Get full information on the VIN number. VIN Code Decryption

When buying a new or supported car to protect yourself, it is advisable to check the wines code vehicle. This will help to know whether the car is not in the hijacking, or the sale is committed due to the accidental accident, as well as other important information.

The location of the identification number

VIN code, or as it is also called the body number, must be registered in those passport, and to be an identical number that is on the body. Typically, the number is located on non-removable parts of the body (front rack) and those places where the chance of damage to the car at an accident is minimal.

What information is allowed to decrypt wine car code

  • Country of manufacturer.
  • Year of issue.
  • Engine and body type.
  • What kind of equipment should be present when buying a car.
  • General characteristics of the car.
  • Information about the vehicle, its mileage, about its early sales and other similar data.

Stages of decryption

As a rule, the identification number has 17 characters, and its composition includes 3 required parts:

  • WMI - contains 3 characters.
  • VDS - contains 6 characters.
  • VIS - contains 8 characters.

From the first part of WMIjust starts checking the car by VIN. These symbols identify the manufacturer of the car that are fixed behind a specific country. The first character means its geographic area, and can be both a digit and letter, depending on the country of the manufacturer. For example, figures from 1 to 5 will mean the manufacturer in North America; from 6 to 7 - countries of oceania; From 8 to 9, as well as the 0 manufacturer is South America. The letters from S to Z are cars of European origin, from J to R - the origin from Asia, from A to H - brought from Africa.

The first part of VIN check allows you to find out where the car was brought from.

The second part of It is called as a descriptive and, as a rule, should consist of 6 characters. It often happens that the car manufacturer fills not all 6 characters, but according to the rules in the car all 6 must be present. Therefore, if there are only 4 or 5 characters in this part of the code, the remaining, simply fill with zeros and necessarily on the right side. The descriptive part of the channel decryption allows you to determine the car model and its main characteristics. Figures from 4 and ending 8, must tell about the type car Engine, His series and models, as well as to have data on body type.

AND thirdThe final part of the wines decryption is VIS, which consists of 8 characters. It is worth knowing that the last 4 signs must be present in obligatory. This is the part of the decryption, in which you can find out the year of vehicle output, data on the assembly plant, model year.

All three parts are needed when deciphering the identification number of the body, and make it possible to understand the future owner of the origin and further history of the car.

Self check of wine codes

To check the wine code it is not necessary to access the appropriate instances and send a request to them.

Knowing the body identification number, enter it in the form of checking on our website, and get complete information about concrete car. This is the necessary procedure, which is recommended before buying a car. It will take a little time, but it will save from further trouble.

Additional information on the car at

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Each car that has come down from the conveyor, has its own registration information, which is called the wine code. This is the most reliable way, check the car data.

Checking the car over the Wine Code on the traffic police website on the official website is now available to every person with access to the Internet. To do this, you should download and install the program on your computer and enter the body number to the specified field.

What is the wines check?

VIN decryption is quite simple. For domestic cars, this is the identification number specified in the passport. If you buy new car In the cabin, checking the VIN in the traffic police no sense.

And if you got it to buy a car with a run, then it is better to check the car for the arrest wrapping hijacking on the database of the traffic police for free on the site. Keep in mind, only the official owner can be in advance in the traffic police for free in the traffic police.

If you are just planning to make a purchase and want to be sure that the car is not wanted, ask to make this check of the owner. It is desirable that he sent a request for days 10 until the transaction is concluded. This will greatly simplify the process of registration of the purchased car on itself.

Otherwise, you just spend a lot of time on legal proceedings that will not give the necessary result and will not return spent money for the purchase of a car.

What information can be obtained by vin code?

Traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the vehicle verification provides the following information to the owners:

  • Is the car under arrest or pledge;
  • Is there a car in the hijacking;
  • All data from the customs service (in the event that the machine is driven from abroad);
  • technical information About the car;
  • The whole story of the passage of technical inspection.

If you really gathered to buy a car, then this information will be very useful for you.

How to check the car in the traffic police on the wine code?

You can check the vehicle by several different sites. If you have any information about the seller, you can check it. It is best to make a car check on the wines on the official website, which has been working since 2014.

This service is working throughout Russia. It provides complete information about each registered car. Also, you can find information about the search for the vehicle, and the imposition of restrictions on it.

Check car for ban registration actions It will help you to avoid such unpleasant situations if the car is secured. The prohibition is removed only after the car owner decides all problems with bailiff.

As can be seen from all of the above, the auto check before buying is needed to everyone. After all, if you buy a car, and you can't drive on it anyway for one reason or another, you will not only lose your savings, but again will be left without a vehicle. To impose a ban on the car various organs: judicial, investigative, customs and the like.

Wine checking a car will help you solve a lot of problems and keeps out from buying cars that are wanted for various reasons.

Checking the vehicle that you are going to buy can be checked in different ways. This can be done in the execution service of court decisions, in the traffic police departments. In the traffic police department, you can check the car in two ways: personally referring to the statement.

In this statement, you should specify the car model, brand, government number and wine number.

Or, you can check the car over the wine code for free online. Of course, the last option is more convenient for all people. To do this, it is also worth providing all data about the machine and you can get information about it.

Buying a car on secondary market - A rather complicated and complex process that implies the use of a large number of different checks. Of course, the most important stage of verification is technical part. It is necessary to make sure that the car is fully suitable for operation, it has a sufficiently large resource and is potentially a good purchase. But no less important stage will be a legal verification of the car.

Many drivers and potential car buyers wonder how to check the car to fines. This check is needed not only when buying, but also in case the driver's doubts about the possible presence of unpaid sanctions from the state. For example, your car could be seen by the radar, and the "letter of happiness" was lost in the covers of Russian Post. Therefore, checking on fines sometimes should be carried out on their own.

Check fines via the Internet using the VIN code

The most simple and accessible today for each person the way to check the car is the free and instant reconciliation of the vehicle VIN-code on the official website of the traffic police of Russia. To do this, it is enough to go on a specially created page, make a code (if there is no VIN, you can use the body number or chassis) and get the necessary information.

Only information about the presence of fines, no contact data and other features here will be published. Therefore, the use of such a method of determining unpaid fines is very convenient, due to such a pleasant innovation, each owner can regularly check fines and avoid unpleasant situations:

  • penalty for an unpaid fine, about which the owner of the car did not even know;
  • the possibility of administrative arrest for 15 days right from the traffic police post;
  • the risk of getting another penalty for the non-payment of the exhibited requirements when meeting with the road police;
  • inadmissibility of any registration actions with car and collateral;
  • restricting travel outside the country and other points unpleasant for each driver.

Paying the exposed traffic police fines are necessary, because their non-payment will entail the impossibility of normal and free movement by car. It is better to pay for payment within a month from the moment of receipt of the fine, otherwise you will have to pay extra penalty. However, we talked about the issues of delay in road police fines not so long ago.

Vin-code check is one of the most effective independent vehicle check options when purchasing. Using the use of this code, you can find out whether the car does not have a car in arrest or credit, does it have problems with crime. But for this you need access to the database is not fined, but general Information Traffic police. Such an inspection can be performed in the police station.

Other ways to check fines - buy a clean car

Not so long ago, the rules for purchasing cars changed in Russia. From this, many buyers began to use simplified methods of acquiring a car, because these are very convenient features. It is enough to make a sales contract with the seller and you can drive on my own in the traffic police, make a car on myself and receive a real pleasure from my purchase in a few hours.

However, in this beautiful scheme there are many real problems. If you buy a car with hands, there is always a risk to purchase a not too high-quality car with a lot of problems in terms of the law. To test such problems, one of the breakdowns on fines on the traffic police website is not enough. It is better to abandon the simple compilation of the sale contract and use the following actions when buying a car:

  • perform technical inspection car per service station with professional mechanics;
  • conduct a personal inspection of the interior state, find out the causes of all possible malfunctions;
  • make a contract of sale with the seller, but not to transfer money for cars at the moment;
  • go along with the owner of the car in the traffic police, submit documents to reissuate the vehicle;
  • wait for the issuance of new documents in your name and at this point to pay off with the former owner;
  • take new documents and with full confidence in the purity of the car to travel on the roads.

This is the most secure way to purchase a car. Agree, it will be very unpleasant if, after trying to re-register, you will be given the requirements for payment of fines for several thousand rubles, and they will also say that the car is actually in credit, it is possible to remove it from accounting only after the withdrawal from under the banking collateral.

If you think that such situations are an exception, it is worth less to trust people and more believing only the facts and documents. Today there are a lot of private companies that, with the help of a VIN-code, and some more information about the car can perform a legal test of the machine, calculate the number of owners, as well as fines and violations.

What if the fines detected on the car do not belong to you?

It is often a situation where the car's buyer discovers old fines on his car, followed by the train of new sanctions, penalties and risk of getting behind the bars for 15 days. There were cases when even the official renewal of the machine in the traffic police did not show such fines, and after a few weeks of the happy operation of the purchased car, the buyer found a summons in the postal box unpaid fines. In this case, you need to do the following:

  • to make an appointment to one of the managers;
  • describe the situation, submit all available documents on the car;
  • demand from the inspector to shift responsibility on the former owner of the car;
  • in the absence of results, such a conversation need to come to court, preferably with support for a lawyer;
  • submit a counterclaim with the requirement to change the person responsible for non-payment of fines;
  • to require full legal purification of the car, because the check should have happened at the stage of shifting the owner.

When you buy a car from hand, checks it in the traffic police. And the fact that the staff misunderstood the presence of fines, you should not concern you. Of course, if we are talking about the amount of 500 rubles, it is better to just pay this penalty and consider it a fee for your science for the future. But with more serious sanctions, it is necessary to discern their legal entity for spending legally clean car. Such situations began to occur only after the introduction of a new form of re-registration of ownership of vehicles.

You can also check the fines on the portal. public services - See the video instructions for this method of verification:

Let's sum up

Today, the traffic police is not yet accustomed to the new rules of the reissue of the car. Therefore, we recommend to carry out additional legal verification of the machine so as not to become a victim of not careful viewing of data from the police inspector. Check the car for the presence of fines today is quite simple - you just need to go to the official website of the traffic police and enter the VIN code of the vehicle you need.

Also access to the basis of fines and sanctions on the car has some private companies that will help you determine the availability of a car in mortgage and credit banking bases. These are also important moments of buying used vehicles, because they should not be neglected. Do you performed checking when buying used cars this year?

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