Blue number.

Bagato hto mriyav bi mother blue numbers on their cars.

What's so special about them?

Let's figure out which vehicles can be equipped with license plates of a given color, which means that the information is displayed by alphanumeric characters that are being used. It is important who has the right to drive a car with blue license plates in Russia, and it is clear that such signs have been around for a long time..

All transport vehicles may be registered with departments of the Department of Road Safety and Health.

Such rules are established in any country, including in Russian Federation The police officers of the authorized body, based on the registration information, create .

License plates have been introduced since 1980, and the same principle of producing letters and numbers on a tabular basis is still being emphasized.

Great, or let's say, founded part

transport arrangements

There are white numbers with black letters and numbers. There are also specific features of certain categories of vehicles - for example, for state-owned vehicles and enterprises. The field in Russia is color-coded

It is clear that in addition to the letter and digital code, the license plates are printed and marked in color.

  • It shows the affiliation of the transport department to the following categories.
  • There may be such
  • sovereign numbers cars: Unfinished license plates:
  • federal signs;

State numbers that display the AMP series represent the oblique region 97;

signs that loom

EKH series

, which are victorious by the FST and FSB of the Russian Federation (such cars are not touched by DAI representatives);
signs from the OSA series – for the car park of the Department of Road Safety and Health.

What do blue license plates mean on a car?

Blue (black) government numbers can inform you that transport is assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

First, blue license plates were installed on MVS cars back in 1999 as a way to see transport from the outskirts of the country.

As they explained, seeing the color can help law enforcement officers with a more operational low task.

The numbers are also in place so that people who might be about to break the rules of the road can be disciplined.

Such numbers were officially confirmed in 2002, after which it was possible to replace them from white to black.

Until 2006, drivers could install (primarily, unofficially) blue signs on a special vehicle that was placed on the balance sheet of a police vehicle.

The car was officially respected for the MVS, and therefore, there was no protection for the replacement of blue license plates.

Then the Minister of Internal Affairs issued an order, which apparently began the struggle of the police against the excess of special license plates in car parks.

As a result, blue badges were removed from 26,000 cars.

For example, Moscow spent 2,000 transport allowances on such numbers.

The original license plates were installed in the security service vehicles.

Police officers, police officers, traffic police officers, riot police officers, and operational police officers may also enjoy enormous privileges.

In place of blue license plates, the MVS police officers in Moscow removed plates from cars of the “KR177” and “KR97” series, and in the region – MMP 90.


Let's take a look at the format of MVS state numbers.

The table shows the letter and 4 numbers.

The right-hand license plate, like other types of license plates, requires the presence of a digital code that identifies the region where the car is delivered.

On French license plates with alphanumeric codes, the right-hander clearly shows the appearance of dark blue, which shows the code for the department of the ruler, and the coat of arms of the department.

The police drive cars with license plates that have black symbols on a white background. Varto means that the numbers are special in China. Signs in the People's Republic of China bear a symbol that means provinces, a letter code and 5 digits or a letter.

Zastosovuyut derzhnomeri

yellow color

for the great transport - bus and vantazhivka.

The most common occurrence is the installation of blue numbers.

Chinese citizens are victorious about driving private, compact passenger vehicles.

A number on a black basis is available for any type of transport agency of a foreign power, as well as for cars in Hong Kong and Macau. US and Canadian license plates vary in their diversity. Vehicles are equipped with license plates according to state and province.

Then in every region there will be color songs for license plates for transport.

DIBDR setting The blue license plate (under the law) can only be installed on MBC vehicles. This is a kind of funeral certificate.

Daeshniks do not bully “their own”.

It also happened that blue license plates were issued to hirers (with all the registration

necessary documentation


Businessmen enter into contracts with the contractor for the provision of funeral services for their transport services.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs doesn't talk about blue license plates without much fuss.

They sing that such numbers are not visible to their clients.


Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs seem to be really burying their client, but in their own transport.

Before that, raids are carried out in localities if vehicles with “camouflage” are found under guard vehicles.

The representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs themselves insist that they have the right to condemn even cars with blue license plates, but in reality they will think a few times before doing so.

However, if such a car violates the rules, inspectors can record the license plate numbers of the cars and send a report to the authorities where the vehicle is registered.

Then follows the process of cleansing the line. What is the reason why cars with blue license plates are not listed? Everything has become clearer here.

The policeman is afraid that the authorities will come out of the car, which will cause little problems for a simple police officer. As you know, representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can only change blue license plates on cars. This is inclusively a prominent sign that does not have the right to install other individuals.

Purchasing all the over-insuranced goods will not cost as much as you might think at first glance. Judge for yourself: you can buy a flashing light at a car market for 600-800 rubles, a “quack” – 3500-4000 rubles, and stroboscopes – for 6000-8000 rubles. In this case, if the police accuse a motorist of being “presumptuous”, then he will face a very symbolic fine of 100-300 rubles, and the police do not have the right to confiscate “devices”.

As far as pennies allow, there is a legal way to get a “flashing light”.

To do this, you need to put the car on the balance sheet of the department that holds the quota for special signals (for example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice and the Prosecutor General's Office).

The cost is approximately 6-8 thousand dollars, and less than a third of the amount will have to be given to the intermediaries.

Narazi, behind the words of the leader of the Ruhu "

However, for those who spend money, it is important not to “get confused”, and set up your police number almost officially.

Why don’t you first register your car as a gift to the Department of Road Safety and Health, and then take the car back with legal “blue” license plates.

The “kickback” that the traffic police receives when issuing a favor is, as a rule, 3-4 thousand dollars. According to the words of the President of the Collegium of Legal Protection of Automobile Vlastniks, Viktor Travin, since “blue” license plates are installed on their cars by high-class vlasniks, cars of the lower and middle price categories, then the owners of expensive foreign cars give priority other, more prestigious ways to be seen on the road. The most popular of them are numbers with a great ensign, or, as they are also called, tricolors.

Officially, they are “designated” as cars that are under the protection of the Federal Security Service (FST) - deputies, members of the Federation and other officials. Moreover, according to Viktor Pokhmelkin, there are approximately 4,000 similar machines in Russia. As for St. Petersburg, 25-30 cars “with ensign” are officially registered in the ancient capital today.

Officially, special squads are seen as limiting the cost and depriving the intelligence services of special services, which could harm the interests of the state.

However, in reality, the left wing of great politicians, businessmen and criminal authorities has already acquired affiliations.

After the audit of the Head Office of the Department of Road Safety and Health of Russia in 2001, it was clear that as many as 1,143 records had gone wrong!

And just an hour later, the Prosecutor General's Office managed to take the hand of the top-secret department of the Federal Subsidiary Police Service, which is engaged in technical intelligence - they sold about 400 "unverified" ones at a cost of 15-20 thousand dollars per skin!

Approximately the same amount of pennies are traded in special coupons today. On the territory of the Russian Federation, as in many other countries of the world, it is customary to select a number of colors of car license plates according to their classification and affiliation to From other categories. Keep it under the colorful gamy.

The sign can indicate the location of the machine to this or other structure.

It’s no secret that police cars in our region display a blue license plate.

In Russia, transport services with blue numbers are assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Absolutely all departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia install license plates on the black aphid for their transport vehicles.

To all other car dealers who are not in danger of getting involved with the MBCBefore the release of blue license plates, a decision was made regarding the speeding up of certain vehicles with special signals.

The discovery of a very large number of cars with special signals, both legitimate and not, caused a wide suspenseful resonance.Already

Through a number of rocks, in 2002, the official recognition of blue numbers for all MVS affiliates was established. All transport services that belonged to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country had blue registration marks. In the spring of 2006, the orders of the Minister of Internal Affairs Nurgaliev began the fight against the illegal installation of blue license plates. Blue “thieves” numbers were hung on their cars in many ways, as if they were closely related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Many police officers have lost their preferred blue numbers on their

special cars what to stand on the balance sheet of the ministry and territorial police departments. Also re-equipped with white numbers were a lot of cars that were differenttechnical services

how to service internal inquiries throughout the country.

Prote came to replace the blue numbers