De pick outlander. "Mitsubis": country-virbnik, main characteristics, vіdguki Vlasnikov. De pick Mitsubishi I-Miev

A lot of car enthusiasts chirp, de wobble around. For example, the people Pajero and Yomu have a cіkavo, they make Yogo brothers. We marvel at our stats, okrem_ models Mіtsubіsі are released.

de pick Mitsubishii I- Miev?

The first electric car of Mitsubishi Motors concern. Not so long ago, the car appeared on the territory of Russia. At the moment, this model is selected exclusively in its fatherland - in Japan, at the Mitsushima plant in the Kurashiki region.

de pick Mitsubishii pajero Sport?

Legendary, which are sold in Russia, has a rich national history.

  • Since 1998, the car has been produced exclusively in Japan.
  • Since 2004, components began to be imported to Russia from the United States, although the production in Japan was troubling.
  • From 2008 to 2012, cars were imported from Thailand.
  • From 2013 to 2015, the rocks were produced at the plant near Kaluga.

The axis of such a cіkava іstorіya іѕ thе thе Japanese pozahlyakhovik.

Where to choose Mitsubishi Pajero?

Pajero is the dream of millions of motorists all over the world. One of the first post-zashlyahoviks, yak shvidko became popular. In 2015, the rotation of the model was completed 25 years, which produced one of the oldest models of the concern. For the whole hour, the model survived 5 updates. Mitsubishii pajero to pick up in Japan is a good novelty for the right connoisseurs of Japanese technology.

de pick Mitsubishii outlander?

From 2012 to 2015, the selection was carried out in Russia, all at the same factory near Kaluga. Come out of the pouch closer:

  • 2010 - 2012 - Outlander was selected in Russia with components from Japan;
  • The election after 2012 (until 2015) was carried out on the territory of Russia;

For the Russian warehouse, a strict control of the quality is carried out. At the present time, there was no food from the Russian collection, although the deacons of the motor vehicle were robbed of respect for the Kaluzsky plant.

de pick Mitsubishii ASX?

- one of the most popular models in Russia in terms of price / quality ratio. Cream produced in Japan, at the Nagoya plant in Okazaki, the car is manufactured in the USA at a plant in Illinois. It is easy to say that there is more auto production in Russia: American or Japanese. Deyakі vvazhayut, scho in the models of the american sbіrka more often z'yavlyayutsya kargi for squeaking in pіdvіstsі.

de pick Mitsubishii Lancer?

It's not a secret for anyone that this model is one of the most sold in Russia. The head competitor, Toyota Corolla, is a full-blooded Japanese who is picked up at a factory in Japan. On whom are the conveyors picked up? Before Russia, the model is delivered with a small nationality, to that, as a direct competitor of the model, it is a serious shift to the pricing plan.

Below is a table of country selections for Mitsubishi models.

Model Country of collection
Netherlands (since 2003), Japan (until 2008)

Mitsubishi Lancer is a car of a Japanese company, which is the sixteenth sale in the world. It was released in 1973, but such an “experience” does not matter to the popular and demanded models. Wines are sold to the whole world, only under different names. For example, until 2008, nearly six million cars were sold.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the company's engineers tried to re-launch the car. I not once. Until the speech, before it, how to buy a car, there is a lot of someone to talk about the mischief of virobnitsva. And in this article, we will discuss with you how to choose Mitsubishi Lancer.

Where do you know the backwaters, on which Mitsubishi cars are picked up for Russia

Apparently, Mitsubishi is a Japanese company headquartered in Tokyo. The main partner for deliveries to Russia during the last three hours was the Rolf firm. Now practically all cars are being expanded by the company TOV "MMS Rus".

Otzhe, backwater, from whom to bring cars to us, to be found in:

- Japan. Nagoya Plant is named, and it is planted in the Okazaki area. The largest plant in the world. Before speech, more than half of the models are delivered to Russia itself.

Another Japanese enterprise, as if reminiscent of our market, is called Mizushima Plant. Vono roztashovuєtsya in the city of Kurashiki;

- America. The state of Illinois has a factory named Mitsubishi Motors North America, Inc. Win has been renamed three times in its history. Ale, since 1991, the Japanese have bought more of yoga. Cars are supplied to the markets of the whole world, and Russian, zocrema;

- Russia. Near Kaluga in 2010 the plant was called Peugeot Citroën Mitsubishi Automotive Rus. The Japanese bought 30% of the shares. Reshta partly divide among themselves concerns Peugeot and Citroen.

Mitsubishi Lancer for Russia is selected exclusively in Japan in the city of Kurashiki. Here robyat and Zvichayn Lancer, and Lancer Evolution. What is the cost of the Japanese model, it won't be richer than the "purebred" competitors.

On the domestic market of Japan Mitsubishi Lancer is called differently. Ale, do not change the essence. It's free and safe. So, independently from a low landing, it will pass through the moon without discomfort for the water.

What is the cost of safety, Mitsubishi Lancer was tested for the first time in 1998. Todі vіn otrimav only two stars. Yogo was called insane with pedestrians and passengers. Ale, even in 2009, the rotation model was revised again. Vaughn took five five points.

In 2009, the car occupied the first place on the weekends. The basis of this caution was the payment of the largest Russian insurance company. During the first half of that year, the Japanese lost 13.6%. Ale, uninsured models were not included in the statistics. Tom, I can't tell you the exact number.
And the axis is behind the tributes of the MVS of Russia, this foreign brand began to win in 2010 as well.

One of the shortest flagship sedans in the Japanese company is fully accommodating the needs of the Russian market. Mitsubishi Lancer was updated for the last time in 2011 rotation. Well, to be exact, the very last modification was shown to him in Los Angeles. Ale, she hasn’t entered the world markets yet, and it’s impossible if she shows up in Russia. To that, we look at the car of 2011 rock.

We won it in 2012 and took off the redesigned bumper, chrome plated radiator, sports body and soundproofing. A new information and flat display was installed in the salon, as well as a seat upholstery.

Ale, the main changes are laid under the hood. Previously, a 1.5-liter gasoline engine was installed here with an exhaustion of 109 horsepower. Now vin also works on gasoline. Ale, the displacement has increased to 1.6, and the engine has become tighter at 117 horsepower. The gearbox can be both mechanical and automatic.

Previously, the model ran up to a hundred in 11.6 seconds on the mechanics, and in 14.3 seconds on the automatic. Now, a car can reach hundreds of kilometers a year in 10.8 and 14 seconds, obviously. Vitrata Paliva also made me happy. Vin decreased by 0.2 liters in all driving modes.

In the interior, there are decorative trims on the doors and the center console. So, now there is a lot of guts for dribnitsa, in a yak you can put a phone or some necessary items. Well, the upholstery of the seats has a practical and wear-resistant skin. You can choose from a gray and silver color.

Safety models were promoted for the new galmive systems and airbags. At the first turn, the model took off the galm pedal, which helps not to crash at all, even if the accelerator jumper is stuck in the pressed position. The program collects data from the current pedals in the system, and automatically analyzes them. At that moment, if the galmos and gas are embossed, the machine itself starts the galmos. In this rank, the model will boost the car, and then it will sound better.

The representative of the head importer Mitsubishi Lancer in Russia said that the car has already broken all possible sales records. As it was already guessed, the renovation of 2012 rocked the exterior, interior and technical part of the car. It is possible to make a visnovok, that Japanese engineers made a model as close as possible to tієї, as most Russians want to bachiti in their garages.

Superior and stylish design, hard power plant and purebred Japanese quality - these are the same things that make Mitsubishi Lancer popular and demand not only in ours, but also in world-class car dealerships.

It is far from being the first car, which releases the Mitsubishi company, and is crowned with great popularity in our country. The price is conditioned by the optimal price and quality characteristics, as well as by the technical characteristics. As a rule, cars of the ACX model are being produced in Russia today. The Danish car is respected by its kind as the standard of the Japanese, so for this release it was reported a lot of money, a lot of money was invested, and it was also spent a little time. But about those, how the parameters can be given to the car, yet there are plenty of articles, but still the car enthusiast knows not leather, in the same state there are the signs of Mitsubishi's pains. On Russian roads, Japanese cars, as well as American ones, are most often seen.

The production of transportation costs in the United States is generated at a factory, ripped in Illinois, and from the Japanese they are released into the small town of Okazaki. It is practically impossible to say, there are more cars in our country. And all those who have added their ACX, sing that the American version, at least, is not the best for quiet cars, which can be called “true” crossovers. In addition, according to the current parameters, transport services from the United States should be made faster. Japanese cars may be weak mist - filthy pіdvіska, like after a few months of exploitation, they start to see a squeak. It is important to note that, up to reystyling 2012, only cars of the Japanese selection were seen on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Virobniki: USA or Japan?

As it was already said, at the same time the mitsubishi asx crossover is released by the US and Japanese conveyors. Previously, the ACX was presented in one of the Geneva car dealerships back in 2010. Ale, on Japanese roads, the car had already been driving for a day and was coming home, like RVR. The production was bred in 2010 at the Nagoya Plant. Denmark is an object of equipping all modern possessions, as well as staffing with the right professionals, as if they were working with advanced technologies. Ready models are thoroughly tested on a specially created track, and after that they are distributed on the car markets of the entire world, including for Russia. It is clear that this fact has put a non-abyaky injection on the price of the release of cars. After a few years, after the appearance of the first conciliator, the Japanese destroyed the plant and the territory of America. Today, the Mіtsubіsі ASH is actively carried out in these two powers, but the American version may be more available, to look at the great mita. The level of equipment of the various types of tension does not affect one or the other. The selected car is tested and checked for the presence of faults, irrespective of the fact at which factory the wines were made.

Yakіst sbіrki: chi є vіdminnostі?

To everyone who is to be called, to pick Mitsubis ACX, it is sing-songly important to know not the place, de bouw carrying out the car, but the very essence of the pick. Like and be-yakі іnshі cars, a model of maє shanuvalnikov and, obviously, not good ones is given. Ale, the advantages of all ages, a large part of the masters of this car will be changed, that copies from the United States are treated like a collection, and also not the floorings are stained, like the Japanese. In the quality of the argument, the low quality of the lacquer-farb coating of the car is also induced, as with the least mechanical splash, it starts to get out of the body.

In addition, the masters of the American crossover recognize and non-accurate metal, which, in their words, you can simply bend. Like a visnovok, one can say that, perhaps, a virobnik does not zoom in on absolutely everything, and having pierced a sprat in a choice of materials. Therefore, the car is not even adapted for Russian roads, even if the plant does not distribute cars around the country, in which stench they will be realized. Tsim and zumovleno those who often perebuvayuchi for kerm ASKh, water can be a little bit unbearable sounds and noises. To say the least, the soundproofing steps of this model cannot be called good, but you can’t lie down in any way in which country the cars were selected.

Technical features

The Danish crossover produced by the Mitsubishi company is no longer the first time to marvel with its technical characteristics, as if it were clearly seen on the aphids of competitive brands. The old look of the car practically does not matter in any way, which is before reystayling. Fahivtsі companies made changes only in the shape of the grille of the radiator, as well as the rear and front bumpers. To decorate the salon, the Japanese virobnik zastosuva having received high-quality materials. If you want to bring a pure-blooded crossover, then obov'yazkovo poked at the dealer by the power, in which the virobnitsvo was established. There are several variants of power plants - 1.6 liters, 1.8 liters, and also 2 liters. A car can reach a maximum of 188 kilometers per year. This show is indestructible, especially looking at those that the car is built to see the trials and great ambition.

robimo visnovki

Looking back at all that has been said, it can be seen that the mitsubishi asx is being released today in Japan and the USA. Ale, the car owners insist that they are already selected by the American plant, but they still look like the Japanese pick, as well as the lakofarbovym bodywork. Moreover, the variety of cars from the USA is more accessible, and this factor can easily compensate for the shortfalls allowed by the manufacturer. At the same time in Russia, to get a lot of both Japanese and American cars, then at the time of the arrival of the varto, the obov'yazkovo will be asked by the consultant for the release of the transport order. While until 2012, the collection was held exclusively in Japan, then until 2016, the collection began to take place in America.

Mitsubishi ASX: where to choose a car and how not to have mercy on the choice updated: Cherv 17, 2018 by: dimajp

The first medium-sized Outlander crossover was released by the Japanese company Mitsubishi to the light market in 2001. After 4 years, the maker has already presented to another generation that is getting on the new GS platform. And until 2012, the third version of the "SUV" appeared already. For sale at a time Outlander 2017 is a restyling of the third generation. Irrespective of 16 years of release, the car has reached the popularity - to inspire the middle of the vacancies, the purchasable capacity of those for the rest of the years has sunk. І Russian automobіlіstіv tsіkavit, de zbiraet Mіtsubіsі Outlander at a time - і they were chosen earlier, so many people choose models from the secondary car market.

Where were the first Outlander models selected?

The first enterprises, where to pick up Mitsubishi Outlander from the very cob of its release, are sold on the territory of Japan. In addition, a number of models of the company are found in the Philippines. However, the most popular factories, where they chose crossovers for the Russian market, and still produce them for Europe and Asia, є:

  • subsidiary of Nagoya Plant, planted in Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. One of the largest factories of the Mitsubishi company, demonstrating a large part of all products;
  • Mizushima Plant Another important plant for the auto concern, hundreds of thousands of cars were selected. Including Mitsubishi Outlander of all three generations.

Mal. 2. Adoption of Nagoya Plant from bird's eye view.

The first 4 years this model was delivered to Europe, and to the showrooms of our country only from two enterprises. I practically did not need a scarg for the yak_st її sbіrki. However, due to the low road surface, the crossover was blamed for problems with the undercarriage and steering wheels. In addition, delivery from Japanese factories led to a significant increase in the car's capacity. As a result, the company made a decision to release cars on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Warehouse lines in the USA

At the beginning of the 2010s, the crossover maker announced that the ASX model, which is supplied to the American market like the Outlander Sport, will be selected in the United States. The new country in the list of Mitsubishi's enterprises allowed to reduce the cost of delivery and increase the competitiveness of the car. Mіscem, de vinnі bli zbirata amerikanіїїї їїїїїї їмія, vybrali svyazy v Іllіnoys ї.

In 2016, it turned out that Outlander Sport is being released in the USA, it turned out not to be as popular as it was. Drinking on the crossover is not within reach of navitkovyh forecasts in 50,000 units per river. That's why warehouse lines in Illinois are lined up at the same time, and the company Rivian Automotive got busy with the plant, which is going to make budget electric cars here. And yet, it is possible to get the Mitsubishi model of the American production on the market - the more that their release, clinging to the troch more fate.

Models for the domestic market

food, where to pick up Mitsubishi Outlander in Russia, The praises of the automobilists have been recently known - since 2012. Although the first crossovers of the mystical fold appeared in the 2005th rotation. What time can you say that Outlander is released at the Calusa facility. Although the car is actually only selected in Russia - all spare parts, from 2005 to 2012, including Japanese. And in the process of manufacturing cars, take the part of fahivtsy from Japan.

In this way, all crossover models for Russia can be released:

  • until 2005 - only on Japanese enterprises;
  • in 2005-2011 - in 90% of sales in Japan, in 10% - selection from Japanese spare parts in Calusia;
  • Since 2012, practically speaking about the skin third Outlander in the Russian car dealership, one can say that Kaluska herself did it.

Starting from the 3rd generation, maybe all crossovers were collected at the Russian plant. І partnership, benefiting the Japanese company together with the Italian automaker PSA, can cope with the demand for the model. More than that, in the rest of the hour, in the wake of the calm, there may not be any claims for the drive of її yakosti.

The Yak_st of the model of the Russian election

Another generation of Outlander cob is supplied to the Russian market from Japan and from one of the industrial enterprises - PSMA Rus. I, although more than 10% of all models sold in Russia were vibrated here, since 2012, the launch of crossover production line has increased the scope of its production. Until 2015, the show reached 30 vіdsotkіv - and, therefore, no more than 70% of Outlander continue to reach us from behind the cordon. Moreover, since 2014, if the brewers have made changes to the brewing plan for the plant, the models are selected from the selection of new procedures.

For Russian motorists, who are getting a Japanese crossover, there is no doubt that only 10% of car spare parts are produced in Kalusa, to which you can add:

  • car seats;
  • slope;
  • slam the system.

Some of the details come from Japan. Reshta elementi auto prepares and selects personnel, practically folded from the Japanese. And folding, nagodzhennya and testing are carried out by the maisters. The curiosity of the Russian family transmits more details to the Outlander on its own in the future, which will allow even more to reduce the co-operation and not guilty to be on the line. If you want to convince buyers that you won’t pick up a car in Russia, the price will be lower, lower in the Japanese version.

Skargi on the vіtchiznyany variant of the crossover

Until the beginning of 2014, there was a lot of scarg on the pickup in Russia Outlander, which cost the nasty soundproofing of the cabin and no less than the slickest podviska. However, immediately after restyling, the number of claims has changed. New methods of manufacturing allowed forgetting about a lot of problems for models that are produced in our country for sale on the Russian market.

The middle of the minuses of the model varto indicates the quality of the interior fittings. Vykoristovuvaniya in vіtchiznânіy version of japonskogo vyrobnik cheap plastic is not more pleasant neither in appearance, nor on dotik. In addition, the material starts to creak less, lower through the new operation of the machine. For one more short period, the Russian Outlander is being built, and there are a lot of original spare parts. Therefore, in the event of a breakdown, checks of deliveries from the official dealer are brought for months, and the service level of the model is higher.

Then the model is equipped with good modern security systems. Under an hour of crash tests according to the Euro NCAP standard, a car that was picked up in Calusia was rated at 5 stars, which is the maximum number of balls. According to the results of the crossover, the crossover was ranked from 64 to 100 in the rating in all categories.

De pick Mitsubishi Outlander updated: Serpen 11, 2017 by: dimajp

Selection of Mitsubishi Outlander vikonuetsya on various enterprises. To that potential purchase, which one considers the possibility of coming to the middle-sized, clique, in which factory yoga could be let out. Food is important for motorists, as it is more popular to steal a car on the secondary market - it is more popular for cars to drink water through the life span.

How to choose Mitsubishi Outlander

Nutrition, de zbiraet Mitsubishi Outlander for Russia, becoming relevant, beginning in 2012. At the same time, the car began to be released at the Kaluzsky plant "PSMA Rus". And now in Russian car dealerships you can see versions of the following enterprises:

  1. Factory in Calusia. We release about half of all models sold in the country.
  2. Nagoya Plant in Okazaki, Japan. One of the largest factories of the Mitsubishi Corporation, which produces a large part of its products.
  3. Mizushima Plant. Other under the obligation to release the undertakings of Mitsubishi, also the distribution of Japan.

For more other regions, the collection is collected on the same warehouse lines. If in the country of Asia Outlander can be delivered from Philippines. Selection for Ukraine is made on Japanese enterprises, although models from the Russian Federation can be used on the secondary market.

Collection of past versions of Mitsubishi Outlander

Until 2005, the car was supplied to the markets of Europe and Russia and Japan. However, to reduce the cost of the crossover, the Mitsubishi Outlander was transferred back to the Successful States, and then to Russia. With this American version, the market is no longer visible - through a low water supply to the Outlander, the business in Illinois switched to the production of other cars.

Some Mitsubishi models, including the Outlander, were assembled at the NedCar factory in the Netherlands. However, in 2012, the roci business was closed. For now, all European Outlanders can only be Japanese. Cars that are sold in Russia - either from Japan or from Kaluga.

the amount of the collection

On the territory of the Russian Federation, it is practically impossible to use the model of the American and Dutch assembly, and this cannot be of particular importance for domestic motorists. Although the buyers of such cars did not make any special claims before the collection and completion. It is better to remember the difference between the versions that are produced at the Japanese enterprises and Kaluzsky Zavod.

The most important difference in quality between versions for Russia, Japan and Kaluga was until 2014. Vlasniki vіtchiznyanyh Outlander karzhilis on the trash pіdvіsku and ineffective soundproofing cabin. After the release of the restyled version of the scarg, it became less - in the first week, through the victory at the release of the car of new technologies. Moved up and equal to the quality control, although the nedolіki as before were lost. The minus of the Russian folding in the Japanese one can be called the low-acid plastic and fabrics for processing the salon. Then the Kalusian Outlander has the latest set of security systems and has been tested for the NCAP standard by scoring 5 stars out of 5.

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