Warranty for the new Skoda Octavia A7. Warranty and support New car warranty

The Skoda company offers all its new cars, pridays on the territory of Russia, court guaranty without intermediation from the moment of purchase (date specified in the service book of the car) from an official Skoda dealer. A guarantee is given to cover any inaccuracies that appeared due to the fault of the manufacturing plant, which inaccuracies can be taken from any official Skoda dealer, regardless of whether the car was purchased (only official dealers suffer from damage).

If you have received original parts or Skoda Auto accessories from an official dealer, then they are covered by a yard warranty without intermediation from the moment of purchase and installation of these parts only from an official dealer. With all those details, which were installed under the hour of warranty (cost-free) repairs, they are covered by the warranty only until the end of the line of the main warranty for the car.

For the model Skoda Octavia, the company offers 12-fold guarantee against scratched corrosion without interfering probіgu. With the help of Lakofarbove, the bodywork is covered only by a 3-rd-row guarantee.

Mobility Guarantee (Skoda Assistance)

Крім усього іншого компанія пропонує своїм клієнтам гарантію мобільності, яка надає всім власникам нових автомобілів Skoda безкоштовну технічну допомогу на дорогах, евакуацію і деякі інші послуги протягом всього терміну основний дворічної гарантії на автомобіль, при виконанні інших умов гарантійної угоди.

Important Notes to Warranty Statements

Please note that the descriptions of the warranty provisions are not extended to details, such as natural wear and tear as a result of the operation of the car, for example, galvanized pads and discs, heating lamps, filters, chimney guards, and tires. If you have a number of faults, in case of which you can either be partly or more involved in warranty repairs, such as:

1. Selection of non-original stained glass and oily materials, as well as non-original parts and accessories of Skoda, including tuning;
2. Zayva revantation and improper operation (including the use of a car for driving water, as well as the participation in the race itself);
3. Chastkove or outside of the car’s zanurennya near the water, yak led to the appearance of corrosive damage;
4. Vykoristannya non-acidic paliva, which does not comply with the established standards of the Russian Federation and the recommended company Skoda;
5. Non-compliance with other rules and minds of operation, maintenance and proper supervision of the car, regulated by the rules of the Skoda company;
6. Vihіd z fret aggregatіv i poshkodzhennya otrimani as a result of an accident, as well as the most zvnіshnіh vplivіv (vіdskochiv kamenі, pіsok, gravіy, khіmіchne and іnshe іnshe vpliv) or spontaneous dashing.

We thank you for the choice of a ŠKODA brand car, the high quality of which allows us to take on ourselves the goiter of this workless robot with a trivial term of exploitation.

see guarantees

New car warranty

ŠKODA AUTO a.s. і TOV "VOLKSWAGEN Group Rus" is able to issue a guarantee of the manufacturer for leather sales of cars. In front of it, a hot Warranty term was installed on ŠKODA cars - 2 (two) years without interchange.

On ŠKODA Rapid cars, driven on the territory of the Russian Federation, starting from 1 September 2016, a guarantee of capacity for the term 3 (three) years is expected by the manufacturer, or until the car reaches a distance of 100,000 km the first 2 (two) years of operation, be it as a guarantee, do not lie in the test. Dana's mind is expanding only on cars sold through a network of official ŠKODA dealers in the Russian Federation and is recognized for winning in the Russian market.

The warranty term on the elements, parts and accessories that are supplied with the car, but not included in the complete set .

Warranty on parts and accessories

The warranty term on original ŠKODA parts and accessories becomes 2 years without refrigerant testing and begins on the day of transfer (sale) of the part by the official dealer and on the day of installation of the part or accessory by the dealer on the car.

Guaranteed against scratched corrosion

On the day of scratchy corrosion, on new cars, there is a guarantee of 12 years without interchange.

Warranty on lacofarb coating

For the presence of mechanical defects in the lacquer-farb coating of the body, the guarantee is extended for 3 years without interfering with the test.

important notes

1. Guaranteed more goiters do not expand on parts that are less likely to wear out naturally, for example, clutch disc friction linings, galvanized discs, galvanized pads, heating lamps, cloakroom brushes, tires, filters and іn.

2. All warranty claims will expire after the end of the warranty period.

3. A hundred of inaccuracies, claims, but not covered by the warranty period, warranty claims are taken until the moment of their adoption, as a delay in the repair of the bula pov'yazana of the necessary details.

4. ŠKODA AUTO does not bear any responsibility for the supplementary warranty given by the official ŠKODA dealer, as it goes beyond the mind of the given warranty.

Vinyatki with a guarantee

Guarantee claims can be made more or more frequently in case of failure, according to which a claim has been made, without intermediary due to one of these conditions:

Incorrect operation or revantaging of the car (for example, winning in abo ral races, starting water, etc.);

The car was earlier subjected to an unskilled repair or technical maintenance, as a result of which the details were out of order, the vehicle assembly, etc.;

Vykoristovalis polyvno-mastilny and іnshі vitratnі materials, yakі not recommended by ŠKODA AUTO;

Parts were installed on the car that were not allowed to be accepted by ŠKODA AUTO, or were damaged by the company not allowed to change the car (including tuning);

Vlasnik avtomobilya without declaring about the defect, noted during the delivery of the car, or about the defect, later manifestations, and not waiting for the yogo usunennya, which caused the appearance of more serious injuries;

In the case of a new or private car’s winding up near the water, which caused corrosion damage;

Non-compliance with the rules of the ŠKODA AUTO company, which require maintenance, technical maintenance, or car inspection, and protection, non-compliance with regulatory work from technical maintenance, requested in the service book;

Vihіd z fret parts dviguna, exhaust system or system of dvigunnja dvigun through vikoristannya paliva, as it does not comply with the recommendations of the company ŠKODA AUTO and (or) the standards of the Russian Federation.

Road transport suitability;

The car succumbed to the splendid infusions, the head rank, having taken off the air from the stone to fly, or from the atmospheric, chemical, or other infusion, for example, vandalism, or the elemental rush.

ŠKODA Assistance: Mobility Guaranteed

ŠKODA AUTO Russia knows about its customers, we have provided ŠKODA cars with technical assistance and other services by extending the warranty term of the car.

Technical consultation

8 800 555 01 01

8 495 642 80 80 (phone number for calls from outside the cordon)

You will accept a qualified consultation for a possible independent troubleshooting in a car. If necessary, the dispatcher will redirect your notification to the phone number you ordered (relative, familiar, etc.) Or call additional help (medical, insurance, etc.)

In times of impossibility to resolve a malfunction for additional technical advice, you will be given the maximum assistance of a mobile group of technical facivists, as you can vikonati on the mission:

Recharging the battery;

Starting the engine;

I will replace the wheel in case of a puncture or a defective tire on the spare (in case of its presence), delivery of the wheel to the tire shop and back (if the spare wheel is available, or two or more wheels will be damaged);

Rooting of the car upon entering the keys or closing them in the car;

Delivery of the fuel in a contract up to 10 liters (of gas), with which the variant of the fuel itself is paid by the client

In the event of a more serious malfunction, if your car is not damaged, after having been in an accident, it has been refueled for a few minutes, which is not recognized for this car, or its operation is blocked by the rules of the road, it will be transported to the nearest official ŠKODA dealership.

If the car is not damaged and it is impossible to repair it on the day of the termination, you can be given a ŠKODA car for a term of up to 5 days.

If the inconvenience cannot be taken on the day of the appointment to the official dealer, then ŠKODA AUTO Russia can give you and your companions the opportunity to spend the night in a hotel or go for a car repair to the ŠKODA dealer center.

territory of service

Russian Federation

The ŠKODA Assistance program does not work in the upcoming

Zovnіshny vplivu (stealing, vyniknennya skolіv i td.);

Working as a client in motorsport, participating in sports events or other test races or events of any kind;

Dії conditions of non-pereborny force (war, revolution, insurrection and confusion, rozbї, terrorism, criminal fії, strikes, earthquakes or other natural disasters), as well as natural and ecological phenomena (resinous fall of trees, hail, storm, glare, glare), strong confiscation of either property or primus, fencing of authorities, piracy, vibuhi of objects, fire, as well as nuclear or radioactive infusion;

Increased demand for cars or non-regular maintenance at ŠKODA dealerships

see guarantees

New car warranty

ŠKODA AUTO a.s. і TOV "VOLKSWAGEN Group Rus" is able to issue a guarantee of the manufacturer for leather sales of cars. In front of it, a hot Warranty term was installed on ŠKODA cars - 2 (two) years without interchange.

On ŠKODA Rapid cars, driven on the territory of the Russian Federation, starting from 1 September 2016, a guarantee of capacity for the term 3 (three) years is expected by the manufacturer, or until the car reaches a distance of 100,000 km the first 2 (two) years of operation, be it as a guarantee, do not lie in the test. Dana's mind is expanding only on cars sold through a network of official ŠKODA dealers in the Russian Federation and is recognized for winning in the Russian market.

The warranty term on the elements, parts and accessories that are supplied with the car, but not included in the complete set .

Warranty on parts and accessories

The warranty term on original ŠKODA parts and accessories becomes 2 years without refrigerant testing and begins on the day of transfer (sale) of the part by the official dealer and on the day of installation of the part or accessory by the dealer on the car.

Guaranteed against scratched corrosion

On the day of scratchy corrosion, on new cars, there is a guarantee of 12 years without interchange.

Warranty on lacofarb coating

For the presence of mechanical defects in the lacquer-farb coating of the body, the guarantee is extended for 3 years without interfering with the test.

important notes

1. Guaranteed more goiters do not expand on parts that are less likely to wear out naturally, for example, clutch disc friction linings, galvanized discs, galvanized pads, heating lamps, cloakroom brushes, tires, filters and іn.

2. All warranty claims will expire after the end of the warranty period.

3. A hundred of inaccuracies, claims, but not covered by the warranty period, warranty claims are taken until the moment of their adoption, as a delay in the repair of the bula pov'yazana of the necessary details.

4. ŠKODA AUTO does not bear any responsibility for the supplementary warranty given by the official ŠKODA dealer, as it goes beyond the mind of the given warranty.

Vinyatki with a guarantee

Guarantee claims can be made more or more frequently in case of failure, according to which a claim has been made, without intermediary due to one of these conditions:

Incorrect operation or revantaging of the car (for example, winning in abo ral races, starting water, etc.);

The car was earlier subjected to an unskilled repair or technical maintenance, as a result of which the details were out of order, the vehicle assembly, etc.;

Vykoristovalis polyvno-mastilny and іnshі vitratnі materials, yakі not recommended by ŠKODA AUTO;

Parts were installed on the car that were not allowed to be accepted by ŠKODA AUTO, or were damaged by the company not allowed to change the car (including tuning);

Vlasnik avtomobilya without declaring about the defect, noted during the delivery of the car, or about the defect, later manifestations, and not waiting for the yogo usunennya, which caused the appearance of more serious injuries;

In the case of a new or private car’s winding up near the water, which caused corrosion damage;

Non-compliance with the rules of the ŠKODA AUTO company, which require maintenance, technical maintenance, or car inspection, and protection, non-compliance with regulatory work from technical maintenance, requested in the service book;

Vihіd z fret parts dviguna, exhaust system or system of dvigunnja dvigun through vikoristannya paliva, as it does not comply with the recommendations of the company ŠKODA AUTO and (or) the standards of the Russian Federation.

Road transport suitability;

The car succumbed to the splendid infusions, the head rank, having taken off the air from the stone to fly, or from the atmospheric, chemical, or other infusion, for example, vandalism, or the elemental rush.

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