How to fight the water between the second and the second?

  • Golovna Ratings
  • Dubinin Oleksandr Oleksandrovich
  • , bachelor, student Volzhsky Polytechnic Institute
  • Moiseev Yuriy Igorovich
  • , Candidate of Sciences, Head of Department
  • Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd Polytechnic Institute (branch)
  • Vtoma


  • This article examines the water allocation system.
  • A solution has been proposed to modernize the equipment, thereby eliminating the current problem.
  • Features of the storage of tachographs in the caravan system for passenger vehicles

Exploration of methods for adapting the operating process of a diesel engine for operation on compressed gas Possibility of installing turbocharging on a passenger car engine Development of a system for transmitting data about bus malfunctions using a tachograph to speed up repair time We all miraculously know that at a dose of water it is the main figure road ruhu

, I list such warehouses as “road” and “car”, which are the cause of most accidents, and account for two thirds of all car accidents.

Their purpose is to inform the water about him.

There are a lot of such devices, and they all work in different ways.

If you set up an emergency control unit that, when the water level is maintained, will notify you with sound and light signals, physical signals, and then, after detecting any unsafe conditions, for example, the seat will begin to vibrate.

And the systems, which, again, with respect to water standards, accept the car’s water supply on themselves and operate in autonomous mode.

The operation of the water supply system is indicated in “Fig.


Figure 1. Operation of the water supply system

Most of the system’s devices are designed for driving independently and are not connected to the vehicle’s BMU.

These adapters are easily connected to the car.

Systems that are installed before water supply sensory signals that control a person’s position, head position, eyelids, and video surveillance systems.

It is clear that the SOUV is in direct contact with the person itself, and the bracelet itself, which is placed on the hand, controls the person’s heart rate and body temperature.

The device is called Stopsleep, which monitors the human body using additional sensors that read information about skin conductivity. All these devices, when the water is adjusted to the normal level, inform you about the process, except for signals and lights, so that the car does not stagnate. In connection with this problem, I would like to make changes that would affect the operation of devices that are not related to the car’s BSU.

Let's look at the butt of the tachograph, Atol Drive 5.

This device supports both drone and drone-free technology for transmitting data to the processing and control module.

"TCA-02NK" manufacturing plant of JSC "Vimiryuvach-Avto". The destruction is recorded and information about the massacre is displayed ( SKZI and elements of life;

allows you to minimize downtime of equipment during maintenance hours; 10 colors and brightness of illumination that can be adjusted by the water itself; the design of the other mechanism is optimal - the printer has the most flexibility among other devices on the market;

support for work with two SIM cards;

expansion slot, a universal solution for connecting other on-board devices.

The head of the meta tachograph lies at the side of the unsafe

emergency situations

, which is due to the water supply, this type of water device does not exceed the Swiss mode and does not sit at the kermo in the idle state.

We believed that it was necessary to thoroughly refine the tachograph and the algorithm itself.

Let's look at the system algorithm.

We describe how the modernized tachograph model is connected together with an infrared sensor, which measures the size of the water line.

  1. The principle is shown in Fig. 3
  2. 3. Robot tachograph algorithm.
  3. After the ignition is turned on, the electronic control unit transmits to the tachograph to begin checking the system.
  4. After checking the system and driving the car, the secondary system and the infrared sensor itself are turned on.
  5. Moiseev Yu.I., Popov A.V., Ribanov A.A., Surkaev A.L.
  6. // Advancement of road safety for rahunok in the promotion of transport zasib self-starting systems for the purpose of driving // article in the journal // Motor transport industry.

- 2016 pp. 5-8

Izustkin A.Є, Poluekt M.V., Moiseev Yu.I.

// Improvements in the operational efficiency of vehicles equipped with tachographs // from the collection of the conference. - 2016 Z 171-172

One of the factors causing accidents on roads is over-driving.

  • Statistical data indicate that approximately 25% of road accidents occur through overland water.
  • In this case, it is extremely dangerous - it accumulates in abundance, weakening respect gradually, incomprehensibly for the people themselves.
  • It is enough to spend about four years on the donut so that the fluidity of the reaction is reduced by half, and after just one year, an increased reaction is recorded six times.
  • Naturally, a rare driver can independently and adequately assess his condition, and the ongoing risk of being lost to an accident.
  • The problem of rewiring is serious, and most of the wired auto-vibrators give this food great respect, dividing the various systems of control over the water supply.

The first prototype of the control system appeared about 30 years ago, and then car manufacturers began to widely equip their cars with them.

Yak the control system has been adjusted

The sensor is then activated at speeds of 60 and 80 km/year - all depending on the car brand. To avoid any requests for mercy when you are about to finish drinking beep

The system continuously analyzes the readings of a mass of sensors that correspond to the main vehicle systems.

The hour during which the necessary information is collected, as well as the cost - from 15 to 30 coins, is stored in the autograph. It is important that the sensor’s operation does not depend on a pre-programmed template, but on the individual parameters of a particular water. The sensor itself needs time to collect information about water.

To replace European manufacturers, Japanese automakers will use sensors on a different principle.

To think, at first the trace signifies a psycho-emotional state.

Tom in

Japanese cars The main element of the control system is a video camera. Its task is to control the facial expressions and hands of a person, and then the sensor then turns on the flattened eyes of the car wearer, giving a sound signal.

In all dreams, people renew wasted energy.

Sleep is a cyclical process, and the level of sleeplessness varies from high, if the person is active and active, to low - drowsiness, which is not safe for water.

Of course, each person's skin, individually, meets the criteria for the control of water aggravation.

The following can be seen as unsafe: light-headedness, twitchiness, chills, headaches, if it is impossible for one to remember the previous traffic situation, the appearance of weakness in the arms and legs, pain in the head in front of the police, the severity of the situation.

Passengers sitting in the car can judge how sleepy the driver is by the following signs: the driver is “nodding off”;

  1. This is evidenced by the delay and inappropriateness;
  2. lowers the eyelids;
  3. blinks frequently;
  4. third of the eyes, temples, forehead;
  5. goes through the red or all the necessary turns;
  6. changes the fluidity at a higher temperature, then, having calmed down, fires up the car;
  7. The car “lets go” for a moment in the dark, and then sharply turns on the spot.
  8. There is only one way to overcome drowsiness - turn off the car as soon as possible, and take a nap for at least 15-20 minutes.
  9. Rashta - kava, chicken, humming music, opening vikon - no matter, no matter what we say.
  10. Travelers can improve their stress levels by preparing properly before travelling. All waters have enough: Get some sleep before leaving.

Water women, in addition to the above, need to take care of their physiological characteristics (30–40% less, lower in man, meat strength, as well as “critical” days).

Do not travel more than 400 km to get the job done if you feel good about yourself, the car is in good condition and there is no need to worry about the road and handle the car manually.

Passengers, if possible, should remain comfortable in the water: support the rozmova with the balakucha person and, however, do not let the passenger go.

If you notice that the water is falling asleep, you will need to wake him up to quiet beasts in his home or food.

You can’t scream, shake a person, or shake it - it’s not turned off, because if you’re not in the mood, you’ll loudly shout, or you’ll “kick” the car, creating an emergency situation.

May you enjoy long and trouble-free roads!

The most effective water monitoring systems are Attention Assist, Driver Alert Control and Seeing Machines.

Its purpose is to immediately reveal and inform about changes in the human body.


A one-way road or difficult roads by car, especially at night, lead to the water becoming thick. As a result, the reaction decreases and fatigue increases. This leads to the fact that the body is not affected by stimulation and simply falls asleep. This can lead to numerous serious road accidents. In order to avoid such episodes, systems were developed that would guard and control the flow of water. You can earn money with the help of three demonstrators. At the first episode, watch out for the water, then the car crashes, and then the water’s gaze will adjust.

Attention Assist

The Attention Assist system provides control over a number of parameters and elements.

Keeping an eye on the lower mill, the system equalizes it with the cob.

When the indicators indicate that the fluid level is below normal, a sound signal will sound and the Attention Assist: Pause notification will be displayed on the screen panel before the water stops running.

The signal is sent to the skin 15 times when the symptoms are ignored.

The system operates at a speed of 80 km/year. Analysis of fluidity, maneuverability and other parameters is carried out 30 minutes after the start of the rover, which is often the same hour required for the rover at a long distance. Driver Alert Control (DAC) The new Driver Alert Control system was created by the Swedish automobile industry by Volvo


Here is the principle of driving at a stiff pace through the manner of driving a car.

For whom in

Volvo car

A special video camera was installed to monitor the nature of the keratin on the road.

The trajectory and changes are assessed using the steering wheel sensor and road traffic monitoring.

Another video camera follows the external figure of the water, the very river of the eyes. When the vehicle is detected, the system alerts the driver with an additional “Driver Alert” signal. Time for a break." The system starts operating at a speed of 60 km/year. Having always strived to make their products as safe as possible, after conducting investigations, the active development of a special sensor began, which indicates the level of water in them.

Innovators in this space can be taken into account Japanese company Nissan, by the forces of its representatives, was already patented in 1977 in a truly revolutionary manner. automotive technology. Prote, through active work in other areas, first operating system

of this kind was sold for just a few rocks. For the fact, the first victorists new technology In fact, Swedish Volvo installed a system called Driver Alert Control, which included a camera that monitors the car’s behavior on the road, as well as a sensor itself that measures the frequency and manner of steering wheel rotations. The system has seen

singing signals

, If the indicators of the kerma's ruins were too far below the norm.

Driver Alert Control prompts the boiled water to stop and drink a cup of coffee

Later, the Mercedes company was acquired by two automobile giants.

The system recognized some changes: it was decided to add a video camera and add a sensor that would respond to the frequency and force of pressure on the pedal. In addition, the system was supplemented with indicators that indicated singing norms..

For monitoring, a video camera is used here, which is used to monitor the facial expressions and gestures of the driver.

First of all, the system is adjusted to react when the eyes are closed, indicating a pre-chewing signal.

They analyze how often the water blinks, how deep and measured the breathing is, recognizing when a person simply blinks behind the cerm, and when they flatten their eyes.

The Zagalom system works approximately the same in both cases.

Basically, the control unit is engaged in collecting and analyzing the captured information from the cameras and sensors themselves.

This approach significantly expands the capacity of the system for recognizing minds.

After this, the method of watering the skin water is analyzed and determined in order to better adapt the system to individual parameters.