White bread without yeast on kefir.

Golovna Salon Today we will tell you how the bread with kefir without yeast is presented.

These recipes are especially appreciated by those who, for good reasons, cannot vikorist in

homemade drink

  • yeast, as well as lovers of simple and simple recipes.
  • Even the preparation of such bread takes at least an hour, and the result is miraculous.
  • Homemade kefir bread without yeast - recipe from the oven
  • Ingredients:
  • boro wheat – 310 g;

kefir - 210 ml;

Kharchova soda – 10 g;

kitchen salt – 10 g;

Roslin refined oil.

homemade drink

  • Preparation
  • Homemade yeast-free bread is prepared in three shells.
  • Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl sufficiently - well, sift, soda and salt, pour them with kefir and stir thoroughly.
  • Begin with the help of a spoon, and finish kneading with your hands.
  • The dough comes out sticky, but it’s not ready to add more beans.
  • To make the process easier, we lubricate the bottoms with refined oil and add it even after the paste has become uniform.
  • Now we oil the baking dish, place the prepared dough in it, grease its surface with olive oil, and place it on a medium-heated oven at 200 degrees.
  • After thirty-five to forty hulls, the fragrant and rosy bread will be ready with great flavor, but you can check it with a wooden skewer after all, even the functional capabilities of ovens in all varieties.
  • Whole bread with kefir without yeast at the bread maker - recipe

kefir - 210 ml;

boroshno zhitnє - 220 g; boro wheat – 140 g;

The taste of homemade bread can be enhanced by adding various spices or sourdough.

  • So, for example, you can put the components of chalk or peas in coriander or cumin into the dough at the same time, and also add sesame seeds or dormouse, first drying their bits in a dry frying pan and then warming it up. Preparation time:
  • 40 hv 6
  • Number of servings: Stretch type:
  • bread Kitchen:
  • Russian Foldability:

For a beginner

You can greet me because today I am publishing my first recipe for you.

Today I heard news about the prospects of kefir bread without yeast in the oven.

This recipe is very simple, so I decided to start from there.

Distance from my grandmother.

She didn’t have an oven for the first time, and baked bread with kefir in the oven.

I always marveled with great interest and satisfaction at how she kneaded the dough, how she smoothly formed the buns, and then placed them in the oven.

  • I remember how important it was to finish the homemade bread, even though the aromas were wafting all over the place.
  • Then my grandmother took off her whip and for many hours did not allow me to bushwhack, because it was hot.
  • And I checked... When the bread had finished drying and was still warm, the grandmother would rip up the piece and serve it to me.
  • So I was glad that I had enough fresh bread.
  • It will be even more delicious!
  • Undeterred by the fact that on the table there was always a purchased loaf of white wheat beard, I always tried homemade brown bread with kefir, which I now associate with childhood.
  • A lot of hours have passed since these hours.
  • I already have a sweet little son in my family, and I remember my grandmother’s whip with its warmth and tenderness.

I often tinker with this recipe and bake homemade bread, regardless of the fact that today’s stores always have a great selection of bakery products.

You can’t buy such bread!

Ale yogo can be performed in your kitchen.


To prepare white bread without yeast in the oven, you need the following products:

150 ml kefir (or sour milk)

1.5 flasks Boroshna

Pour the dough into a light fluff and lightly knead the soft dough with kefir.

There is no reason for it to stick to your hands, otherwise the dough is too thick and does not need to be kneaded.

Grease the mold with top oil.

From the finished dough, we form a hot bun and set it in the mold.

Make small slits at the top and pour out 5 pieces of dough.

Immediately turn off the oven and preheat it at 160 degrees.
5 minutes have passed, then you can put the pan with the bun into the oven.

Let the bread bake for about 30 minutes.

The finished bread is browned.

We check its readiness with a wooden skewer.

Swiss bread prepared in the oven.

Now you can send him to his destination.

As a cold dish, you can serve it for lunch with porridge or soup.

If you want to prepare delicious bread without yeast in the oven, the recipe is not complicated and difficult.

    Totally true and very simple recipe.

    16.10.2016 | 17:28

    The result is a uniquely delicious homemade bread that can be served to the table and entertained at home, as well as guests.

    05.11.2016 | 17:02

    What’s special about this recipe is not only its taste, but also the fact that it’s cooked so quickly.

    19.11.2016 | 14:59

    Running out of bread?

    20.11.2016 | 23:58

    For 5 minutes you can knead the dough and for 5 minutes you will lose your preference.

Then the oven will boil for 30 minutes and cook until noon.

Sometimes it happens that it will cost you 40 minutes to get to the store and back.

The result is a moist and aromatic bread made from kefir without yeast with a slightly fluffy pulp.

You can’t call him a child, but he’s a living person – it’s obvi’azkovo!

Let's start cooking!

In a bowl we combine kefir at room temperature, salt, zuccor and oil.

Mix until smooth.

Add to rare ingredients first coated in a dry frying pan.

The juice is mixed well with baking soda and mixed.

And sieved down to rare components.

Using a spoon, begin to knead the bread dough.

Now the wheat is sifted in parts.

Much of it is contained in the content of all ingredients.

As soon as it becomes important to use a spoon, we switch to manual kneading. Mix the dough for at least 5 pieces of dough, add wheat flour if necessary.

As a result, the dough does not stick too much to your hands and walls, causing it to become soft and even elastic.

homemade drink

Shaped from shaved dough into baguage-sized bread.

  • Place it on a sheet, sprinkle it with boro, and also with boro, and then carefully make a transverse cut along the top.
  • Animals don’t need any sipati, they collected it for beauty.
  • Bake the bread in the oven at 200 degrees for 30-45 minutes.
  • The cooking time can be changed in the oven.
  • You can check doneness with a knife.
  • Bread with hangers

, preparing for this recipe for a long time is deprived of something tasty and fresh.

The recipe for this yeast-free bread has become a treasure trove for me, a magic trick.

I had a bag of kefir lying around that needed to be disposed of and there was no bread at home.

After scouring the Internet, I found this awkward recipe for making bread with kefir.

And I have scraps of kefir regularly, and I love bread, so I definitely respect this recipe for its mastery.

Products for yeast-free bread with hangers

boroshno wheat 2 bottles;

kefir 1.5 bottles;

Oliya Roslinna ½ bottle;

wheat hangings 2 flasks; soda? tsp; 200 degrees.

After 20 khvilins, turn the buns over and roll out another 10-20 khvilins.

The baking time after turning the bread may vary depending on the type of oven you have.

The middle hour becomes 20 minutes. While our bread is baking, I would like to dedicate a few rows to our yeast-raised bread from the store, I did a little research on the information I discovered. We all know that the main power of the Drizhds is a wandering.

This process is transmitted through bread to the human body.

Fusel gas, which is released during fermentation, appears in the brain and has a negative effect on your functions.

Memory, creativity and logical thinking are absorbed. By gradually accumulating in the body, yeast weakens the immune system, destroying the intestinal microflora..

Regular use of products based on yeast leads to weakened resistance to the body, increased resistance to ionizing agents, carcinogens and other exogenous factors that disrupt normal function care of our body.

Cream, add yeast

negative influx

on the multiplication of cells in the body, responding to their chaotic half from the creation of good and evil fluff.

According to various studies, yeast accelerates the growth of plump cells by 3 to 15 times.

Be kind, forget about GOST 171 – 81. Marvel, read.

I think you will get tired of the information you are getting!

The presence of yeast allows the product to be absorbed into the body more quickly, which normalizes digestion and intestinal microflora, and also prevents the accumulation of fatty deposits.

For people who need calories, this product is especially suitable, as the concentration of fat and carbohydrates is very low, and the number of calories per 100 g is 177.

Yeast-free bread is rich in vitamins from several groups, macroelements, cellulose and niacin.

Regularly eating yeast-free bread reduces the risk of diabetes.

Showing before stagnation

Yeast-free bread with kefir, prepared in the oven, included in the category cinnamon products, which will not detract from the body’s stamina, but will also save you money.

  • It is shown not only to people who want to lose weight, but to everyone who is simply looking after their health.
  • And all that:
  • a sandwich made with unleavened bread in the morning will charge you with energy for the whole day;
  • the product acts as a detoxifier, removing toxins from the body without damaging its intestinal microflora;

fills the body with bark-like substances;

normalizes the functioning of the intestines, relieving constipation, dysbacteriosis, and flatulence.

  1. Despite all the crustiness of homemade bread without yeast, you still can’t spoil it.
  2. The recommended dietary allowance is 150 grams.
  3. Homemade yeast-free bread with kefir, prepared in the oven, will bring you satisfaction as you follow the recipe correctly, and also listen to the recommendations on how to reduce the sourness of the dough.
  4. It’s good to sift whatever variety you like before mixing the dough.
  5. Soda can be added in two ways: either to the boroshno, which is sifted, or to the kefir.
  6. Once there is a quench, you need to stop this process for 7-10 minutes.
  7. Since Viyshov is a great loaf, there is a rizik, so the meat in the middle cannot be baked.

Then, to turn on the ovens, place a frying pan with boiling water in the oven under a sheet.

We accept steaming the bread and it is 100% ready.

  • Moreover, in the middle there will be baked goods, and the crust will be crispy, but not stale.
  • What ingredients are needed?
  • Simple recipe
  • A simple recipe for yeast-free bread with kefir, cooked in the oven, is suitable for all beginners who need to stock up on the necessary ingredients.
  • Wheat flour - 300 grams (do not remove too much wheat, you will need a little more for mixing).

Kefir of any fat content – ​​300 ml.

  1. Tsukor ta sil – a teaspoonful.
  2. Kmin – teaspoon.
  3. Soda - 12 teaspoons.
  4. Recipe for yeast-free bread with kefir from the oven
  5. In a deep bowl, sift flour, more than two cups.
  6. Then add all the dry ingredients, followed by a dash of soda.
  7. Pour kefir into a further spoon.
  8. Add the prescribed amount of soda until further.
  9. To carry out the extinguishing process.
  10. Add this to a bowl instead of a tablespoon.
  11. Stir, pour in kefir, whatever is left. Using a spoon, stir the dough into a bowl, then drop the bean powder onto the work surface (table) and roll the dough. To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, grease the crumbs with olive oil.
  12. Knead the dough with your hands, adding it well in small portions.
  13. This is necessary so that the dough sticks better.
  14. Don't overdo it with flour, otherwise the dough will end up too thick and won't end up on the bread.

As soon as the dough is mixed, make round-shaped bread from it.

They cover it with grub spittle or a towel so that the little ones are “soaked.”

Whole grain bread, both with and without yeast, is respected better than white bread.

You can cook it at home in the oven.

  • Yeast-free bread with kefir in the oven is prepared from the next food set:
  • boroshno zhitnє - 200 grams;
  • kefir – 300 ml;
  • boro wheat – 100 grams;
  • a teaspoon of salt and turmeric;

soda – 0.5 teaspoon.

  1. Preparation:
  2. It’s good to sift through both the wheat and the life.
  3. Hanging by the side of the bowl.
  4. Until boroshna hang sil and tsukor.
  5. Quench soda with a small amount of kefir.
  6. Add kefir to the hot ingredients.
  7. Mix the dough with a spoon in a bowl.
  8. Then place the dough on the table and knead it with your hands.
  9. Leave the dough for 40 minutes, and then turn on the oven.
  10. Place the dough on the sheet, not forgetting to make slits, and sizzle with the beard.

Bread is baked for 50 minutes.

Moreover, 20 hvylins at 230 ° C, other pіvgodins - at 200 ° C.

Check the readiness of the tart according to the recipe.

  • Irish bread without yeast
  • Irish yeast-free pastry is made so that wheat beans are added to the warehouse, either with hangers or in tandem with live beans.
  • And also add savory ingredients: nasinya, rodzinki, etc.
  • For the recipe you need:

Boroshno – 500 grams;

  1. kefir 1% – 450 ml;
  2. salt and soda - 1 tsp each;
  3. greased nasinnya, rodzinki, peas - 50 grams each.
  4. And now the recipe for yeast-free bread with kefir in the oven:
  5. All ingredients are combined in a bowl and mixed with a spoon.

Add porridge, peas, rodzinki or other savory additives and mix.

Knead the dough with your hands, giving the process a buttery shape. Make cuts on the top. Place the bread on a sheet after sizzling with the beard.

Bake 45 khvilins at 200 degrees.

  • Whole grain beard bread with kefir
  • This version of yeast-free bread has a high survival rate and is considered
  • children's food
  • .

And if you add additional savory additives (peas, porridge, etc.), then the bread will lose its crust.

  1. For preparation you need:
  2. whole grain boron - 450 grams;
  3. kefir – 400 ml;
  4. this day or anything else - a tablespoon;
  5. soda and salt - 1 tsp each.
  6. Bake the bread for 45 hvilins, and after the first 15 hvilins, reduce the temperature to 200 °C.

With hangings

Preparations for this recipe with photos of yeast-free bread with kefir, in a baking oven, are considered the most delicious and dietary from all ideas.

It also acts as a brush, removing toxins from the body.

  • To prepare yeast-free bread with leaves, the following ingredients are:
  • Boroshno – 400 grams;
  • hangers – 400 grams;
  • low-fat kefir – 1.5 bottles;
  • Roslynna Oliya - half a bottle;

salt and soda - half a teaspoon.

  1. Stages of kneading and baking bread:
  2. Place kefir and olive oil in a deep bowl.
  3. You should gradually introduce the hot ingredients, gradually stirring.
  4. Then knead the dough well with your hands.
  5. The oven may be already warmed up.
  6. Place the shaped bread on the sheet after sipping the beans.

Place in the oven for 40-50 minutes at a temperature of 200 °C.

On the corn boroshni

  • Bread without yeast made from corn hogs will be crispy and chewy.
  • A minimum food set is required.
  • This version of yeast-free bread has a high survival rate and is considered
  • And to yourself:
  • boro wheat – 200 grams;
  • Boroshno kukurudzyane - 200 grams;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;

tsukor – tablespoon;

  1. soda and rozpushuvach - a teaspoon;
  2. Oliya - a quarter of a bottle.
  3. The preparation of yeast-free corn bread involves several stages.
  4. Combine all the ingredients in one container.
  5. In another container, combine the eggs and eggs.
  6. Next, pour it into the barn owl and first mix it with a spoon.
  7. Then the dough is placed on the table and kneaded by hand.
  8. At 15-20 minutes, pour out the dough until it’s ready.
  9. Heat the oven to 200 degrees.

Test to see if it's ready and press the banana into shape.

At the top, make a number of cuts.

For now, transfer the brown bread onto a sheet, after sprinkling the top with the beans.