Bik - Leo.


Before the sign of Leo-Bik there are people who were born from 23 linden to 23 sickle 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021.

І Leo, і Bik – dosist strong and upright signs.

Therefore, regardless of the statistics, these will be the key characteristics of a person.

Lev himself is a bastard with whom he has met, .

Bik is a symbol of commitment, vitrima and unbreakable willpower, as well as self-importance.

This is promising for careers and relationships, for high social status and achieving success in all areas of life.

This person is inspired not only by their zealousness, but by their rare strong directiveness and bright, ambitious character.

Leo is a maximalist in everything, but he has everything in the best and most complete way: only luxurious speeches for himself, only large things for spiring.

The woman, born under the sign of Leo on the Bika River, is positive, cheerful and effective.

Vaughn is inspired by the brightness and comradeship.

She has a good intuition, which is why she has powerless, unusual things.

For the Lev-Bik woman, the aesthetic side of everything is important: a handsome person, a strong man, an elegant outfit, a comfortable and cozy booth.

Look, like the person you are married to, love marriage and love being close to someone.

Family relations are an important aspect of life for a person born with the Leo-Bik connection.

It comes down to family traditions and, most often, is the basis for organizing family life.

There is no need for harmony in the joints and for this purpose it is important to choose the right life partner.

A young man may have a number of novels at once, which is explained by his generosity.

In this case, it is important to understand the representative of the excellent article.

This kind of marriage helps one to choose the right life partner.

The man Lev-Bik is inspired by maximalism and great benefits to his kohanoi.

She is a bright, sensible, comrade who encourages his ideas and inspires respect and praise.

Unfortunately, conservatism sometimes reaches the point of fanaticism.

Bicky just hates innovation anyway.

The stink is still here, and practically no mercy is known.

Since the Biks are aggressive and warlike, it is impossible for anyone to get along with them.

Ale on the person who, having been born, can always be sworn to.

So, he does not show his weaknesses and feels, but loves deeply, with all his heart.

Zagalny characteristic

The Bik-Leo person has a sparkling specialness that instills confidence in how to deal with enemies in the future.

In the face of red arrogance, pro-people tend to put more work into their minds, so to speak.

It was said that the Biks are even more conservative.

So, this is so, if he is also a Leo, then the character begins to play with other farbs.

This person may be kicked out because “it’s worth the candle.”

That’s why he was decisive, reasonable and self-confident, at the same time far-sighted and truly ambitious.

It’s still not easy for Alya to be with the man Bik-Lev.

  • Because he is a natural, uncompromising leader who firmly pursues his interests and never compromises.
  • Twins.
  • This couple is always full of positive emotions.
  • When welding and squabbling, the little girl-Twins are quick to find a compromise.
  • Cancer. It’s amazing that two dissimilar people create such a perfect union.
  • However, this gentle housewife-Cancer is truly an excellent partner for someone who values ​​family traditions.
  • A lion. Sepulchral burials, however, identical temperaments, identical views on life, similar characters... the stinks miraculously get along one after another.
  • However, it still needs to be boiled.

However, only one.

This is for them. Shvidshe, gra, within the framework of such a stink, do not hurt your partner’s pride.


Men Biki - Levi in ​​clothes and hundred-year-olds: Since early times, these people have written a number of novels.

This is not explained by their kindness. The stench is about to become familiar, to understand the representatives of the disease status.

This kind of training allows them to recognize themselves better, as well as choose the right partner. Such containers are an honor to be robbed of, and the fragments of stench are to be removed through the necessary knowledge.

As much as it matters with the choice, it is obligatory to choose your partner to the best of your ability. People Biki - Levi in ​​finance and career:

These are the people of miraculous finance.

There are a lot of great actors among Lviv-Bikiv, about whom it has already been said, but how many have been lost!

Tse master of the grotesque Igor Illinsky (“Volga-Volga”, “Holy St. Jorgen”, “Carnival Night”), Boris Chirkov (“Chapaev”, “The People with the Rushnitsey”, “Virni Friends”), Laurence Fishburne (“Chervona Speca” ) ), Sergey Yakovlev (“Shadows Know the Day”), Woody Gerelson (“Born Killers”, “The People Against Larry Flint”),

Levi-Bicky feels good in politics.

We did not ignore Napoleon with respect, now we are overhauling others: Anatoly Sobchak, Menachem Begin, deputy Mikola Kovalov, speaker of the House of Communities, head of the Labor Party Michael Foot, trade union activist of Russia Mikhailo Shmakov and many others.

In the sciences, Levy-Bicky also does not stand up.

They are occupied with precise disciplines and high energies: Pierre Fermat – mathematician, creator of analytical geometry and number theory;

Volodymyr Zvorikin – TV producer;

Baruch Blumberg – biochemist who identified hepatitis antigen;

Nina Berberova (“Zalizna zhіnka”, “Kursiv miy”) – the squad of the poet Khodasevich sings herself.

How poetry showed itself in 1921 years, and across the river, in 20 years of birth, the people entrusted their share to Khodasevich and left for the cordon.

Life in emigration turned out to be difficult.

At first the friend lived with Gorky in Capri, then lived in Paris.

Khodasevich is steadily ill, having tried to put his hands on himself, suffering in his soul and shaking his nerves, he is not in the mood to earn money for a living.

Berberova, however, was characterized by “neugamov’s will, vitality, firmness,” and she respected herself as “chavunna.”
All the hardships of life and material security fell on Berberova’s shoulders, although at that time she herself called her inner life a tragedy.
Zrestha, Nina did not show and left Khodasevich.

The pain of life was felt by her at the same time, and Nina “confirmed.”

For 15 years she served as a literary worker for the Parisian newspaper “Ostanni Noviny”, where her first novels were published.

Bik-Lev-man has the ambition and ability to carve out a path for himself, taken from Bik.

This is pure water, a maximalist, alleviating fear and thoroughly sticking to your mark.

Businesses are uncompromising and firm, with fierce commitment to their interests and their leadership.

In particular, such a person is generous with those close to him, loves to give gifts, and for this very important praise and respect from the side of the other half.

The Bik-Leo woman is positive, cheerful, and effective.

For her, the aesthetic side of everything is important: a smart man’s hand, a smart clothes, a smart booth.