What a Gum Kumho. Tires Kumho - reviews of car enthusiasts. Tires Kumho Wintercraft Ice WI3

Regardless of the popularity of European tire manufacturers, the Russian market is supplied with few products from the middle Asia, as, as a rule, little is done by competitors for technical characteristics, however, there is a greater price policy. Let's confirm that I'm going to use the products of the Kumho company, drink on the yak of the middle of the Russians in the rest of the hour, becoming a lot of money.

Guma Kumho: what's special?

UVAGA! Knowledge is an absolutely simple way to speed up vitratu paliva! Do not believe? An auto mechanic with 15 years of experience has not yet tried it. And now you can save 35,000 rubles on gasoline for rivers!

The manufacturing concern Kumho has been manufacturing car tires since the 1960s. The Pvdennokorean company regularly conducts state technological research and engages in littami gumi for its products, which allows you to simultaneously reduce the production rate, and increase the quality of the final product. The very autonomy of the company allowed the brand to survive some of the great economic crises and enter the international market.

At the moment, the Pivdenno-Korean brand is included in the TOP-20 of light brands in car tires and sells its products on 6 continents. The company regularly carries out tires for the Russian Federation, with the distribution of these victories, statistical data were obtained for Avtodor.

Kumho gumi news: briefly about the smut

The popularity of the Pvdenno-Korean brand is framed by a wide model range of viroblen gumi, prote in the most vipadkіv all gumma may be similar form factor and technological solution.

Recognized by the advantages of Kumho summer tires on competitors:

  • Symmetrical little tread - direction tread is necessary for stabilizing the tire in Russia on high speed. The identity of the little tread from the skin side of the tire improves the course stability of the car and reduces the risk of drifting;
  • The presence of moisture-removing lamellas - channels for the introduction of water vapors in front of the ability to enter the car in aquaplaning. The structure of the moisture-removing lamellas ensures the introduction of water into the contact, which also pleasantly influences the efficiency of the galvanization;
  • Additional strengthening of the bіchnoї part of the tire - settlements of the bіk ahead of the risk of the damage of the tire in Russia according to the broken cost. The special design of the tire transmitting a reinforced rear part without changing the structure of the working surface - the metal cord does not affect the operational characteristics of the gumi.

You need to see the average of Kumho winter tires:

  • The number of lamellas increased - in winter tires, the number of lamellas increased both on the working surface of the tire and in the outer part. Functional recognition of the lamellas in the cleaning of the little tread in the vіd vologi, brud i snіgu, which ensures more comfortable keratinization by the car, regardless of the type of road surface;
  • M'aky zovnіshnіy sphere of gumi - Kumho's engineers made use of European technology and also made more tire models with two-component tires. M'aky ovnіshnіy ball gumi zbіshuє koefіtsієnt zcheplennya zcheplennya z dorozhnіmіm pokrittami, at that hour like a hard building ensures the hardness of the construction itself;
  • Durability of spikes to wear - geometric shapes of spikes prevent the risk of the hourly break and improve the grip on the road surface. The average resource of exploitation of ships on Kumho gum becomes 2-3 seasons - the gum will not sip in the first turn after the purchase.

Get respect! The Pivdenno-Korean brand also produces friction winter tyres, the prote guma did not know the great popularity of the middle waters of the Russian Federation with the link with low technology.

Frictions Kumho significantly compromise on the crispness of the grip, like the studded version of the brand, as well as the friction tires of other manufacturers.

Types and form factor of Kumho tires for the Russian market

Pivdennokoreysky tire maker is sold for the Russian market of tires in all popular sizes. Also, on the official website of the company, it is indicated that a smaller diameter of tires can be requested from the official distributor of the company in the Russian Federation.

145/80 145/80 155/80
145/80 155/65 155/80
155/70 165/70 175/70
155/65 165/65 165/70
175/65 185/70 185/60
195/55 205/65 205/60
205/55 215/70 215/60
215/50 215/60 215/55
225/45 225/50 235/65
225/45 225/60 225/55
225/40 235/55 245/40
235/55 245/40 245/45
255/35 255/40 255/50
235/55 245/45 255/50
265/45 275/45 275/40

Get respect! Before getting gumi for your car, you need to change the recommended type and size of the transport code - this information can be found on the official website or in the service book. Installation Not recommended for the type of the world seriously changes the technical curvature of the car, which can be the cause of an accident on the road.

Diagnostic tests: what is Kumho suitable for the Russian Federation?

The Finnish organization Test World, which specializes in conducting special tests of automotive gum for professionalism, in 2018 conducted a comprehensive full-scale test of Kumho tires. In the course of the trial, the organization announced the following data:

  • Zupinka car on wet asphalt;
  • Indicators of keratinization of a car on wet asphalt;
  • Indicators of car roughness on dry asphalt;
  • Stіykіst avtomobilіya to vіdkhodu akvaplanuvannya;
  • Zupinka car on dry asphalt;
  • Subjective evaluation of equal noise.

Based on statistical data taken by Test World experts, Kumho tires can be freely installed on civil and commercial passenger cars. More than that, the Finnish organization recommends a Korean car maker for installation on a family car.

Kumho Tires Co. Inc.
Pivdenna Korea

Company logo

President and Vice-Director
Yong Ho Kim

HQ (headquarters) Gwangju plant555, Sochon-dong, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju, Korea (TEL: 062-940-2114)

Addresses of representation in Russia
TEL: 7-495-258-1133
FAX: 7-495-258-1133
Electronic mail (E-mail)

About company

In Korea, in 1946, in the city of Gwang, which is on the pivdni of the Korean Pivostrov, an obese local resident of In-Chun Park fell asleep with a transport company. With a small fleet of vehicles in total, having only two old Ford vans, the company was rapidly developing.
Nezabar began a new war that lasted from 1950 to 1953, as a result of which Korea was divided into two powers. Mr. Park's business has become ruined. However, having created a new company, it has grown into the largest intercity bus transportation company in Korea - Kwang Ju Highway Lines.
In 1960, Ying-Chun Park founded a tire manufacturing company, Kumho Tires. In 1965, first-rate Kumho tires were exported to Thailand.
In the mid-60s, the company entered the US tire market, having allowed it to operate under the Ministry of Transportation. Tire production rates are steadily increasing, and in 1974 a new plant in Gwang is put into operation, on which the release of the first radial tires begins.
In 1975, the Kumho company expanded its brand for the European market - Marshal. Tire development European Technical Center (Birmingham).
In 1976, the company's roci company takes a certificate that allows the production of tires for the U.S. U.S. Air Force. In addition, this contract has significantly increased the material basis of the company, having served as a miraculous advertising campaign for Kumho. And in 1978, the company's rotation was first represented in Europe and took part in the largest Essensky exhibition of car tires, de її production otrimu vysoku valuation.
In order to keep pace with the hour, on the cob of the 80s, new creations for that hour, the last center in Gwang, where all the company's products were tested. A steady increase in sales of Kumho tires was introduced until in 1989 another factory opened in Goksaengon.
In 1991, Kumho ranked among the top ten most popular car tire brands. At the same time, there are three varieties of tires for aviation equipment.
During the 1990s, the Kumho company took away practically all light quality certificates for its products. Ecological certificates were also taken away by all the backwaters of the company. In 1999, one of the first companies in the world, one of the first in the world, made a tire, so that it can be operated after a puncture for another hour.
Until 2002, Kumho occupied another place in the industry, as it was carried out by authoritative car shows, for the popularity of the middle class.
In 2003, there will be a plant for the automatic production of auto tires in Pyungtak, and Kumho's company will be included in the top nine tire companies in the world.

As an advertising company in 2005, the first color tire Smoke Tire was released in the world, as well as having its own color, with active galvanizing and dispersal, it released a red color tire, which was more appropriate for street racers.
In 2007, the rotary company Kumho placed a contract with the Mercedes-Benz automaker for the supply of tires. In this rotation, there are two more important companies for the company: a car that has entered the Kumho gum, becomes a winner of the cult race of 24 years of Le Mans, and the company presents the first aromatic tire in the world.
In 2008, the company's tire selection companies won the "Recommended Tire" category in Germany.
In Russia, the popular magazine “Za Kermom” regularly conducts tests of different tires. In 2008 and 2009 years, Kumho tires showed the best results. For sales purposes, Kumho is credited with Michelin and Continental. The Volkswagen company has created the Kumho manufacturing industry for some models.

After the end of the war on the Korean breeding ground in the distant 1960s, the Kumho Tire company was announced. Today, Kumho tires are well known to the whole world. Їх high brightness was recognized by the leading light inspectors of automobiles.

The concern produces tires for cars of various designations:

  • Passenger cars,
  • Important vantage,
  • letaki,
  • special transport,
  • Race cars.

Significant strains of the concern's roztashovani in dekilkoh Asian countries:

  • China,
  • V'etnam,
  • Pivdenna Korea.

New models are being developed in special outreach centers. Golovny roztashovaniya in the Korean city of Gwangju. Rasht in England, USA, China and Germany.

See Kumho tires

The Kumho line includes tires for installation on high-performance cars and large-capacity vehicles.

Exsta STX

Modern tires, folds for installation on all-wheel drive vehicles. In accordance with the new standards of viscosity, the machine is perfectly controlled on wet asphalt.

The tread has a V-like appearance, for which water is good to enter, if the car is collapsing on a larger windshield. Tires are available from 15-28 inches. Їx install on Porsche Cayenne, Hammer.

Solus KL-21 Eco

Appointed for operation with minimal veins. They are recycled from analogues in the warehouse of gum, where 80% of natural materials are included. Up to positive qualities, one can carry a small amount of weight, a low opir kochennyu.

Kumho Ecsta ASX KU-21

Prepared for new technology, developed by the company - ESCOT. Kindly trim the form independently from the swedkost їzdi.

A special lining is installed right under the tread. Vaughn does not let the tread heat up, stabilizing all technical characteristics.

On such wheels, the car does not lose control, it can collapse along the roadway.

Ecsta HM KH-31

Zavdyaki chotyry grooves, raztashovanim on the entire stake of the wheel, changing the effect of aquaplaning.

Vіdmіnі hodovі yakosі vіdyuє original konstruktsіya sidewall. It will change the vibration of the car, if the wines collapse on the great speed.

Quartz, which gives a strong adhesion to the wet roadbed, is up to the warehouse of the gumi. Quartz helps to change the galvanic path.

Specially for installation on racing cars, the concern releases XS KU-36. The stinks are blown away by the strongest tires, they can crumble on the open ice in the winter hour.

Also, among the warehouse gums - synthetic components, which make the wheels zcheplennya with the road, if it develops the maximum speed.

The design of the pattern is made up of a number of asymmetric zones, which allow you to save the car's roughness while maintaining a steep maneuverability on a great speed.

Zavdyaki great number of transverse lamellas, the car freely collapses on a wet road. Bіchnі dіlyanki tire vіdіznyayutsya mіnіmalny progina.

The machine does not lose stability when driving on high speed winds with a special metal Breker, reinforced with a nylon insert.

Kumho KW74000

Vysokoyakіsna huma, recognized for traffic on winter roads. Vvazhaetsya one of the best among foreign models.

The original little tread with a large number of deep lamellas gives the ability to collapse along the highway in any weather. Specially for winter minds, the tire may have viscoprofile expansions. The frame of destruction is more mіtsnim and nadіynym.

Sob the car was stable in corners, it was free to break on the ice, the outer side of the shoulder area of ​​the tread was equipped with additional sipes.

Kumho 749P

Studded tires with original small tread. Seems to be highly endurable. The wheels are rozrokhovanі on bagatorіchne vikoristannya.

Special blocks, in some gaps, open the installation of thorns, creating increased hardness. The car hears the steering wheel well when passing sharp turns. Tires easily bring in water.

Kumho KW31

Protector maє directions of babies, scho spryyaє vіdvedennyu vіdvedennyu і bruda. Zavdyaks of the great thickness of the lamellas, the humus will take away the strength of the shackle with the crying road, or with fluffy snow.

Inner blocks, like winding lamellas, transmit high revolutions to the contact zone of the tire with thin snow. Lance of special z-blocks help the car to make sharp turns on the big speed.

The wheels are designated for victoria in the winter hour, regardless of weather minds. Vіdrіznyayutsya vysokіdnіstyu. The car freely collapses on deep snow.

Kumho KW22

Tire studding, which makes the tread with a directed little. Largely expanded slats with water channels of great width give the car the ability to fall down on the beaten snowy surface. In addition, under Russian law, waist snow was introduced.

At the present weather, if the road is crooked, the car will freely fall down in a straight line. The wheels freely "cut" the ford on the great speed.

Kumho KW21

Winter friction tires. Ensure a comfortable ride, regardless of the weather. Tire ratings:

  • noiselessness,
  • softness,
  • Bezvіdmovne podannya vyboїn i kryzhanyh humps.

Mayut polypsheni frictional characteristics, to that you can easily add whether it is snowy shifts. Without any problems, they crash down the slope, having kindly rolled it, it’s easier to care for it on a lower road.

Kumho KW23

Special wheels, on which you can ride with any kind of speed. Povnotsіnne zcheplennya s be-any road allows you to easily turn the car. Unique 3D slats improve the behavior of the tire, if the car crashes on moving wheels.

Reinforced with elasticity, they can be freely operated at minus temperatures. Tires are inspired to go through the winter season, to save the exchange rate stability under the hour of the Swiss ride. Water channels of great width can easily bring in water, covering the connection with the highway.

Kumho KW17

Zimova shvidkіsna gum for an aggressive ride. You can operate even during the summer hours on a clean highway. Invisible asymmetric tread design makes the machine easier to kerosene.

Zavdyaki pushing blocks, slipping daily. Nadіynu exchange rate stіykіst i create kіltsevyi rib, raztashovane in the center of the tread.

Yaka Guma is better, Hankook or Kumho

In our country, tires are well known to motorists. The skin of them will inevitably corrode with great popularity. Tires have similar technical characteristics. However, there is a sprinkling of characteristic features.

The first thing to do is to support aquaplaning. Tsey koefіtsієnt zalezhat v_d little tread. Like a gumma, it is secured with deep grooves, there are no directions for little ones, there is a lot more rich water.

For this pokaznik, Kumkho is richer, the stench is greater than the stench in Russia on a wet road.

Hankook is considered a branded product, Kumho is considered a budget option. The stench is also treated by other ostentatious people:


At the thought of more fahivtsiv, Kumho sees a lot of noise. Hankook operates almost silently.


Variation Hankook is three times higher. Kumho, with analogous powers of power, koshtuyut richly less. Tobto, buying the same, you become the owner of tires of the same quality, but for a greater low price.


Practically the same.

Cho is better, Nokian or Kumho

In principle, the Japanese model mayzhe does not go to the Finnish brand. Nokian tires are distinguished by higher characteristics of minerality.

However, Japanese Kumho is more universal. Їx can be victorious like all-weather. The Finnish guma is respected exclusively by the river.

Won may have better dry characteristics, however, Japanese tires are supplied with galvanizing characteristics. The Japanese gum is more respected for the ecological one, as it is made from natural rubber.

Offensive models practically do not care about shortcomings. And if you want to overcome all the advantages, then you can say goodbye to Nokian Hakka Green tires. At the thought of fakhivtsiv, the quality of Finnish gumi is greater than high.

The reason was the fact that the Chinese plant Kumho has made too much material for the production of new tires, through which they can repair the tread, go to the application of the Chinese order.

Kumho is one of the largest tire manufacturers in China, and the market share of the company in the past year, according to some estimates, accounted for 16%. China also receives close to 30% of Kumho's global sales contracts.

Ignoring those that Lee Han-Seop, director of the Chinese branch of Kumho, publicly spoke on the air of the CCTV channel, being the first to tell about defective tires, spoke a lot about their distrust of the company, and , hto mav vіdnoshnja to vrobnitstva neakіsnyh tires. Pan Li said that defective tires would be called, but he did not specify if the tires would be called.

After the revision at the plant in Tianjin, Kumho found out that the internal standards were fully approved, after which the director of the plant, and the supervisors, were called for the control of the quality.

In her statement, Kumho announced that she had announced in the official organization about the volunteering of tires, and also called for more cooperation with the Chinese order, adding that she would “look at all the problems from the quality of the products from the point of view.”

In the same statement, Kumho at the same time added that vikoristala was not recycled gum, but excess gum, which is left behind after tire production, and that chemical additives are not allowed in it.

Kumho has established that such gum is victorious with all tire brewers, and that it still meets tire brewing standards. At the same time, the company found out that at the plant in Tianjin, more gumi was produced in the production of victories, which was lowered by internal standards. “The ratio of stocks to the new gum in Tianjin reached 1/2, although it is not guilty to overestimate 1/3 according to the company's internal standards,” a Kumho spokesman was quoted by Xinhua News Agency.

“We know that we had some problems with the quality of products at the factory in Tianjin, but the gumi production, which lost its production after production, is not unknown in the tire industry,” a Kumho representative said.

As if it wasn’t there, Chinese buyers were left with Kumho’s dissatisfied explanations, and as if Xinhua, many of them suggested buying a new car, until all defective tires were returned. Auto dealers in Shanghai are also wary of those who have "hot lines" linking with quick repurchases through the links of buyers who are chasing them, whose tires can also be defective.

Auto companies in China, such as Chery, Great Wall, Dongfeng, as well as Hyundai, VW and GM dealers, hurried to come out with statements about those Kumho tires that are installed on their cars, but they were not produced at the factory in Tianjin. Great Wall stated that they are looking forward to further cooperation with Kumho.

Market analysts are convinced that this scandal will inevitably damage the reputation of Kumho in China, which is one of the most promising markets for the Korean company. With so many experts, it is still unclear how Kumho could turn the trust of its Chinese buyers and customers among car dealers.

While experts say that no bad reputation has been inflicted on Hyundai, one of Kumho's key partners, but Hyundai may want to take on such a risk by switching to the tires of another company, for example, Hankook.

"In the original equipment (OE) sector, China's market share of Kumho (23%) was the largest, but through the upgrade of CCTV, the position may change," Park Sang-won, an analyst at Eugene Seoul Agency, told Xinghua in an interview. Investment & Securities. - Kumho has a strong position in the OE sector, which will lead to increased sales in the secondary market. At the same time, the company can still minimize the damage to its reputation, but only for the sake of understanding how to continue to cooperate with auto companies.

“As you can imagine, Kumho victorious gumu, which was lost due to virobnitstva, and not recycled materials, and as it turns out, the situation may not hurt the company so much,” adding Lee Sang-hyun, an expert at NH Investment & Securities . - Why should Hyundai, this company does not suffer, so that you can easily start buying tires from other manufacturers, as Chinese buyers will be placed with great distrust before Kumho products.

Shini Kumho (Kumho) is a product of the same name Korean virobnik. Guma is produced at factories in Korea and China. Vyrobnik volodye by one more brand - Marshal - is produced for markets in Europe and CIS. Tires Kumho z'appeared on the market 50 years ago, for the remaining 7-10 years stench moved into the top ten world leaders in the tire industry. The philosophy of the company is based on the principle of producing inexpensive, scarlet tires for leather car tyres.

Kumho technologies: innovations in budget tires

Talk about zastosuvannya technologies to improve the elasticity of the gum sum, or the hardness of the tire carcass is already no sense. Today, the skin maker exploits the reach of science, giving it its own names. Let's take a closer look at the innovative solution of a Korean company: self-sealing tires.

On the basis of Run Flat technology of other types, self-sealing Kumho tires do not need to be replaced after a puncture and can be broken up to full wear.

The essence of the technology, zastosovano in the Korean gum Kumho, lies in vikoristan jelly-like ball on the inner surface of the tire. After a puncture, the whole ball is tightened, nadіyno zakryvayuchi the place of the puncture and reshuffle the way out again from the tires. Tsіkavo, that the shaft of one self-sealing wheel is increased by 10% in total in the same order.

Virobnik declares that Kumho tires with new technology have not suffered in terms of comfort and curing. On the official website of the company, it is indicated that the Korean concern Kumho has become the first to manufacture self-sealing tires in Korea. At the moment, gum is produced in three types and is still available only to Korean car owners.

Laboratories of Kumho constantly work on the abundance of running gums, increasing the comfort of water, sealing and ceramics. Today, hundreds of car enthusiasts have assessed the lower quality and affordable price of tires. The Korean gumma Kumho takes positive feedback not only on the light market, but also in Russian waters.

Kumho tire catalog

Korean tire manufacturer produces chotiri tire lines:

  • Legkovі
  • vantage
  • lightweight
  • Sports

The skin line has a favorite. The line of summer passenger tires has the most popular model. It is produced in standard sizes from 13 to 18 radii. You can buy Kumho tires for this model for 1,400 rubles, the maximum price is 12,600 rubles. Buyers' comments allowed us to see the goodness of the tires:

  • bonding on a dry surface
  • mitzna sidewall
  • depreciation

I shortcomings:

  • aquaplaning
  • sensitivity to cupini
  • thickness

The tire for passenger cars sacrificed a lot for the popularity of its predecessors, but took more positive feedback. Among the advantages named:

  • depreciation
  • aquaplaning
  • stamina
  • mitzna sidewall

Middle of short periods:

  • unpredictable behavior in the county. The buyers charged for the cost of keratinization on the wrong price

You can buy gum Kumho for this model in sizes 13 to 22. The minimum price for tires is 1,850 rubles, the maximum is 17,800 rubles.

Pozashlyahovі autotires took away the most clogged vіdgukiv vіdgukіv avtovlasnikіv. It should be noted that this model is marked MT (Mud Terrain) and is not suitable for high roads. All-inclusive mud tire. Meanwhile, on the official website of Kumho it is said that the tires are adapted for driving on asphalt. The buyers agreed with the hardness of the tire maker with one amendment: when operating on natural roads, the tires are quickly erased. Passage and zcheplennya at the gumi on high, they won’t get stuck in the woods and not the water near the water. Rіven noise is lower than ochіkuvannogo, and behavior on the pavement is quite stubborn. Buy gum Kumho KL71 viide for at least 4200 rubles on the Internet. The model is available in 15, 16 and 17 radii.

From winter passenger tires, the buyer determined the model. You can buy Kumho tires for this model for 1800 rubles. From above, it was decided to transfer the behavior to the snow, the noise, the softness. Three short-lived buyers called filthy keratinization on bare ice and falling thorns.

Vintage tires Kumho are reluctant to stop on the territory of Russia. I'm a virobnik here playing a role. Vig_dna price - the main advantage of tires for main tractors. For the running characteristics of the tire, premium tire manufacturers, such as Goodyear and Kormoran, are sacrificed.

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