Vigin the main road and you need to turn on the turn signal.

Traffic rules

According to the Rules, there are not so many maneuvers that require the use of turn signals, such as overrunning (including overtaking), bumps and the beginning of a collapse on a car.

It's such simplicity that it looks like you can get a little low power.

One of these is why do you need to turn on the turn signal at the head road, because the next road turns, and we collapse with it, not touching the other lane?

And since for the rich it seems obvious that it is possible, then we hasten to disappoint you, not again. Everything lies in the presence of the turning maneuver itself, and even in the traffic regulations it is not stipulated that the turn signal must be turned on for any torsion of the kerma (and there is no need for any work). When do you need to put the turn signal on the head? In fact, we have already received power - the turn signal needs to turn on when we are ready to maneuver. You don’t need to start working on it in advance, but turn it on immediately after completing the maneuver. 8.1..
In front of the cob, the roc, perebudova, turn (turn around) and with a zipper

You are required to give turn signals with light indicators

obviously directly, and if the stench is everyday or wrong - with your hand. During the victorious maneuver, there is no harm in creating danger for the revolution, as well as for other participants road ruhu 8.2. Giving a signal to the drivers to turn or move their hands behind the beginning of the maneuver and kick back firmly after its completion(The hand signal may be completed immediately before the execution of the maneuver).

In this manner, we turn the other way, without turning our heads.

So, a sign directly leading to the ruins can lead you into deception, even though it clearly shows the bold, dark main road.

There are two rounded lines, which is to say about those who, when leaving the main routes at the intersections of the water, have superiority over those who are coming from the routes, marked schematically by thin lines.

For this reason, it is important to note that at such an intersection it is necessary to turn on the turn indicators.

Shouldn't it be necessary to put the turn signals on the head?

By taking care of the turntable, you can also create a twist, so that there is no need to turn on the turn indicators, since turning them is not difficult.

You can see such a butt in the diagram below.

As you can see from the little one, the main road is turned left-handed (for driving a blue car).

In fact, the water is straight ahead, and on the right there is a junction with the main road of another road.

Then we are not turning anywhere and are collapsing along the same road, passing through such intersections.

How many times should you give a turn signal whenever you change direction on the main road?

I don’t know any clear evidence for this either in the Road Traffic Rules, or in the comments before them, or in the publications of judicial practice.

Nowadays, the relevance of this food is understood on one side as the number of intersections on which the main road changes straight, and the enviable consistency of which part of the waters shows a turn signal when passing, and the other does not.

Let's take a look at the situation at the butt of the T-like intersection of the street.

Rzhevsky - st.

Krasina near St. Petersburg.

Updated until clause 13.10.

PDR "When the main road at the intersection changes direction, the waters that collapse along the main road are guilty among themselves according to the rules for passing the intersection of equal roads. These same rules are responsible for the waters that are collapsing row roads."

Clause 8.5.

The traffic rules are punished that “Before making a right-handed, left-handed or turning turn, immediately take an extreme position on the roadway, meaning for a turn in this direction, except for falls, if there is a turn in "Ride to the intersection where a circular movement is organized" .

However, the established points of the traffic rules, like all others, do not violate the norms that would directly indicate that you should turn on the turn signal when driving on the main road along the direction of the change.

This is due to the need to analyze the totality of norms that are included in the PDR, in order to adapt to its nutrition. To make the change easier, you can change it and formulate it in the following way: “If you follow the instructions in paragraph 8.1 of the Road Traffic Regulations in Russia, you will be on the main road at the intersection, in front of which there is a sign 2.1. and sign 8.13 inform about the change directly ї roads, so that you can continue to chew the ruins along the main road to the road and then change it directly?" On one side of the water, the main road collapses when changing and the “actual turn” directly affects (

term used by me

), turning the car cover at the power outlet. To make the change easier, you can change it and formulate it in the following way: “If you follow the instructions in paragraph 8.1 of the Road Traffic Regulations in Russia, you will be on the main road at the intersection, in front of which there is a sign 2.1. and sign 8.13 inform about the change directly ї roads, so that you can continue to chew the ruins along the main road to the road and then change it directly?").

Prote, layout of the proezzny part of the street.

Rzhevsky - st.

Krasina allows you to make this turn without adjusting it in accordance with the provisions of clause 8.5 of the Traffic Regulations (taking the extreme left position on the road part).

And one more symbol that sticks out from the previous one.

It's about time there's a rush down the street.

Rzhevsky straight ahead through the intersection of the street.

Rzhevskaya near the Capsule Highway there is a “legal turn” to the right, which entails the need to add water due to clause 8.5 of the Traffic Regulations (always the rightmost turn) and clause 8.1 of the Traffic Regulations of turning on the right turn signal, although actually And to continue the collapse directly.

Vikladene judgment is my special thought.

If you are interested in the topic, then you can post your idea on the website of our bar association in the Forum section. Do you need to give a turn signal when the main road changes direction?
Asks 4360


Nutrition #

I'm flying!


We absolutely need your help!

Nutrition shodo rules the road traffic!

On the right, in the village where I live (of the small town type), there is the main road, and there you go right, before the turn there is another row of roads, there you go straight, according to the rules you need to turn on the turn signal when you come from the main road, ALE, a lot of people It goes without saying that not all drivers agree that it is the driver’s responsibility to turn on the turn signal when driving straight, even if the main road turns right-handed, straight ahead, the same way:) So, there is no evidence, the rules are the same There’s no way! And only those who need to turn on the turn signal when they come from the main road, then why is the other road straight ahead? Please help me please

8.1. It confirms Hello, Marie! The meal took place at the editorial office in Khabarovsk. Rely on the new one, try hard on PDR RF: Before cob roc, perebudova,


9.2. (turn around) and with a zipper of water goiters to give a signal light-colored caucasians

obviously directly, and if the stench is everyday or wrong - with your hand. PDR of Ukraine: Vodiy

guilty give signals with light signals obviously directly: The meal took place at the editorial office in Khabarovsk. a) before

cob ruhu ta with a zipper; b).

before perebudova, Chi with a turn. We quote a phrase from your meal “... out right-hander burns before turning

go down another road

Apparently, when the road changes its direction,

regardless of its priority

goiters give a signal
light-colored cassers.
Vidguki 13.06.2012 16:04
Lose your voice
add_message 28.01.2013 19:28
Your name
add_message 28.01.2013 19:46
Let me clarify.
The intersection is similar to a ridge: we come from the main road, as we go right-handed. 01.07.2013 19:12
Other roads meet directly and to the left.
When turning right, it became clear - you don’t have to hit anything, but you can turn on the right one. 14.09.2017 19:04
With a left turn - also understandably - turn on the left, turn, move.
and from what way does it go straight, on the other row?
To get out - turn on the indicator in front of the intersection, move to the middle of the intersection, move the indicator and go straight?
