How to drift on the front drive. Drift: from history to ... theory. I practice! New for drifting rear wheel drive and hard engine

Drifting originated in Japan and from the quiet feast of the hearts of motorists all over the world. This is a marvelous kind of sport, in which there is a real drive, adrenaline, vivacity and insecurity. One of the advantages of this kind of sport is the presence of great vitrates, which even more desires young lads and girls. So, a weak woman to become so manifest heavenliness to divine passages, burned gums and gloomy dim.

You can learn how to drift on a car, which will be at a minimum of additional repairs and swelling in the old tire. For the training of which one will be enough. And at once we will proceed to the most important - we will recognize, how to learn how to drift in a car.

What's up with this drift

Translate the word. Vіn mozhe buti vipadkovym or navmisnym, carried out on auto- or mototransportі. Meta drift is in the savings management in the process of passing the skid. Traction from the rear wheels is used, the water is driven by manual control and the gas pedal. First of all, you will begin to learn drifting, it is necessary to kindly debunk your decision and resolutely observe the rules of this sport:

  • on the streets of the city, the maneuvers were fenced in, it’s busy drifting in a specially designed area, so it’s the same as the training;
  • all sports are traumatic and often lead to lethal consequences,
  • transport is subject to heavy wear and tear and will constantly require repairs, vitrati є zvchnoy right for athletes;
  • to learn how to drift correctly, better to win a rear-wheel drive car.

Don't care for anything, are you ready to fold and are you not afraid of insecurity? Then we begin to tell, like learning to drift.

For the cob of troch, we dig into the physics of entry, so that we can better understand the essence of the process. At the moment of skidding, the rear wheels need to be repaired, which helps to sharply increase the torque. The trajectory of the movement of transport is responsible for the safety of the rear part of the movement and the forward movement of the front part of the car. If there will be special minds, then the car will be in the notice until the turn ends. According to the completed rear wheels, they are covered with covers, which allow the car to take a stable position.

In order to start drifting, it is necessary to know the stages of skidding, which are seen on cars with a rear-wheel drive type.

  1. The entrance to the skid is due to the rahunok placed in the center of the car's car on the front axle. You can achieve such an effect for a short-hour galmuvanya. As soon as there will be a shift in the car, the car is directed in the direction of the turn, and the rear wheels are forged. The water is responsible for turning the kermo in the direction of the turn and increasing the torque for the gas pedal.
  2. The maintenance of the entry along all yogo trajectories is ensured for the increase in sufficient wraps of the power unit. The rear wheels will be in permanent forging in which case. For the steering wheel control, it is straight forward to move the TK. The car can independently move out of the maneuver, in order to avoid these situations, they increase and take a sharp turn of the kerma. You need to control the gas, if you overdo it, then you will stop skidding, and the car will flare up.
  3. Exit from the maneuver due to the smooth release of the gas pedal. Carrying out the wheels is due to forging, and the car will be vibrated by steering wheels. A sharp decrease in turnover caused the instability of the car and slow down maneuvering in a different direction.

This is the basis of the rear-wheel drive drift, as it is guilty, but it is well acquired. Without which it will be impossible to learn how to drift. The training process is carried out according to the following principles:

  • choose a large one, open a place for drifting without people and other cars;
  • Swidkіst ruhu and kut skidding due to zbіlshuvatisya step by step, until the behavior of the car will not be kind.

The rear drive has been mastered, you can learn how to drift on the front drive. This process can be realized by dekilcom in ways. We will look at the skin of them.

  1. The first option is realized by the offensive rank:
  • before the maneuver, the gear is lowered, the revolutions are raised and the central force is created for the galvanized rahunok;
  • zcheplennya i neutral transmission;
  • the heel of the right foot is embossed on the gas, and the toe is on the halmo, in which case the synchronization of the wraps will be instantaneous;
  • vychavlyuєmo zcheplennya, including nizhuvalnu svidkost;
  • s galma sock is removed and moved to gas.
  1. Another way is to stop up to all cars. Yogo can be taken to ozbroєnnya vlasniki cars with a great volume of dvigun and a significant number of "horses" under the hood.
  • to enter the turn is selected;
  • the wheels are vivertaemo to the maximum in bіk, protilezhny straight skidding, and embossed on gas;
  • with a strong notice of the backside, it is necessary without a call to turn the kermo towards the rush of the machine;
  • we give gas and continue to collapse in the right direction.

  1. Easiest, accessible for beginners and expanding - the third way. Yogo essence vikladena below:
  • we enter the maneuver at maximum speed;
  • the fifth and toe are synchronized with the wraps, which have already been stitched earlier;
  • reduce transmission;
  • turn the kermo as much as possible in a straight line in the direction of entry;
  • turn on the handbrake and immediately release it at the moment of passing the maximum entry point;
  • it is not possible to lower the turnover;
  • virіvnyuєmo kermo straight ahead.

On the box, the machine can also be drifted. There will be some nuances here. Use three techniques, the skin of which will be examined below.

  1. The use of a hand galm - the technique has been expanded, as it often zastosovuetsya in practice. Її the essence of the field is in the offensive:
  • stop the car on the spot, deactivating the DSC stabilization system by pressing the button (about 3-4 seconds);
  • on the shield is guilty of throwing a yellow tricutnik, you will be aware of the switched off systems;
  • The automatic transmission is transferred to position D, and then it is important to move to the left to DS;
  • turn on a gear for a friend to prevent automatic gear shifting when the wheels are turned;
  • pіd'їzhdzhaєmo before the turn and trohi vivertaєmo kermo in the other direction, and then - even less in the skid;
  • at the same hour, a hand-operated galmo is lifted, the button for turning is to blame, but it is squeezed;
  • Literally in a second, a galmo is released, going into a skid;
  • at the same time we add gas (more gas - more radius and navpaki);
  • at the moment of exit from the maneuver it will be reduced, in which direction the acceleration will NOT slow down;
  • throttle shutter is due to the open position (or half);
  • for vir_vnyuvannya accelerator need to smoothly let go, at the same time throw off the gas.

  1. Counter transmission in front of the vehicle in the direction of direct maneuver. Dії vodіya owennі buti offensive:
  • when making a right maneuver, the car is smoothly straight to the right;
  • gave a sharp turn to the left, it is necessary to aim a little at the top of the maneuver, and a little to the point of view of the kuta;
  • the car is moving, and the rear wheels will spin in the right direction of the turn;
  • to add tightness, after the countershift, a lower gear is switched on (for rear and full drive) or on the front drive.
  1. Counter skid is primed on the "dynamic whip". This phenomenon is moving the wrapping of the transport barrier at the end of the final stage of the maneuver.
  • for the entrance to the maneuver, the chicory is played manually;
  • if the car will turn with the front part to the side, in the direction of the maneuver, the kermo will actively turn around, and the thrust will be extinguished from the delay;
  • as a result of such a diy, the car will be brought into another straight line.

Like a bachite, you can drift on an automatic. This process is not considered for folding in silence, as if they were looked at more.

You can learn drifting. It won’t be easy, this way is long, ale cicavia, unsafe and in a right way hoarse. Before such a sport, it is necessary to get less aware, everything is relatively fainting and prorakhovuychi.

How to learn to drift. By itself, drift is a cekering skid, so if we are navmishuymo auto kovzat, while controlling the whole process. Busy in itself is not safe in itself, due to the great good fortune and care. It is necessary to carry out a skid only on a equal, freeway, whether it is a crossing, a car maydanchik. And also such a style їzdi vyklkaє depreciation of a lot of machine parts (especially gums), for this it is necessary to be charged with її novіy spravnostі.

trochs of theory

The best choice for drifting is a tight rear-wheel drive car with a three-liter engine))). Ale, we can’t always afford to drift on such thoroughbred machines, so for the cob you can (necessarily) get by with a simple high-speed rear-wheel drive car.

Entry process: if the rear wheels are in contact with the road, the required type of note is required. Dodatkovoy perevagoyu will be the presence of a car differential of a raised rub. Allow both rear wheels to wrap around with approximately the same speed, accommodating a greater skid. If your drifters are going to make their own cramp-drift car with a stock differential, by the same time they actually stop violating their functions and turn into a simple clutch (simply blocking the work of the differential).

How to learn to “correctly” drift? Let's drift.

winding p'yatakiv

Good training in forging is mastering the technique of turning in forging on its own axis. Abo, how is it possible to call them in slang - “winding p'yatakiv” or “bagels”. After mastering the technique of varto, you move on to forging along the trajectory at the sight of the number 8, which is called “high”. Such a turn is available to the big one with a path of lifting high wraps of the engine on the first wind and a strong winding of kerma on one side. The shortest hour of winter or rainy weather, if the contact between the tires and the asphalt changes. Years, having crossed over to the pavement, seeing the winter notes brought great melancholy to the navchans.

Manual galmo

A good helper for the head of the school is the hand galmo. For help, it’s easy to finish the new one, and the car will skid. After this varto, clean up the halmo by hand and control the entry for an additional gas pedal and kerma. When retracting the rear part of the car, it is necessary to turn the kermo into a skid. More skidding of the rear axle is achieved by greater revolutions of the gas pedal. To pin the skid, turn the kermo sharply into the skid and turn it slightly in the cob position, if the front wheels are straight ahead. Turn the kerm to blame, it’s too fast.

A skin novice needs a spare hour to master the drift technique. All lay in vіd vrodzhennogo sense, talent. To whom everything is easy and not for the first time, for some, the process of learning to go through the easy and difficult training. Whether it be in a mood, in a diligent mood, there will be a final result, without regard for pardons on the cob.

Let's look at the physical side of the phenomenon. The chain of tires with the road is more powerful, which is stronger for the whole thing. Vidpovidno, galvanization in turn, navantazhuє front all, zmushuє car "turn more actively". In this way, the first phase of entering a skid is a tumble in the front wheel turns to achieve a significant air-center acceleration. Galmuvannya is not guilty of viklikati the loss of the front wheels connected to the road. Under an hour, the phases of the rear wheels may be even smaller zcheplennya with the road, and be some kind of impulse that breaks the zcheplennya, vykliche skid, which will be more, the more the center will accelerate in the turn.

Є raznі ways to destroy the connection of the rear wheels with the road. A lot of lovers of drifting vikoristovuyut for the cієї meti manually galmo. This way is widely used in autocross for underlaying low-width turns and for turns. To start a drifter, the best way is to get the car into a skid without high speeds.

Greater folding method - entry into skidding on speed due to airflow to the moment of aircenter force. In this direction, the rear wheels are seen in the presence of the air center force when turning - in different ways, as if the water had correctly distributed the tension on the axle. Tsey is able to win in railroad hauls, if the driver enters the car into a turn at a high speed so that, for additional help, push him directly into a turn out of the turn. Even more often the car starts to be forged more often before entering the turn. And sometimes the car begins to “turn” in the opposite direction, and only then begins a sharp entry into the turn. Tse to fight in order to see a greater kut of entry. In this direction, the kermo is shifted from one side to the other, in order to break the chains of the rear wheels with the road. This way of using great speed and high accuracy in control, so that the water is responsible for bending the winding turn of the kerma and spreading the tension along the axes at the same speed. If so, the greater the coefficient of adhesion of the road surface with the gum of the tires, the more rapt and sharp will be the reaction of the car to the great dryness. In addition, in a note on a short-haired car, it does not seem to wear out the tires. This is the reason why the great kuti zasnezhennya do not win in road races, and start in any sort of asphalt pavement. However, re-expanded the vanity and skidding are always filled with effective tools for driving a car, which allow you to expand your potential.

Let's talk about technology:

Heel Toe Shifting

Driving by car in the skid.

1. before you go into a turn, you need to twirl in order to take the front all. Next, turn on the lowering gear, vikoristovuyuchi technique of the movable visor (div item 2). After that, turn the kermo (all the way). To skid buv kerovanym, it is necessary to preserve the thrust vector.

2. Remove the clutch, move the box to the neutral position, release the clutch. Dali (respect!) Move the heel of the right foot to the accelerator pedal (“regassing” to allow synchronization of the speed of the engine wrap and transmission), the toe is left on the halma pedal. If you do not reverse the wrappers of the engine and transmission, then the speed of the engine will appear too small, vikliche the drive, and, therefore, destroy the chain of the driving wheels.

3. After the increase in revolutions, I will change the clutch again and turn on the lower gear. The underwire is not obov'yazkovy, ale bazhany, shards reduce transmission wear. Even if the downshift is switched on, it is not possible to ensure a skid, turn the galmo manually.

4. Release the clutch, take your foot off the galm pedal, and depress the accelerator pedal. It is necessary to step down the gas pedal in order for the car to continue forging. Sometimes it is necessary to pidrulyuvaty sob to hide the vision in an uncontrolled wrapping.

Power Over Drift

This technique is recognized for cars of great intensity, and transfers the accelerator pedal more strongly when entering a turn.

2. turn the wheels to the stop, then - povny gas, to destroy the wheel chuck with the road. Cut the turn of the wheel and the excess wrappings to prevent the car from skidding.

3. As the rear part of the car is brought in more, the trajectory influences lower than that, it is necessary to turn the kermo directly into a straight line. Then the car goes straight into the front wheels. When it is necessary to increase the speed of the engine, the oscillators in the camp of such a skid, the pressing of the pedal, the galma, or the throwing off of the gas, can lead to an uncontrolled wrap or Villota from the highway.

4. In order to complete the transverse forging and straighten the car, it is necessary to smoothly release the gas.

E-Brake Drift

The technique is even simpler: the galmo is manually twisted for the view of the rear wheels, the forging can be controlled for additional steering and a robotic gas pedal. Tsya tekhnіka can vikoristovuvatysya as a supplement for that schob koriguvati trajectory. For cars with full drive, won is the main one.

1. It is necessary to enter the turn at a high speed (such that a skid is lost in the only way to stop the car on the highway).

3. Turn the wheels to the extreme position. Until the moment, if the lower gear is engaged, and the wheels are in the extreme position, the car is guilty of being called the apex (geometric center of the kuta).

4. Sharply pull up the handle of the parking halma, pressing it with the button, it is ruffled on the handle pressed. Immediately let the parking halmo in, (take off the parking galmo no more than one second). If the rear wheels are wired, then at the moment of tightening the hand galm, it is necessary to remove the clutch; in a completely driven car, at the moment of tightening the parking galm, it is necessary to increase the engine speed.

Clutch Kick Drift

It is necessary to take the lock for the locking frame: it is necessary to start at the stage of approaching the car before turning, or to the very ear of the forging, then throw the locking sharply, to secure the drive to break the linkage with the road of the rear wheels.

1. It is necessary to enter the turn on a high speed (such that a skid is lost in the only way to reduce the car on the highway.)

2. Bring the wheels to the extreme position, keeping the speed up at the same time.

3. As soon as the linkage of the front wheels with the road will be destroyed, otherwise, it will be necessary before it, remove the clutch pedal, so as not to throw off the wrappers.

4. After the tsih diy turns of the engine increase sharply. As soon as you see it, you should throw the clutch pedal, which means the sight of the rear wheels.

5. Since the rear part of the car is brought in more, the trajectory influences lower than that, it is necessary to turn the kermo directly into a straight line. Then the car goes straight into the front wheels. With this, it is necessary to trim the engine speed. Necessarily, shards in the camp of such a skid, pressing the pedals of the galma or throwing off the gas can lead to an uncontrolled wrap or Villota from the highway.

6. In order to complete the transverse forging and straightening of the car, it is necessary to smoothly release the gas.

Shift Lock Drift

Technique of transferring the inclusion of a low gear (with the method of increasing the speed of the engine), for which we can see and sharply drop off the chain, clicks to increase the rear wheels for the increase in the speed of the drive to the transmission. In order not to harm the drive, it is better to stop all the equipment on a wet surface.

1. It is necessary to enter the turn at a high speed (such that a skid is lost in the only way to stop the car on the highway).

2. Quickly turn on the lower gear (slower for everything to a friend), without blocking the moving gear.

3. Through the switch on the lower gear, the drive on the drive is sharply increased, the increase and the speed of the engine.

4. After a break, add some more wraps, in order to fix the connection between the wheels and the road, then put the car into a skid.

5. Since the rear part of the car is brought in more, the trajectory influences lower than that, it is necessary to turn the kermo directly into a straight line. Then the car goes straight into the front wheels. With this, it is necessary to trim the engine speed. Necessarily, shards in the camp of such a skid, pressing the pedals of the galma or throwing off the gas can lead to an uncontrolled wrap or Villota from the highway.

6. In order to complete the transverse forging and straightening of the car, it is necessary to smoothly release the gas.

Dirt Drop Drift

The water, with the help of a car, provokes the descent from the rear wheel of the track, in such a way that it squandered it into the ford (as it is a cover with a low coefficient of coupling), which allows you to set the trajectory of the car without wasting speed, and getting ready to step on the turn.

1. Enter the next turn at the middle speed.

2. Let's turn the wheels, wrap the engine around, at the same time lightly get off the road to the Uzbek side, on the other side, as closer to the outer radius of the turn (butt: when turning left, the right wheels will appear on the Uzbek side)

3. As soon as the rear wheel is out of the way on a slime cover, the link with the road will be destroyed. Turnover of the engine next to trim.

Feint Drift

1. Approaching the turn, turn the kermo to the opposite side of the turn (pr. If you enter the left turn, the kermo must be turned to the right). Choose a distance for these forward ones and follow them out of the road, on which the car crashes. Turning the car to the opposite side allows turning one side of the car and turning the other side (ex. Turning the wheel to the right before the left turn, allowing turning the right side). Striking, the springs of that side, on the yak, the pressure fell, to throw the car in the direction of the turn. All actions are due to be smooth, and not obov'yazkovo arcuate. Too early to change the direction of the wheel, reducing the pressure on the front suspension, due to the problem of the vision of the front wheels.

2. Kermo should be turned at that moment, if the vaga will be transferred to one side.

3. As soon as the car is changed directly, it is necessary to add wraps. The force of wrapping in the case of excessive speeds is to ensure the transverse forging of the car. In cars with a full drive, you can change the speed increase, you can turn the galmo manually.

4. Since the rear part of the car is brought in more, the trajectory influences lower than that, it is necessary to turn the kermo directly into a straight line. Then the car goes straight into the front wheels. With this, it is necessary to trim the engine speed. Necessarily, shards in the camp of such a skid, pressing the pedals of the galma or throwing off the gas can lead to an uncontrolled wrap or Villota from the highway.

5. In order to complete the transverse forging and straighten the car, it is necessary to smoothly release the gas.

Jump Drift

Tsya tekhnіka transferring roughness on the road for the sight of the rear wheels. In the middle of the turn, or at the point of the apex of the rear inner wheel, the wheel is on the dome, the car is skidding.

1. Get into the turn at medium speed.

2. Turn the wheels, increasing the speed. Naїhati with the rear wheel, as if to appear in the middle of the turn, on a low bush.

3. At the moment when the wheel is on the bush, it is necessary to increase the engine speed. If the wheel is zestribne on the road, the speed of its wrapping will appear more than it, if it is connected with the road, it will be filled with mіtsnim, then, the connection of the wheels with the covers will be destroyed. It is necessary to increase the speed of the engine, if the car is more often driven.

4. Since the rear part of the car is brought in more, the trajectory influences lower than that, it is necessary to turn the kermo directly into a straight line. Then the car goes straight into the front wheels. With this, it is necessary to trim the engine speed. Necessarily, shards in the camp of such a skid, pressing the pedals of the galma or throwing off the gas can lead to an uncontrolled wrap or Villota from the highway.

5. In order to complete the transverse forging and straighten the car, it is necessary to smoothly release the gas.

Braking Drift

Zcheplennya kolіs porushuetsya galvannyam on yuz. Blocking the wheels, it is not possible to break the chains of wheels with the road and set the car into a skid, you can control it by steering and adjusting the wrappers of the engine. The technique is suitable for the passage of sharp turns.

1. It is necessary to enter the turn at a high speed (current, so that the skid is lost in the only way to stop the car on the highway).

2. Vykoristovuyuchi technique "sock - toe", turn on the lower gear (more for everything else), to secure the wraps, building the car on the trajectory for the hour of forging.

3. turn the wheels to the extreme position. Until the moment when the downshift is switched on and the wheels are put in the extreme position, the car is guilty of being in the same place as the name apex (the geometric center of the kuta.

4. Press the gas pedal to increase the speed of the engine, and then slowly adjust the speed in order to save the skid.

5. Since the rear part of the car is brought in more, the trajectory influences lower than that, it is necessary to turn the kermo directly into a straight line. Then the car goes straight into the front wheels. With this, it is necessary to trim the engine speed. Necessarily, shards in the camp of such a skid, pressing the pedals of the galma or throwing off the gas can lead to an uncontrolled wrap or Villota from the highway.

6. In order to complete the transverse forging and straightening of the car, it is necessary to smoothly release the gas.

Kansei Drift

you need

  • - stock of old tires;
  • - a car with a hard engine, bazhano, blocking the rear differential;
  • - maidanchik for training


Everyone needs to learn how to drift, it is necessary to remember that often driving in a kerovan skid does not only wear tires, but it is the cause of some breakdowns in transmission and transmission. That drift is recommended for those who don’t have a penny for tires and spare parts for a car. The simplest method of drifting is with the help of a hand galm. It is good for all kinds of drive, and for front-wheel drive cars it is the only available method. Allows you to learn how to drift on a low-pressure car without blocking the differential. All beginners are recommended to master this technique in the new world and only then proceed to the development of other techniques.

Before turning back, pick up a speed limit. At the entrance to the turn, change the chain, turn on the neutral windage and let the chain go. With one foot, press gas and galmo at once. As soon as the engine speed and gearbox increase, turn on the lower gear sharply and, releasing the clutch, continue to press the gas pedal. Having turned the kermo to the right side, the car is more likely to drift in the direction in which the wheels are pointed. Without releasing the gas pedal, pull the hand galmo sharply and let it go in a second. On a rear-wheel drive car, change the chain, on a four-wheel drive or front-wheel drive car, just take the wraps off. To start a drift, just let the gas out.

Another method of drifting is to overcome the tightness of the engine. Appointments for tight rear-wheel drive vehicles. Shvidkіst before turning dial neobov'yazkovo. Just turn the kermo all the way into a straight turn and sharply drown the gas pedal. As soon as the car has collapsed to the point, you will often pass the turn in the kerovan skid. As if standing - spinning in one place.

Use a lot of other drifting techniques. Drift with a different clutch: increase the high speed of the engine, sharply press and release the clutch pedal. Tse vikliche vision of the rear driving wheels in a skid. Drift with a twisted galma: when entering a turn, press on the galmo, then immediately press the chain and pull the handbrake. Dynamic drift: at the entrance to a long turn, sharply throw off the gas and put the car into a skid, which is controlled by kerm and short-hour pressing of the galm pedal. Drift on a straight road: move the car along one side of the road to the other side of the road with the drive wheels in a skid. Often vikoristovuєtsya on ostentatious ledges for drifting.

To help you drift, you need tight rear-wheel drive cars with an ideal weight distribution along the axes. The engine is boosted and adapted to high demands and temperature conditions. Blocking of the rear differential is set, the gear shifting of the head gear moves. Manually the galmo is installed hydraulically. The suspension is getting stronger, the road clearance is changing. The camber of the front wheels is sharply negative, the maximum turn of the wheels is increased. Like tires, slicks and half-slicks are victorious.

At the front, we were sorted out, de and yak a drift was born, who shaped it like a ruh and like a culture, as well as why they traveled and continue to travel, who can’t imagine their life without a rush on a turn. Today, we understand that it’s right to work, according to some criteria, the arrivals on the roads are evaluated, and why, after all, your diesel Volkswagen Passat is not suitable for drifting.

What did it take - drift?

"Drift (eng. Drift) - a technique for passing turns and a type of motorsport, which are characterized by passing turns with a clear view of the rear axle and passing in a kerovan skid at the maximum possible for morning driving on the highway, which is a cut of the road, which means that the car is able to see the rear axle". So say Wikipedia, and we are good with it.

The English version additionally explains: "A drift car, if the rear wheels are installed, it is shifted from the front ones, and often there are floorings, so the front wheels are straightened in the wheel, prolonging the turn." It’s better to do it later and more correctly, so we’ll see it as if it’s understandable to drift.

New for drifting a rear wheel drive and a hard engine?

If I'm running out of nines with Drift King stickers, I want to close it with my hands and get in. It’s not obvious to you, why you can’t drift with front-wheel drive, then I’ll explain. Note, if you add gas to the front-wheel drive car, the trajectory of the wheel will straighten out (they’ve come up with a lot of things for that), and only “succumb” to the rear-wheel drive skid. But what is it that we need, why not?

Wart to add, when seeing the rear axle and passing the turn in a kerovan skid, it will not only affect the visibility of the rear wheel drive, but also the uninterrupted slipping of the rear wheels, but rather bring us to the fact that the engine with a volume of 1.2 liters and an exhaustion of 50-90 k.s. it is unlikely that we will be able to provide for the Bajans (without pain and suffering, but we don’t want victims, right?). It’s just that the torque of the motor is to blame for pushing hard, to improve the strength, for which the tires are fearfully chipping behind the asphalt.

In the photo: a tire after the number of orders

Why does drift look like power forging?

Let's turn to our unfortunate diesel Pasat, which we brought to the cob like a car very far away from the drift. Everything is simple here. On the right, since the moment of its birth in 1973, the rotation was mainly front-wheel drive, including some special modifications. And the axis, before the speech, for the power forging of the wines as a whole, the moment of the battle.

But why is there a difference? The very understanding of power forging is more about me, the lower understanding of drift, which, in fact, is one of the first. However, many people call mayzhe whether it is a drift drift, and tse - oman. Forging power (powerslide, from the English powerslide) is caused, if, when passing the turn, the center force, the car is called the turn, shifting the force of the coupling of the wheels with the road pavement, which causes the rear or all wheels to skid.

The main parameters for this are not the type of the drive, but the tightness of the engine, but the vehicle’s speed and the wheel coupling coefficient on the surface. That is why, having jumped on Grandpa's Logan at the entrance to the turn to the dacha (and having survived the next day), I can't boast to everyone on the coming day, how coolly you "drifted" yesterday.

In the photo: a car that is not suitable for drifting

The position of the front wheels in case of power forging is also little influencing, since the keratinization in the new and th result lies mainly in the parameters, tasks at the input, such as the speed, the turn of the kerma and the bending / not bending of the "handbrake". In this rank, without pretending to absolute truth, we can understand "drift" and "powerslide" and beyond, we will speak exclusively about the first.

Learn to drift correctly

Now, having made the grain into the chaff, let's move on to the drift technique. In their classification, the encyclopedia also helped us a lot earlier, having pointed out the symptoms, we will describe the receptions in a whole, and then we will look at the outbursts.

1. Hand braking drift. Technique is the most simple and best for learning to drift. Vaughn allows you to correct the admission of pardons in case of insufficient turning of the wheels. For quick skidding, you need to remove the clutch pedal, with a strong jerk of the hand galm, move the rear all in skidding, after which you release the clutch pedal. It is important to increase the speed of the dvigun in case of an uncoupled connection. The main meta is to learn how to choose the speed and strength of a hand-rolled galm in a fallow situation. It is possible to win a series of correcting the trajectory of rivers.

2. Clutch Kick. Rizke kidanya zcheplennya. Zavdyaks to the swede of the wind and the throwing of the pedals of the zcheplennya at the sublimation of the high wraps of the dvigun, owing to the short-hour excessive tightness, which sees the rear all in a skid.

3. Yorindrift. Forging with a vision of chotirioh kolіs. Galmuvannya in the turn of forging with the help of some wheels, if the car is rolling in the middle of the turn.

4. Kanteria / feint drift. Rozgoduvannya, or "xlist". Zanesennya, for the help of which pass S-shaped turns. In this direction, drifting in one direction is preparation for turning to the other side. This technique is also victorious in rali.

5. Breaking Drift. During the course of the second reception, the galmo is pressed for an hour when entering the turn, then the lock is switched off and the "handbrake" is turned on one hour ("handbrake" cannot be trimmed for more than a second).

6. dynamic drift. Zdіysnyuєtsya by a path of a sharp throwing off of gas on the way to a long turn, koriguvan kerm and its own podtremennya zasnežennia short onslaughts on the galmo without any gassing.

7. Power over drift. This type of drift is victorious on cars with high intensity. To enter the power skid, you need to turn the kermo in the direction where you need to direct the car, and press on the gas until it stops. Zavdyaki vysokіy tuzhnostі dvigun, zadnі wheels to wear zcheplennya z road. To get out of the turn, without damaging the car, you need to let the gas in, but not to the end, and turn the kermo in the opposite direction.

8. side braking drift. Lateral forging. Drift option, if you see the rear wheels and the car is moving sideways.

9. Chokudori. Sound vikoristovuєtsya after the passage of a direct section of the road, to reduce the speed and vikonati deep notice. Galmuvannya for help forging and setting up a car under the necessary cut of the road for the most viable passage of the turn itself.

10. Manji. Wander on the straight road, if you drive the car along one side of the road to the other side. Sound victorious on showy whistles for drifting.

How mi bachimo, priyomіv i tekhnіk in the drift is impersonal, but it’s not good to think that the stench of vikoristovuyutsya vіdokremleno. Leather check-in - the next re-insurance is a "chip", which helps to pass the route most efficiently and effectively. In general, all of them can be called up to dekіlkoh basic priyomіv: rіzke vіdkrittya gas, vikoristannya hand galm, rіzke kidannya gas for the expansion of the rear wheels and use them cheplennia, as well as counter.

Counter vzagali є even more important and dієvim priyom in motorcycle and motorsports. This technique is especially important in rali, the stars are out, in the air, and came to drift. The bottom line is that before the turn, the pilot vibrates lightly (or stronger, right up to the side of the car) pushing the car to the side, opposite the turn, and then, sharply twisting the kermo in the direction of the turn, creating a superfluous obertalnistvo and forcing the skid. At the same time, it allows you to move faster and more efficiently through sharp turns. At the drift of the wines, as you have understood, zastosovuetsya for the creation of the entry, as far as possible and the racer controls.

We are not judged, who is just as good in drifting, we just show a pardon.

Htos іz suddіv na zmaganny

І still a little bit of drift-zmagan history

Now let's turn to our Japanese. Until 1988, the rock "King Drift" Keiichi Tsutiya spilno z Daidziro Inada achieved significant success in popularizing drift as a type of automobile zmagan, and the result of which was the organization of the first in Japan prix.

Zmagannya mayut on uvazi rules and courtship, and judges were good - who, if not Tsutiya, rightfully took the court chair. The rules were formulated the same way and z quiet pir recognized few changes.

On the back of the road, they were alone, but after a few hours, the drift-strike came to the “duel” format, if two racers take part in the race at the same time, who fight each other and take off the eyepieces for the results of the passage of the race. Judgment, when choosing, evaluate some of the main parameters: trajectory, cut, speed and visibility (style). For the tsimi chotirma itself, with dry words, everything is unstriking, that I believe, the enchanting element of the drift.

trajectory- tse vidpovidnist ruhu avtomobilya predetermined line, yak zvjachay vyznaєtsya judges before їzdami.

kut- tse, vіdpovіdno, kut, pіd yakim the car is collapsing along the trajectory.

speed- a parameter that does not require notification, everything is simple here: you need MORE security!

well and appearance and style- tse those, for the sake of which all these efforts are carried out, tons of tires are erased and kilotons of gasoline are burned. Visibility is assessed not only by judges, but by peeps, as they can not wait with the thought of judges and wind the trochs into their decisions with an incomparable rumble and wiguks.

More than an hour later, the floors are occupied with a "parsing of benefits" that their work will be brought to the point that it was blamed in the quote more - the manifestation of pardons. And you can try, even if the audience is always guessing, that the stink is not on curling curls, and the smut is not centimeters of breath in the line and degrees of the kuta, but the hoarse atmosphere of wrestling and clubs of dima z-pіd kolіs. To the point, it seems to be an excellent practice to drift-smoke and travel along the highway of vantage, scho picking up the "harvest" of broken bumpers, spoilers and other raptly dismantled spare parts, without which you can’t do every day.

Correct drift car

Since we have already started talking about spare parts, let’s talk a little about those who are in charge of being a car for drifting. Tse, as we have already understood, a rear-wheel drive car with a tight engine, as a rule, as much as possible relief (as far as possible by a healthy person or by the rules of a specific series) and preparations before arrival. The word "preparation" in this situation can be a mother at the expense of the different steps of "readiness" in the fallowment in the budget and equal zmagan, but when the car is brought up, sound big and serious.

One of the main warehouse drift cars is ... no, not a dvigun, but a rear differential. The fault itself ensures the slipping of two rear wheels at once, without which it is impossible to achieve neither a trivial kerovan skid, nor success in swaying. Sound the differential with the movement of the internal support (which is also called LSD, in English "limited-slip differential"), which allows you to vary wheel slippage, but does not allow one of them to "baidikuvati". In the simpler ones, the primus mechanical blocking of the differential is victorious, as if the insults of the rear axle wheels turn around synchronously, with the same swidkistyu. In especially simple ways, the differential is tritely brewed, with the same liquidation of its functions, it is practically practicable, even though the flooring of the baggy synchronous wrapping of both rear wheels.

From the differential, let's move on to the engine. The engine of a car for drifting is to blame for the high level of vanity, while doing it as much as possible for a long time, so that the fault does not change after skin damage, as it can be used in professional auto hauls with great budgets. For some reason, the stench sounds about the engines, as the stench allows you to take great effort with a larger resource, and also you can see it in a wide range of revolutions, which is extremely important for supporting ceramic skidding on different speeds. Move often, with the main tasks, it is too much to “spread” their maximum productivity at all speeds, making the torque curve more smooth.

The gearbox is also to fall within the budget and the rules of the singing series zmagan. It can be like a stock one, so it’s sporty, and it’s not guilty to see the shifting gears from the pilot for a lot of time, it’s completely true to win the sequential gearbox.

Suspension, as a rule, is lowered to improve the stability of the car in a turn. Shock absorbers and springs are installed in order to avoid rozgoduvannya and cunning, as a negative sign for keratinization. The steering control is often supplemented with a method of increasing the speed of turning the wheels. So-so, this very "vivorit" itself, which, if it reaches 90 degrees, and more, and which should boast no less, lower volume of the engine. Also, for the shortest control of a car with wobbling wheels, the front wheels should be turned negative, putting the wheels in a "boom" mode.

In general, all the modifications above allow you to create an approximate image of the car, which can successfully "fall sideways". Obviously, there are other ways to radically polish swidkity and keratinization, such as zhovta farba and firm stickers, but we can tell about them in our offensive material, associated with drift in mass culture and everyday life.

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