Of October 23, 1993 1090. Legislative base of the Russian Federation

It does not work Editorial 23.10.1993

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.10.93 N 1090 "On Rules of Road"


In order to ensure order and security road, improve the efficiency of use road transport The Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. To approve the accompanying rules of the Road Movement of the Russian Federation and the basic provisions for the access of vehicles for the operation and obligation of job safety officials (hereinafter referred to as the main provisions) and introduce them to work from July 1, 1994.

Republics as part of the Russian Federation, edges, regions, autonomous region, autonomous districts, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg provide the organization of the road in the streets and roads in accordance with the requirements of the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation.

2. Ministries and departments until July 1, 1994 lead regulations In accordance with the rules of the Road of the Russian Federation and the main provisions.

3. To the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to develop in 1994 the procedure for admission of servicemen drivers to the transport of people on trucks.

4. Ministry of Printing and Information of the Russian Federation:

ensure the publication in a sufficient number of rules of the road traffic of the Russian Federation, the main provisions, as well as in agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of the collection of regulations on road issues;

together with the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, to ensure the publication of educational and methodological literature and visual aids to promote the rules of the Road of the Russian Federation and the main provisions.

5. The Committee of the Russian Federation on Standardization, Metrology and Certification, together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in 1993, introduce new road signs to state standards, which regulate the procedure for the movement of vehicles carrying dangerous goods.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers -
Russian governments
V. Chernomyrdin

resolution of the Council of Ministers -
Russian governments
dated October 23, 1993 N 1090

Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation 1. General

1.1. Real traffic rules<*> Set a single order of road traffic throughout the Russian Federation. Other regulations relating to road traffic should be based on the requirements of the rules and not contradict them.

1.2. The rules use the following basic concepts and terms:

"Motor machine" - the road marked with 5.1.<**>

"Bike" - a vehicle, in addition to wheelchairs, having two wheels or more and moving the muscular power of people on it.

"The driver" is a person who controls any vehicle, the drivers leading along the road of coagulous, horse animals or herd. Educational driving tutorial is equal to the driver.

"Forced Stop" - stopping the movement of the vehicle due to its technical malfunction or the danger created by the transported cargo, the driver's condition (passenger) or the appearance of obstacles on the road.

"Main Road" - road marked signs 2.1, 2.3.1 - 2.3.3 or 5.1, with respect to intersectable (adjacent), or a road with a solid coating (asphalt and cement concrete, stone materials and the like) relative to the soil or any road in relation to the departures from the adjacent territories. The presence in a secondary road immediately before the crossroads of the coating section does not make it equal to the value with intersected.

"Road" - equipped or adapted and used for the movement of vehicles strip of earth or the surface of artificial structures. The road includes one or more passage parts, as well as tramways, sidewalks, curbs and separation stripes if available.

The "traffic accident" is an event that emerged during the movement on the road of the vehicle and with its participation in which people died or injured, vehicles, cargo, facilities were damaged.

"Railway crossing" - the intersection of the road with railways at one level.

"Route vehicle" - common transport vehicle (bus, trolleybus, tram), intended for transportation on people's roads and moving on the installed route with designated stopping points (stops).

<*> In the future, the rules.

"Mechanical vehicle" - vehicle, except moped, driven by the engine. The term also applies to any tractors and self-propelled machines.

"Moped" - a two- or three-wheeled vehicle driven by an engine with a working volume of no more than 50 cubic meters. See and having a maximum design speed of no more than 50 km / h. Bicycles with a suspended engine, mokiki and other vehicles with similar characteristics are equal to mopeds.

"Motorcycle" is a two-wheeled mechanical vehicle with a side trailer or without it. Three- and four-wheeled mechanical vehicles having a mass in a curly state of no more than 400 kg are equal to motorcycles.

The "settlement" - the built-up territory, entourage to which and the trips with which marks 5.22 - 5.25.

"Insufficient visibility" - the visibility of the road is less than 300 m in the conditions of fog, rain, snowfall, and the like, as well as at twilight.

"Overtaking" - ahead of the moving vehicle associated with the departure from the battery.

"Organized Transport Column" is a group of three and more mechanical vehicles following each other on each other by the same strip of movement with permanent headlights, accompanied by a head vehicle with a gluing light bearing included in blue and red and red beacons.

"Organized walking column" - marked in accordance with paragraph 4.2 of the Rules Group of people jointly moving along the road in one direction.

"Stop" - a deliberate cessation of vehicle movement for up to 5 minutes, as well as more, if necessary for planting or disembarking passengers or loading or unloading the vehicle.

"Perekrestok" is the place of intersection, adjoining or branching roads at one level, limited by imaginary lines connecting respectively opposite, most remote from the center of the intersection of the beginning of the roundabouts of the passage parts. Not considered crossroads from the surrounding territories.

"Pedestrian" - a person outside the vehicle on the road and does not produce work on it. Persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, leading bike, moped, motorcycle, jugs, trolley, nursery or wheelchair are equated with pedestrians.

"Pedestrian crossing" - a portion of the roadway, marked signs 5.16.1, 5.16.2 and (or) markup 1.14.1 - 1.14.3<*> and highlighted for pedestrians across the road. In the absence of marking, the width of the pedestrian transition is determined by the distance between the signs 5.16.1 and 5.16.2.

"Strip of motion" - any of the longitudinal bands of the roadway, designated or not marked and having a width sufficient to move cars in one row.

"The advantage (priority)" is the right to the primary movement in the planned direction towards other participants of the movement.

The "adjacent territory" is the territory directly adjacent to the road and not intended for through traffic vehicles (courtyards, residential arrays, parking lots, gas stations, enterprises, and the like).

"Trailer" - a vehicle not equipped with an engine and intended for movement in composition with a mechanical vehicle. The term also applies to semi-trailers and dissipation trailers.

The "driving part" is an element of the road designed to move the moveless vehicles.

The "separation strip" is a constructively dedicated element of the road, separating adjacent passages of parts and not intended for movement or stop the fine vehicles and pedestrians.

The "allowed maximum mass" is a mass of a circular vehicle with a cargo, driver and passengers installed by the manufacturer as a maximum permissible. For the allowed maximum mass of the composition of vehicles, that is, adhesive and moving as one whole, the amount of permitted maximum masses of vehicles that are part of the allowed.

"Adjustable" - police officer, military auto inspection, road operating service worker, railway crossing, ferry crossing, vigor, freelance police officer, having appropriate certificate and equipment (uniform clothing or distinctive sign - sleeve dressing, rod, disk with red signal either by a retroreflector, a red lamp or check box).

"Parking" is a deliberate cessation of vehicle movement for a while more than 5 minutes for reasons that are not associated with landing or disembarking of passengers or loading or unloading the vehicle.

"Dark time" - a period of time from the end of the evening twilight before the start of the morning twilight.

"Vehicle" - a device intended for transportation on the roads of people, cargo or equipment installed on it.

The "sidewalk" is an element of the road intended for the movement of pedestrians and adjacent to the carriageway or separated by the lawn.

"Save the road (not to create interference)" - the requirement that means that the road participant should not start, renew or continue to move, carry out any maneuver, if it can force other participants in the movement with respect to it, change the direction Movement or speed.

"Road Member" - a person who is directly involved in the process of movement as a driver, pedestrian, a vehicle passenger.

1.3. Road participants are obliged to know and comply with these requirements of rules, traffic lights, signs and markups, as well as carry out orders of regulators acting within the rights provided to them and regulating traffic signals.

1.4. On the roads installed right-sided movement of vehicles.

1.5. Road participants should act in such a way as not to create dangers to move and do not harm.

It is forbidden to damage or pollute road coating, shoot, block, damage, set road signs, traffic lights and other technical means of organizing movement, leave on the road, creating interference to move. The person who has created an interference is obliged to take all possible measures to eliminate it, and if it is impossible, it is possible to inform the participants in the danger and report on the means.

1.6. Persons who violated the rules are responsible in accordance with applicable law.

2. Common duties of drivers

2.1. The driver of the mechanical vehicle must:

2.1.1. To have with you and at the request of police officers to transfer them, as well as warriors and freelance police officers to verify:

driver's license and temporary permit for the right to control the vehicle, and in case of seizure in the prescribed manner driver's license - temporary resolution;

registration documents for the vehicle;

a document confirming the right of ownership, or use, or orders by this vehicle - in the event of a vehicle management in the absence of its owner;

in the established cases, the track list and documents for the transported cargo.

In cases directly stipulated by the current legislation, to have and transfer to the verification of employees of the Russian transport inspection licensed card, travel sheet and commodity documents.

2.1.2. When driving on a vehicle equipped with safety belts, to be fastened and not to transport passengers not fastened with straps (it is allowed not to be fastened with belts to children up to 12 years old in accordance with paragraph 22.8 of the rules, learning driving when the trainee is controlled by the trainee, and in settlements, In addition, driver and passengers of car operational services<*>. When managing a motorcycle to be in a fastened motorcycle and do not transport passengers without a fastened motorcycle.

<*> The list of operational and special services is established by the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation.

2.2. The driver of a mechanical vehicle participating in the international road movement is obliged:

have registration documents for the vehicle and a driver's license, relevant road traffic conventions;

to have the registration and distinctive signs of the state in the vehicle in which it is registered.

2.3. Vehicle driver owes:

2.3.1. Before departure, check and provide a good way technical condition vehicle in accordance with the main provisions for the access of vehicles for operation and responsibilities of road safety officials<*>.

<*> In the future, the main provisions.

It is prohibited to move when a working brake system malfunction, steering, coupling device (As part of the train), non-afflameless (missing) headlamps and rear dimming lights on roads without artificial lighting in the dark or under conditions of insufficient visibility, invalid from the driver of the wiper during rain or snowfall.

If there are other faults in the path with which the application to the main provisions is prohibited by the operation of vehicles, the driver must eliminate them, and if it is impossible, it can follow the place of parking or repair in compliance with the necessary precautions;

2.3.2. To be held at the request of police officers examination on the state of intoxication. In cases established, the knowledge of the knowledge and driving skills, as well as medical examination to confirm the ability to manage vehicles;

2.3.3. Provide a vehicle:

police officers for transportation of vehicles damaged in accidents, travel to the place of natural disaster, as well as police officers, federal state security bodies, tax police in other non-adequacy cases provided for by the current legislation;

medical professionals, following in the population for medical care, as well as medical professionals, police officers and federal state security bodies, warriors and freelance police officers for transportation of citizens who need urgent medical care into medical institutions.


1. The requirement for the provision of a vehicle to employees of federal state security and tax police does not apply to vehicles belonging to citizens.

2. Persons who used by the vehicle should issue a certificate at the request of the driver or record travel sheet (With an indication of the duration of the trip, the distance traveled, his last name, positions, service certificates, names of their organization), and medical professionals - to issue a plot of the established sample.

3. The costs associated with the provision of a vehicle to employees of federal state security and tax police, at the request of the vehicle owner, are reimbursed by these bodies in the prescribed manner.

2.4. Persons with the right to check the driver's documents from the driver's driver or use the vehicle must be presented at the request of the driver a service certificate.

2.5. With a traffic accident, the driver involved in Him must:

immediately stop (not touching the vehicle) vehicle, enable emergency lighting alarm and set an emergency stop sign (flashing red lamp) in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 7.2 of the rules, do not move objects related to the incident;

take potential measures to provide prefigured medical care for victims, call "ambulance medical care", and in emergency cases to send victims to pass through, and if it is impossible, to deliver on its vehicle to the nearest therapeutic institution, to inform your last name, register sign vehicle (with the presentation of a document certifying the identity, or a driver's license and a registration document on the vehicle) and return to the scene;

free cargo partIf the movement of other vehicles is impossible. If you need to release the roadway or delivery of victims on your vehicle into a medical institution to pre-fix in the presence of witnesses, the position of the vehicle, traces and objects related to the incident, and take all possible measures to preserve and organize the course of the scene of the incident;

report happened to the police, write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses and expect the arrival of police officers.

2.6. If as a result of road transport incident There are no victims, drivers with mutual agreement in evaluating the circumstances of the case may, previously drawing up a circuit of the incident and signing it, to arrive at the nearest traffic police or to the police body for the incident.

2.7. The driver is prohibited:

driving a vehicle in a state of intoxication (alcoholic, narcotic or other), under the influence of drugs, worsening the reaction and attention, in a painful or tired conditionsubject to threatening traffic safety;

transfer the management of the vehicle to persons in a state of intoxication under the influence of drugs, in a painful or tired condition, as well as persons who do not have a driver's license for the right to control the vehicle of this category;

crossing organized (including hiking) columns and occupy a place in them.

3. Application of special signals

3.1. Drivers of vehicles of operational and special services with a flashing light flash included, performing an urgent service task, can retreat from sections 6 (except the adjustor signals), 8-18 rules, applications 1 and 2 to the rules subject to safety.

Additionally, a red light beacon can be enabled to the flashlight of blue.

For advantage over other participants in the movement, drivers of such vehicles must include a blue flashlight brand and a special beep. To take advantage of the priority, they can only make sure that they are inferior to the road.

The vehicle drivers are used by the same right, accompanied by vehicles of operational and special services in cases established by this clause rule.

3.2. When the vehicles approaching the gluing light global light and a special sound signal, drivers must cede the road to ensure the unimpeded passage of these and accompanied by them of other vehicles that should be included in the headlights of the headlights.

3.3. Approaching the standing vehicle with a flashing light gluing light, the driver must reduce the speed to be able to immediately stop when necessary.

3.4. Vehicle drivers with an orange flashing bearing included yellow color When performing construction, repair or cleaning work on the road, they can retreat from the requirements of road signs and markup, as well as paragraphs 9.4 - 9.8 and 16.1 of the rules, subject to ensuring the safety of movement. Other drivers should not prevent their work.

Flashing beacon of orange or yellow does not advantage in motion and serves to prevent other participants in the significance of danger.

4. Pedestrian duties

4.1. Pedestrians should move in sidewalks or pedestrian paths, and in their absence - by roadbrains. Pedestrians carrying or carrying bulky objects, as well as persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, can move along the edge of the carriageway, if their movement in sidewalks or roadbrains creates interference for other pedestrians.

In the absence of sidewalks, pedestrian tracks Or the Obolin, as well as if it is impossible to move on them, pedestrians can move along the bike path or go in one row along the edge of the carriageway (on the roads with a separation strip - along the outer edge of the carriageway).

Outside settlements when driving along the roadway, pedestrians should go towards the movement of vehicles. Persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, leading motorcycle, moped, bike, in these cases should follow the movement of vehicles.

4.2. The movement of organized hiking columns on the roadway is permitted only in the direction of vehicle movement on the right side of no more than four people in a row. From the front and behind the column on the left side must be accompanying with red flags, and in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility - with the lamps included: in front - white, rear - red.

Groups of children are allowed to drive only in sidewalks and pedestrian paths, and in their absence - both on the roads, but only in the bright time of the day and only accompanied by adults.

4.3. Pedestrians should cross the roadway on pedestrian transitions, including underground and above-ground, and in their absence - at the crossroads along the sidewalks or trumina.

In the absence of a transition or intersection in the visibility zone, it is allowed to move the road at right angles to the edge of the carriageway on the plots without dividing strip And the fences where it looks well in both directions.

4.4. In places where the movement is regulated, pedestrians should be guided by the signals of the controller or pedestrian traffic light, and in its absence - the transport traffic light.

4.5. In unregulated pedestrian transitions, pedestrians can go to the roadway after they estimate the distance to the approaching vehicles, their speed and will convince that the transition will be safe for them. When crossing the carriage outside the pedestrian transition, pedestrians, moreover, should not create interference for the movement of vehicles and go out due to a standing vehicle or another obstacle that limits visibility, without making sure the absence of approaching vehicles.

4.6. Going to the roadway, pedestrians should not linger or stop, if it is not related to ensuring traffic safety. Pedestrians who did not have time to complete the transition should stop on the line separating transport flow opposite directions. To continue the transition can only be convinced of the safety of further movement and taking into account the traffic signal (adjustment).

4.7. When vehicles approaching the included blue flashing light and a special sound signal, pedestrians are required to refrain from the transition of the carriageway, and they must give way to it vehicles And immediately release the roadway.

4.8. Expect a route vehicle and a taxi is allowed only on raised over cargo part landing sites, and in their absence - on the sidewalk or sideways. At stopping points that are not equipped with raised landing platforms, it is allowed to go to the roadway to fit into the vehicle only after its stop. After disembarking, it is necessary, without lingering, freeing the roadway.

When moving through the roadway to the stopping point or from it, pedestrians should be guided by the requirements of paragraphs 4.4 - 4.7 rules.

5. Passenger duties

5.1. Passengers are required:

when traveling on a vehicle equipped with safety belts, be fastened with them, and when traveling on a motorcycle is to be in a fastened motorcycle;

landing and disembarking from the sidewalk or curb and only after the full stop of the vehicle.

If the landing and disembarkation is impossible from the sidewalk or curb, it can be carried out by the roadway, provided that it will be safe and will not create noise to other participants in the movement.

5.2. Passengers are prohibited:

distract the driver from driving a vehicle during its movement;

when traveling on a cargo car with a side platform to stand, sit on board or on the load above the sides;

open the vehicle doors during his movement.

6. Traffic light and control signals

6.1. In traffic lights are applied light signals Green, yellow, red and white-moon color.

Depending on the destination, the traffic lights can be round, in the form of an arrow (arrows), a silhouette of a pedestrian or bicycle and x-shaped.

Traffic lights with round signals can have one or two additional sections with signals as a green arrow (arrows), which are located at the level of the green circular signal.

6.2. Round traffic lights have the following values:

The green signal allows motion;

The green flashing signal allows motion and informs that the time of its action will expire and the prohibitive signal will be turned on (to inform drivers about the time in seconds remaining until the end of the burning of the green signal, digital scoreboards can be applied);

The yellow signal prohibits the movement, except for the cases provided for in paragraphs 6.14 of the Rules, and warns about the upcoming change of signals;

A yellow flashing signal allows the movement and informs about the presence of an unregulated crossroads or a pedestrian crossing, warns of danger;

Red signal, including flashing, prohibits movement.

The combination of red and yellow signals prohibits movement and informs about the upcoming turn on the green signal.

6.3. Traffic lights made in the form of red, yellow and green arrows<*>, have the same meaning as round signals of the corresponding color, but their action applies only to the direction (directions), indicated by the arrows. At the same time, the arrow resolving the turn left allows the reversal, if this is not prohibited by the corresponding road sign.

The same value has a green arrow in additional section. The shutdown signal of the additional section means prohibiting the movement in the direction adjustable by this section.

6.4. If a black contour arrow is applied to the main green light signal, it informs drivers about the presence of an additional section of the traffic light and indicates other permitted directions of movement than the signal of the additional section.

<*> Instead of red and yellow arrows in the same value, round red and yellow signals can be used with black contour arrows applied on them.

6.5. If the traffic light is made in the form of a pedestrian silhouette (bicycle), then its action applies only to pedestrians (cyclists). At the same time, the green signal permits, and the red prohibits the movement of pedestrians (cyclists).

To regulate the movement of cyclists, a light-size roundfood light can also be used, supplemented by a 20 x 200 mm rectangular tablet with a black-colored bicycle image.

6.6. To inform blind pedestrians about the possibility of crossing the carriageway, light light signals can be supplemented with a beep.

6.7. To regulate the movement of vehicles on the bands of the roadway, in particular, the direction of movement on which can be changed to the opposite, reversing traffic lights with a red x-shaped signal and a green signal as an arrow pointing down are applied. These signals, respectively, prohibit or allow the movement by the strip over which they are located.

The main signals of the reversible traffic light can be supplemented with a yellow signal in the form of an arrow, inclined diagonally down to the right or left, the inclusion of which informs about the upcoming signal change and the need to rebuilt on the strip on which the boom indicates.

When the signals of the reversible traffic light, which is located above the strip, designated on both sides by marking 1.9, entry into this strip is prohibited.

6.8. To regulate the movement of trams, as well as other route vehicles moving along the band dedicated for them, the traffic lights of one-color alarm with four round white-moon signals, located in the form of the letter "T" can be used. Movement is allowed only when the lower signal is turned on at the same time and one or more tops, of which the left allows the movement to the left, the average is directly, right away. If only three upper signals are included, movement is prohibited.

6.9. Round white-moon flashing signal located on the railway crossing permits the movement of vehicles through the move. When flashing white-moon and red signals are turned off, the movement is allowed in the absence of the train approaching (locomotive, drowsine).

6.10. The controller signals have the following values:

Hands stretched to the sides or omitted:

from the left and right side, the movement is allowed to move straight, straight vehicles directly and right, pedestrians are allowed to cross the roadway;

from the side of the chest and back, the movement of all vehicles and pedestrians is prohibited.

Right hand stretched forward:

from the left side of the left side, the movement of the tram is left to the left, firewood vehicles in all directions; From the side of the breast, all vehicles allowed the movement only to the right;

from the right side and back the movement of all vehicles is prohibited;

pedestrians are allowed to move the driving part behind the adjustor's back.

Hand raised up:

the movement of all vehicles and pedestrians is prohibited in all directions, except for the cases provided for in paragraph 6.14 of the Rules.

The adjustor can serve gestures and other signals that are understandable to drivers and pedestrians.

For better visibility of signals, the adjustor can use a rod or a red signal disk (by the retroremaster).

6.11. The requirement to stop the vehicle is supplied using a loud-speaking device or a gesture of a hand pointing to the vehicle. The driver must stop in the place indicated.

6.12. An additional signal whistling is supplied to attract the attention of the movement participants.

6.13. With the prohibiting signal of the traffic light (except for a reversible) or the regulator, drivers must stop in front of the stop line (sign 5.33), and in its absence:

at the crossroads - before intersectable passage (taking into account paragraph 13.7 of the rules), without creating interference with pedestrians;

before railway crossing - in accordance with paragraph 15.4 of the Rules;

in other places - before the traffic light or the regulator, without creating interference with vehicles and pedestrians, the movement of which is allowed.

6.14. Drivers who, when turning on the yellow signal or lifting hands, cannot stop, without resorting to emergency braking, in places defined by paragraph 6.13 of the rules, further movement is allowed.

Pedestrians, which when serving the signal were on the roadway, should free it, and if it is impossible - to stay on the line separating the transport streams of opposite directions.

6.15. Drivers and pedestrians must comply with the requirements of the signals and regulator orders, even if they contradict the traffic lights, the requirements of road signs or markup.

6.16. At the railway crossings simultaneously with the red flashing signal of the traffic light, a beep can be served, additionally informing the participants of the movement of the prohibition of movement through moving.

7. Application of alarm alarm and emergency stop sign

7.1. Emergency light alarm must be enabled:

with a forced stop in places where the stop is prohibited;

when blinding the driver by light headlights;

when towing (on the towed vehicle).

The driver must include emergency lighting alarm and in other cases to prevent participants in the danger movement that the vehicle can create.

7.2. After turning on the emergency light alarm, as well as when it is malfunction or absence, an emergency stop sign (flashing red lamp) must be immediately exhibited:

at a traffic accident;

with a forced stop in places where it is prohibited, and where, given the conditions of visibility, the vehicle cannot be promptly seen by other drivers.

This sign (lamp) is set at a distance providing a timely warning of other drivers about the danger in a specific setting. However, this distance should be at least 15 m from the vehicle in settlements and 30 m - outside the settlements.

7.3. In the absence or failure of emergency light alarm on the towing vehicle, an emergency stop sign should be enshrined on its back.

8. Start of movement, maneuvering

8.1. Before starting motion, rebuilding, turning (reversing) and stop the driver is obliged to feed the signals with light pointers of rotation of the corresponding direction, and if they are missing or faulty - hand. At the same time, the maneuver should be safe and not to create interference to other participants in the movement.

The left turn signal (reversal) matches the elongated left hand either the right, elongated and bent into the elbow at right angles up. The right rotation signal corresponds to the elongated right hand or left, elongated and bent into the elbow at right angles up. The braking signal is supplied to the top or right hand raised.

8.2. The signal feeding signs or hand should be made in advance before the start of the maneuver and stop immediately after its completion (the signal flow can be completed immediately before performing the maneuver). In this case, the signal should not be misleading other participants in the movement.

The signal supply does not give the driver advantages and does not relieve it from the adoption of precautions.

8.3. When traveling is not a road with an adjacent territory, the driver must give way to vehicles and pedestrians moving along it, and when a congress from the road - pedestrians and cyclists, the path of movement of which it crosses.

8.4. When rebuilding, the driver must give way to vehicles moving alongside without changing the direction of movement. With the simultaneous rebuilding of vehicles moving along the way, the driver must give way to the road to the transport facility located on the right.

8.5. Before turning to the right, left or turn, the driver is obliged to occupy in advance of the corresponding extreme position on the roadway intended for movement in this direction, except when a turn is performed at the entrance to the intersection, where it is organized roundabout Circulation.

If you have the rest of the tram routes of associated direction, located at one level with the carriageway, the turn left and turn should be performed with them, if signs 5.8.1 or 5.8.2 are not prescribed a different order of movement. At the same time, no interference should be created.

8.6. The turn should be carried out in such a way that when traveling from the intersection of the passage parts, the vehicle has not been on the side of the oncoming traffic.

When turning right, the vehicle should move as close to the right edge of the carriageway.

8.7. If the vehicle is due to its dimensions or for other reasons, it cannot be rotated in compliance with the requirements of paragraph 8.5 of the rules, it is allowed to retreat from them subject to ensuring the safety of the movement and if it does not create interference with other vehicles.

8.8. When turning to the left or reversal outside the crossroad, the driver of a straight vehicle is obliged to give way to the oncoming vehicles and tram of the associated direction.

If, with a turn out of the intersection, the width of the roadway is insufficient to perform a maneuver from the extreme left position, it is allowed from the right edge of the carriageway (with the right side). At the same time, the driver must give way to backway and oncoming vehicles.

8.9. In cases where the trajectories of movement of vehicles intersect, and the priority of the passage is not specified by the rules, the road should be given to the driver to which the vehicle is approaching on the right.

8.10. If there is a braking band, the driver, intending to turn, should take a timely to rebuild this strip and reduce the speed only on it.

In the presence of an acceleration on the road, the driver must move along it and rebuild to the neighboring strip, giving way to vehicles moving along this road.

8.11. Return is prohibited:

on pedestrian crossings;

in tunnels;

at bridges, overpass, overpass and under them;

on railway moving;

in places with the visibility of the road at least in one direction less than 100 m;

in the location of stopping points.

8.12. Vehicle movement reverse It is permitted provided that this maneuver will be safe and will not create noise to other participants in the movement. If necessary, the driver must resort to the help of other persons.

The reverse movement is prohibited at the intersections and in places where the reversal is prohibited in accordance with paragraph 8.11 of the Rules.

9. Location of vehicles on the carriageway

9.1. The number of movement strips for shooting vehicles is determined by markup or signs 5.8.1, 5.8.2, 5.8.7, 5.8.8, and if they are not, then drivers themselves, taking into account the width of the roadway, the dimensions of vehicles and the necessary intervals between them. At the same time, half the width of the roadway, located on the left, is considered a party intended for the oncoming traffic.

9.2. On roads with double-sided movement, having four lanes or more, it is prohibited to travel to the side of the road intended for the oncoming traffic.

9.3. On the roads with double-sided movement having three bands designated by markup (except for marking 1.9), of which the average is used to move in both directions, it is allowed to leave for this band only for overtaking, leakage, turn left or reversal. To travel to the extreme left band, intended for the oncoming traffic, is prohibited.

9.4. Outside settlements, as well as in settlements on the roads marked by signs 5.1 or 5.3 or where the movement is allowed at a speed of more than 80 km / h, vehicle drivers must lead them if possible closer to the right edge of the carriageway. It is forbidden to occupy left bands with free right.

In settlements, taking into account the requirements of this clause and paragraphs 9.5, 16.1 and 24.2, the rules of vehicle drivers can use the most convenient lane for them. The strip is allowed only before turning to the left or right, turn, overtaking or stopping.

However, on any roads that have three bands for movement in this direction and more, it is allowed to occupy the left left strip only with intensive movement when other bands are occupied, as well as for overtaking, turn left or reversal, and trucks with a maximum mass of more than 3 , 5 t - only for turning to the left or reversal. Departure to the left roadside with one-sided movement For stopping and parking is carried out in accordance with paragraph 12.1 of the Rules.

Vehicle movement on one strip at a speed greater than in the neighboring band is not considered overtaking.

9.5. Vehicles whose speed should not exceed 40 km / h or which technical reasons They cannot develop such speed, should move at the extreme right lane, except for cases of tramp, overtaking or rebuilding before turning to the left or reversal.

9.6. Movement along the tram paths of the associated direction, located on the left at one level with the roadway, when all bands are occupied, as well as during the course, overtaking, turning to the left or reversal, taking into account 8.5 rules. At the same time, no interference should be created. To travel to the tram paths of the oncoming destination is prohibited.

9.7. If the driving part is divided into strips of markup lines, vehicle movement should be carried out strictly according to the labels. Running the intermittent markup lines is allowed only during rebuilding.

9.8. When turning to the road with a reversing movement, the driver must conduct a vehicle in such a way that when traveling from the intersection of the passage parts, the vehicle took the extreme right strip. Rebuilding is allowed only after the driver is convinced that the movement in this direction is allowed for other bands.

9.9. It is prohibited to move the movement of vehicles on the roads, sidewalks and pedestrian tracks (except in cases specified in paragraphs 12.1, 24.2 of the rules). Movement of road-operating and utilities machines, as well as the entrance to the shortest way of vehicles, carrying goods to trade and other enterprises and objects, located directly from the Obolin, sidewalks or pedestrian tracks, in the absence of other entry capabilities. This should be ensured by traffic.

9.10. The driver must comply with such a distance to a moving vehicle ahead, which would avoid collisions, as well as the necessary side interval, ensuring the safety of motion.

9.11. On the roads outside the settlements, vehicle drivers, the speed of which should not exceed 40 km / h, are obliged to maintain a vehicle between their and moving in front such a distance so that their vehicles can rebuilt on the previously occupied by them without interference. This requirement does not act if the driver is preparing for overtaking, as well as with intensive motion and when driving in an organized transport column.

10. Movement speed

10.1. The driver must conduct a vehicle at a rate not exceeding the established limit, while taking into account the intensity of the movement, the features and condition of the vehicle and cargo, road and meteorological conditions, in particular visibility in the direction of movement. The speed should provide the driver the opportunity permanent monitoring For the movement of the vehicle to fulfill the requirements of the rules.

If the danger occurs for the movement that the driver is able to detect, it should take possible measures to reduce the speed up to the vehicle stop.

10.2. In settlements, vehicle movement at no more than 60 km / h is allowed.

Note. In the republics in the Russian Federation, the edges, regions, autonomous field, autonomous districts, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg may increase the speed (with the installation of the respective signs 3.24) in separate areas of roads, if road conditions Provide safe traffic with greater speed.

10.3. Out of settlements is allowed to move:

passenger cars and trucks with a maximum massive mass of no more than 3.5 tons on motorways - at a speed of no more than 110 km / h, on other roads - no more than 90 km / h;

long-distance and especially small buses and motorcycles on all roads - no more than 90 km / h;

other buses, passenger cars when towing a trailer, trucks with a maximum mass of more than 3.5 tons on motorways - no more than 90 km / h, on other roads - no more than 70 km / h;

trucks carrying people in the body - no more than 60 km / h;

vehicles, towing mechanical vehicles - no more than 50 km / h;

vehicles carrying dangerous, heavy and large-sized cargoes - at a speed of no more prescribed when coordinating the conditions of transportation.

10.4. The driver is prohibited:

exceed maximum speeddefined technical characteristic vehicle;

exceed the speed indicated on the Speed \u200b\u200bRestriction Signal Sign<*>installed on the vehicle;

create interference with other vehicles, moving without the need with too low speed;

strongly slow down, if it is not required to prevent traffic accidents.


11. Obgon, Counter

11.1. Before starting overtaking, the driver is obliged to make sure that:

the strip of the movement on which he intends to leave is free on a sufficient distance for overtaking and this maneuver he will not create interference with the vehicles on one and moving along this strip;

the next vehicle is not started behind along the same band, and the vehicle moving in front has not filed an overtaking signal, turning (rebuilding) to the left;

upon completion of the overtaking, he will be able, without creating an interference to the transported vehicle, return to the previously occupied strip.

11.2. Obtain a fine vehicle is allowed only on the left side. However, overtaking the vehicle whose driver filed a signal to the left and began to perform a maneuver, produced on the right side.

11.3. The driver of the driving vehicle is prohibited to prevent overtaking by increasing the speed of movement or other actions.

11.4. Upon completion of overtaking (except permitted overtaking on the right side), the driver is obliged to return to the previously occupied traffic strip. However, with two or more bands for movement in this direction, the driver producing overtaking can, taking into account paragraph 9.4 of the rules to stay on the left strip, if it would have to start a new overtaking immediately on the previously occupied band and if it does not create interference with vehicles, moving behind it with higher speed.

11.5. Obgon is prohibited:

on adjustable intersections with departure on the counter movement and in unregulated intersections when driving on the road that is not the main way (except for overtaking at intersections with a circular motion, overtaking two-wheeled vehicles without lateral trailer and allowed overtaking on the right);

on pedestrian crossings in the presence of pedestrians on them;

on railway moving and closer than 100 m in front of them;

vehicle, producing overtaking or detour;

at the end of the lifting and on other areas of roads with limited visibility with departure on the headline.

11.6. The driver of a low-speed or large vehicle outside the settlements in cases where the overtaking of this vehicle is difficult, must adopt as much as possible, and if necessary, and stop to miss the vehicles accumulated behind it.

11.7. If the counter road is difficult, then the driver, on the side of which there is an obstacle, must give way to the road. On the slopes marked with signs 1.13 and 1.14, if there is an obstacle to cede the road, the driver of a vehicle moving on the descent.

12. Stop and Parking

12.1. Stopping and parking vehicles are allowed on the right side of the road on the side of the road, and in its absence - at the edge of the carriageway.

On the left side of the road, stopping and parking are permitted in settlements on roads with one roadway for each direction without tramways in the middle and on unilateral movement roads (trucks with a maximum mass of more than 3.5 tons on the left side of the road with one-sided movement are allowed Only stop for downloading or unloading).

12.2. The vehicle is allowed in one row parallel to the edge of the carriageway, with the exception of those places, the configuration (local broadening of the carriage part) of which it allows other location of vehicles. Two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer are allowed to put in two rows.

Parking on the edge of the sidewalk, bordering the carriage part, is allowed only to passenger cars, motorcycles, mosses and bicycles, provided that it will not prevent pedestrian movement.

12.3. Parking for a long time, overnight stay and the like outside the settlement is allowed only on the venues provided for this site or outside the road.

12.4. Stop it is prohibited:

on the tramways, as well as in close proximity to them, if it creates interference by the movement of trams;

on railway movies, in tunnels, as well as on overpars, bridges, overpasses (if there is less than three bands in this direction) and under them;

in places where the distance between the solid linen of markup (except the designating edge of the roadway) and the vehicle stopped less than 3 m;

on pedestrian crossings and closer than 5 m in front of them;

on the roadway near dangerous turns and convex fractures of the longitudinal profile of the road at sight of the road less than 100 m at least in one direction;

at the intersection of passage parts and closer than 5 m from the edge of the intersectable roadway, except for the side opposite the side passage of trilateral intersections (intersections) having a solid markup line or separation strip;

closer 15 m from the stopping platforms, and in their absence - from the signpost of stopping transport vehicles or taxis, if it creates interference with their movement;

in places where the vehicle will close from other drivers traffic lights, road signs, or make it impossible movement (entry or departure) of other vehicles, or will create interference to move pedestrians.

12.5. Parking is prohibited:

in places where the stop is prohibited;

beyond settlements on the roadway of roads marked 2.1;

closer 50 m from railway crossings.

12.6. With a forced stop in places where the stop is prohibited, the driver must take all possible measures to remove the vehicle from these places.

12.7. It is forbidden to open the vehicle doors, if it is creating interference with other road users.

12.8. The driver can leave his place or leave the vehicle if they are taken by the necessary measures that exclude the spontaneous movement of the vehicle or the use of it in the absence of the driver.

13. Travel Perekrestkov

13.1. When turning to the right or left, the driver is obliged to give way to pedestrians, passing the roadway to which he turns, as well as cyclists crossing it along the bike path.

13.2. It is forbidden to go to the intersection or intersection of the passage parts if a stroke was formed, which will force the driver to stop, creating an obstacle to the movement of vehicles in the transverse direction.

13.3. Crossroads, where the sequence of motion is determined by the traffic lights or the controller, is considered adjustable.

With a yellow flashing signal, non-working traffic lights or the absence of an intersection, the intersection is considered unregulated, and drivers are obliged to be guided by the rules for the passage of unregulated intersections and installed at the intersection of priority signs.

Adjustable intersections

13.4. When turning to the left or turn on the green traffic light signal, the driver of a straight vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles moving from the oncoming direction directly and right. In the same rule, trams drivers should be guided.

13.5. When moving in the direction of the arrow included in the additional section simultaneously with a yellow or red traffic light signal, the driver must give way to vehicles moving from other destinations.

13.6. If the traffic lights or adjustment signals allow the movement simultaneously and the straight vehicles, the tram has an advantage regardless of the direction of its movement. However, when moving in the direction of the arrow included in the additional section simultaneously with a red or yellow light signal, the tram must give way to vehicles moving from other directions.

13.7. The driver who entered the intersection at the resolution signal of the traffic light should be left in the outlined direction regardless of the traffic lights at the outlet from the intersection. However, if at the crossroads in front of traffic lights located on the path of the driver, there are stop lines (signs 5.33), the driver must be guided by the signals of each traffic light.

13.8. When the resolution of the traffic light signal is turned on, the driver must give way to vehicles that end the movement through the intersection, and pedestrians that have not completed the transition of the carriage of this direction.

Unregulated intersections

13.9. At the crossroads of unequnenable roads, the driver of a vehicle moving along a secondary road should give way to vehicles approaching the main, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

13.10. In the case when the main road at the crossroads changes the direction, drivers moving by main road, Must be guided by the rules for traveling intersections of equivalent roads. The same rules should be guided by drivers moving on secondary roads.

13.11. At the crossroads of equivalent roads, the driver of a straight vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles approaching the right. With this rule, tram drivers should be guided by each other.

At such intersections, the tram has an advantage over non-timing vehicles, regardless of the direction of its movement.

13.12. When turning to the left or turn, the driver of a straight vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles moving along the equivalent road from the oncoming direction directly or right. With this rule, tram drivers should be guided by each other.

13.13. If the driver cannot determine the presence of a coating on the road (the dark time, dirt, snow, and the like), but there are no priority signs, it should assume that it is in the secondary road.

14. Pedestrian crossings and stops of transport vehicles

14.1. The driver of the vehicle is obliged to give way to pedestrians, passing the roadway, by unregulated<*> Pedestrian crossing.

14.2. If the vehicle stopped before an unregulated pedestrian crossing, then the drivers of other vehicles moving along the neighboring bands can continue to move only making sure that there are no pedestrians before the vehicle stopped.

14.3. On adjustable pedestrian transitions, when you turn on the resolution of the traffic light signal, the driver must enable pedestrians to complete the transition of the carriageway of this direction.

14.4. It is forbidden to enter a pedestrian crossing, if the plot formed behind it, which will force the driver to stop at the pedestrian crossing.

14.5. In all cases, including outside pedestrian crossingsThe driver is obliged to skip blind pedestrians serving a white cane signal.

<*> The concepts of the adjustable and unregulated pedestrian transition are similar to the concepts of the adjustable and unregulated intersection established in paragraph 13.3. Rules.

14.6. The driver must give way to pedestrians, going to standing on the bus stop by the route vehicle or from it (from the door), if the landing and disembarkation is made from the roadway or from the landing site located on it.

14.7. Approaching the stopping vehicle, having an identifying sign "Transportation of Children", the driver must reduce the speed, if necessary, stop and skip the group of children.

15. Movement through railway tracks

15.1. Vehicle drivers can cross railroad tracks only on railway crossings, giving way to the road (locomotive, dross).

15.2. At the entrance to the railway crossing, the driver is obliged to be guided by the requirements of road signs, traffic lights, markup, the position of the barrier and the instructions of the duty on moving and make sure that there is no approaching train (locomotive, drowsine).

when closed or starting, close the barrier (regardless of the traffic light signal);

with the prohibiting signal of the traffic light (regardless of the position and availability of the barrier);

with the prohibiting signal of the duty on the move (duty facing the driver of the breast or back with a rod raised above his head, a red lantern or a flag either with an elongated hand);

if the crossing was formed by a jam, which will force the driver to stay on the crossing;

if the train (locomotive, dresin) is approaching moving within visibility.

In addition, it is prohibited:

passing around with the departure of the counter movement standing before moving vehicles;

outstanding the barrier;

to carry through moving in the non-transportation of agricultural, road, construction and other machines and mechanisms;

without the permission of the head of the distance railway The movement of the low-speed machines whose speed is less than 8 km / h, as well as tractor sleigh-volokus.

15.4. In cases where the movement through moving is prohibited, the driver must stop at the stop line, a sign 2.5 or traffic light, if there is no - not closer to 5 m from the barrier, and in the absence of the latter - no closer to 10 m to the nearest rail.

15.5. With a forced stop on the crossing, the driver must immediately land people and take measures to exemplate the move. At the same time, the driver must:

with the existing opportunity to send two people along the paths in both directions from moving by 1000 m (if one, then in the direction of the worst visibility of the path), explaining the rules for serving the signal of the sign of the approaching train;

stay near the vehicle and feed the signals of general alarms;

when the train appears to run to meet him, feeding the stop signal.

Note. The stop signal is the circular movement of the hand (during the day with a flap of bright matter or anything well visible, at night - with a torch or lantern). Signal of general alarms serve a series of one long and three short beeps.

16. Movement on motorways

16.1. On the motorways are prohibited:

movement of pedestrians, pets, bicycles, mopeds, tractors and self-propelled machines, other vehicles whose speed is characteristic of less than 40 km / h; Movement of trucks with permitted maximum mass of more than 3.5 T then the second strip;

stop outside of special sites for parking marked signs 5.15 or 6.11;

turn and entry into the technological breakdowns of the dividing strip; reverse movement; training ride.

16.2. With a forced stop on the roadway, the driver must designate a vehicle in accordance with the requirements of section 7 of the rules and take measures to derive it to the strip intended for this (the right line indicating the edge of the roadway).

16.3. The requirements of this section also apply to roads designated 5.3.

17. Movement in residential areas

17.1. In the residential area, that is, in the territory, entitled to which and leaving the signs of 5.38 and 5.39, the movement of pedestrians is permitted both by sidewalks and by road part. In the residential area, pedestrians have an advantage, however, they should not create unreasonable interference to move vehicles.

17.2. In the residential area, movement at a speed of more than 20 km / h, through traffic, training ride, parking with a working engine, and a parking lot of trucks with a maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons are out of specially dedicated and marked signs and (or) marking places .

17.3. When leaving the residential zone, drivers must give way to other participants in the movement.

17.4. The requirements of this section also apply to the courtyard territories.

18. Priority of transport vehicles

18.1. Out of intersections, where the tram paths cross the roadway, the tram has an advantage over non-alert vehicles, except for cases of depot.

18.2. On the roads with a strip for the route vehicles marked with signs 5.9, 5.10.1 - 5.10.3, the movement and stop of other vehicles on this strip are prohibited.

If this strip is separated from the rest of the carriage of the intermittent line of marking, then when turning vehicles should be rebuilt on it. It is also allowed in such places to travel to this strip at the entrance to the road and for landing and disembarking passengers at the right edge of the carriageway, provided that it does not create interference by the route vehicles.

18.3. In settlements, drivers must give way to trolley buses and buses starting movement from the designated stop. Drivers of trolley buses and buses can start moving only after they are convicted that they are inferior to the road.

19. Use of external lighting devices and sound signals

19.1. In the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility, regardless of the lighting of the road, as well as in the tunnels on a moving vehicle, the following lighting devices must be included:

on all mechanical vehicles and mopeds - the headlights of long-distance or near light, on bikes - headlights or lights, on the lanterns - lanterns (if available);

on the trailers - overall lights.

19.2. Far light Must be switched to Middle:

in settlements, if the road is covered;

when the oncoming drive is at a distance of less than 150 m to the vehicle, as well as with the greater if the driver of the oncoming vehicle is a periodic switching of headlights will show the need for this;

in any other cases, to eliminate the possibility of blinding drivers of both counter and pass the vehicles.

When blinding, the driver must include an emergency light alarm and without changing the strip of movement, reduce speed and stop.

19.3. When stopping and parking in the dark on unlit areas of roads, as well as in conditions of insufficient visibility on the vehicle, dimensional lights should be included. Under conditions of insufficient visibility, the headlights of the near light, fog lights and rear fog lights may be included in addition to overall lights.

19.4. Fog lights Can be used:

under conditions of insufficient visibility, both separately and with the near or distant headlights;

in the dark on the unlit areas of the roads together with the near or distant headlights;

instead of nearby headlights in the conditions provided for by paragraph 19.5 of the Rules.

19.5. When moving in the daytime, the day for the designation of the moving vehicle, the melee headlights must be included:

on motorcycles and mopeds;

when moving in an organized transport column;

on the route vehicles moving along a specially highlighted band towards the main flow of movement;

for organized transportation groups of children in buses or trucks;

when transporting dangerous, large and heavy cargo;

when towing mechanical vehicles (on a towing vehicle).

19.6. Faro-searchlight and Faro-seeker is allowed to use only outside settlements in the absence of counter vehicles. In settlements, only drivers of vehicles of operational and special services can use such headlights when performing a service job.

19.7. Rear fog lamps can be used only in conditions of insufficient visibility. It is forbidden to connect the rear fog lanterns to stop signals.

19.8. An identification mark "Auto tray" should be included when moving the road train, and in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility, in addition, and at the time of its stop or parking.

19.9. Flashing beacon of orange or yellow should be included on vehicles performing construction, repair or cleaning on the road, as well as on vehicles during transportation of heavy, large-sized or dangerous cargo In cases stipulated by the rules for transporting these goods.

19.10. Sound signals can only be applied:

to prevent other drivers about the intention to overtake out of settlements;

in cases where it is necessary to prevent road traffic accidents.

19.11. To warn about overtaking instead of a sound signal (or together with it), a light signal can be supplied, which is in a daytime day - periodic short-term switching on and off of the headlights, and in the dark, multiple headlights with low-light headlights.

20. Towing mechanical vehicles

20.1. Towing on a rigid or flexible coupling should be carried out only if the driver is driving a towed vehicle, except when the rigid coupling design provides with a straightforward movement following the towed vehicle along the trajectory of towing.

20.2. When towing on a flexible or rigid hitch, transportation of people in a towed bus, trolleybus and in the body of the towed truck, and when towing by partial loading - finding people in the cockpit or body towed vehicle, as well as in the body of towing.

20.3. When towing on a flexible coupling, the distance between towing and towed vehicles within 4 - 6 m should be ensured, and when towing on a rigid coupling is not more than 4 m.

20.4. Towing is prohibited:

vehicles that do not work steering<*> (a towing method is allowed by the method of partial loading);

two or more vehicles;

vehicles with invalid brake system<*>if they are actual mass More than half of the actual mass of the towing vehicle. At a smaller actual mass, the towing of such vehicles is allowed only on a rigid coupling or partial loading method;

motorcycles without lateral trailer, as well as motorcycles;

in Hollyeditsa on a flexible coupling.

<*> Systems that do not allow the driver to stop the vehicle or make a maneuver when driving even with a minimum speed, are considered unattainable.

21. Training ride

21.1. Initial training of driving vehicles should be carried out on closed sites or autodromes.

21.2. Training riding on the roads is allowed only with the training and in the presence of initial management skills at the trainee. The trainee is obliged to know and fulfill the requirements of the rules.

21.3. The training should have a document for the right to drive the driving of the vehicle of this category or driver's experience for more than 3 years, as well as a certificate for the right to control the vehicle of the relevant category.

21.4. The trainee on the car should be at least 16 years old, and on a motorcycle - at least 14 years.

21.5. The mechanical vehicle on which learning is carried out should be marked with the "Training vehicle" signs and is equipped with a rear view mirror for the training.

21.6. It is forbidden to ride on the roads, the list of which is declared in the prescribed manner.

22. Transportation of people

22.1. Transportation of people in the body of a cargo car must be carried out by drivers who have a certificate for managing vehicles of category "C" (when transporting more than 8 people, including passengers in the cockpit, - categories "C" and "D") and the experience of managing vehicles of this category For more than 3 years.

Note. The admission of military drivers to the transport of people on trucks is carried out in the prescribed manner.

22.2. Transportation of people in the body of a truck with a side platform is allowed if it is equipped in accordance with the main positions, while the transportation of children is allowed only in exceptional cases.

22.3. The number of people transported in the body of a cargo car should not exceed the number of seats equipped.

22.4. Before the trip, the truck driver must instruct passengers on the order of landing, disembarking and placement in the body.

You can start moving only by making sure that the conditions for safe transportation of passengers are provided.

22.5. Traveling in the body of a truck with a side platform that is not equipped for the transport of people is allowed only to persons accompanying the goods or next to obtain it, provided that they are provided with a seat for seating below the level of sides.

22.6. When transporting groups of children on the bus or on a cargo car with a body-van with them, an adult must be accompanied, and in the body of a truck with a side platform - at least two. On these vehicles in front and rear, the identification signs "Transportation of children" must be installed.

22.7. The driver is obliged to land and disembarking passengers only after the full stop of the vehicle, and start moving only with closed doors and do not open them until a complete stop.

outside the car (except for cases of transportation of people in the body of a truck with a side platform or in a body-van), tractor, other self-propelled machines, on the cargo trailer, in the trailer - dacha, in the cargo motorcycle body and out of the construction of a motorcycle seat for seating;

example amounts provided for by the technical characteristics of the vehicle, not counting children up to 12 years. In this case, the actual mass of the vehicle should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bof the allowed maximum mass established by the manufacturer.

It is forbidden to transport children up to 12 years rear seat Motorcycle, as well as in the front seat a passenger car In the absence of a special children's retaining device.

23. Transportation of cargo

23.1. The mass of the transported cargo and the distribution of the load on the axes should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bestablished by the company by the manufacturer for this vehicle.

23.2. Before starting and while driving, the driver must control accommodation, fastening and state of cargo in order to avoid its fall, creating interference for movement.

23.3. Shipping is allowed upon condition that it:

does not limit the driver review;

does not comply with management and does not violate the stability of the vehicle;

it does not cover external lighting devices and backgrowers, registration and identification signs, and also does not prevent the perception of signals supplied by hand;

does not create noise, not dust, does not pollute the road and the environment.

If the condition and accommodation of cargo do not meet the specified requirements, the driver is obliged to take measures to eliminate violations of the transferred rules of transport or stop further movement.

23.4. Cargo serving the dimensions of the vehicle in front and behind more than 1 m or on the side of more than 0.4 m from the outer edge overall firemust be marked with identification signs " Large cargo", And in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility, in addition, in front - a white-colored lantern or a reflector, rear - a lantern or a red-factor of red.

23.5. Transportation of heavy and dangerous goods, unreleased packaging, vehicle movement, overall parameters While with a load or without cargo is exceeded in a width of 2.5 m, at a height of 4 m from the surface of the roadway, in length (including one trailer) 20 m, or with a load, protruding for the rear point of the vehicle dimensions by more than 2 m, Movement of road trains with two and more trailers is made in accordance with special rules.

24.1. Driving a bicycle, a manguard wagon (sledding), to be a skidder, horse-on, or herds when driving on the roads are allowed to persons not under the age of 14, and the mopder is not younger than 16 years old.

Note. In the republics in the Russian Federation, the territories, regions, the autonomous field, autonomous districts, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg may decrease the specified age qualifications, but not more than 2 years, and the procedure for the presence of bicycles, mopeds and manpies Walking (sled) document confirming the knowledge of the rules and basic provisions, and these vehicles have a special registration mark.

24.2. Bicycles, mopeds, sanguage wagons (sleighs), riding and pack animals should only move at the extreme right strip in one row possible. Movement is allowed by road, if it does not create interference with pedestrians.

Columns of cyclists, manpieces (sleds), rigging and fabric animals when driving along the roadway should be divided into groups of 10 cyclists, riding and fabric animals and 5 carts (sled). To facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be 80 - 100 m.

24.3. Drivers bike and moped are prohibited:

ride without holding the wheel at least one hand;

carry passengers except the child under the age of 7 years old on an additional seat equipped with reliable steps;

carry cargo, which performs by more than 0.5 m in length or width of dimensions, or cargo interference;

move along the road bike path;

turn to the left or unfold on the roads with the tram movement and on the roads having more than one strip to move in this direction.

It is prohibited to towing bicycles and mopeds, as well as bicycles and mopeds, except for towing a trailer designed for use with a bike or moped.

24.4. At the unregulated crossing of the bike path with an expensive, located outside the crossroads, bike drivers and mopeds should give way to vehicles moving along this road.

The driver of a gentle wagon (Sanya) when traveling to the road with an adjacent territory or from the secondary road in places with limited visibility should lead an animal to the boil.

24.5. Animals on the road should be distilled, as a rule, in the bright time of the day. Ravers should guide animals as close as possible to the right edge of the road.

24.6. With a run of animals through the railway tracks, the herd should be divided into groups of such a number so that, taking into account the number of traffickers, a secure run of each group was provided.

24.7. Drivers of manpiece wagons (sleda), trucks of bumps, hang animals and livestock are prohibited:

leave on the road of animals without supervision;

to drive animals through railway tracks and roads outside of specially designated places, as well as in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility (except for scotoprohnon at different levels);

natural animals on the road with asphalt and cement concrete coating in the presence of other ways.

The ZakonBase website provides a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.10.93 N 1090 "On Road Rules" in the latest edition. Observe all the requirements of the legislation simply, if you familiarize yourself with the relevant sections, chapters and articles of this document for 2014. To search for the necessary legislation on the topic of interest, it is worth using convenient navigation or expanded search.

On the site "Zakonbase" you will find a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.10.93 N 1090 "On Rules of Road" in the Fresh and Full Version, which made all changes and amendments. This ensures the relevance and accuracy of the information.

It does not work Editorial 01.01.1970

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.10.93 N 1090 (ed. From 08.01.96) "On Rules of Road"

In order to ensure the order and safety of the road, improving the efficiency of the use of road transport, the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. To approve the accompanying rules of the Road Movement of the Russian Federation and the basic provisions for the access of vehicles for the operation and obligation of job safety officials (hereinafter referred to as the main provisions) and introduce them to work from July 1, 1994.

Republics as part of the Russian Federation, edges, regions, autonomous region, autonomous districts, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg provide the organization of the road in the streets and roads in accordance with the requirements of the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation.

2. To ministries and departments until July 1, 1994, lead regulations in line with the rules of the Road of the Russian Federation and the main provisions.

3. To the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to develop in 1994 the order of admission of drivers - servicemen to the transport of people on trucks.

4. Ministry of Printing and Information of the Russian Federation:

ensure the publication in a sufficient number of rules of the road traffic of the Russian Federation, the main provisions, as well as in agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of the collection of regulations on road issues;

together with the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, ensure the publication of educational and methodological literature and visual aids to popularize the rules of the Road of the Russian Federation and the main provisions.

5. The Committee of the Russian Federation on Standardization, Metrology and Certification, together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in 1993, introduce new road signs to state standards, which regulate the procedure for the movement of vehicles carrying dangerous goods.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers -
Russian governments
V. Chernomyrdin

Resolution of the Council of Ministers -
Russian governments
dated October 23, 1993 N 1090

Rules of road traffic of the Russian Federation

(as amended - Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.01.96 N 3)

1. General Provisions

1.1. Real traffic rules<*> Set a single order of road traffic throughout the Russian Federation. Other regulations relating to road traffic should be based on the requirements of the rules and not contradict them.

<*> In the future, the rules.

1.2. The rules use the following basic concepts and terms:

"Motor machine" - the road marked with 5.1.<**>

"Bike" - a vehicle, in addition to wheelchairs, having two wheels or more and moving the muscular power of people on it.

"Driver" is a person who controls any vehicle, the drivers leading along the road of the bumps, rigids or herd. Educational driving tutorial is equal to the driver.

"Forced Stop" is the cessation of the vehicle's movement due to its technical malfunction or danger, created by the transportable cargo, the condition of the driver (passenger) or the appearance of an obstacle on the road.

"Main Road" - road marked signs 2.1, 2.3.1 - 2.3.3 or 5.1, with respect to intersectable (adjacent), or a road with a solid coating (asphalt and cement concrete, stone materials and the like) relative to the soil or any road in relation to the departures from the adjacent territories. The presence in a secondary road immediately before the crossroads of the coating section does not make it equal to the value with intersected.

"Road" - equipped or adapted and used for the movement of vehicles strip of earth or the surface of artificial structures. The road includes one or more passage parts, as well as tramways, sidewalks, curbs and separation stripes if available.

"Road - transport incident" - an event that has arisen in the process of movement along the road of a vehicle and with his participation in which people died or injured, vehicles, cargo, structures were damaged.

"Railway crossing" - the intersection of the road with railways at one level.

"Route vehicle" - common transport vehicle (bus, trolleybus, tram), intended for transportation on people's roads and moving on the installed route with designated stopping points (stops).

"Mechanical vehicle" - vehicle, except moped, driven by the engine. The term also applies to any tractors and self-propelled machines.

"Moped" - a two- or three-wheeled vehicle driven by an engine with a working volume of no more than 50 cubic meters. See and having a maximum design speed of no more than 50 km / h. Bicycles with a suspended engine, mokiki and other vehicles with similar characteristics are equal to mopeds.

"Motorcycle" is a two-wheeled mechanical vehicle with a side trailer or without it. Three- and four-wheeled mechanical vehicles having a mass in a curly state of no more than 400 kg are equal to motorcycles.

The "settlement" - the built-up territory, entourage to which and the trips with which marks 5.22 - 5.25.

"Insufficient visibility" - the visibility of the road is less than 300 m in the conditions of fog, rain, snowfall, and the like, as well as at twilight.

"Overtaking" - ahead of the moving vehicle associated with the departure from the battery.

"Organized Transport Column" is a group of three and more mechanical vehicles following each other on each other by the same strip of movement with permanent headlights, accompanied by a head vehicle with a gluing light bearing included in blue and red and red beacons.

"Organized walking column" - marked in accordance with paragraph 4.2 of the Rules Group of people jointly moving along the road in one direction.

"Stop" - a deliberate cessation of vehicle movement for up to 5 minutes, as well as more, if necessary for planting or disembarking passengers or loading or unloading the vehicle.

"Perekrestok" is the place of intersection, adjoining or branching roads at one level, limited by imaginary lines connecting respectively opposite, most remote from the center of the intersection of the beginning of the roundabouts of the passage parts. Not considered crossroads from the surrounding territories.

"Pedestrian" - a person outside the vehicle on the road and does not produce work on it. Persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, leading bike, moped, motorcycle, jugs, trolley, nursery or wheelchair are equated with pedestrians.

"Pedestrian crossing" - a portion of the roadway, marked signs 5.16.1, 5.16.2 and (or) markup 1.14.1 - 1.14.3<*> and highlighted for pedestrians across the road. In the absence of marking, the width of the pedestrian transition is determined by the distance between the signs 5.16.1 and 5.16.2.

"Strip of motion" - any of the longitudinal bands of the roadway, designated or not marked and having a width sufficient to move cars in one row.

"The advantage (priority)" is the right to the primary movement in the planned direction towards other participants of the movement.

The "adjacent territory" is the territory directly adjacent to the road and not intended for through traffic vehicles (courtyards, residential arrays, parking lots, gas stations, enterprises, and the like).

"Trailer" - a vehicle not equipped with an engine and intended for movement in composition with a mechanical vehicle. The term also applies to semi-trailers and trailers - dissolution.

The "driving part" is an element of the road designed to move the moveless vehicles.

The "separation strip" is a constructively dedicated element of the road, separating adjacent passages of parts and not intended for movement or stop the fine vehicles and pedestrians.

The "allowed maximum mass" is a mass of a circular vehicle with a cargo, driver and passengers, installed by the manufacturer as the maximum permissible. For the allowed maximum mass of the composition of vehicles, that is, adhesive and moving as one whole, the amount of permitted maximum masses of vehicles that are part of the allowed.

"Adjustable" - police officer, military auto inspectorate, worker of the road-operating service, attendant on railway crossing, ferry crossing, warriors, freelance police officer, having appropriate certificate and equipment (uniform clothing or distinctive sign - sleeve dressing, rod, disk with red signal either by a retroreflector, a red lamp or check box).

"Parking" is a deliberate cessation of vehicle movement for a while more than 5 minutes for reasons that are not associated with landing or disembarking of passengers or loading or unloading the vehicle.

"Dark time" - a period of time from the end of the evening twilight before the start of the morning twilight.

"Vehicle" - a device intended for transportation on the roads of people, cargo or equipment installed on it.

The "sidewalk" is an element of the road intended for the movement of pedestrians and adjacent to the carriageway or separated by the lawn.

"Save the road (not to create interference)" - the requirement that means that the road participant should not start, renew or continue to move, carry out any maneuver, if it can force other participants in the movement with respect to it, change the direction Movement or speed.

"Road Member" - a person who is directly involved in the process of movement as a driver, pedestrian, a vehicle passenger.

1.3. Road participants are obliged to know and comply with these requirements of rules, traffic lights, signs and markups, as well as carry out orders of regulators acting within the rights provided to them and regulating traffic signals.

1.4. On the roads installed right-sided movement of vehicles.

1.5. Road participants should act in such a way as not to create dangers to move and do not harm.

It is forbidden to damage or pollute road coating, shoot, block, damage, set road signs, traffic lights and other technical means of organizing movement, leave on the road, creating interference to move. The person who has created an interference is obliged to take all possible measures to eliminate it, and if it is impossible, it is possible to inform the participants in the danger and report on the means.

1.6. Persons who violated the rules are responsible in accordance with applicable law.

2. Common duties of drivers

2.1. The driver of the mechanical vehicle must:

2.1.1. To have with you and at the request of police officers to transfer them, as well as warriors and freelance police officers to verify:

driver's license and temporary permit for the right to control the vehicle, and in case of withdrawal in the prescribed manner of a driver's license - a temporary permit;

registration documents for the vehicle;

a document confirming the right of ownership, or use, or orders by this vehicle - in the event of a vehicle management in the absence of its owner;

in the established cases, the track list and documents for the transported cargo.

In cases directly stipulated by the current legislation, to have and transfer to the verification of employees of the Russian transport inspection licensed card, travel sheet and commodity - transport documents.

2.1.2. When driving on a vehicle equipped with seat belts, to be fastened and not to transport passengers not fastened with straps (it is allowed not to be fastened with belts to children up to 12 years old in accordance with clause 22.8 of the rules, learning driving when the vehicle is managed by the trainee, and in settlements, In addition, drivers and passengers of cars of operational services<*>. When managing a motorcycle to be in a fastened motorcycle and do not transport passengers without a fastened motorcycle.

<*> The list of operational and special services is established by the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation.

2.2. The driver of a mechanical vehicle participating in the international road movement is obliged:

have registration documents for the vehicle and a driver's license, relevant road traffic conventions;

to have the registration and distinctive signs of the state in the vehicle in which it is registered.

2.3. Vehicle driver owes:

2.3.1. Before departure, check and in the way to provide a good technical condition of the vehicle in accordance with the main provisions on the access of vehicles for the operation and responsibilities of job safety officials<*>.

<*> In the future, the main provisions.

It is prohibited to move while malfunction of the working brake system, steering, a coupling device (as part of the train), non-rigging (absent) headlights and rear dimming lights on the roads without artificial lighting in the dark or under conditions of insufficient visibility, inactive from the driver of the wiper during Rain or snowfall.

If there are other faults in the path with which the application to the main provisions is prohibited by the operation of vehicles, the driver must eliminate them, and if it is impossible, it can follow the place of parking or repair in compliance with the necessary precautions;

2.3.2. To be held at the request of police officers examination on the state of intoxication. In cases established, the knowledge of the knowledge and driving skills, as well as medical examination to confirm the ability to manage vehicles;

2.3.3. Provide a vehicle:

police officers for transportation of vehicles damaged in accidents, travel to the place of natural disaster, as well as police officers, federal state security bodies, tax police in other non-adequacy cases provided for by the current legislation;

medical professionals, following in the population for medical care, as well as medical professionals, police officers and federal state security bodies, warriors and freelance police officers for transportation of citizens who need urgent medical care into medical institutions.

Notes. 1. The requirement for the provision of a vehicle to employees of federal state security and tax police does not apply to vehicles belonging to citizens.

2. Persons who used by the vehicle should, at the request of the driver, give a certificate or record in the track sheet (indicating the duration of the trip, distance traveled, its last name, positions, service certificate numbers, the name of your organization), and medical workers - to issue a ticket established sample.

3. The costs associated with the provision of a vehicle to employees of federal state security and tax police, at the request of the vehicle owner, are reimbursed by these bodies in the prescribed manner.

2.4. Persons with the right to check the driver's documents from the driver's driver or use the vehicle must be presented at the request of the driver a service certificate.

2.5. With a road accident, the driver involved in him is obliged:

immediately stop (not touching the vehicle) vehicle, enable emergency lighting alarm and set an emergency stop sign (flashing red lamp) in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 7.2 of the rules, do not move objects related to the incident;

take potential measures to provide a trial medical care for victims, call "ambulance medical care", and in emergency cases to send victims to pass through, and if it is impossible, to deliver on its vehicle to the nearest therapeutic institution, to inform your last name, the registration sign of the vehicle ( With the presentation of a document certifying the identity, or a driver's license and a registration document on the vehicle) and return to the scene;

free the roadway if the movement of other vehicles is impossible. If you need to release the roadway or delivery of victims on your vehicle into a medical institution to pre-fix in the presence of witnesses, the position of the vehicle, traces and objects related to the incident, and take all possible measures to preserve and organize the course of the scene of the incident;

report happened to the police, write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses and expect the arrival of police officers.

2.6. If there are no victims as a result of a traffic accident, drivers with mutual consent in assessing the circumstances may have a chance after the scheme of the incident and signing it, to arrive at the nearest traffic police or to the police body for decorating the incident.

2.7. The driver is prohibited:

driving a vehicle in a state of intoxication (alcoholic, narcotic or other), under the influence of drugs, worsening the reaction and attention, in a painful or tired state, which threatens traffic safety;

transfer the management of the vehicle to persons in a state of intoxication under the influence of drugs, in a painful or tired condition, as well as persons who do not have a driver's license for the right to control the vehicle of this category;

crossing organized (including hiking) columns and occupy a place in them.

3. Application of special signals

3.1. Drivers of vehicles of operational and special services with a flashing light flash included, performing an urgent service task, can retreat from sections 6 (except the adjustor signals), 8-18 rules, applications 1 and 2 to the rules subject to safety.

Additionally, a red light beacon can be enabled to the flashlight of blue.

For advantage over other participants in the movement, drivers of such vehicles must include a blue flashlight brand and a special beep. To take advantage of the priority, they can only make sure that they are inferior to the road.

The vehicle drivers are used by the same right, accompanied by vehicles of operational and special services in cases established by this clause rule.

3.2. When the vehicles approaching the gluing light global light and a special sound signal, drivers must cede the road to ensure the unimpeded passage of these and accompanied by them of other vehicles that should be included in the headlights of the headlights.

3.3. Approaching the standing vehicle with a flashing light gluing light, the driver must reduce the speed to be able to immediately stop when necessary.

3.4. Drivers of vehicles with an inclusive flashing bearing of orange or yellow when performing construction, repair or cleaning work on the road, during transport oversized cargo, explosive, flammable, radioactive, potent poisonous substances, as well as during the transport of monetary revenue and valuable cargo by road of collection services can retreat from the requirements of road signs and markup, and paragraphs 9.4 - 9.8 and 16.1 of the rules, subject to ensuring the safety of motion. Other drivers should not prevent their work.

(as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.01.96 N 3)

Flashing beacon of orange or yellow does not advantage in motion and serves to prevent other participants in the significance of danger.

3.5 Flashlights of all colors are installed only on the roof of the body (cab) of the vehicle and should not be used inside the body interior (cab) of the car.

(as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.01.96 N 3)

4. Pedestrian duties

4.1. Pedestrians should move in sidewalks or pedestrian paths, and in their absence - by roadbrains. Pedestrians carrying or carrying bulky objects, as well as persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, can move along the edge of the carriageway, if their movement in sidewalks or roadbrains creates interference for other pedestrians.

In the absence of sidewalks, pedestrian walkways or the rook, and in case of impossibility, pedestrians can move along the bike path or go into one row along the edge of the carriageway (on the roads with a separation strip - along the outer edge of the carriageway).

Outside settlements when driving along the roadway, pedestrians should go towards the movement of vehicles. Persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, leading motorcycle, moped, bike, in these cases should follow the movement of vehicles.

4.2. The movement of organized hiking columns on the roadway is permitted only in the direction of vehicle movement on the right side of no more than four people in a row. From the front and behind the column on the left side must be accompanying with red flags, and in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility - with the lamps included: in front - white, rear - red.

Groups of children are allowed to drive only in sidewalks and pedestrian paths, and in their absence - both on the roads, but only in the bright time of the day and only accompanied by adults.

4.3. Pedestrians should cross the roadway on pedestrian transitions, including underground and above-ground, and in their absence - at the crossroads along the sidewalks or trumina.

In the absence of a transition or crossroads in the visibility zone, it is allowed to move the road at a right angle to the edge of the carriageway on areas without a separation strip and fences where it is well visible in both directions.

4.4. In places where the movement is regulated, pedestrians should be guided by the signals of the controller or pedestrian traffic light, and in its absence - the transport traffic light.

4.5. In unregulated pedestrian transitions, pedestrians can go to the roadway after they estimate the distance to the approaching vehicles, their speed and will convince that the transition will be safe for them. When crossing the carriage outside the pedestrian transition, pedestrians, moreover, should not create interference for the movement of vehicles and go out due to a standing vehicle or another obstacle that limits visibility, without making sure the absence of approaching vehicles.

4.6. Going to the roadway, pedestrians should not linger or stop, if it is not related to ensuring traffic safety. Pedestrians who did not have time to complete the transition should stop on the line separating the transport streams of opposite directions. To continue the transition can only be convinced of the safety of further movement and taking into account the traffic signal (adjustment).

4.7. When vehicle approaches with a blue flashing light and a special sound signal, pedestrians are required to refrain from the transition of the carriageway, and they must give up the road to these vehicles and immediately release the roadway.

4.8. Expect the route vehicle and taxis is allowed only on the landing platform elevated over the roadway, and in their absence - on the sidewalk or sideways. At stopping points that are not equipped with raised landing platforms, it is allowed to go to the roadway to fit into the vehicle only after its stop. After disembarking, it is necessary, without lingering, freeing the roadway.

When moving through the roadway to the stopping point or from it, pedestrians should be guided by the requirements of paragraphs 4.4 - 4.7 rules.

5. Passenger duties

5.1. Passengers are required:

when traveling on a vehicle equipped with safety belts, be fastened with them, and when traveling on a motorcycle is to be in a fastened motorcycle;

landing and disembarking from the sidewalk or curb and only after the full stop of the vehicle.

If the landing and disembarkation is impossible from the sidewalk or curb, it can be carried out by the roadway, provided that it will be safe and will not create noise to other participants in the movement.

5.2. Passengers are prohibited:

distract the driver from driving a vehicle during its movement;

when traveling on a cargo car with a side platform to stand, sit on board or on the load above the sides;

open the vehicle doors during his movement.

6. Traffic light and control signals

6.1. In traffic lights, light signals of green, yellow, red and white - moon color are used.

Depending on the destination, the traffic lights can be round, in the form of an arrow (arrows), a silhouette of a pedestrian or bicycle and x-shaped.

Traffic lights with round signals can have one or two additional sections with signals as a green arrow (arrows), which are located at the level of the green circular signal.

6.2. Round traffic lights have the following values:

The green signal allows motion;

The green flashing signal allows motion and informs that the time of its action will expire and the prohibitive signal will be turned on (to inform drivers about the time in seconds remaining until the end of the burning of the green signal, digital scoreboards can be applied);

The yellow signal prohibits the movement, except for the cases provided for in paragraphs 6.14 of the Rules, and warns about the upcoming change of signals;

A yellow flashing signal allows the movement and informs about the presence of an unregulated crossroads or a pedestrian crossing, warns of danger;

Red signal, including flashing, prohibits movement.

The combination of red and yellow signals prohibits movement and informs about the upcoming turn on the green signal.

6.3. Traffic lights made in the form of red, yellow and green arrows<*>, have the same meaning as round signals of the corresponding color, but their action applies only to the direction (directions), indicated by the arrows. At the same time, the arrow resolving the turn left allows the reversal, if this is not prohibited by the corresponding road sign.

<*> Instead of red and yellow arrows in the same value, round red and yellow signals can be used with black contour arrows applied on them.

The same value has a green arrow in the additional section. The shutdown signal of the additional section means prohibiting the movement in the direction adjustable by this section.

6.4. If a black contour arrow is applied to the main green light signal, it informs drivers about the presence of an additional section of the traffic light and indicates other permitted directions of movement than the signal of the additional section.

6.5. If the traffic light is made in the form of a pedestrian silhouette (bicycle), then its action applies only to pedestrians (cyclists). At the same time, the green signal permits, and the red prohibits the movement of pedestrians (cyclists).

To regulate the movement of cyclists, a traffic light can also be used with round sizes, complemented by a rectangular white color plate of 200 x 200 mm with an image of a bicycle in black.

6.6. To inform blind pedestrians about the possibility of crossing the carriageway, light light signals can be supplemented with a beep.

6.7. To regulate the movement of vehicles on the bands of the roadway, in particular, the direction of movement on which can be changed to the opposite, reversing traffic lights with a red x-shaped signal and a green signal as an arrow pointing down are applied. These signals, respectively, prohibit or allow the movement by the strip over which they are located.

The main signals of the reversible traffic light can be supplemented with a yellow signal in the form of an arrow, inclined diagonally down to the right or left, the inclusion of which informs about the upcoming signal change and the need to rebuilt on the strip on which the boom indicates.

When the signals of the reversible traffic light, which is located above the strip, designated on both sides by marking 1.9, entry into this strip is prohibited.

6.8. To regulate the movement of trams, as well as other route vehicles moving along the lane dedicated for them, the traffic lights of one-color alarm with four round signals of white - lunar color, located in the form of the letter "T" can be used. Movement is allowed only when the lower signal is turned on at the same time and one or more tops, of which the left allows the movement to the left, the average is directly, right away. If only three upper signals are included, movement is prohibited.

6.9. Round white - lunar flashing signal, located on the railway crossing, allows the movement of vehicles through moving. With flashing white-moon and red signals, the movement is allowed in the absence of the train approaching (locomotive, drowsine).

6.10. The controller signals have the following values:

Hands stretched to the sides or omitted:

from the left and right side, the movement is allowed to move straight, straight vehicles directly and right, pedestrians are allowed to cross the roadway;

from the side of the chest and back, the movement of all vehicles and pedestrians is prohibited.

Right hand stretched forward:

from the left side of the left side, the movement of the tram is left to the left, firewood vehicles in all directions; From the side of the breast, all vehicles allowed the movement only to the right;

from the right side and back the movement of all vehicles is prohibited;

pedestrians are allowed to move the driving part behind the adjustor's back.

Hand raised up:

the movement of all vehicles and pedestrians is prohibited in all directions, except for the cases provided for in paragraph 6.14 of the Rules.

The adjustor can serve gestures and other signals that are understandable to drivers and pedestrians.

For better visibility of signals, the adjustor can use a rod or a red signal disk (by the retroremaster).

6.11. The requirement to stop the vehicle is supplied using a loud-speaking device or a gesture of a hand pointing to the vehicle. The driver must stop in the place indicated.

6.12. An additional signal whistling is supplied to attract the attention of the movement participants.

6.13. With the prohibiting signal of the traffic light (except for a reversible) or the regulator, drivers must stop in front of the stop line (sign 5.33), and in its absence:

at the crossroads - before intersectable passage (taking into account paragraph 13.7 of the rules), without creating interference with pedestrians;

before railway crossing - in accordance with paragraph 15.4 of the Rules;

in other places - before the traffic light or the regulator, without creating interference with vehicles and pedestrians, the movement of which is allowed.

6.14. Drivers who, when turning on the yellow signal or lifting hands, cannot stop, without resorting to emergency braking, in places defined by paragraph 6.13 of the rules, further movement is allowed.

Pedestrians, which when serving the signal were on the roadway, should free it, and if it is impossible - to stay on the line separating the transport streams of opposite directions.

6.15. Drivers and pedestrians must comply with the requirements of the signals and regulator orders, even if they contradict the traffic lights, the requirements of road signs or markup.

6.16. At the railway crossings simultaneously with the red flashing signal of the traffic light, a beep can be served, additionally informing the participants of the movement of the prohibition of movement through moving.

7. Application of alarm alarm and emergency stop sign

7.1. Emergency light alarm must be enabled:

with a forced stop in places where the stop is prohibited;

when blinding the driver by light headlights;

when towing (on the towed vehicle).

The driver must include emergency lighting alarm and in other cases to prevent participants in the danger movement that the vehicle can create.

7.2. After turning on the emergency light alarm, as well as when it is malfunction or absence, an emergency stop sign (flashing red lamp) must be immediately exhibited:

at a road accident;

with a forced stop in places where it is prohibited, and where, given the conditions of visibility, the vehicle cannot be promptly seen by other drivers.

This sign (lamp) is set at a distance providing a timely warning of other drivers about the danger in a specific setting. However, this distance should be at least 15 m from the vehicle in settlements and 30 m - outside the settlements.

7.3. In the absence or failure of emergency light alarm on the towing vehicle, an emergency stop sign should be enshrined on its back.

8. Start of movement, maneuvering

8.1. Before starting motion, rebuilding, turning (reversing) and stop the driver is obliged to feed the signals with light pointers of rotation of the corresponding direction, and if they are missing or faulty - hand. At the same time, the maneuver should be safe and not to create interference to other participants in the movement.

The left turn signal (reversal) matches the elongated left hand either the right, elongated and bent into the elbow at right angles up. The right rotation signal corresponds to the elongated right hand or left, elongated and bent into the elbow at right angles up. The braking signal is supplied to the top or right hand raised.

8.2. The signal feeding signs or hand should be made in advance before the start of the maneuver and stop immediately after its completion (the signal flow can be completed immediately before performing the maneuver). In this case, the signal should not be misleading other participants in the movement.

The signal supply does not give the driver advantages and does not relieve it from the adoption of precautions.

8.3. When traveling to the road from the adjacent territory, the driver must give way to vehicles and pedestrians moving along it, and when congressing from the road - pedestrians and cyclists, the path of movement of which it crosses.

8.4. When rebuilding, the driver must give way to vehicles moving alongside without changing the direction of movement. With the simultaneous rebuilding of vehicles moving along the way, the driver must give way to the road to the transport facility located on the right.

8.5. Before turning to the right, left or turn, the driver is obliged to take in advance the corresponding extreme position on the roadway intended for movement in this direction, except when a turn is performed at the entrance to the intersection, where the circular motion is organized.

If you have the rest of the tram routes of associated direction, located at one level with the carriageway, the turn left and turn should be performed with them, if signs 5.8.1 or 5.8.2 are not prescribed a different order of movement. At the same time, no interference should be created.

8.6. The turn should be carried out in such a way that when traveling from the intersection of the passage parts, the vehicle has not been on the side of the oncoming traffic.

When turning right, the vehicle should move as close to the right edge of the carriageway.

8.7. If the vehicle is due to its dimensions or for other reasons, it cannot be rotated in compliance with the requirements of paragraph 8.5 of the rules, it is allowed to retreat from them subject to ensuring the safety of the movement and if it does not create interference with other vehicles.

8.8. When turning to the left or reversal outside the crossroad, the driver of a straight vehicle is obliged to give way to the oncoming vehicles and tram of the associated direction.

If, with a turn out of the intersection, the width of the roadway is insufficient to perform a maneuver from the extreme left position, it is allowed from the right edge of the carriageway (with the right side). At the same time, the driver must give way to backway and oncoming vehicles.

8.9. In cases where the trajectories of movement of vehicles intersect, and the priority of the passage is not specified by the rules, the road should be given to the driver to which the vehicle is approaching on the right.

8.10. If there is a braking band, the driver, intending to turn, should take a timely to rebuild this strip and reduce the speed only on it.

In the presence of an acceleration on the road, the driver must move along it and rebuild to the neighboring strip, giving way to vehicles moving along this road.

8.11. Return is prohibited:

on pedestrian crossings;

in tunnels;

at bridges, overpass, overpass and under them;

on railway moving;

in places with the visibility of the road at least in one direction less than 100 m;

in the location of stopping points.

8.12. Vehicle movement with reverse moves, provided that this maneuver will be safe and will not create noise to other participants in the movement. If necessary, the driver must resort to the help of other persons.

The reverse movement is prohibited at the intersections and in places where the reversal is prohibited in accordance with paragraph 8.11 of the Rules.

9. Location of vehicles on the carriageway

9.1. The number of movement strips for shooting vehicles is determined by markup or signs 5.8.1, 5.8.2, 5.8.7, 5.8.8, and if they are not, then drivers themselves, taking into account the width of the roadway, the dimensions of vehicles and the necessary intervals between them. At the same time, half the width of the roadway, located on the left, is considered a party intended for the oncoming traffic.

9.2. On roads with double-sided movement, having four lanes or more, it is prohibited to travel to the side of the road intended for the oncoming traffic.

9.3. On the roads with double-sided movement having three bands designated by markup (except for marking 1.9), of which the average is used to move in both directions, it is allowed to leave for this band only for overtaking, leakage, turn left or reversal. To travel to the extreme left band, intended for the oncoming traffic, is prohibited.

9.4. Outside settlements, as well as in settlements on the roads marked by signs 5.1 or 5.3 or where the movement is allowed at a speed of more than 80 km / h, vehicle drivers must lead them if possible closer to the right edge of the carriageway. It is forbidden to occupy left bands with free right.

In settlements, taking into account the requirements of this clause and paragraphs 9.5, 16.1 and 24.2, the rules of vehicle drivers can use the most convenient lane for them. The strip is allowed only before turning to the left or right, turn, overtaking or stopping.

However, on any roads that have three bands for movement in this direction and more, it is allowed to occupy the left left strip only with intensive movement when other bands are occupied, as well as for overtaking, turn left or reversal, and trucks with a maximum mass of more than 3 , 5 t - only for turning to the left or reversal. Departure to the left side of the roads with one-way movement for stopping and parking is carried out in accordance with paragraph 12.1 of the Rules.

Vehicle movement on one strip at a speed greater than in the neighboring band is not considered overtaking.

9.5. Vehicles, whose speed should not exceed 40 km / h or which for technical reasons cannot develop such speed, should move at the extreme right strip, except for cases of tramp, overtaking or rebuilding before turning to the left or reversal.

9.6. Movement along the tram paths of the associated direction, located on the left at one level with the roadway, when all bands are occupied, as well as during the course, overtaking, turning to the left or reversal, taking into account 8.5 rules. At the same time, no interference should be created. To travel to the tram paths of the oncoming destination is prohibited.

9.7. If the driving part is divided into strips of markup lines, vehicle movement should be carried out strictly according to the labels. Running the intermittent markup lines is allowed only during rebuilding.

9.8. When turning to the road with a reversing movement, the driver must conduct a vehicle in such a way that when traveling from the intersection of the passage parts, the vehicle took the extreme right strip. Rebuilding is allowed only after the driver is convinced that the movement in this direction is allowed for other bands.

9.9. It is prohibited to move the movement of vehicles on the roads, sidewalks and pedestrian tracks (except in cases specified in paragraphs 12.1, 24.2 of the rules). Movement of road-operating and utilities machines, as well as the entrance to the shortest way of vehicles, carrying goods to trade and other enterprises and objects, located directly from the rook, sidewalks or pedestrian tracks, in the absence of other entry capabilities. This should be ensured by traffic.

9.10. The driver must comply with such a distance to a moving vehicle ahead, which would avoid collisions, as well as the necessary side interval, ensuring the safety of motion.

9.11. On the roads outside the settlements, vehicle drivers, the speed of which should not exceed 40 km / h, are obliged to maintain a vehicle between their and moving in front such a distance so that their vehicles can rebuilt on the previously occupied by them without interference. This requirement does not act if the driver is preparing for overtaking, as well as with intensive motion and when driving in an organized transport column.

10. Movement speed

10.1. The driver must conduct a vehicle at a rate not exceeding the established limit, while taking into account the intensity of the movement, the features and condition of the vehicle and cargo, road and meteorological conditions, in particular visibility in the direction of movement. The speed should provide the driver with the ability to continuously monitor vehicle movement to fulfill the rules.

If the danger occurs for the movement that the driver is able to detect, it should take possible measures to reduce the speed up to the vehicle stop.

10.2. In settlements, vehicle movement at no more than 60 km / h is allowed.

Note. In the republics in the Russian Federation, the edges, regions, autonomous field, autonomous districts, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg may increase the speed (with the installation of the corresponding signs 3.24) in separate areas of roads, if the road conditions provide a safe movement at a greater speed.

10.3. Out of settlements is allowed to move:

passenger cars and trucks with a maximum massive mass of no more than 3.5 tons on motorways - at a speed of no more than 110 km / h, on other roads - no more than 90 km / h;

long-distance and especially small buses and motorcycles on all roads - no more than 90 km / h;

other buses, passenger cars when towing a trailer, trucks with a maximum mass of more than 3.5 tons on motorways - no more than 90 km / h, on other roads - no more than 70 km / h;

trucks carrying people in the body - no more than 60 km / h;

vehicles, towing mechanical vehicles - no more than 50 km / h;

vehicles carrying dangerous, heavy and large-sized cargoes - at a speed of no more prescribed when coordinating the conditions of transportation.

10.4. The driver is prohibited:

exceed the maximum speed determined by the technical characteristic of the vehicle;

exceed the speed indicated on the Speed \u200b\u200bRestriction Signal Sign<*>installed on the vehicle;

create interference with other vehicles, moving without the need with too low speed;

strongly slow down if it is not required to prevent road accident.

11. Obgon, Counter

11.1. Before starting overtaking, the driver is obliged to make sure that:

the strip of the movement on which he intends to leave is free on a sufficient distance for overtaking and this maneuver he will not create interference with the vehicles on one and moving along this strip;

the next vehicle is not started behind along the same band, and the vehicle moving in front has not filed an overtaking signal, turning (rebuilding) to the left;

upon completion of the overtaking, he will be able, without creating an interference to the transported vehicle, return to the previously occupied strip.

11.2. Obtain a fine vehicle is allowed only on the left side. However, overtaking the vehicle whose driver filed a signal to the left and began to perform a maneuver, produced on the right side.

11.3. The driver of the driving vehicle is prohibited to prevent overtaking by increasing the speed of movement or other actions.

11.4. Upon completion of overtaking (except permitted overtaking on the right side), the driver is obliged to return to the previously occupied traffic strip. However, with two or more bands for movement in this direction, the driver producing overtaking can, taking into account paragraph 9.4 of the rules to stay on the left strip, if it would have to start a new overtaking immediately on the previously occupied band and if it does not create interference with vehicles, moving behind it with higher speed.

11.5. Obgon is prohibited:

on adjustable intersections with departure on the counter movement and in unregulated intersections when driving on the road that is not the main way (except for overtaking at intersections with a circular motion, overtaking two-wheeled vehicles without lateral trailer and allowed overtaking on the right);

on pedestrian crossings in the presence of pedestrians on them;

on railway moving and closer than 100 m in front of them;

vehicle, producing overtaking or detour;

at the end of the lifting and on other areas of roads with limited visibility with departure on the headline.

11.6. The driver of a low-speed or large vehicle outside the settlements in cases where the overtaking of this vehicle is difficult, must adopt as much as possible, and if necessary, and stop to miss the vehicles accumulated behind it.

11.7. If the counter road is difficult, then the driver, on the side of which there is an obstacle, must give way to the road. On the slopes marked with signs 1.13 and 1.14, if there is an obstacle to cede the road, the driver of a vehicle moving on the descent.

12. Stop and Parking

12.1. Stopping and parking vehicles are allowed on the right side of the road on the side of the road, and in its absence - at the edge of the carriageway.

On the left side of the road, stopping and parking are permitted in settlements on roads with one roadway for each direction without tramways in the middle and on unilateral movement roads (trucks with a maximum mass of more than 3.5 tons on the left side of the road with one-sided movement are allowed Only stop for downloading or unloading).

12.2. The vehicle is allowed in one row parallel to the edge of the carriageway, with the exception of those places, the configuration (local broadening of the carriage part) of which it allows other location of vehicles. Two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer are allowed to put in two rows.

Parking on the edge of the sidewalk, bordering the carriage part, is allowed only to passenger cars, motorcycles, mosses and bicycles, provided that it will not prevent pedestrian movement.

12.3. Parking for a long time, overnight stay and the like outside the settlement is allowed only on the venues provided for this site or outside the road.

12.4. Stop it is prohibited:

on the tramways, as well as in close proximity to them, if it creates interference by the movement of trams;

on railway movies, in tunnels, as well as on overpars, bridges, overpasses (if there is less than three bands in this direction) and under them;

in places where the distance between the solid linen of markup (except the designating edge of the roadway) and the vehicle stopped less than 3 m;

on pedestrian crossings and closer than 5 m in front of them;

on the roadway near dangerous turns and convex fractures of the longitudinal profile of the road at sight of the road less than 100 m at least in one direction;

at the intersection of passage parts and closer than 5 m from the edge of the intersectable roadway, except for the side opposite the side passage of trilateral intersections (intersections) having a solid markup line or separation strip;

closer 15 m from the stopping platforms, and in their absence - from the signpost of stopping transport vehicles or taxis, if it creates interference with their movement;

in places where the vehicle will close from other drivers traffic lights, road signs, or make it impossible movement (entry or departure) of other vehicles, or will create interference to move pedestrians.

12.5. Parking is prohibited:

in places where the stop is prohibited;

beyond settlements on the roadway of roads marked 2.1;

closer 50 m from railway crossings.

12.6. With a forced stop in places where the stop is prohibited, the driver must take all possible measures to remove the vehicle from these places.

12.7. It is forbidden to open the vehicle doors, if it is creating interference with other road users.

12.8. The driver can leave his place or leave the vehicle if they are taken by the necessary measures that exclude the spontaneous movement of the vehicle or the use of it in the absence of the driver.

13. Travel Perekrestkov

13.1. When turning to the right or left, the driver is obliged to give way to pedestrians, passing the roadway to which he turns, as well as cyclists crossing it along the bike path.

13.2. It is forbidden to go to the intersection or intersection of the passage parts if a stroke was formed, which will force the driver to stop, creating an obstacle to the movement of vehicles in the transverse direction.

13.3. Crossroads, where the sequence of motion is determined by the traffic lights or the controller, is considered adjustable.

With a yellow flashing signal, non-working traffic lights or the absence of an intersection, the intersection is considered unregulated, and drivers are obliged to be guided by the rules for the passage of unregulated intersections and installed at the intersection of priority signs.

Adjustable intersections

13.4. When turning to the left or turn on the green traffic light signal, the driver of a straight vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles moving from the oncoming direction directly and right. In the same rule, trams drivers should be guided.

13.5. When moving in the direction of the arrow included in the additional section simultaneously with a yellow or red traffic light signal, the driver must give way to vehicles moving from other destinations.

13.6. If the traffic lights or adjustment signals allow the movement simultaneously and the straight vehicles, the tram has an advantage regardless of the direction of its movement. However, when moving in the direction of the arrow included in the additional section simultaneously with a red or yellow light signal, the tram must give way to vehicles moving from other directions.

13.7. The driver who entered the intersection at the resolution signal of the traffic light should be left in the outlined direction regardless of the traffic lights at the outlet from the intersection. However, if at the intersection in front of traffic lights, located on the path of the driver, there are stops - lines (signs 5.33), the driver is obliged to be guided by the signals of each traffic light.

13.8. When the resolution of the traffic light signal is turned on, the driver must give way to vehicles that end the movement through the intersection, and pedestrians that have not completed the transition of the carriage of this direction.

Unregulated intersections

13.9. At the crossroads of unequnenable roads, the driver of a vehicle moving along a secondary road should give way to vehicles approaching the main, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

13.10. In the case when the main road at the crossroads changes the direction, drivers moving along the main road should be guided by among themselves the rules for travel of intersections of equivalent roads. The same rules should be guided by drivers moving on secondary roads.

13.11. At the crossroads of equivalent roads, the driver of a straight vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles approaching the right. With this rule, tram drivers should be guided by each other.

At such intersections, the tram has an advantage over non-timing vehicles, regardless of the direction of its movement.

13.12. When turning to the left or turn, the driver of a straight vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles moving along the equivalent road from the oncoming direction directly or right. With this rule, tram drivers should be guided by each other.

13.13. If the driver cannot determine the presence of a coating on the road (the dark time, dirt, snow, and the like), but there are no priority signs, it should assume that it is in the secondary road.

14. Pedestrian crossings and stops of transport vehicles

14.1. The driver of the vehicle is obliged to give way to pedestrians, passing the roadway, by unregulated<*> Pedestrian crossing.

<*> The concepts of the adjustable and unregulated pedestrian transition are similar to the concepts of the adjustable and unregulated intersection established in paragraph 13.3. Rules.

14.2. If the vehicle stopped before an unregulated pedestrian crossing, then the drivers of other vehicles moving along the neighboring bands can continue to move only making sure that there are no pedestrians before the vehicle stopped.

14.3. On adjustable pedestrian transitions, when you turn on the resolution of the traffic light signal, the driver must enable pedestrians to complete the transition of the carriageway of this direction.

14.4. It is forbidden to enter a pedestrian crossing, if the plot formed behind it, which will force the driver to stop at the pedestrian crossing.

14.5. In all cases, including outside pedestrian crossings, the driver must skip blind pedestrians that feed the white cane.

14.6. The driver must give way to pedestrians, going to standing on the bus stop by the route vehicle or from it (from the door), if the landing and disembarkation is made from the roadway or from the landing site located on it.

14.7. Approaching the stopping vehicle, having an identifying sign "Transportation of Children", the driver must reduce the speed, if necessary, stop and skip the group of children.

15. Movement through railway tracks

15.1. Vehicle drivers can cross railroad tracks only on railway crossings, giving way to the road (locomotive, dross).

15.2. At the entrance to the railway crossing, the driver is obliged to be guided by the requirements of road signs, traffic lights, markup, the position of the barrier and the instructions of the duty on moving and make sure that there is no approaching train (locomotive, drowsine).

when closed or starting, close the barrier (regardless of the traffic light signal);

with the prohibiting signal of the traffic light (regardless of the position and availability of the barrier);

with the prohibiting signal of the duty on the move (duty facing the driver of the breast or back with a rod raised above his head, a red lantern or a flag either with an elongated hand);

if the crossing was formed by a jam, which will force the driver to stay on the crossing;

if the train (locomotive, dresin) is approaching moving within visibility.

In addition, it is prohibited:

passing around with the departure of the counter movement standing before moving vehicles;

outstanding the barrier;

to carry through moving in the non-transportation of agricultural, road, construction and other machines and mechanisms;

without the permission of the head of the distance of the railway path, the movement of the low-speed machines, the speed of which is less than 8 km / h, as well as tractor sled-volokus.

15.4. In cases where the movement through the relocation is prohibited, the driver must stop at the stop line, a sign 2.5 or traffic light, if there is no closer to 5 m from the barrier, and in the absence of the latter - no closer to 10 m to the nearest rail.

15.5. With a forced stop on the crossing, the driver must immediately land people and take measures to exemplate the move. At the same time, the driver must:

with the existing opportunity to send two people along the paths in both directions from moving by 1000 m (if one, then in the direction of the worst visibility of the path), explaining the rules for serving the signal of the sign of the approaching train;

stay near the vehicle and feed the signals of general alarms;

when the train appears to flee him to meet the signal


Note. The stop signal is the circular movement of the hand (during the day with a flap of bright matter or anything well visible, at night - with a torch or lantern). Signal of general alarms serve a series of one long and three short beeps.

16. Movement on motorways

16.1. On the motorways are prohibited:

movement of pedestrians, pets, bicycles, mopeds, tractors and self-propelled vehicles, other vehicles whose speed is characteristic of less than 40 km / h; Movement of trucks with permitted maximum mass of more than 3.5 T then the second strip;

stop outside of special sites for parking marked signs 5.15 or 6.11;

turn and entry into the technological breakdowns of the dividing strip; reverse movement; Training ride.

16.2. With a forced stop on the roadway, the driver must designate a vehicle in accordance with the requirements of section 7 of the rules and take measures to derive it to the strip intended for this (the right line indicating the edge of the roadway).

16.3. The requirements of this section also apply to roads designated 5.3.

17. Movement in residential areas

17.1. In the residential area, that is, in the territory, entitled to which and leaving the signs of 5.38 and 5.39, the movement of pedestrians is permitted both by sidewalks and by road part. In the residential area, pedestrians have an advantage, however, they should not create unreasonable interference to move vehicles.

17.2. In the residential area, movement at a speed of more than 20 km / h, through traffic, training ride, parking with a working engine, and a parking lot of trucks with a maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons are out of specially dedicated and marked signs and (or) marking places .

17.3. When leaving the residential zone, drivers must give way to other participants in the movement.

17.4. The requirements of this section also apply to the courtyard territories.

18. Priority of transport vehicles

18.1. Out of intersections, where the tram paths cross the roadway, the tram has an advantage over non-alert vehicles, except for cases of depot.

18.2. On the roads with a strip for the route vehicles marked with signs 5.9, 5.10.1 - 5.10.3, the movement and stop of other vehicles on this strip are prohibited.

If this strip is separated from the rest of the carriage of the intermittent line of marking, then when turning vehicles should be rebuilt on it. It is also allowed in such places to travel to this strip at the entrance to the road and for landing and disembarking passengers at the right edge of the carriageway, provided that it does not create interference by the route vehicles.

18.3. In settlements, drivers must give way to trolley buses and buses starting movement from the designated stop. Drivers of trolley buses and buses can start moving only after they are convicted that they are inferior to the road.

19. Use of external lighting devices and sound signals

19.1. In the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility, regardless of the lighting of the road, as well as in the tunnels on a moving vehicle, the following lighting devices must be included:

on all mechanical vehicles and mopeds - the headlights of long-distance or near light, on bikes - headlights or lights, on the lanterns - lanterns (if available);

on the trailers - overall lights.

19.2. Far light should be switched to Middle:

in settlements, if the road is covered;

when the oncoming drive is at a distance of less than 150 m to the vehicle, as well as with the greater if the driver of the oncoming vehicle is a periodic switching of headlights will show the need for this;

in any other cases, to eliminate the possibility of blinding drivers of both counter and pass the vehicles.

When blinding, the driver must include an emergency light alarm and without changing the strip of movement, reduce speed and stop.

19.3. When stopping and parking in the dark on unlit areas of roads, as well as in conditions of insufficient visibility on the vehicle, dimensional lights should be included. Under conditions of insufficient visibility, the headlights of the near light, fog lights and rear fog lights may be included in addition to overall lights.

19.4. Fog lights can be used:

under conditions of insufficient visibility, both separately and with the near or distant headlights;

in the dark on the unlit areas of the roads together with the near or distant headlights;

instead of nearby headlights in the conditions provided for by paragraph 19.5 of the Rules.

19.5. When moving in the daytime, the day for the designation of the moving vehicle, the melee headlights must be included:

on motorcycles and mopeds;

when moving in an organized transport column;

on the route vehicles moving along a specially highlighted band towards the main flow of movement;

with organized transport of groups of children in buses or trucks;

when transporting dangerous, large and heavy cargo;

when towing mechanical vehicles (on a towing vehicle).

19.6. Faro - a searchlight and headlight - seeker is allowed to use only outside settlements in the absence of counter vehicles. In settlements, only drivers of vehicles of operational and special services can use such headlights when performing a service job.

19.7. Rear fog lamps can be used only in conditions of insufficient visibility. It is forbidden to connect the rear fog lights to stop signals.

19.8. An identification mark "Auto tray" should be included when moving the road train, and in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility, in addition, and at the time of its stop or parking.

19.9. A flashing beacon of orange or yellow should be included on vehicles performing construction, repair or cleaning on the road, as well as on vehicles when transporting heavy, large-sized or dangerous goods in cases provided for by the rules for transporting these goods.

19.10. Sound signals can only be applied:

to prevent other drivers about the intention to overtake out of settlements;

in cases where it is necessary to prevent road traffic accidents.

19.11. To warn about overtaking instead of a sound signal (or together with it), a light signal can be supplied, which is in a daytime day - periodic short-term switching on and off of the headlights, and in the dark, multiple headlights with low-light headlights.

20. Towing mechanical vehicles

20.1. Towing on a rigid or flexible coupling should be carried out only if the driver is driving a towed vehicle, except when the rigid coupling design provides with a straightforward movement following the towed vehicle along the trajectory of towing.

20.2. When towing on a flexible or rigid clutch, the transportation of people in the towed bus, trolleybus and in the body of the towed cargo car are forbidden, and when towing by partial loading - finding people in the cabin or body towed vehicle, as well as in the body of towing.

20.3. When towing on a flexible coupling, the distance between towing and towed vehicles within 4 - 6 m should be ensured, and when towing on a rigid coupling is not more than 4 m.

20.4. Towing is prohibited:

vehicles that do not work steering<*> (a towing method is allowed by the method of partial loading);

two or more vehicles;

vehicles with an invalid brake system<*>if their actual mass of more than half of the actual mass of the towing vehicle. At a smaller actual mass, the towing of such vehicles is allowed only on a rigid coupling or partial loading method;

motorcycles without lateral trailer, as well as motorcycles;

in Hollyeditsa on a flexible coupling.

<*> Systems that do not allow the driver to stop the vehicle or make a maneuver when driving even with a minimum speed, are considered unattainable.

21. Training ride

21.1. Initial training of driving vehicles should be carried out on closed sites or autodromes.

21.2. Training riding on the roads is allowed only with the training and in the presence of initial management skills at the trainee. The trainee is obliged to know and fulfill the requirements of the rules.

21.3. The training should have a document for the right to drive the driving of the vehicle of this category or driver's experience for more than 3 years, as well as a certificate for the right to control the vehicle of the relevant category.

21.4. The trainee on the car should be at least 16 years old, and on a motorcycle - at least 14 years.

21.5. The mechanical vehicle on which learning is carried out should be marked with the "Training vehicle" signs and is equipped with a rear view mirror for the training.

21.6. It is forbidden to ride on the roads, the list of which is declared in the prescribed manner.

22. Transportation of people

22.1. Transportation of people in the body of a cargo car must be carried out by drivers who have a certificate for managing vehicles of category "C" (when transporting more than 8 people, including passengers in the cockpit, - categories "C" and "D") and the experience of managing vehicles of this category For more than 3 years.

Note. The admission of military drivers to the transport of people on trucks is carried out in the prescribed manner.

22.2. Transportation of people in the body of a truck with a side platform is allowed if it is equipped in accordance with the main positions, while the transportation of children is allowed only in exceptional cases.

22.3. The number of people transported in the body of a cargo car should not exceed the number of seats equipped.

22.4. Before the trip, the truck driver must instruct passengers on the order of landing, disembarking and placement in the body.

You can start moving only by making sure that the conditions for safe transportation of passengers are provided.

22.5. Traveling in the body of a truck with a side platform that is not equipped for the transport of people is allowed only to persons accompanying the goods or next to obtain it, provided that they are provided with a seat for seating below the level of sides.

22.6. When transporting groups of children on a bus or cargo car with a body - a van with them, an adult must be accompanied, and in the body of a truck with a side platform - at least two. On these vehicles in front and rear, the identification signs "Transportation of children" must be installed.

22.7. The driver is obliged to land and disembarking passengers only after the full stop of the vehicle, and start moving only with closed doors and do not open them until a complete stop.

outside the car (except cases of transportation of people in the body of a truck with a side platform or in the body - van), tractor, other self-propelled machines, on the cargo trailer, in the trailer - dacha, in the cargo motorcycle body and out of the construction of a motorcycle seat for seating;

example amounts provided for by the technical characteristics of the vehicle, not counting children up to 12 years. In this case, the actual mass of the vehicle should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bof the allowed maximum mass established by the manufacturer.

It is forbidden to carry children up to 12 years in the back seat of a motorcycle, as well as on the front seat of a passenger car in the absence of a special children's retaining device.

23. Transportation of cargo

23.1. The mass of the transported cargo and the distribution of the load on the axes should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bestablished by the company by the manufacturer for this vehicle.

23.2. Before starting and while driving, the driver must control accommodation, fastening and state of cargo in order to avoid its fall, creating interference for movement.

23.3. Shipping is allowed upon condition that it:

does not limit the driver review;

does not comply with management and does not violate the stability of the vehicle;

it does not cover external lighting devices and backgrowers, registration and identification signs, and also does not prevent the perception of signals supplied by hand;

does not create noise, not dust, does not pollute the road and the environment.

If the condition and accommodation of cargo do not meet the specified requirements, the driver is obliged to take measures to eliminate violations of the transferred rules of transport or stop further movement.

23.4. The cargo, protruding the dimensions of the vehicle in front and behind more than 1 m or on the side of more than 0.4 m from the outer edge of the overall fire, should be marked with identification signs "Large cargo", and in the dark and under insufficient visibility In addition, in front - a white lantern or a white retrorer, rear - a lantern or a red-factor of red.

23.5. Transportation of heavy and dangerous goods, unreleased containers, vehicle movement, the overall parameters of which with a load or without cargo are exceeded by a width of 2.5 m, at a height of 4 m from the surface of the roadway, in length (including one trailer) 20 m, or with The cargo speaking for the rear point of the vehicle size by more than 2 m, the movement of road trails with two or more trailers is made in accordance with the special rules.

24.1. Driving a bicycle, a manguard wagon (sledding), to be a skidder, horse-on, or herds when driving on the roads are allowed to persons not under the age of 14, and the mopder is not younger than 16 years old.

Note. In the republics in the Russian Federation, the territories, regions, the autonomous field, autonomous districts, cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg may decrease the specified age qualifications, but not more than 2 years, and the procedure for the presence of bicycles, mopeds and manpies Walking (sled) document confirming the knowledge of the rules and basic provisions, and these vehicles have a special registration mark.

24.2. Bicycles, mopeds, sanguage wagons (sleighs), riding and pack animals should only move at the extreme right strip in one row possible. Movement is allowed by road, if it does not create interference with pedestrians.

Columns of cyclists, manpieces (sleds), rigging and fabric animals when driving along the roadway should be divided into groups of 10 cyclists, riding and fabric animals and 5 carts (sled). To facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be 80 - 100 m.

24.3. Drivers bike and moped are prohibited:

ride without holding the wheel at least one hand;

carry passengers except the child under the age of 7 years old on an additional seat equipped with reliable steps;

carry cargo, which performs by more than 0.5 m in length or width of dimensions, or cargo interference;

move along the road if there is a number of bicycle path;

turn to the left or unfold on the roads with the tram movement and on the roads having more than one strip to move in this direction.

It is prohibited to towing bicycles and mopeds, as well as bicycles and mopeds, except for towing a trailer designed for use with a bike or moped.

24.4. At the unregulated crossing of the bike path with an expensive, located outside the crossroads, bike drivers and mopeds should give way to vehicles moving along this road.

The driver of a gentle wagon (Sanya) when traveling to the road with an adjacent territory or from the secondary road in places with limited visibility should lead an animal to the boil.

24.5. Animals on the road should be distilled, as a rule, in the bright time of the day. Ravers should guide animals as close as possible to the right edge of the road.

24.6. With a run of animals through the railway tracks, the herd should be divided into groups of such a number so that, taking into account the number of traffickers, a secure run of each group was provided.

24.7. Drivers of manpiece wagons (sleda), trucks of bumps, hang animals and livestock are prohibited:

leave on the road of animals without supervision;

to drive animals through railway tracks and roads outside of specially designated places, as well as in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility (except for scotoprohnon at different levels);

keep animals along the road with asphalt and cement concrete coating in the presence of other ways.

The ZakonBase website provides a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.10.93 N 1090 (ed. From "On Rules of Road" in the latest edition. Observe all the requirements of the legislation simply, if you familiarize yourself with the relevant sections, chapters and articles of this document for 2014. To search for the necessary legislation on the topic of interest, it is worth using convenient navigation or expanded search.

On the site "Zakonbase" you will find a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.10.93 N 1090 (ed. From "On Road Rules" in the Fresh and Full version, in which all changes and amendments are made. This ensures the relevance and accuracy of the information.

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