Bridgestone ecopia ep850 kerm test. Trivaliy test of tires BRIDGESTONE ECOPIA EP850. Video-look and test

The Ecopia brand resembles the words Ecology and Utopia - a kind of eco-friendly perfectionism. Nechuvane persh pragnennya to ekonomіchnostі vyklikana modern Euronorm: speed up the number of wikis can be the head rank for the change of the balance of fire. Upevneniy, few of the readers are seriously caught by a joke of economical tires - at the first place, ring out the spivvіdshenie zchipnih authorities and prices. But the characteristics that Japanese tire manufacturers, velmi tsikavi, announce: the Ecopia passenger line (EP150, EP200 and EP850) has appeared in the other part of the passenger car line, which makes it possible to reduce the amount of paliva in pairs with B250 tires by 7.1%, 12.3% 9% ! It’s important to believe in such numbers, but it still stinks close to the truth, then a serious breakthrough in the tire industry.

A / T 697 - without roads no tires in gamm

At the Land Rover Experience, I went to work on a mini-test of the latest tire line, recognized without intermediary for SUVs: Dueler H / P Sport, Ecopia EP850 and Dueler A / T 697. Recently, all cars in the starting center will be equipped with the same tires. The first ones on black are Ecopia EP850, which have more comfortable quiet water, good galvanization on wet surfaces and the traditional for Bridgestone high quality of the sidewall. For a 15.7% reduction in stiffness, this tire is subject to a 3.9 percent reduction in tire wear in dueler H / L 683. The linear range includes as many as 23 sizes (15-19 inches). Obviously, all the subtleties of the novelty are easy to understand, but you can take away the information. For example, climbing a mountain with a 45-degree hitch or crashing with a 30-degree hitch. Firstly, the Discovery thrives perfectly on concrete, without showing signs of forging. And in a different way, with a steep beech whistle, it’s practical to see a flat sidewall of the tire - everything is in the middleadmissible. Another model, the Dueler H / P Sport, which repeats the little Potenza RE050, is recognized for premium-class cars such as the Range Rover. For these purposes, on the training grounds of a shvidk_sna dilyanka, laying on a soil ring road. Already tsіkavіshe. Ale "to understand" the tires here, perhaps, more important. It's not surprising, on purely asphalt tires Range you can manage with a lot of recklessness, it's less shrill to call the turn of the front axle - and everything is predicted to the limit. The third novelty is the Dueler A / T 697, which is currently the largest off-the-shelf tire in the SUV range. MT mud tires are not yet delivered to us, what a marvelous thing to finish - de, if not in Russia, would you like to have a close drink on them? Ale and the 697th Dueler is not good to behave at the crossroads. І judging by shown in the presentation of the diagram below the characteristics, the tires became more visibly and passable (in pairs with the 694th model), although there were fewer sipes on the shoulder block fornoise reduction. In general, Bridgestone collapses in the right way. I am especially glad that the company constantly conducts testing for durability and wear resistance, as a result of which Japanese tires are closer to Russian realities. And for our country, the peculiarity is still more important than the pale economy.

"Green" line of Bridgestone Ecopia has an innovative warehouse of humic sum, with addition of silicon and a group of polymeric compounds. Virobnik hardens, so that chemical additives allow to reduce the cost of friction, heating and deformation of the wheel during frostbite. In the case of a tread with polypshenic little tread, the nova guma is safe for galvanizing on wet and dry surfaces.

In the capacity of the main advantages of your ecoshin Ecopia EP850 chiropractor indicates the step:

  • low rіven the support of frostbite, which ensures the economy of fire by 3.9%;
  • more comfortable and quiet water;
  • polished galvanization on the water surface;
  • increased endurance.

The rest of the distribution of the middle ecoshin Ecopia EP850 is designed for safer waters and crossovers, more comfortable and quieter waters. This tire is aimed not only at the comfort of the water, but also at the comfort of the middle ground - the thickness of the gum is reduced, the noise of the car is reduced on the road, and the reduction of the opir stiffness is changed like a vitrata paliva, so it is the wheel load of the engine.

The tread of the Bridgestone Ecopia EP850 tire is similar to the road one - the little ones are obviously resurfaced on a better connection with the road itself. There is no need to talk about the usual performance characteristics on the roads here: the Ecopia EP850 tire is aimed, in the first place, on dynamic water, and not on the road on the road, especially in tension.

When compared with options i, recognized for single-wheel drive vehicles, the first line falls into the tread asymmetry and the frequency of lamellas is increased. It can be assumed that the retailers of the gumi did not secure for some small parameter, but for the technological development, but they started victorious to create a synergistic effect, which allowed the gumi to show itself as good as possible on cars with two wired axles, as well as an increase in car weight to monodrive.

Launching the new eco-tire on the market Kazuhito Hasegawa, Head of Bridgestone Crossover Tire Distribution Division, added: “Working on the Ecopia EP850 crossover tire was a good reminder for our team. Vlasniki crossovers sound like their great and important cars, not only the ability to collapse on different types of road surfaces, but also miraculous roughness, like a car, as well as safety and comfort. For us, it meant the need for a combination of environmental friendliness and fire economy with optimal keratinization on wet and dry roads, durability to abrasion and, especially, with low noise levels. We have developed a tire from scratch, carefully choosing materials, finding the most important nuances of structure and shape, creating an optimal tread design. The result of our effortless \u200b\u200bpractice has become an innovative product - a tire with a reduced support for stiffness, super quiet in operation.

The new eco-tire is brimming with a wide range of tire types, which allows you to win both on small crossovers and on great family cars.

Test Drive

The compact compact Daihatsu Terios and yoga “twin” Toyota Cami (as in another generation - Daihatsu Terios II or Toyota Rush / Be-Go) were not officially delivered to Russia, so the car is only available in narrow poles.

Daihatsu Terios is a lightweight semi-trailer with a symmetrical full drive, similar to the Niva 4x4. You can call a sports car only with a great stretch, prote, tim tsіkavіshe bulo bewilder the road power of the new Bridgestone gumi for crossovers - and even more often for all the mova go about important cars, but forget about “malukіv”.

Daihatsu Terios gumi standard is 205 70 / R15. However, in the Ecopia EP850 data sheet, the difference is present, so we were able to conduct our own test.

The first installation of the Bridgestone Ecopia EP850 gumi on a test Daihatsu Terios is easy. Guma is equal, the tovshchina is the same, it was easy to balance the newly installed tires.

Start a new huma, start a new world, show your power without breaking it - about the first three hundred kilometers you need to go through a run-in. Our guma drank a glass of water in a serious sampling - the weather threw a surprise at the sight of a sharp cold. Let's guess, the hour of the summer humi is here, if the average temperature rises again + 7C (and even shorter, it is restored to the area of ​​+10 C). In this period, nighttime temperatures dropped significantly lower than +7 C - closer to zero degrees.

The Bridgestone Ecopia EP850 tire was more sensitive to a decrease in temperature again - the gum of a duplex, the characteristics of keratinization and galvanization with which it can be assessed only as a weak "three". The situation of the troch was corrected after the completion of the run-in; It can be assumed that the sharp reaction of the gum to a lower temperature is again determined by the presence in the polymer warehouse, which only shows itself positively at higher temperatures again.

At the pouch, you can make the first visnovok: in pairs with winter studded tire Bridgestone Ecopia EP850 is not the best option, the shards of winter humus can be beaten up more, it would be better.

The Bridgestone Ecopia EP850 tyre, pointed out, shows its best performance on the road in warm weather. In the middle of the black, the gum is quiet - after the "spike" the contrast is especially memorable. Catch with the road more than a garne: the car went on singing and softly, perfectly playing the dribbling irritability. A small scribbled machine on this gum became much more “wounded” - soft and smooth, more like a Russian stately car.

In the minds of the number of people on the road, the behavior of the car has also changed: the control of the car has become more important, the car's behavior has improved. The reaction to rutting as a whole has significantly decreased (and for a light car, it is more narrow, lower is standard, if it is in some minds, it can be critical, for example, I’ll do it for an hour).

Otzhe, another visnovok: if the temperature changes the operating conditions, Bridgestone Ecopia EP850 effectively improves the keratinization of a small zashlyakhovik.

And the axis of lowering the fire for the test Daihatsu Terios was out of reach: the improvement in the characteristics of driving a car provokes a swedish ride. As a result, the average water flow rate was higher than 10-15 km / year, so the average amount of water increased by approximately 200 ml / 100 km.

Third visnovok: the real injection of gum Bridgestone Ecopia EP850 on vitreous fire is overfilled with food - for the purity of the experiment, you need to wash the dough.

The next test parameter for the Bridgestone Ecopia EP850 tire is the galvanization characteristics. Here the eco-tire retailers have reached even good results. So it turned out that on this gum there was a galm in an extreme situation on a road with rutting and unevenness, sharply changing the speed from 110 to 40 km / h. stіykosti, and th primitive ABS, such a maneuver is more risky. However, on the Bridgestone Ecopia EP850 gum, the galvanization went almost perfectly. Tsikavo, after the first experiment on humi, it was not possible to know the traces of a sharp galvanization.

Visnovok quarters: galmuє tire Bridgestone Ecopia EP850 vіdminno.

On wet roads, the Bridgestone Ecopia EP850 tires also show themselves perfectly - there is both keratinization and galvanization. The difference in behavior between dry and wet pavement is completely insignificant, although, obviously, forget about those who are on the road to improve sawing, you can’t forget.

Five visnovok: warm summer weather, and bring on the wind, a car on the Bridgestone Ecopia EP850 is not a change.

On the off-road gum Bridgestone Ecopia EP850, as it was, I didn’t imagine anything special. On these tires you can drive through the dirt, easily pass through the shallow sand and make a patch with wood and clay. However, it is not necessary to pay extra for more. On a dry or squeaky squeak of hum, a veil on a smooth, shallow tread, it’s possible to wind a bad one (the wheels will not dig). And the axle on clay is possible only up to the first slip. As soon as the wheel skidded, the mud flooded the lamellas and the tires turned into "slicks". So, the 800-meter pіdyom on the wet clay pіdyom podolom avtomobilіl, ale zayviy times zupinyatisya I did not risk - the nature of the connection between the kolіs and the road would be near the cordon. Zupinivshis, it is already possible to bulo and not to destroy.

Visnovok six: even for poshlyahovik, but Bridgestone Ecopia EP850 - absolutely road gum, recognized for comfortable driving on the roads. Podkoryuvati off-road is better for the next gum.

It's too early to talk about the durability of the Ecopia EP850 for 3,500 km.


Guma Bridgestone Ecopia EP850 is recognized for dynamic, comfortable and economical driving of 4x4 vehicles in various variants of transmission of torque along axles on roads with hard surfaces.

Tire Bridgestone Ecopia EP850 may have a number of technical solutions:

  • specially designed asymmetric tread patches, which allow maximum smooth water removal from the area of ​​gum contact with road surfaces and skidding,
  • polymer additives in the gum sum, which improve the galvanic characteristics and increase the wear resistance of the tire,
  • noise reduction and noise reduction.

The development of these technical solutions allows us to take the synergistic effect of innovation on modern versions of vehicles with a 4x4 wheel formula.

A wide range of types of gum Bridgestone Ecopia EP850 covers almost the entire range of all types of crossovers, minors and minor crossovers that are sold and imported into the Russian Federation.

The greatest effect of the Bridgestone Ecopia EP850 gumi can be reached for an hour of three-time tourist trips on the roads of the wild coristuvannya, especially if you go to the roads in the European countries.


  • trochs make noise

Detailed characteristics

Seasonality of summer Shipi is silent Appointment for the poshlyahovik No RunFlat Technology

hot characteristics

recognition for the poshlyahovik Seasonality of years Diameter 15/16/17/18/19 Profile width 205 / 215 / 225 / 235 / 245 / 255 / 265 / 275 / 285 Profile height 50/55/60/65/70/75

Functions and features

No hissing No RunFlat technology Maximum fluidity index H (up to 210 km/h) / T (up to 190 km/h) / V (up to 240 km/h) Load index 95 ... 116 buti 690 ... 1250 kg

Video-look and test

Summer gum Bridgestone Ecopia EP850, the first in the line of ecoshin with a small support of the nodule, saving up to 3.9%. Recognized for poshlyahovikіv z povnym drive i krosoverіv. Guaranteeing a comfortable transfer with a quiet, soft ride. Improved galvanization and wear resistance.


A car, equipped with this version of tires, instantly hears the turn in the kerma and winds up with a shortened galvanized path on the waterway. Perevagou is the great term of service.

Comfort and silence

The soft, quiet running of the tire creates a comfortable feeling and delivers a lot of satisfaction during a trip on a dynamic car. When tsiomu gasoline vitrachayuchi dosit sparingly.

The first tire of the EKOPOM line

The summer tire of the new line will have a miraculous keratinization, a small thickness and a comfortable look in the road.


Virib Bridgestone EKOPOM EP850 is the result of the work of Japanese engineers in terms of the installation of energy-efficient tires for SUV class cars. Basically, the possession was broken up for transport with miraculous accessibility. Plenty of key yakos far away to reach without shkod for arrogance.

Looking around the eco-shine we can see, looking at the visor of the ovn_shny profile of the wheel. The asymmetry and attachment of the tread are not covered by the visa for the cordon of the ideal Russian highways. Together with the bіchnimi parts on the pokrishtsi, you can see the five kilets. The inner and outer walls of the kilts are ventilated with slits and fortifications with a kiltsevy rib in the center.

Two parts of this rib are cut into chotiricutn blocks. This original solution ensures the superior exchange rate stability, effective expansion, winding on the wrought-iron roadbed.

Rhomboid parts of the rim in the center, flared under the hood to the floor, which improves the draft and the strength of the tire.

Increased hardness and reinforced construction in the shoulder area of ​​the wheel. Zhorstki sidewalls, together with a small radius of the profile, create a larger maidanchik of the contact patch, which has a regular shape, according to which, however, the zillion of the oval vice is shaped.

As a result, a miracle of adhesion to the surface of the road is created, the gum is worn more evenly, the hour of exploitation continues.

Key achievements

Asymmetric treading of the tread visor indicates a little slippage from the highway, in different situations, and a little resistance to traffic.

The material, which includes active silica acid, specific elements with a long line of chemical formulas, is placed at the outer shell of the tire, which changes the heating and saves the bed.

The faceless rhombus in the central part of the wheel is flared under the hood to the right turn of the car. Z tsієї reasons for the strengthening of traction and zchіpnyh zdatnosti.

Zhorstki, z pіdvishchennoyu mіtsnіstyu, sidewalls, erased more evenly, not improving the brightness of the curing.



In general, tsimi bagels of satisfaction. Water is fed efficiently, the course is trimmed normally. Having tried it for the ford on a full drive, they passed safely, although it was recognized only for asphalt. In the kalyuzhi, having flown on shvidkos, we passed steadily. Chi is not overly warm looking. For two rocks, the mayzhe was not erased. You can put 4 balls out of 5 possible.


Chi is not plive according to the amount, the dry unevenness of the broken asphalt is smoothed. At a good zliv, the road is miraculous. On dry asphalt, the trochs are noisy. Dribni kamintsі get stuck in the profile gaps.

Yesterday, a penetrating wind, a strong stream of water from the sky, the highway was flooded with water. At the same time, the machine pearled like a tank, vibrating the onslaught of the elements. For clay \u200b\u200b the tire goes, like a stubborn donkey, without aquaplaning and other tricks, like slipping. Gravel gets stuck in the lamellas and then knocks on the bottom. Ale tse drіbnitsі in porіvnіnі z vіdmіnnoy kirovanіstyu and stіyky course. I rate it 5, with a small minus.


The price is appropriate for me, in line with the leading brands, it is generally acceptable. I’ll wait for an hour, I’ll hear kerma on a wet track. Well balanced. Troch to make noise. Guma is ideal for Russian crossovers. My rating is 5.

Specifications of the Bridgestone Ecopia 850 summer tire

Ecopia 850 - the first model of Bridgestone's "green" tire line, developed for sports crossovers.

"Green" line of Bridgestone Ecopia has an innovative warehouse of humic sum, with addition of silicon and a group of polymeric compounds. Virobnik hardens, so that chemical additives allow to reduce the cost of friction, heating and deformation of the wheel during frostbite. In the case of a tread with polypshenic little tread, the nova guma is safe for galvanizing on wet and dry surfaces.

In the capacity of the main advantages of its eco-tire Ecopia 850, the forerunner shows the following:

Low rіven support of frostbite, which ensures the economy of firewood by 3.9%;
- more comfortable and quiet water;
- polished galvanization on the water surface;
- increased wear resistance.

The rest of the distribution of the middle ecoshin Ecopia EP850 is designed for safer waters and crossovers, more comfortable and quieter waters. This tire is aimed not only at the comfort of the water, but also at the comfort of the middle ground - the thickness of the gum is reduced, the noise of the car is reduced on the road, and the reduction of the opir stiffness is changed like a vitrata paliva, so it is the wheel load of the engine.

The tread of the Bridgestone Ecopia 850 tire is similar to the road one - the little ones are obviously resurfaced on a better connection with the road itself. There is no need to talk about the usual performance characteristics on the roads here: the Ecopia 850 tire is aimed, in the first line, on dynamic water, and not on the road on the road, especially in tension.

When paired with the Ecopia 150 and 200 variants, which are recognized for single-wheel drive vehicles, the tread asymmetry falls into the first line and the frequency of the sipes is increased. It can be assumed that the retailers of the gumi did not secure for some small parameter, but for the technological development, but they started victorious to create a synergistic effect, which allowed the gumi to show itself as good as possible on cars with two wired axles, as well as an increase in car weight to monodrive.

Launching the new eco-friendly tire Kazuhito Hasegawa, Head of Crossover Tire Sales at Bridgestone, added: “The work on the ECOPIA EP850 crossover tire has become a good reminder for our team. Vlasniki crossovers sound like their great and important cars, not only the ability to collapse on different types of road surfaces, but also miraculous roughness, like a car, as well as safety and comfort. For us, it meant the need for a combination of environmental friendliness and fire economy with optimal keratinization on wet and dry roads, durability to abrasion and, especially, with low noise levels. We have developed a tire from scratch, carefully choosing materials, finding the most important nuances of structure and shape, creating an optimal tread design. The result of our effortless \u200b\u200bpractice has become an innovative product - a tire with a reduced support for stiffness, super quiet in operation.

The new eco-tire is brimming with a wide range of tire types, which allows you to win both on small crossovers and on great family cars.

Bridgestone Ecopia 850 test for Daihatsu Terios

The compact compact Daihatsu Terios and yoga “twin” Toyota Cami (as in another generation - Daihatsu Terios II or Toyota Rush / Be-Go) were not officially delivered to Russia, so the car is only available in narrow poles.

Daihatsu Terios is a lightweight poshlyahovik with a permanent symmetrical full drive, similar to the Niva 4x4. You can call a sports car only with a great stretch, prote, tim tsіkavіshe bulo bewilder the road power of the new Bridgestone gumi for crossovers - and even more often for all the mova go about important cars, but forget about “malukіv”.

Daihatsu Terios gumi standard is 205 70 / R15. However, in Ecopia 850, the difference is present, so we were able to conduct our own test.

The first installation of the Bridgestone Ecopia 850 gumi on the test Daihatsu Terios is easy. Guma is equal, the tovshchina is the same, it was easy to balance the newly installed tires.

Start a new huma, start a new world, show your power without breaking it - about the first three hundred kilometers you need to go through a run-in. Our guma drank a glass of water in a serious sampling - the weather threw a surprise at the sight of a sharp cold. Guessing, the hour of the summer humi is coming, if middle dobova the temperature again rises + 7C (and even more quickly, it is restored in the region of +10 C). In this period, nighttime temperatures dropped significantly lower than +7 C - closer to zero degrees.

The Bridgestone Ecopia 850 tire was more sensitive to a decrease in temperature again - the gum of a duplex, the characteristics of keratinization and galvanization with which one can be assessed only as a weak “triechka”. The situation of the troch was corrected after the completion of the run-in; It can be assumed that the sharp reaction of the gum to a lower temperature is again determined by the presence in the polymer warehouse, which only shows itself positively at higher temperatures again.

At the pouch, you can make the first visnovok: in pairs with studded winter gum tire Bridgestone Ecopia 850 is not the best option, the shards of winter gum can be beaten up more, it would be better.

The Bridgestone Ecopia 850 tyre, pointed out, shows its best performance on the road in warm weather. In the middle of the black, the gum is quiet - after the "spike" the contrast is especially memorable. Catch with the road more than a garne: the car went on singing and softly, perfectly playing the dribbling irritability. A small scribbled machine on this gum became much more “wounded” - soft and smooth, more like a Russian stately car.

In the minds of the number of people on the road, the behavior of the car has also changed: the control of the car has become more important, the car's behavior has improved. The reaction to rutting as a whole has significantly decreased (and for a light car, it is more narrow, lower is standard, if it is in some minds, it can be critical, for example, I’ll do it for an hour).

Otzhe, another visnovok: if the temperature improves the performance, the bridgestone Ecopia 850 gum effectively improves the keratinization of a small zashlyakhovik.

And the axis of lowering the fire for the test Daihatsu Terios was out of reach: the improvement in the characteristics of driving a car provokes a swedish ride. As a result, the average water flow rate was higher than 10-15 km / year, so the average amount of water increased by approximately 200 ml / 100 km.

Third visnovok: the real injection of gum Bridgestone Ecopia 850 on vitreous powder is overfilled with food - for the purity of the experiment, you need to wash the dough.

The next test parameter for the Bridgestone Ecopia 850 tire is the galvanizing characteristics. Here the eco-tire retailers have reached even good results. So it turned out that on this gum there was a galm in an extreme situation on a road with rutting and unevenness, sharply changing the speed from 110 to 40 km / h. stіykosti, and th primitive ABS, such a maneuver is more risky. However, on the Bridgestone Ecopia 850 gum, the galvanization went almost perfectly. Tsikavo, after the first experiment on humi, it was not possible to know the traces of a sharp galvanization.

Visnovok quarters: galmuє tire Bridgestone Ecopia 850 vіdminno.

On a wet road, the Bridgestone Ecopia 850 tires also show themselves perfectly - there is keratinization and galvanization. The difference in behavior between dry and wet pavement is completely insignificant, although, obviously, forget about those who are on the road to improve sawing, you can’t forget.

Five visnovok: warm summer weather, and bring on the heat, a car on the Bridgestone Ecopia 850 is not a change.

On the off-road hum Bridgestone Ecopia 850, as if it was clear, I don’t imagine anything special. On these tires you can drive through the dirt, easily pass through the shallow sand and make a patch with wood and clay. However, it is not necessary to pay extra for more. On a dry or squeaky squeak of hum, a veil on a smooth, shallow tread, it’s possible to wind a bad one (the wheels will not dig). And the axle on clay is possible only up to the first slip. As soon as the wheel skidded, the mud flooded the lamellas and the tires turned into "slicks". So, the 800-meter pіdyom on the wet clay pіdyom podolom avtomobilіl, ale zayviy times zupinyatisya I did not risk - the nature of the connection between the kolіs and the road would be near the cordon. Zupinivshis, it is already possible to bulo and not to destroy.

Visnovok six: even for the poshlyahoviks, but the Bridgestone Ecopia 850 is absolutely road-ready, recognized for comfortable driving on the roads. Podkoryuvati off-road is better for the next gum.

It's too early to talk about the endurance of Ecopia 850 for 3500 km.


Guma Bridgestone Ecopia 850 is recognized for dynamic, comfortable and economical driving of vehicles with wheel formula 4x4 in various variants of transmission of torque along axles on roads with hard surfaces.

Tire Bridgestone Ecopia 850 may have a number of technical solutions:

Specially designed asymmetric tread patches, which allow maximum fluid flow of water from the gum contact zone with road surfaces and skidding,
- polymer additives in the gum sum, which improve the galvanic characteristics and increase the wear resistance of the tire,
- noise reduction and noise reduction.

The development of these technical solutions allows us to take the synergistic effect of innovation on modern versions of vehicles with a 4x4 wheel formula.

A wide range of types of gum Bridgestone Ecopia 850 covers almost the entire range of all types of crossovers, minivens and pozashlyahoviks that are sold and imported into the Russian Federation.

The greatest effect of the Bridgestone Ecopia 850 gums can be reached for an hour of three-time tourist trips on the roads of the wild coristuvannya, especially if you go to the roads in the European countries.

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Considerably summer tires of 195/65 R15 size for apparently inexpensive cars and, probably, their characteristics have dramatically changed over the remaining ten years.
These are small, inexpensive cars that roll off the assembly line on 15-inch wheels. A lot of Russians and on expensive cars to put "p'yatnashki" with a higher profile - on our roads the stench is better. Tire makers, for those incomes, it is better to lay in the type of tire sizes sold, lower in their quantity, up to budgetary dimensions indifferent. New items should be promoted as a minimum in the “seventeen inches” segment, and small-sized ones will flatly renew, sounding slightly lowering the opir kochenny.
Prote є companies, for which the Russian market is more important, and they literally fight for the leading positions, scrupulously “grinding” their products, trying to outperform competitors in the big power on dry and wet surfaces. That's why the intrigue in our tests is sure.

We select a company for the test

For the same reasons, we took Nokian Hakka Green 2 summer tires (3350 rubles apiece) of Russian manufacture and Continental ContiPremiumContact 5 (4000 rubles) of the Czech "selection" for a test. Already not a novelty, but its characteristics are more widely available. Thoroughbred "Japanese" Bridgestone Turanza T001 at a price of 4200 rubles, how to keep the status, set the new price bar. Another representative of the “top 5” is the far from new Goodyear EfficientGrip Performance model (3400 rubles), released in Poland.

Among the new products are the Korean Hankook Kinergy Eco of another generation (3100 rubles) and Dunlop SP Touring R1 (3000 rubles). Popular with us is the brand Nordman Green 2 (3350 rubles apiece) of Russian production and Continental ContiPremiumContact 5 (4000 rubles) of the Czech “selection”. Already not a novelty, but its characteristics are more widely available. Thoroughbred "Japanese" Bridgestone Turanza T001 at a price of 4200 rubles, how to keep the status, set the new price bar. Another representative of the “top 5” is the far from new Goodyear EfficientGrip Performance model (3400 rubles), released in Poland.
The middle price segment is turning Yokohama BluEarth-A AE-50 (3250 rubles) - a tire of Russian travel (brewed in Lipetsk), not so long ago it replaced the successful C.drive2 model on our market. For the same pennies, Japanese tires Toyo Proxes CF2 are being promoted.
Among the new products are the Korean Hankook Kinergy Eco of another generation (3100 rubles) and Dunlop SP Touring R1 (3000 rubles). The popular Nordman brand is rolled on cold wet asphalt.

for a warm-up

The first complex is right - go to the warm-up kshtalt. Tires do not make significant advances, they do not wear out protectors.
To warm up the leather set of tires, reach a ten-kilometer drive from the swedish circle of the automobile landfill with a constant speed of 130 km / year. It’s too much for the experts to evaluate the behavior of the car on high speed as on a straight line, so it’s easy to get over the bus, so that they simulate about the crossing and turning.
After the run-in, you can proceed to the economy. The window is heavily curved in order to optimize aerodynamics, and it collapses strictly in a straight line, as if there were any maneuvering forcing additional support. On the leather set of tires, there are three-chotir rolls, and the leather is folded in two rolls on the opposite side. In this rank, we don’t inject the least wind, even if similar tests are carried out only in calm weather.
At the same time, we “record on a pick” the first observation: we evaluate the smoothness of the move, the noise and other nuances. And then, on the service roads with cracks and cracks, in the minds, as close as possible to the real vicinities, we check the ratings for comfort ahead of time.
The final chord of the folding arrival is an assessment of the building capacity of the tested ones to collapse on the road without cover. Testing is carried out on a dry soil pіdёmі z khilo 12%. Rushayemo with slipping and without, estimating the start and turnaround, as well as those, the wheels are sharply skidding and noticeably when the clutch falls. Such a right is vikonuemo exclusively on the prohannya of our readers; tsі results in the hall are not safe, the shards of the tire are road and broken up by the head rank for hard coverings.
Having finished a series of combinations of zaїzdіv and re-opened the pіdbags, the results through the referent tire, as soon as three or more sets of zaїzdіv, a short pіdpoks are installed.

First enemy after kerm

Formula, Nokian and Nordman are the leaders in exchange rate stability. On all Skoda tires, it clearly trims tasks straight and reacts to cornering kerma without noticeable hiccups. Vіn at tsmu napovneniy reactive zusily, growing at zbіlshennі kuta turn, і safer zrozumіlu zvorotny zv'yazok.
Bridgestone, Dunlop, Nitto and Tooo look closer than others.
They have meanings of ignorance, a wide “zero” with Russian in a straight line. When it comes to Dunlop, Shkodi's reactions are stuttered and the lack of overtness is clearly shown. Reshta triytsya grish with supernatural understeer, zdatnoy with a sudden zbіgu furnish the car into a skid.
At the zaїzdakh for economy on the Russian speed (60 km / h), Touo rushed ahead. More than all the "slower" Formula. Tue, the difference with the leader was 0.3 l / 100 km.
With a speed of 90 km / h, Touo will take the lead, but Dunlop, Goodyear, Nitto and Yokohama will follow. The biggest appetite was Nokian, however, the difference between the most economical supergirls is smart - a two-hundred-gram glass of gasoline per 100 km.
Quieter than all kittens are tires from Continental, Dunlop, Hankook, Nordman and Yokohama - in the car they are practically not pleasant.
And by the very loud voices of the company, Bridgestone appeared, which was seen on the aphids of other movements with an incandescent rumble.
For “road” comfort and smoothness, Dunlop, Formula, Nokian and Nordman are ahead of others. However, up to the skin leader, there is little respect, and for that, the score is not “norm” (8 points), but 7.5 points. Nayzhorstkishy - Goodyear: the wines “forge” less than great inconsistencies, and for small things, for example, on transverse seams and cracks, they pierce and shake, transmitting vibrations to the body.
On primers above Dunlop and Nordman, on primers - Goodyear, Nitto and Yokohama. The stench sharply stares into a slip, a significant world trachayuchi zcheplennya. For the underlayment of a soil pidyoma on such tires in the form of water, it is necessary to have the right and jeweler work with gas and chains.

Galmivny way of summer tires in ten years

The most effective indication for evaluating the most powerful tires is galvanization: the shorter the galvanic path, the shorter the chain. On different pavements, humus does not work the same with galvanizing, it is not so easy to secure it well both on smooth and on short asphalt. A lot of tire manufacturers are oriented mainly on European coatings - we change the tires on more short ones, which means more Russian roads.
"International" speed on the cob of galvanization on wet cover - 80 km / year, on dry - 100 km / h. Meta - turn on short-time blocking of wheels, for example, on a small speed, it is possible to bring on the current ABS. Mi vikoristovuemo "point" 5 km / year. In front of the vimirs, we resolutely clean up the swirl of galvanizing, clean up the asphalt and drank and dry chimneys. "Cleansing" is carried out for tenfold galvanization - of course, on non-recordable tires.
One of our vineyards is an autonomous watering system, which is best for "wet" rights. It is made up of overhead garden sprinklers, good hoses, a motor pump and a 500-liter water tank in the trailer, which pulls the Chevrolet Niva.
In case of galmation of the galmium path, it is necessary to beat the pedal in one and the same place, mothers in the same cob of galvanization one and the same swidkist and cool the galma after the skin vimir. The size of the galvanic path is fixed to the nearest centimeter by the VBOX complex, which works on the basis of GPS.
In the middle of the tests for the skin kit, give a completely reliable result. Crimson polypshennya support of the frostbite, the tire workers suffocate carefully, even if only for trochs of polypshit zcheplennya on the wet pavement.
Our trials show that the shortest galvanized track is for Nokian tires: 24.4 meters. Zovsim order - Continental with a result of 24.8 meters. The longest distance galvanized, 28 meters, appeared on Nitto. Trochy better showing himself Bridgestone - 27.8 meters. In our tests of ten years ago, on the same cover, the shortest galvanized track on tires of the same size is 28.3 meters, and the largest one is more than 34 meters. Progress!
At the “dry” races, the champion changed - Continental: 37.6 meters, followed by Nokian (38.5 m), Formula (38.7 m) and Hankook (38.8 m), moving close to a meter. The Nitto list is blinking with a result of 42 meters and Bridgestone - 41 meters. Ten years ago, the record for "dry" galvanization was 43.8 meters, outsiders need more than 50 meters for galvanizing!
І on wet pavement, and on dry pavement for ten years, the “average” seal was reduced by 15% - you win the car body more! I realized that cars have changed their contribution in an hour, but the left part of the progress is covered by tires itself.


Rizki rebuilding cars in the pot - to make a wider sight on our roads. That's why we have long included in our test set a rearrangement that simulates such a maneuver. I have the right to give you the opportunity to assess the power of the tires in a transverse straight line and how the stench is indicated on the behavior of the car.
Vyprobuvach zachinaє zaїzdi s obviously traversable speed, with skin at once її її 1-2 km / year, until the car is no longer “rubat” cones, waving for the boundary of the appointed corridor. VBOX fixes speed at the moment of the cob of maneuver - and the behavior of the machine and those who simply manage it, evaluate the test, set the balls on the basis of formulated respect. Boundary swedishness of obov'yazkovo is confirmed in the coming races, in order to save the vypadkovy result.
In wet conditions, set the Nokian record - 67.8 km / year, and second Formula - 67.7 km / year. At the tail of the group - Nitto and Bridgestone, their results - 63.5 and 63.6 km / year, apparently. At Nittospeed, Skoda rests, executing a hard maneuver, straightening the trajectory. Bridgestone introduce instability into the reaction of Octavia: you won’t hurry to take the first turn of the kerma, shove it right on the first smooth, and even if the car goes on to turn into the right lane, when stabilized, you shoot off the sides of the kerma, knocking the cones offendingly. That's why you have to bet the lowest scores for ceramics.
Dunlop was rated the lowest (6.5 points) - through stutters in reactions, greater cuts in the turn of kerma and sharp sights in forging. The greatest score was earned by Goodyear - the tests showed clear reactions and an understanding of the behavior of the machine, as it did not require extreme diy kerm.
Similar testing on dry asphalt gave rise to a bunch of emotions. First, the maximum speed of the maneuver for the rest of the rocks grew noticeably. The leaders of the test Continental (70.5 km / h) and Nordman (70.4 km / year) are absolutely speedy in the extreme right: speed exceeded 70 km / year.
But a dozen years ago, 67-68 km / h in similar minds were given to the boundary reach.
In a different way, they were confused by the low marks for curing in boundary conditions. Serious respect was taken away by six participants.

Vіdminniki that goodness 2018 rock

Tires Nokian Hakka Green 2 with the result of 919 points were victorious in the first place. In them, Skoda opposes visible joints on wet asphalt, and on long trips, it will please you with good course stability and smooth running.
Continental ContiPremiumContact 5 took the lead for a total of 3 balls.
Almost three months later, Formula Energy tires (a sub-brand of Pirelli) were bought, and they scored 912 points. The dominance of splitting is not the best, but to make high. Yak and Nokian, tires should be used for long trips, in such an important read to the course and a decent smoothness to the course. And the best bonus is a modest price.
It’s embarrassing to state that even in the sun they sing with eleven. Claims are similar: zatrimki and great cuts to turn kerma or low information content. Moreover, it is important to lie in the balance of keratinization - whether it is a lack of wrapping to the front end (Yokohama), an unstable, wide balance of wrapping in the cob phase and entering in the finals (Bridgestone, Formula, Nitto) or overhead wrapping, like a heavy drift to the top another corridor (Continental, Nokian).

And the shortest marks were taken away by Goodyear, Hankook and Nordman - 7.5 points each, which means "light claims". No one was awarded eight balls. Important, how to create an elastic carcass, building and vibrating significant peak tires, for high-profile (65%) tires and to finish narrow tires at once is not an easy task. I especially won't be foldable when rozrobtsі tires with super high power levels. Experts knew that the leading trio had similar wadis in their behavior during extreme maneuvering on dry asphalt after reaching the boundary speeds. In addition, watch out for a significant decrease in grip on cold wet asphalt.
Hankook Kinergy Eco 2 and Nordman SX2 were on the fourth and fifth positions, ranking high in the category of "reputables", scoring 906 and 904 points in total. Quiet, well balanced, without clearly pronounced splashes and failures. Nordmann has three times better course stability and smooth running, and Hankook can boast three times more tenacity when galvanizing on dry pavement.
On the whole, their levels of power are close to the middle level.
With any offense, the participants are indifferent to cold wet asphalt - spring and autumn is a crazy plus.
On the sixth line of our rating - Goodyear EfficientGrip Performance (895 points), which marks a group of good tires. In the active - the most roughness on wet asphalt during extreme maneuvers, in the passive - hardness, and the grip on the wet is lower than the average and noticeably worsens in the cold.
Yokohama BluEarth-A AE-50 and Dunlop SP Touring R1 with the minimum rating - 890 and 889 points in total. Similar for equal zcheplennya and comfort - insulting quiet. Dunlop hiba is a little softer, the difference can be smeared less with extreme maneuvering. Є claims to Yokohami with the drive of keratinization at sharp perebuduvannya on a dry pavement, and to Dunlop - on a wet one, and their course stability increased. However, Dunlop has the best showings of galvanizing on cold wet asphalt, and the price is more modest.
Nine places with 879 points were taken by tires Toyo Proxes CF2. They have good galvanic power, but smoky weakly cross-linked on wet asphalt and foldable course stability on high dryness. Touo compensates for the shortfalls in construction, but save a little bit (tires "kitten" more often for everyone) and even with good galm_vnimi dominance on wet cold asphalt.

At the end of our list, we entered the category of good (over 840 points in the bag) Bridgestone Turanza T001 with 850 points and small Nitto NT860, which is 844 points. Qiu pair to give the weakest galvanic power on wet and dry asphalt and claims of experts to keratinization and directional stability. Retail can be seen less in comfort: Bridgestone is slightly softer, Nitto is slightly quieter. And also the “bridge” demonstrates the most stable bonding on a wet road, as it may not lie in the temperature.
And the axis in the ranking of the most viable purchases is the layout of the other. Formula Energy is the most comfortable, followed by Nitto NT860, Nordman SX2, Dunlop SP Touring R1 and Hankook Kinergy Eco 2. Yokohama BluEarth-A AE-50 is right in the middle, and Continental ContiPremiumContact 5 and Bridgestone Turanza T001stone. Choose!

Crimia polishing the support of frostbitten tire workers are heavily scrambled for trochs of polishing stitching on wet pavement


Rebuffing under the effects of galvanic power of tires on wet asphalt in summer minds and remembering our minuloric “tour of temperatures” on dry asphalt, we tried to repeat the “wet” galvanization on cold pavement. The temperature for this was chosen near the cordon: +6 ° С. We did not include the removed results in the sub-bag table;
The results threw us into a camp of shock. At marginally low temperatures, the galvanic paths of all the trials increased in pairs with greenhouses in the average by three meters, or by 12%. Tse more lower pvkorpus avtomobilya!
In addition, the order of the summer results of galvanization has changed more and more. On the cold asphalt, the shortest galmivny way having seen the modest Dunlop SP Touring R1 in summer minds. Behind him were all the brands of Japanese and Korean brands, followed by Nitto NT860, which, at any temperature, demonstrates the weakest result. But the most dazzling - all three leaders of galvanization in the “room” minds (Nokian Hakka Green 2, Continental ContiPremiumContact 5 and Formula Energy) fell into the other half of the list.
It is possible to add a higher rating-stability of the zcheplennya (galmive route) at different temperatures. Bridgestone Turanza T001 tires won the title of "temperature-independent" tires in wet galvanization: they have galvanized tracks at lower temperatures to the maximum permissible level in the galvanized "inlet" by less than 4%! On the other side there are tires Toyo Praxes CF2, they gave troch more than 5%. It is noteworthy that this couple in summer minds did not shine with “derzhak”. The traditional leaders of our summer tests Nokian Hakka Green 2 and Continental ContiPremiumContact 5 in cold minds increased the galvanic way by almost 20% - by five meters! To go out, the better to tumble tires on a wet cover in summer minds, the worse the stink in the cold. Outsiders are less deposits due to temperature changes.

It can be explained in one word - "balance". The reach of the supratemporal branching in summer minds is possible only for a small mistake on a cold cover - in the presence of a shift in the direction of a lower temperature. And how about the average indicators for the entire temperature range to talk about a greater equal balance.
Ale, the whole thing is less than a little wet, so that it is possible to get hooked on a wet cover. Tires are characterized by other indications - cleats on dry pavement, support for stiffness, thickness, smooth running, softness, mileage - they often do not get along one by one. Axis i should be brought to the breeders to choose the optimal balance between the usual working characteristics, experimenting with materials, a small tread and manufacturing technology.
And what about the work of the spare? Zrozumіlo, vikoristovuvati otrimani results with the maximum benefit! Choose summer tires with an eye on the climatic conditions of your region.
And if the tires have already been bought, insure their particularities, about which you have learned from our test. Change the car hourly, and on trips, secure a safe distance with the adjustment of temperature changes.

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