GAZ 14 Seagull Chassis 000002 Archive. Museum of the USSR Legend. At the highest category

Car gas 14. It was created to serve government agencies, diplomatic and sales offices in our country and abroad are used special cars. The design of such cars meets the latest achievements of engineering thought, providing a high level of comfort, security. Car " Gull"The Gorky Automobile Plant rightfully refers to this category. By the mid-60s, the design is outdated, and the plant began work on creating a new model - GAZ-14.. The main design tasks were: full update of the appearance of the car, taking into account development trends, enhancing comfort, improving dynamic indicators, improving security, reliability, durability and reduce service complexity. At the same time, a number of nodes and details of the new model were supposed to be unified with in production.

The basis of the architectural solution of the body "fourteenth" models were laid ease and rapidness in combination with strict, clear lines and inherent in these class cars with representativeness. To give a "seagull" of a modern appearance, along with a decrease in the roof and the wheel line, the slope of windshield was increased, more flat outer panels were applied, bent the side windows. Before the designers stood the task of creating a harmonious appearance, not subject to fashion influences, given the high costs for snap-ins in the production and the small volume of the car.
The overall arrangement of the car, made by the classic scheme, the gas-14 engine was located ahead, drive to the rear wheels, as well as the removable body installed on the X-shaped ridge frame, indicate relatives with the old model. However, to increase the space between the rear seat and the partition behind the driver's seat, the base is elongated with 200 mm and is 3450 mm. Compared to GAZ-13, the height is reduced by 95 mm and is 1525 mm. Accordingly, the center of gravity decreased, the aerodynamic resistance decreased, the stability of the movement at high speeds increased. On the photo GAZ-14.

photo GAZ-14 seagull

The front split bucket seats of the driver and the passenger are adjusted horizontally, height and angle of inclination. The rear seat has a soft armrest. The car is equipped with a highly efficient heating system, which includes two heating. Low levels of external and internal noise, not exceeding with a uniform movement of 73 dB, should be noted. This is achieved by applying a configured intake system in engine, Release systems with silencers and resonators that reduce the noise of the motor operation, as well as rubber gaskets in the corners of the chassis and body and the use of modern noise insulation materials. An improved soft suspension, according to its scheme, saved from the previous model, provides smooth movement on roads with different coating. Due to changes in the phases of gas distribution, gas pipelines, cultivation of carburation and other measures maximum power Rose from 195 to 220 liters. from. To reduce the noise of the system of gas distribution, as well as increasing the stability of the engine, the pushers are made hydraulic. The crankshaft steel supplied with twisted oscillations. The fuel efficiency did not deteriorate and is at the level of the former, but the reserve of the course has increased from 460 to 530 km due to an increase in 20 liters of tanks of gas tanks. The car is equipped with a new planetary hydromechanical transmission, having three transmissions for moving forward and one back. Box gear -Co hydraulic control system.

Among completely new systems, first we note front disc brakes With ventilated discs. Each brake mechanism of the front wheels is equipped with two brake brackets; Rear brakes-drum. To increase reliability, the hydraulic drive of the brakes has two independent contours, each of which acts on the brakes of both front wheels and one rear. The amplification system consists of a central vacuum amplifier operating on a double master cylinder, and two hydraulic amplifiers - one in each contour. Installation of the steering power engineer is also used to improve safety; blocking doors from the driver's seat; belt rigidity in door panels that increase the durability of the door in the case of side shocks; seat belts with three-point fastening; Faroocomiters; For the first time applied along with the front rear fog lanterns, etc. Many additional units nevertheless do not make it difficult for the car service.

Build car GAZ-14 "Seagull".

photo GAZ-14 seagull

The assembly of the car "Seagull" was made practically manually on a Gorky Pams Gorky Plant specifically created for these purposes. The seagull was developed in 1957 to replace outdated by that time a car M-12 winters. Above the creation of "Seagulls" worked a large creative team of designers, engineers, factory testes: V.S. Soloviev, N. A.Yushmanov, G. A. Ponomarev, V. V. Gnenev, P. E. Syrkin, O. I. Pelyushenko, M. Mokheev, B. Greek (and L.D. Kalmanson, B. S. Pospelov, B.B. Lebedev, L. E. Duarte). Car engine 5.5 liters and 195 hp There was a top-smelted double-row and had a V-shaped cylinder location. Even a fully loaded car easily accelerated to 160 km / h and spent a hundred kilometers of a total of 21 liters of fuel.

GAZ-14 engine

Engine For the new car, they took from the predecessor GAZ-13, but it was radically modernized. Due to the change in the phase of gas distribution, the replacement of the intake manifold and other measures managed to increase the power from 195 to 220 hp This significantly improved the dynamic indicators of GAZ-14 "Seagull", the speed and pickup of the car increased.

photography GAZ-14 engine seagull

Despite the fact that in 1977 the gas began producing the "Seagulls" of the second generation of GAZ-14, the production of GAZ-13 continued until 1981. Body details were stamps, and the elements of the GAZ 14 were interchangeable, the body assembly required a lot of manual labor and great accuracy. So in the process of fitting body elements and chrome parts of the body was going and disassembled several times. After the body was finally assembled, it was not traditional putty, but a layer of tin, and everything is manually applied to align the surfaces and removal of gaps. The painting of the car was made at the plant with a special nitrocrase radical black. After applying each layer, the car was thoroughly polished. There could be up to fifteen layers.
Most chas GAZ-14. There have four doors and three rows of seats. The front places were fenced off by a massive partition. Some machines for special order on this partition was installed glass with an electrically lifting mechanism. Some such machines belonging to eminent owners have been subjected to hidden booking.

photography Gas-14 Guba Organs

photography of the Salon GAZ-14 Seagull

The car's salon was elegantly equipped with Soviet standards. Electric windows, locking door locks, inertial seat belts, cigarette lighters, ashtrays, heating side door and rear windows - all this was new to the Soviet citizen. The Soviet car was also equipped with a stereo receiver of the highest class of the company "Radio engineering" and the cassette prefix "Wilma". For the upholstery of the seats, an ultra-thin Italian skin of a special selection was used, there were two versions of the salon: beige and dark green.

Technical Features GAZ-14 "Seagull".

photo GAZ-14 seagull

From a technical point of view, the car, in fact, was a deeply upgraded version of its predecessor, GAZ-13. At the same time, the new model was essentially larger. Compared to GAZ-13, the height of the car was reduced by 95 mm. Accordingly, the center of gravity decreased, the aerodynamic resistance decreased, the stability of the movement at high speeds increased. Frame remained x-shaped, like the previous model. The engine remained basically the same as on GAZ-13, but by changing the phases of gas distribution, new intake and exhaust collectors, the introduction of a power system with two carburetors and other measures, the maximum power rose from 195 to 220 hp, that He significantly improved the dynamics - the time of overclocking was reduced to 100 km / h, the maximum speed increased. The automatic gearbox is generally inherited from the predecessor model, but the transfer numbers of its planetary part were changed, and the most noticeable difference was the location of the operator modes of operation automatic boxes gear - If it was a button button on the gas-13 and was located on the left side of the instrument panel, then a more modern floor in the form of a lever was introduced on GAZ-14.
The front suspension retained only the general scheme and was completely recycled - instead of a pivot and threaded sleeves, ball supports and rubberometallic hinges appeared in it. Rear spring dependent suspension was improved. The brakes were also upgraded and fully consistent with the requirements of those years. Massive ventilated disk mechanisms appeared ahead. On gas 14 applied disc brakes with internal ventilation and two steps of strengthening the English firm "Girling".
The car was very abundantly equipped with various devices that enhance comfort for the driver and passengers. It was a very complex system of ventilation and heating with two separate heaters, an electromechanical drive of air intake dampers and built-in air conditioning, which provided individual microclimate in the front and rear seat. Central castle, four ashtrays. Bottled athermal side windows with a light blue-green tint did not pass ultraviolet radiation into the salon. The rear window and some side have electric heating. There was an inkjet fartower.

Modifications of GAZ-14 "Seagull".

photo Gas-14-05 Seagull Parade Phaeton.

Modification GAZ-14-05 - PARD FAETON Produced from 1982 to 1988, 15 copies were released in all of them, the very first is kept in the Museum of JSC GAZ. Phaeton had a locally reinforced carriage system. Instead of a full-fledged convertible mechanism of lifting side windows and removed by electro-hydraulic drive, the awning characteristic of GAZ-13B, it had glass only on the front doors and a simple awning, installed manually over the front seat. He served for the prophylactic routing of the car during storage. As an additional equipment, he had a microphone rack for a speakerphone system and flagpoles.

GAZ-RAF-3920. Sanitary The car based on GAZ-14 began to be manufactured on RAF-E, after stopping the release of "Seagulls" GAZ-13. It is noteworthy that the new car received an index for a new standard - RAF-3920. There were only five copies of such cars, while one of them, painted in white, was sent to Cuba for the Fidel Castro government.

photo RAF-3920 Seagull Sanior

GAZ-14-07. By the end of the 1980s. It became obvious that the Soviet high-class cars are clearly inferior to foreign counterparts, and not only in the aesthetic sense, but also technically. It is with such a motivation and the work of the ambassador above the new "seagull" began. Model Received the factory index of GAZ-14-07. A small update was conducted, the car was obtained imitated under GAZ-3102 radiator grille, and new plastic glasses for the front headlight block. In the rest of the appearance of the limousine, no change has undergone.

The car's passenger car, was produced by the gas factory from 1977 to 1989. The body is closed, frame, four-door, with three rows of seats, type sedan. The front seats are, adjustable, the rear - common with the middle armrest retractable in the back, two medium seats are folding. Salon heating - three heaters included in the engine cooling system. Ventilation is a subtle-exhaust due to lower and rotary side windows. Rear glass of the cabin - with electric heating. Air conditioning is installed on the car

Nodes and aggregates


Maud. GAZ-14. Petrol. V-shaped (90 °) 8-cyl. 100x88 mm. 5.53 l, compression ratio 8.5, work order 1-5-4-2-6-3-7-8, Power 161.8 kW (220 hp) at 4200 rpm, torque 451 , 1 N-M (46 kgc * m) at 2700-2800 rpm. Carburators: K114-B (right) and KL 14-B (left)


The hydromechanical transmission consists of a hydrotransformer (transformation coefficient 2.35), working together with a three-stage planetary box. Gateways: I-2.64, II-1.55, III-1.00, SK-2.00. Cardan transmission - two shafts with an intermediate support. Main gear - hypoid, gear ratio - 3.58


Front - independent, on transverse levers, awesome, with hydraulic shock absorbers. Rear - dependent, stem, with hydraulic shock absorbers

Wheels and tires:

Wheels - disk. Rim - 6L-15, tires - tubeless. 9.35-15, air pressure in 1.8 kgf tires / cm. kv.

Steering control:

A global worm with a two-graze roller. Transmit. Number 18,2


Working braking system: front brake mechanisms - disk, with two working cylinders; Padin - drums with one working cylinder and automatic adjustment of the gap between the drum and pads. Parking brake - with a cable drive, acts on the brakes of the rear wheels, control - two special foot pedals. Spare brake - one of the circuits of the working brake system

Electrical equipment:

Voltage 12 V, AK. Battery-6T-55 (2pcs); G284 generator with built-in rectifier; Voltage regulator 20J2.3702, contactless, transistor: starter ST230-G; ignition coil B1 1 1-b, shielded; Extreme selection chief se107-in; Switch 20.3734, transistor, shielded; Sensor-distributor 29.3706, non-contact, shielded; Candles A14DV or W145T30 firms "BOSCH" Fuel tank - 100 l, gasoline AI-95 or AI-98
Cooling system - 21.5, Tosol A-40
Engine lubrication system - 8.7 liters. Summer oil M12G, winter m-zg
Hydromechanical transmission - 7.8 l, brand oil
Rear axle carcase - 1.9l, TC oil
Steering Carter - 0.1 8 l, TAD-17I oil
hydraulic power steering - 1.8l, brand oil
Brake drive hydraulic system - 1.1l, brake fluid "Castrol Girling"
Front shock absorbers - 2x0.2 l, rear - 2x0.38 l, shock absorbing liquid AH-12T
Player Tank - 6l, Niiss-4 liquid in a mixture with water

Mass of aggregates (in kg):

Engine with equipment and hydrotransformer crankcase - 285
Hydrotransformer - 20.
Gearbox - 47
Cardan Transmission - 14
Rear axle - 105
Body assembly with seats and upholstery - 1480
Tire wheel - 29


Number of places 7
Mass of baggage 70 kg
Curb weight 2615 kg
on the front axle 1415 kg
on the rear axle 1200 kg
Full mass 3175 kg
on the front axle 1550 kg
on the rear axle 1625 kg
Maximum speed 175 km / h
Overclocking time 100 km / h 15 C.
Flood from 50 km / h 500 meters
Fuel control consumption, l / 100 km;
at 90 km / h 17.5 L.
at 120 km / h 20.0 L.
urban cycle 29.0 L.
Brake Path with 80 km / h 43.2 M.
Radius of rotation (overall) 8.2 M.

GAZ-14, known as "Seagull", a Soviet representative of the representative class, was produced at the Gorky plant from 1977 to 1988. In just 11 years of production, 1,20 copies were made. The predecessor is the GAZ-13 model, which for a long time was considered the best representative machine in the USSR and was used as a vehicle for government structures and the highest party leadership of the country.

The development of a new "seagull" began in 1967, while the explicit tendency to imitate the style of American cars of that time was traced. However, limousines and cadyllacs from the United States, though they differed a great design, but possessed a number of shortcomings, such as high fuel consumption or too broad dimensions. As a result, the external parameters of the "seagull" of the second generation in something overgrowed with the American models, but were more modest. Nevertheless, for the USSR, GAZ-14 "Seagull" became a real breakthrough in a passenger automotive industry.

The machine was created on the GAZ-13 chassis, but at the same time the body was planned a completely different configuration. Developers immediately encountered layout problems. The engine was too high, the hood had to raise more than 8 centimeters, and in combination with a lowly planted roof, a visual inconsistency of proportions arose. Above the exterior had to work.

In 1971, the first prototype of the car was collected, the wheelbase of which was longer than 200 millimeters. The engine was able to arrange below, and gradually the body acquired design outlines. In 1975, several experienced copies were trained, and a year later the car was adopted by the State Commission and recommended for serial production.

GAZ-14: Specifications

Type of body - four-door sedan, type - limousine, capacity - 7 seats. The maximum speed of the car is 175 km / h, the volume of the fuel tank is 100 liters.

Distribution and weight parameters:

  • body length - 6,114 mm;
  • height - 1 525 mm;
  • width - 2 020 mm;
  • road clearance (clearance) - 210 mm;
  • base wheel - 3 450 mm;
  • rear track - 1 580 mm;
  • car weight - 2 605 kg;
  • full weight - 3 165 kg.

Power point

The engine for the new car was taken from GAZ-13 precursor, but it was radically modernized. Due to the change in the phase of gas distribution, the replacement of the intake manifold and other measures managed to increase the power from 195 to 220 hp This significantly improved the dynamic indicators of GAZ-14 "Seagull", the speed and pickup of the car increased.

Engine characteristics:

  • model ZMZ-13;
  • type carburetor, gasoline;
  • the operating volume of cylinders is 5526 cubic meters. cm;
  • the number of cylinders is 8;
  • the diameter of the cylinder is 100 mm;
  • location V-shaped;
  • piston stroke - 88 mm;
  • valve drive hydraulic;
  • compression ratio - 8.5;
  • power 220 hp;
  • gasoline consumption in the city - 29 liters per 100 km;
  • fuel consumption in mixed mode - 24 liters per 100 km;
  • cooling - Tosol, antifreeze;
  • fuel Recommended - Gasoline AI-95 "Extra";

The gas-14 engine was equipped with an electronic ignition system that allowed to save up to 15% fuel.


An automatic transmission was installed on the car, created on the basis of American Fordomatic. The transmission turned out to be quite effective, three-stage, with two modes T (engine braking) and one P (parking mode). The box is equipped with a double clutch, which interacts with the "Ravinje" gearbox, regulating the first transmission and reverse switching.

The second gear is included in the usual order. The third, straight, begins to work after the inclusion of both clutch and removal mechanisms for tape brakes.

In addition to the planetary gearbox, a diarotransformer plays a separate role in the gearbox, which provides an extended range of ratio ratios.


The front suspension of GAZ-14 was recycled, kkvorni and threaded sleeves, regulating wheel alignment, replaced with a swivel fist with ball supports. Double transverse levers were attached to the beam by means of rubber-metal hinges. The rear suspension, dependent, on parabolic, small springs, did not need to be improved, but hydraulic shock absorbers were replaced with more modern.

Today, the spring suspension is considered an anachronism, and at that time it was the most effective tool to achieve comfort. Smooth swinging of the car caused a feeling of peace and relaxation among the passengers of the Soviet limousine.

Brake system

The GAZ-14 car was upgraded almost in almost all directions. The improvement has affected the brake system, which should have been able to meet the highest technical requirements and ensure the safety of the machine. On the front wheels installed licensed lucas-girling, ventilated discs with a double caliper. The rear brakes left the former, drum type, with an automatically adjustable gap gap. The handbrake was connected only with the rear wheels.

The gas-14 brake system is a double-circuit, with a diagonal action, the front left wheel is connected with the right rear pipeline, and the left back is with the right front. The car has a special load sensor, which adjusts the intensity of the braking of the rear axle. With an increase in the weight of the machine, the valve operates open flow of hydraulics into the brake cylinders of the rear wheels, and the coefficient of their action in this case reaches 100%.


A lot of attention was paid to equipping the internal space of GAZ-14, since the car was intended for transportation not only by Soviet leaders, but also foreign guests. Numerous servo drives installed throughout the cabin have drawn attention. Automatic, electric shifters, sensory switches - all this worked for an increase in the comfort of the salon, which was equipped with two autonomous heaters, a complex and efficient ventilation system, automatic dampers of air intakes and built-in air conditioning, providing a multilayer distribution of the cooling zone.

In the cabin there were a stereo radio receiver of the Riga plant "Radio engineering", the cassette prefix "Wilma" and four compact dynamics that ensure stereo sound. At that time, all this equipment was considered the top of achievements and was perceived as super-modern equipment.

Salon GAZ-14 has tried to make the most safe as possible, even the upholstery of the seats and doors applied from the thickened velor, which could serve as a shock absorber in case of an accident.

Chronology of production

The production of Soviet limousine GAZ-14 could only be called conditionally. The car was not collected on the conveyor, but in special workshops, the method of manual assembly in the stapels. In the year, about a hundred cars were produced in such a method. Each machine was held responsible tests with obtaining a licenseal certificate, which included all engineers and workers who participated in the assembly were inscribed.

In 1988, by order of the famous political figure, M. Gorbachev GAZ-14 was removed from production. The release of the car stopped, all documentation was destroyed. The unique car has sunk into oblivion.

Nevertheless, in 2008, the car was awarded the title of the cultural and technical object of the former USSR.

GAZ-14, whose price ranges from 650,000 to 2,400,000 rubles, can be purchased in specialized car dealers of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Soviet representative car of a large class, produced by a small series at the Gorky Automobile Plant C 1977 to 1989. In total, approximately 1,120 cars of this model were made.

GAZ-14 was created under the leadership of Alexander Dmitrievich Svirnina with the participation of Nikolay Alexandrovich Yushmanov, Vladimir Nikitich Nizakova, Stanislav Volkova, Yu.I. Dokokin and many other designers. Beautiful six-bed representative car was famous for the high technical level and comfort of American roadnuts. The GAZ-14 was set by the V-shaped 8-cylinder 220-strong engine, allowed to develop speed up to 175 km / h among the limousines (a partition was put in the salon of some GAZ-14) the Gorky car was the easiest and most compact. Having a whole number of innovations, "Seagull" GAZ-14 was a real polygon for the introduction of new designs, materials and technologies for subsequent models of mass production gas.

The beginning of work on the project of a new car of a large class on Gaza applies to the second half of the decade, since 1967.

The first prototype of GAZ-14 (the leading designer is V. Nosakov, designer - S. Volkov) manufactured in 1967. A total of eight pre-production prototypes. Conceptually the car was not accustomed from GAZ-13, but the body and the salon is much more contemporary.

In 1968, there was already a full-sized layout of the future "seagull" of the second generation, the appearance of which was clearly sealed to some generalized image of a highly qualified American car for those years, while not copying a directly defined model or their group. The project was approved by the Macata Commission in 1969, after which they began to manufacture prototypes.

Unfortunately, due to a number of reasons, the path of the new model to production was very long.

The first series of prototypes was built on the basis of the GAZ-13 chassis (designer - Lev Eremeev). However, the creators of the car did not satisfy their aesthetic and technical qualities. The combination of a low roof line and forcedly high due to the dimensions of the hood engine broke the visual proportions, and the seats dropped together with the roof required the lengthening of the wheelbase to save the necessary space for the feet of passengers. More serious layout changes were required.

In 1971, the running prototype of the second series was built. He already had a changed chassis with an increased 200mm wheel base. The appearance of the car painted Stanislav Volkov, then the young graduate of the art and industrial school. Mukhina, who later worked on the design of new trucks of the middle class and "Gazelle".

Until the mid-1970s, several more prototypes were built. They had different design options, gradually approaching the one that was subsequently selected for the serial model.

It is part of the second series of road and stand tests. In 1975, pre-production specimens were tested in a wide variety of road conditions, including extreme. For example, speed races on the mountain serpents of the Crimea and the Caucasus, however, the modes of movement were not quite regular. For example, with high-speed descents from the I-Petri Pass in the Crimea, the tires were turned on in the Crimea so that they were erased about the asphalt white stripes on the sidewalls.

In 1976, after the elimination of the deficiencies identified, on the same route there were already state acceptance tests, according to the results of which the State Commission recommended GAZ-14 to production.

The first vehicle trial party with the sequence number "1" (the only, painted in a dark cherry color) made in December 1976, presented on the 70th anniversary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev at the 70th anniversary.

On October 14, 1977, the first car of the industrial batch of GAZ-14 "Chaika" was collected at the Gorkovsky Auto Plant and the release of the first industrial batch began.

Thus, more than ten years have passed between the beginning of work on the new "seagull" and the start of its mass production.

The assembly of "CHEKS" was carried out by the forces of the gase on the gas (production of small series). Despite the fact that there were stamps on body details, and the elements were interchangeable, the body assembly required a lot of manual labor and great accuracy. So in the process of fitting body elements and chrome parts of the body was going and disassembled several times. After the body was finally assembled, it was not traditional putty, but a layer of tin, and everything is manually applied to align the surfaces and removal of gaps. For each vehicle assembly, they started their technical support, where he gathered his brigade noted all the individual characteristics, and each specialist who made his hand to its creation was signed in a certain column. After the completion of the assembly, each car had to pass government tests. His polygon gas did not have, so "seagulls" "wrapped up" hundreds of kilometers on the roads of the region or cars sent to the landfill to the city of Dmitrov. Then the car was returned to the workshop, they carried out, stretched fasteners, painted again and polished manually, and only after that was transferred to the customer. So there was only about one hundred cars of GAZ-14 per year.

Small-sector production of "Seagulls" continued for 11 years, until 1988.

In 1988, the famous decision of the CPSU Central Committee on the fight against privileges was published. At first, it was first forbidden to use the "Seagull" (replacing the "Volga" GAZ-3102), later the car was removed from production by personal director M. S. Gorbacheva, and at the same time all technological equipment, work documentation, assembly lines, body stamps were also destroyed And so on (even snap for the production of a toy large-scale model of a car, also produced on gas).

The last car was collected on December 24, 1988 and left the plant in January 1989. The next non-polluted car, which was already on the stapel, was destroyed.

In 2008, the car was assigned the status of the object of cultural and technical heritage of the USSR.

The overall layout of the car GAZ-14 "Seagull", is made according to the classic scheme (the engine is ahead; the leading wheels rear). Compared to GAZ-13, the height of the car was reduced by 95 mm. Accordingly, the center of gravity decreased, the aerodynamic resistance decreased, the stability of the movement at high speeds increased.

The front split bucket seats of the driver and the passenger are adjusted horizontally, height and angle of inclination. Low landing of the driver and passengers required a radical zoom in the wheelbase. The frame remained X-shaped, like the previous model, but at the same time the wheel base was elongated with 200 mm to compensate for the reduction of the height of the car and less vertical landing of the driver and passengers, which is now 3450 mm. Accordingly, the total length of the car increased. Due to the successful combination of large tires and soft suspension, specially designed shock absorbers and a long base of the gas-14 car had a high smoothness of the move when driving.

The engine remained basically the same as on GAZ-13, V-shaped 8-cylinder volume of 5.5 liters, but due to changes in the phases of gas distribution, new intake and exhaust manifolds, the introduction of a power system with two carburetors and other measures, the maximum Power rose from 195 to 220 hp, which significantly improved the dynamics - the time of overclocking was reduced to 100 km / h, the maximum speed of up to 175 km / h increased. Fuel consumption was 16 liters per 100 kilometers.

To reduce the noise of the system of gas distribution, reduce the volume of maintenance and increasing the stability of the engine, the valve pushers were made hydraulic. The crankshaft began to supply the vibrations quoter, which reduced the level of vibrations. The fuel efficiency did not deteriorate and is at the level of the former, but the reserve of the course has increased from 460 to 530 km due to an increase in 20 liters of tanks of gas tanks. It appeared more reliable and ensuring greater stability of the engine on high speed electronic ignition system, and to ensure maximum reliability, its elements were duplicated.

The automatic transmission is generally inherited from the predecessor model, but the transfer numbers of its planetary part were changed, and the most noticeable difference was the location of the selector of the operating modes of the automatic transmission - if it was a button on the gas-13 and was located on the left side of the instrument panel, 14 was introduced more modern outdoor in the form of a lever.

The front suspension retained only the common scheme and was completely recycled - instead of a kinstock and threaded sleeves, ball supports and rubberometallic hinges (silent blocks) appeared in it. Rear spring dependent suspension was improved. All this made it possible to improve the comfort of the car, increase its running quality.

The brakes were also upgraded. The front ventilated disc brakes appeared on the "seagull" of the first car vehicle cars. Each brake mechanism of the front wheels is equipped with two brake brackets. The brake system had two contours, and each of them acted on two front and one rear wheel, and each had its own hydraulic amplifier, in addition to which one central vacuum amplifier (cascading scheme) was used. The built-in hydraulic alarm was notified of the failure of one of the contours. The parking brake was moved from the output shaft of the gearbox to the rear wheels, and the drive was now provided now not to the lever under the instrument panel, but a special foot pedal.

Installed hydraulic power steering.

In the level of equipment and the use of all sorts of servos, the new model was a real breakthrough. The driver and passenger services were a very complex system of ventilation and heating with three separate heaters, an electromechanical drive of air intake dampers and built-in air conditioning, which provided individual microclimate in the front and rear seat, power windows, the most perfect radio engineering stereo audio system at that time in the USSR With the cassette console "Wilma", which had a remote control in the left armrest of the rear sofa, the central castle, four ashtrays. Some cars had a built-in radiotelephone.

Bottled athermal side windows with a light blue-green tint did not pass ultraviolet radiation into the salon. The rear window and some side have electric heating. There was an inkjet fartower.

In total, there were 17 electric motors of various capacities.

All cars were painted only in black, but the cabin upholstery had two options - beige and gray-green.

Acoustic comfort due to powerful noise insulation and special setup of aggregates was also "at the level" - according to the press of those years, with a uniform movement, the noise level in the cabin did not exceed 73 dB.

Much attention was paid to security. In the car there were three-point inertial seat belts, power belts in the doorway, a soft upholstery of the interior, rear fog lamps, and other elements of passive and active safety.

Modifications GAZ-14 "Seagull"

  • GAZ-14-05 - Parade Phaeton. They made it exclusively for the military - on such "seagulls" received parades in the districts. Like a similar zil, taking the main parade on the Red Square, these cars were painted in gray. From 1982 to 1988, 15 copies were released, and the very first experienced copy is kept in the Museum of JSC GAZ. Phaeton had a locally reinforced carriage system. Instead of a full-fledged convertible mechanism of lifting side windscreen and removed electro-hydraulic drive, the agent characteristic of GAZ-13B, it had a glass only on the front doors and a simple awning, installed manually over the front seat. It consisted of a metal tubular frame and manually worn. On the perimeter, the fabric was attached to the body with buttons, belts and latches. The awning formed a roof over the front seats, and ranging from the removable central rack back to the waist line. Thus, the car in the profile resembled a pickup. Sent served only for the prophylactic routing of the car during storage. As an additional equipment, he had a microphone rack for a speakerphone system and flagpoles. According to available information, one of the phaetics was donated by Fidel Castro. Two more "seagulls" in 1995 were discovered in Tbilisi and transported to Moscow to participate in the parade of veterans of the Great Patriotic. Two more are currently serving in Kiev.

  • GAZ-RAF-3920 - Sanitary cars based on GAZ-14 began to be manufactured at RAF-E in Jelgava by order of the 4th General Department under the Ministry of Health of the USSR, alone from serial cars. It is noteworthy that the new car received an index for a new standard - RAF-3920 . There were only five copies of such cars, while one of them, painted in white, was sent to Cuba for the Fidel Castro government. The rest of the cars were painted in black. They made from the serial "chap" GAZ-14, sacrificing and painting them. The well-known engineer Eiser participated in the creation work - the head of the group that created the avant-garde for his time RAF-2203. He answered the order of the bureau of special vehicles of Juris Penzis. At first, they sculpted a high roof from plasticine, but later the body was refused from such a serious alteration. The spare wheel was removed in a niche behind the left rear door. Above it in the cabin, there were a table, there were two places for staff near the stretchers, lockers installed. The rest of the stuffing cars are already obtained in Moscow. Of course, no sanitary symbolism - red crosses, inscriptions - there were no cars.

GAZ RAF 3920 1983


Number of places 6
Luggage weight, kg 70
Curb weight, kg 2615
on the front axle, kg 1415
on the rear axle, kg 1200
Full weight, kg 3175
on the front axle, kg 1550
on the rear axle, kg 1625
Maximum speed, km / h 175
Overclocking time to a speed of 100 km / h, with 15
Flood from 50 km / h, m 500
Fuel control, l / 100 km
at 90 km / h, l 17,5
at 120 km / h, l 20,0
urban cycle, l 29,0
Brake path from 80 km / h, m 43,2
Radius of rotation:
overall, M. 8,2
Modification GAZ-14.
Gasoline, V-shaped (90 °), 8-cylinder, 100x88 mm, 5.53 liters
compression ratio 8,5
operating procedure 1-5-4-2-6-3-7-8
power at 4200 rpm, kW (hp) 161,8 (220)
torque at 2700-2800 rpm, n · m (kgc · m) 451,1 (46)
Carburetrators K114-B (right) and KL 14-B (left)
Hydromechanical transmission consists of a torque converter (transformation coefficient 2.35), working together with a three-stage planetary box
Transmission numbers I - 2.64, II - 1.55, III - 1.00, SK - 2.00
Cardan transfer two shafts with intermediate support
main gear hypoid
ratio 3,58
Wheels and tires
Wheels disk
Rim 6L-15.
tires belessaless, 9.35-15
air pressure in tires, kgf / cm2 1,8
Front independent, on transverse levers, non-helper, with hydraulic shock absorbers
Rear dependent, Spring, with hydraulic shock absorbers
Working brake system:
front brake mechanisms disk, with two working cylinders
rear drum with one working cylinder and automatic clearance adjustment between drum and pads
Parking brake with a cable drive, acting on the brakes of the rear wheels, control - two special foot pedals
Emergency brake one of the circuits of the working brake system
Global worm with a two-graze roller
Ratio 18,2
Electrical equipment
Voltage, B. 12
accumulator battery 6st-55 (2pc.)
generator G284 with built-in rectifier
voltage regulator 20J2.3702, contactless, transistor
starter ST230-G.
ignition coil B1 1 1-B, shielded
additional searchlight SE107-B.
switch 20.3734, transistor, shielded
sensor distributor 29.3706, contactless, shielded
candles A14DV or W145T30 firms "Bosch"
Filling volumes and recommended operational materials
Fuel tank, l 100
petrol AI-95 or AI-98
cooling system 21.5, Tosol A-40
engine lubrication system 8.7 l, summer oil M12G, winter m-zg
hydromechanical transmission 7.8 l, brand oil
rearm Bridge Carter 1.9 l, TC oil
carter steering mechanism 0.18 l, TAD-17I oil
power steering 1.8 l, brand oil
hydraulic drive brakes 1.1 l, brake fluid "Castrol Girling"
front shock absorbers 2x0.2 L.
shock absorbers rear 2x0.38 L.
shock absorbing liquid AJ 12T.
tank glasses 6 l, niiss-4 fluid in a mixture with water
Mass of aggregates (in kg)
Engine with equipment and crankcase of the hydrotransformer 285
hydrotransformer 20
transmission 47
cardan transfer 14
rear axle 105
body assembly with seats and upholstery 1480
wheel with tire 29

She was given the second roles. The seagull was an important part of the nomenclature table of ranks, but served as a sign of the fact that the person is still "not Doros" to the level of the highest Soviet elite. She was intended for ordinary ministers, regional officials, republican party members and even regional levels. Today we will try to fit into the skin of such a civil servant, as well as his driver.

A place under the sun

In a country where everything was decided not to money, but the will of the party and government, the type of model series of auto plants was painted in accordance with the considerations "it is impossible". That can be a member of the Politburo, it is impossible to a member of the Central Committee that it is possible to "first" from the Federal Republic, it is impossible to secreture of the regional committee - well, and so on, right up to seats and workshops.

Everyone has its own level regulated by the written and unprofitable rules: salaries, vouchers, distributor shops, apartments, cottages and cars ... If Cossacks and Ladies and Muscovites have somehow distributed in a natural way, through turns in enterprises, then buy a new one A personal "Volga" could already either or a big boss, or a drummer of labor. The same Volga (both generations) were the official "person spelling" of the nomenclators of the lowest and medium-lower links.

Photo of Andrey Vladimirov

In addition to the Volga, at the very bottom of the car nomenclature there were also UAZ-469, and at the top the majestic zil limousines were browned. The line of executive sedans of the second plan in the USSR always answered gas. At first it was (1949 - 1960) - "Stretched Victory". This car could still not only get together with the chair of the Minister or the secretary of the Commander, but also to the theoretically buy in the auto shop. Served these impressive comfortable cars and in a taxi. Then, in 1959, a beauty seagull GAZ-13 came, which became completely inaccessible for ordinary mortals. The same essence was the second seagull, which appeared in 1977 under the GAZ-14 index, although it looks not so pompous. Such, sorry, secondary, more modest, and compared to the predecessor, and compared to Zhyla, she was always perceived by me. As long as I did not meet her closer.

By clothes

I look at her and again I approve in my thoughts: how to drink to give, this car was specially tried to make easier. Well, she should not look as much as possible so that the passengers of Zilov do not take offense (and the precedents in the history were)! The second-generation seagull is like a strict, and impressive, but there are such features in it, which even with a lot of dimensions give her some frivolity. Narrow neat line of radiator lattice, playfully fixed line of trunk, low windowsill bent windows of doors. Even huge wheels designers managed to arrange in such a way that they do not dominate the side projection, leaving the bulk role in the perception of the body. Its design is sometimes compared with aluminors-Americans, but as for me, they are even with smaller dimensions - are disproportionally massive and heavy against stylish Gorky beauty.

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I start acquaintance from the gallery, because it was for the passengers who created a seagull ... I strain my memory, I remember my pioneer years, portraits of leaders, frames of parades on Red Square. The party tip is seated by its zilam, and those who are lowering the rank is important to go to the seagulls. Leaning, stick the doodle caps with a cake, float into the salon ... I open the heavy door and me. I pull the handle, I feel a click of the castle in its depth, but I don't have a hearing with a fluttering metal. The threshold is unusually low, but also the top edge of the doorway is also low. I dive my head in the salon, and here it is the first surprise: inside a flat black body of the car suddenly a large bright space opens! And it is called - a car of the second plan.

The gaze opens a whole room, although disproportionate geometry - low and wide. We, the present, accustomed to high crossovers, unusually moved inside "half-bent". However, there is no particular need for this - to fall the fifth point on the sofa turned out from the first attempt, without preliminary movements.

The sofa itself is huge - deep, wide, besides delightful softness. He, as space, is far from the strict German stiffness of modern seats, but also does not fall completely under the severity of the body, but takes it, envelops its elasticity. I bet that these sensations are the fruit of the painstaking work of furniture makers and numerous experiments with materials.

Let's notify that the sofa has its own considerable troubles of trouble: it is double. Not only is his width limit powerful armrests in the sides, so also a pillow is molded under two people - the third will have to sit on the "hump". To even more divide the rear passengers, a massive armrest can be pulled out from the back, which, without a doubt, is enough for two. Everything is calculated so that with a smooth landing, the head of the sled passenger is behind a wide roof rack. In the rear windows, by the way, the curtains, such in fact were used in the years of active operation of the gulls, because the "deaf" toning was then not distributed. It turns out that I am not sitting in the usual sedan - in front of the door, but near the board. These are safety requirements!

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The door is massive, soothed, located in front of me. She has two handles, laundering locks, and two for which the door has to pull when slamming - with such a calculation to control the entrance, the VIP-passenger and the guard seats sitting on the trapped seat.

Only for prof

If the rear salon is pleasantly surprised by the level of comfort, the front compartment was impressed in a different way. Although they say that even Leonid Ilyich personally loved the seagull at his leisure, it felt that the designers were organized here for the workplace, and not the passenger salon. First, the wheel is closed: the ram is large, and the seat is high, while the steering wheel is not adjustable, but normally pushed back the seat prevents the aforementioned partition. Secondly, the dashboard is a real national team of the USSR: the clock from the Togliatti "Troika", the knob "accidents" from Muscovite and instruments with icicle glasses, known to everyone at the later Volga GAZ-3102 ...

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But how the keyboard switches of electric windows are well triggered! Radiotechnika's radio actually was really good at the time, especially if you know that there is still a cassette player connected to it, hidden in one of the rear armrests. Below and above "Radio Engineering" - nothing but a climate installation interface. Yes, yes, in 1977, there was air conditioning on the seagulls. The aggregate itself, by the way, is in the trunk, and delso supplied it in the USSR, to this day, Kondishnes. Interestingly, the ducts with the "child" were available exclusively to the rear passengers, but under the memoirs of veterans drivers, there were no complaints about effectiveness.

Finally, it should be noted that the "shelter" point of the seagull does not respond to the original - in the cabin they changed all the upholstery, because the native was a clouded and not such an elegant, in more trivial beige and gray tones. Otherwise, this is a full-fledged original.

The most important thing

It is immediately clear that the engine under the hood is serious - after a short "promise" of the starter, the salon is filled with a smooth rocity of the V-shaped eight (220 l. P., 46 kgf * m), which will vividly respond to the game by the accelerator. The automatic transmission selector reminds that whether the gas sector of the old "ile", or the handle of the machine telegraph on the river tug. Well, "Small, Forward!"

The lever of the Soviet "automaton" moves along his straight Kulis as severe. I stop it on a liter d, press gas, and the car suddenly takes off the place. Wow! I like how this 2.5-ton bulldin dials the move - it is clear that without a roar and squealing of rubber, but it is easy and somehow inevitable. I begin to listen to the power unit in anticipation of the transfer shift - after all, it is interesting how the classic hydrotransformator boxes did 40 years ago ... but I do not notice anything!

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