Cheri Tіgo fl becoming yakіsnіshe. Specifications Chery Tiggo Chery Tiggo dimensions

Updates of the Chinese crossover compact type Cheri Tigo buv presentations in the framework of the auto show in Beijing on spring. The car has fallen to the relish of a wide zagal, shards of potential wine can replace the market with not particularly successful modifications of the SUV. The model range of the concern was replenished with a chergovy transport facility, as it is planned to be sold in Russia and Europe. The car will go to the vіtchiznyany market for a long time, but for the sake of this poshlyahovik you can get it. For spіvvіdshennyam tsіni i yakostі zbіrki, it will be difficult to find an alternative for you. The hour, if everything was viroble in China was respected by the undesirable, to enter in the past. Asian cars all mіtsnіshe harden on the light market.

Prices and accessories Cheri Tigo

Accurate data about the variability of the updated crossover has not yet been published. In fact, the company's ceramics has already fixed prices only for the Chinese market. With this, for the basic configuration of Tigo, you will have to pay 74 thousand yuan. For such pennies, purchases will take away a decent range of options, a beautifully completed interior and indecent engines, suitable for driving not only in the city, but also in the minds of the crossroads of the city.

The maximum variability of the SUV in China is 96,000 yuan. Look for the Luxury version with an innovative variator, a curtain seat upholstery and a medium-sized unit. At the crossroads in rubles, the price fork of the model is 410 to 540 thousand. Vіdpovіdno avtomobilі can boldly be called budgetary.

Trochs of history

About other inexpensive crossovers, which have earned a good reputation, read

There are many virtues. Marvel at our material about the pluses and shortcomings of this crossover.

Svіtova prem'єra tsy pozashlyahovik vіdbulas sche in 2005 roci. Pochatkovy variant buv dosit sirim. Automobiles knew the sea of ​​shortcomings in the robots of various systems, that concern had a chance to use the yakomog swidshe. The model did not gain particular popularity, but due to the low price, it ensured a stable increase in sales.

It is noteworthy that the company's designs were once again oriented towards the Russian market. Krіm main plant in Wuhu crossover also started production in 2006 in Kaliningrad. After two years, however, it happened to transfer the production to Taganrog, then the trend did not seem to change in any way.

Today, after the zashlyakhovik, exports are more low to 35 countries of the world. Obviously, among world leaders of the autoindustry, such a display is not so solid, but for a Chinese car, the figure is quite enough. The selection of the SUV is also taxed in Egypt and Istanbul. In the opinion of experts, the soundness of Tigo was rich in what was copied from Toyota RAV4. Designers did not say such a statement. Vіm, stinks and zovsіm vanished from the comments, so the residual visnovkіv will not grow.


The model has not been used so long, but the fans of the line have already managed to survive two generations and faceless modifications of the crossover. Deyakі versії have become more independent cars, although everything started from the first generation of Cherі Tіgo, released back in 2006.

Chery Tiggo FL can be called one of the most demanded Chinese foreigners on the domestic market. This is one of the modifications of the classic SUV, as the axle is already sold as a rocky model. Vіdmіnnostі vіd probatka tsієї cars polagayut in the range of proponovannyh motorіv, saloon, exterior and technical characteristics. The FD version is accepted as an easier one. It has a smaller weight, but the dimensions are the same.

Okremo you can see Chery Tiggo 3. The car demonstrates decent driving dynamics and poor performance characteristics. Becoming vin in the standard version of Tigo. Updated \u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200bthe model of the bula presented \u200b\u200b in the 2011 rotation in Shanghai. Todi fakhіvtsі prophesied to the pozashlyakhovik the popularity of the world, prote, as practice has shown, just send a little more.

One more modification can be called Cheri Tigo 5. Transport code may have a factory code T21, which tells about this independence. Vtіm, so very yak і FO, tsey crossover having started itself from the classic Tiggo. From the lineup of Chinese SUVs, this posh poshlyahovik can be boldly called one of the most distant, but also expensive.

For the production of this car, the retailers did not skimp. Materials were selected on an exclusive basis. The name of the car is more similar to the representative of the Japanese car industry, lower to the Chinese. Operational indicators also characterize the model exclusively from the positive side.

Odnoklassniki Cheri Tigo

Among the direct competitors of the crossover, you can see Hyundai Tucson, Chevrolet Niva, Hyundai ix35, Renault Duster, Lifan X60, Geely Emgrand X7, Skoda Yeti and other budget category transport services. It’s hard to match cars with classmates, even if it’s not specific. For the majority of Tiggo buyers, the main factor in the choice was the price of the stock. The budget is robbed by the impossibly high-class car, so people have to be surprised by Chinese models.

Varto say that the advantages of the SUV in parity with competitors are in general bad units, the gearbox is supple and the trunk is soft. Do not forget about the beautiful soundness, copying from Toyota Rav 4. In fact, the design itself has become one of Tygo's highlights. In a class of budget cars, it’s easy to know the side of the car, and the whole crossover can be a good exterior. Z nedolіkіv vіdіlіt vіdіlіt filthy noise isolation, krіhkіst bіlshostі details, slabі znosostіykіstі komplektuyichih i filthy lagodzhenu galmіvnu system.

Old looking car

From the front, the model looks beautiful and hopeful. The great hood hangs roughly over the massive bumper. Vin acts as a selected element of the entire frontal part of the body. The domes of overall lighting equipment have a classic shape. The stench is lightly ringing right up to the stіyok dahu. The headlights of the head light can cope with their direct confessions. The radiator grill may be small. Vtim, thermoregulation does not suffer through it, and therefore, it is not necessary to change it. The wind deflector now occupies a majestic space near the lower edge. A handguard from him was worn out no less than large wells under anti-fog fires. There are no special mentions of running lamps. In general, the shape is slender and rounded. Zhorstkost ribs are only stitched from the sides of the hood.

When looking at the sidewalls, the similarity with the Japanese post-buffet is no longer so obvious. Kolіsnі arches are not especially seen to the side, but can be seen as a whole overall openings. The disks in them are installed small. Through the chains, a blatant image of a SUV is pierced. It would be possible to beat the big wheels. The front struts of the dahu are decently littered. Pіdvіkonniy rіvіn mіzhe skrіz dovіvіy. Vіn is not particularly high, and therefore, looking around the cabin is to blame for being good. There are no stampings on the door openings, but closer to the bottom there is a long metal insert. Vaughn is needed exclusively for decorating the car. Door handles are handy and mechanical. The rear-view mirrors are planted on the lower legs. There are small railings at the back.

The stern is not original and accommodating, but on the whole it is practical and handy. In Persh Black, there is a large luggage compartment door, which occupies the entire expanse of the rear part of the hull. Dah usually ends with a small spoiler. Without it, the crossover would have been no better than a crossover. Dimensional lighting equipment is represented by standard ceiling lamps and additional running lights. The spare wheel is placed directly on the chair flat. License plates are planted in a small stamp. The pipe of the swing system is protected by a plastic rim. In general, the soundness of Cheri Tygo is quite satisfactory. Especially on your pennies.

Salon Cheri Tigo

The internal renovation of the crossover mayzhe did not change after the planned restyling. Of the new products, you can see a 6.5-inch screen, which is available in a luxury package. Salon of insurance for five people. As often happens, on the sofa of the other row, sitting in the center of the passenger will not be easy. From the front, such problems are not to be blamed. Bіchna pіdtrimka sit m'yaka, ale in sharp turns ryatuє. The upholstery of the armchairs is not necessary. Washed out to finish the shvidko. The situation is similar with hard plastics. Fahіvtsі vіddіl ergonomics reported majestic zusil, schob zrobiti salon as much as possible zruch, but all the same deyakі narіkannya on new lost.

The volume of the trunk becomes 520 liters. For a compact poshlyahovik, the price is not bad. The layout of the seat of another row is 2.5 times more spacious. Otrimana equal platform pidide for placement on any kind of vantage.


Pochatkov's complete set can't boast about anything. It includes a simple radio, air conditioner, parking sensors, remote control on ceramic and a minimum set of security, which consists of two pillows and belts. The Luxury version is richer in terms of the range of options. It can boast of a whole decent multimedia system, a navigator, a 6.5-inch screen, climate control, an adjustable steering column, a water and front passenger seat, a rear-view mirror, front and rear electric speakers. Do not forget about ABS, EBD, EBV, EBFD, central locking and other anonymous functions.

With such a complete set, Tіgo is equipped with a decent transport facility. Unfortunately, far from all systems are well-equipped, because they are afraid of failures in their work.

Technical characteristics Cheri Tigo

For the model, a wide range of gasoline and diesel engines is offered, but on the domestic market, wines are seriously reduced. Three options can be called the largest extensions. Tse 1.6, 1.8 and 2.4 liter gasoline engines. These pressures add up to 119, 130 and 132 k.s. Suvore off-road can create some problems for that SUV.

As a gearbox, it is proposed to choose a 5 manual transmission or a 4 automatic transmission with a variator. Obidva transmission options are not ideal. Vitrata paliva to become close to 8-10 liters per hundred in a different cycle of operation. Vitrata up to a hundred zdіysnyuєtsya in 11.2 seconds. The value of the maximum speed does not exceed 170-185 km / h.

At first glance, it’s hard to tell the “Chinese Tiggo” like the Toyota RAV4 of another generation, it’s not a secret that this car is “richly positive” among the “Japanese” ... but formally it’s like “not a copy of RAV4, but a whole independent product "- on the right in the fact that this car, as well as other representatives of the Chinese brand Chery, officially deserved the right to be respected by such: the number of courts, call the most domestic car dealers from the company from China, could not change the judge in plagiarism from the Chinese side.

The car, at home in the "Fatherland", after the introductions in 2005 - practically immediately went on sale ... to get it quickly delivered to Russia - de yogo the production was improved at the Avtotor plant in Kaliningrad ... Until 2008, the order of Insignificant updates of modernity, yoga production was transferred to TagAZ - de vin was carried out until 2013.

The looking car is a classic five-door crossover with a 2.4-liter 130-horsepower gasoline engine, a five-speed manual transmission and an optional, all-wheel drive ... all in a decent package (two front airbags, ABS, EBD, hydraulic power, height adjustment, air conditioner, electric package, heating of the front seats) and at a reasonable price (their own hour of wine was sold at a price of 16 thousand US dollars).

From the front, you can see that in Cheri Tіggo it’s its own (accept exactly “Not Toyota”), but yakshcho and shukati “there is a similarity of this car with the Japanese”, then the memory of Zoro reminds me not of the RAV4, but rather of the Honda CR -V (the hood, as if entering the radiator grille, the grille itself with a horizontal smog, the shape of the head optics is “100% the front of the popular Honda crossover”).

And the axis to get around the “Tiggo” around - just like this: “RAV4” is guessed: the same profile (less visible in the form of moldings and stampings), and then recognize it in the new “Chery” rear - it will be “the most important task”: on the rear doors ( zlіva, under the handle), where the nameplates “Toyota” and “RAV4” are hanging, the emblem “Chery” and the inscription “Tiggo” are attached; the rear doors and the box for the spare wheel are flat (and Toyota has stench reliefs) ... Axis and all vіdminnostі!

The interior of this car, at first glance, is practically identical to the “Toyota” one: the central console is in the shape of a light bulb, similar to the three-spoke kermo, the design of the seats and the wind box-pad. There are a few (Chinese) things here ... for example: three switches of the air conditioner modes in the form of gears (and not a wheel with handles, like on Toyota), and those three white scales of three round fixtures illuminated with bright blue light diodes.

I don’t bother with anything in the salon. Clearances are not minimal, but at least they are the same for the sizes. Plastic, obviously, "does not fight" - among the "Chinese" wines, as before, they are zhorst and are cold.

At the analyzed "Tiggo" the back sofa showed some filthy fastening. Vіn easily zsuvaєtsya kill and back and forth. Another problem is that it is unimportant to overtighten the vin. Also, the upholstery on the dotik fixes the folds ...

With comfort and ergonomics, Cheri Tiggo has everything in order. The front seats are more spacious (the stench is m'yaki, but in the world), the dimensions of the cabin allow you to call it spacious - for its dimensions of wines, the Toyota salon does not go: here the stench is identical. It is not necessary to move the front seat up to the border to move to high water, so that you can manually control it.

The axis of only the range of regulation of the kerma is critical: the difference between the upper and lower positions is not particularly noticeable. Parts of the rear (split) sofa collapse back and forth, and are also easily dismantled partially, which is practically 1.5 times larger than the luggage compartment. Handy and practical.

“Here is Honda, here is Toyota” - here you can compete, then under the hood - definitely Mitsubishi! The only thing that the creators of this car did not “smack”, but “honestly blamed for the great bear of yuaniv” is the 2.4-liter Mitsubishi “4G64” engine with a capacity of 130 liters. With. and a wrapping moment of 195 N m, which is a good blast (just don’t pay attention to this sound - at idle wraps, the engine doesn’t start up a bit, but when you press on the gas pedal “noise insulation where you know” - a chirping saw-like rumble penetrates into the cab).

Then "Tiggo" with such a unit to milk the chews. Navit unimportantly on those that with front-wheel drive would have been easier for you to smash. It didn’t even bother to add the steering rack “shorter” to a bad dispersal: turning the donut 90 degrees to the right-to-left is practically not going to turn in a straight line - you have to sort it out with your hands at the “stunned” turn.

Gearbox is bad. The five-step "mechanics" go far away to the 130-horsepower engine and look at the high precision of the work, as well as far away from the gear ratios. However, the speed does not “wiggle”, the noise for the inclusion of the first two gears does not interfere with the others, and the metal noise when switching is made up to a slight smoothed knock - a signal of a normal transmission operation.

By the way, this car is worthy of a “Miss SUV”, but also some “off-road tricks” of ideas: you can get over a high curb or hit on uneven ground - the clearance of a new one is sufficient for that, so it’s just like the traction of the engine.

And the z-axis of the point of dawn of comfort - Cheri Tіggo shche є kudi rosti - pіdvіska dosit zhorstka (which, in principle, does not show up on the smoothness of the ride on even asphalt, but the varto breaks in the ground, as the situation under the wheels becomes chutnoї and vodchutnoy) . Ale, everything has its own pluses: for example, practically, the presence of diagonal rozgoyduvan and rolls.

If we talk about the price, then one of the most affordable crossovers on the Russian market (and in a similar level of equipment - and zovsim "themselves"), and in 2017 roci (on the secondary market of the Russian Federation) you can get one for a price of 200 ~ 350 thousand rubles (depending on the availability of a specific copy).

Updates Cheri Tіggo buv presentations at the Beijing Motor Show Spring 2012. In Ukraine, car enthusiasts could catch New Chery Tiggo in the spring of 2012, the novelty was shown as part of the SIA 2012 auto show in Kiev.

Sales of the new version of the model on the Ukrainian market started on the day of the premiere at CIA 2012. The new Cheri Tigo 2013 model will be available to Russians in the fall of 2012. For the Russian market of updates, the Chinese crossover drops the prefix FL to its main name.
The pre-styling crossover was launched in 2006 and practically exactly copies the sound of the successful Japanese SUV Toyota RAV4.

body design

When the body of the Chery Tiggo 2013 was updated, the Chinese designers had to inspire novelty into the old age for the sixth century image of the car. The process is thin, don’t overdo it and don’t splurge, falling in love with buyers with the modern looking affordable crossover.

Let's take a look around, to find out why the changes are made in the state of the car. The front part of the novelty took off the new headlights of the head light of a compact size, the U-like chrome-plated trim of the false radiator grille perked up with the shape of the lower large wind deflector. A massive bumper with high-rise fog lamps, a trapezium air duct framed with an insert made of plastic and aerodynamic segments at the edges stylishly fit into the front part of Chery Tiggo FL. The falling hood otrimav ice vlovі vlov_ look vyshtampovki in the form of all those and the letters U.

The profile of the exterior of Cheri Tіgo FD does not change and demonstrates a high body with smooth and rounded shapes, straight lines, large wheel arches, a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe side slope, a compact rear part. The classic body of a five-door crossover, nothing marvelous, even if it's painted on the Tiggo s Toyota RAV4 of another generation.

Feed the updated "Chinese" slightly changed the bumper with additional "feet" of a rectangular shape, the headlights got LED lamps, the spare wheel case got a new design. The body of the Tiggo FL has become more solid, the changes are small, but the car looks younger. To hang out for a couple of years, and there a new generation will be overtaken. Due to the changes in the front and rear bumpers, the dimensions of the restyled Cherry Tiggo increased by 10.5 cm.

  • outrageous rosemary Cheri Tigo 2013 is folded: in the back - 4390 mm, in width - 1765 mm, in height - 1705 mm, wheel base - 2510 mm.
  • clearance(Road clearance) - 190 mm.
  • For the Chinese crossover in stock, as a complete set, wheels with tires 215/65, 235/65, 215/60 will be available, disk space R16-R17.

Refinement and cleanliness of the cabin

Salon Chery Tiggo FL 2013 model year, judging by the photo, also subject to modernization. As a matter of fact, the materials began to be stoked in the sample. Bagatyokh tsіkavit, chi є unacceptable phenolic smell in the salons of Cheri Tygo FO - reviews and tests to talk about the presence of only a strong smell for a new car. Noise insulation has been added, a new multifunctional steering wheel has appeared with a stylish aluminum insert and a large matochina, a new accessory panel with two pairs of dials and on-board computer screens.

Two great radii - one speedometer, another tachometer. Smaller kruglyashki - for these temperatures, cooling temperatures and a reserve of fire. Readability and informativeness are visible if you are illuminated. The front dashboard and the central console are more important and superior, the music control unit with large buttons, the knobs for adjusting the air conditioner in a classic style. The front armchairs have become more comfortable for the ruffles, which are bigger than the old pillows, the characteristic rollers of the biceps and the anatomical shape. Available regulation in six straight lines and pіdіgrіv, Skoda only, that the steering column is regulated only in height. At the other row, the inter'єr should be given space at all the routes for the accommodation of three passengers, the back row may be later regulated. Some discomfort for the average passenger can create a double sofa bed and a transmission tunnel.

trunk Cheri Tіggo FO 2013 model year, as can be seen from the photograph, the breeze is equal and collapses on the seats of another row, with five passengers taking the building on board from 520 liters to 790 liters of weight (in the fall in the position of the seats). When you add the rear seats, the volume of the trunk will increase, but it doesn’t make sense (you don’t have to go out).

Chinese cars are famous for their rich base equipment, the new Chery Tiggo FL will be available in two far from common trim levels. У початковій версії Comfort передбачено наявність гідропідсилювача, регульованою по висоті рульової колонки, електросклопідйомники для всіх дверей, електроприводу дзеркал з підігрівом, кондиціонери, бортового комп'ютера з кольоровим LCD-дисплеєм, центрального замка, підігріву сидінь першого ряду, заднього парктроника, музики CD MP3 s controls on ceramic, foglights, as well as light alloy wheels with tires 215/60 R17. The Luxury package for the updated Cheri Tigo FD has a shkiryan salon, a sunroof, a music system with a hard disk.

Technical characteristics

The suspension of the updated Chinese crossover has become redundant. In front of the MacPherson strut, behind the bagatoricha, vicorist stabilizers of transverse stability. The galma of all wheels with disk mechanisms, which is acceptable, is standardly installed with ABC and EBD (important for safety).

For Chery Tiggo FL petrol transfer dvigun some options.

  • Two well-known car owners on the pre-styling model - 1.8 (132 k.s.) and 2.0 (138 k.s.).
  • Another pair is the price 1.6 DVVT (126 hp) and turbo 1.6 (150 hp).

For all engines, 5 manual gearboxes are required, as an option for the most powerful motor, which type is 150 horses, from autumn 2012, technical characteristics can be requested machine(CVT variator). The Chery Tiggo FL crossover is equipped with a front-wheel drive transmission, the latest drive is optionally available only for the Tiggo s 2.0 model (138 hp).

Options and prices for 2012 and 2013

The variability of the New Chery Tiggo 2013 version of the Comfort 1.8 MT in Ukraine is 135,000 hryvnias. In Russia Chery Tiggo FL will appear in the autumn of 2012, at the same time information will be announced about those, how much the new product is in rubles. Russians have access to Tiggo's twin - Vortex Tngo updates, vibrations at TagAZ. The price of Vortex Tingo FL 1.8 MT in the Comfort package is 559,900 rubles, Vortex Tingo FL 1.8 MT in the Lux version is 584,900 rubles.

In 2010, the most popular Chinese compact SUV survived facelifting - turning into a ring and changing in the middle of the cabin were necessary for a crossover, even for five years of its life (since 2005) RAV4) has come to noticeably aging ... while the Russian market only reached the Russian market in 2013.

In general, we can say that the restyling is going forward ... "Tiggo FL" having taken off the new design of the front part: the headlights of the head light knew a new (foldingly geometric) shape and were redesigned at the extreme high points of the body - a stylish transition of the front part to the wings of the car; the front lighting equipment acquired strings of daytime running lights and light bulbs; and the front bumper of an obtіchnoї form and non-abyaya roses with a majestic lower windshield (solutions in the classic crossover style) is doubled with an insert of black plastic of a trapezium-like form; "Ochi" foglights knew the place on the contrasting black inserts harmoniously inscribed in the bumper area; a neat veil and holes in the false radiator grate with horizontal slats and a chrome-plated cup with the Chery logo.

The new original "appearance" has completely refreshed the image of the crossover - having given it a serious and exuberant look.

The profile of the auto designers did not become chipati - it is important to give the Toyota lines a more harmonious look. Sideways "Tiggo FL" - a typical compact crossover with a high five-door body, vyshtampovki wheel arches, a straight line of a dash, a large square of a side slope, small overhangs and a dry stern with a practically vertical rear part. Classics of that year, looking harmoniously and monumentally.

So - change feed not the cardinal floorings, and only with a respectful look you can see the change: the rear bumper of the new configuration, having removed the straight brake lights, logically spread out along the outer sides; spare wheel pouch other view; and the outer lights have acquired light-emitting diodes (additional upper brake light, placements in spoilers, calls for more information during galvanization).

The car has been upgraded to a dovzhina (by 105 mm in parallel from the pre-styling "Tiggo"): dozhina - 4390 mm, width - 1765 mm, height - 1705 mm, base - 2510 mm, clearance - 190 mm. The crossover is normally fitted with tires on rims 215/65 R16, 235/65 R16 or 215/60R17.

In the middle of this Chinese crossover, it itself changed in the other direction - starting with materials and finishing with architecture and fillings.

Сідаємо в салон «Tiggo FL» і всередині тут водія зустрічають: новий мутіфункціональний кермо з великою центральною частиною і стильною вставкою під алюміній, змінені крісла переднього ряду (підігрів опція) з більш довжиною подушкою, характерними валиками бічної підтримки і регулюванням в шести напрямках, нова panel of accessories with informative dials and on-board computer monitor.

Visually simple, the front dashboard took away the current central console with hand-stitched music control units and the air conditioning system.

Metallic inserts are present on the rich elements of the cabin, their roztashuvannya is dosed and stylishly underpins a strict interior.

The first row has enough space, and the range of regulation allows you to manually control the water and passengers.

The other row has no less space, the seat cushion is molded for two passengers. The third passenger is splendidly happy, but the high central place and the transmission tunnel on the landing do not rise to a comfortable trip.

The back row of seats may be later adjusted, in the fallow season, we hope to have more space for less or more luggage. The trunk allows you to take in itself from 520 to 790 liters of cargo through the large orn doors.

Chinese cars are famous for their generous interior design, Chery Tiggo FL clearly confirms this: configurations for the "updated Tiggo" engine - "Comfort" and "Luxury".

  • At the start of the "Comfort" є: hydropidsiluvach kerma, steering column with height adjustment, electric scoopers, electric mirrors with piping, air conditioning, on-board computer (LCD-display on the accessory panel), pigriv seat in the first row in straight lines, 6 signalization with central locking, front and rear fog lights, parking sensors, music CD / MP3.
  • In the equipment of "Luxury" you can add: a cover for the cabin, a sunroof with an electric drive, a music complex with a hard disk.

Updates until 2013 Cheri Tіggo is equipped with engines known to Russians: 1.8 (132 hp), 2.0 (136 hp) and new 1.6 liter units (atmospheric 1.6 DVVT with 126 horsepower and turbocharged variant with mechanical supercharging) 150 hp).

For all units "in the base" 5 manual gearboxes were transferred, and for the "senior" engines, Chinese engineers will install the CVT variator.

The front part of the independent carriage migrated from the pre-styling car - in front of the MacPherson strut with a stabilizer of the transverse stability, and in the rear the multi-wheel drive is also with a stabilizer.

Galma discs with ABC and EBD for basic equipment.

Only the variant with a 2.0-liter engine (138 hp) is equipped with a full drive system.

The price for Chery Tiggo FL 2014 in Russia starts from 569 thousand. 900 rubles for the “Comfort” package (1.6l / 126hp, 5speed manual and 2WD). The equipment is similar, but with the “variator” the replacement of the “mechanics” and is supplemented with cruise control and climate control is offered at a price of 645 thousand. 900 rubles. The variability of the fully-powered Tiggo (2.0l / 136hp, I “mechanics” with 4WD) in the “Luxury” configuration is stored on the Russian market 689 yew. 900 rubles.

Cherry Tiggo 2016 model roku is a compact crossover. The Danish car can make its own history. Beginning in 2005, the model was produced in Russia at several factories until 2008. On this day, it is carried out only in my fatherland, but even earlier it is delivered to Russia through official dealers. Cheri Tіggo, describe and look at what you read further, there is every chance of becoming one of the most demanded Chinese cars.

The Chery company is only gathering its wraps in our country. Її inexpensive and far away cars (for their quality and elegance) are quick to know their target audience. Danish crossover without becoming a vine. The rest of the renovation of the car was taken away in 2014 and I will call Tiggo 5. There will be technical characteristics, a look at the old look and the interior, photos of the crossover and a fierce attack on the given model.

Starry look

End the European and Chinese verses about those who are guilty of crossover, but one kind of one. Those who, for the creation of a new crossover, the Chinese lured two designers from among the other great companies into their company. The first one is a big contributor to Ford, and the other one is designing in Porsche. Tsіkave pёdnannya, chi is not it? We wonder what happened in the result. The pictures presented below show all the variability of Chery Tiggo in terms of body color.

Vіdrazu varto it means that the new body is strongly vіdrіznyaєtsya vіd poderedný polіnnya according to the design solutions. From one side, having become a reminder of the body, you can get respect for such a car, but you don’t want to look at it for a long time. The symbiosis of the spivpratsi of the Chinese with the leading designers of the Viyshs is completely boring. Kіlka tsіkavih solution with optics and bumpers to get ruined through the dimensions of the car, installed by Chinese engineers. Ale, all the same, the haircut in the design can be seen with an unobstructed eye. The previous generation with the prefix FL was stupid and similar to the well-known old Chinese pozashlyahovik.

Look at the photo of the front part of the Chery Tiggo body. Vikonan optics in the style of Korean models with light inserts. The line of the hood supports the chrome-plated radiator grille. The bumper is finished with the original one: a small windshield above the license plate and a space under the fog lamps, like a chrome-plated frame.

From the side, the car is not noticeable in any way. Everything is strict and simple, but at the same time it doesn’t come out and doesn’t call out the wind, as it was the case with the company’s front model line.

The rear part of the crossover strongly affects the creations of Korean competitors from KIA or Hyundai. Side linings and the lower part of the rear bumper are made of black plastic, which draws on the combat style of operation of this car, but about the running capacity and the goodness of the language, it’s a little worse.

  • A sprinkling of reasons to praise designers:
  • Beautiful optics;
  • Receiving color scale;
  • Lines of wheel arches;
  • Bumper clips.


The dimensions of the new Cheri Tіggo have changed in a larger direction. The front restyled version was less rich. Height, width and height parameters have been increased. The height of the car in the new body has grown to 1 meter 84 centimeters. What may be 10 centimeters longer, lower at the front. Dovzhina and width increased by 10 and 30 centimeters. Now the values ​​add up to 4.5 meters and 1.74 meters in total. So change the clearance of the crossover. Clearance increased to 190 mm. With the increase of the possibility \u200b\u200b the vanishing gap changes to 160 millimeters.

Undaunted by the new platform, Chery Tiggo got stuck in a narrow one. You can remember to navigate from the photo. Let's be aware that until the next generation of the Chinese model, they have lost their pardons in proportions and are slightly supplemented. They have everything to change their minds, the streaks of hair in this plan in the FL are really colossal. Let's take a look inside the car.

Cheri Tiggo: a look around and a photo of the salon

Look at the photo of the front panel of the interior of the new Tiggo. Can't guess anything? That's right - ce vilitium Ford Focus. Let's think about a great designer from Ford. The entire center console is basically copied from the machine. Obviously, the elements of control and the roztashuvannya of the buttons are resurrected, but the overall forms are copied thoroughly. The upper part has a roztashuvavsya display with a multimedia system and navigation. At the bottom there is a joystick control and buttons that are used for multimedia capabilities. The lower unit has climate controls, air flow settings, and so on. On the top panel there is a small grave for dribbling speeches. The central console is tripled between the seats.

Look at the photo of the Chery Tiggo accessories and kerma panel. As if abstracting from the licked central console, it looks like everything is done in an original and stylish way. Zruchne kermo with a minimal set of buttons. The accessory panel is divided into two parts. In the middle, information about the engine and the stock of fuel is displayed. Absolutely standard heading for a modern car.

The multimedia system has blocked reception. The screen is not galmuє. The operating system works seamlessly and copes with business tasks. Let's move on to the seat and back space.

Reasons, yakі vplinuli on cardinal changes in salons:

  • New designers;
  • Spivpratsya and infusion with European colleagues;
  • The city occupied the segment of the market, in which budgetary crossovers from Korean companies such as Renault Duster were categorically ruled;
  • Salon Tiggo FL zastarіv yak morally, so in terms of technical characteristics.

Passenger comfort and trunk - photo and description

The water seat and armchair of the front passenger should be handy. The backs of the armchairs are wide, the bіchna pіdtrimka is present. The width of the seat allows you to comfortably spread out to a great person. And the axis of thin people will be able to fasten up until the hour of the ride - the skin, as the armchairs are upholstered, the slime is hard. However, you do not need to feel comfortable in them. Between the armchairs, a small footrest was roztashuvavsya, which is only intended for one person - the width of the car body is indicated as small.

The rear passenger row can comfortably accommodate three passengers. Тігго is the first Chinese crossover, in which the creators slandered about the comfort of high passengers. Obviously, the infusion and involvement of European designers and projectors into the bodywork is clearly indicated, about which it was said more. The car is designed for long trips with your family or company.

In Cherі Tіggo the luggage compartment is also virіs, in pairs with the previous generations. Now the luggage compartment has become 370 liters. We will lay out the rear row of seats and the parameters reach as much as 970 liters! Under the flooring, under the luggage compartment, there is a wheel with a spare wheel. The tailgate doors swing uphill, and the height of the crossover allows you to stand calmly in the open trunk and not stick your head into the door.

Cabin verdict

In terms of design, the salon can be called afar, so do not look around at the copy of the Ford Focus. The car looks like a European one with small peculiarities and differences. All the same, the Chinese of Cherry are not yet up to the end of their minds, but the mischievous crossover is to blame. The only thing that is very confusing is the quality of the materials. Cheri Tіggo, a photo of the salon of which you can marvel at in this article, it is practically made up of rough plastic and hard shells. In the photographs, you can’t see a small part of the memory, for whom it is necessary to “speak” with a car in real life.

Cheri Tіggo - technical characteristics and complete set

Here everything is summarily. Chery Tiggo, like and be like the other Chinese car, upgrades of engine versatility. For selection, the official representatives of the company in Russia presented only one engine with offensive characteristics:

  • Obsyag 2 liters;
  • Torque 450 rpm;
  • The maximum speed in a complete set with a mechanical gearbox is 175 km / h, and with a variator box - 165 km / h.

The volume of the fire tank is small - only 55 liters. Zagalna vaga car to become 1.5 tons. The crossover of inducements on the platform with front-wheel drive, which can also be written down in a small model. Bagato Vlasniks would like to take the new ghost. In Cheri, \u200b\u200bcombination suspension is installed. Like a bachite, the technical characteristics of the machine are overwhelmed by the best. Chery Tiggo in the plan of vitrati paliva dosit unobtrusively - about 11 liters on the skin 100 kilometers long way. Palivna system Cheri Tiggo don't go for compromise and don't shy away from your appetite - you will become a permanent guest of gas stations.

As for the complete set, then in the most modifications with a manual gearbox, the car will cost buyers approximately 800 thousand rubles. The maximum configuration with a variator will cost about 1 million rubles.

When buying this crossover from official dealers, Chery provides a 5-year warranty for servicing in official service centers.

Behavior on the road

Irrespective of the day of the full drive, Cheri Tiggo correctly shows himself on the filthy road surface. Poperednik Cherі zbrav nigіrshі vіdguki pro kerovanіst i dynamіku. As for the dynamics, everything here is as bad as before, then the keratinization has become noticeably more beautiful. The car practically does not see road pits, so you will feel comfortable on the trip.

Pіdbivayuchi pіdbags

We see the pluses of the new crossover:

  • Comfort in terms of behavior on the road;
  • Good curing;
  • Ergonomics;
  • superficiality;
  • Trunk harness.


  • Delivery of materials to the cabin;
  • Number of complete sets and lines of engines;
  • Vіdsutnіst povnogo drive (want prohіdnіst navіt with front-wheel drive is against).

Chery Tiggo 5 is a big step forward for the Chinese company. The new model range is developing in the right direction. The creators are left to work on pardons and add extra sprats of options. If anything, you can easily compete with Renault Duster and Koreans.

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