Electronic registration of travel.


The M4 "Don" highway can without exaggeration be called one of the main transport arteries of Russia. It starts in Moscow and after 1543 kilometers ends in Novorossiysk, passing through such important places as Voronezh, Soon millions of people rob this very road, going to the Sea of ​​Azov, to Anapi.

The route is being gradually modernized, and there will be high-speed toll sections M4.

The stinks allow for a lot of abuse

populated areas and reduce the number of traffic jams.

Toll section of the M4 road: payment rules

The fee is collected at special points along the route. The stench can be seen from afar, and it is impossible to pass through them. When you get to the paid lot M4, you need to change the water speed, select one of the dark ones, and then go to the point.

Electronics will automatically determine the category of the car and the amount will be displayed on the cash register before payment.

You can pay by card or with an additional bank card.

Paid plots

The availability of a paid plot M4 is included in the category assigned to the transport unit (TS).

They are classified according to the height of the vehicle and the number of wheel axles:

M4 "Don" road - toll roads

1) 21-93 kilometers

Daily rate, rub.

With transponder


1) 21-93 kilometers

Daily rate, rub.

With transponder

2) 93-211 kilometers

1) 21-93 kilometers

Daily rate, rub.

With transponder

3) 225-260 kilometers

1) 21-93 kilometers

Daily rate, rub.

With transponder

4) 287-322 kilometers

1) 21-93 kilometers

Daily rate, rub.

With transponder

5) 330-414 kilometers

1) 21-93 kilometers

Daily rate, rub.

With transponder

6) 414-464 kilometers

1) 21-93 kilometers

Daily rate, rub.

With transponder

7) 492-517 kilometers

1) 21-93 kilometers

Daily rate, rub.

With transponder

8) 517-544 kilometers

1) 21-93 kilometers

Daily rate, rub.

With transponder

9) 544-633 kilometers Avtodor

special office A company began to operate in connection with the appearance of paid plots of roads. This company has an active operator function due to the reduction of tolls on the paid section km 21 - km 211
highway M-4 "Don" and the operator of a single electronic barrier for registering traffic on all toll sections of the M-4 "Don" highway, toll section km 258 - km 334 of the M-11 "Moscow - St. Petersburg" highway and toll roads M-3 "Ukraine" km 124 - km 173. For those who are aware of toll roads first, the problem immediately arises: how to pay for the toll?
There are a number of payment methods, and also: ready or unprepared
Pay at the contracting points, as well as for the additional transponder.
The first method is very simple: you go to the cashier, ask and pay the specified amount.
4. Block the transponder immediately when needed or when you spend it.
This function is also available in the Special Account; it can be accessed quickly by assigning the transponder number and the reasons for the time-sensitive blocking/unblocking. In this case, the balance of the particular ratio must be positive (more than zero), and the device itself may be effective (in the “White List”). Information about the status of devices is displayed in your account under the “USRP” tab.

Processing of the application follows a working procedure.

Before you begin to manage the transponder, you will need to go through a short registration process on the site.

This process

Registration of a special office does not take much time. In order to publish the registration, you need to go to the website at the following address: https://www.avtodor-tr.ru/ru. After which you will go to the main page of the official website of Avtodor.

Here, at the top right corner there is a “Special Office” button.

Official website of Avtodor

By clicking on this button, you will go to the next page of the site where the authorization form is located.

This form is intended for logging into the system, but if you have not yet registered, you will need to click the “Register” button.

Register in a special account

The toll road highway is a special office - this is a very simple and current online service that allows an authorized user to remotely control existing transponders.

This service allows you to cancel necessary operations at any time, which gives you the opportunity to cancel all necessary information when the transponder is ready for you. Important! When typing a password to enter the Special Account, you must ensure the upper and lower case of the keyboard, as well as the keyboard layout (Russian/English).

Passwords are assigned to

English language


It is recommended to enter the password to make a copy from the “Input” folder of your mail.

To select the “Options” menu item, the “Change account data” screen will open, where you can change the current password.

Extracting information about the camp of the Special Rahanku

On the main page of the Special Account, the number(s) of the Agreement(s), the number of Transponders transferred to you, the balance of the Special Account, the number and number of trips for the current month are displayed.

Renewal of the Special Rahunku

  • In the menu item "Correspondent functions" select the row "Renew the order", then select the number of the Agreement, indicate the payment amount and select the method of renewing the press button.
  • * The Contract number is specified in the format KT00X (without assigning the first digits of the number).
  • After clicking on the “Replenish your account with a bank card” button, you will be redirected to the bank’s authorization server and you will be able to make a payment using a VISA (VISA, VISA Electron), MasterCard (MasterCard, MasterCard Electronic), Maestro or UnionPay bank card.

After clicking on the “Update your account in another way” button, you will be redirected to the page for upgrading your account in one of the following ways:

from a mobile phone case;

from a shell of an electronic hamman;


Transponder number;


You can request a check from a specialist of the Operator of the trip you have taken, for which you need to move the cursor near the “Request verification” field to the row that confirms the train you have taken, and click on the sign.

After the trip is adjusted by the Operator, the balance of your Special Account will be reinsured.

Review of payment history

In the "Information" menu item, select the "Payment History" row, select the Agreement number and indicate the period for which the information must be withdrawn.

Review of financial information

In the “Information” menu item, select the “Financial Information” row, select the Agreement number and indicate the period for which the information must be removed.

Changing the Transponder status (on/off)

Transponder activation time

In the menu item "Correspondent functions" select the row "Turn on Transponder/BSK" and set the search criteria:

  • via Internet banking.
  • Important!
  • Changing the balance of the Special Account will take place within one year after the renewal.
  • type in person pay that status.

From the list, select the Transponder that you want to enable, with the status either.

In the “Change status” field, select the “Enable” row, fill in the “Reason for changing status” field.

Click the "Change status" button. The Transponder will be activated for one year. To check that the transponder has been successfully installed, please change the status of the device in the “Search for transponders” section of the Special Account one year after the operation.

If the status is “red”, then the connection procedure was successful.

If the status has not changed – “green” - fill out the money for the call center operators or the form

the call of the bell

To the special office of Koristuvach.

Transponder turned on