Geely history. History of Geely machines

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Bagatioh vodiїv often cіkavlyat takі pitanya - who releases the car Jili? jili's forger? whose car is Jilly? who vibrates Gili? or what is the nature of Gilly's car? - So the axis of the country was made by Jili China, prote z 2010 (Geely MK, Geely MK Cross, Geely Emgrand EC8, Geely Emgrand EC7, Geely Emgrand EC7RV, Geely Emgrand X7, Geely GC6) viroblyayutsya in Russia,and in Karachaevo-Cherkessia at the car factory "Derways"

The meaning of the word Geely can be interpreted as translated from the Chinese yak " happy"
The view of the first sign of Geely was rounded and depicting the thought of some white wings, the thought of other white mountains on the aphids of the black sky. Another option, according to the opinion of some experts, may be more suitable, since the head office of Geely is located nearby in view of the gears themselves.

Dana Geely emblem woke up on Chinese machines until the beginning of 2007 roku, tied tse bulo z
deep modernization of the company. Let's help the company through a special competition to help people paint the logo themselves Geely, knew the shortest option, and the same wine was born from 2007 to 2014

The bag has a logo similar to the logo of the Cadillac brand.
In the middle of April 2014, the Geely emblem recognized a facelift, the colors were changed, black and red colors were replaced with blue and gray.

The history of cars Gili z photo

The Geely company is committed to milking the young. Ale for its short term, it won its rating in the car industry and won the recognition of motorists.
Few people know about those that the history of the Geely car takes its cob not at that hour, if the first car leaves the assembly line, but three times earlier, if Li Shufu has started a joke for himself.

Trochs biography of Li Shufu
In the past, the leader of the company Geely marked his 50th birthday. Now the all-worldly magazine "Forbes" has brought yoga to the list of the richest people in the world. It’s rich who cares that you just got lucky, but it’s true, the first time you know the power plant, you try yourself in rich areas and take the necessary information.
The first, lower-ranking car company, Li Shufu was engaged in the selection of various components for refrigerators and freezers. It turned out that the new one should do good, ale vin rozumiv, but it’s not on the right of the whole yogo life. Having accumulated a trifle of pennies, the same young man began to engage in the manufacture of motorcycles. In the future, Li Shufu virishiv, it's time to expand and think about the approval of the automobile plant. From that moment, the history of Geely began.
In 1997, an independent automobile plant under the name Geely appeared in China. І exactly through the river, in 1998 the first model - Haoqing SRV. Before speech, Geely in Chinese translation means "happiness", and, without a doubt, Li Shufu
lucky guy!

Auto companies Geely
The first car Haoqing SRV is a compact station wagon, which is produced in decal modifications. Tse buv dvigun 1.0 liter with pressure 55 brandy and engine 1.3 liters with pressure 86 brandy. Rozganyavsya car up to 100 km / year in 16 seconds.
This Geely car was worthy of Chinese motorists and brought success to its Vlasnikov without a hitch. True, the first few rokіlka rokіv prіmії prіmії otrimuvav concern vyklyuchenno in the borders of their country. In total, 5 national awards were taken away.
Between the release of the first and other models of Geely cars, a rich hour has passed. Singingly, the workers of the concern were praying for him, as if to bring their wines to the light market. Varto designate what Li Shufu should do in detail in the car market, in order to understand how popular the concern itself is. I, you need to indicate that everything went well for the new one.

First available to Geely

In 2003, many Chinese cars of the Geely brand made a breakthrough in their production, so they were smart enough to enter the world's riven. They were especially well received in the European lands, zavdyaki to the ideal reduction of price and quality. For the first 6 months, about 34,400 cars were released for export. This figure added up approximately 13% of all cars in this price segment, as well as in the sedan class.
In 2004, a new Chinese Geely car broke its own bloody gap. The model range of Jilly that existed at that time began to be sold in the territory of Central America, Central Asia, and also Africa. Before speech, I would like to point out that in the territory of Central Asia, cars were sold the best. The buyer wants to buy new models and check new products from the company.

At that time, the Geely concern already can in its distribution of the company's spawn:
1) Shanghai Maple Guorun Automobile;
2) ZhejiangGeelyAutomobile

And already in 2010, the president of the company is elected on a large scale to release close to 1,000,000 cars on the river.
In 2005, I will renew GeelyAutomobile in the light of the world, so as before I take a part in the Frankfurt Motor Show. This is the first Chinese company in the entire world history of automobile production, as it could reach such a high level.

Geely policy
It is necessary to note that Geely is a private enterprise, not to be surprised by those who have a communist regime in China. It is necessary to show that such a success has been achieved by someone who is independent
prepare staff for their work. On the territory of China, new initial mortgages are regularly introduced, on which you can learn all the basics and basics of Geely machine building. Until the speech, varto, it’s worth it to spend on getting started in such a mortgage. Vіdbіr uchnіv, and in the remote and working staff it is taken seriously, only practical people can spend on training.

I would like to say that the Geely company is constantly increasing its competitiveness, and all only because the machine series is growing and expanding. І core of the company, and the staff itself is known to be practical. The stench will think over the leather of your work, and the skin of the working one knows how important it is to invest in the wine, victorious over one's work.
The company releases no less than 3 new models for a short time, and navіt just like a black modification, it will be done thoroughly, so that it will get closer to the ideal. Such a policy of the manufacturer allows the company as a whole to take new ratings among the concerns of the world and constantly improve its model range with new products.

Advantages of a Geely car

The Geely leather machine has its own special advantages, which makes car flooring popular and in demand.
- First of all, the leather car has a high safety rating. Once again, if a modification of the black model is introduced, in the beginning of the year, respect for the advancement of security will be applied.
- In a different way, absolutely all cars live in the minimum amount of fire. A lot of motorists, looking at the current prices for a car, correctly assess such a priority.
- In the third place, tse, obviously, the price is privabliva. It is necessary to note that don’t be surprised by those that Geely’s leather cars go through a relay rack, folding and re-checking, the wareness is still full of available for all motorists in the world.
- Fourthly, varto vrakhovuvati a wide range of Jili models. You can have cars and family cars, crossovers, jeeps, minivans, sedans. All those who can help their soul toil on the company Geely.
To the very same, the arrival of a car can become practical on the other hand.

Geely Automobile (subsidiary of Geely Holding Group) is one of the largest Chinese companies producing cars. At the same time Geely products are distributed on all continents of the world, mostly in 50 countries. Moreover, virobnitstvo also happens not only on the territory of China.

Peculiarities of Geely Automobile company structure

The Geely company is transforming itself into a great concern, which is not only in the country of "registration", but far beyond its borders. Let's put it this way: it's better to buy a car closer to the purchase. There are only half of the only factories (more than 15) that Geely Automobile (mostly or privately) lie on the territory of China. The most popular of them are in Linghai (the first in history), Ningbo (the most recent), Luikao (choose Volvo S90), Chengdu (vibrating Geely GX7).

In addition, the large-knotted fold of the rich models of the brand is being rotated beyond the borders of the Middle Kingdom. The largest businesses that belong to Jilly (mostly or privately) are located in Brazil, India and Belarus.

Also, the company is actively engaged in the development of new models and technical improvements. For this creation and successfully practice the following structures:

  • primary mortgage (automotive institute, university and 3 colleges in China);
  • a few centers engaged in research and development robots (Technology Center and Research Institute in China, CEVT in Sweden);
  • 2 design studios (Barcelona, ​​Los Angeles).

Acceptance "bonus" for the purchase - Geely products comply with current light brightness standards (ISO9000, ISO14001, IEC27001 and in.). So Jilly is actively patenting his inventions both in the middle of the country and on the international level.

What to do at the Chinese factories of the company?

The company's first car (Geely HQ) was launched in 1998 in Linghai. Large-scale serial production in Gilles began in 2001.

Chinese backwaters - the base for the creation of all Geely models. The skin of them is supposed to be undertaking a new cycle, even if they are preparing here not only export cars, but also for domestic production.

Here, in the factories, the following processes are used:

  • body stamping;
  • lacofarb robots;
  • zavaryuvannya parts (automatic, for the help of special robots);
  • vibration of engines and gearboxes;
  • final selection;
  • quality control on automated systems and polygons.

Cars for internal storage and export activities (in the country without warehouses in Jili) are picked up at internal factories. If in the receiving country (in one country - in the country) if Geely is under the contract with a Chinese automaker, then the fee is not charged.

How does the Geely collection go beyond the borders of China?

Already in 2003, the distribution company “spun up” and began to deliver its cars overseas (the first model was Geely Free Fleet). Since the beginning of export, the officials of the enterprise, as if positioning their cars as accessible to everyone, have started the possibility of a large-bundled warehouse in the country for sale. Carrying a car in great detail and picking it up on the spot is often the key to transporting the entire transport system.

In Ukraine, Geely Automobile laid down a contract for the selection of some models of its cars from the AIS Group of Companies. At the Kremenchuk Auto Warehouse Plant, they picked up almost all models that are released at a given hour (including the popular five-door sedan Geely Emgrand 7). Nazhal, for example, in 2015, the fate of KrASZ was stunned by a bankrupt.

The closest collection center to us is located in Belarus - the splne of the Chinese-Belarusian enterprise "BelJi" (Borisovo m.). Tsikavyy moment: the company’s supervisors launched the new plant between Borisov and Zhodino, which will start the new cycle of production.

At the Ukrainian enterprise of KrASZ, offensive manipulations were victorious (basic for this type of plant):

  • otrimannya car with a new interior;
  • installation of running gear (povnistyu), engine and gearbox;
  • control of the quality of the collection on a special track;
  • bench control (electronics, motor, shock absorbers).

In addition, at the factory in China, all the details are tested ahead of time. Such a rich re-checking allows you to save transport from a lot of inaccuracies later, under the hour of operation.

P_vedemo p_bags

Also, on the basis of cherry-written information, it is possible to generate a sprat of visnovkiv.

  1. Geely is one of the largest Chinese auto companies;
  2. The main stages of car manufacturing are carried out at 9 Chinese factories, large-bundle storage of export cars - beyond the cordon.
  3. For the needs of the Ukrainian market, cars of the Dzhili brand are picked up in Belarus (“BelGi”).

Until then, the company spivpratsiyu z low service centers and service stations, which helps customers to get a squirt of food overnight.

About those that the Chinese are now not only “impudently copying”, but also letting out cars under a license, they have long known everything. They have partnerships with Korean, Japanese, American companies, developing partnerships with Russia and Ukraine. China does not stand on the ground, continuing the evolution of its automotive industry and actively pushing, Russia and other countries.

Looking back at the possibilities and pace with which China is developing, there can be no doubt that in one hour, some part of the market will be occupied by new fates.

Obviously, at the same time, the stench in different categories is affected by Mitsubishi, Hyundai, Renault and other companies. Ale, it's time to go, the number of Chinese cars is growing. And zokrema, zalishayutsya pomіrmi. Looking back at the pace, which is how the release in Russia is gaining popularity, there are a lot of impressions, up to 15% of the market will soon be behind cars from the Middle Kingdom. Well, for now, the battle against Renault Duster and Hyundai Santa Fe is three.

Spile productions from China

For Chinese companies, it has long become the norm to create joint projects from foreign automobile companies. That stench for its own technique often catches foreign fahivtsiv. The best engineers and body designers of the world are working on the new ones.

Crossover Geely Emgrand X7

For the cob rozpovimo about Belarusian-Chinese crossover Geely Emgrand X7.

Crossover Emgrand otrimav design, creations of genius from Italdesign, - Giorgetto Giugiaro. One more vіdmіnna rice - bezpeka. Crossover Gili Emgrand successfully passed the crash test, scoring 5 points.

The basic equipment already has ABS, an on-board computer, climate control, airbags and a lot more. Plus to this - a large trunk, with a volume of 580 liters.

Three dviguns are propagated:

  • 127 k.s. at 6000 rpm / min., 1.8 l.;
  • 2 sheets, 139 class at 5900 rpm;
  • 2.4 l., 158 k.s. at 5700 rpm

There are two options for transmission: 5-st. mechanics DSI, or 6-st. automation.

Bezpeka on the crossover Gili Emgrand X7

Bagatom tsіkavo, yak Geely far away so fast food security in their cars? The reasoning is even simpler: not so long ago, the company brought the Swedish brand Volvo, the products of which are recognized as one of the best and safest in the world. In Volvo cars, sound everything was thought out to the last detail. Now all these technologies have gone to Jilly, so the Chinese car makers now know how to create such fancy cars.

Spіlne z Belorussyu virobnitstvo nagodzhenno and the company is called BelGі, yak Geely fell asleep from BelAZ. The Geely Emgrand X7 crossover in Russia will cost 620 thousand rubles for the Comfort package and 650 thousand rubles for Luxury.

Russia has a lot of enterprises, so they pick up Chinese cars. The best stock - Derways from Cherkeska. Recently, a collection of the Taiwanese Luxgen 7 began there. Another crossover, the JAC S5, is also being collected there.

The history of the Chinese auto giant FAW and zovsim began similarly to the tiєї that was at the plant in Togliatti. Only, this time, not the Italians from FIAT, but the Radyansk bus workers themselves laid the first stone and started the Chinese fakhivtsiv. Maistry of the ZIL plant created a Chinese giant, which is now one of the four shortest pickers in the country.

At the same time, companies actively work with such companies as General Motors, Toyota, Mazda, Ford and others. In 2006, a roll was announced in the Russian city of Biysk.

Another point is the price policy of the Chinese. If you go down on the shortest model, then the stench of the Russian market is devastating. The Taiwanese from Luxgen were the first to act, they made a “reduction” of 10 thousand dollars on their own. Checking the progress of other Chinese manufacturers.

We don’t guess here the nutrition of the quality of the selection and materials, so it’s self-evident. Chi does not praise us and is "in favor" of design. Find the bike where it is more foldable, just pick it up lower.

Based on recent evidence, experts are already confirming that the Chinese automotive industry will soon be burned by colleagues from Japan and Korea. What are you talking about. And the competitors should create more virobnitstva, lower their efforts to catch up with the pace, like imposing China. In my opinion, five or ten fates will become the key moments for this.

I finally video crash test of the Chinese crossover Changan CS 35:

We have already called to the point that the Chinese expansion is progressively expanding to an ever greater number of goods. Today, it’s no more than a simple child of plastic toys. The development of microelectronics and the massive arrival on the earth of the Middle Kingdom of the Western Empire served the economy of the country for good. As a result - today, without respect for the formally communist ideology, there are no such galleries, in the same way China has opened the door. Car building is one of the best examples. Strictly seeming, the cars here were let out for Mao's hours, but there was no talk about the masses. To that order, having put a task: the borders of the car. About її insane vikonnі and sogodnі say not to be brought, ale povnі successes - in reality. Take, for example, the Geely automaker. The Chinese transcription of the brand sounds like "Zhili". Literally, it translates as "I'm happy." What is there to say, to finish the exact name. And the secret to the success of the brand among local residents is first for everything, with an orientation towards the door of a budget class car. За свою більш ніж двадцятирічну історію Geely Holding Group не тільки потіснила всі інші національні компанії, що спеціалізуються на виробництві автомобілів, але і зуміла закріпитися в десятці кращих світових автовиробників, ставши в один ряд з брендами, що мають більш ніж столітню історію.

Mining plant for the Geely holding.

Facts from the history of the auto holding

It seems that the phrase of Li Shufu, the founder and unchangeable head for the sake of the directors of the auto concern, about those that in the nearest future Geely car will be popular, like a light, it has become a meme. So chi іnakshe, alé way Li Shufu to the heights of business is not bv sippany trojans. Having started in 1984 the preparation of air conditioners for refrigerators, the businessman is quick to understand that it is not easy on the right. The existence of the license led to the fact that after two years the business had to be closed. The coming directs of the activity of Li Shufu was the production of enriching materials. Vrahuvavshi dosvid previous pardons, vіn zumіv accretion of virobnitstvo. In the middle of the 1990s, a successful businessman tried himself in a greater technological field by purchasing a motorcycle factory.

And in 1988, the time for cars came. The first model was a copy of the Daihatsu Charade small car, and then the company focused on the production of a wet car. The automobile plant was part of the Geely Holding Group, 100% of the holding belonged to Li Shufu. And yet, without a hitch, he found out that it would be more beautiful, that a small company would be engaged in car manufacturing, he named Geely Automobile Holding. Svіtova ekonomіchna kriza, scho swelled in 2008 rocі, the most negative rank was recognized by the wealthy Chinese companies. The crying phrase of Li Shufu ceased to be a meme, however, the holding did not start increasing its presence on the world market, increasing its exports to a significant value in 2015 - 1 million cars. Itself Geely zvinuvachuyut that scho zmusili most world brandy - Nissan, Ford, Renault, General Motors to reduce prices for their products in the Middle Kingdom.

It is significant that the holding has been operating since and earlier, and the scope of its interests is extensive. Crimea is in charge of cars, motorcycles, power units for cars, transmissions, other spare parts, and so on. Expansion of Geely Holding Group is expanding into the sphere of tourism, non-violent, illuminating and everyday life. And yet, to be honest, auto-production itself brought the world's popularity to the concern.

Where to pick up Geely cars

The first business for the selection of cars was in Linghai. The assembly line was ordered in 1998. At the given hour, the total area of ​​business operations is moving 560,000 square meters. At the moment, the plant is engaged in the production of over a dozen models, which are recognized as important for the domestic market. Haoqing, Beauty Leopard, Youliou - these names are not enough to say to the Russian spy. In Linghai itself, the main research center of the GARI concern is together with three branches, which specialize in the design of power units, gearboxes, as well as on-board automotive electronics. In GARI itself, all new models of the automaker are distributed. Потужний науковий потенціал, що складається з більш ніж тисячі кваліфікованих інженерів, десятків докторів наук і кількох академіків, дозволив компанії першої в Китаї самостійно сконструювати, оснащений системою CCVT, розробити автоматичну трансмісію (теж вперше в Китаї) і інноваційну систему рульового управління.

About the success of the company's engineers, we can speak of the fact that at the current moment the company has more than 400 patents, out of which over 40 have been licensed and actively awarded by European and Asian car manufacturers. Geely became in 2001 the first private Chinese auto company to take away a state license. Itself z tsієї dates and began to mass in the literal sense of the word avtomobіlіv pіd tsim brand. The spectrum of wet roses is supra-lingually wide and continues to grow. Among them - full modern gasoline, compliant with Euro-5 European economy standards, CVT variator, diesel CA D-CVVT, DCT transmission, equipped with sub-coupling. Zavdyaks to the Chinese engineers, the FC model, the first among Chinese passenger cars, took a lot of stars for China NCAP crash test bags. So it is possible with the absolute right to affirm that the price is affordable and safe - speech is a total sum. Virobnik to the Geely brand today, the factory is in trouble, maybe 8 warehousing enterprises in China.

Car factory in Xianggan / Lanzhou

Autowarehousing, restocked in Lanzhou, became the first Geely plant, which is the first entry into the current market with the Geely Free Fleet model. What was hidden in the distance by the place of roztashuvannya of the fermented complex - close to the great international airport, which launches flights from three dozen cities of the Asian continent. The total area of ​​the plant is about 700,000 square meters, where the painting, manufacturing and finishing lines are located. The visiting card of the plant, ripped in Hong Kong, is the Geely MK model. The business area is over 370 thousand square meters. meters were planted in the hard economic zone of Jiuhua. Zvіdsi to the airport chinsh Huanggua - more than 50 kilometers. Buvs of motivation in the records of Termіni - Mensh NIZh for RIK, I did not induce the yoma of the detachment of the native of the nobed miracles ISO 9001. In Denmark, the Hunan Geely Automobileparts, Vishtiy, is about 50000 Auto / RISTEN, HOUSTEN The FC was replaced by an FC car, which Geely made in 2008. At this plant, it is planned to build power units, automotive components. The selection of machines is currently being handled by robots, viroblen in Japan, Switzerland and Germany.

Geely's largest brewing complex occupies Lika, founded in 2002 and occupies a total area of ​​approximately 1.8 million square meters. meters, from which more than a million trochs fall on the brewing workshops. A large part of the production is the Geely MK model. Reception in Ningbo, regardless of the modest space (over 750 thousand square meters), is more universal - here you can pick up a few models: Free Fleet, FC and small car CK. Scho tsikavo - at the factory where shoes are worn, the attribute of Russian enterprises is a walkway with a turntable. Rechecking the passes is also a day, then there are two guards at the entrance. The business is also equipped with the most modern production lines - Japanese stamping presses, Scandinavian manipulators, in the plans of the kerіvnitstva - to master here the release of pickups, minіvenіv and pozashlyahovikіv, as well as sedans in the representative class.

In the vicinity of Ningbo, the most famous plant is located in the city of Chongxiao, where the production of the premium class Emgrand GC9 sedan is improved. Immediately plan to expand the folding of the representative crossover HL3. The area of ​​​​production premises - over 650 thousand square meters, design pressure - over 200 thousand cars / river. Nearby is a factory in Beilun, where Geely Emgrand EC7 and SC are selected in the amount of 150,000 examples / river. These are very popular Chinese cars in Russia. Nareshti, at the production site in Hadzhou Bay, they pick up a lot of models of the Emgrand family (220 thousand cars / truck) and over 500 thousand 1.3-liter power units. Meanwhile, domestic dealers have Geely Emgrand X7 - Belarus: the main deliveries go to the star itself, and not from China, which seems to be quite logical.

Geely in Russia

Since the end of spring 2007, Geely cars have been picked up in Russia. The first warehouse warehouse was ordered in Novouralsk (plant "Amur"). Since 2011, the date in the passport of the Geely MK Cross model in the column country-manufacturer is worth Russia - the production of these cars was made at the Derways factory, which was inspired in Karachayevo-Cherkessia. Through rіk on tsomu fіdpriєmstvі the release of the Emgrand EC7 sedan was launched, in 2013 - the GC6 sedan. The results did not bother to get acquainted - in 2014, the Emgrand EC7 will be on the first stage in the Russian Federation for the sale of Chinese sedans. Unfortunately, since 2016, the Derways conveyor has been known for its fate, and already through the sale of this brand, they were bred on the spot, sacrificing to other Chinese automakers. In the meantime, a lot of Geely dealers in our country are running out of galvanized - about 60 dealer centers, which are jointly with the parent company in the framework of a new dealer agreement, and eleven centers, which are working on non-standard service contracts. In 2018, the company showed at the Moscow Motor Show 6 of its promising new products, including the Geely Atlas sedan (the country-manufacturer - Belarus), the GS hatchback, the SX11 crossover and the GE hybrid car.

Geely in Belarus

Domovlenosti about the creation of a joint venture between the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus and the Geely automotive concern was reached in 2011, a prototyping of Chinese cars on soil reconstructed pressures at the Avtohydrousilitel plant began only after 2 years. The colony took away the name of "Belji". Yogo project on 10 thousand cars / river. During the first years of exploitation and tightness, they were sold all over the world, moreover, about 3 thousand cars (SC7 sedans, LC Cross hatchbacks, Emgrand X7 crossovers) were sold in the middle of the country, and others were exported to Kazakhstan and Russia.

Since 2017, the flagship GT sedan has been folded here, in 2018 the plant has started production of the Geely Atlas. It is also planned to begin the release of the updated Emgrand 7. It is significant that at the moment 51% of the shares of "Belji" belong to the Belarusian company, a package of 33% - to the Chinese concern Zhejiang Jirun Automobile. The Belarusian enterprise itself is the main supplier of cars of this brand to Russia.

- one of the most popular Chinese cars in Russia: in 2012, nearly 32,000 sedans and hatchbacks were sold. However, two years ago, an updated \u200b\u200bmodel appeared in China - and now it has only reached Russian car dealerships under the "short" name Geely Emgrand 7. the Derways factory (for the production and packing of bodies), and the updated versions are picked up at the Beldzhi plant in Borisov, Belarus (for the time being, from the large-unit vehicle kit). In the same place viroblyayat and crossover. Having become a hatchback (10% of drink fell on the new one), the Emgrand 7 passenger car in Russia will be sold only with a sedan body.

Restyling did not change the car much: new bumpers, radiator grille and lighting equipment are similar to the quantity, although one unusual thing appeared in the exterior - the same zigzags of the overall lights in the headlight blocks. A similar evolution is in the saloon: the front panel is designed differently, but even more so. However, kermo, attach, climate control unit and navit important gearboxes are now new.

Modernization of the motors was completed in compliance with the standards of Euro-5. Basic "four" 1.5 developing 106 k.s. і 140 Nm (earlier it was 98 kіnskih forces і 126 Nm), and the indicators of the engine 1.8 - 129 k.s. and 170 Nm instead of 126 hp i 162 Nm. As before, the engines will be combined with a five-speed "mechanics", and for versions with a 1.8 engine, a Punch V-belt variator is used. Nareshti, change the settings of the suspension and steering control, moreover, it has been equipped with an old-school hydropidsiluvach as before.

0 / 0

Now about the bag: Emgrand has gone up in price. In the years before the reforms, the release date for cars in 2015 is 130-150 thousand rubles! It is often true that all Emgrands are equipped with a stabilization system, a front seat support, a keyless entry system and bright running lights - the first thing was not found in the list of options. The base sedan with a 1.5 engine, two airbags, an air conditioner and electric screeds is estimated at 639 thousand rubles. For example, Ravon Gentra (1.5 l, 107 k.s.) with “mechanics” costs 439 to 579 thousand, wanting more thoroughbred classmates is 250-300 thousand more expensive.

Complete set 1.5MT5 1.8MT5 1.8 CVT
standard 639000 669000
Comfort 699000 759000
Luxury 789000

The Comfort package has a rear parking sensors, an audio system with a USB socket, a kerma shkiryana and light-alloy wheels. And the top version of Luxury includes six airbags, a "shkiryan" interior, climate control, a multimedia system with a touch screen, electric windshield heating, an electric water seat, cruise control, a rear-view camera and a sunroof.

Sales of upgraded Geely Emgrand 7 sedans start on May 30th. The first batch of cars is already on the way to the dealer centers of the brand. And in China, at the same time, a new hatchback of another generation will already be introduced, followed by a sedan after some time. The stench, judging from us, will not get to us before the advancing fate.

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