interestingly, modern surveys in the field of hydrogen fuel for car motors spawned a number of "lateral branches": hydrogen as fuel for classic piston steam engines and especially for steam turbine machines provides absolute ecology. "Smoke" from such a motor is ... water vapor.

7. Steam engine Caprisen. It is not true. It is constructively much easier than the engine of internal combustion, which in itself means greater reliability and unpretentiousness. The resource of steam engines is many tens of thousands of hours of continuous operation, which is not typical of other types of engines. However, this is not limited to this. By virtue of the principles of work, the steam engine does not lose efficiency when the atmospheric pressure decreases. It is for this reason that vehicles on the steam line are extremely well suited for use in highlands, on heavy mountain passes.

It is interesting to note another useful property of the steam engine with which it, by the way, is similar to a DC electric motor. Reducing the rotational speed of the shaft (for example, with an increase in the load) causes an increase in torque. Because of this property, cars with steam engines fundamentally do not need gearboxes - alone are very complex and sometimes capricious mechanisms.

Inspection of the museum exposition I will miss and go directly to the machine room. Who is interested, he can find the full version of the post with me in LJ. The machine room is located in this building:

29. Cutting inside, I have sled breathing from delight - inside the hall was the most beautiful steam car from everyone that I had to see. It was a real temple of the steampunk - a sacred place for all Adeptic Adetics steam era. I was amazed seen and realized that I was absolutely not for nothing I drove into this town and visited this museum.

30. In addition to a huge steam car, which is the main museum object, various samples of steam vehicles were also presented here, and history was told on numerous infosnestes. steam machinery. In this picture you see a fully functioning steam machine, with a capacity of 12 hp

31. Hand for scale. The car was created in 1920.

32. Next to the main museum copy, the 1940 release compressor is exhibited.

33. This compressor was used in the railway station Verdau railway station.

34. Well, now consider the details of the central exhibit of the museum exposition - a steam 600-strong car of 1899 of the release, which will be devoted to the second half of this post.

35. Steam machine is a symbol of an industrial revolution that occurred in Europe at the end of the 18th - early 19th century. Although the first samples of steam machines were created by various inventors at the beginning of the 18th century, but they were all unsuitable for industrial use as they had a number of shortcomings. The massive use of steam machines in the industry has become possible only after the Scottish inventor James Watt has improved the mechanism of the steam engine, making it easy to manage, safely and five times more powerful to this samples.

36. James Watt patented his invention in 1775 and already in the 1880s, its steam engines begin to penetrate enterprises, becoming a catalyst for the industrial revolution. It happened primarily because James Watta managed to create a mechanism for the transformation of the progressive movement of the steam engine to rotational. All previously existing steam vehicles could produce only translational movements and used only as pumps. And the invention of the Beatt could rotate the wheel of the mill or the drive of factory machines.

37. In 1800, Waesta and his companion boltone produced 496 steam machines from which only 164 were used as pumps. And already in 1810 in England there were 5,000 steam vehicles, and this number was tripled in the next 15 years. In 1790, the first steam boat was running between Philadelphia and Burlington, which was transporting to thirty passengers, and in 1804 Richard Treintik built the first acting steam locomotive. The era of steam cars began, which lasted the entire nineteenth century, and on railway And the first half of the twentieth.

38. It was a brief historical reference, now back to the main object of the museum exposition. The steam car you see in the pictures was made by Zwikauer Maschinenfabrik AG in 1899 and installed in the machine hall of the spinning factory "C.F.Schmelzer und Sohn". The steam car was intended to drive spinning machines and in this role was used until 1941.

39. Chic signboard. At that time, the industrial technique was made with great attention to the aesthetic appearance and style, not only functionality was important, but also the beauty, which is reflected in every detail of this car. At the beginning of the twentieth century, no mischive technique would simply bought.

40. Spinning factory "C.F.Schmelzer und Sohn" was founded in 1820 at the place of the present Museum. Already in 1841, the first steam engine was installed in the factory, with a capacity of 8 hp. To drive spinning machines, which in 1899 was replaced by a new more powerful and modern.

41. The factory existed until 1941, then production was stopped in connection with the beginning of the war. All forty-two years, the car was used for its intended purpose, as a drive of spinning machines, and after the end of the war in 1945 - 1951 he served as a backup source of electricity, after which it was finally debited from the balance of the enterprise.

42. Like many of her fellow, it would be waiting for a car if it were not for one factor. This machine was the first steam engine of Germany, which received steam on pipes from the boiler room located. In addition, she had an axes adjustment system from Proly. Thanks to these factors, the car received in 1959 the status of a historical monument and became a museum. Unfortunately, all the factory buildings and the boiler house were demolished in 1992. This machine room is the only thing that remains from the former spinning factory.

43. Magic aesthetics steam era!

44. Scheldik on the axle adjustment system of the axes from Proly. The system adjusted the cut-off - the amount of steam that is admitted to the cylinder. More cut-off is more efficiency, but less power.

45. Devices.

46. \u200b\u200bBy its design this car It is a steam machine of multiple expansion (or as they are also called the compound machine). In the machines of this type, the pairs are consistently expanded in several cylinders of an increasing volume, moving from the cylinder to the cylinder, which makes it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of the engine. This machine has three cylinders: in the center of the frame there is a cylinder high pressure - It was in it that fresh steam from the boiler room was served, then after the expansion cycle, the steam was pulled out into the medium pressure cylinder, which is located to the right of the high pressure cylinder.

47. Having done work, couples from the cylinder of the average pressure moved to the cylinder low pressurewhich you see in this picture, after which, having completed the last expansion, was produced out on a separate pipe. Thus achieved the most full use Energy steam.

48. The stationary power of this installation was 400-450 hp, the maximum 600 hp

49. Spanner for repair and maintenance of the machine is impressive with dimensions. Under it ropes, with which the rotational motion was transferred from the flywheel of the transmission machine, connected to spinning machines.

50. Belle époque perfect aesthetics in every cog.

51. In this picture, you can consider the machine device in detail. The steam expanding in the cylinder transmitted energy to the piston, which in turn carried out a translational movement, transmitting it to the crank-slider mechanism in which it was transformed into the rotational and was transmitted to the flywheel and further into the transmission.

52. In the past with a steam engine, an electric current generator was also connected, which is also preserved in an excellent original state.

53. In the past, the generator was at this place.

54. Mechanism for transferring torque from flywheel to generator.

55. Now the electric motor has been installed on the place of the generator, with which several days a year, the steam machine leads to traffic on the public. Every year's "Days" are held in the museum every year - an event that combines lovers and modelists of steam engines. These days the steam car is also driven.

56. The original DC generator is now on the sidelines. In the past, it was used to generate electricity to illuminate the factory.

57. Produced by Elektrotechnische & Maschinenfabrik Ernst Walther in Verdau in 1899, if you believe the infotube, but on the original nameplate of the year 1901.

58. Since I was the only visitor of the museum that day, no one prevented me to enjoy the aesthetics of this place one-on-one c machine. In addition, the absence of people has increased good photos.

59. Now a few words about the transmission. As can be seen in this picture, the surface of the flywheel has 12 grooves for ropes, with which the rotational movement of the flywheel was transmitted further to the transmission elements.

60. Transmission, consisting of wheels of various diameters connected by shafts, distributed rotational movement into several floors of the factory body, on which spinning machines operating from the energy transmitted using the transmission from the steam machine.

61. Flywheel with grooves for ropes close-up.

62. There are clearly visible elements of the transmission, with which the torque was transferred to the shaft passing under the ground and transmitting the rotational movement into the factory body adjacent to the machine hall, in which the machines were located.

63. Unfortunately, the factory building is not preserved outside the door, which led to the next building, now only emptiness.

64. Separately, it is worth noting the shield of controlling electrical equipment, which in itself is a work of art.

65. Marble board in a beautiful wooden frame with rows of lever and fuses located on it, a luxurious lamp, stylish appliances - Belle époque in all its glory.

66. Two huge fuses located between the lantern and appliances are impressive.

67. Fuses, levers, regulators - all equipment is aesthetically attractive. It can be seen that when creating this shield about appearance We cared far from the last place.

68. Under each lever and fuse there is a "button" with the inscription that this lever turns on / off.

69. The magnificence of the technique of the Period of the "Beautiful Epoch".

70. At the end of the story, we will return to the car and enjoy the delightful harmony and aesthetics of its details.

71. Control valves with individual machine nodes.

72. Drip oils intended for lubricating moving nodes and machine units.

73. This device is called press oil. From the moving part of the machine, the worms are given in the movement of the worms, moving the oil piston, and it injected oil to rubbing surfaces. After the piston comes to dead point, his rotation of the handle is raised back and the cycle is repeated.

74. To what is beautiful! Clean delight!

75. Machine cylinders with inlet valve columns.

76. More oils.

77. Aesthetics Steampunk in classic form.

78. Camshaft Machines regulating steam supply to cylinders.



81. All this is very very beautiful! I got a huge charge of inspiration and joyful emotions while visiting this machine room.

82. If you suddenly fate will go to the Zvikau region, visit this museum, you will not regret. Museum site and its coordinates: 50 ° 43 "58" N 12 ° 22 "25" E

On April 12, 1933, William Besler started from the Municipal airfield of Auckland in California by plane with a steam engine.
Newspapers wrote:

"The takeoff was normal in all respects, except for the lack of noise. In fact, when the plane was already separated from the ground, the observers seemed to not have gained sufficient speed. On the full power Noise is noticeable no more than with a planning aircraft. You could only hear the whistle of air. When working on a complete pair, the screw produced only a small noise. It was possible to distinguish through the noise of the screw of the flame ...

When the plane went to the landing and crossed the field boundary, then the screw stopped and started slowly in the opposite direction by reverse transfer and the subsequent small opening of the throttle. Even with a very slow reverse rotation of the screw, the decrease was worse markedly. Immediately after touching the earth, the pilot gave full reversewhich, along with brakes, quickly stopped the car. A brief mileage was especially noticeable in this case, since during the test there was a windless weather, and usually the mileage during the landing reached several hundred feet. "

At the beginning of the 20th century, the height records achieved by airplanes were almost annually:

Stratosphere suled considerable benefits for flight: less air resistance, constancy of winds, lack of cloudiness, secrecy, inaccessible for air defense. But how to take off for height, for example, 20 kilometers?

The power [gasoline] motor drops faster than air density.

At an altitude of 7000 m, the motor power decreases almost three times. In order to increase the high-altitude qualities of aircraft, at the end of the imperialist war, an attempt was made to apply defending, in the period 1924-1929. The superchargers are further introduced into production. However, to ensure the preservation of the power of the internal combustion engine at altitudes over 10 km is becoming more difficult.

In an effort to raise the "height limit", the designers of all countries are increasingly and more often turn their eyes on the steam car, having a number of advantages as a high-rise engine. Separate countries, as, for example, Germany, pushed this path and strategic considerations, namely, the need for a big war to achieve independence from imported oil.

Per last years Numerous attempts were made to establish a steam engine on the plane. The rapid growth of the aviation industry on the eve of the crisis and the monopoly prices for its products did not rush to the realization of experienced works and accumulated inventions. These attempts that took a special scope during the economic crisis of 1929-1933. And then the coming depression is not a random phenomenon for capitalism. In print, especially in America and France, they often rushed to reproach to large concerns about the presence of agreements on their artificial delay in the implementation of new inventions.

There are two directions. One is represented in America a coneler who has installed the plane of a regular piston machine, the other is due to the use of the turbine as an aviation engine and is connected mainly with the works of German designers.

Brothers Besler took as the basis of the piston vapor car for the car and installed it on Biplan Travel-ER [Description of their demonstration flight is given at the beginning of the post].
Video of that flight:

The machine is equipped with a reversing mechanism, with which you can easily and quickly change the direction of rotation of the machine of the machine not only in flight, but also when planting an aircraft. The engine besides the propeller leads to a movement through the coupling the fan that bulgesting the air into the burner. When starting, use a small electric motor.

The machine has developed a power of 90 hp, but in the conditions of the known boiler forcing its power can be made up to 135 liters. from.
Couple pressure in the boiler 125 AT. The temperature of the steam was maintained about 400-430 °. In order to maximize the automation of the boiler, a normalizer or a device was applied using which water was injected under a known pressure in the superheater, as soon as the pair temperature exceeded 400 °. The boiler was equipped with a nutritional pump and steam drive, as well as primary and secondary feeding water heaters heated by the waste steam.

Two capacitors were installed on the plane. The more powerful is converted from the OH-5 radiator and installed on top of the fuselage. The less powerful is made from the Capacitor of the Valley Steam Car and is located under the fuselage. The performance of the capacitors, as stated in the press, was insufficient for the work of the steam machine on the full throttle without release into the atmosphere "and 90% of cruising power corresponded to approximately." Experiments have shown that at the expense of 152 l fuel it was necessary to have 38 liters of water.

The total weight of the steam installation of the aircraft was 4.5 kg per 1 liter. from. Compared to the OH-5 motor, working on this aircraft, it gave an overweight 300 pounds (136 kg). It is not doubtted that the weight of the entire installation could be significantly reduced in the facilitation of engine parts and capacitors.
Gasoyl served fuel. In the press claimed that no more than 5 minutes passed between the inclusion of ignition and launch. "

Another direction in the development of a steaming unit for aviation is associated with the use of a steam turbine as an engine.
In 1932-1934 Information about the original steam turbine for the aircraft was penetrated into foreign seal. The author called her the chief engineer of this plant of Chetner.
The steamer and turbine along with the capacitor here were combined into one rotating unit having a common case. Hyutner notices: "The engine represents a power plant, a distinctive characteristic feature of which is that the rotating steam generator forms one constructive and exploratory integer with the turbine and condenser rotating in the opposite direction.
The main part of the turbine is the rotating boiler formed from a number of V-shaped tubes, and one knee of these tubes is connected to a collector for nutrient water, another with a steam collector. The boiler is shown in FIG. 143.

The tubes are located radially around the axis and rotate at a speed of 3000-5000 rpm. The water arriving in the tube rushes under the action of centrifugal force in the left branches of V-shaped tubes, the right knee of which acts as a steam generator. The left knee of the tubes has ribs heated by a flame from the nozzles. Water, passing by these ribs, turns into steam, and under the action of centrifugal forces arising from the rotation of the boiler, a steam pressure increases. Pressure is automatically adjustable. Drencil differences in both branches of tubes (pairs and water) gives a variable level difference that is a function of centrifugal force, and therefore the speed of rotation. The scheme of such an aggregate is shown in FIG. 144.

The feature of the design of the boiler is the location of the tubes, in which a vacuum in the combustion chamber is created during rotation, and so the boiler performs the role of the suction fan. Thus, according to Hyutnener, the rotation of the boiler is determined simultaneously and the food of it, and the movement of hot gases, and the movement of cooling water. "

The launch of the turbine in the course requires only 30 seconds. Hyutner expected to receive a b. P. Boiler 88% and k. P. D. Turbines 80%. The turbine and boiler need to be launched in launchers.

In 1934, the press flashed a message on the development of a large plane project in Germany equipped with a turbine with a rotating boiler. Two years later, in the French press, they argued that in the context of a large secretary, a special aircraft was built in Germany. For it, a steamyl installation of a 2500 liter system is designed for it. from. The length of the aircraft is 22 m, the scope of the wings of 32 m, the flight weight (approximate) 14 tons, the absolute ceiling of the aircraft is 14000 m, the flight rate at an altitude of 10,000 m - 420 km / h, the rise at a height of 10 km is 30 minutes.
It is very possible that these messages in print are significantly exaggerated, but it is undoubted that German designers work on this problem, and the upcoming war can bring unexpected surprises here.

What is the advantage of the turbine in front of the internal combustion engine?
1. The lack of a reciprocating movement at high rotational speeds allows you to make a turbine of quite compact and smaller sizes than modern powerful aviation motors.
2. An important advantage is also the relative silence of the steam engine, which is important both from the point of view of the military, and in the sense of the possibility of facilitating the aircraft by the soundproofing equipment on passenger aircraft.
3. Steam turbine, not as an example of internal combustion motors, almost no overload, can be overloaded to a short period to 100% at a constant speed. This advantage of the turbine makes it possible to reduce the length of the airplane running and facilitates its rise in the air.
4. The simplicity of the design and the absence of a large number of mobile and triggered parts is also an important advantage of the turbine, making it more reliable and durable compared to internal combustion engines.
5. The absence on the steam installation of the magneto is also essential, whose work can be affected using radio waves.
6. The ability to use heavy fuel (oil, fuel oil) in addition to economic advantages causes greater safety of the steam engine in the fireplace. It is also created to heat the aircraft.
7. The main advantage of the steam engine is to maintain its nominal power with a rise in height.

One of the objections against the steam engine is mainly from aerodynamics and reduces to the size and capabilities of the condenser cooling. Indeed, the steam capacitor has a surface 5-6 times more than a water radiator of an internal combustion engine.
That is why, striving to reduce the windshield resistance of such a capacitor, the designers came to the placement of the capacitor directly on the surface of the wings in the form of a solid row of the tubes, following exactly the contour and the wing profile. In addition to making significant stiffness, it will reduce the danger of icing an aircraft.

There is, of course, another number of other technical difficulties in the transmission of the turbine by plane.
- Unknown the behavior of the nozzle at large altitudes.
- To change the fast load of the turbine, which is one of the working conditions of the aircraft engine, it is necessary to have either a stock of water or a steam collector.
- famous difficulties represent and develop good automatic device To adjust the turbine.
- The gyroscopic effect of the fast rotating turbine on the plane is also unclear.

Nevertheless, the achieved successes give reason to hope that in the near future the steam power plant will find its place in modern air fleet, especially on transport commercial aircraft, as well as on large airships. The most difficult thing in this area has already been done, and engineers practices will be able to achieve ultimate success.

Began his expansion at the beginning of the 19th century. And already at that time, not only large aggregates for industrial purposes were built, but also decorative. Most of their buyers were rich veelmes who wanted to steal themselves and their kids. After steam units firmly entered the life of society, decorative engines began to be applied in universities and schools as educational samples.

Steam engines of modernity

At the beginning of the 20th century, the relevance of steam engines began to fall. One of the few companies that continued the release of decorative mini engines was the British company MAMOD, which allows you to purchase a sample of such equipment even today. But the cost of such steam engines easily exceeds two hundred pounds sterling, which is not so little for baubles for a couple of evenings. Especially for those who like to collect all sorts of mechanisms on their own, much more interesting to create a simple steam engine with their own hands.

Very simple. The fire heats the boiler with water. Under the action of temperature, the water turns into a pair that pushes the piston. While there is water in the container, connected to the piston, the flywheel will rotate. This is the standard layout of the steam engine. But you can collect a model and a completely different configuration.

Well, we turn from the theoretical part to more exciting things. If you are interested to do something with your own hands, and you are surprised at such exotic cars, then this article is for you, in it we will gladly tell about various ways to collect the engine with your own hands. At the same time, the process of creating a mechanism gives joy not less than its launch.

Method 1: Mini-steam engine with your own hands

So, let's begin. We collect the easiest steam engine with your own hands. Drawings, complex tools and special knowledge is not needed.

For a start, take from under any drink. Cut from her lower third. Since they get sharp edges as a result, they must be beaten inside the pliers. We do it carefully not to cut down. Since most aluminum cans have a concave bottom, then it is necessary to align it. It is enough to close it with your finger to some solid surface.

At a distance of 1.5 cm from the top edge of the resulting "glass" it is necessary to make two holes opposite each other. It is desirable to use holes for this, as it is necessary that they come in diameter at least 3 mm. On the bottom of the banks put a decorative candle. Now we take the usual table foil, they me, after which they turn our mini-burner from all sides.


Next, you need to take a piece of copper tube with a length of 15-20 cm. It is important that inside it was a hollow, since this will be our main mechanism for bringing the design in motion. The central part of the tube wrap around a pencil 2 or 3 times, so that a small spiral is turned out.

Now it is necessary to place this element so that the curved place is located directly above the candle wick. To do this, give the handset of the letter "M". At the same time, we derive the sites that are lowered down through the holes in the bank. Thus, the copper tube is rigidly fixed above the wick, and its edges are peculiar nozzles. In order for the design to rotate, it is necessary to beat the opposite ends of the "m-element" by 90 degrees in different directions. The design of the steam engine is ready.

Engine starting

The jar is placed in water tanks. It is necessary that the edges of the tube are under its surface. If nozzles are not sufficiently long, then you can add a small jourjik to the bottom. But be careful - do not sweat the entire engine.

Now it is necessary to fill the tube with water. To do this, you can lower one edge into the water, and the second to pull the air both through the tube. Lower the jar on the water. Gilt the wick candles. After some time, the water in the spiral will turn into a pair, which under pressure will fly out of the opposite ends of the nozzles. The bank will start rotating in the tank fairly quickly. This is how we got the engine with your own vapor. As you can see, everything is simple.

Model of steam engine for adults

Now complicate the task. We collect a more serious engine with your own steam hands. First you need to take the bank from under the paint. It should be verified that it is absolutely clean. On the wall for 2-3 cm from the bottom, we cut a rectangle with dimensions of 15 x 5 cm. The long side is located in parallel bottom of the cans. From the metal mesh, we cut a piece of 12 x 24 cm. From both ends of the long side, we measure 6 cm. Film these areas at an angle of 90 degrees. We have a small "table-platform" with an area of \u200b\u200b12 x 12 cm with kicks 6 cm. We establish the resulting design to the bottom of the banks.

On the perimeter of the lid, it is necessary to make several holes and place them in the form of a semicircle along one half of the lid. It is desirable that the holes have a diameter of about 1 cm. It is necessary in order to ensure proper ventilation indoor space. A steam engine will not be able to work well if a sufficient amount of air will not fall to the source of fire.

Main element

From the copper tube we make a spiral. It is necessary to take about 6 meters of soft copper tube with a diameter of 1/4-inch (0.64 cm). From one end, I refue 30 cm. Starting from this point, you need to make five spiral turns with a diameter of 12 cm each. The rest of the pipe bends in 15 rings with a diameter of 8 cm. Thus, there should be 20 cm of a free tube on the other end.

Both outputs are passed through the ventilation holes in the lid of the cans. If it turns out that the length of the straight area is not enough to do this, then one round of the spiral can be accessed. The platform is installed in advance are coal. At the same time, the spiral should be placed just above this platform. Coal neatly lay out between its turns. Now the bank can be closed. As a result, we got a firebox that will drive the engine. With your own hands, the steam engine is almost made. Left a little.

Water tank

Now you need to take another paint bank, but already smaller. In the center of its lid, the hole is drilled with a diameter of 1 cm. On the side of the banks do two more holes - one almost at the bottom, the second - above, at the lid itself.

Take two crusts, in the center of which they do a hole from the diameters of the copper tube. In one crust insert 25 cm of the plastic pipe, in the other - 10 cm, so that their edge barely penetrates from traffic jams. In the lower hole of the small banks insert a crust with a long tube, in the upper - shorter tube. A smaller bank is placed on a large pot of paint so that the hole on the bottom was on the opposite side from the ventilation passages of the big cans.


As a result, the next design should turn out. In a small jar, water is poured, which through the hole in the bottom flows into the copper tube. The fire is burned under the spiral, which heats the copper container. Hot couple rises through the handset up.

In order for the mechanism to be completed, it is necessary to attach a piston and flywheel to the upper end of the copper tube. As a result, the thermal energy of combustion will be transformed into the mechanical power of the wheel rotation. There is a huge number various schemes To create such an external combustion engine, but all of them always involved two elements - fire and water.

In addition to such a design, you can collect steam but this material for a completely separate article.

The ability to use the energy of the pair were known at the beginning of our era. This confirms the device called the Geronovsky Eolipil, created by the ancient Greek mechanic by Geron Alexandria. The ancient invention can be attributed to the steam turbine, the ball of which rotated due to the strength of the jets of the water vapor.

Adjust steam to work the engines is possible in the XVII century. We used a similar invention for long, however, it made a significant contribution to the development of humanity. In addition, the history of the invention of steam cars is very fascinating.


Steam machine consists of thermal Engine External combustion, which from the energy of the water vapor creates the mechanical movement of the piston, and the one, in turn, rotates the shaft. The power of the steam machine is made to measure in watts.


The history of the invention of steam machines is associated with knowledge of ancient Greek civilization. For a long time, no one has enjoyed the works of this era. In the XVI century, an attempt was made to create a steam turbine. Worked on this in Egypt. Turkish physicist and engineer Takiyuddin Ash-Shami.

The interest in this problem again appeared in the XVII century. In 1629, Giovanni Branka offered his own version of the steam turbine. However, the inventions lured a large amount of energy. Further developments required relevant economic conditions that will appear later.

The first who invented the steam car is considered to be Denis Papen. The invention was a cylinder with a piston rising by steam and downwards as a result of its concentration. The same principle of work had a device of Saving and Newcomine (1705). Equipment was used to roll out water from workings during mining.

Finally improve the device managed to WATTU in 1769.

Inventions Denis Papen

Denis Papa was for physician education. Born in France, in 1675 he moved to England. He is known for many of its inventions. One of them is the pressure cooker, which was called "Papes of the boiler".

He managed to identify the dependence between two phenomena, namely the boiling point of liquid (water) and emerging pressure. Due to this, he created a hermetic boiler, inside of which the pressure was increased, because of which the water boiled down later and the temperature of the processing of the products placed in it was rising. Thus, the speed of cooking is increased.

In 1674, the medical inventor created a powder engine. His work was that in the fire of gunpowder in the cylinder, the piston was moved. A weak vacuum formed in the cylinder, and the atmospheric pressure returned the piston into place. The produced gaseous elements were released through the valve, and the remaining cooled.

By 1698, Paper managed to create a unit that works not on the gunpowder, and on the water. Thus, the first steam machine was created. Despite the significant progress, to which the idea could bring, there was no significant benefit to his inventor. This was due to the fact that earlier another mechanic, the seuters, had already patented the steam pump, and other uses for such aggregates were not yet invented for this time.

Denis Papen died in London in 1714. Despite the fact that the first steam car was invented by them, he left this world in need and loneliness.

Of the inventions of Thomas Newcomen.

The Englishman Newkomen was more successful in terms of dividends. When Papen created his car, Thomas was 35 years old. He carefully studied the work of Sayver and Papa and was able to understand the shortcomings of both structures. Of these, he took all the best ideas.

Already by 1712, in cooperation with the Master of Glasses and Water Supplies, John Callie, he created his first model. So the history of the invention of steam engines continued.

You can briefly explain the created model so:

  • The design combined the vertical cylinder and the piston, like a pap.
  • Creating a couple occurred in a separate boiler, which worked on the principle of the Savery machine.
  • Tightness in the vapor cylinder was achieved due to the skin, which was covered with the piston.

Newcomine aggregate raised water from a pen using atmospheric pressure. The car was distinguished by solid sizes and demanded to work a large amount of coal. Despite these shortcomings, the Newcomine model was used in half a century mines. She even allowed again to open the mines that were abandoned due to groundwater flooding.

In 1722, Newcomken's brainchild proved their effectiveness by turning out the water from the ship in Kronstadt in just two weeks. The system with a windmill could do it for the year.

Due to the fact that the car was created on the basis of early options, the English mechanic could not get a patent on it. Designers tried to apply the invention for movement vehiclebut unsuccessful. On this history of the invention of steam engines did not cease.

Invention of Watt

The first invented the equipment of compact sizes, but quite powerful, James Watt. The steam car was first of its kind. The mechanic from the University of Glasgow in 1763 began to replace the steam unit of Newkun. As a result of the repair, he understood how to reduce fuel consumption. To do this, it was necessary to keep the cylinder in a constantly heated state. However, the Watt Steam Machine could not be ready until the problem of steam condensation was decided.

The decision came when the mechanic passed by the laundry and noticed that the couples were out of the caps of the boilers. He realized that steam was gas, and he needed to move in a reduced pressure cylinder.

Having achieved tightness inside the steam cylinder using a hemp rope, impregnated with oil, WATT was able to abandon the atmospheric pressure. It became a big step forward.

In 1769, the mechanic received a patent, which registed that the temperature of the engine in the steam engine will always be equal to the temperature of steam. However, the affairs of the unlucky inventor was not as well as expected. He was forced to lay a patent for debts.

In 1772, he meets Matthew Bolton, which was a rich industrialist. He bought and returned his patents to Watta. The inventor returned to work supported by Bolton. In 1773, the Watt Steam Machine passed the test and showed that it consumes coal significantly less than its analogues. A year later, his cars began in England.

In 1781, the inventor managed to patent its next creation - a steam machine to bring into the movement of industrial machines. After time, all these technologies will allow moving with a pair of train and steamers. It will completely turn the human life.

One of the people who changed the lives of many became James Watt, whose steam car accelerated technical progress.

Pollunov invention

The project of the first steam car, which could enforce a variety of working mechanisms, was created in 1763. Developed his Russian mechanic I.Polzunov, who worked on Altai mining factories.

The head of the factories was familiar with the project and received good to create a device from St. Petersburg. The Steam Machine Polzunova was recognized, and the work on its creation was assigned to the author of the project. The latter wanted to first collect a model in a miniature to reveal and eliminate possible shortcomings that are not visible on paper. However, he was ordered to start building a large powerful car.

Polzunov provided assistants from which two were prone to mechanics, and two had to perform utility work. On the creation of a steam machine left one year and nine months. When the Steam Machine Polzunova was almost ready, he fell ill with a car. The creator died a few days before the first tests.

All actions in the car passed automatically, it could work continuously. This was proven in 1766, when Phaznunov's students held the last tests. A month later, the equipment was commissioned.

The car did not just pay off the funds spent, but also gave profit to their owners. By the fall, the boiler gave flow, and the works stopped. The unit could be fixed, but it was not interested in the factory authorities. The car was abandoned, and a decade later dismantled.

Operating principle

To work the entire system, a steam boiler is required. The resulting pairs expands and pressure on the piston, resulting in the movement of mechanical parts.

The principle of action is better to study with the help of the illustration below.

If you do not paint parts, the operation of the steam machine is to convert steam energy into the mechanical movement of the piston.


The efficiency of the steam machine is determined by the ratio of useful work with respect to the amount of heat consisting in the fuel. The calculation does not take the energy that stands out in environment as heat.

The efficiency of the steam machine is measured as a percentage. Practical efficiency will be 1-8%. If there is a condenser and expansion of the flow part, the indicator may increase to 25%.


The main advantage of steam equipment is that the boiler as a fuel can use any source of heat, both coal and uranium. This significantly distinguishes it from an internal combustion engine. Depending on the type of the latter, a certain type of fuel is required.

The history of the invention of steam machines showed advantages that are noticeable today, since nuclear energy can be used for a steam counterpart. The nuclear reactor itself cannot transform its energy in mechanical workBut it is able to distinguish a large amount of heat. It is used to form a steam that will lead the car in motion. Solar energy can be used in the same way.

Locomotives working for a couple show themselves at high altitude. The effectiveness of their work does not suffer from atmospheric pressure reduced in the mountains. The locomotives still use in the mountains of Latin America.

In Austria and Switzerland, we use new versions of steam locomotives working on a dry pair. They show high efficiency due to many improvements. They are not demanding of maintenance and consume light oil fractions as fuel. In economic indicators, they are comparable to modern electric locomotives. At the same time, the locomotives are much easier than their diesel and electrical fellow. it big advantage in mountainous conditions.


The disadvantages include, above all, low efficiency. It is worth adding the bulkiness of the design and slowness. This especially has become noticeable after the internal combustion engine appears.


Who invented the steam car is already known. It remains to know where they were used. Until the middle of the twentieth century, steam vehicles were used in industry. They were also used for railway and steam vehicles.

Plants that exploited steam engines:

  • sugar;
  • matches;
  • paper factories;
  • textile;
  • food enterprises (in some cases).

Steam turbines also belong to this equipment. With their help, electricity generators still work. About 80% of world electricity is generated using steam turbines.

At one time were created different kinds Transport operating on the steam engine. Some did not fit because of unsolved problems, while others continue to work in our day.

Transport with steam engine:

  • car;
  • tractor;
  • excavator;
  • plane;
  • locomotive;
  • vessel;
  • tractor.

Such is the history of the invention of steam engines. You can briefly consider a successful example of racing car Cerpolla created in 1902. It was installed world speed record, which was 120 km per hour on land. That is why steam cars were competitive in relation to electric and gasoline analogues.

So, in the USA in 1900, steam vehicles were mostly issued. They met on the roads to the thirties of the twentieth century.

Most of this vehicle has become unpopular after the appearance of an internal combustion engine, whose efficiency is significantly higher. Such machines were more economical, with light and high-speed.

Steampunk as a trend of steam vehicles

Speaking O. steam machines, I want to mention the popular destination - witness. The term consists of two English words - "Couples" and "Protest". Steampunk is a type of science fiction, which tells about the second half of the XIX century in Victorian England. This period in history is often referred to as the era of steam.

All works have one distinctive feature - they narrate about the life of the second half of the XIX century, the story of the narrative at the same time resembles the novel of Herbert Wells "Time Machine". The plots describe urban landscapes, public buildings, technique. A special place is given to the airships, antique machines, bizarre inventions. All metal parts were attached with rivets, since the welding has not yet used.

The term "Steampunk" appeared in 1987. Its popularity is related to the advent of the novel "Difference Machine". He was written in 1990 by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling.

At the beginning of the XXI century, several famous films were released in this direction:

  • "Time Machine";
  • "League of outstanding gentlemen";
  • "Van Helsing".

Precelements Steampunk include the works of Jules Verne and Grigoria Adamov. Interest in this area from time to time is manifested in all spheres of life - from cinema to everyday clothes.

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