Let's fill up with gas.


Doglyad Golovna A massive underfilling of fuel was revealed at Russian gas stations: 76% of gas stations in the country were stopped.

The authors of the study note that due to underfilling, the employee often buys the fuel at a protected price, which does not meet the standards.

In this case, it’s better to fool around at gas stations that sell fuel from the great naphtha companies.

The reason for the massive undersupply of experts is the economic situation in the country, which makes it difficult for other gas stations to deceive residents.

The Federation of Automotive Workers of Russia (FAR) conducted an investigation, the results of which showed how many gas stations fool people by not refilling their fuel.

Monitoring of underfilling of AI-92 and AI-95 was carried out at 34 gas stations in 13 regions of Russia.

During the monitoring, five integrated naphtha companies (VINK), 25 federal and regional regulations and a large number of regulatory and private gas stations were verified.

In the Moscow region, following the same principle, residents overpaid almost 100% of carbon dioxide per liter.

The gas station sold fuel at 39.90 rubles per liter, underfilling became 12.8% and actually paid 44 rubles per liter.

The PAR indicates that underfilling may be due to economic reasons. “Since the wholesale price for gasoline is per fraction, then the price will inevitably lead to a reduction in the clear and large quantities that are allowed for Paliwa gas station

And then, all of us have a risk not less than to refuel the hot, dubious yak, and to pay “for the wind,” says the informant.

“It’s a pity that we can’t get involved in this situation at the moment,” Sergiy Kanaev, head of the FAR, told Gazeti.Ru.

- It’s impossible to bring this to the point, because the fact of underfilling is obvious, but I’m happy to fill up 10 or 20 liters at dubious gas stations, like Petro Shkumatov, in my opinion, is unlikely to help.

This will definitely not be a guarantee against underfilling.

The situation can be corrected by developing a method for calculating the quantity of fire in the purchasing mode by the same buyer and then obtaining accurate quantity indicators.
The methodology may be developed by a power, but control over the operation of gas stations may be a huge power.”
If you arrive at this station with a can of gasoline and fill it up, you will be asked to top it up.
This is stealing, it is important to be punished.
And now the police can take care of it.

But in this case, you need to immediately file a claim with the station operator in order for them to check the fuel dispenser (dispenser) for supply, in order to determine the moment that you are filling up, and that you are not being refilled.

“And not be afraid to brutalize the company,” Ashikhmin said. “The incident is related to the fact that unscrupulous owners of gas stations and spy specialists, who are not to be followed, are obviously using extremely fraudulent methods and deceiving motorists. We first need to ask government officials at gas stations to put their food in order, for example, to control purchases.

Identify similar episodes and attract administrative and serious material consequences.

In some cases, it can lead to criminal cases, if we are talking about the systematic deception of a co-worker,” Mayorov told RT.

As a decent person, I adore cars, and I couldn’t live in peace if I wanted to check the acidity of gasoline at gas stations in Moscow.

I include receipts for gasoline for adjustment - (price per liter/rubles): Naftamagistral - 33.20, Gazpromneft - 34.05, Rosneft - 34.10, Lukoil - 34.52, BP - 34.59.

I didn’t get wet at VR, I bought mineral water-). Head nutrition - how does cheap gasoline compare and differ from expensive gasoline, which causes cars to expire faster and burn out than to last?.

To make sure everything was as independent as possible, giving gasoline samples anonymously - under numbers. I would like to get ahead of myself and say that after the analysis we talked to the people who work there and, looking at the warehouse, she herself created and named the brands of three samples. At this point, having received the right information, I ask people who know the market well and know the storage and distribution of gasoline. various brands The laboratory is equipped with

last word

I don’t call it great, but possession is hostile.

Analysis is known upcoming parameters paliva: octane number, fractional warehouse, instead of sirchy and aromatic compounds.

No matter how you twist it, the data on the additives for testing gasoline cannot be revealed.

And good gasoline means not only the excellent performance and performance characteristics of a car, but also the guarantee of its uninterrupted operation and reliability.

I think that the one who stands on the guarantee and depends on the maintenance, has often felt like the masters are working with the drive of heavy spark plugs and rotten gasoline.

We are working on a number of reporting devices. Below UIT-85M. The apparatus is manufactured in Russia at the Savelivsky Machine-Building Plant.

Apparatus for the extraction of actual resins

But the most important thing is these results, I came to the laboratory for them.

In fact, the results were unexpected.

I hope that half of the brands will be found to be unattributed, but... perhaps all the gasoline will be consumed within the framework of the standards, and Lukoil “podviv”. Lukoil AI-95 gasoline meets GOST R 51866-2002 for its low fractional storage performance. First news: the end of the boil (this indicator is at 210C, but at Lukoil it is 215.7C).

Inheritance: increased combustion and soot build-up in the combustion chamber of the engine cylinder.
Another difference: often aromatic carbohydrates. Residues: carbon deposits on the candles during the hour of the initial maintenance. Everything can be learned from the testing protocol.

This means that gasoline will not only increase the consumption of fuel, but also increase the wear and tear of the engine.

Indicators of the fractional warehouse and the similarity of these parameters are one of the main ones, since they can be used to determine the fluidity of the engine warming up, its acceleration, starting speed, and the smoothness of the engine's operation.

at unarmed speeds


To decipher all the signs, you can quickly use this “dictionary”.

You should know from experience which gas stations have the highest acidic gasoline.

The invaluable information of the skin of “the Russian routes” was accumulated not for the sake of the coristia, but for the coristia.

Because having tried it on yourself: compliance with standards, the presence of errors (which is a sin: although gasoline is not sour cream, it should be diluted with water, fuel with a lower octane number) threatens with great inconveniences.

Filters clogged, candles went out

If you approach food without due respect, the machine will inevitably, and sometimes militarily, react to violations of food rules. Clogged filters, malfunctioning injectors, sooted spark plugs - these are just a few of the inconveniences that come our way after we have poured the treasury into the fuel tank, even though we were told that this is good gasoline. What do you need to know in order to avoid troubles associated with the “not the same” gas station pumps?

For the beginning, we analyze the factors that are added to the pallid juice: (starter mixture, working and end fractions, mixtures of meadows, acids, organic compounds, etc.).

I would like to think that it is not always better to burn at branded gas stations, even those that sell low-volume points with a lot of water for power supply.

best gasoline

“What gas stations they sell at indicate that they are suitable for Shell, Rosneft, and other well-developed stations.

If you don't need lemonade

How can you avoid choosing a gas station?

There were a lot of ways.

First of all, ask those whose thoughts you respect objectively and honestly (friends, colleagues at work, relatives).

If you want your university’s thoughts to flow, you can catch the vector of action and make new ideas.

The most popular and trusted brands in Russia in 2016 are: Lukoil, Gazpromneft, Shell, TNK. Perhaps it’s not worth the center anymore? And the idea that, having become more expensive, can be explained by the fact that the gas station, which has a high reputation among the capital's residents, sells hot drinks, which does not correspond to the claims of scourge.

What is there to do with such a time? Experience local residents with the help of motorists, so they are willing to be served. Or watch out for the “behavior” of cars with license plates.

Whichever station has the most of them is true.

Another subtlety: be wary of the over-the-world vikoristan of bright words “luxury”, “premium” at the price list of the fire station at the station.

No matter how many times you start thinking about how you don’t need to buy expensive gasoline.

A completely understandable bajan.

If you are standing by when filling up with goods “at a similar price”, think: GOSTivsky is unlikely to be so cheap, and preparations for the technical specifications are not necessary for your car. The intelligence of the mind is at first less intense. Knowing which gas stations have the most acidic gasoline certainly has power.

But always remember that in great places there is less falsified and unclear burning, far better than them is trimming the head on the poppy.

In addition, gasoline is better during the week, compared to weekends and holy days.

Check the acidity. Marvel at external look

of the firewood, appreciate the color scheme.

If the fuel is broken - do not risk it, do not refill the gas tank, as the price will increase.

About color.

It seems that the A-72 has a rye-colored color, the A-76 has a yellow color, the 93 has an orange-red color, and the 95 has a yellow-green color.

Spilled up to 30 millimeters?

Instead of transport resins, it reaches approximately 19 to 21 milligrams per hundred milliliters. Permanently moving beyond this indicator reduces motor resource by 20%. About the volume of water in gasoline.

Add potassium permanganate crystals to the vessel with the fire.

If the warehouse becomes typically purple, there is an excess of H2O.


yakisny paliv

crystals are not broken.

Rare gasoline will render the burning candles unsuitable and cause the burning equipment to become polluted.

Garne word "ariometer"

It's a bitch?

The Statile company is small and large, apparently, but not very popular with the PTK employees.

The list is completed by the middle ones "Tatnafta" (no wet petroleum base) and "Bashnafta" (no base).

The stinks shared the 10th place among themselves.

As far as global estimates are concerned, the International Center is looking at the size of the building.

It is important that the most acidic gasoline in the world is sold in Germany.

Japan is in another position, six countries are in third, with Austria, Estonia, Finland, Ugorshchina, and Sweden in the middle. What kind of gas station is there? Nutrition, swedish, more rhetorical. Some notes that it is necessary to adhere to the principle of “one gas station - one distributor”. Others respect that you can fight at a random station, even if the stinks were branded.

That’s why special people – gas station attendants – showed up at gas stations to help motorists refuel their cars.

You don’t have to wear special clothes and think about upgrading safety equipment.

Why still be angry?

Well, then the car dealer will have a chance to sue the traffic operator who has given him and his car.

Please, trust a stranger with the mystery of pouring gasoline into the tank of your car. Note: you need to complete the safety steps yourself when following this procedure. First of all, when you go to the gas station, turn off the synthetic clothing and the seams.

When you rub the fillet against the chair, you will accumulate an electric charge on your body.

Good for you, if you “throw away the static” in the supermarket (via vozk).