Forgiveness of the rights of the vicar's attorney. Timasovy obezhennya koristuvannya borzhnik special right as a new tool for indirect primus at vytchiznyany vykonavchym provadzhenni (Gureev V.A., Selionov I.V.)

Article 67.1. Timchasovo obmezhennya koristuvannya borzhnik special right

(requested by Federal Law No. 340-FZ dated November 28, 2015)

1. Under the timchasovym obezhennya koristuvannya borzhnik with a special right to understand the assignment of deeds given to the borzhnik vodpovidno before legislation Russian Federation special rights in vilyadі the right to cheruvannya transport vehicles (automobile transport vehicles, assisted ships, ships of sea, inland water transport, motorcycles, mopeds and light quadricycles, tricycles and quadricycles, self-propelled cars) before vykonannya vymog vykonavchy document at the full obsyazі or until viniknennya pidstav for skasuvannya such obmezhennya.
2. In the case of a non-vicounian burglar-hulk or a borzhnik, who is an individual partner, at the installations for a voluntary vikonnanny term, without good reasons, he could not get away from the vikonavchy document, about the contraction of alimony, vodshkoduvannya shkodi, zapodiyanoy zdorov'yu zі death abo) moral shkodi, zapodіyanoї malchief, could not main character, tied up with children, and also could about tightening administrative fine, recognized as a violation of the order of coronation by special law, the court bailiff-viconate may have the right to apply for a statement of a syaguvacha, or by the authority of the initiative to blame the ruling on the timely exchange of coristuvannia by a lawyer with special law. At the time of non-compliance, he could not have a document about the administrative fine recognized for violating the order by a special law, the borzhnik could be surrounded by a coristuvanni with a special law.
3. As a typographical document, which was appointed at part 2 of the statute of vimogy, not by a judicial act or by sight not on the basis judicial act, then the judge's bailiff-vikonavets chi styaguvach may have the right to file before the court with a statement about the establishment of a timchasovy obezzhennya on corystuvannya borzhnik with special law.
4. Timchasovye obezhennya koristuvannya borzhnik special right is impossible to stagnate at times:
1) if such an exchange is established, it will allow the borzhnik of the main legal dzherel koshtiv to be grounded;
2) as a guarantee of transport security for a hoarder and members of his family, who live together with him, as a single security for the security of his life with the improvement of the commuted transport accessibility of the city of permanent residence;
3) as a borzhnik, as a special one, as a coryst transport facility at zv'yazku z іnvalidnіstyu, or on the morning of the wrestler, a person is recognized, according to the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine, as a disabled person of I or II group, or a child with a disability;
4) even if the amount of the charge for the vykonavchiy document (documents) does not exceed 10,000 rubles;
5) as if the borzhnik was given a line, or the line of a vykonanny could not be a vykonavchy document.
5. At the decision about timchasovy obezhennya on koristuvannya borzhnik with special right, the court bailiff-vikonovets roses "explains to the borzhnik yogo ob'yazok" administrative duty yogo ruined. The praise is appointed to be confirmed by the senior bailiff or yogo intercessor. Copies of the appointed decree no later than the day following the day of її guilt, are handed over to the lawyer in a special way, to be sent to the drafting authority of the vikonavchoi government, which is the sovereign control that is clearly visible in the sphere of activity.
6. Not later than the day following the day of the vikonnanny, the ship’s bailiff could not sign the document, or he had signed a special right to slander the timely exchange for the coronation of the borzhnik with a special right, to sing praise for the conclusion of the exchange, as if to be confirmed by the senior bailiff or yoga intercessor. Copies of the appointed decree, or a judicial act, or praised the superior planting individual about skasuvannya decrees about timchasovy obmezhennya on koristuvannya borzhnik with special right negaly nadsilayutsya borzhnik, styaguvachevі that in pіdrozdіl organ vykonavchoї vlady, zdіysnyuє soverzhnye control ta vіdpovidnіy sfera іyalnostі.

"The Borg Relief Act"
So the titles "Law on the relief of rights for the Borg" - ce federal law N 340-ФЗ dated November 28, 2015 “On the introduction of amendments to the Federal Law “On Vikonavche Provodzhennya” and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, which was signed by the President of the Russian Federation Volodymyr Putin on November 28, 2015. In part, the rights of water for the borg have been granted, we are told about the introduction of a new Statute 67.1 - Timing of the exchange of money for the barge by a special right.
Article 67.1- timchasovі obmezhennya on koristuvannya borzhnik special right
Part 1. According to the timely exchanges for coronation by a barn, a special right to understand the granting of a given to a barber is clearly before the legislation of the Russian Federation of special law in view of the right to corrugation by transport vehicles (automobile transport vehicles, guarded ships, sea vessels, inland water transport, motorcycles, mopeds and light quadricycles, three quadricycles, self-propelled cars) until the vykonannya could not have the vykonavchy document at the full obyazі or until the viniknennya pіdstav for skasuvannya such obezzhennya.
Part 2. When a non-vicounian was a burglar or a borzhnik, who was an individual partner, he could not, without good reasons, be able to get away from the vicon’s document, about the contraction of alimony, exodus of shkoda, zapodiyanoi healthy ' yu, vіdshkoduvannya shkodi u zvyazku zі death anniversaries, im moral shkodi, zapodiyanoї malice, could be non-main character, caused children to be wounded, and also could be about an administrative fine, recognized for violating the order of courtship by a special right, the court bailiff-vicon may have the right to declare a banner vacha or by the power of the initiative to blame the praise about timchasov obmezhennya on koristuvannya borzhnik special right. At the time of non-compliance, he could not have a document about the administrative fine recognized for violating the order by a special law, the borzhnik could be surrounded by a coristuvanni with a special law.
part 3 As a court document, which is appointed at part 2 of the statute of vimogy, not by a judicial act or by sightings not on the basis of a judicial act, then the judicial bailiff-viconate or styaguvach may have the right to go to court from an application for the establishment of a timely exchange on a court I am a barber with a special right.
part 4 Timchasovy obezhennya koristuvannya borzhnik special right is impossible to stagnate at times:
1) if such an exchange is established, it will allow the borzhnik of the main legal dzherel koshtiv to be grounded;
2) as a guarantee of transport security for a hoarder and members of his family, who live together with him, as a single security for the security of his life with the improvement of the commuted transport accessibility of the city of permanent residence;
3) as a borzhnik, as a special one, as a means of transportation for a connection with a disability, or on the morning of a borzhnik, there is a person, recognized by the established legislation of Ukraine as a disabled person I or II group or a child-invalid;
4) even if the amount of the charge for the vykonavchiy document (documents) does not exceed 10,000 rubles;
5) as if the borzhnik was given a line, or the line of a vykonanny could not be a vykonavchy document.
part 5 At the decision about the timing of the fencing on coristuvanniy by the special right of the judge, the bailiff-vikonavets roses "explains to the brigadier the obligations of the obligatory order to trim the installed fencing and forward about the administrative responsibility for the destruction of the. The praise is appointed to be confirmed by the senior bailiff or yogo intercessor. Copies of the appointed decree no later than the day following the day of її guilt, are handed over to the lawyer in a special way, to be sent to the drafting authority of the vikonavchoi government, which is the sovereign control that is clearly visible in the sphere of activity.
part 6 The ship's bailiff-vicon, not later than the day following the day of the vikonnanny, could not sign the vikonavchy document, otherwise he would be charged with a special right to sack the timely exchange on the barge by a special right, to sing praises about the conclusion of this exchange, as if to be confirmed by the senior bailiff, or yoga intercessor. Copies of the appointed decree or a judicial act or a decree of the supreme posadov’s individual about the decree of the decree about the time of the fencing of the borzhnik with a special right to the borzhnik negainno force the borzhnik, tyaguvat that in the body of the vykonavchoi vlady, which is the sovereign control that is evident in the vital sphere of activity.
The law is gaining rank from September 15, 2016

Director of the Federal Service of the Bailiffs Artur Parfenchikov imposed low food due to the new law on the relief of water rights for the borg:
Allow water rights for all fighters?
Artur Parfenchikov: Not all. At the law, there was a need for such a call to have low categories of rights. We are going to talk about socially significant vikonavchi provadzhennya. For example, we will be able to protect the rights of the transporter by means of transport, so that we won’t be able to help you with the contraction of alimony, so that you won’t be able to pay the mines, morally wrong, or wrong, I’ll be a bad guy.
Who can save the rights of water without the help of a borzhnik?
Artur Parfenchikov: Obov'yazkova vimoga to the law - the special handed over praised about the exchange of special rights. The following procedure has been passed: the borzhnik is given a 5-day term for a voluntary visit after the destruction of the vykonavchogo. Only on the 6th day, if the borzhnik does not pay, the ship's bailiff calls out and reminds about those that the borzhnik will be surrounded by the right to be transported. The gromadyanin will sign up, and at this moment we should be reminded.
P_vedemo p_bags
1. "Law for the relief of rights for the Borg"
(No. 340-FZ) is recruiting from 15 September 2016
2. Only the courts can help the rights of the water at the time of the borg more than 10,000 rubles
3. You can only get rid of the rights for a special notice by the bailiff of the borzhnik (delivery of the decision on the signature of the borzhnik)
4. The rights cannot be given to the disabled (otherwise, on the morning of the worker, the disabled), as the TK is the main legal basis for the support (detailed div. Article 67.1 Part 4)
5. When the fence is paid off, the bailiff will, within 1 day, sing praise for the exchange of the right to manage the TK (the bailiff needs to give confirmation of the clearing of the fence)
After the guilt, they praised the bailiff for the rights of the bailiff to send a copy of the document to the authorities of the DIBDR. In such a rank, the Derzhavtoinspektsii knows about those who will not be able to sit at the kermo. Moreover, you can control the "non-violent" ones yourself. For example, marvel - walk borzhniki-deprived pіshka or drive a car. If you catch someone, you will be zhorst in the early morning - you will be freed of the rights of water to the river, which once - even more.
Okremo vidilimo: for what can timchasovo spare the rights?
Z statti 67.1 h. 2: contraction of aliments; vodshkoduvannya shkodi, zapodiyanoї zdorov'yu; vodshkoduvannya Shkodi at the link with the death of the yearling; the main battles and (abo) morally wrong, zapodiyanu malice; in addition to a non-major character, related to children, and to remind about the administrative penalty for violation of the PDR.
We respect, there is no such thing as “for borgs for loans”, other borgs in front of banks, financial institutions, housing and communal services, for light and water, for borgs for any utility bills. (Please do not talk about such Borg in the comments, because they cannot be granted rights for them).
"Timchasovo liberation of the rights of water" for this material - tse awarding the given to the borzhnik, it is clear until the legislation of the Russian Federation of special law, the right to certify the right to transport vehicles (automobile transport vehicles, guarded ships, ships of sea, inland water transport, motorcycles, mopeds and light quadricycles, tricycles and quadricycles, self propelled) machines)

The head of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia, explaining that the supply of the possibility of subsistence of borzhniks in the case of a number of special rights was discussed by an expert spy trader for about six years, that the adoption of a law that allows bailiffs-vikonavtsy to assign the right to the first category of borzhnikiv to ker vannya be-yakim transport zasobami. No. 340-FZ "On amendments to the Federal Law "On Vikonavche Provodzhennya" and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation"; dali - Law No. 340-FZ) is not a failure. With that, behind the words of Artur Parfenchikov, the provisions of the document are fully enforced for the barmen.

In the first place, the timing of the exchange for coronation by a special right, and itself - the right to encroachment by a transport vehicle (cars are one of the most extensive transport facilities, which are awarded by the hulks, far behind the text - the entitlement to encroachment by a car), until what document obsyazі or before the vindication pіdstav for skasuvannya such zamezhennia can be zastosovane to borzhnikіv, yakі not vykonuyut more than singing vimog. Before them one can see: payment, blowing out of a non-main character, tied to children, blowing up shkoda, zapodiyanoї zdorov'yu, as well as shkodiya at the link with the death of the yearling, blowing up main shkodė and (or) moral shkodī, zapodiyanoi malice, payment of an administrative fine for violation of the coronation by a special right (a fine for breaking the rules of the road). Under this circumstance, the obezhennya cannot be stagnant, as if the amount of fencing behind the vykonavchim documents is less than 10 thousand. rub, transport zasіb є for borzhnik the main legal dzherelom zasobіv for іsnuvannya ta in ryadі іnshih vipadkіv, the report about yaki mi wrote earlier.

Ale th tі borzhniki, for some reason, the provisions of Law No. 340-FZ are expanding - and there are about 350-400 thousand of them, for the tribute of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia, today. - will not be surrounded by the right to cheruvannya unscheduled, having added Artur Parfenchikov at the turn of the past. yesterday at the Gromadsky chamber of the Russian Federation of the public discussion of the law. First of all, it’s not just about the hulks, like the Borg go after the singing goiter, but about the silent ones themselves, where the Vikonavche provadzhennia was destroyed. In case of any advance on the possible exchange of rights in times of nevikonanny, the borzhnik could not at the lines, insertions for voluntary їх vykonanny, would be pacified at the decision about the destruction of the vikonavchogo provadzhennya. Let's guess, the term for a voluntary vikonnanny could become five days from the day of the day when such a borzhnik was taken away (Part 12 of Art. In another way, Law No. 340-ФЗ stipulates that a copy of the decree on the timing of the fencing of the borzhnik with a special right can be handed over by the bailiff to the borzhnik especially. At the same time, in this decision, it is possible to take the rose of the clarification of the obligation of the borzhnik to dotrimuvatisya installed the fence and the warning about the administrative responsibility for the yogo damage. As a punishment for the early termination of the designated exchange for the transfer of obov'yazkovy robots in the term until 50 years of age, the right to carry out a car with the term until the end of the year (Russian Federation supplemented by the statute 17.17). Copies of the resolution on the exchange of rights are also superseded by styaguvache on the basis of the power of the state until the final territorial subdivision of the Derzhavtoinspektsii, which is controllable until the appointed exchange.

The director of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia announced that he had already signed a statement to the clerks of the territorial subdivisions of the department about carrying out roses and clarifications from the bailiffs about the provisions of the Law No. 340-FZ. In addition, the next hour it is planned to prepare holidays methodical recommendations for prefixes-vikonavtsiv. The experts, who took part in the discussed law, asked for clarification from these recommendations on the low points. Zokrema, about those who understand under the special handed copies, they praised about the temporal exchange for the coronation of a barber with a special right. The first intercessor of the head of the Commission for Security and Mutual Probation of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, Dmitro Chugunov, respects that, more for everything, this document for analogy with information about the damage to vikonavchogo provadzhennia will be forced to send further information m about handing over. And in quiet situations, if the borzhnik does not live at the address of the postal registration, but at the rented apartment, for example, you may not know about the presence of the new borgu, nor about the adoption of any new decision about the exchange of the right to car rental.

Also, the experts should clarify how it is practical to take care of this obezhennya and reportly prescribe the procedure for mutual cooperation of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia with the State Inspectorate for this food.

A number of experts are aware that it is necessary to establish clear criteria for the appointment of minds, for which the inhabitants cannot be occupied by the right to drive a car. In the future, folding can be blamed on appointments, for example, the obmezhenoy transport accessibility of the place of permanent residence of a barber, oskolki in most regions of Russia, only a few public transport insufficient for the provision of normal living conditions for the population.

Another proposition is to recommend that the bailiffs of the nadsilati file a claim to the territorial subdivision of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the removal of information about the actual place of residence of the borzhnik, in order to help improve the situation of how the gromads receive orders and notification from the FSSP Ros ii.

Effektivnіst timchasovogo pozbavlennya borzhnikі v possibilitі kuruvati avtomobіlі can be assessed not earlier, nizh after pіvroku zastosuvannya tsgogo entry primus vikonannya, zaznayut fahivtsі. Let's guess, Law No. 340-FZ is gaining rank from September 15, 2016. Prote ekspertna spіlnota already stated about the need to introduce low amendments to the law.

Zakrema, proponuetsya zbіlshiti rozmіr zaborgovannostі, for nayavnosti kakoї buti can be attached the right to keruvannya car, wanting to be fined for violating the rules of road traffic at the great places. Experts predict that in Moscow and St. Petersburg for penny damage, an increase in fines and fences from 10 yew. rub. you can blame the result, for example, three wrong parking a hulk and є an indicator of evil deception in the form of redemption. Deputy Derzhdumi Illya Kostunov, at his side, propagates the expansion of the money, for the non-conformity of such laborers, you can be surrounded by the right to drive a car, for the wages of the inclusion of a new payment for the payment of wages to workers.

The experts praise Law No. 340-ФЗ and respect that the correct implementation of this provision will help to reduce the number of malicious non-payers, fines for violating the PDR and others, peredbachenih law, borgiv.

Nasamkinets Director of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia Artur Parfenchikov recommending that the citizens of the country periodically check the fact of the presence of unpaid borgs, so as not to allow such intermediary calls to be caught.

law about pardon for the borg acceptances. Allowance for the rights of water for the borg for alimony. What can you do to get rid of the rights of water for borgs for loans, mortgages? Bozhniks with fines and alimony will be threatened with the payment of a car for rent from September 15, 2016. Timchasov was granted the right to water for borg from 10 thousand rubles. The axis is the theme of today's rozmovi.

Good afternoon, new readers of the blog.

The law on the temporary relief of rights was praised by the Rada of the Federation on November 28, 2015. Now, we can help our skin problems in time for the rights of water for non-payment of the borg at the rosemary 10 000 carbovantsiv.

Z 15 September 2016 fate is gaining chivalry Federal Law of the Russian Federation N 340-FZ On the Introduction of Amendments to the Federal Law “On Vikonavche Provodzhennya” and Other Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation.

Whose law has a new article 67.1 Timchasovo obmezhennya koristuvannya borzhnik special right

1. According to the timely exchanges of the barge, the special right to understand the assignment of the given to the barman is granted by the legislation of the Russian Federation of special law as the right to manage the TK (automobile TZ, inspected ships, ships of the sea, inland water transport, motorcycles, mopeds and light quadricycles ami, tricycles and quad self-propelled machines) up to vykonannya vymog vykonavchy document at full obsyazі or until viniknennya pіdstav for skasuvannya such obmezhennya.

Tobto, the bailiff from 15 September 2016, the fate can be spared the rights of the driver of any motorist, as a sum of fines in the warehouse 10 000 carbovantsiv.

For yakі borg can spare the rights of water?

Article 67.1 Part 2.

In the case of a non-vikovanian hoarder, or a borzhnik, who is an individual partner, at the installations for a voluntary vikonnanny term without good reasons, what can be done with a vikonavchy document, it could be about the contraction of alimony, childbirth, good health , blowing shkodi at the link with the death of the yearling ; or by the power of the initiative to blame the praise of timchasov obmezhennya on koristuvannya borzhnik special right.

Like a bachite, the law clearly defines the latest change of the borg, like you can save rights. Tom spare water rights for borgs on utility bills, housing and communal services(light, water, scorched), credits, mortgages and other banks in front of financial regulations do not have the right. Remember it! For what else can help the rights of water, find out .

How do you get rid of the rights for the Borg?

In fact, the temporary relief of the rights of management of TK works in this way.
On the back of the ship's bailiff instructs the borzhnik to pay the borgs in a voluntary order. Having extinguished the Borg, that's it, there's no more food. And if a borzhnik is forced to cry to the Borg, then the bailiff will praise the borzhnik for the rights for article 67.1. Why the bailiff goiter I will decree the borzhnik (in absentia, it is not possible to spare the rights of the water).

Borzhnik is given 5 The daily term for a voluntary vikonannya is to pay a fine at the full reconciliation. If for qi 5 days the borzhnik does not pay a fine, then on the 6th day the judge’s bailiff calls to himself the borzhnik and reminds him about those who timchasovo do not have the right to charge TK. The ship's bailiff clarifies to the borzhnik the obligation to comply with the established obezhennya and advance about the administrative liability for the yogo damage.

The borzhnik is registered and from the first moment of the wine does not have the right to charge the transporter (the rights are relinquished from the borzhnik). The bailiff of the court oversaw a copy of the decision to the DIBDR. The borzhnik is brought in to the DIBDR base, like water, allowing water rights. The traffic police inspector, who was in charge of the transport zasіb on the road, breaks through the base of the water and pumps, but the waters do not have the right to go for kerm.

Punishment for driving without a license

Tobto water is punished for driving without a license per Article 12.7 dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ (as amended on November 3, 2015)

Article 12.7. Management of the transport security of the water, which does not have the right to control the transport security

Management of TK by water, which does not have the right to control TK (for a wink starter ride), pulling an administrative fine at the remittance 5000 to 15000 carbovantsiv.
Management of TK by water, allow for the right to manage TK, pulling an administrative fine at the border 30 000 rubles, or administrative arrest with a term of up to 15 decibels, or obov'yazkovi robots with a term of 100 to 200 years.

Yak bachite, early suvor and better pay for the Borg. Even though there is no way to pay the Borg, it’s better to go pishki and not sit at the kermo.

Who will not be spared by the rights of water?

Valid up to article 67.1 part 4

Timchasovy obezhennya koristuvannya borzhnik special right is impossible to stagnate at times

1) if such an exchange is established, it will allow the borzhnik of the main legal dzherel koshtiv to be grounded;
2) as a choice of TK є for a borzhnik and members of his family, who live cooperatively with him, as a single reason for the security of their lives and the improvement of the commuted transport accessibility of the residential area;
3) as a wrestler as a special one, as a TK is associated with a connection with a disability, otherwise a person is recognized as a disabled person in accordance with the established legislation of Ukraine, as a disabled person I or II group or a disabled child;
4) even if the amount of the charge for the vykonavchiy document (documents) does not exceed 10,000 rubles;
5) as if the borzhnik was given a line, or the line of a vykonanny could not be a vykonavchy document.

When will you be able to travel again on transport facilities from which term?

Valid until article 67.1, part 6.

The ship's bailiff-vicon, not later than the day following the day of the vikonnanny, could not sign the vikonavchy document, otherwise he would be charged with a special right to sack the timely exchange on the barge by a special right, to sing praises about the conclusion of this exchange, as if to be confirmed by the senior bailiff, or yoga intercessor. Copies of the appointed decree or a judicial act or a decree of the supreme posadov’s individual about the decree of the decree about the time of the fencing of the borzhnik with a special right to the borzhnik negainno force the borzhnik, tyaguvat that in the body of the vykonavchoi vlady, which is the sovereign control that is evident in the vital sphere of activity.

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