De picking kia backwaters in Russia. Yaka selection of Kia Sportage

A collection of one and the same car, built at absolutely different factories and in different countries, can often be recycled one type of one. Tsya vrahuvati spіtkala and one of the most sold crossovers on the domestic market - Kia Sportage. Although the virobnik has repeatedly stated about those that the quality of their products is permanently unchangeable in the country of virobnitstv, a lot of vlasniks in tієї chi іnshої sbіrki commemorate the іstоtnі vіdmіnіnostі, yakі put kіd іd sumnііt.

If you have chosen to bring your own similar car, you will not know about those who were chosen to stand in front of you, even though the power supply may be initial in case of a residual choice.

Where is Kia Sportage held?

Machines are officially supplied to the domestic market, the selection of which is selected on the basis of the production pressures of two factories. One of them is roztashovuetsya in Zhilina (Slovachchina), and the other - in Kaliningrad, on the basis of the ready-made enterprise "Avtodor". Before speech, this company is also engaged in the storage of those other cars, including those of the BMW and GM concerns. Of course, Kia Sportage is carried out at its own fatherland in Gwangju (Republic of Korea), but cars from this plant are not officially delivered to the countries of Europe.

What is the best choice?

For a complete understanding of the situation, which was formed for you to know only one word - for the selection of a finished machine at factories in Korea and the Slovak region, there are more than 2,000 different operations, at the same time, there are no more such operations dozens. The very source of recognition in the virobnic cycle and the Russian selection of Kia Sportage is the lowest.

The construction of Kia cars in Russia is not directly directed to the creation of a new car “from scratch”. It will only follow one method - about the name-high mites for the importation of many cars into our country, which will inevitably lead to the promotion of cars for the country's homeowner and, as a result, a low drink on them. The scheme is simple: after a full cycle of car assembly at a factory in Slovakia, Kia Sportage is selected “to gvintik” on the sov. a car kit, after which the vins are safely delivered to Russia, de yogo is reassembled together. What can be wrong?

Ale, the Kia company didn’t lie to one small “ale” - in our country everyone fights under the sound of “and so it’s going”, so I’ll bring the car of the Kaliningrad plant’s workers to the factory right. At zv'yazku z tsim, a lot of vlasniks in cars of the vіtchiznyаn fold express their dissatisfaction in various thematic forums, in front of the most significant problems of the coming moment:

  • Important and insufficiently closed all doors;
  • Undercharged air conditioning system;
  • Bent and / or leaky lines to the refrigerant.

How to designate the country of production of Kia Sportage?

Let's just say - it's impossible to mark the country of war in front of you by one or more familiar signs, the shards of the Kia Sportage Korean, Slovak or Russian collections look absolutely the same, and also may have the same configuration. For the correct identification of a specific car, you must turn your attention to the VIN code, or rather, to the first three characters, in the following way:

  • "XWE" means the car was built especially for Russia;
  • "KNE" to talk about those who are "pure Koreans" in front of you;
  • "U6Y" is proof that the car arrived from Slovakia.

VIN-code is posted on a special panel under the frontal slope from the side of the water *

To go out, just like the names of the manufacturer of this car, to buy a better look at the cars, chosen either at their "fatherland" in Korea, or at the factory in Slovakia, so the stench comes in as trouble-free and reliable.

So you can recognize yourself with us. I deprive you of your advice.

Yaka sbirka Kia Sportage was last modified: 6 breasts, 2019 by Administrator

Buyers can bring the car in dekіlkoh options vikonannya.

G4KD 2.0 engine massive problems! repair of Kia Sportage 3, Hyundai Tucson, IX35. part 1

Our readers recommend the HD Smart car video recorder. Negarazdi with internal elements look like a ring when starting and shutting down the motor. Ale, Korean cars are practically not used before us.

The selection of Kia Sportage in Russia is being built at the plant in Kaliningrad on the basis of the efforts of Avtotor. So...

The ridge of the red change of the generation of the popular Kia Sportage crossover.

To that, we are only talking about two undertakings.

Carry out Kia Sportage rock on the platform of the car Hyundai iX Buyers can bring the car in decal options.

Undertaking for the collection of a car loan 15 m2. The process of manufacturing begins with the welding of the body on a special manufacturing line. There are plans to launch two more lines of offensive rock here.

Transport in the body of a crossover can be a big deal in our mentality, and sporty young people can not deprive the potential buyer of a crossover.

So the corporation guessed the storage space, even though the localization of the car's production significantly lowered the price for the purchase and made the car more affordable. Yakby cars KIA Sportage were delivered to our country simply from Korea, the transport would be stubborn, the model could not compete with its main supercars and win in different national nominations, increasing the number of sales.

The main area for the production of KIA Sportage for Russia It can be stated that the auto industry in the world is related to the production of the KIA Sportage car.

Kia Sportage plant in Russia. Reviews about Kia Sportage Russian collection

Zokrema, Automotive Plant Avtotor in Kaliningrad, builds large-bundle folding machines, vicorist ready-made hubs and units, assembled in Slovakia.

In my own land, in the tsіy kraїnі Skhіdnoї їvropi, a great enterprise was induced, one of the largest in the Slovak region, and cars are practically made from scratch. The closeness of the development of the Slovak region to Russia and the presence of economic links to promote the development of factories in a democratic way. The main manufacturing processes that are used on Avtotori are as follows: It is necessary to keep a Korean corporation on track, as it has provided the necessary work and facilities for the aerodynamic storage of a car.

In Russia, Kia is picked up in Kaliningrad on vaping strains by the Avtotor company. Where is it better to choose Kia Sportage? More rhetorical food. Sportage will be picked up in Slovakia, then picked up for car kits and sent to Russia. The KIA company has made a decision about the creation of a brewing base in Europe in the

Inspection of the bottom of the Kia Sportage III - 2011 release date

Investments for the life of the plant amounted to nearly a million US dollars. On pobudovanom ob'єktі over folded cars works more osіb.

The plant can produce nearly a thousand cars for a river. It is necessary for the car enthusiasts of the country's warehouse to know that in any case all the bodies are viroblyayutsya in Slovakia, to build for the Kaliningrad plant. Well, the folding process at the Slovak plant includes a whole lot of things, and at the Russian one - everything is wonderful, why cars from Zhiliny yakіsnіshі Kalіnіnіngradsky.

Visnovok Kia Sportage is one of the most popular crossovers in Russia. The stench is picked up at factories in Korea, Slovakia and Russia.

Where is the KIA Sportage 4 (2016) available?

Only the products of the remaining two factories are supplied to the domestic market. Not only that, our auto industry is not able to secure the quality of its own cars, so the faults of strangers are still being made.

The main shortcomings of the Kia Sportage in Russia:

The popular crossover Kia Sportage is one of the best-selling cars in Europe and Ukraine. It's not surprising, even though the model has been on the market for a long time and has proven itself to be more comfortable and more comfortable.
Photo: Kia Sportage 2017

A great plus can be called those that the car’s versatility is relatively low, navit for the option with the maximum configuration.

However, for the majority of buyers, these displays are only secondary, and the most important moment of the stench is to take into account the storage space of the car, even if not marveling at the general concept of manufacturing, cars produced by various factories are remembered.

In today's statistics, we will try to explain why we choose Kia Sportage for Russia and look at the largest backwaters of the Pivdenno-Korean giant.

The main plants that produce Kia Sportage are in Slovak and Russian regions. Here, a logical question may appear: “Hiba in Korea do not allow Sportage?”. Vidpovid, zvichayno, be positive, ale, so like cars, like robbing in Korea, do not go to the domestic market, we can’t see the given factories.

Photo: Kia Motors plant in Slovakia
One of the most pressing ones is the plant of the Kia company in Slovakia. Varto indicates that the very cars of local production flooded the Russian market in 2014.

In the possession of new conveyors and equipment, and the total area of ​​the territory is 223 hectares.

Raztashovaniya in the city of Zhilina, which is another for the number of people in the Slovak region.

The Korean concern, having voted a tender for the life on the cob of the year 2000, the Slovak designers themselves were spared to take yoga. Investors invested one billion dollars in Budov, in order to grow it as a good competitor to other European giants.

The order of the Slovak region for the most part promoted the idea of ​​everyday life, and the very beginning of the day it was possible to build a plant for a similarly short term.

In all honesty, about 300,000 single cars will leave the assembly line of the Zhilinsky plant Kia, which can be called a completely indecent result, despite the fact that the number of workers is 3,000 people.

Varto indicates that the plant in Slovakia also produces cars of the BMW concern and General Motors.

Plant Kia Sportage in Russia

Photo: collection in Russia
A lot of car enthusiasts know what is in Russia, and in the city of Kaliningrad itself, they also know how to finish a hard Kia plant. And it is necessary to know that the cars of Kia Sportage of the state of the art are significantly affected by the Slovak ones.

It's a pity, but the weak ones are far too rich. In Persh Cherga, car enthusiasts, like the Sportage of the Kaliningrad collection, swear at the same door. The problem lies in the fact that the stench is even more difficult to walk, and the damage is created, the stench does not curl up to the end. All orders of unsatisfied buyers of doors, official dealers comment even more simply: "Rozpressurization of the cabin." It's rare for anyone to try to fix the problem on their own.

Also, dosit frequently air conditioner Kia Sportage Russian fold. The problem lies in the fact that during the hour of warfare, yoga capacity is not up to the end reminiscent of a viable homeland. But not all. One of the tubes of the air conditioner may have a sharp kink, which creates unacceptable noise.

All problems can be corrected by means of a way to the dealer centers, or only after six months after the purchase.

Video: warehousing process in Slovakia

How to designate a storage space for Kia Sportage?

In order to determine the storage location of your Sportage car, you need to look at the VIN code. If the code starts from the XWE symbol, then the car is picked up at the Kaliningrad factory. Korean vehicles are designated by the letters KNE. For the Sportage, which is vibrated in Slovakia, the VIN code is U6Y.

For those who do not know, this code is located on the inside of the windshield, beside the windshield wipers.

Experts strongly recommend buying cars of Slovak manufacture. It is necessary for the car enthusiasts of the country's warehouse to know that in any case all the bodies are viroblyayutsya in Slovakia, to build for the Kaliningrad plant.

Well, the folding process at the Slovak plant includes about 2000 days, and at the Russian one - a total of 20. It’s wonderful, why cars from Zhiliny yakіsnіshі Kalіnіngradsky.


Kia Sportage is one of the most popular crossovers in Russia. The stench is picked up at factories in Korea, Slovakia and Russia. Only the products of the remaining two factories are supplied to the domestic market.

Most of these cars are produced at the factory in Slovakia.

We hope that our article has become the most corny for you.

The Kia Sportage car is an ideal model for operation on Russian roads. Stability on the road, good road clearance and the possibility of getting a car with a full drive - all this will allow you to comfortably rise in price for a low price, both in the middle of the city, and beyond the boundaries. In Europe, this car can drink a lot, in Russia there is such a trend. Irrespective of the high quality and attractive design, rich nutrition: Where to choose Kia Sportage for the Russian market? At the car showrooms of the Russian Federation, the zashlyakhovik is located from the plant in Slovakchina (m Zhilina). The best acceptance in the world according to the choice of this car model. About 300,000 cars leave the conveyor line for the plant in Slovakia.

So, the Kia Sportage pozashlyahovik for Russian people is made in Russia at the Avtotor plant in Kaliningrad. Ale, sorry, here they allow a crossover for being higher, lower in Slovakia. I think that a lot of Russian buyers are worthy of the fact that there are German selections on the market for the Kia Sportage. Like a pick here is a pose of competition, even if you know, how they come up to the right food. A crossover present on the Russian market, which is picked up in Kazakhstan at the arrivals in Ust-Kamenogorsk. On this day, those who are happy can bring the third generation of the car of this model. Carry out Kia Sportage 2015 on the platform of the Hyundai iX 350 car. First of all, modifications of Kia Sportage, selected in Pivdenniy Korea and Europe, were delivered to the automotive market of Russia.

stages of brewing

At the Russian plant "Avtotor", Kia Sportage is depleting the new cycle for the release of the Russian brand. The undertaking for the collection of a car loan is 15,000 m2. The process of manufacturing begins with the welding of the body on a special manufacturing line. There are plans to launch two more lines of offensive rock here. At the next stage, in the packing chambers, the loading of car body parts is carried out. This workshop has also survived a serious modernization, which is why the productivity of the complex has increased by 25%. The transfer of the body to the undertakings will take place on an automated control system without the involvement of human power. After that, like a zashlyahovik, they make and farbuyut, the final selection of a car is made.

So, as the Koreans appreciate the high quality of released cars, the Russian plant for the production of the Sportage model was equipped with a new, modern possession. On the arrival in Kazakhstan, the car wheels are screwed, bumpers and doors are installed, and the windshield is also glued together. Ale, see some "sirih" dealers You can feel bad comments at the address of the Kazakh collection. Don't listen to them, these machines are meritorious for the sake of those who are kind.

the amount of the collection

In addition, Kia Sportage deems it possible to deposit yak_st, surplus and operational term of the transport system. If you judge by the quality of the collection, then the Russian one is not far away. Vlasniki almost cover the whole car. The first Russian guards commemorated at the door of the car. The stench is importantly curled up, and such an anger develops, nibi sag for the whole hour. Another problem is the air conditioner. For some reason, the virobnik is not up to refueling. A lot of vlasnikov mark the defects of one of the tubes of the system.

If the air conditioner starts to work, there will be strong noises in the cabins. Ale, you can self-identify by the VIN code, where did you pick up the Kia Sportage:

  • XWE (Russia)
  • KNE (Korea)
  • U6Y ​​\u200b\u200b (Slovak region).

This code is located on the side of the water on the windshield. Found the optimal variant of the poshlyahovik Kia Sportage, the price of which was chosen in Slovakia.

In Europe, one of the most popular cars is the Kia Sportage. Tsya car is nadіyna and comfortable, scho, zdaєtsya, zovsіm not vyazhetsya z її minimum varіstyu navit for the maximum configuration. A lot of future purchases pay respect not to the old-looking model and її characteristics, but to those who choose. Aje rich in why the technique is left behind in relation to the construction. Let's take a look at you, in front of him, like they're dragging away to our market.

The largest backwaters are found in Russia, Slovakia, and, naturally, Korea. Ale, Korean cars are practically not used before us. To that, we are only talking about two undertakings.

Kia Sportage plant in Slovakia

The largest batch of Kia Sportage, which was sold in our showrooms in 2014, was collected in Slovakia. Here, a great and modern plant is roztashovuєtsya. We are borrowing a total of 223 hectares of land. To be found in the city of Zhilina. Vono is one of the largest in the whole country.

The Kia company made a decision about the life of the plant in 2000 and voted for a tender in 2000. Yogo Slovak engineers played. The stench took away a whole billion dollars of investments in everyday life. The plant was called in the shortest terms, which once again brought the professionalism of workers in the country. So, I will not leave a role here played by the Slovacchini order.

On this day, about 300,000 vehicles leave the conveyor belt of the enterprise, and about three thousand people and overpressure equipment help them. Also, here you can pick up cars from BMW and General Motors.

Kia Sportage plant in Russia. Reviews about Kia Sportage Russian collection

Another business, on which Kia Sportage is chosen for our market, is located in Russia in Kaliningrad. Ale, as if it didn’t sound right, given the enterprise to rob cars richer, lower Slovak.

Addiction is practically everything. In Persh black people who bought the Kia Sportage of the Russian collection, talk about the filthy quality of the doors. The stench is already importantly curling up, and the stench is created, that the stench is constantly sagging. Official dealers comment on such a defect with the phrase “sealing the cabin”. If the buyers try to correct the “speciality”, they will not get anything.

The other biggest problem is the air conditioner. Do not run yoga until the end. Also, you can remember the number of bends in one of the tubes of the system. The defect can be identified by strong noise during the operation of the air conditioner. By stretching the product, you can correct it without cost, even if the same insole and three warranty terms for this part. Ale, it’s not a fact that a similar inaccuracy won’t turn around again.

If you want to self-identify, de chose your Kia Sportage, return your respect to the VIN code. If the wine starts at XWE, then the collection is Russian. Once on the cob on KNE, the car is picked up in Korea, and if you get the U6Y, then the model was built in Slovakia.

You can use the Danish code on the windshield on the side of the water. Immediately, brushes are opened for cleaning the windows.

If you choose to buy a Kia Sportage, then better for all, bring a car of the Slovak collection. Tim more than for our market, the body is everything - one will be the choice itself there. Ale, we gave you two options - either deliver yoga in full to us, or else we will pick it up for car kits and deliver it to us. At Kaliningrad, carry out a minimum number of operations. In Slovakia, there are about 2,000 auxiliaries for storing a car, and in Russia - about twenty. And for the minimum hour, our engineers are contriving to “get it wrong”. Let's hope that in 2015 the stink of hotch troch will be corrected.

Work the visnovki yourself.

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