Diesel engines of Russian manufacture for passenger cars. A look at diesel engines from the view of light sources. Rating of the shortest current engines

Russian backwaters of electric motors: 20 domestic vibrators. Great brandy and new brands of electromechanical factory products. Catalog 2020: official sites, addresses, contacts and prices for post-workers. Close the price list for deliveries from the warehouse in bulk or make a purchase, become a dealer!

The idea of ​​​​creating an electric motor for virobnicheskih needs for centuries roiled the minds of winemakers. The first in the world, an appendage in practice, an electric motor, having created in 1834 the Russian wine-maker B. S. Yakobi. In 1839, he prepared a chauvin with an electro-magnetic collapse for 1 k.s., which collapses against the flow along the Neva with 14 passengers on board. Tse persche scale vikoristannya principle of electromagnetism to the point.

In the catalog are small, medium and large wine companies. Popular and first-rate enterprises - post-employees of wet products.

Backwaters are being prepared in Russia and prompted to buy:

  • vikonavchi electric straight-line mechanisms MEP;
  • shifting frequencies;
  • crane and metallurgical roller electric motors;
  • hot industrial engines, etc.

Prices without trade markups of intermediaries according to the price of the picker are cheaper than imports. Russian manufacturers of electric machines and elements are included in import substitution. Joking dollars, pronouncing collaborators.

Delivery to the regions of the Russian Federation, the Customs Union and for export. Sales without intermediaries.

For good reason, the Cummins KAMA product range traditionally includes two families of engines. The left part - close to 80% - is folded in rows of Cummins ISBe6.7 "shistki" with a pressure of 205 to 300 liters. With. These units are successfully installed on medium and important KAMAZ vans (95% of all vans), as well as on NefAZ and KAVZ buses, MAZ vans, special equipment "Eksmash", "Promtractor" and others. The second exhaustion is carried out on diesel "four" Cummins ISBe4.5, presented in the pressure range from 140 to 207 liters. With. Under any circumstances, the offenses of the family of engines are promoted in the options of both the fourth and the fifth environmental class. The joint venture is also successfully developing a variety of promising industrial modifications of its products to meet the needs of Russian industrial manufacturers in road and budvel, industrial and agricultural and support equipment. For example, the engines of the QSB6.7 Tier 3 series were born on a single platform with widespread use in ISBe6.7 automotive technology.

Starting from June 2017, Cummins KAMA joint venture systematically started expanding its product line by launching folding engines in the L series with a working volume of 8.9 liters and an exhaust of 280 to 400 liters. With. Tse krok razumovnistyu nayavnistyu consume in dvigunakh potuzhnistyu over 300 k.s. in the selection program of KAMAZ. 9-liter engines are planned to be installed on KAMAZ, RIAT, MAZ vans.

Having shown interest in similar engines from the side of the agricultural and road-building equipment, the engines were driven to expand the stagnation of these power units, and the keys to the agro-industrial sector appeared, Mashmash, "Ross.

Literally a piece of tales about the ISLe series. It combines in itself the advantages of a light and compact motor with the design engineering of important engines, ensuring high technical characteristics while maintaining high environmental performance. With a weight of more than 700 kg, the engine is far away suitable for driving on vintage cars and medium tractors operating in Russian minds, and ensuring the maximum torque for the engine of such a size. Industrial modifications of the L series will be versions with a mechanical and electronic control system with a fire for different certifications.


All the options of engines, to the point, were re-stuffed on the territory of the KAMAZ plant, are concentrated in two areas. Thus, the line of mechanical processing of cylinder blocks is located in one of the buildings of the KAMAZ plant, while the rest of the engine assembly is located in another. The first for everything, which is connected with various technological powers to the most common uses, in which robots are built.

Cummins ISLe diesel engine

Take, for example, the technology of forking the cylinder block. The fork itself is imported from abroad (the same blanks are supplied to other Cummins backwaters in the USA, Brazil and England) or are delivered from the KAMAZ brewery. Mechanical processing is carried out with the help of the German processing centers Heller and Nagel.

From the advanced technologies of processing of cylinders in Cummins type, such as turning and honing with a setting plate, two-way honing, as well as tightening the caps of the crankshaft bearings and the setting plate with a swivel.

Workshop for mechanical processing of cylinder blocks at the German processing center Heller. You can clearly see the installation plate, which plays the role of the head of the block. The processing of the block is carried out as if it were “stretched”, so that the head is pressed

Post the control of the accommodation quality on the skin working station, with which the operator, depending on the importance of the world, viroly viro independently - with the help of the Air Gauge mode or the part on the Carl Zeiss coordinate-vimiruvalna machine. Statistical control of the stability of technological processes is carried out automatically and over 500 trials. The final chord at the right control of the quality is rechecking the tightness of the empty oil system and the cooling system. As soon as you successfully pass all of these tests on the finished cylinder block, the serial number is automatically generated.

Ready cylinder blocks are packed and shipped on pallets to the final engine storage shop.

Installation site for the caps of the main bearings of the crankshaft before processing

From the key points in the folding of the engines of the varto, the sub-logic conveyor with an automated CNC system from Thyssen Krupp Krause (Nimechchina); the line of the head assembly to the block of cylinders and the piston with the connecting rod; vbudovani test benches for rechecking the moment of pulling out of the crankshaft, the size of the pistons and rechecking for tightness (engine, cylinder heads); electric impact wrenches with reversible zv'yazkom і ultrasonic installation for vimiryuvannya navantazhennya in bolted z'ednannyah; automatic installations for applying sealant, stands for programming and testing of the electronic control unit from Sytech (USA).

Не можна не відзначити також систему автоматизованого виробництва з програмованим логічним контролером, систему управління даними по виробах і організаційну систему управління ресурсами, які забезпечують передачу специфікації матеріалів на складальні пости, передачу інформації для вибору комплектуючих зі стелажів для установки на лінію, візуалізацію технологічних документів та інструкцій for the operator, control of the tightening parameters of the bolted connections, the inclusion of pardons for the collection of breaks in the control points, the saving of technical information about the selection of the engine, as well as the possibility of obtaining key data about the engine.

On all operations, there is a total control of the brightness according to the number of parameters for each visualization

Selected engines are driven to the trial lot. The testing of the engine is carried out at the stands of the AVL company (Austria). Test all 100% vibrations of the engines. Для забезпечення безперебійної роботи всіх ланцюжків виробництва на випробувальній станції задіяно швидкороз'ємне з'єднання двигуна з випробувальним стендом, підключення стенду до електронного блоку контролю за допомогою програмного забезпечення, підключення Ethernet до сервера ділянки тестування і підключення до серверів Cummins для аналізу результатів тесту і оцінки stability of parameters.

As a matter of respect for the day, then the dvigun will pass the final challenge. Why transfer the suspended conveyor without interruption to Finishline Tech (USA). The brewing technology includes a masking station, 4 stages of washing, dvigun brewing, drying of the dvigun in a convection oven, blowing zone, cooling, stations for completing and rechecking electric lances, after which it is ready to move to the warehouse.

Dіlyanka installation of fire equipment

K_lka s_v about components. The first for everything, tse yakіsnі components of the leading light makers, such as Bosch, Knorr-Bremse, WABCO, Leoni and others. The very same pidhіd ensures the development of reliability and durability of the power unit as a whole.

At the moment, the rate of localization of engine vibration in the ISB series is 60%, including the cylinder block, cylinder head, crankshaft and flywheel. From 300 positions of parts that enter the warehouse of engines, 98 positions are localized (including basic parts). In the next hour in series L only local collection will be transferred, further localization will be buried due to deterioration and will be increased with economical dosing of localization.

All engines in obov'azkovoy order pass "hot" run-in at the testing station

On this year, the joint venture has achieved a high and stable level of quality of the products of its Russian post-employees in line with international standards and constantly improving over the expansion of the component base. All postal workers have passed the process of confirmation of Cummins standards (Leoni, PJSC KAMAZ, Kombat, Pochatok, Technotron Metiz, Federal Mogul - Naberezhni Chovni, Norma Group - Tolyatti; Maksprom - Ufa). And yet the main supplier of basic parts is PJSC KAMAZ. Imports are shipped centrally through the Cummins Consolidation Center.

Without territorial distribution of Cummins engines, the fundamental principle of this work is to ensure the safety of the high quality products that are produced. Naturally, the Russian JV ZAT "Cummins KAMA" is not to blame. All recruits regularly undergo training to improve their qualifications, and the very acceptance of the quality assurance of the automotive quality management system to the ISO / TS 16949 standard.

One of the engines, by the method of vibrational vibration, is sent to the laboratory for testing under pressure. I’ll take yoga apart for a year for control

During the process of folding the leather, the engines pass through a multi-stage power control system. In the obov'yazkovym order, rechecking the tightness of the systems of heating, cooling and supplying fire, rechecking of electric lances is carried out. Before the start, the engines are ready to be run in a “hot” run-in at the testing stand. In this case, the results of all tests on the skin sample of the released motor are stored in the factory database. In the fight for the stability of the quality, one vipadkovy dvigun from the conveyor, the deputy head of the plant, is sent to the laboratory for periodic testing. There, yoga is “ganned” according to the desires on the stand, and then we will sort it out again for control. According to the statistics of ZAT "Cummins KAMA", the engines pass all the control checks the first time.

World Warranty for ISB series motors to become 2 years free of charge on a run with global coverage in the Cummins service area in more than 190 countries of the world. Starting from 2017, the warranty period for automobile engines manufactured by ZAT Cummins KAMA will be 3 years or 200 thousand. Km I'll go.

Cummins ISBe engine storage line

Prior to the engines of the ISL series, the same pidkhid will be required. At this year's light, the guarantee for the entire motor is 2 years or 400 yew. Km - in fallow, depending on what comes earlier.

For promissory engines QSB, LTAA and QSL warranty 2 years or 2000 moto-year, whichever comes first. The resource of Cummins engines before overhaul is 650,000 km. Service interval - up to 60,000 km.


Just a little bit to guess the history of the formation of "Cummins KAMA" in Russia, it turns out that the first motors of the ISBe series began to install on KAMAZ fittings in 2006. That buli dviguni ISBe5.9. In 2009, a warehouse line of Cummins ISBe power units with a working volume of 4.5 and 6.7 liters was officially launched. More than 50 ths. Motoriv.

Along with imports, more powerful motors of the ISLe and ISGe series were delivered to our country. Engines of the first series began to be installed on KAMAZ fittings from 2012. Three small works on the model of vantages, selected in the subsidiary structure of KAMAZ of the firm "RIAT", were installed over 3.5 thousand. Such motors. However, the main support for these motors is still the agro-industrial complex in particular "Rostsilmash" and "Gomselmash", as well as other harvesters.

As for the engines of the ISGe series, their installation on KAMAZ fittings began only in 2015, and the first pilot batch of 40 units was delivered.

Before the speech, boules and other deliveries of motors were more tight, a little bit alone, for special reasons.

In this hour, the population of the ISB series in the Russian Federation should be over 53,000, the ISL / LTAA / QSL series - about 15,000.

In the shortest years, the enterprise took up to 12 thousand rubles. Power units, їm buv 2014. At the same time, for a variety of reasons, the plans for the plant for 2017 are to supply a warehouse of 6500 engines. The tension of the joint venture is such that it is possible to take up to 35 thousand. Dvigunіv series B and L in rіk.

It will be better to tell you in advance what kind of service covering Cummins KAMA engines in the territory of Russia and SND is being carried out both through the service line of PJSC KAMAZ and through independent dealers of Cummins. To everything else, the Cummins engine is the only engine of Russian manufacture. The Danish status allows Russian manufacturers of automotive equipment to take part in various programs of state subsidies, which, in their turn, are included in the reduced rank of automotive equipment for final purchase.

Well, and, of course, you can’t help but guess about the nearest goals of Cummins KAMA. The first for everything, the main and great ambitious meta - 100% localization, including the details of the fire equipment and the electronic control system. If you want a decision about the localization of details, you should always take it from the point of view of economic dozilnosti.

From short-line programs, name the localization by pistons in Federal Mogul and flywheel housing in KAMAZ.


The partnership between KAMAZ and Cummins has been in existence for three decades. The first working visit to Naberezhni Chelni was made by the top managers of the American corporation in 1987. As a result of the negotiations, the radio-series side of the manufacturing of KAMAZ tractors with 10-liter Cummins diesel engines became the result of the negotiations.

A new round of spivpratsi fell on 2004, since Kamsky Avtozavod entered the market of the medium-tonnage Kamaz 4308. This situation has led KAMAZ and Cummins to the destruction of the joint venture and the signing of the establishing documents for the creation of a joint venture for the manufacture of engines. This is how ZAT Cummins KAMA was born, as it marked the 10th anniversary of its work in red 2016.

The common strains of the joint ventures of the most recent state of the art with a high level of automation are compact. The total area of ​​business premises is 14 100 m2. Starting from the local folding of engines, the joint venture gradually moved to full-scale production, having mastered all the technological processes of processing the block of cylinders and localizing 60% of the components, including the block of cylinders, the head of the block of cylinders, the crankshaft.

The engine is the main and the most expensive unit, due to which it is rich in what to lie down, in front of which the morning of the car appears. This is especially true for buyers of living cars. I would like to hear the sound of the motor and repair the vimagati respect even after the end of the warranty term - often with other and third rulers. In the first year of addressing our rating, prepared jointly with the Moscow company INOMOTOR, for nearly twenty years it has been engaged in professional repair of engines.

We have planned a sprinkling of similar materials, in which we can see the movements of a different volume. Let's do it from atmospheric gasoline engines. Shards of a good overhaul are not cheap enough, it’s not possible for motorists to bring units with a smaller cubic capacity: they will cost more than the so-called contract engine with a run, brought from behind the cordon. Therefore, the statistics on such motors are too scanty for a relative analysis.

The rating includes good events and popular dviguns that debuted 10-15 years ago. Approximately at the same hour, there was a significant drop in power - the resource of motors and their reliability decreased significantly. The largest number of units were installed on cars of the last generation, and many of them became bestsellers in the secondary market. The stench dashed off solid trials, giving them the opportunity to finish the material for thinking about arrogance.

The main criterion for rozpodіlі mіsts - zagalny resource dvigunіv. In addition, we appreciate the reliability of all other systems and elements, as well as the accuracy of the preparation of details. We reported on repair technologies in the materials “A friend of life” (ZR, 2015, No. 1). Practically all elements of motors can be replaced - food is less in economy. Approach the repair of engines that are presented in a glance, identical, different, less in the number of parts that require excellence. Therefore, in the capacity of the additional criterion, the relative quality and availability of spare parts are considered.

In general, atmospheric gasoline engines with a volume of 2.0 liters - to make up a resource and not a problematic group; move more quietly from the same homelands, but with more commitment, for example 2.3-2.5 liters, signifi- cantly fastidious. Tse is fair and for the "winners" of our rating.

8th place: BMW

Engines BMW series N43, N45 and N46 belong to one family, wanting to be constructive vіdmіnnostі. Their main noses - models 318i, 320i (E90) and 520i (E60) - are representatives of the outdated BMW generations of the third and fifth series.

The average resource of motors in terms of wear of the cylinder-piston group is estimated at less than 150,000 km - the quality of the preparation of parts is not visible. Engines are technically foldable for their time - maybe, navit a bit too late. They have a lot of systems and vuzlіv, pochatkіvtsіv verduvatsche up to the present natural wear of cylinders and piston rings.

The motors are structurally sound until the oil is compressed, moreover, the situation worsens some malfunctions. At the exit from the fret of the gum diaphragm of the ventilation valve of the crankcase gases, the oil is replaced by the inlet pipeline - the car is smoked, like a steam locomotive. Up to 100,000 km of driving through the wear of the straight bushings causes the movement of the valves of the timing system, as a result, the oil is consumed through the oil pans directly into the combustion chamber. Until then, it is not necessary to close the valves until the priming passes and interruptions during the cold start of the engine.

Up to 150,000 km, the lancet of the timing belt and the clutch change the phases of the gas distribution do not survive. Through the uneven movement of the lances, there is noise, it is possible to wind a shave, and even the pistons with the valves are inevitable. And more often than not, it only jumps on a sprat of teeth without catastrophic consequences. Until then, before the mechanical wear of the couplings, the phase change is approximately up to 100,000 km.

Primhliva and the system for changing the height of the inlet valves (Valvetronic), as a replacement for the sonic throttle valve. After 100,000 km of driving, an expensive electric motor is clogged with olives, and in the end of the world, I conjure. After a while, driving through traffic jams on the valves builds up soot, which turns into incomprehensible blockage. At idling speed, the system is sensitive to detecting a serious malfunction, the engine starts to work intermittently, and the Check Engine control lamp stops.

Qi motors BMW, like and richly їх suchasniki, can not be repaired at the factory. In times of critical wear of the cylinder walls, motorists bore and sleeve blocks, saving at the same nominal size of the piston groups. Unfortunately, the original spare parts for BMW engines are the most expensive among the other ones in our selection, and there are practically no analogues to them. Major overhaul of these motors is the most important.

7th place: Volkswagen

Motori 2.0 FSI was installed on a lot of Volkswagen models. The most wide - Golf V, Passat B6, Octavia and Audi A3 of another generation.

The average resource of engines is 150,000 km. Engineers evaluate the quality of the preparation of these elements as average. Like BMW engines, Volkswagen 2.0 FSI units do not shine with superiority due to the technically folding design, but the scale is less dashing.

Palivna equipment without a middle priskuvannya primkhliva. Expensive, but not durable injectors and high-pressure fuel pumps die after 100,000 km of driving. In addition, as a result of the design of the gastronomy system, it causes uneven cylinder wear: the nozzle dispenses gasoline practically on the opposite cylinder wall, thereby pumping oil out of it. Already up to 120,000 km, the passage of the cylinder in the zone through the wear may become barrel-shaped.

One more little bit of uninterrupted intake: the fire does not clean the inlet valves and soot. It’s too early to cause an unexpected shutdown and unstable cold starts of the motor, especially the charge. The worsening situation is the rapid wear of the valve guide bushings (like in BMW engines), which, before that, leads to increased oil consumption.

The FSI engines were assigned to the part of the piston rings. The memory of the change in their comradeship has significantly injected into the hardness. Before speech, this is one of the tendencies in the daily movement: the lowering of the mass is indicated by arrogance. Smaller zhorstki kіltsya shvidchayut their cob geometry, get coked and actually cease to work. One of the reasons for this is the cold start-up of the engine during the winter period.

Repairs for FSI motors are not transferred. Original spare parts are not cheap. Fortunately, there are more than enough replacements on the market. In general, the cost of overhauling FSI engines is high, more expensive than that of BMW units.

6th place: Ford / Mazda

A joint venture of Ford and Mazda companies - Duratec HE / MZR family engines. These identical motors are widely widened, they were installed on such mass models, like the Mazda 3 and Mazda 6 of the first two generations, the Focus and Mondeo of the previous generations.

The resource of motors is 150,000-180,000 km. Structurally, it's easy to finish the stench, but, unfortunately, the amount of details leaves the best. In addition, the engines are especially sensitive to oil starvation and overheating.

With active driving, there is a significant increase in oil vitrata. Yakshcho Volodyetz did not understand for yoga equal, the great risk of cranking the connecting rod and root bearings of the crankshaft. On these engines, there are loose fittings without locks and tight fittings - on the stench space, there are no more springs of springiness to the metal. Unfortunately, today one more solution has been expanded. To finish a non-trivial oil starvation or a slight overheating of the motor, and the liners lose their geometry.

When turning the liners, the crankshaft journals and the leg in the cylinder block suffer. During their repair, the drain is prepared in the middle. There are frequent fluctuations, if the necks of the shaft crack: dear shaft - on the wiki. And when the bolts of the root caps are twisted, the cut-outs hang from the opening. Obviously, when folded, it no longer shows the necessary tightening moment. Bring її to inspire for help futorok.

The engines have no repairs. At the same time, spare parts are not available for engines of Ford models - only as a short block (cylinder block in assembly). Fortunately, for sale are similar details of Mazdi. There are also non-original spare parts on the market. The price of a major overhaul of motors is average.

5th place: Renault-Nissan

Motor concern Renault-Nissan of the M4R / MR20 family knows more about Japanese crossovers. The MR20 unit was used for the X-Trail of the previous generation, and Qashqai did not part with it and ponin. The French analogue standing on Megane is the third generation and is still available for fluence.

The resource of motor brothers should be 180,000-200,000 km. The number of parts is better, lower than that of the closest competitors - motors for Ford and Mazda cars, but without the weak ones it could not happen. Sometimes cracks appear on the necks of the crankshafts and cause deformation of the fourth cylinder - as a rule, if the service is changed during the installation of the gearbox, the fastening bolts are tightened. Nedovgovіchna lansyug timing: stretching already up to 80,000 km run.

Like a zavzhd, repairs were not carried out. Original okremo spare parts available. For overhaul and overhaul of engines, you can compare with a pair of Ford / Mazda.

4th place: Mitsubishi

The Mitsubishi motor of the 4B11 series is a subgroup of engines that relieves serious ailments. Yogo was put on the Outlander of the previous generation and Lancer X of the first years of production.

The engine resource is 180,000-200,000 km. Yak_st prepared yoga elements well. The overpowering superiority of the motor is rich in why it is enmeshed in the simplicity of the design, which is relieved by the whimsical systems. As a rule, the engines are taken to the repairmen through the natural wear of the cylinder-piston group.

Motor may be repaired. Original okremo spare parts available.

Mitsubishi engines can be matched with Renault, Nissan, Ford, Mazda engines for the version.

3rd place: Honda

The Honda motor of the R20 series was put more importantly on the Accord of the seventh and eighth generations and on the CR-V of the remaining two generations.

The resource is close to 200,000 km. The quality of the preparation of parts is three times higher, lower for the Mitsubishi motor. The R20 engine is superior and structurally simple. A simple scheme for regulating the valves "gwent - nut" does not affect the selection and replacement of valve stems. Under the pre-trial regulations for the operation (skin 45,000 km), R20 will not cause trouble until the end of the natural wear of the cylinder-piston group.

Repairs for the engine are not transferred. Spare parts for Honda motors are not cheap, so overhaul is one of the most expensive in the Japanese subgroup.

2nd place: Toyota

The resource is close to 200,000 km. Yakіst vygotovlennya elementіv duzhe garne. Our list has two clear leaders for this show - Toyota and Subaru. The 1-AZ engine is ahead of the Honda R20 and in another parameter: the original parts for it are ranked among the cheapest. The price of renewal of the 1-AZ engine is the lowest in our rating.

Collapse in technical terms

At present, in Russia, 10 diesel engines are produced by ship engines, and a few dozen enterprises specialize in the production of components. From the point of view of the legal status of practically all diesel-fueled enterprises of shares in the eyes of the most important joint-stock companies, as a long-term effort to lead the Kremlin activity, trying to survive in the minds of the global stagnation of industry.

It’s a pity that some of them didn’t show off their spell and pinned down their own: the Nobel factory VAT Russian Diesel licensed by MAN firm pressure 450-1800 kW at n \u003d 900-1000 rpm and motors licensed by Semt-Pielstik firm pressure 2868, 3330 kW at n \u003d 520, 550 rpm - 80-90 VAT "Leningrad Diesel Plant" (medium-speed engines licensed by Wärtsilä company for exhaustion 580-7380 kW at n \u003d 720-1000 rpm). In addition, medium-speed diesel engines in the pre-working hour also vibrate at the Pervomayskdieselmash (Ukraine).

Therefore, in Russia, in this hour, with the release of overhauled companies, a niche has been created for the market of tight medium-speed diesel engines. Here, BAT "RUMO" and BAT "Kolomensky Zavod" are actively working, and the remaining priority direct route is diesel locomotive diesel type D49.

It is similar to the market of low-power (up to 100 kW) high-speed ship engines. At the link with the output of workers in the region of SND (VAT "Pivdendieselmash" Ukraine, VAT "Rigas Diesels", Latvia (having pinned its foundation as a diesel plant), in Russia only VAT "Dagdiesel" was left, which viroblya dvigunistyu natuzhnistyu up to 44 kW. Дуже мляво в цей сектор ринку входить ВАТ «Барнаултрансмаш» на базі автомобільного дизеля ВАЗ-3415 потужністю 34 кВт. Тому багато російських підприємств, намагаючись заповнити вільну нішу, на базі автомобільних і автотракторних дизелів створюють суднові модифікації цих двигунів і пропонують їх нетрадиційним для них споживачам .

The Russian diesel plant produces ship engines in narrow ranges and is oriented on the track near the back. Thus, ten factories produce diesel engines in the range of 500 to 1500 kW. Only three backwaters (BMZ, KTZ and Zirka) have a wider range, but do not cover the needs of shipbuilding in the world. У той же час успішні зарубіжні фірми (MAN, Wärtsilä і ін.) Випускають двигуни різної розмірності в діапазоні потужностей від декількох одиниць до десятків тисяч кВт, що утворюють Типорозмірний ряди, в яких об'єднані уніфіковані по конструкції модифікації (від декількох десятків до декількох hundreds), which are determined by the number of cylinders, the frequency of wrapping, equal forcing, equipment and other. Tse allow, at the discretion of Russian companies, to expand the range of development of modifications of engines, increase the number of releases, speed up the process of development of new engines and turn them into a power plant for any kind of transport industry.

In this hour, Russia cannot work with hot diesel engines:

  • medium speed 3700 kW
  • high speed in the range from 44 to 118 kW
  • high-speed up to 5 kW (powerboats, emergency diesel generators).

Solving the problem of medium-speed diesel engines can be approached by:

  • expansion of the power range of ship diesel engines based on the implementation of the concept of engines of underslung designation (DDN) when folding ship diesel engines with an aggregate density of 8-10 ths. k.s. on the basis of engines VAT "Kolomensky Zavod" size CHN26 / 26 and aggregate pressure 4-5 ths. k.s. on the basis of TOV "Ural diesel-engine plant") rozmirnosti CHN21 / 21,
  • rozrobkoy new types of dvigunіv, shko vydovіdat modern vimog: BAT "Rumo" (CHN22 / 28), BAT "Barnaultransmash" (series BMD ChN15 / 18),
  • modernization of the main designs of diesel engines for stasis in shipbuilding: TOV "UDMZ" (CHN21 / 21), CJSC "Volzky diesel im. Maminih" (CHN21/21).

In general, the achieved parameters of ship engines in terms of economy, the possibility of stosing fires of increased viscosity, good weight and size characteristics and resource indicators allow for increasing the number of units with designated diesel engines on ships with a promising outlook.

However, there are unsatisfactory indications of diesel engines of the Russian production according to the short wikis. The Russian diesel plant does not attach sufficient respect to this food, which in this hour of production of their products on overseas navigation ships is becoming more and more problematic (because of the blame of the other brands of licensed diesel engines (BMZ) and new retailers (Kolomensky Zavod).

З огляду на широке застосування дизельних двигунів в енергетиці вітчизняних кораблів, флотські організації зацікавлені в постійному поліпшенні їх техніко-економічних показників, основними з яких є: паливна економічність, безвідмовність, довговічність (ресурси), ремонтопридатність, простота обслуговування, віброакустичні характеристики (ВАХ), weight and dimensions, environmental safety.

In the rest of the years in the diesel industry, active processes of integration of other businesses in the financial industry of the group are expected. Butts of such integration:

  • association of Yaroslavl enterprises (Yaroslavl Motor Plant, Yaroslavl Fuel Equipment Plant and Yaroslavl Diesel Equipment Plant) and BAT Barnaultransmash under the umbrella of GAZ Group;
  • Association of VAT "Volzky diesel named after mother", ZAT "St. Petersburg plant of diesel equipment" and TOV "Kandalaksha dosvіdcheny mashinobudіvniy zavod" under the umbrella of ZAT PFC "Eurotrade";
  • inclusion of BAT "Bryansk Machine Building Plant", BAT "Penzadieselmash" and BAT "Kolomensky Zavod" to the warehouse of ZAT "Transmashholding".

Numerical tests of a number of diesel-building enterprises to create joint ventures with foreign diesel-building firms have not yet been successful. Chi did not bring to us the results of the purchase and the test of mastering the manufacture of engines under the licenses of foreign companies. Прикладами таких невдалих спроб в останні роки були: припинення виробництва в «Дизельпром» двигунів за ліцензією МТU, середньооборотних двигунів фірми Холібі на БМЗ, невдача з освоєнням виробництва автомобільних двигунів австрійської фірми «Штаєр» на Горьківському автозаводі, відмова від виробництва двигунів за ліцензією «Івеко to Avtodiesel. The reason is that overseas companies, as a rule, are willing to transfer license documentation for old types of engines, hindering the export of these engines abroad. The only dvigunobudivnyh plant, occupied in Denmark, mastering the production of licensed dvigun 6 and 8 ChN 32/40 of the company MAN B & W є BAT "RUMO", m Nizhniy Novgorod.

Prospects for ship diesel production

Diesel is not a product of the end of the century; Why has the Federal Tsіlova Program been recently adopted, as a means of promoting balance, efficiency and safety of the transport system, and repairing the camp? Obviously, there is no power without active involvement. The main form of practice of state support for the renewal of fleets of transport costs is the subsidization of interest rates on loans and leasing payments for public, sea and river modes of transport. For diesel-building enterprises, the implementation of this program means an increase in the cost of production, which they produce and, as a last resort, the development of the gallery itself. However, diesel louvres are essential and fundamental to help.

In totality, according to different forecasts, Russia will need to call up to 2010 a thousand and a half sixty-two ships, taking to the respect of the floating crews for the development of the continental shelf and the development of the Navy, and modernizing 68 ships for the river fleet. Diesel engines will be requested in a wide power range from 5 kW (power boats, emergency diesel generators, etc.) up to 5-10 MW (head engines of large-capacity oil tankers and dry cargo ships). With the greatest need, diesel engines in the range of 500-1000 kW (head and auxiliary engines of river and sea vessels) and 5-6 MW (head engines of sea tankers and dry-vans) will be required. For the tribute of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation until 2010, 326 vessels of the river fleet were owed, the leading rank of ships of mixed navigation totaled over 1 million tons. T and modernization of 68 transport and passenger ships.

Vessels of mixed navigation of the “river-sea” type may have an average investment capacity of approximately 3.0-5.0 thousand. Tons with two main engines of 600-700 kW each. In the present hour, there is a tendency for an increase in the vantazhoobigu on the internal waterways to increase the vantazhopidjomnosti of the courts and, also, the tightness of the head engines.

As of 01.01.2006, there were 28.7 ths. Suden, of which 18 yew. - self-propelled, 10.7 thousand - non-self-propelled / 13 /. The middle age of river ships is approaching up to 30 years. Vіdpovіdno i vіk exploitation dvigunіv close to tsgogo oskanik, and, later, dviguny already passed the term of major repairs and require replacement. At the same time, the diesel fleet on the river fleet has about 30 thousand diesel engines of 40 types and over 300 modifications. The main engines are Daldizel, Barnaultransmash, Zirka and RUMO.

A great role in the introduction of ship diesel engines to the market can be introduced into the Kerivnitstvo R.002-2002 “Renovation of the ships of the inland and mixed (“river-sea”) swimming”, as a transfer of the shoeing procedure for replacing the head engines and allow to secure a profitable ship operation for 15-20 years.

In the most important area of ​​the domestic civil shipbuilding market, in the nearest future ships and technical floating facilities will be built for the development of oil and gas deposits on the Arctic shelf. At the same time, the peak of work on the development of Arctic shelf carbohydrate genera will be reached in 2013-2015. The development of the Arctic is crammed with a wide range of transport, service and technical vessels and floating structures, attached to work in important climatic minds. In the near future, according to some estimates, Russia will need more than 100 ships for swimming in the pine seas and along the pine sea route (krigols, tankers, freight carriers, tugboats and other ships, building sailing in the minds of the winters).

The power plants of ice-class ships are, as a rule, made up of three hard engines. With the help of the main engines of such vessels, they can have more high strength in terms of cost and resource indicators, they are responsible for ensuring a 20-30% increase in torque when working with mooring characteristics, a reserve of tightness, high power, etc. In this way, for 100 ships designated for sailing in the peninsular seas, 300 to 400 hard engines may be needed.

Skіlki tse koshtuє

The varity of the ship's power plants can range from 10 to 35% of the ship's varity and, as a rule, is assessed when the supply contract is drawn up. Therefore, the power of competition in the ship diesel industry, to inspire with the improvement of a different kind of vitrates on the market of diesel production products, seems to be important and relevant from an economic point of view.

Different dzherela give a wide range of vartosti, to which stinks are distinguished by a large set of warehouses: a single tightness of the unit, a stage of automation of a diesel generator set, a type of RRP, the presence of additional accessories and іn. Virobniki, as a rule, in their prospectuses and price lists, indicate the variances of basic modifications, as they are corrected during negotiations with a potential client, while protecting the supplementary statement to him.

I wanted the Spochaka to be entered by the I was in the pre -tsi, the tsini on the vitchyuzheni Sseu Nizhge NIZh at the iz port, the real paved tsin at the rives of the cigarette and the pile, and the way, the rule, is the same to overcome import propositions. For the sake of fairness, it is necessary to consider that the results of real exploitation of wines will be hindered by a high level of depreciation, increased operating costs, insufficient work and non-operational vikonannya guaranty of post-mortem injuries. However, diesel engine producers are constantly working on the abundance of their product line, while Russian diesel production is developing with a minus sign.

Competition is here

Sposterigavsya in the world in the period 2001-2002 r.b. there has been a significant decline in the number of applications for the production of marine diesel engines, and in 2004-2005, r.p. marked by a sharp increase in the number of zamovlenya. Growing development on ship diesel engines in 2006-2007. Particularly noteworthy is the growth in the category of hard diesels. Tse pov'yazano in pershu cherga zі zbіlshennyam maritime vantage flows from the species of footwear regions in the processing. For Russia, as the largest in the world, the length of the coastline, transport transportation, as a part of the economy of the country, is always of great importance. Therefore, in Russia, the market of ship diesel engines becomes of interest not only for domestic, but also for foreign diesel builders.

To meet the needs of the daily shipbuilding and shipbuilding, practically all foreign diesel companies are oriented: MTU, MAN and B & W (Nimechchina), MaK, Caterpilar, Cummins, GME (USA), Pielstick (France), Iveco (Italy), Wärtsilä (Finland) , Sulzer (Switzerland), Mitsubishi, YANMAR and Daihatsu (Japan), Volvo Penta (Sweden), Guascor (Spain), ABC (Belgium) and in. Given the following, it should be noted that MAN B & W Diesel, Wärtsilä, MAK, Caterpillar, Deutz, MTU are most actively promoted on the domestic market of Russia. Invented by FIRMI, MAYUT ISENTSTYA in Moscow, St. Petersburg I in a row Portovikh MIST ROSIA, laid a straight line of the courts of the court, projected organized by the vessels of the pryel, the sessiles of the Schastyvychi, the vessels of the vessel, the vessels of the vessel of the vessel, the veils of the navigation of the veils are noted out

A special niche for foreign firms is the middle of arranging for ships recognized for work in international waters and in the first season it is necessary to sail ships of the Russian industrial fleet. Until 2010, 787 large, medium and small commercial ships will be required to follow the tribute of the BAT “Giproribflot”. In case of communication with the specifics of operation in international waters and with the help of engines to the head engines, it is planned to deploy at overseas shipyards with the installation of engines manufactured by Wärtsilä (type 20), MAK (type 20), Caterpillar (type 34, 35) Volvo Penta.

In the rest of the hour, General Electric Transportation Systems is going to the Russian market. This company, for five years, starting from 2004, plans to take 25% of the Russian market of engines for medium-tonnage vessels with a deadweight of 1 to 6 thousand tons. T. In Russia, there will be close to 10 vessels of similar water-tonnage, one or two lead ships and two additional engines will be installed on the dermal one. In Russia, similar installations are not issued.

Levova part of the new patrol ships for the Federal Security Service of the FSB is equipped with MAN engines. This company already has the presence of a galvanized fence of centers, like serving the ships of the Russian law enforcement agencies. Most export ships of this class are also equipped with German engines.

Regardless of the success of MAN in Russia in 2007, the Frenchwoman Baudouin announced her plans to compete with the Germans in Russia for all types of engines.

In 2007, there was a sharp increase in the number of dealers of foreign diesel builders in Russia.

The only domestic engine plant, occupied in this hour of mastering the production of a licensed engine 6 and 8 CHN 32/40 (MAN & B & W) is RUMO. Under a German license, engines are produced here, as they are installed in the capacity of propulsion units on river and sea vessels, head and auxiliary diesel generators on ships of sea and river fleets. Insanely, a positive butt is the organization of the production of heavy low-speed ship engines for the BMZ under the license of the German-Danish company MAN B & W Diesel A / S. The engines are designed for installation on ships of the transport and fishery fleet as the main power plant.

У зв'язку з ліквідацією ВАТ «Русский дизель» пішли з Російського ринку середньооборотні ліцензійні двигуни фірми MAN і фірми Semt-Pielstik, а з ліквідацією ВАТ «Ленінградський дизельний завод» - середньооборотні двигуни за ліцензією фірми Wärtsilä потужністю 580-7380 кВт при n \ u003d 720-1000 rpm The main import engines on river ships are stocked with diesel engines of the German plant "SKL" type 6NVD-26 and Czechoslovak engines of the brand "Skoda". At this time, these engines have used up their resource and require replacement.

Pervomayskdizelmash and Pivdendieselmash (Ukraine) can become potential gravels in the Russian market of ship engines, thus promoting the quality and technical level of their products. However, the permanent crisis in Ukraine robs and releases no more than the next.

In general, not wondering at the active promotion of foreign companies, like in the pre-working hour, so in modern Russia there is a shortage in ship engines. Foreign companies in Russia operate in all sectors of the Russian diesel market.

new visnovki

Regardless of the supply of foreign firms, as in the pre-working hour, so in modern Russia there is a shortage in ship engines. And there is a large number of installations with imported internal combustion engines, which are red proof of this. In addition, in connection with the small entanglements of the shipyards, the deficit may also be of a character, so that the court of Russia needs it, but there will be stench beyond the cordon. The entry of Russia to SOT has led to a sharpening of the situation on the market of marine diesel engines, may have high technical and economic indicators, including those for toxicity and noise. There are a lot of reasons, obviously there is only one - the low technical level of domestic diesel production.

Zagalnyy zastіy in the industry of Russia in the process of re-budding and on the production of diesel engines and their components. The presence of a large number of spare engines in the repair and maintenance organizations helped reduce the demand. Today, the number of practically all dvigunobudivnyh enterprises fell into a sprawl and reach from 10 to 50% of the pre-perestroika level.

In this hour, a number of enterprises are trying to speed up the work on the full technical parameters of ship diesel engines (BMZ, Kolomensky Zavod, RUMO, Zirka, Volzky diesel named after mother). But, unfortunately, it should be noted that at other enterprises (“Dagdiesel”, “Penzadieselmash”, “Ural Diesel Engine Plant”, “Daldiesel”), the commitments of the last and design works for the development and perfection of ship engines have significantly decreased. Virtually unchanged parameters of diesel engines, no new technical solutions to increase the pressure, increase performance in economy, automation and control of engine parameters, etc.

In the gallery of ecology, this resource is expected to be released in the present hour of ship engines of Russian production, which does not meet the needs of the modern world, so the development of a new ship diesel engine for Russian shipbuilding is indispensable. ale: it is impossible to straighten the camp without sovereign vtruchannya! This is a private, amateurish project, and the author of the text itself does not have any special interest in diesel production, be it engagement is absolutely turned off. The authors put it for the meta, first for everything, give respect to the problem of patriotic mirkuvan and just sweat, sob to demonstrate their recognition to the readers of the blog.

More than 20 years ago, it was important that the larger the volume of the engine, the more powerful and better. In a moment everything changed. . The trend in the auto industry for the rest of the year is to change the duty of the engines, to save the pressure, as it became possible to stop the turbines. Varto means that when you reach a change in the cost of fuel, it is important, if in the current world the variety of car fuel becomes more expensive.

Plus, zmushuє virobniki v cars. Automotive companies may have different ideas before designing, building and manufacturing engines. , If you are ready to pick up the car in front of the rahunok. Some engines can be good economy, others are bad.

Ale, madly, not marveling at the greatness of the diversity of car engines, there are a small number of power units, which have become more popular in the car market for the last 20 years. About qi dvigunakh vіdomo bіshostі motorists. They don’t suspect a lot of us that under the hoods of their cars, stand the very legendary motors. We have selected for you the most popular ten, which have become popular in our world.

1) GM LS series

No complaints. The simple design of the motor allowed it to become one of the most popular in the world. Increased tightness, torque, expansion, cost-effectiveness and simplicity of design allows the V8 engine to be shorter than the lower one, the OHC engine.

The famous dvigun of the company, which stood on the feet of the brand:

    • 1998-2002 Firebird Formula, Trans Am
    • 1998-2002 Camaro
    • 1997-2002 Chevrolet Corvette
    • 1999-2005 Holden Commodore Ute
    • 1999-2005 Holden Commodore (VT, VX, VY, VZ)
    • 1999-2005 Holden Statesman (WH, WK, WL)
    • 1999-2005 Holden Caprice (WH, WK, WL)
    • 1999-2004 Holden Special Vehicles Clubsport (VT, VX, Y Series)
    • 1999-2004 Holden Special Vehicles Clubsport R8 (VT, VX, Y Series)
    • 1999-2004 Holden Special Vehicles Grange (VT, VX, Y Series)
    • 1999-2004 Holden Special Vehicles GTS (VT, VX, Y Series)
    • 1999-2004 Holden Special Vehicles Maloo (VT, VX, Y Series)
    • 1999-2004 Holden Special Vehicles Senator Signature (VT, VX, Y Series)
    • 2000-2002 Holden Special Vehicles Senator 300 (VX)
    • 2000-2002 Holden Special Vehicles Coupe GTO (VX)
    • 2000-2002 Holden Special Vehicles Coupé GTS (VX)
    • 2000-2002 Holden Special Vehicles SV300 (VX)
    • 2000-2004 Holden Special Vehicles Maloo R8 (VX, Y Series)
    • 2001-2001 Omega (prototype)
    • 2001 N.V. Mosler MT900
    • 2003-2004 Holden Special Vehicles Clubsport SE (Y Series)
    • 2003-2004 Holden Special Vehicles Coupe LE (Y Series)
    • 2003-2004 Holden Special Vehicles Coupé4 AWD (Y Series)
    • 2003-2004 Holden Special Vehicles Avalanche XUV (Y Series)
    • 2003-2004 Holden Special Vehicles Avalanche XUV AWD (Y Series)
    • 2001-2005 Holden Monaro CV8
    • 2004 GT
    • 2006-N.V. Elfin MS8 Streamliner
    • 2006-N.V. Elfin MS8 Clubman

2) BMW S54

Tsey dvigun bagatorazovo became the best medium engine of 3.0 to 4.0 liters, starting from 2001 to 2006 r_k. Let's guess that the S54 motor is a modification of the M50 engine.

The engine is installed on the next car:

  • 2001-2006 E46 M3, Intensity - 343 k.s., maximum wrapping moment - 365 N. m
  • 2001-2006 E46 M3(Only for Pivnichnoy America) tension - 333 k.s., maximum wrapping moment - 355 N. m
  • 2001-2002 (Crimea of ​​Pivnichnoy America) tension - 325 k.s., maximum wrapping moment 354 N.m.
  • 2001-2002 (for Pivnichnaya America only) tension - 315 k.s., maximum wrapping moment - 341 N. m
  • 2004 E46 CSL tension - 360 k.s., maximum wrapping moment - 370 N. m
  • 2006-2008 (Crimea USA) tension - 343 k.s., maximum wrapping moment - 365 N. m
  • 2006-2008 E85 Z4 M Roadster / E86 Z4 Coupe(USA only) tension - 330 k.s., maximum wrapping moment - 355 N. m

Vrahayuchy motor, the sound of which is impossible to convey in words.

The engine more than once became not only a winner, but also a winner in the nomination for the title of the best engine in the world.

3) Ford EcoBoost V6

A family of modern engines with direct application from the Ford company. The technology allows, without wondering at the economics of vigor, to increase the volume of the engine without the turbocharger (not on all modifications), the reason for which is the increase in tension by 15-20 kW.

1.6 L EcoBoost I-4 vicorate:

100 k.s.

  • 2012 - B-Max
  • 2013 - Fiesta

125 k.s.

  • 2012 -
  • 2012 - C-Max
  • 2012 - B-Max
  • 2013 - Fiesta

150 k.s.

  • 2010 - C-MAX
  • 2010 - Focus
  • 2010 -
  • 2010 - V60
  • 2012 -

160 k.s.

  • 2011 - Mondeo
  • 2011 - S-Max
  • 2011 - Galaxy

185 k.s.

  • 2010 - C-MAX
  • 2013 - Fusion
  • 2010 - S60
  • 2010 - V60
  • 2011 - Focus
  • 2011 - V70
  • 2011 - S80
  • 2012 - V40
  • 2013 - Escape
  • 2013 - Fiesta ST (Europe)

200 k.s.

  • 2014 -

2.0 L EcoBoost I-4 vicorate:

203 k.s.

  • 2010 -
  • 2010 -
  • 2010 -
  • 2010-2011 S60 2.0T
  • 2010-2011 V60 2.0T

243 k.s.

  • 2010 - Mondeo
  • 2011 -
  • 2011 -
  • 2011 -
  • 2011 - S-MAX
  • 2012 - Falcon
  • 2013 - Escape
  • 2013 - 2
  • 2013 - Fusion
  • 2013 - Taurus
  • 2013 -
  • 2013 -

255 k.s.

    • 2013 Ford Focus ST

2.3 L EcoBoost I-4 vicorate:

280 k.s.

  • 2015-MKC
  • 2015 -

4) Volkswagen TFSI

The compact, light and versatile motor of the Volkswagen company works together with a turbine, as it allows you to reach the optimal values ​​of tightness, at the same time leaving you with an economical engine.

2.0 R4 16v TFSI features:

  • 168 hp - (C6), VW Tiguan
  • 182 k.s. -
  • 197 k.s. - (B7), (8P), (B6), Mk5, Mk5 GLI, Leon, Exeo,
  • 217 k.s. - 2005 i A4 (B7) DTM Edition
  • 217 k.s. - RWRC
  • 227 k.s. - VW Golf Mk5 GTI Edition 30, Volkswagen Golf MKVI GTI Edition 35
  • 237 k.s. - Seat Leon, Seat Leon Cupra Mk2
  • 252 k.s. - Audi S3 (8P), Golf R (Australia, Japan, Close Exit and Pivnichna America)
  • 261 k.s. - Audi S3 (8P)
  • 261 k.s. - Audi S3 (8P), Audi TTS, Seat Leon Cupra R Mk2 facelift
  • 267 k.s. - Audi TTS, Golf R (Europe)

Other TFSI engines can be seen. The Volkswagen engine has become a winner more than once, in the nomination for the title of the best engine from 1.8 to 2.0 liters. After spending a good hour in the top ten motors, they get into the auto industry.

5) Buick V6 Series 2 3800

First, this engine appeared in 1962 rotation. For the entire hour of the production of various modifications and generations, General Motors has built 25,000,000 motors. The first engine for the special version of the Buick car. The volume of the motor was 3.2 liters, the intensity of which reached 198 k.s.

The motor, having recognized the impersonal supplementation and modifications, was released until 22 April 2008, if a decision was made about the release of the engine. Remain the rock of this engine installed on the car 2007 Pontiac Grand Prix GT.

6) Toyota 2JZ-GTE

One of the most popular engines of the Japanese Corporation, which was carried out from 1991 to 2002. Rear in-line six-cylinder engine with sub-turbo supercharger for Supra RZ (JZA80). Toyota engineers created this engine as an alternative to the engine.

Dvigun vikoristovuvavsya:

  • Toyota Aristo / JZS147 (Japanese models)
  • Toyota Aristo V300 300 JZS161 (Japan only)
  • Toyota Supra RZ/Turbo JZA80

7) Alfa Romeo V6 24V

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