How to learn how to operate a police turn: safety, preparation of the car and the Maidan, order of actions.


How to properly perform a police 180 turn? This element of high water quality helps improve the performance of your car. The training of the reaction and the ability to instantly coordinate your actions when the car is wrapped around the vertical axis may not appear noticeable.

This element is collapsing under the hour of collapse

in reverse on any kind of transmission and with any type of drive. Pochatkova is positioned behind the kerm.

The right hand is rotated halfway, the right hand rests on the back of the passenger seat.

The left hand is on the kerma for the prescribed 13 years.

So you need to go.

We turn on the reverse gear and accelerate the car in a straight line to a speed of 40 km/year, and then sharply twist the kermo until it stops. For anyone directly, it is your will. You can turn the car either to the left or to the right.
The wheels, turned all the way, bend in an arc, and it is important for the rear part to create a strong rotational impulse. Advance: as soon as the machine flares up at approximately 120 degrees, quickly transfer the kermo to one hundred and eighty degrees.

There are special benefits to the car - the handbrake and brake levers are completely operative.

If you want to learn, try training in the winter, it will be much easier, lower snail.

You will have to catch the fly until the rounded heel reaches one hundred and twenty.

Try to choose a deserted place (or a place with a minimum number of people) for training.

So, what is the right way to make such a turnaround?

The police turn will allow you to mittevo open the roc from the protege directly.

You correctly identified the police turn, since the car was moving forward straight ahead.

Regardless of the vehicle’s drive, such a turn will be reversed, however.

Deliver yourself respectfully until the road pavement is selected.

If the asphalt is wet, the car will easily become damaged and will lose its damage under your control. It will be easier to forge on snow or ice, with which it will be easy to spend money on the road and find it easy. Concrete has a higher adhesive coefficient than dry asphalt (although it is wet).

Be careful - trying to forge on wet concrete can lead to driving your car.

How can it be done on a VAZ 21061 car (described under the name of water).

Well, given: VAZ - 21061, volume 1.5, reference wheel and handbrake, snow on the road. Let's play music, let's play. The two of us are walking together, the passenger is recording on video, the operator is still standing at the place of the maneuver being transferred, he checks for the docks. We are approaching the final straight, the speed is about 60 km/year, the turnaround is about 300 meters, 200 meters ... 100 meters, I blink my headlights at the operator, so that when I start to take off, the passenger, Raja, is less likely to worry. 20 meters... 10 meters - let's start! I turn the kerm a little to the right, sharply yank the handbrake and immediately twist the kerm to the left, there is no need to twist it all the way, it’s enough just to turn it around - repeat, to set the direction of the car.

The car is turned around, the gears are already in gear, the first gear is engaged, the hand is on the handbrake.

Turning almost completely, I release the handbrake at once, turning the kermo on the seat, releasing the gas at the base and throwing the gas. Voila.. at the remaining stage of the turn, you must be prepared to push on the steering wheel, so that the car can suffer, the main reasons and the main problems that lead to this - unsynchronized turns of the kerma with the handbrake, insufficiently sharp turn of the kerma, fox gum on auto, just too much a lot of snow, etc., while this maneuver is being practiced, it’s better to use both hands, one twists the kermo, the other grabs the handbrake, you also just need to crouch down to ensure safety. be able to avoid accidents and accidents and keep damage to a minimum.

  1. One of the signs of a highly qualified motorist is to perform a police turn.
  2. This trick is often shown in movies and demonstrated at auto shows.

This is not just a very obvious and effective trick, which, once mastered, will help you better recognize the car and better handle it. There are two options for completing a police turn: When turning forward, turn the car 180 degrees for about an hour, continue driving in reverse for an hour, and then make another 180 turn;

When the car starts to roll in reverse, turn the car 180 and continue to roll forward.

Another option is as if half of the first and from the new one, perhaps, and then begin to master the technique of a police turn.

However, to perform such a maneuver, you need to move the car at a standstill: under the hour of turning (as is the case on asphalt or concrete surfaces), the wheel axle sits in a very strong position.

  • In case of minor malfunctions, the stench can get out of hand, and the handbrake can become damaged.
  • Galmin pads
  • .
  • When it rolls sideways and when it turns around, the tires practically burn out.
  • Even if you wrap it, there is a high risk of damaging the gearbox.

To change the negative effects on your car, you need to practice on a car with perfectly smooth surfaces.

The car collapses on the highway/maydan at speeds greater than 25 km/year (at low speeds 20 km/year is sufficient).

  1. It’s important to know that you need to be able to easily get enough water and use your knowledge of the car (only the practice of driving helps you learn to recognize the car).
  2. In principle, the greater the fluidity, the easier it is to make a reversal, and there is a greater chance of harm.
  1. Once you have reached the required speed, select the following actions (automatic transmission):
  2. move it to a neutral position and turn the kermo at any side until it stops;
  3. when the car is in the right position on the highway (turn by 120 degrees), turn the kermo at the turning straight, when the car completes the turn, turn the kermo and increase the reverse gear, continue to drive in reverse.

at sufficient speed, transfer the command post to a neutral station; kermo wiggles; After the middle of the turn, the kermo turns towards the turning direction, the first fluid turns on and the gas pedal is pressed sharply.

The final police turn is completed. To successfully master the technique of your witchcraft, you can Varty car

  1. practice the sequence of movements at once, bringing them to the point of automaticity, and then proceed to training.
  2. It is important that the instructor sits in order, or the person who has mastered the trick.
  3. This sequence of actions is established until the police turn around on the machine.

For a car with

manual transmission sequence of three minutes: at the required speed, turn the heat until it stops; turn the kermo and pull the handbrake;

After completing half of the turn, turn the kermo back towards the turn, release the handbrake, switch the speed and continue driving.

Once you have mastered the skill, you will need to experiment with the fluidity and develop the force of rotation of the kerma. at the required speed, turn the heat until it stops; It looks like this: the car accelerates in reverse, turns left-handed or right-handed by 180 degrees and continues to drive in the same direction, and then in forward motion.

This technique is often used by secret service agents with limited room for maneuver or time for a traditional turnaround. The essence police turn around

In most cars, the front part is behind the rear.

This is due to the fact that under the hood there is an engine and gearbox that do a lot of work. at the required speed, turn the heat until it stops; Therefore, in all honesty, the car can easily turn around the rear axle.

The order of the police turn around

Let's take a look at how Viconati is correct

on the butt of a front-wheel drive car with a manual transmission.

1. Turns on the rear brake and accelerates the car, controlling the steering trajectory and checking the rear view mirrors for maneuvering

2. Twist the kermo sharply until it stops, left-handed or right-handed, depending on which way you want to turn.

3. At the moment of turning the kerma, the engine speed sharply increases to 70-80% of the maximum, transferring the front part of the car into a forge around the rear axle.

4. When the car turns 90 degrees, the gas is released, sealing and turning the kermo to the straight-line position.

Place the front wheels straight to begin to dampen the torque. at the required speed, turn the heat until it stops; 5. When the car is about to flare up 180 degrees, it absorbs the first fluid, presses on the gas and continues to drive forward.

Please note: incorrectly performing a maneuver can lead to damage or a car overturn, so basic skills need to be learned on a deserted square or race track under the supervision of a certified instructor. at the required speed, turn the heat until it stops; A police turnaround is now needed

Both this and other techniques for car handling in a critical situation need to be started on specialized machines, with qualified instructors.

Always do not experiment on the other side of the road, as you may cause an accident, damage or overturn the car.
What is a police turn?

How to properly perform a police turn?

If you want to learn, try training in the winter, it will be much easier, lower snail.

How can this be reported to the car's technical shop?

Many of us have watched films of American manufacturing and noticed the beautiful turns of cars at full speed by 100 degrees.

There are special benefits to the car - the handbrake and the brakes are completely operative.

If you want to learn how to do it, try training the winter climb, it will be much easier than the lower climb.

You will have to climb up to the point where you will reach 100-120. Try to choose a deserted place (or a place with the least amount of people) for training.

The police turn will allow you to mittevo open the roc at the turn straight.

Deliver yourself respectfully until the road pavement is selected.

If the asphalt is sloping, the car will be much easier, but it will lose control.

Be careful - trying to forge on wet concrete can lead to driving your car.

How can it be done on a VAZ 21061 car (described under the name of water).

Well, given: VAZ - 21061, volume 1.5, reference wheel and handbrake, snow on the road.

Let's play music, let's play.

The two of us are walking together, the passenger is filming the video, the operator is still standing at the place of the maneuver being transferred, he checks for the docks.

We are approaching the finish line, the speed is about 60 km/year, the turnaround is about 300 meters, 200 meters ... 100 meters, I flash my lights to the operator, so that the passenger starts to take off she. 20 meters... 10 meters - let's start!