Road and transport suitability.

Doglyad :


Basic concepts and terms of road transport accidents (accidents) road and transport useful clause 1.2 of the Rules road ruhu Russian Federation Basic requirements for approval transport arrangements before use and installation


to ensure the safety of the road traffic regulations, approved by the Decree of the Russian Federation dated 23 June 1993 No. 1090 "On the Rules of the Road Traffic Regulations" (together with the "Basic provisions for the admission of transport vehicles to the operation and binding of road vehicles to ensure the safety of the road traffic")

The cause that caused the collapse of the expensive transport system in the process, for which people died or were injured, damaged transport vehicles, sporida, vandalism or other material harm was caused


Golovna 2 Federal Law dated 10th 1995 No. 196-FZ “On road safety”

And the idea that in the process of collapse the road transport service became dear and for which people died or were injured, transport vehicles were damaged, disputes, vandalism or other material damage was caused (Clause 6 of the Rules for civil liability insurance of transport vehicles, approved by the Decree of the Russian Federation dated May 07, 2003 No. 263 “On the approval of the Rules for civil liability insurance News of Vlasnik transport services"- the idea that caused the collapse of the expensive transport service in the process, for which people died or were injured, damaged transport vehicles, vandalism, sporudi

road and transport useful Road accident) is called the process that caused the collapse of the expensive transport system in the process, for which people died or were injured, damaged transport vehicles, vandalism, and controversy.

Clause 2 of Appendix 3 of the Rules for the design and analysis of road transport conditions for
highways Russian Federation, approved..
FDS RF May 29, 1998 Road transport benefits are divided into the following types: Congestion is useful for any transport means that are collapsing, colliding with each other or with a collapsing warehouse
Perekedannya is useful, in case of any transport service that is collapsing, it has been transferred.
Hitting a transport place that costs, - the idea that when a dry transport place comes across a transport place that costs, and also the reason or the other way around.
Hitting a crossroad is when a vehicle hits or hits an indestructible object (bridge support, stop, tree, fence, etc.).
Hitting a pedestrian is a concept in which a transport vehicle collides with a person or the vehicle itself collides with a vehicle that collapses.
This type of storage is also useful in cases where pedestrians suffered damage to goods transported by transport or objects (planks, containers, ropes, etc.).
Hitting a cyclist is a concept in which a vehicle hits a cyclist or the vehicle itself hits a vehicle that collapses.
Hitting on horse-drawn transport- when a transport problem hits the sled animals, as well as the carts that are transported by these creatures, or the sled animals, or the carts that are transported by these creatures, collides with the transport vehicle, which collapses.
What does it look like to hit a creature?
Passenger fall - a scenario in which a passenger falls from a vehicle that is collapsing, or in the cabin (body) of a vehicle that is collapsing as a result of a sudden change in fluidity or the trajectory of the collapse, etc., as it is not possible It will be classified as a different type of accident.
The fall of a passenger from a transport device that does not collapse when landing (hanging) on ​​the axle does not work.

Another type of accident is one that does not lie before the other types.

This refers to the fall of an object transported or thrown by a wheel onto a person, creature or other transport event, a collision with a person who is not a participant in the road disturbance, a collision with a crossing that has appeared (falling vantage, which the wheel was strengthened too) and in.

Clause 3 of Appendix 3 of the Rules for the design and analysis of road transport conditions on the roads of the Russian Federation, approved.

FDS RF May 29, 1998

div. also - add.
No. 6 to add.

No. 2 "Instructions on the subject of road transport issues in internal affairs bodies", ref.

by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated 18 November 1996, No. 328, as amended.

Addendum 6 to Instructions

Codifier of types of transport means - Addendum 8 to the Instructions

Codifier of enterprises-manufacturers of motor vehicles - Addendum 9 to the Instructions

Codifier of brands, models of transport vehicles - Addendum 10 to the Instructions

Codifier of moisture forms - Addendum 11 to Instructions

Codifier of organizational and legal forms - Appendix 12 to the Instructions

Codifier of the ministries of the Russian Federation - Addendum 13 to the Instructions

Format for transferring cards to the accident department at the federal level - Addendum 14 to Instructions

Change the addition that must be made before regulations Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - Addendum 4 to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated 18 June 1996 No. 328

Subject to Part 1 of Article 25.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation let's be patient There is a physical or legal person whose administrative offenses are subject to physical, mental and moral harm.



patient 1 Federal Law of the 25th quarter of 2002 No. 40-FZ "On civil liability insurance of transport vehicles"

- a person, a person, a healthy person, or a lane of any kind who was assigned to a vehicle when a transport vehicle was selected by another person, including a pedestrian, a driver of a transport vehicle, who was assigned to a vehicle, and a passenger of a transport vehicle - a participant in a road transport event (for the person responsible for is recognized as having suffered in accordance with the Federal Law "On civil liability insurance of carriers for insurance of harm to the life, health, and safety of passengers and about the procedure for the insurance of such harm, covered ї when transporting passengers by metro")

Clause 4 of the Rules for civil liability insurance of transport vehicles, approved by the Decree of the Russian Federation dated May 07, 2003 No. 263 “On the approval of the Rules for civil liability insurance News of Vlasnik transport services" bends
- a person who perished in the course of road transport or died as a result of his legacy over the course of 30 days;

(In the editorship of the Decree of the Russian Federation on November 19, 2008, No. 859) injuries

- a person who has taken away bodily care from a road traffic driver, which meant his hospitalization in the term of no less than one benefit or the need for outpatient treatment

Clause 2 of the Rules for the Form of Road Transport Services, approved by the Decree of the Russian Federation dated 29 June 1995 No. 647 "On the approval of the Rules for the Form of Road Transport Services" let's die

We respect the person who perished in the place of road transport or died as a result of his succession over the course of seven offensive battles. We respect a person who has undergone bodily care in road traffic, which is considered hospitalization by the term no less than one benefit or the need for outpatient treatment.

And here the provision of outpatient treatment is confirmed by documents (certificates) of a medical bond.

pp. 4 and 5 Appendix 3 Rules for the design and analysis of road transport conditions on the roads of the Russian Federation, approved. FDS RF May 29, 1998

1. Under the sun mild illness and health The result is a short-term decline in health and an insignificant waste of vital productivity.

2. Under the sun

moderate severity of illness in good health

a trace of understanding the troubling discord of health, which is harmless for life, or I mean a constant waste of vital productivity less than one-third. note to Art.

12.24 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

Road transport is the most unsafe of all types of transport.

There are approximately 55 million road traffic accidents in the world, with over 300 thousand people being injured and about 30 times more people being injured.

In highly motorized countries, mortality from road traffic accidents outweighs mortality from various infectious diseases.

Road and transport suitability

call the action that was blamed in the process of the collapse of the transport system and for which people died or were injured, transport vehicles were damaged, disputes, damage or other material harm was caused.

4) hitting a pedestrian - a mechanical vehicle hitting a person, or hitting a vehicle itself, which collapses, resulting in injury;

5) hitting a cyclist - a mechanical vehicle hitting a person who is riding a bicycle (without a suspended engine), or the driver himself hitting a mechanical vehicle and collapsing, resulting in injury;

6) hitting a transport vehicle, which is worth it - a mechanical transport vehicle, hitting or colliding with a mechanical transport vehicle;

7) collision with horse-drawn transport - a mechanical transport collision has collided with harness, pack, riding animals and carts transported by these animals;

8) hitting animals - mechanical transport hitting wild or domestic animals (as defined in paragraph 7);

9) passenger fall - a passenger (whether a person or a person in a vehicle or on a new one) has fallen from a mechanical vehicle and is collapsing.

To what extent can we not imagine the fall that happened due to contact, transfer of mechanical transport vehicles, or collision with indestructible objects;

10) other furnishings - furnishings that do not remain in place until things are over-insuranced.

Before them, you can see the trams getting off the rails (they didn’t call the stops or the transfers), and the importance of what to transport depends on the people.

The appearance of road and transport applications.

The scope and analysis of road accidents is based on the method of assessing the accident rate, identifying the causes and reasons for culpability, and surviving approaches until they are eliminated.

The design of road transport services is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the design of road transport services:

internal authorities;

Enterprises and motor states, ministries and departments that operate transport services;

Road and municipal organizations;

Medical and preventive installations of the Ministry of Health, other ministries and departments (to care for victims of road accidents).

The area is affected by road accidents that, in one transport mode, collapse, cause death or bodily harm of people, or damage to transport means, vantages, roads, road and other disputes or other mines.

Before being injured in an accident, people who had suffered from physical injuries were included, who were concerned about the waste of time or the need for hospitalization for at least one day or the need for outpatient treatment after receiving first medical support mogi.

The purpose of outpatient treatment for patients with seizures is confirmed by documents (certificates) from medical institutions.

Until the national statistical reporting, information about road accidents such as: In fenced and protected areas of enterprises, organizations, airfields, military units and other objects access system

in and out;

During the period of performance of automobile and motorcycle sports events (training, training, etc.), if water athletes were injured, judge other personnel who service sports events.

Do not flatter the appearance of the outfit:

With tractors, other self-propelled machines and mechanisms under the hour of their execution of the main industrial operations, for which there is a smell (digging, laying trenches, skimming, harvesting agricultural products in the fields, logging, Rozvantazhniy robots, which are carried out using additional electric cranes or using the self-skid method, installed Shchogl, Opor, etc.);

As a result of spontaneous actions, aimed at saving life or improving the health of people or the main;

Try the victim who showed up as a successor, end life with self-destruction;

Inherited by natural disasters;

As a result, the safety equipment and rules for the operation of transport vehicles are violated due to the presence of a driver (mechanic operator) behind the wheel (starting the engine using the crank or starting the engine when the gear is engaged, in case of emergency of the transport vehicles from checaps, tractor sleighs and agricultural ponds, etc.).


Fires on transport facilities that collapse are not due to any technical failure.

The main benefits to ensure the safety of the environment and information about road transport facilities

The type of accidents at enterprises and in motoring states is handled by traffic safety officers and other persons assigned to the responsibility of enterprises and motoring states.

Information about road traffic accidents is registered in the Road Transport Journal.

Information about the events is recorded in additional terms regardless of the size of the material assets.

The keeping of the journal is entrusted to one of the police officers of the security service of the Russian Federation, assigned by order of the bureaucrat of the enterprise and the automobile state.

The journal can be numbered, laced, sealed and saves three years from the date of the remaining entry.

The responsibility for the completeness of the form and the correctness of the registration and transmission of accident reports is borne by the official of the enterprise and the motor state.

Enterprises and motoring authorities send reports about road accidents involving their vehicles to the appropriate authority in a consistent manner. The procedure for reporting and reporting road accidents is established in accordance with the general rules.;

Enterprises and motoring states check with local and regional authorities for internal information about road accidents and victims until the 5th day of the month following the fall.

Businesses and motor vehicles of Vlasnik transport vehicles are required to inform internal authorities about all accidents involving their transport vehicles, as well as about the return of transport vehicles to the garage from outside authorities yum.

Remedial and preventive establishment of requests for internal medical records to obtain documents (certificates) about the hospitalization of victims in an accident, the waste of their effectiveness or the purpose of outpatient treatment after the first oh medical assistance.

Official of the severity of an accident, methods of assessment.

Fundamentals of automotive technical expertise. . Automotive technical examination of road and transport applications. Methods for treating road accidents

In case of a traffic accident, two methods are possible:

Imaginary and deterministic. Using the first method, one tries to discover statistical patterns of all the factors that act during an accident. In this case, it is possible to assess the totality of all causes of road accidents, their guilt and consequences.

A modern approach allows you to transfer the number and nature of the accident that occurs during the next period.

With the deterministic method of investigation, the skin of the accident is examined separately.

The skin is, however, ordered by patterns that are universal to the whole, but also by the inheritance of specific, important officials..

These factors can be both common for a whole group of cars that were lost in an accident (for example, icy surfaces on any section of the road), or completely individual, specific to this type (for example treasure, Raptova Vidmova Galm system,

never-before-seen camp

water, incorrect walking behavior etc.).

It is also important to note that an accident with a serious legacy transfers individual liability to someone else. In general, this type of responsibility includes material, administrative and criminal punishment. Establishing a specific type of disease, which is not possible with a statistical method of investigation, will require an individual assessment of the causes and consequences of skin accidents.

In most countries, public opinion and official statistics from regulatory authorities most often point to the main cause of road accidents in rural areas and in the middle of nowhere.

Thus, the World Health Organization appreciates that nine out of ten deaths are due to the waters, which decide to lie down under the waters.

The most common causes of road accidents caused by drivers are: excessive fluidity, failure to maintain distance, failure to maintain clearness of the road, lack of respect and lack of confidence.

The faults of pedestrians are obvious: crossing at an unidentified place, walking along the road, crossing in front of a vehicle that is close to you, an unstoppable stand. When analyzing the situation, it would appear that the technical malfunction would no longer be the cause of the accident. The most common reason to insure for the ruins of the rules of the Rukha.

For example, when driving over a pedestrian, it would be necessary to explain the overweighted fluidity or the late stiffening of the rims, if the pressure on the pneumatic drive would be greater, and the regulated rims would be greater, then the attempt would be avoided.

Therefore, a thorough analysis of the causes of accidents allows us to confirm that the actual number of accidents caused by technical malfunctions is much higher.

The most dangerous malfunctions that cause the most frequent accidents are malfunctions

galm system

(50%), ceramic control (14%), lighting and alarm systems (16%).

Based on light statistics, the breakdown of the causes of road accidents is approximately as follows:

Through the wrong actions of people 60-70%,

Through the unsatisfied camp of the road and the lack of similarity of road minds to the character of the ruin of 20-30%,

Due to technical malfunction of the car 10-15%.

It is widely appreciated that more than 2/3 of all cases are caused by people and less than 1/3 falls on factors that are not subject to their will and activity.

3) a decrease in the productivity of water as a result of overwork, illness, or the influx of factors that cause a change and a calming of the situation;

4) poor technical development of transport facilities;

5) incorrect placement and fastening of the fittings, which leads to loss of control, stability, change in the operating mode of the mechanisms, and the efficiency of the robot;

6) unsatisfactory structure and deterioration of road elements and road conditions;

7) dissatisfied organization of the road authorities,

When analyzing the concept, it is most simple to convey the reason to a person who, as a matter of fact, must react mittivo to the change of other elements of the complex and thus compensate for its influx, trying to establish nothing necessary for the regime of the Rukh.

However, such dedication is not accompanied by proper order. Most accidents, not related to the behavior of the drivers, occur due to lack of information, dishonesty and inadequacy of the local authorities, for example, through defects in transport means, poor street lighting, drive-through part, incorrect street layout, incorrect installation of road signs, incorrect mode of operation of light lights. As a result of automatic control systems, people do not have a programmed system of responses to all types of road traffic situations that have developed.

looking at

At the same time, which immediately transmits the symptoms, and in the process of development of the skin, the influx of the skin is different for different reasons.

In the cutaneous phase of an accident, one main reason can be identified;

In the early phases, this reason may become a different one, a complementary one, and the one that was a complementary one in the first phase is shifted to the main one.

When analyzing the condition, such detection is necessary, since otherwise it is important to establish the cause of the phenomenon, if not impossible. Of no less importance is the identification of the conditions in which the air was blown. When many people change their minds about road accidents, they happen much earlier for the reason itself.

Road accidents are usually associated with a sporadic nature, although they cannot be clearly predicted.

However, the accumulation of statistical material after it has been documented can ensure the possibility of establishing patterns and connections, which in the future, being corrected in the organization of road traffic, will lead to a significant reduction in road traffic o-transport suitability on motor roads.

The most lively and objective, in the opinion of fakhivtsi, is the indicator of accident rates per 1000 km.

It is consistent with both domestic and foreign practice.

It is true, regardless of the significance of the transfer of the number of transport vehicles that are in use, over the transport vehicles that should be taken into account, it is important to note the accident rate per 1000 km of travel, what is left to the great

let's say a favor to businesses

, The whole river is exploited. Road transport facilities are classified according to the severity of the consequences, the mechanism of blame and the place. This classification was adopted in order to show the number of accidents behind the named signs so that decisions can be made related to reducing the number of accidents.

When talking about the causes of road accidents, it should be noted that these causes are the result and they do not indicate the relevant circumstances and factors that lead to their guilt, which limits the possibility of making decisions aimed at reducing the number of road accidents.

In connection with this practice, the analysis of the causes of accidents is based on the fact of the occurrence of accidents with evidence, such as experiments in the examination of the minds of the guilt of road accidents with the method of establishing the relevant causes of the fault.

Accident analysis.

An important basis for organizing work and ensuring road safety is the analysis of data on road accidents.

All road accidents are affected, regardless of the place where they occurred, as this concept corresponds to the indicated value. Within the framework of the regional accident system, to the transport of the transportation, to rest: auto -mobly, motorcycles, motorleri, motorcycle, mopedi, bicycles with the dvigun, tram, trolebusi, tractor toss Samokhіdnizmi is inconspicuous maximum speed

, as well as horse-drawn transport (for example, in packs and upstream creatures).

However, national statistics include only those accidents that resulted in deaths or injuries.

Do not include information about other countries. They will be documented and analyzed on a local level. Of great importance is the analysis of accidents without casualties, information about which is not centrally collected.

Their number is greater, the lower the number of dead and injured.

Therefore, in the local bodies of the Department of Road Safety and Human Welfare and in special magazines, they keep up the appearance of all these issues, including without any casualties.

It is especially important to identify the concentration of traffic accidents. The type of road accidents that are carried out by internal authorities is the most advanced. operating vehicles and the design of new models, transport facilities, water preparation, as well as assessing the effectiveness of these approaches;

accident forecast;

Creation of methods for processing information to prevent accidents and safety activities from various areas of the problem;

Victimization of the causes of single road accidents (road accident examination) etc.

Specialist cars have long ceased to be valued as luxury.

The car is practical in every home. In addition to the increase in motor transport on the roads, the number of road transport problems has increased.

It is clear that road accidents are the result of road transport that has become too old.


  • As a result of car accidents on the roads, people suffer and die, transport conditions and other objects suffer.
  • In order to react correctly in such a situation, it is necessary to know how to behave correctly in road traffic conditions.
  • Dribni accident

Dribnі road and transport benefits - not accidents, for any minor traffic jams are subject to deprivation of technical specifications. Such accidents can be registered without calling representatives of the State Inspectorate. In certain situations, a car accident is assessed as a minor accident:

The cost of a car does not exceed 50 thousand rubles;

As a result of road accidents, many people suffered injuries and impaired speech patterns of others who were in cars at the time of the road traffic accident;

In such a situation, a European protocol should be established.

This document has been in force in our country since 2015.

  1. The European protocol is an independent form of registration of road transport documents without having to contact the traffic police, so that you can cancel your insurance. Such a document is an absolute advantage..
  2. First of all, you won’t have to check for a long time at the traffic police department, and otherwise, you won’t have to stand on the road for a long time, blocking the passage of vehicles and creating a traffic jam.
  3. What next?

After completing the European protocol, you need 5 working days to send it to your

insurance company

If another driver is at fault for the accident, then before reporting to the European Protocol, it is necessary to inform us about insurance coverage.

  • It is not possible to repair a damaged vehicle for 15 days after an accident.
  • If repairs are absolutely necessary (for example, a car is being repaired for repairs), you must obtain a written request from the insurer.
  • Great accidents
  • Great road and transport benefits include accidents that cause physical harm to people and cause serious damage to vehicles.
  • In case of major accidents, the algorithm begins in a similar way, so you need to stop, put the car on the handbrake, turn on the hazard warning lights and put up an emergency sign.

Then, if necessary, you need to call the insurance company, call the State Inspector and notify your insurer about the accident. When traffic police officers arrive, they will start filling out the documents. Those involved in the accident must ensure that all documents are folded correctly.

Do not sign blank forms.

If you do not agree with any facts in the Protocol, I will look at it or you respect that the traffic police officer has provided the information, then before signing, write that you are not suitable, and describe the situation in your own way.

Fatal accidents

The worst accident is a road traffic accident with fatal consequences.

The punishment for the accident with the dead depends on the impersonal factors, including the behavior of the participants after the car accident.

Since people suffered as a result of road traffic, the Swede must be called out loudly.

Claiming insurance for an accident

  • There are a number of types of insurance policies.
  • obov'yazkova insurance
  • , for any damages, we will insure the TK to another mine or to the victim.

– voluntary insurance, which covers damages due to damage to your vehicle.

Immediately after a traffic accident, you must notify the insurance company.

You need to contact the insurance office at a cost of 5 dB (as per the established European protocol) or 15 dB (other types) with notifications about the accident.

The patient must write a claim before the insurance company pays.

The insurance company has the right to collect the transport claim that was injured in the accident for the purpose of reviewing and assessing the damages. The water insurance office provides information about the accident, a report about the accident filed by the traffic police inspector, and a copy of the offense report. This document requires withdrawal of payments.

For each specific category, the insurance company may obtain additional documents (certificates, applications)..

Russian legislation contains a lot of different formulations of transport benefits on the road. They are very important in various decrees and laws.!

Dear readers!

The article describes typical ways to improve legal nutrition, as well as individual skin conditions.

What do you want to know, how

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Ale zmіst їх zagalom however.

How is the fact of an accident determined in 2019?

The fact of any accident transfers the fate to a new transport department.

Ale tse is not the same mind.

There is a low level of other conditions, the visibility of which makes it possible to recognize an accident.

The overflow of them is designated by law.

The concept of “road and transport benefits” is introduced in clause 1.2 of the Road Development Agreement, ratified by the Russian Federation.

Here it is described as a phenomenon that occurred in the process of overloading MS according to dosage and for its part, for which people were injured or died or damaged material values.

With a little understanding, you can identify the main signs of an accident:

  1. An accident only occurs when the TK road collapses.
  2. Road accidents have an inevitable fate for transport.
  3. As a result, material harm and/or casualties were caused.

It is also stated in the “Rules for the preparation and analysis of accidents on highways of the Russian Federation”, adopted by the Federal Service road service RF 05/29/1998.

The definition of the term road accident is disclosed in Appendix No. 3 to this document.

Varto focus on the key points that allow you to signify an accident, and also: Road For clause 1.2 Dear PDR
It is called smudged earth or the surface of a special spud for transport. The idea that the position has become road territory cannot be classified as an accident Transport service TB is used as a device that is used for transportation along the roads of vantages, people and established possession.
Obviously, the understanding of transport embraces an even wider range of mechanisms, such as zagalnogo significance

, both and specialized

Material Skoda

This is the result of an accident and waste of time following an accident.

The value of material surplus accumulates from

  • The value varies depending on the number of participants.
  • If we take into account the complete destruction of road accidents, imposed by various standards, then the fate of at least two subjects is likely to be shared.
  • In many cases, accidents involving less than one vehicle are possible, as it is small in the area of ​​Skoda Maina or causing harm to people.
  • Main reasons
  • The main factors contributing to the risk of an accident include the following:
  • alcohol or drugs;
  • displacement of the venous fluid in the arm;
  • Ignoring seat belts;

exploitation of faulty technical specifications;

vtoma water; the weather is unpleasant; the dirtiness of the road surface is rotten;

factors that involve water (fireplace, talking on the phone, eating under the kerm, talking with passengers, etc.) and more.

Classification of species Clause 3 of addendum No. 3 to the Rules for the appearance and analysis of road accidents has been overinsurance
possible types Come on.
The classification is as follows: Shut up
It is conveyed that the TZ rokhomi bumped into each other Transferredannya
Hitting a pedestrian or a cyclist It’s useful when you hit the designated subjects, or they themselves get caught in the transport
Hitting a horse-drawn vehicle The situation with the collision of transport vehicles with carts transported by animals
Passenger's downfall Good, when a passenger falls from the TZ, which collapses, or in the middle of a sharp change in fluidity or the trajectory of the collapse
Other types of accidents Here we include situations that cannot be brought before the overinsurance of types, but at the same time under the circumstances of the TK that are collapsing.

In this category, non-contact accidents are included, if the fault of the driver through the violation of traffic rules is assigned to third persons without obvious physical contact

Actions for road transport conditions

The procedure for the actions of participants in road accidents is in accordance with the regulations in clause 2.5 of the traffic rules. And the water itself may be like this:
Shut down the transport service in case of minor delay
It is not possible to recover from the scene of the accident, due to the fallout, if the waters got home with each other, they put together a diagram and sent it to the traffic police station for registration Silence the emergency alarm
Display the emergency sign Front and back of the car Please let me help you if you suffer If so, you can use Wiklikati
I'll help the Swede by phone, ask for help on your own, transport the injured person to treatment by a passing medical officer, deliver the injured person independently in your car and return to the scene of the accident
Sign up for the rest of the story As it is necessary to ensure the success of the situation, first of all to fix the position of all significant objects and technical knowledge that will take part

Wiklikati DIBDR

And wait for the arrival of the doctors

It is important to investigate and obtain eyewitnesses before the traffic inspector arrives.

If the certificates cannot be checked at the traffic police, you will need to write down their contact information.

Obligations of water in such a situation (posadov)

In the event of a water accident, it is necessary to follow the established procedure.

After the safety of the technical task has been ensured, emergency signs have been placed, first aid has been given to the victims, witnesses have been obtained, and only checks are stopped.

You must wait for the arrival of the DSBI specialists and carefully draw up a protocol with them.

Because there is a problem with the health and safety department, they are to blame for the defeat of such actions:

Record data Participants in the accident, place, hour, furnishings and information, information about the victims, information about the accident, etc.
Calculate the number of victims and record data about them Assess the level of severity of people’s injuries and provide appropriate assistance
Check the installation Emergency signals
Keep safe Speech evidence
Identify all persons accountable before the accident Waters and other people
Show results
If necessary, organize transportation In detour or put together an accident diagram and solve the other part
Z'yasuvati note TS, scho znik, Because the fact of admission is important
Complete the necessary documents


At the scene of an accident, the DIBDR specialists prepare the following documents:

Protocol I will look at the place below It is now time to provide information about the accident factors, place and time, weather minds, roads, waters, other participants who take part from the MS, certificates.
The description part indicates the modification of the technical specifications and the specification of the breakdown, the condition of the traveling part, and the coordinates of the accident. The final part includes information about the qualifications of the persons involved Road accident diagram Developed with the most accurate vimir.
The position of the vehicles, the location of the impacts, the galvanic path and others are indicated. important details
situation I will review the protocol and revise the technical specifications
Fixes all visible damage and malfunctions Certificate of medical examination of participants in an accident
Can be formed on the spot or in a treatment unit in the presence of two witnesses


Types of accident participants and evidence

Evidence about an accident

In case of an accident, a copy of the protocol is shown upon signature in the recovered bond; on the injured party, a copy of the protocol is shown upon receipt.

All participants must provide evidence of an accident, for which they can be charged.

All documents are prepared in the presence of the authorities and for their direct participation.

Waters have the right to earn respect and gain access to important data from their point of view.

In order to cancel your insurance once a year, you must fill out an accident notification form and submit it to the insurance company within five days after the accident.

  • the participation of two participants in the OSACV fields;
  • number of victims;
  • The number of differences between participants in an accident.

Service investigation report

If the accident involved the transport vehicle, an investigation was carried out by the company's technician, who is responsible for the technical specifications.

The method of such investigation is to identify the violation of the basic norms and rules and the development of approaches that overcome accidents.

Immediately after notification of an accident is received, the security officer of the related organization goes to the scene of the accident and conducts investigation services, interacting with the investigative and identification authorities.

During the hour of service investigation of an accident, the following is installed:

  • furnish the floor;
  • legacy of the accident;
  • the damage that was caused;
  • wine individuals;
  • technical shortcomings in the technical specifications;
  • posadovi individuals.

At the hour of conducting the service investigation, the following must be done:

  • evaluate the waters, wash the water, wash the road washes and pour them onto the vineyard;
  • the nature and level of damage to the technical specifications and the quality of what is to be transported;
  • obtain letters of explanation from relevant employees of the enterprise;
  • to the authorities for investigation and investigation;
  • conduct detailed work with the technical inspectors of the company.

The result of the service investigation is documented in an act confirming the procedure, confirmed.

The document states:

  • date, hour and more precisely place;
  • type, brand, model, technical specification number;
  • MS technical mill up to the bottom;
  • dani vodiya, yak keruvav transport;
  • station of water (on the base of the medicine cabinet);
  • the hour will come before business hours;
  • meta trips and types of transportation;
  • we have chosen TK for the reasons and we have no care for the route;
  • type of accident;
  • minds of appearances.
  • Brightness and road wash;
  • character and kind of vanity;
  • number of victims;
  • zalny material beats;

The identification of a causal link between road accidents and damage could help ensure the collapse of the enterprise.

  • The act adds:
  • the protocol will examine the scene of the accident and the MS;
  • road accident diagram, explanation of road accidents;

punishments for the organization before entering to prevent an accident.

Magazine obliku

All accidents related to the transport of a particular enterprise are subject to insurance, regardless of the underlying causes.

The design of road and transport services is carried out by a road safety engineer or a worker, who is also responsible for the construction work.

Entries to the journal are made no later than two days after the date of entry.

Through additional analysis of log data and official investigations, the causes of road accidents are identified and approaches directly related to similar actions in the enterprise are broken down.

How the research methodology is stagnant

When investigating an accident, all the conditions that support the investigation can be divided into three groups:

The investigation consists of several stages:

During the investigation process, it may be necessary to conduct additional investigative activities - additional eyewitnesses, auto technical examination, and forensic examination of victims.

If necessary, we carry out surveillance experiments, examination of road surfaces, examination of burnt-oil materials that are being vicorized.

The method of investigation is the same as the side of the wine, and the official who became the cause of the problem.


Subject to Federal Law No. 196 dated December 10, 1995, all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are required to ensure road safety and proper qualification of their drivers and other workers, such as service personnel there is transport.

For this purpose, a plan is being developed and confirmed, which includes advances in road traffic conditions.

Like a butt road accident approach plan for the fourth quarter of 2019:

We are able to ensure the professionalism of drivers to stay with.

Also on October 2, 2001, the Ministry of Transport approved the Program to engage with transport organizations.

It is obvious that the enterprise will quickly organize activities according to the initial plan.

These activities become an invisible part of the plan for foreign visits.

Video: recovery from traffic accidents

The order of the construction worker confirms the plan of the initial authorities to take over the twenty-year road safety program.

  • At this point they say:
  • typical road accidents and their analysis;
  • help you achieve professionalism in driving;
  • standard regulation of trouble-free road traffic;
  • rules for providing first aid to those in an accident;

transport of passengers and vantages on unsafe sections of the route.

This begins with testing the drivers' knowledge of the BDR rules. All initial process

It is noted in the magazine that it is necessary to take care of the road traffic safety.

The storage bags are displayed in a special water card.

At the hour of verification of the enterprise by such bodies as Rostransnaglyad and UGADN, the initial thematic plan for the necessary activities to take from the road traffic safety system is being reviewed.

What are the reasons for growth?

  • All causes of road accidents can be divided into subjective and objective.
  • The reasons are of a subjective nature:

violation of road rules;

  • minor planning of the passageway;
  • bad lightening;
  • roadbed mill;
  • lack of visibility of regulations and road signs;
  • technical malfunctions of technical specifications.

Most of the road and transport benefits are due to the failure to comply with the rules of the road.

Coupling factors are:

  • distortion of the fluidity of the roc;
  • Ignoring a safe distance between nearby cars;
  • overtaking in the low visibility zone;
  • driving a vehicle from an unsure eye;
  • violation of maneuvering rules.

Much of the increase in road accidents is due to the lack of information among drivers about possible inheritances this or that other destruction.

It is also worth noting that some of the auto drivers know the rules of the road very poorly.

However, it is not so difficult to get a car at once, and to revoke your rights it is enough to create a basic minimum, and the difficult situation on the roads is to blame.

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