Tire wear. See tire wear and cause it to appear

  • up to 10%, if the board is damaged during installation;
  • up to 20%, as if there were cracks on the protector, if it was worn, cracks in the sidewall without exposing the cord;
  • up to 25%, as shown by the number of wear (splashiness) of the tread.

Pіslya moreover, as insured vіdsotok depreciation for the technical mill, it is necessary to deduct vіdsotok depreciation for the term of exploitation. The tire, which has been in operation for three years, consumes up to 10% of the resource. Vіdsotok znoshuvannya humi, scho may termіn exploitation vіd 3 to 5 years, zbіlshuєtsya up to 25%. Tires, which have been in operation for more than 5 years, reach 50% depreciation. It is recommended to control the wear of gumi through the skin 30-40 yew. km for the transport problem.

Methods for determining the reasons for the wear of vintage and bus tires

In order to improve the term for the operation of tires and buses, it is necessary to know the basics to keep an eye on the human. To lie before them:

  • control of the vice of the wheel chamber;
  • control ovnіshny camp tires;
  • control of the month and mode of operation.

The tire in normal condition may have the following characteristics: there is a cap on the valve, daily deep holes on the tread, no threads to wash. Before traveling, take a look at the wheels in order to reveal the presence of sharp objects on the tires.

It is also important to choose the correct route for the ruhu. Road pavement with interspersed stones significantly reduces the wear and tear of vintage and bus tires. You can't change the car. Do not allow a sharp quickening of the turn, part of the intensive galvanization and maneuvering on increased speed. As transport costs need to be left at the station for three hours, it is recommended to pump up the tires to reduce the pressure on them. Under the hour of the installation of new tires, following the balancing of wheels.

Nothing is eternal. Early on, everything breaks down, wears out, falls down and collapses. Sheeny is no culprit. Year and year the stinks become unbearable. Ale dovgovichnost їх vikoristannya is dictated by the correctness of the regime of exploitation, watching over them and the style of water. One of the unfavorable factors that contribute to the durability of a tire is wear and tear. This problem is especially relevant, so how to go about vintage tires Oh. Let's try to figure it out, as if it caused the appearance of such a thing as a way to change it.

What is so uneven

Uneven tire wear is called uneven wear in different areas of the tread. Yogo does not stray from uneven wear, when the tires wear out with different seams, fallow in the place of installation, but evenly along the entire tread part of the tire.

Tire wear - the head “driven in” of vintage tires, as a way to shy away. Use the transport parks through the tires uneven depreciation at kіlka razіv more, nizh through shkodzhennya!

As a result of uneven tire wear on the transport allowance, there is an accelerated tire wear, increased wear and tear, increased wear of suspension elements, reduced risk of an accident.

As a rule, the wear of tires is diagnosed in a progressive, obviously compressive stage, as a rule, it is already impossible to put it down. You can change the speed of your yogo rose. It is even more important for him not to start the development of tire wear. For whom you are guilty of the nobility, see the wear of tires, their signs, the reason for the blame is that method of adoption.

Causes of uneven tire wear. How to depreciate a tire

There are three main causes of uneven tire wear:

  • bіchnі force wrapping (introduction);
  • stretching or drawing;
  • the nature of the tire itself.

Let's take a look at the first two (brand) causes of tire wear.

Bichni strength wrap. Tires, wrapping around, can bow to the beat of the line, creating wild forces. Vantage is possible with the injection of such forces. Uneven wear is inevitable in case of non-adjustment of deviations and deviations due to the geometrical parameters of the transport system: with incorrect convergence, incorrect alignment, incorrect Ackerman cut, non-perpendicularity of the axes of the rear axis, non-parallelism of the axes of the transport system.

The entire tractor is not regulated until the "discovery" of the transport system in a straight line, the axles lead to dragging, and in case of one-hour damage to the axles of the transport vehicle, the effect of the "dog trip" of the road train is created. Operation of non-adjusted axles on a wired axle should be carried out up to hasty demolition on the rudder and wire axles, the main axles - up to uneven wear on the steering, wire and wire axles.

Experts in wheel geometry of suspensions are aware that the biggest contribution to tire wear may be unregulated driving, like steering axles. The work of re-verification and correction of the geometry of the undercarriage of the transport vehicle is carried out on special installation. For example, the inconsistency of 5 cm between the steering and wire weights is to be brought up to 10 m per skin kilometer.

Also, up to the first group of reasons for the wear of car tires, there is an inconsistent installation and balance balancing, a break in the roadway (which is poured onto the stage of uneven tire wear).

Revantazhenya that wrong rozpodіl vantazhіv vyklyuyut hastily worn out shoulder areas or until the accelerated wear of the tread. When overwhelmed, the tires are intensively deformed - they overheat, the inner sealing ball collapses. To this, the water, as far as possible, is to blame for the control of the vanity and the correct expansion of the vanity, and in the case of revantation, the uniqueness of the sharp turns and the galvanism.

Stretching or drawing to be used in wheel pairs with the use of rims at the outer diameters, the size of the vice, and the size of the extra depth of the tread.

If one tire is smaller for a smaller one for a better diameter, then a smaller tire drags behind a larger one, gradually slipping and being like a galm. For example, when the pressure in one wheel is reduced by 0.3 bar, the difference in the outer diameter of the wheel should be close to 8 mm, so that the smaller wheel can be pulled up to 2.5 m per skin thousand meters.

The pulling effect can also be in a single tire, as the wrong vice or the disk does not fit the tire. W the right vise at the wheel, the flame to the contact of the tire may be evenly shaped over the entire area. When the magnitude of the pressure is changed in the offending side, the shape of the patches changes and the concentration of the voltage of one area in the other areas of the tire changes. Misceve wear in the event of a sharp galvanization, a rapt impact of a tire, or a hit by a third-party object, to bring the wheel out of balance and into the end bag until the cob of uneven tire wear.

Tires for a wired axle with a blocky little tread may be subject to late comb wear, if the edge, which is gaining, wears less, which is running. A way to treat this kind of wear is to find out the reasons for that change of a straight wheel wrap on the protilezhne.

It is unfriendly to pour into the bus and sharply disperse and galvanize, as well as turn sharply. In case of sudden accelerations and galvanizations, the later wear of the ridges progresses, and cracks can appear between the blocks of the tire tread (especially on low-profile new tires with high tread). In case of emergency galmation, that / or malfunction of the galm can be blamed and so called “call”.

What is the cost sharp turns in practice, it’s not possible to hide them in practice. However, in most cases, such a “breakdown” occurs through the absence of water (low culture of water). The report on the main types of uneven fees and methods of dealing with them is reviewed in the table “Seeing uneven costs and recommendations on how to adopt them”.

Replacing vintage tires

Okremo varto give respect to such a procedure, like rearranging the wheels. This is a technological operation for servicing tires, which means changing their positions on the axles of the transport vehicle.

The need for rearrangement is due to the fact that design features transport costs, the nature of their behavior during maneuvers and the functional power of the road surface, tires in different positions of the transport system are worn differently, and they show uneven and/or induce uneven wear.

The difference of minds, which have more tires on one transport vehicle, is lower (div. fig. 1 and 2). For example, if you take the standard three-dimensional naming convention, then the most sparing minds of a friend are all, and the most zhorst - a third. І tsya raznitsa nastіlki suttєva, scho without permutations of the tire on tsikh axes to serve even razny term. Therefore, a tire change is simply necessary.

Signs that some decisions about permutations may be adopted negainally:

  • difference in diameters of doubled wheels over 6.0 mm;
  • the difference in the depth of the tread groove of the double wheels is greater than 3.0 mm;
  • late ridge wear was revealed (the difference between the edges of the tread block is thicker and narrower than 2.0 mm).

Variants of permutation of wheels on tractors and chauffeurs are depicted on the front little ones.

Timely, that correct diagnosis of tire wear at the early stages will help you save a significant amount. To that we strongly recommend periodically through the skin 30-40 yew. km probіgu іnspektuvati stan tires of your transport zasobіv. And the best, as if it were necessary to prepare fakhivts.

The strength of friction, known to everyone in the course of high school physics, does not damage the details of our cars. Wearing a lot of elements, but the most obvious changes are marked on the tires. Officials who pour in tire wear, see gummi wear and tear.

What is the problem?

Tread car tire vіdpovіdaє for zcheplennya avtomobilya z road in all regimes and climatic minds rush, like the road would not be: chi clean asphalt in clear and dry weather, chi in the woods with snow, chi way out of the kalyuzhami that amount.

At first glance, it seems that everything is even simpler. The wheel is spinning, the car is rolling, marveling at the road that kermo, take away your satisfaction.

Really factors, how to add to the process of traffic and tire wear are present constantly: the price and speed of the road, the temperature of the surface of the roadbed, the pressure on the tires, the degree of interest of the car, the style of water, well, and, of course, well, technical camp car.

We already mentioned that one of the main physical forces under the hour of the car’s collapse is the strength of the rub. The best indicator of the presence of the power of rubbish is the sight of a great amount of warmth. The more rub - the more heat.

More swedishness, more heat. The most intensive cycles of dispersal and galvanization are more heat. Intensively, the weather changes along the way, but again, more heat is seen. Chi not set the optimal grip in the tires? I am getting more heat, less need. Heat it up again and add your warmth, and if the weather is even more spicy, then the heat in the tires in the heated asphalt of the insole is simply warm. And all the heat is already not good for the tire.

It has been brought to light that the trip was carried out along the route with high swedishness, especially in summer period, Induce not only to increase the wear of the tread, but it can also lead to the expansion of the internal structure of the tire, and the wear rate is reduced to 40%. Wearing a tread in Russia with high speed on dry asphalt in sintered weather is higher, lower in case of slow driving in cold weather on a watery road.

Incorrectly setting the vice to cause the tire to run quickly up to 20%. The pressure on the tires may increase the level of the car's vanity. If you can go far away, and your car will be zavantazheniya pіd zavyazka, obov'yazkovo vіdkorigayte vice in the tires. As a result, it is indicated for comfort and safety, and for the term of tire service.

The ride is active, the suspension element of the car, the correct wheel alignment, the correct balancing, everything is OK, and even more in the totality it adds to the wear of the tread and the tires are scorched.

The tire in the world of exploitation is losing its own characteristics, and more, more. Don't forget about tse. The tire, like a half-heartedly, was like a "super doshova", starting to "split" like an ordinary tire. Tire, like all turns, the bula is to blame, go “like on rails”, maybe with careless occasion to drink at the ascension, or notice.

In the erased state, the protector can no longer completely overcome its functions, the car trims the road faster, the keratinization decreases. Legislation has blocked the operation of passenger cars and light-weight transport vehicles with a tread height of less than 1.6 mm on summer tires and 4 mm on winter tires.

Wearing the tread for the maintenance of the tire operation rules

In order to comply with the rules for operating a tire, it is normal to wear the same height of the tread over the entire tire peg. To determine tire wear, as a rule, scatter the rims at three points (near the center and two at the edges) at four equal distances - a total of 12 rims. Rivnomirne znoshuvannya shows equal results at the same points of the selection.

A trace of memory, that the front and rear-wheel drive cars wear gumi not the same. At the car rear wheel drive tires on the rear wheels wear out more in the middle, in the zone of maximum contact with the asphalt, the front tires wear more from the sides, because є kermovimi and constantly change the kut nahely to the road surface.

Cars with front-wheel drive are characterized by equal wear of the front tires, both in the central and in the rear part. It is necessary to follow the instructions for operation and to periodically rearrange the wheels according to the scheme of ker_vnitstva.

Erroneously erasing

Non-standard tire wear should be noted about the presence of malfunctions in the technical equipment itself. Causes of uneven tire wear are different.

1. Old tires. The old humi is to be left behind because of what minds the wheels were exploited (or taken care of). In case of incorrect selection operational characteristics the tires are noticeably sagging - elasticity is being used, the gum becomes hard, cracks appear on them, especially on the sidewalls of the tires, as if with skin rock they melt away. The old tires are saved for an hour if they get direct sleepy changes, which are damaged by the moisture regime and the temperature increase. In the midst of sleepy changes, OZONE is again settling down, which spritzes the swedish old tires. Due to the possibility of expansion, it is not recommended to use tires older than 5 years.

2. One-sided erasing

The reasons for the wear of rubber tires from one side lie at the wrong geometry of the suspension. When such a deletion was revealed, the following reversal broke up that convergence of the wheels:

  • the wear and tear of the outer side is a superfluous positive breakdown of the convergence;
  • wear of the inner side - superfluous negative collapse of the convergence;
  • zero rozval viklikaє rіvnomіrne posilene wiping tires і zbіlshit vitrata;
  • saw-tooth wear, if the little ones of the inner edge begin to make their teeth drank, - damage to the collapse-convergence of the wheels.

3. Operation of tires with the wrong vice

At high vise the middle part of the tire vipiraє and it is quickly erased. With insufficient pressure, the tire bends and wears from both sides.

4. Numerical deletion according to the number of reports about malfunctions in the suspension (springs, dampers, dampers).

5. Local wear on the tread, as a rule, is the result of wheel and tire imbalance. Imbalance to cause to increase the coliving of keratin wheels, beaten, additional vibrations of the body, waste the stability of the car in a straight line, complicate control transport facility. With the appearance of flames on the tire, the symmetry of the tire is broken and the tire needs to be replaced.

6. Flat maidanchik - the car stood idle for a long time, otherwise there was an emergency galvanization and blocking of the wheels, the surface of the gum blocker may look like a typical abrasive wear to the contact with the surface asphalt. Such a defect can cause a lot of damage.

Hourly repairing a car, paying due attention to looking at the wheels before leaving, finishing with a calm style of water, you can continue the term with a set of tires.

The increase in tire wear of a car depends on the impact of various factors. Let's take a look at the main signs that can be used to identify the cause of tire wear. The wear of the car tire tread during its operation is inevitable, but without malfunctions of the car’s suspension, it is equal and does not exceed the norm, and this is practically unremarkable, so as not to overestimate the car’s occupancy.

Tread wear rating

Often the wear of car tires is estimated by the height of the tread. Ale, take it to respect, those who are new summer tires i y winter gumi The cost of the tread height became clear, why it is more convenient to score the tire wear for evaluation. Visibility in absolute height of the tread spare tires maybe more great. Adjust the tread pattern winter tires for driving in the snow and summer swedish road tires. Undoubtedly, looming the same level of wear, the stench will lead to a different height of the tread.

How to fix tire wear . For a swedish recognition of the moment, if the admissible level of wear will be moving, tire builders will use the tread as an indicator of tire wear. What becomes visible, like only tire wear to outweigh the norms, and it's time to change. If the protector has not been budged with signal marks indicating the wear rate, then the stage of wear can be damaged.

Rozrahunok tread wear:

To increase the amount of tire wear required by the difference between the height of the tread of the new and the average height of the tread of the worn tire, divide it by the difference between the height of the tread of the new and the minimum height of the tread of the worn tire and multiply by 100%.

About endurance

Wear resistance index treadwear may be a three-digit number. This index is marked by a line of alignment of the tested mark with the reference index, which is taken as 100. Offset tires in the test distance, after which their charge is equalized. The test sample will be taken off the index of wearability equal to the wear of the standard to the first wear multiplied by 100. So that if their wear will be the same, then the index of the tested cost 100 will be twice less, then 200.

The greater the index of wearability of the gum, the greater the bonding with the road, especially on wet and cold road surfaces. First of all, the higher the speed index, the better the connection with the road and the higher the resistance to wear and tear.

Zvіdsi vysnovok: if you like to travel fast, get ready to pay for this frequent snake gumi, otherwise your passion will be somehow unsafe for you, that otochyuchih. Navit as you regularly shift the attention of the car, the gum will not be so worn out, like when you are driving aggressively.

Acceptable dryness

The speed index is indicated on the tire board in Latin letters from K to H, which indicates the permissible speed of the car from 110 to 210 km / year. The offensive skin index is 10 km/year higher than the forward one.

Irregular tire wear

Tread height adjustment: For tsgogo pіdіyde vernier caliper or other vimіryuvalny prilad іz glybinoіrom. Vimiryuvannya need to work no less than lower at 6 points, the more, the more accurate. The specks of guilt are rotting both at the center and along the edges of the tread on various perimeter sections. Must be vimir, damage at the center of different perimeter plots, as well as on both sides of the fault, show the same results, otherwise the damage is considered uneven. You see the uneven wear and tear of the reasons why you call out.

See the uneven toll and chim wine infliction:

Other life pokryshok

Renovation of tires, worn out more than the norm, is in the process of welding a new tread. Renovation of car tires with defects in the cord, on the occasional rupture of the pores, nothing good can be done, because they have damaged the structure of the carcass from the cord, and that’s why it’s inevitable that they should be ruined away. Renewal of a worn out tire is due to a worn out tread. Vіn zrіzaєtsya on a special verstatі, after which the place is cleaned, degreased, smeared with gray gum and a new tread is welded onto the new one. You see, they are swearing to what they allow and do not allow renewal. Reinforcement allows less tread wear. It is not possible to renew a worn tire of a car, so check the disposal or remanufacturing.

Tire recycling car : recycling and disposal worn tires will require significant financial injections and in our country we will not be able to attract business. That's why it's problematic to build tires in us. Less than in the capital of that region, the vaga znoshenih protyag rock sagaє 70 yew. tons. Buildings from them for recycling are given only 30%, 70% for disposal and building is problematic. The tires of the gum kricht are being rebuilt. Recycling sounds like a way of trimming worn tires and a subdivision, trimmed into fractions: metal, textiles and gum kricht. The reworking of old tires from the outside from the sides of the dead rings begins. They gave the tire to be used for detailing, after which you manage to divide it into metal, textiles and gum, and the rest of the money becomes bigger. The cost of gum's kricht is close to 20 UAH. per kilo. Vikoristovuetsya out like an additive to the asphalt, which will significantly improve the power of power, and change it to the same extent. It is not necessary to break paving slabs that are covered differently with miraculous operational qualities, which may have a small vag.

Winter is right, but it’s right to finish the end. Nezabar it will be necessary to change back to summer tires. Ale docks won’t be reloaded, it’s necessary to carry out, a technical review, to reconsider - toll. Aje wine will help you to identify any defects in your car, as well as show the correct operation.

Today, I want to teach you how to show the attachment of defects and for additional tire wear. Some of us are rich, especially those who, having started their activity of water from our VAZ 2101 - 2106, remember the wear from the inside. Somebody like that inner part the wheels showed a “fox” all the way. With this, on such a tire, they continued driving earlier. I myself, if I had just started my water activity, it was 15 years ago, having also driven in gum, it was on my first car VAZ 2101. Then I didn’t know what was going on. And for nothing, knowledge would help me to turn the tire. If you have a relationship and you don’t know, the stars of the wines are taken as the next information for you.

All on the right in the skhіd - rozval avtomobilya. Yakshto qi nalashtuvannya destroyed, the removal of your security. For the cob, without delving into the essence of nutrition, I’ll say, it’s easy to beat qi nalashtuvannya (shіd rozvalu). On a great speed they flew into a great pit, to which the disk bent, everything was sufficient, to beat the cі nalashtuvannya. And obviously, you might get paid. To that, after a strong blow in the middle, it is necessary to go to the service station and. Tse my pleasure to you, otherwise we will cherish the viide more dearly, if there is gum. And guma at once costs much more.

Now, what is the similarity - rozval?

Tse regulation of the front wheels and body axles (report). Rozval vіdpovidaє for nahil along the vertical, and skhozhennya vіdpovidaє for the turn - in the middle or the name. You can actually look at the pictures.

As soon as the car is damaged, then it is possible to wear out the tire cord. Moreover, wine is different, for different life. It is necessary to note that with heavily lashed cords, the cord can be worn off literally for hundreds of kilometers.

The wear of the inner side is to talk about those who have a wheel zayvo nachileny in the middle, so it may have a negative collapse. Zustrichaєtsya tse dosit often. And the axis of the wear of the old edge is to talk about the positive fall. As I wrote above - to get a new tire on such a car can become unacceptable even after 300 - 500 km. Looking in front of the car.

The situation is similar to the similarities of the number. If you screwed up the middle of the body of the zayvi, then the old land is worn out. And from the way I got relief from the name of the body, then according to inner side wheels. Looking like a beast of a machine.

The first "twinkle" was beaten, the trajectory of the car's movement would be wrong. At the factory, it was adjusted so that the kermo is parallel to the body line. To stand straight horizontally. As if with a direct horizontal kerma expansion, your car collapses left-handed or right-handed, and straight - with a non-parallel kerma, then you have a broken alignment - a collapse and it is necessary to regulate terms. Axis drawing.

Obviously, varto indicates that the car is right-handed or left-handed can pull through wrong vise at the wheels. Because the wheels are not properly inflated, for example, one front wheel has a pressure of 2 atmospheres, and otherwise 1.5 atmospheres, such a car will also be pulled sideways. Therefore, in order to properly operate the wheels, follow the vice from them. Ale do not varto їх to pump or not to pump up, otherwise the removal of gumi will also be present. Axis drawing.

To give you a varto to give a vice at the wheel, as if by entering a dialer on the body or in the car's instructions. No more no less. Then your wheels "walk" longer.

Another reason is the incorrect adjustment of the mechanisms of the suspension and the galvanization. Wearing out at the sight of the "fox" flames, you can settle down through the battle of the rear galvanic disk, the great wear of the rear galvanic pads, or the very surface of the galm_vny drum And also through the beat of the front wheel, worn out or incorrect elements of the suspension, kerm rods, kerm mechanism, car shock absorbers. Axis drawing.

You can also be present through natural factors. It is permissible for you to have everything from a gathering - a collapse, for gum you have a normal vice, but the run has already been 100 and more than a thousand on the same and quiet wheels. Your gumma has simply been erased through the term exploitation. It is necessary to remember what is minimal, admissible protector wheels tse 1.6 mm, so it seems to us the PDR. If you have less, you need to change the gum. It's easy to die, take a coin, put it in the tread, remember, and rather take a picture of the depth (for example, on the phone), and then add the depth along the line. The axis of my photo is from the winter huma (in the winter humi, the tread is richly swollen, lower in the summer, it is necessary for the passage itself in the snow. I have 9 mm, it’s even a garniy display).

approx 9 mm

In the winter gumi, as if you have studded ones, with a great wear and tear, thorns will fall, it will not be comfortable for you to collapse on such a gumi, you will become more hooked on the road.

Keep track of your tires, both summer and winter. It is necessary to remember that in view of the show, it is directly proportionate to lay down your safety. Even if the tread depth is less, then the thickening of the humus is thicker, like summer, and winter.

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