How to turn over a car on the fence of the registry office. How to rent an exchange for registration of a car. Who and why will install fences

For the rest of the years, the market of living cars in the literal sensation b'є records. The sale of old cars for the rest of the year has significantly increased. And at the same time, the number of cims increased, and the number of vehicles on the yak was imposed on tі chi іnshі obezhennya on the registry office. Unfortunately, due to skin fate, more and more vlasniks and buyers of cars are facing problems of registration / re-registration of transport services in the State Inspectorate.

Firstly, regardless of those that are on the Internet, there are a number of official services, which allow you to turn over whether a car is not only for theft, but for the presence of a border at the registration desk in the traffic police.

But what about the work, if you come in to the car already on the waybill, and the car's keeper needs to hire it? How can I recognize which body has put a fence on the registration door with a car in the traffic police? Let's unravel.

For the cob, let's figure it out, how the exchange can overlap with the power of the car owner. Zakrema is known, if intermediate entrances can be put on the transport bill.

For the first time, we need to understand that on the basis of some legislative act in Russia, you can come on the car but the overlays of different intermediates.

The main law, which regulates it, is the Federal Law "On Vikonavche Provadzhennya" dated 02.10.2007 N 229-FZ.

  • Yes, according to the law FZ-229 "About Vikonavche Provadzhennya" the judge’s bailiff may have the right to place an arrest on the mine of a borzhnik within the framework of the vikonavchy provadzhennya, as a safe entry until the feast, until there are no repayments of the borg, or there is no regular repayment of the debt.

Tobto, as if by appointment to the sergeant for whether or not the borg will be destroyed by the service of ship bailiffs within the framework of Federal Law No.

What does it mean to arrest a car?

Too many people swindle the exchange of registration documents, overlays by the bailiff, with the arrest of the transport security. Really, it's not the same. Arrest on the protection of the fence by the mine.

The axis of dekіlka vipadkіv, if the arrest of the lane within the framework of vikonavchogo provadzhennya:

- Safeguarding the savings of the lane, as a means of transferring the tie or implementing

- Vikonannya of the court decision on the confiscation of the lane

- Vikonannya of the court decision about the imposition of an arrest on the mine, how to lie down for a borzhnik and be known to a third person

The arrest of the lane of the borzhnik can be thrown, as in the fence of the order of the lane, so either in the fence of the rights of the fence with the lane or in yoga.

In some cases, a car cannot be impounded?

Zgidno with the Federal Law on Vikonavche Provadzhennya, Zokrema article 80 paragraph 1.1, The arrest of the lane is not allowed, so the sum of the borg (the sum of the contract) becomes less than 3,000 rubles.

Tobto, as if you were shouting at someone less than 3,000 rubles, Then in times of damage to you, the service of the ship’s bailiffs cannot impose on your mine (including on a car) arrest as a world security pay to the borg.

Fence on the registration door with a car

Before the speech, varto, it means that the court officers rarely go on the cob stage to the arrest of transport services, in order to put more money on the intermediary vehicles, go to the registration desk.

In this rank, it is also worth fighting within the framework of article 80 of the Federal Law No. 229, and itself: paragraph 4, as transferring law exchange .

What does it mean? Everything is simple. Sudovy bailiff of the right Pislya Vikonavicho Povadzhennya Lenal to the reinstall of the Borzhnika, which has been driving about the chief in the organ of traffic police, Yaki vidpovly to the penalty of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 1 001 VID on 11/24/2008 (by amendments to the ninish editorship) to the decisions of the court, the service of court bailiffs, the next viddiles, the TFR, the Prosecutor's Office or the MVS and other state structures.

What does the invoice for the car mean?

According to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1001 (in the lower editorial office), in different cases of fences and border crossings, imposed by state authorities on transport zasib, the agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate may have the right to exercise the right to carry out registrations at the request of the magistrate or his representative.

Is it possible to sell or dispose of the car in different overlays on the border at the registration desk in the traffic police?

To go out, that in times of invoices on the border at the registration desk of the car, you can only drive a car, serve it and drive it. But sell it, for example, it’s not possible to sell wine, shards in this way, a new vlasnik cannot re-register the car on its own.

No, obviously, purely formally, it is possible to sell the car to the vlasnik, having put the purchase and sale agreement with the buyer. Ale, the buyer cannot register the car on his own with a stretch of 10 decibels.

It is unlikely that the vlasnik of the car takes pennies from the bag. Tim more, that it has an official online database DIBDR, which allows the buyer of old cars to request information about the appearance of fences at the registration office in the State Inspectorate.

To the point, if anyone thinks that a car has been subject to a registration fee, then a vlasnik can easily cancel the appearance of a car in connection with disposal. Really, it would be impossible for the time being, the body, which is a kind of obezhennya, did not know them, having told about the traffic police.

Moreover, why not rob it, navit as a car was duly disposed of in a special organization, de bouv otrimanii document about it.

So, if you want to rent a car from the guise of a connection with the disposal, but it was clear that you were damaged by the vehicular traffic on the borg, as part of which the bailiff-vicon officer of the court was charged with the registration of the first in the traffic police, then tse it is possible for you to be able to pay the fence, so that the bailiff of the court took the fence in the traffic police.

In an extreme situation, as if the sum of the borg is large, you can try to get in touch with the court bailiff-Vikonavtsy about the stitching of the vipats. It is possible to pay for part of the borg with the full amount of the bag, so that the intermediary will come in whenever your power will be taken.

Axis yak perevіriti, chi є obmezhennia at the registration desk with a car in the traffic police

Ale like a booty, if you are picking up an old car, if you are afraid that the registration fee has been imposed on the new one? Even in times of intermediary calls of a car, a new sergeant after the signing of the purchase and sale agreement cannot re-register the transport zasib on his own in terms established by law.

Unfortunately, there were few such vipadkiv in the rest of the rocks. Especially, since the traffic police authorities have simplified the procedure for re-registration of cars after the contract of sale and purchase and other contracts are in compliance with the Civil Code.

Aje now the vlasnik of the car can sell it without a front rent in the State Inspectorate. Then, after the signing of the agreement, the new vlasnik of the goiter will re-register the car on his own with a stretch of 10 decibels. At the pіdаmku vyhodit, scho pіdіvlі pіvlі sale povinnі spend razrahunki pursuant to the contract before the registration in the bodies of the traffic police.

In order for future buyers to know what kind of car the stench is, the traffic police presented an online service for rechecking a car for a check, for the presence of a foreign registration of registration of TK.

Also, the mustache can re-verify the car with a special registration in the traffic police.

How to recognize which body of the vinis decides on the invoice for the border at the registration desk with the car?

It often happens that the manager of the car does not know about those who are completely auto-state authority responsible for making decisions about the tax invoice on the registry office. For example, if the driver of the car did not know about the fines of the traffic police, the cameras fixed photos and videos of the fixation through the residence outside the office of the official registration. The bag has a lot of water, they can really not know about the Borg on the fines of the traffic police.

As a result, the traffic police authorities, without taking away the term payment for fines from the laws, transfer the administrative right to the service of the ship's bailiffs, yak, according to the law on vikonavche provadzhennya, violate the right by constriction at the vіdnoshnі vlasnik of the car, borg on administrative fines. Then the court bailiff-vicon was guilty of informing the clerk of the car about the damage to the vicar’s conduct, giving him the term of a goodwill payment to the borg.

Naturally, the bailiff, as a rule, hung a decree about the destruction of the vikonavchogo provadzhennya at the address of the official registration of the borzhnik. So, in the time of living a barber is not for the registration, you can really not know about the Borg on fines, and about the wake-up call.

They gave the court bailiff-vikonavets the right, with the availability of statements about the payment to the borg, in the establishment of the law of the term, to blame the decision about the arrest of the lane, or to impose a fence on the car of the fence on the registration of the traffic police.

As we have already said above, the intermediaries come in if you have a registration day with a car, you can lay a lot of sovereign bodies: Federal Tax Service, Mitny body, Judicial body, Investigative body and in.

Ale yak z'yasuvati, what kind of body holds the vinіs decree about the intermediary, come in for transport security?

For which it is necessary to speed up the online service of the traffic police for revising the presence of the border at the registration desk with the car.

Then enter the VIN-number of the car in the upper field of the online service and click on the bottom in the field " Rechecking the presence of the obmezhen"Selanny" request a revision ", Enter the same code that protects the service from spambots.

If there is no boundary, then the traffic police online database can see information about those that the boundary at the registration desk was not found.

If the base will show the presence of the border, on the screen you will see information about the authority, which is the ruling on the imposition of the border crossings and the number of the decision.

Apparently, in order to take the intermediary duty for the motor vehicle, you will have to go to that authority, which will decide on the interim arrangement of the registration of your car.

Varto indicates that most of the similar intermediaries come in to blame the service of the ship's bailiffs like borzhnikov, at the vlasnosti such a car.

For example, the most common reason for intermediate calls for transport costs is non-payment of administrative fines or fines for positions and loans.

So often, the courts' bailiffs impose and arrest the transport zasіb of the vlasnik, who is a borzhnik for alimony payments.

How to recognize, what is the best way to spend in the service of ship's bailiffs?

There are two ways to recognize, chi є in vіdnoshnі you vkonavche provadzhennya about the contraction of the borgіv. First in the old way. Return for a place of residence in the district office of the Federal Service for Bailiffs of the Russian Federation (Federal Service of Bailiffs of the Russian Federation), presenting a confirmed individual. They gave the ship's bailiff-viconate to interpret you according to the central data base about the presence of vicarious agents for you on the territory of Russia.

Another way is the simplest. Find out about the online services of the FSSP of the Russian Federation, which are available on the Internet.

For whom to follow the address in the border:

They gave to enter your own PIB in the input field and press the "Know" button, after which the online base of the service of ship's bailiffs often searches for data on damaged vikonavidzheny on the territory of Russia.

As soon as you will be known to be more provadzhennya, you will take away the report data about the damage to the right:

- number and date of the wiki page

- handled ship's bailiffs

- phone number to the FSSP

- the amount of fencing for vikonavchogo provadzhennyu

If no information was found in the database by appointment, then do not hurry up.

In the first place, information about the destruction of vikonavche provadzhennya may not yet enter the federal data base, otherwise the bailiff-vicon has not yet violated the right, as it were, for example, it took more than a few days.

In a different way, we recommend that you check many of the clerks of the car you recently bought. For example, most of them didn't re-register the car in their own name. Even though a hundred hundred and fifty vossnik was destroyed by a burglar, then the car can be overlaid on the frontier at the registration desk as a security service to pay the borg as a borzhnik.

In such a situation, you will not be able to re-register the car to your own name, so you have signed a purchase and sale agreement, and all re-sales according to your needs have already been carried out. As a result, you will be able to drive the car, but you won’t be able to make any registrations with it until quiet feasts, until the borzhnik pays the borg and the bailiff of the court does not know the fence on the registry office.

  • Respect! Sob not to be the handcuff of other people's borg, be careful when buying a live car.
  • For the purpose of rechecking the car for visibility on the registry, not only on the website of the traffic police, but also to check the check of the car’s owner in the database of the Federal Service of Ship Officers of the Russian Federation.

Also, remember that the fence on the registration door with a transport security can be imposed on the bagatma by other state services, you can’t change the bagat from any of them until now, until the fence is imposed on the registration door with the car in the bodies of the DAI.

True, in most cases, in the case of similar intermediate calls, you can be protected by the re-verification of the car with a special registration in the traffic police, or through the official website of the State Inspectorate at the distribution of the online service, you can check the VIN-number and confirm that the fact on the car is obezhen znakhodzhennya cars in rozshku.

  • It is also worthy of your respect that the online data in the traffic police database is up-to-date on the day and year of your online request. Vidpovidno, as I decree about the exchange of registrations for the registration in the DAI after your request, then information about it will be available only after the imposition by the traffic police authority of the relevant exchanges.

Ideally, if you check the car through the website of the traffic police, you will immediately sign a purchase and sale agreement and carry out a resale for the sake of it, and then you will return to the traffic police to re-register the car on your own.

Otherwise, you will save risks for yourself.

For what can I impose an exchange on the registration desk in the traffic police with a car?

According to official legislation, the service of court bailiffs can impose an exchange on the registry office with a car for the decisions of various sovereign bodies on the borg, on judicial disputes between the sergeants and the like.

Axis of some reasons for the car may be subject to the registration fee:

  • - Borg on traffic police fines
  • - Borg for any administrative fines
  • - Borg for paying taxes
  • - Borg on rent
  • - Borg for alimony
  • - Arguments between judges for validity or division of power (arguing between individual undertakings, legal persons, fallowies, relatives, etc.)
  • - Behind the insurance right, tied with regressive poses
  • - At the request of the Mitnih authorities
  • - For the request of the court authorities at the expense of the organizations, which have a car in the outpost. For example, for credit agreements.

Znіmaєmo fencing at the registration in the traffic police overlay on the car

Now we have gone to the most important food, like to shout the riches of car enthusiasts. How to remove the fence at the registration of overlays on a car?

For the cob, it is necessary to understand what is possible in this world of obmezhennya, as if the bula was stagnant in your car. If so, then your manager just pay the borg, and give data on the payment of the bailiff-vikonavtsya, which vindicated the decision about the intermediary, go in, or to another body, such as laying the fence on the registration department in the traffic police.

So you can, before paying the borg, contact the bailiff and declare your bail to pay the bill, like a part of the borg.

If you don’t fit the faulty decisions, the service of the bailiffs, and if you didn’t take a copy of the decree by mail, or in your hands at the reception of the bailiff, then you can swindle the invoice of the intervening entrances in the court order.

True, remember that you have a total of 10 days from the moment (date) of the date of the decision on the intermediary to come in at any transport security.

If you have passed the term of defamation, then you can confirm the term in the court order, having proved it in court, that you did not know about the order of the service of the bailiffs.

For some reason, your algorithm diy is guilty of looking like this:

Submit a scarga for a ruling before the court, Which wine will decide about the intermediary, come in whenever your transport needs.

I’ll skip the line for oskazhennya, in the application, provide arguments and prove it, like talking about those who you really didn’t know (didn’t take a copy of the decision of the bailiff-viconaut) about the decision of the court bailiffs.

Dali, having filed an application before the court, write an application to the bailiffs c, podomivshi, scho you oskarzhili in court the decision of the bailiff, and also announced about the renewal of the lines of oskazhennya, as a matter of fact, you actually missed the legal term for oskazhennya decisions of sovereign bodies.

But don’t worry, if you come in the next time you come in, the car will be taken. In most cases, judge the courts to respect for the better judgment, only after looking at your statement in court, in fact, to your reproach.

Before we speak, I give you your respect, that at the moment between the FSSP of the Russian Federation and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of taxation, electronic document processing, which allows two organizations to quickly interact one with one.

In addition, if you tell the order of the service of ship bailiffs about the fencing at the registration in the traffic police with your car, or to pay your fence, as it became the reason for the intermediate calls, then the fence in the Derzhavtoinspektsii, the bailiffs will be hired for that in electronic form, it was sent to the DAI a decree about the registration of intermediate entries.

Unfortunately, the speed of transmission of information is not only due to the speed of communication channels between the authorities, but also due to the preoccupation of the ship's bailiffs, as they can not be blamed for the decision about the intermediary calls.

And so let's bring the bags.

With the development of the Internet and the reform of the work of the Sovereign bodies in Russia, a small amount of online services for car enthusiasts appeared for re-verification of any car. Therefore, the skin buyer and the seller of the car are guilty of perverting it for the sake of evidence of obmezhen at the registration desk, first of all, to the dignified legislation, for the sake of it.

For car sellers, you will be guaranteed the sale of a car to a new vlasnik. For buyers, re-checking a car, allow yourself to be safe in the event of various risks associated with the arrivals of a living vehicle.

So much respect, that when a car is brought to the old market, it is not possible to buy a car from dubious sellers. In addition, do not buy a used car without checking the car itself and its owner:

On the site of the traffic police - site addresses:

On the FSSP website - site addresses:

On the website of the Notary Chamber of the Russian Federation - website addresses:

It is also suggested to you to zavantazhit data files by the service of ship bailiffs, in some prescriptions, the algorithm for collecting fences at the registration desk from the car from the connection with the traffic police fines.

Finishing up old cars often comes with such a dilemma, as it is impossible to register your new purchase in DAI. From the beginning of 2020, in the midst of car owners, the introduction of such a legislative entry, like a fence on the registration of a car, is openly discussed. Therefore, before buying vinyl, it is necessary to re-check the car on the registration fence. І bagatioh having become a food supply, which means a fence on the registration of a car.

After the introduction of the ship’s entry, the bailiffs have the right to lay fencing on the farther registration doors with a transport facility through the backing of the frontal guards. When there is evidence of fouling, the service of ship bailiffs-vikonavtsiv to issue a decree on the fence of regactions, after which it is sent to the traffic police. It is given to the world at the back of the head of the car to put down the reasons, for which the fence was put on, otherwise the song of the goiter was laid.

The presence of such a fence is between the right of the borzhnik to make sales, as well as the re-registration of his transport security, until the wines are cleared with the obvious borgs.

Organs, upovnovazhenі on the invoice of the fence

Zgіdno with the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, substantiated for the registration of transport zasіb є іsnuvannya zaboron i obmezhen, yakі upovnovazhenі imposing such іnstantsії:

  • judicial authorities(In the event of vitiation of legal deficiencies due to the drive of the authority of the transport security, I divided the lane between my friends).

The fence is imposed by the court for the impossibility of realizing the subject of the dispute until the moment the decision is made to the court. For the security of the later ones, the main nature of the court also has the right to impose a fence on the car.

  • next organs- in case of suspicion of a malpractice in the case of vikoristannyam transport security, as the car is known to be in custody.
  • Mitni organ- the invoice of the fence is possible, as if there were suspicions about the illegal importation of a transport security into the territory of the state, in case of violation of the law, it was possible to draw up that otrimanny documentation about the passage of the inspection of the official bodies and the payment of the official fees.
  • Service of ship bailiffs-vikonavtsiv- the fence is imposed when there is a court decision about the contracting of the sack of the auto fence for payment of fines, taxes, payment of utility bills, alimony payments and other obov'yazykovyh payments. For the vindication of the right of the invoice of the intermediate entries, the obov'yazkovoy umovoy є the presence of the decision to the court.
  • Viddil rozhuku traffic police- in case of availability of information about the fate of the transport accident in an accident, if there are occasional plates attached, the area of ​​application to the VIN code, body number, engine number. In this case, the transport zasіb znahoditsya pіd arreshtom, which zaboronyaє znіmati znіmati znіmati znіmati z vіd prіstratsіyny oblіku pіddlіm rozshuk gibdо reverіkіnі vіlіv avtomobilіya i pіdtverzhennya danih pro those scho scho scho not became іn the hour of the repair.
  • Organization of social zakhistu- there may be such an increase, as the rights of minor children are acquired by registration acts with a car (organization of the socialist organization may have the right to apply for such a claim before the court).

Re-checking a car for a clearing house

Іsnuє kіlka ways, yak pereviriti car on the fence of the registry office.

  1. At the service of the vikonannya the judgments of the court. You can find information from the bailiffs-viconauts, as it is connected with obvious obezzhennya and arrests, imposed on the car. For the removal of such statements, it is necessary to apply for an official statement. After otrimannya such a request, the office of the goiter should give a letter to the letter about the presence of the exchange, arrest and cause of their invoice.
  2. At the traffic police department. For whom it is also necessary to file a request, after which the goiter specialists submit report information. Є two ways її otrimannya:
    • In the order of a special animal with a statutory declaration, in which case the following are indicated: model and brand of car, derzhnumber, identification data (body number, engine number, VIN code).
    • In online mode for additional special services on official sites. For whom it is necessary to fill in a special form. For example, on the site, select the section "Online services", in which case, the block "Checking the car". If the verification form is submitted, in which it is necessary to enter the VIN code of the vehicle, as well as the code for the return of the picture. This service gives you the ability to retrieve all data about cars through the VIN code.

Remember! The Danish service does not give any data about the hour when the car was sent to the rozshuk, as well as the taking of the outpost.

Zyattya obmezhenie z transport security

If a special car has been imposed on an intermediary entry, then it will not be possible to do so.

Remembrance required! We will forgive the process of arranging a motor transport order - it is only necessary to competently put together a contract. However, the new vlasnik is not in evidence, but rather in the presence of intervening entrances, please please. Therefore, a new vlasnik is risking to buy a car, as if to be under arrest, and although it is not possible to register it.

We will be able to register a new arrival only after the arrest of the fence at the registration desk with a car, so that after the document has been seen by this authority, as soon as the intermediary calls were made. The Danish document is guilty of evidence about the existence of any fences. The skin is obemzhennya, buti is taken by a clear decree. For example, if the fence on the registration desk with the car was imposed by the court bailiffs, then it is necessary to take into account the dermatological order that the sanctions are taken into account.

Take the intermediary, come in as much as possible by order of the court, which is the fault of such a decision, and also by the decision of the supreme court of justice, as if a scarga was served on such a decision. The fences, which were superimposed on the traffic police, are charged with the same rule after the re-checking of the transport security.

Important! Znyattya areshtu vіdbuvaєtsya after the solution of the problem, through the yaku vіn buv overlays. For whom it is enough to grow up behind obvious fences. After the redemption of the borg, in the terms of the term, the official body knows all the intermediate calls. If a borzhnik cheats on his shoes, then an arrest is imposed on the transport cost. After that, the car makes a difference and transfers to special installations for further implementation.

The procedure for the withdrawal of intermediate entrances from the transport barrier

If you have used a special car, having used up some of the fences, you can speed up the offensive instructions for them:

  1. Appointment of an intermediate call and the reasons for the invoice (through special services to the sovereign authority or for an additional Internet resource).
  2. After copying a copy of the official decree, which was imposed on the peace fence, you will see this document. You show the reasons that the overlay of fences and landscaping served. In times of bad luck with a guilty decision, you can be insulted. In times of guilt, it is necessary to get used to when you have found out the reasons for laying down intervening entries and to look for obvious fences.
  3. After vykonanny borgovyh goiter, it is necessary to take a decision about the closure of the fence entry to the transport facility in this instance, as it її zastosuval.
  4. In order for the food to be processed more promptly, the document will not be checked until the document is sent to the traffic police (the process may be delayed), it is necessary to bring a copy of the payment, as well as a photocopy of the ruling, how to get the exchange and areshti.

Video: Buying a car with a registration fence

What is the basis of discretion between the concepts of "arrest", "fence" and "obezhennya"?

It can be seen whether there is a lane, including special cars, but before legislation can be stagnant, come in, which surround the fiefs of the rulers with their own power. With the appointment of understanding, you may lose your authority.

come in between allow the sings of the fence, allow the sack of the lane to exercise their rights of the sack (volodinnya, koristuvannya, ordering). Let us understand: the transport facility is located under the outpost, under arrest, rented out.

fence tell them to come in, that they are being installed by the competent state authorities, as if they were changing the head of state to get the rights to order their car.

arrest transport order transferring the order to a number of people coming in from the side of the upgraded organs (description, delivery note for orders). Such a reassuring body can be a court instance, as if it were an arrest on a car for the purpose of securing the next major damage.

In such a rank, under the fence, it is clear that the detainees are surrounded by motor transport, and the arrest is between all the deeds in full obsyaz.

The knowledge of the main authorities between these understandings gives the possibility to the authorities of the transport authorities to incriminate them incorrectly and zastosovan obezhuvalny miru posadovoy special.

Hook you:


    good afternoon, and how to find out what is the reason for the imposition of the border on the registration activity

    I myself am not a vlasnik when I want to buy a car, but there is a fence at the registration Poide, maybe it’s all right not to pay a fine or taxes

    Exchange or arrest can be recognized on the official website of the traffic police. Otherwise, if you got a car, then it’s necessary to re-register it so that it’s supposed to be a PTS document with a contract of purchase and sale, so if you bought and re-registered a car, the arrest or the fence comes unexpectedly unexpectedly ... the axis of the same delivery you can say that having bought a car earlier than your order for an exchange!

    Between the words “fence”, “obmezhennya” and “arrest” there is a small difference, as it is necessary to know. From the point of view of the legislation of Russia, the points of understanding carry a clear meaning. Obmezhennya - fence people zdijsnyuvati be-yakі dії z object of the lane. Most of the time the stench is through force or orendi. The fence will make it easier for people to manage their own transport facilities. Vіn can't zdіysnyuvati be-yakі dії with the car. The fence is installed by the supreme organs of power. Arrest on uvazі described from the investigations of the object of the lane. Winning wines on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Having brought a car from a not good seller. The car has a fence on the registration desk

    so, like the wines of the ship’s bailiffs, they put the bank in front of the bank. Boo court.

    The court decided to skasuvati fence. Ale at the ship's bailiffs and in the day of the fence was not taken.

    If the seller wanted to reconsider all the documents from the court and the bailiffs were transferred to the DAI.

    I want to be recognized, so I could be recognized in a moment

    handed over the documents for the removal of the fence. But all the same, the seller did not provide NDI with any documents.

    Have a nice day! Nutrition is more relevant and on the same topics. The team bought a car in 2012, in 2017 they sold it and spilled intriguing nuances, it turned out, behind the fact that the TCP of visions is a duplicate of the original number duplicate, but, at the same time, she was already the third buyer for the first time, judging by the second duplicate, and at that time it was not profitable, but at the current moment, they got additional moments, and she herself, that the car was exchanged at the registration desk, from 2013 , decisions in 2014 to the fate, tobto. It’s not possible to sell and rewrite it ... how to work and how to work, for the Lord or the lord, we don’t know what kind of history is tied to the court, we don’t know, the car has been registered with the squad from the moment of purchase, it’s correct how to pick up your car for a yak ti paying a decent penny at the time of the transfer in 2012.

    On the site, when the wines were entered, it was written Zaborona on the registration, when the wine was re-verified on the FSSP website, the number is displayed according to your request.

    Selling cars! z'yasuvalosya - obmezhennya! for 2800 - 5 fines! Having paid! Chekav 3 tyzhni - without taking from the bailiffs! Yaki problems with programs they have! They wrote me a praise for the skin fine about the clearing of the border! I arrived at the traffic police - they sent me there ... having put someone quietly, don’t let me know! Quiet who has put problems with the site! As a result, after long trips to the bailiffs and the traffic police, they recommended me to sell the car, and to know about the registration with the documents issued about the registration of the registration! Ale, the axis of power to all of them divakiv! 1) I have fences hanging on the website of the traffic police - who can buy such a car? 2) If you impose it automatically, why don’t you know the security itself 3) If the bailiff gave the appointment - why the traffic police don’t pick it up from the site 4) You can impose a fine for a sum, or up to a sum?

Buy a car with facilities - earn your own inadequacy. All problems with the machine will automatically switch to a new vlasnik. The most negative outcome was the confiscation of transport by bailiffs or law enforcement agencies. Check the car and secure yourself the purchase of a problematic car by using the Autocode service. Enter in a row search for VIN or hold. number, i.

Convert the car to the obmezhennya - minimize risks

Lay obmezhennya on the car can judge, militant services, organ and social protection organizations. Most of the time, exchanges are imposed on the registration desk. For more details about those who are threatened by the purchase of a car with subdivisions, read in the special material. For those who have already assessed all the possible risks, we propose to re-check the car right now!

How to recognize the registration of the exchange by car number or VIN

Transfer the car to the exchange of registrations according to the wines or holdings. number and recognize the entire history of the car allow service Autocode! For which you need to enter the vehicle data and press the recheck button. In a few seconds, a short sound will form. In order to receive the reporting information, it is necessary to pay for the latest call in any convenient way.

After 5 minutes, you know:

  • If and de buli were laid on a car;
  • Chi was a car stolen, listed in the outpost, Chi worked in a taxi;
  • Skruchuvav chi vlasnik ran the car;
  • Chi having consumed a car in an accident;
  • І a lot of other important \u200b\u200b_information about fines, those. looking around, OSAGO, etc.

On vіdmіnu vіd іnshih servіsіv, schob vіrіt avіrіtі avtomobilі to Autokodі, you nebov'yazkovo know VIN, dosit vzazati derzh. room! The information is taken from the state and commercial departments - the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the authorities of the higher authorities and the ship authorities of the Russian Federation, the great insurance companies.

Sometimes the traffic police can advise the buyer of a new or used car in the registration of a given transport. Call tse pov'yazano s shahraystvo when selling. To get rid of similar vipadkіv slid zazdalegіd perekonatisya at the presence of the fence on the registration day.

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Tse shvidko i QUOTE-FREE!

The fence at the registration desk may be on the verge of those who are unable to register purchases of a car in the traffic police. Call for such a fence to be imposed on vehicles, for example, Yogo Vlasnik may be fenced, or make the car itself an object.

In addition, the cause of the obmezhennya may be a recent accident or imposition of an earlier fine. Therefore, it is important to check the choice of car.

Why, re-checking the car on the fence of the registry is needed in the upcoming weather:

  • re-registration of the car for another person;
  • replacement or renewal of introductory and pro-lined documents;
  • making changes to the paper registration (for example, changing the color of the car and in.).

Order dіy

You can find out about the exchange of registrations in two ways:

  1. Return to the traffic police or the service of the ship's bailiffs, especially with a statement, showing the data of the car and її rank officer.
  2. Speed ​​up with online forms of requests on the websites of the traffic police or the FSSP.

Be-yaky s ways є chinnym. Vіdminnіst can be only in the hour, stained for information search.

At the traffic police

Re-checking a car for the fence of the registration of the site of the traffic police borrows no more than 5 hvilin.

To complete the operation, it is necessary to enter the data of VIN, body and chassis. After that - select the tsikava for rechecking and take the result. Recognition of information about the car only by holding. number is not possible.

The screenshot shows the \u200b\u200b column for entering the identification number:

If there is a fence, then in order to explain the reasons, you have to go to the traffic police department especially. Spivrobitniki service to explain in detail the reasons for the obezhennya and show on the far side. If there is no fence, then it’s not varto to boast. Then you can boldly bathe the appropriate model.


On the website of the FSSP, one can find out not about the presence of an obmezhenie, but about the presence of the borg of the rich thief of the TK before the state. With the presence of such obstructions, there is a great imovirnist, that the car can be transferred to the outpost or under arrest until the close of all borgiv.

You can find out this information at the Bank of Data and Information on the official website of the FSSP - fssprus ru).

To take the information, it is necessary to enter the following data:

  • territorial authorities, de car before registration;
  • PІB vlasnik povnistyu;
  • the date of the birth of the vlasnik.

Krim pohuku zaborgovannosti in physical individuals, service nadazhlivistki reverification and juridical osib, scho can be in good luck in the time of buying a new TK.

The data entry form is \u200b\u200b on the screenshot:

If the fence on the seller is still revealed, then, more for everything, the car is under arrest. Buying such a TK is not a sensation.

The Crimean electronic database of data in the FSSP can be entered without intermediary through an official application. After completing the request, the applicant will be given detailed information about the necessary exchange. However, this method is less efficient and takes an order of magnitude more time and effort.


If there is a fence on the pridbahn of the TK, then for the registration of the car, you will have to take a special document, which will allow the removal of the fence.

With this skin, the fencing is regulated by the law, and the skin fence can be removed by a song order. Often, for the purpose of seizing the border, a new sack of turmoil turns up in the court organ.

Instructions for renting a block:

  1. Designate an intermediate call and cause a bitter fence at the registration. You can do it especially in DAI or through the official website of the service.
  2. Take a copy of the ruling, as if the interim was imposed on the entrance.
  3. Vivchit the document resolutely and reveal the reasons for the fence. In times of bad luck with given reasons - to insult the situation in court order. At the time of the wreckage - live in, come in and pay for the debts.
  4. After covering the borgo goiter, it is necessary to take away an official document, which is indicative of the registration of the border at the registry office. It is necessary to take away the document in the same instance as the fence was imposed. For example, in the traffic police or at the ship's bailiffs.
  5. To speed up the process, carry out the main operations in a special way, including bringing checks for payment to the borg to the official authority.

Trivalіst process povnіstyu lie down in vіd Vlasnik TK. The quicker the vins to pay off the borg, the quicker the exchange from the car will be taken.

What is the efficiency of a car after purchases

To change the time of the spy of the police officers of the traffic police in the registration of the car, as it is imposed on the new obezhennya.

When such a situation is blamed, the new vlasnik is guilty:

  1. Otrimati letter vіdmovu vіd єstratsії in the bodies of DAІ іz designated reasons given to the body, scho navleva fence.
  2. Investigation on the website of the FSSP about what is being done against the tycoon of the TK. There may be two options here:
    • virobnitstvo is not conducted (otherwise it is closed). Tse means that the borg were already extinguished, but the fence did not reach the traffic police. In order to remove the fence independently, it is necessary to ask for a copy of the ruling on the appeal from the bailiff;
    • virobnitstvo is conducted at the moment. In this case, the bailiff's decision was not decimated. Vіn dіyav within the framework of the law.
  3. Get ready before the court’s gaze, as if the conduct against the sack of the sack is being conducted.

Such disputes are looked at for all the rules of call promotion. In this moment, I will be a borzhnik who has sold a car. Satisfied, I’ll call you to signify the clearance of the TK and the postponement of the borg for another day of delivery.

In order to make a purchase in the distance and not become a victim of shahraystvo, before the operation, varto check not only the outer and inner camp of the car, but also learn about the possible fines and borg of the front sack.

Such a service is cost-free and does not take a lot of time, but to allow the negative consequences and bureaucratic problems to disappear.

Today, the courts are assigned to actively fight with such a world, like a fence for carrying out registration activities. Let's say the borzhnik has a car. Then the bailiff imposes an exchange, and it will not be possible to sell or donate a car. A new master simply cannot re-register a car in the DAI. The car will still be listed as a borzhnik, until that one is paid off. To that, buying the car by hand, varto її її on the website of DAI.

"To recheck the motor vehicle registration for the presence of fences for the registration of the next step, go to the official Internet service of the State Inspectorate, where it is necessary to indicate the VIN code of the motor vehicle security (you can also look in the registration certificate in the field for the confirmation of the transport registration)" services of ship's bailiffs. Next, you need to go to the field "Checking the presence of an exchange" and click on "request a check".

"Zvertaєmo respect that it is viable to dignified legislation in the fallow in specific situations of the crime of ship bailiffs-viconavtsіv fencing on the conduct of registration activities may be imposed by the courts, the investigating authorities and other authorities that volodiyut in the case of the courts"

Put the borzhniks’ cars on the databases of DAI and electronically blame the fence for sales

As "RG" wrote, recently the director of the Federal Service of Ships' Officers Artur Parfenchikov recommended that the arrest of vehicles should be made more widely. In such a state of affairs, the car, as a rule, is not taken away from the borzhnik in a moment: they deprive you of it on the vіdpovіdalne zberіgannya. For example, you can’t pay for some smart rows, even if you drive a car for sales.

However, sometimes the borg is not great, and the arrest of the machine looks above the world. In such a state of mind, you can blame the exchange at the registration desk, so that the car didn’t go anywhere. You'll be some kind of insurance that the people will still pay off. And it’s important to know the difference between a barber, so you won’t be able to arrest a car. Then the fence at the registration desk can be blamed virtually: modern technologies allow you to know that it’s not the fence itself, but it’s my own. For example, recently in Volgograd, police officers could not find a local resident, from whom the court pulled 25,000 rubles. Beyond the registration period, a person is not alive. Ale, the new bula had a car. Then the bailiff by ticking the DAI: it is not possible to sell. І without a bar in the service came a troubled purchaser: after adding a car from a borzhnik, I didn’t manage to register it.

The problem turned out to be simple: the buyer told the bailiffs, de shukati borzhnik. And the one, if they came before the new one, paid off quickly. So there is a happy end in this history. But not all buyers are so lucky.

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