Comparison of HBO of different manufacturers. Equipment and manufacturers

Title: Zavoli Full name: Zavoli Srl Country: Italy Information about the company: The company was founded in 1993 in Chizena, Italy. The company is the world leader in the design and production of components for automotive gas systems - for liquefied (propane-butane, LPG) and for natural gas (methane, CNG). Main activity: Production of injection systems, evaporator reducers, components for

Title: Emer Full name: Emer SPA Country: Italy Information about the company: The company was founded in 1975 in Brescia, Italy. Leading company in the field of autogas systems for liquefied (propane-butane, LPG) and natural gas (methane, CNG). Main activity: Gas electroclap production (for propane-butane, methane), gasoline electroclapanes, electronics, lump, tees, adapters, etc. Website:

Title: Lovato Full name: Lovatogas SPA Country: Italy Information about the company: The company was founded again Lovato in 1958 in Vicenza, Italy. Today, the company is one of the world leaders in the production of gas-filled equipment for cars. All products of the company have an international quality certificate ISO 9001: 2000. The main field of activity: gearboxes, multiclap, components HBO.

Title: Harpromtech Full name: LLC Harpromtech, LLC Kharkov Plant of Industrial Technologies (TM "Kit") Country: Ukraine Information about the company: Plant is founded in Kharkov, Ukraine. Plant is the leading engineering enterprise of Ukraine for the production of vessels operating under pressure and products on their base. The main field of activity: the production of gas cylinders of gas toroidal automotive, gas cylindrical automotive cylinders. Website:

Title: Lecho Full name: LECHO LPG Country: Poland Company information: The company was founded in 1999 in Białystok, Poland. The company develops and produces electronic devicesPowerful car engines liquefied gas. Main activity: Production of injection systems, emulators, switches, etc. Website:

Title: Valtek Full name: Valtek Spa Unipersonale Country: Italy Information about the company: The company was founded in the early 90s in Albine (Reggio Emilia), Italy. The company is developing and manufacturing components for gas-filled equipment on liquefied (propane-butane, LPG) and natural gas (methane, CNG). All manufactured products have a UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008 quality standard. Main activity: production

Title: Rail Full name: Rail Spa Country: Italy Information about the company: The company was founded as a result of a merger (Luigi Stewani and his group technical specialists Communicated with Paris Saleri, OMB Saleri SPA) in the mid-1990s in Greyn, Italy. The company develops and produces gas-filled equipment for cars, a particular injectors. The company has a good proven as

Title: Bigas Full name: Bigas International Autogas Systems SRL Country: Italy Information about the company: The company was founded in 1968 in Calenzano (Florence), Italy. The company designs, develops and produces components for gas-ballon equipment, as well as full systems for re-equipment vehicle On liquefied (propane-butane, LPG) and natural gas (methane, CNG). The company's mission is

OMVL gas equipment is a time-tested product of the Italian manufacturer. Today, it is included in the rating of the highest quality and durable HBO, ideally suitable for operation with the climatic features of our region. For example, the SAVER by OMVL kit was originally designed for harsh russian roads and high quality fuel.
The company's specialists are constantly improving technology, developing the latest solutions to improve equipment. As a result, owners gas equipment OMVL can significantly save on fuel, significantly reducing its flow and maintaining the engine of the car in perfect order.

How did the OMVL trademark developed? From the first steps to world famous

Only about forty years old has been needed to achieve current results and become a real leader of the gas industry towards the automotive industry. The first plant was founded in 1980 in the suburb of Bologna. Already in 1989, under his brand, a gearbox was released for gas equipment R90 models for propane and R89 for methane.
The result quickly attracted the attention of SIT Group Corporation, which bought a brand and translated production on a completely new factory In Pernumia. It was purposefully designed and built for the production of HBO.
Today, the company OMVL offers productive and inexpensive gas-ballon equipment for all vehicles! For one year in 2014, an installation was carried out by more than 190,000 sets of company equipment more than 40 countries! For the current time, about 200,000 Russian drivers have already benefited fuel systems Brand, which is a very significant indicator.

Installation of HBO from OMVL hands of experienced masters

Specialists of AvtoGaz have high qualifications and excellent knowledge of OMVL gas equipment. Thanks to this, customers not only can buy by favorable price High-quality HBO from HBO under its wishes, but also order installation and fast equipment installation. The convenient location of the company in Moscow will appreciate drivers who want to install gas equipment without spending a lot of time!

Benefits omvl

Popular Solutions

Complete set Omvl

Prices for HBO and work

HBO on a car with a 4-cylinder engine

HBO on a car with a 6-cylinder engine

The hope that gasoline will start cheaper, even the most avid optimists have long lost. And on car forums, hot discussions on the topic "To put or put gas?" Smoothly go into a calmer discussion "Where and which HBO is better to put?". Car enthusiasts no longer scares the loss of power and dynamics, the danger of "progress" valves, hindered cold start, increased flow Gas compared to gasoline, smaller power reserve, additional cargo in the form of a gas cylinder in the trunk and additional costs of periodic, then gas equipment.

The main advantage of gas is increasingly coming to the fore. That is why HBO now does not consider to install even the owners of prestigious foreign cars. In addition to savings, re-equipment for gas has some technical advantages: Little engine wear, lack of detonation and nagar on candles, larger oil life, less harmful exhaust. Gas, in contrast to gasoline, it is impossible to "break out" at the gas station, and to deceive you can only in one way - nothing.

If you say briefly, the HBO makes sense to install at large runs. The more you drive - the faster it will pay off.

What is the gas?

Two varieties are used to power automotive engines gas fuel - liquefied petroleum gas (propane-butane) and compressed natural gas (methane). Propane (LPG - LiQuefied Petroleum Gas) is refilled in a pressure cylinder in 15 atmospheres in a liquid state. Therefore, its volume is measured in liters. Propane-butane produces two brands: Summer - with a propane content of 50-55% and winter - with a propane content of 90-95%. Methane (CNG - Compressed Natural GAS) is pumped into a cylinder under pressure of 200 atmospheres in a gaseous state. When refueling its volume is measured in cubic meters.

Methane has several advantages. The first is significantly cheaper than propane. Second - methane consumption equal to consumption On gasoline (1 cubic meter is 1 liter). The flow of propane in relation to gasoline is approximately 1: 1.2 (for injection HBOs is less ratio). The third - HBO for methane is cheaper in operation (less expenses for the current one). Methane, unlike propane, does not form condensate in the gearbox and cylinder. Motor oil can be changed less often. In the domestic propane, it contains a sulfur that adversely affects the additives contained in oil. The fourth - methane is safer than propane, as it is lighter than air, and when leaks quickly disappears, without creating hazardous concentrations. Propane, on the contrary, accumulates and forms an explosive mix with air. Fifth - when refueling with methane, it is harder to deceive the buyer. Warm gas takes a greater volume than chilled - there are unscrupulous tankers. Sixth - methane is not so "capricious" at low temperatures, like propane. And the last - methane is more environmentally friendly (although it is unlikely that we consider it a big advantage).

The disadvantages of methane is also enough. First, HBO for methane is more expensive and harder. It uses a more complex reducer and reinforced cylinders. Previously, only steel cylinders who had a lot of weight were used. Now there are metal-plastic, which are noticeably easier, but more expensive. Secondly, cylinders for methane occupy much more space - they are only cylindrical. And the cylinders for propane are produced both cylindrical and toroidal shape, which allows them to "hide" in a niche for a spare wheel. Third, because of high pressure The methane cylinders are placed much less gas than in propane. Therefore, the refueling will have more often. Fourth, the power of the engine running on methane falls noticeably. This is due to three reasons. For burning methane, you need more air, and, with an equal volume of the cylinder, the amount of gas-air mixture will be less than gasoline-air. Methane has a higher octane number, and a higher degree of compression is necessary for its ignition. The gas-air mixture burns slower, but this deficiency is partly compensated by the installation of an earlier angle of ignition or connecting a special device - the variator. A drop in power when working on propane is not so significant, and when installing injection HBOs almost imperceptibly. Well, the last circumstance preventing the distribution of methane - a network of methane refills in most regions is much designed much worse than propane. Or is absent at all. But, on the other hand, in this case, you will not experience the flour of choice. And how to be the rest? If for trucks, buses and taxis is uniquely more profitable methane, the private owner must make a choice based on its own priorities.

What kind of HBO choose?

The most sought-after are the GBO 2nd and 4th generations. The second generation (another name - "lambda control system") is intended for injection vehicles with one oxygen sensor and a catalytic neutralizer. But it can be installed on more simple cars, without oxygen sensor and even on carburetor. The 4th generation equipment (it is also called the "gas injector") was developed for cars corresponding to the norms of Euro-3 and above (with two oxygen sensors).

The 1st-generation equipment ("Gas carburetor") is already the "Stone Age" and has practically emerged. But the fifth generation, on the contrary, the "space age" for our market, both with technical and financial point of view.

HBO manufacturers presented in our market are several dozen. The highest quality, reliability and, accordingly, the price is different Dutch equipment. She can work without breakdowns to ten years. Could serve and longer, but mercaptan, added to smell gas, destroys rubber seals over time. In the second category - Italian, Polish and Turkish brands. Italy is not the richest country, and therefore GBO, both methane and propane, is very popular there. We have the most famous brands of Bigas, Tomasetto, Zavoli, Tartarini, BRC, Landi Renzo. From Polish gearboxes good quality AGIS has proven, from Turkish - Atiker. The third option is Belarusian and Russian products that are characterized by a smaller price, but also unstable reliability. You can buy as a product that does not deliver the trouble for all the time of operation and the product that will tolerate you with constant breakdowns.

Gas cylinder gas equipment Not included (except HBO 5 generation), it must be purchased separately. Their main suppliers are Russia, Poland, Baltic States and Turkey. Cylinders are distinguished both by tanks and shape. Cylindrical can accommodate from 30 to 230 liters of gas. However, placed in the trunk, such a balloon significantly reduces its useful volume. Compact toroidal (capacity from 30 to 90 liters) is more expensive, but they can be put on the place of the spare wheel. True, the question arises: where to give spare wheel? If the filling neck "Torah" is located on top of the cylinder, then such a balloon is called internal if the side is external.

The multiclapper performs two functions: a refover device and a gas volume pointer. There are class "a" (with safety valve, overlapping gas supply when the ignition is turned off) and the class "B". In the second case, according to safety requirements, the cylinder should be refueling no more than 80% of the maximum volume. When installing a toroidal cylinder, a mechanical gas level indicator is better replaced by electronic placed in the cabin, so as not to lift the entire cargo in the trunk when you want to find out how much gas remains.

Who to contact?

Spectrum of firms offering services for the installation of HBO - from the garage to specialized centers. What features can you assess the reliability of the service? Pay attention to:

  • availability of a certificate for components, and, desirable, for services;
  • availability technological maps Installations or on a specific model or universal;
  • the presence of a scanner and gas analyzer for setting up a system, a laptop for configuring the controller (for HBO 4 generation), a compressor to check the quality of the assembly;
  • provision of guarantees (at least 20 thousand km of run), carrying out a periodic one on its own service book;

With an increase in the popularity of gas-filled equipment in the Ukrainian market, many foreign brands appeared, in the amount of which even a professional may be confused. For example, to take the same thanks to their most affordable costs of Polish sets STAG. If you see the names of components, it turns out that in HBO 4 generation Reducer - Tomasetto, a balloon - atiker, nozzles - Valtek. By the way, it is that these nozzles most complaints about the resource (up to 100 thousand km) and the work efficiency in winter.
Several tips on how to choose the best HBO 4 generation:

  • it's not so much in the name of the brand as in the components. For example, rail nozzles Or OMVL is installed on many sets, but are considered budget. Just more expensive, but more than Hana and AEB. Both brands belong to the high-speed, but Hana has a resource about 150 thousand km, besides, they are unsolved, AEB is installed with the factory autocalibration and a guarantee of 100 thousand km (resource - up to 200 thousand), repair kits are on sale;
  • do not buy branded kits, where price HBO 4 generation Includes overpayment for the image. A vivid example is the Dutch PRINS kits. This brand can be relevant only for elite cars of class D or E, but the electronic control unit on the functionality is almost similar to the AEB ECU (STAG in this case is inferior). Although the gearbox and nozzles in these sets are unique (the development of Japanese companies);
  • buying, for example, PRIDE by AEB kits from third-party companies, you will not receive an absolute warranty. We recommend buy HBO 4 generation W. official dealers, having received a guarantee not only the manufacturer, but also a hundred.

Most popular HBO 4 generation sets

1. Pride by aeb. which is characterized by economy and wonderful functionality. As components can be used as own developments (nozzles and gearbox AEB) and trusted brands (Tomasetto, Bigas, VRL reducer; HANA nozzles). Just 7-10% higher than gasoline consumption against 12-15% in similar sets. Suitable on domestic cars and foreign cars Class B and C.
2. Stag. Polish prefabricated kits related to the category "cheap and angry".

Today in Russia is produced installation of GBO both domestic and foreign manufacturers. How to choose the right equipment to your car, so that you never regret it? Preference, of course, should be given to those producers who use the most modern technologies and tightly control the quality of all components used in the system.

These requirements are fully responsible for the Italian market manufacturers GBO: Lovato, Omvl, BRC, Stefanelli, Bedini, Zavoli, Landi Renzo, Marini, Autogas Italia, Tartarini and some others.

Also to the elite of companies producing gas equipment on auto, You can attribute the Dutch: Prins, Landi Hartog and AMG.

Mostly due to its attractive prices, a good market share has a GBO from Turkey (Voltran) and Poland (Digitronic, KME, Lecho, Agis and Elpigas).

Russian manufacturers are represented by companies compressor, NZGA, Alfa, Polyvto and Saga.

Let us dwell on more on producers of gas-ballon equipment that are today the most sought-after in Russia.

Italian company Lovato. Engaged in the production of HBO for over 70 years. Due to its simple design and rather democratic price, gas equipment of this brand has become truly popular among our motorists. In addition, it excellently responds to the Russian operating conditions: climate regime, machine specifications, not always high fuel quality.

The company is formed Omvl. In 1980. It is also a famous Italian HBO manufacturer offering high-end good quality equipment with excellent technical characteristics. This engineering and manufacturing company is distinguished by a successful synthesis of a high-quality management system, a good financial base and original technical solutions.

Another manufacturer from Italy BRC.known in the gas-ballot equipment market since 1972. This is a real giant in the production of GBO, applies when developing gas equipment technical innovation, constantly improving its products. Systems manufactured under this brand belong to the premium class and are quite expensive.

Polish GBO Digitronic It has been produced for more than 25 years. His popularity is on russian market Gas-ball equipment is easily explained by low price and simplicity in maintenance. The system is compatible with the components of other manufacturers, and in case of problems, you can contact any HBO service service.

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