Russian crossover TagAZ Vortex Tingo. Crossover Vortex Tingo: technical characteristics and photo Tagaz vortex tingo fl technical characteristics

The automobile plant in Taganroz, for homeownership with the Chinese concern Chery, successfully produces the small-scale TagAZ Vortex Tingo, which is similar to Chery Tiggo. This is a practical machine, it is dynamism and vіdmіnno goes for changing in any minds: i according to the place, i. TagAZ Vortex Tingo is a luxury car with attractive design, modern laconic interior, good equipment. First, let’s not forget, marveling at this crossover - there are a large number of options: electric scoopers, mirrors with piping, airbags, air conditioning, salon zі shkiri and richly іnshoy. І all for a pivmillion rubles.

Soundness TagAZ Vortex Tingo

New poshlyahovik buv submissions in 2012 roci. In Beijing, all car enthusiasts could indulge in the new creations of the Taganrozsky Automobile Plant, which had previously won the collection of the famous Chinese poshlyahovik Chery Tiggo. TagAZ Vortex Tingo took off a new style and interior, and the axle in the technical characteristics did not show - the familiar front-wheel drive with a 1.8-liter engine.

Exter'er TagAZ Vortex Tingo

A large part of the TagAZ Vortex Tingo change hit the front part of the car. The headlights of the head light became smaller, and their foldable geometric shape made the image concise and strict. All complete sets, basic cream, are equipped with lines of light diodes in the front lighting equipment. The grille of the radiator has also changed, it is decorated with a chrome-plated insert, it looks like a bowl, and in the middle of it is the V - Vortex logo.

Seen behind the rahunok of embossed lines and stampings, from the bottom pіdrіzav. Round anti-fog headlights are ruffled on contrasting black inserts. Not less stylish on the bumper looks like a tight courtyard windshield. On a frail hood, you can bask in embossed wind.

Old lines and proportions are known from Chery Tiggo: high and straight line of the dahu, classic body, widened wheel arches, neat feed. New bumper on the back. Lower dodatkovі stop-signals vikonanі in a rectangular form, їх great rozmіr zabezpečuє krashu іnformativnіnіst, upper repeater "stopіv" roztashuvavsya once over the fold of the five doors in a neat spoiler. Plus, up to the number of light lamps in the light. All this freshened up the body of the Vortex Tingo and made the car more stylish.

Tagaz Vortex Tingo is shown in a variety of colors. All shades from the "metal" series - blue, red, green, white, silver, black. The car can be equipped with additional settings: engine crankcase guard, metal thresholds, nickel-plated "kenguryatnik".

Interior Tagaz Vortex Tingo

Looking around the TagAZ Vortex Tingo, how can you not guess about the interior design of the crossover? And here is a digital LCD-display with a receiving eye, a multifunctional steering wheel, a central console, a visor in a perfect form, as it is seen with an effective metal edging. The control buttons are large and handy, on the leather doors there is a capacity for a plastic plate.

The seat of the front row of the correct anatomical form has more pillows, a better cushion. At TagAZ Vortex Tіngo everything looks elegant and eloquent: interior selection and equipment, trim materials, chrome inserts on the central console and steering wheel.

Video review of the TagAZ Vortex Tingo crossover in the Autodrom program:

Oglyadovist Tingo is safe: the height of the landing is clear, the rear-view mirrors are significant. Qi parameters are significantly shorter, lower for more sedans. Salon for five months, comfortable chairs, large luggage space and extra space. At the jeep it is easy to sit behind the wide doors. The railings on the dahu allow you to superbly fix the vantage. All accessories for driving a car are manually and intuitively understood. Of particular interest is the deluxe version of Vortex, which is everything that the current poshlyahovik is to blame for.

Filling TagAZ Vortex Tingo

The technical characteristics of TagAZ Vortex Tingo have practically not changed. This is a 1.8-liter gasoline engine, which may have a pressure of 132 horsepower. The priority of this unit is AI-92. Yogo vitrata cannot be called great: for a hundred kilometers Tingo sleeps about 9.2 liters.

The machine is controlled literally with “one finger”. Yakіst Tingo is not delivered to cars of leading European manufacturers. All characteristics are adapted for Russian minds, which is not surprising - the crossover is produced in Russia. Independent suspension, supplemented with a transverse stability stabilizer, ensuring good adhesion to the road. Galmuvannya is safe: hydraulic system and tight vacuum podsiluvach. Yoga works silently.

Regardless of the fact that it is only a front-wheel drive, TagAZ Vortex Tingo enjoys good mobility. Test drive TagAZ Vortex Tіngo showing that the high ground clearance allows you to easily pass the folding road, dolat crossroads and curbs.

Tagaz Vortex Tingo
Car brand: Tagaz Vortex Tingo
Krajina virobnik: Russia
body type: poshlyahovik
Number of months: 5
Number of doors: 5
Obsyag dviguna, cub. cm: 1845
Tension, l. With. / about. hv .: 132/5750
Maximum speed, km / year: 175
Rozgin up to 100 km / year, s: 14
Drive type: front
Checkpoint: 5MKPP
Fire type: gasoline AI-92
Vitrata per 100 km: location 9.2; track 7.5
Dovzhina, mm: 4390
Width, mm: 1765
Height, mm: 1705
Clearance, mm: 190
Tire size: 215/65R16
Ordered weight, kg: 1465
Povna mass, kg: 1775
Fire tank fitting: 55

Options TagAZ Vortex Tingo

TagAZ Vortex Tiny is offered in three configurations:

  1. Comfort with a five-speed manual gearbox. Car enthusiasts will appreciate ABS, front airbags (2 pcs.), A richly functional LCD display, upgraded front seats, an electric package for rear mirrors, air conditioning, fog lights, electric dimmers, central locking with an immobilizer, a multifunctional kermo and sound system.
  2. Lux in terms of engine and transmission repeats the basic configuration, equipped with additions, a sunroof on the back and rear parking sensors.
  3. Comfort with a robotic five-speed "automatic".

The price of TagAZ Vortex Tingo is to be deposited according to the configuration and starting from 560,000 rubles. For the very cost of putting it in, you will have to pay 620,000 rubles.

TagAZ Vortex Tingo - successes and shortcomings

Tagaz Vortex Tingo elicited a mixed reaction from Russian motorists. Some call yoga, others criticize mercilessly. Crazy, Tingo has both advantages and disadvantages.

Plusy TagAZ Vortex Tingo:

  • space - rear trunk, if necessary, the rear seats are folded, after which the baggage allowance expands to 1365 liters;
  • good dvigun;
  • a handy seat, equipped with a beaded pad;
  • indecent clearance;
  • put in a pochatkovy complete set of rich electronics;
  • two airbags;
  • yakisna audio system;
  • zovnіshnіy modern looking.


  • the doors close badly;
  • low sound insulation;
  • weak engine;
  • non-toxic plastic

In general, TagAZ Vortex Tingo is a good car with a remarkably small vitratoy paliva for trips around the city and on the foreign highway.

Video about how to start the TagAZ Vortex Tingo engine at a temperature of -20 degrees:

summary: Possibly, Tagaz Vortex Tingo called out deaky narration, as not even a modern and not ideally selected car. Ale cina is true to all yogo quality. TagAZ Vortex Tіngo is a right whirlwind, a kind of pіdіrvav pozashlyahovikіv market. For its versatility, the jeep is practically the best option among its competitors. This modern country crossover will go in its own stylish modern look with the posh poshlyahovik and high level of comfort.

As a master of Tagaz Vortex Tingo, don't forget to leave your feedback. Your thought is very important for us and ours.

Vortex Tingo is produced by the TagAZ concern from the next 2010 year. The "ideal fan" of the model became the Chinese crossover Chery Tiggo. Vlasne, tse easy transformations of Tiggo Russian folding. It can be called a marketing ploy, a rebranding, since it is still not ripe in the minds of the Russians to get to the automobile industry of the Middle Kingdom.

Tingo - a typical Russian crossover at an affordable price

What is Vortex Tingo worth for?

Russian cars, as if they were not scolded in the stakes of car enthusiasts, are drinking. The most important factors when buying a vintage car are the following: affordable price availability, ease of inquiry and interchangeability of spare parts, problem-free repair is practical in any service (and sometimes in garages, “on the knees”!). Behind the machines of the Vortex brand, the ugly name of the "Russian Chinese" has crept in, as the company specializes in licensed copies of Cherry. Looking back at the recent appearance of Tingo's "SUV" on the market, I can confidently say that I know my own business.

Restyling: what has changed

In the spring of 2012, the version of Vortex Tingo was redesigned. The new crossover has become even more of a huge version of the Japanese Toyota RAV4. Vtіm, yakscho vrahuvati, scho over zvnіshnіstyu chinese designers worked, next probachit їm qiu "similarity". And even after hours of winemaking gunpowder, in China they respect for better copying of the original! If you want, it seems that the gunpowder is not Chinese! At the same time, the car was added to the package, which included in the basic configuration the package of options included the extensions of the electric package and the air conditioner. A rare representative of a country's automobile industry can boast of the same. The restyled Tingo now clearly showed luxury notes, both in modernity and in interiors. Optics with light-emitting diodes and the shape of headlights as a whole in the Japanese soul.

Chrome internal moldings of the radiator grille make you think about solidity and richness, typical for cars, for example, in the UAE! A more stylish and ergonomically looking case that closes the “reserve”. The hood looks more embossed behind the chest of clearly stamped lines.

Vortex Tingo: photo salon

Restyling in the middle of Tingo stumbled on the cut - the materials are decent, there are no third-party sounds: a creak, a clatter. And, as a sign of water, there is no unacceptable chemical aroma in the salon, which often “slays” the pickers of budget cars, especially Chinese travel. The central console has become even more noble for its front for the rahunok framed with pretty plastic. On the coarseness and air conditioner regulators (the stench of yak and earlier spinning round knobs) there was a rim to chrome. Switching on-board computer on the accessory panel allows water to clearly display all sensors. The rear-view mirror in the middle of the cabin was equipped with electronic “lighters”: compass, barometer and altimeter. It’s more convenient for lovers of more expensive ones and just tsikavih! The radio tape recorder has lost the same one as before the restyling: you can hear CD, radio, and also USB sockets.

6 direct adjustment of the water seat allow you to choose the most comfortable position. A place for passengers to finish the back. If necessary, the seats are folded. The maximum luggage capacity in the warehouse is 800 liters! And at least (so don't squeeze the rear passengers!) Get over 420 liters. For storage, there are niches in the side doors. Well, the glove box, obviously.

Price Vortex Tingo

Technical characteristics have become too much: V dviguna 1.8 l, front wheel drive. Vtіm, Tingo did not claim the title of "super-stretching animal", and it is unlikely that he will be. A new one has a niche, other goals and tasks.

Models are showing up for now Comfort (MT4);Lux (MT5); Comfort (AT6). Razkid prices from 559,000 rubles to 615,000 (from minimum to maximum).

Vortex Thingo used on the market is priced at 350,000 to 500,000 rubles. To fall in vіd roku, probіg, complete set. Like a bachimo, spending a decent car in the price, but not catastrophically, vrakhovuyuchi virobnik.

Test drive Vortex Tingo (+ video)

Test drive Vortex Tіngo in the minds, typical for yogo operation, (car, guess, MІSKY crossover) showing sufficient dynamics for a 4-cylinder atmospheric engine, gaining speed. However, the "spritnist" of the gas pedal, the back of the hand with a sensitive touch, is littered when the wind speed is over 100 km / h. The maximum speed to become approximately 175 km / year: on the road, follow the memory and do not "hack" with the brothers of the worse! 1.8 liters to give themselves to the nobility, hotch yak cool.

The five-step "mechanics" ensure the soundness of the wheels, demonstrating the bad connection with the road. But all the same, you don’t call out supernatural emotions. If you want to compete with your “robotic” brother, I’m glad that the manual transmission is not “involved” on the front, if it’s necessary to destroy the light of the light on the green light.

Depreciation, regardless of the stagnation of MacPherson technologies on the front struts and the reinforcement of the rear suspension with hydraulics, fills the luggage with the best. Water and passengers are aware of the roughness of the road literally with their whole body. Also, when you come to small bushes and pits, the kermo is lightly vibrated: it is not suitable for water. 19-centimeter clearance (clearance) to allow zaїzhdzhati on curbs and other small heights. What makes the camp more important when parking in places that are not accessible to passenger cars. And the axis is clearly bezdorozhzhі v_dchuvati z Tіngo not varto: with front-wheel drive, the price is not up to anything good. That one is not positioned as a winemaker in the same rank.

Vtіm, a one-time test drive is unlikely to say more, lower vіdguki vodіїv, yakі ekspluatyut svoi "zalizny horse" day by day. The stench in practice vyvchili Tingo's advances and shortcomings and share information with those who are still in doubt at the choice. More to give (or ask) for the sake of the drive to solve other problems for the “brothers in Tingo”.

Advice from Vlasnikov Vortex Tingo

Mykola, Belgorod region

Vortex bought in 2011 roci, vletka. Mileage today for 50,000 km. I operate a round river. Vtіm, winter in our area (Bіlgorod), no need to Suvor! Taking the car yak "work horse". The trunk was true to itself at 100. Having transported the budmaterials of all the powers, on the road we went to the sea, we took 2 years of sleep: put the “Thule” trunk on the rails, so as not to enter the main trunk and the salon is there with us! From the global point: having replaced the fire pipe (breaking the thread about the knocked-down chicks), setting up the defender himself. According to the story: through the river, replacing the lamps in fogs. Not long ago, one size. There are no problems with spare parts in the area: otherwise, in reality. Abo no more than 3 days before the appointment. Bagato someone to complain about a weak "Shumka", I don't seem to give respect. I say it again: the car is working + family. The car has been assessed, restyled, wonderfully, becoming more beautiful, if I will change it, then for a new one. For such pennies I won’t buy the best.

Oleksiy, Kolomna

Greater lower vlashtovy high landing, space in the salon (the team itself is not small + we carry the Labrador to the dacha and back!). The trunk for the dog has become just a “house of life!” And despite the fact that the water is sitting all the way to the stop, it’s blue-little (it’s not a liliput!) There’s plenty of space. The complete set is the simplest (I have MT1), if you have ABS in the car, 2 airbags, air conditioning (!!!), front seats, rear seats adjustment, rear mirror adjustment, electric dimmers (4 !!!), auto-blocking of doors, fog lights, lights ! What kind of car "in the base" is ready to propagate like that ?! That is all for "half a million"! Kerovanist tsіlkom on the river, noticing Bulo, smoothly enter the turn. I put Velcro on for the winter, but, I think, for Siberia, it won’t be an option. With minus signs: the doors were rottenly regulated (silicone to help!), Well, the soundproofing is depleted of the best.

Dmytro, Magnitogorsk

Bought in Serpni 2012, from the cabin. Restyle. Sounds are appropriate both in the middle and in the calls. Drilled the road TO. On the 1st they took 6, the 2nd cost 10 tr. , Watching at once. Moreover, the similarity-rozval is not included in the MOT. And it is necessary to work obov'yazkovo, tobto for your pennies! Viklav 1.5 tr. There were problems with candles in the frost, they began to troit. For a while, such a thing helped: starting, checking the engine warming up, turning it off, starting it up again. Ale, remembering all one thing, filed a sin. Also, at -30, the camshaft oil seal was blown, without becoming official, it was expensive, in a great service, remembering for 2 tr. (Against 7 official ones!). Knowing people were pleased with the kerm to lightly collapse, if the car warms up in the cold. Because the seals on the steering rack are also a weak spot. The doors were regulated at the 1st MOT, the stench at Tingo's was like a weak mіscem, so it is overdone. Well, there are no noises. I myself am timid, on the service. I want to fix the “koyabovskie” rear racks right away, so that I can raise the vantageopidyomnist. The one that is (about 350 kg) is not Vlaštov. In general, for such a price you can’t buy better in this class. So, all the problems, yakі є, ochіkuvanі і whole virіshuvanі.


The machine is economical. How many times have you traveled to Tahoe, so, you know, what heaven and earth are! Well, I’m not going to take a break, obviously, I won’t! It's not a jeep. I wouldn’t call it “cross-country”. Shvidshe, lifted universal. Having taken the mechanics, you can’t tell about the robot (the team of 2 rockies rode the Auris, they suffered!). The locality is entirely sovereign. A refrigerator was transported at the trunk with folded seats. What is up to noise isolation, for such pennies, about the yak "Shumka" can language go? The gas pedal is electronic, I can’t beat it. It is heard vіdmіnno, trochs "to drown", and fire! Oglyadovist vіdmіnna. Well, I know, zgaduyuchi "Auris", de through the stіyok it is possible not to see the walker or the car from around the corner. On the highway, going up to 180 is easy. The doors were self-adjusted, in view of the problems of TagAZ, they didn’t go anywhere, just like Cherry itself. Zagal, firmly "four", I put Tingo.


Analyzing all the written texts, we come to the conclusion that the car Vortex Tingo, obviously, is not without shortcomings. And there are a lot of satisfied with the car drivers. Moreover, the virishal clerk was the price. “Odnoklassniki” Tingo is more venerable virobniki, if you don’t quarrel, look more expensive. A typical car of the middle class, ready to carry around the city, to the country house, to a picnic (as water is not evil for off-road people). Too nervous and irritating is not recommended, calling on the trash of noise insulation! If you have sufficient cold-bloodedness, the problem of closing the doors is not to blame. In general, the car is really ok and the balance "price-quality" is quite ok. Nedolіki well zavzhdi you can know navit at the car "premium class". So what decision do you make. I only to you!

One of the secrets of the popularity of this Chinese car is the obvious similarity with the Japanese crossover Toyota RAV-4 of another generation. Obviously, the Chinese did it the most, rozroblyayuchi tsey car: a potential buyer, marveling at Chery Tiggo, guesses the Japanese analogue and obov'yazkovo buy. And judging by the number of cars of the same brand that run along the roads of the world, this cunning is wickedly practical. Resurrecting the sound of a Chinese crossover from a Japanese plant is not easy. Same profile, same rozmіri. Only a tighter hood, like entering the radiator grille, head optics, the same sprat of insignificant details in the Tiggo view RAV-4. Yakіst zbіrki on visotі: gaps between body parts are equal, wanting to be wide. The middle Tiggo is also similar to the RAV-4, although for the quality of the materials it is important to do.

Before Russia Chery Tiggo for a long time turned into a fully front-wheel drive, and only in the last decade of 2009 there appeared copies equipped with a high clutch, which turns on the rear wheels when the front wheels slip. Krym tsgogo, vlasniki tsgogo avtomobіlya zmushenі buli remikat transfers manually, but in the end of 2008, a version with a chotirohzonny “automatic” appeared.

The most popular engines for Chery Tiggo are (and are out of stock until now) chotyricyl-industrial gasoline units with a pressure of 125 and 129 k.s. volume 2 and 2.4 liters The ever-growing popularity of the model in our country tempted the Chinese automakers to organize the folding of the first crossover in Kaliningrad, and then in Taganroz.

The Taganrozsky Automobile Plant was founded in 1998. Over the past few years, the plant has changed the number of partners and on this day, cars under the brands BYD and Hyundai are produced on this territory. The authority of the plant is Tagaz and Vortex brands.

By launching a copy of the Chinese crossover Chery Tiggo, the plant's engineers were close to the fate of the plans for the modernization of the car. The result of tsієї robotic buv presentations at the Beijing Motor Show Spring 2012.

The snakes hit almost the entire car. At ovn_shnostі tse, persh for everything, the front part, de z'appeared a new more thinned radiator grille, and headlights, having changed in size, added a more folded geometric shape. Zavdyaki tsomu, the image of Vortex Tingo adding more strict and finishing look. The rear part, after restyling, got a new bumper and additional brake lights in the lower part. The car has dimensions of 10.5 cm and looks fresh and original. Tagaz Vortex Tingo is produced in a wide range of colors. All colors come from the "metal" series. Ce red, black, blue, green, white, "sreblo". The factory gives a significant guarantee for the bodywork - 5 years or 500 thousand kilometers in the run, in the fall, depending on what happens earlier. Cars Tagaz Vortex Tingo are equipped with a great choice of additional adjustments: nickel-plated "kenguryatnik", metal thresholds, engine crankcase guard.

The interior of the updated Tingo can also be seen from Chery Tiggo. A stylish multifunctional kermo, a new accessory panel with a large square LCD screen in the middle, larger front seat cushions, and more swivel side trims - just a small change. The finishing materials have been improved, a larger modern block for controlling the scumbags has appeared on the water doors, the keys for controlling the radio, the “twists” of the air conditioner have acquired clear moves, and the sound insulation of the cabin has improved. Yakіst sbіrki nasty, but still far from bezdoganno. Numerous scuffs on plastic panels, uneven gaps between parts.

Options and prices for upgrades Tagaz Vortex Tingo 2013 Russia

The technical characteristics of the Tagaz Vortex Tingo are still lacking in quantity: under the hood is a 1.8-liter gasoline engine with a power output of 132 hp. The undoubted advantage of this engine is the vikoristovuvane palvo - AI 92. Vitrata is also not great, on average, in a mixed cycle for a hundred kilometers, Tingo saves about 9.2 liters.

Invariably, the number of complete sets was lost, їх like and earlier three. Two versions - MT1 Comfort and MT2 Lux go with a five-speed manual gearbox, the third - with a robotic five-speed "automatic".

Previously, the automobile world was miraculously understood and unambiguous. Yakі yakosі, looked at the first black when choosing. A trio of quickening, tightness and maximum stiffness. Whoever has the “fattest” dvigun himself was given the honor. Everything is richer today. People learned how to earn their money. Now, with a choice, we are looking at ecology, economy, safety and, obviously, the car’s versatility. So, Tagaz Vortex Tingo, it is possible, and merits of such achievements: it is not too modern, and it is not a hopeless choice ... But the price is not high, it is the true quality of this car, and it is the most important factor in the weight of this crossover.

From 2010 to 2014, the leaders of the successful model Cheri were selected for a license in Taganroz. Chinese donors turned out to be a very successful direct work for the plant, they created an additional line of growth in popularity. Cars were seen as a whole, presentable and presentable. The Vortex Tingo FL model was of particular popularity and interest. The whole copy of Tygo, yak has become a whole far away transfer of a successful crossover for all parameters from China. We invite you to take a detailed look and see some of the videos in order to get to know potential buyers from TagAZ Vortex Tingo.

Irrespective of those that the country is the culprit of the first Chinese crossover Russia, the quality of the model turned out to be significant. On the test drives, a lot of buyers noted the positive impressions of the Russian selection in the similar situation. There is no sense to look at the photo of Tingo, even if the Vortex car is good for us because of the identity of the donor. Beautiful and attractive for the technical characteristics of TagAZ Vortex Tingo, see more details.

Zovnishnist - beautiful photo of a Chinese donor

How to look at the car all the way in parallel with the prototype, you can find few details. Therefore, we will talk more about the Vortex Tingo as about the authentic model, and more about the opinions of the magistrates about the individual characteristics of the car. Before speech, one of the individual characteristics of TagAZ Vortex Tingo can be called the nature of the crossover. Among the important design features that create an impression about the car, the following aspects can be seen:

  • the visual price of the model is clearly high, which motivates the purchase for transport;
  • the edge of the virobnik can be seen only by the slightly wider Vortex logo on the radiator grille;
  • Tingo's individuality also manifests itself in the salon, which is not too spacious, but still quiet;
  • Pragnennya to practicality made Vortex Tingo 2011 one of the good competitors on the market;
  • regardless of the Chinese root, the car is ready to be called a yak_snogo crossover;
  • on a test drive, you will not be able to know even worse moments in the state of transport.

Tagaz Vortex Tingo, having become one of the first transport means of the virobnik, has grown its name and given the popularity of the whole line. Yakby is not a Chinese donor and is well established for the cob model, Tingo would have very little chance of success. Ale, the concern from Taganrog has done a lot to put the Vortex line in the Batkivshchyna, which is why the popularity of the car is really present.

Important technical characteristics - external copying

Tightness and conscience of the TagAZ company did not allow them to expand the engine and make serious changes in the technical characteristics of the TagAZ Vortex Tingo. To this very reason, the company made a decision to abandon the equipment without changes, and gave the future Vlasniks a good reliable transport with a lot of important achievements. When looking at the technique of the middle of the day, it is necessary to note such important figures:

  • a 1.8 liter engine with a capacity of 132 kn forces, which is enough for a car;
  • the Chinese automatic machine is an essential alternative for the basic 5-speed manual box;
  • for a test drive, it is better to take a version with mechanics, as it will show the dynamic power of the engine better;
  • judging by the vіdgukіv vlasnikіv, until the automatic box next chirp, but it's also dynamic;
  • all the technique was carried out with an eye on the price and residual model propositions of the machine.

Such a superficial look at the technical characteristics gives a statement about those that the car is completely nadіyna and yakіsna, won its job without problems and hopes for a lot of important advances. Obviously, it's impossible to buy a lot of money on a small test drive. For whom you need a Vortex Tingo FL and know all thin machines.

Price and important thin models - we advise before buying

Obviously, bring a yak_sny car, let's get it from Chinese roots, if you want a potential skin buyer. But the first test drive can change your mind about whether you are a buyer. Cars should be selected according to individual advantages, and the Vortex Tingo 2011 had few features, which make the car unique and specific:

  • regardless of the status of a crossover, the interior is small, there are a few trochs here;
  • the materials of the Russian concern vikoristovuvav cheap, to reduce the price of the machine;
  • in vіdgukakh Vlasnikov time and again there is often an unacceptable smell like plastic, baked in sun;
  • transport management bodies are not made from the most common plastics;
  • the trunk didn't look so great and it was awkwardly planned.

Tagaz Vortex Tingo is not a bedazzled model, like a leather car driver. To choose a car, it is better for you to conduct a special test drive. True, to know the car in the showroom is not visible - the plant has gone bankrupt in the past year. To that robiti look around the car market, de qiu model can be bought for 400-500 thousand rubles.

pіdvodimо pіdbags

The low price and good reviews of Vlasniks often become the main motive for buying such a proposition, like Vortex Tingo FL. The machine does not inspire insinuated confidence, but it does not recall any negative emotions from the first contact. Kіlka shkoda, scho russian warehouse company zmushena bula pripinit іyalnіst, even though the company clearly collapsed in the right direction.

Today we can consider the purchase of TagAZ Vortex Thingo only on the secondary market. The purchase is folded together, so that transport from 2010 to the year of the moment can be operated not even more carefully. Tse mozhe to bring in harmony all the roads and important transport junctions of the transport service and to get a new sergeant to spend pennies on repair and maintenance work. To avoid anyone, conduct a good diagnosis before buying.


VORTEX is a car brand of the TAGAZ (Taganroz Automobile Plant) auto-warehouse enterprise, sold on the territory of Russia in Taganroz, near Rostov. Vortex Tingo fl - similar to the factory, which is a copy of the licensed version of Tiggo Chery, on the Russian markets, the official dealership of TAGAZ is expanded.

The main advantage of Tagaz Vortex Tіngo is the cost and the cost of the basic equipment. Photo Tіggo 2018-2019 rocky demonstrates the obvious similarity of yoga with a Japanese crossover.

In the summer of 2013, the issue of TagAZ Vortex Tingo was issued in connection with the problems of TagAZ financial order.

Designed by Tagaz Vortex Tingo, the sprat has changed. The stampings on the bonnet are more pronounced. The optics of the head light became light. The radiator grille in the parameters is now a troch lower in height, and a troch more in width, embellished with chrome inserts.

Anti-fog lights from the sides of the front bumper of a rounded shape, the central air duct is bigger and better for style with radiator grilles. There are nice trims on the doors. The optics of the rear lighting is replaced by a small one on the shades and vertical lines of light.

Technical characteristics of the Vortex Tingo in the following parameters: by length - 4285 mm, by height - 1705 mm, by width - 1765 mm, road clearance (clearance) - 190 mm. Number of front wheels - 1,500 mm, rear wheels - 1,524 mm, wheel base - 2,510 mm.

Tire size - 215/65 R16. The load weight of Tagaz Vortex Tingo is 1,465 kg, the total weight is 1,775 kg, the load capacity is 310 kg. The capacity of the fire tank is 57 liters, the capacity of the fire tank is AI 95.

The maximum speed range is 175 km/year, the acceleration time to 100 km/year is 12 seconds, the turning diameter is 11.5 meters. Vitrata of gasoline for 199 km of driving: in the city - 11 liters, in the front - 9.6 liters, on the highway - 7 liters.


Internal improvements Tagaz Vortex Tingo tezh recognized the change. Tuning gave the cabin a presentable look. The central console is framed with plastic, which has a smoothed out thinner in the center and the gear selector. The regular CD and the u-eu-b port were left with a lot.

The location of the control systems was changed, the control handles were decorated with chrome-plated edgings. Panel priladіv dosit informatsiyna, z pіdsvіchuvannyam, display of the onboard computer readable and zrozumіly.

Renovation of the interior of the Vikonan with high-quality materials, such traces of imperfections like, creaking, tapping, whistling are practically switched off. Seat Vortex Tingo fl upholstered in fabric, front seat with electric heating already in the basic equipment. The water chair is equipped with a six-way regulation.

Salon of insurance for five people. Well thought out ergonomics and equipment will ensure a comfortable ride for everyone who is in the car.

A saloon rear-view mirror with a barometer, altimeter, and compass on the bottom. In the other row, passengers can spread out without blocking the room. The rear seats are foldable, in sp_v_dnoshenn_ 60 to 40.

The luggage capacity is 424 liters, and when the rear seats are folded, the volume of the trunk increases to 790 liters. For various speeches necessary for the dear one, in the presence of niches, guts, screens.

Frontal airbags, ABS system, air conditioning, electric windows, sunroof, roof rails, parking sensors, standard signalization are also added to the Tingo Vortex equipment, but without radical changes.

Specifications Vortex Thingo

Vortex Tingo has the technical characteristics of the mechanics of the varty of the safety. The engine is gasoline, chotiricyl cylinder, cylinders are lined up. Motor pressure - 132 k.s. at 5,750 rpm, Nm - 170 at 4,500 rpm. Submission of fire - injector.

Drive - front, transmission - robotized with five gears. The front suspension is independent with MacPherson struts, the back is independent with a large foot. Galma front - disc, ventilation, rear - disc. Stronger steering wheel - hydraulics.

Vortex Tingo look back and talk about those who Tagaz Vortex Tingo can still get a good offer for buying. Test drive according to UNECE standards Vortex Tingo fl passed successfully - the green card was taken out of safety. Vіdguki Vortex Тіngo, for technical danimi, practically relieved narіkan.

Options and prices

The new Vortex Tingo 2018-2019 is offered to motorists in LUX and COMFORT trim levels. Vartist їх to deposit in the number of options in the equipment. Price Comfort mt 1 - 499 900 rubles, for Lux mt 2 - 524 900 krb, for Lux at 3 - 554 900 rubles.

The Vortex Tingo fl maintenance service includes: inspection recommendations, a description of the warehouse crossover, how Vortex spare parts can be replaced with your own hands, the addresses of service stations, where the Vortex Tingo repair is available, or more options for your own taste.

Vortex Tingo looks at our clothes on such vysnovkas: a lot of equipment plus a remarkably low varity - the priority of this model. About Vortex Tingo, Vlasnik's remarks are very positive: manoeuvrability, pushing, economical in operation, spaciousness, roomy trunk, high road clearance. The minuses of the car flooring are insignificant, so, looking at the pluses, the stench is simply unmemorable.

On the forum of car enthusiasts, you can read comments, Vortex Tingo tips, ask food or “like a vlasnik” and remove special tips.

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