Beautiful registration plates for cars. How many “cool” license plates are put on a car?

Mіcheni vladoyu – this is what the capital calls license plates that belong to law enforcement agencies and government structures. They loom over fifty thousand cars. Less than a third of them really belong to the legitimate rulers. Most were sold to corrupt officials, businessmen and members of evil gangs.

“I go as I want”

This is how the series numbers E***KX77 and 99 are deciphered, which is subject to the Federal Tariff Service of Russia. The health workers of the Department of Child Safety and Health will forgive them everything forever. Due to their status and the presence of corruption in the department, it is very difficult to buy them, theoretically impossible. There are also cases where numbers were awarded for services. According to our data, the price of the coolest series number can be close to 70,000 dollars.

It’s a little easier to deal with the series X***KH77 and 99. The FSB stinks. Buying them is easy and expensive, but it is possible (close to 40,000 greenbacks). The withdrawal form must be signed by the senior manager of these services.

Series C***SS77 (“three days”) should be sent to the Special Communications Center, the Federal Service and the Ministry of Communications. In Moscow and the region, such cars are not galvanized. The price of food is 4000 USD.

Series C***SS99 belongs to the local police, militia, GUVP and GOKHRAN. Costs are cheaper - close to three thousand “green”.

The K***KK99 series was initially issued to Feldzvyazku, FAPSI. For his significant services, Yeltsin especially helped the famous musician Yuri Bashmet assign the number K765KK99 to his Bentley. Vart_st 2500 USD
Garni, but without any special privileges

The order of numbers that pleases the eye on a car license plate is the lowest level in the hierarchy of “marks”. Its price varies between 50 rubles and 600 USD. It’s easier to pick out such numbers. To register your car, you need to go to any MREV security officer and ask for your favorite combination of numbers. Having faded, the man will tell you the day, the hour, and the amount of pennies you need to come with.

Numbers with three digits (for example, 555, 666) or those starting and ending with two zeros (007, 100) are available for prices ranging from 200 to 600 dollars. As soon as it’s pleasant, the stench is minimal: Moscow may not have a problem with the planting for the next time. In the regions, police officers of the traffic police are trying to bully you once again in order to marvel at the “thieves”.

Even beautiful numbers will cost you between 700 and 1500 dollars. Numbers in the format *999**99 or *777**77 can be easily selected. The stench is important for the prestige of the ruler in the eyes of his extremity. There is rarely a galm in the capital and region.

The beautiful numbers also include: XXX, PNN, UUU, ЇЇ. There is no need to rely on private persons and spivorbitniks.
"Olga" fell in price

Until 1993, there were no special series issues. The “cool” series were the MOL, MOS, MKM and ISS series, which were hanging on the automotive power departments. These numbers were not sold. Stinks were given for great friendship or for service.

Everything changed with the appearance of numbers in a new series with three numbers and three letters. For example, the first car of the great head of the Russian DIBDR, Lieutenant General Volodimir Fedorov, had a beautiful number o100oo77, although initially this series was assigned to the FSB.

When numbers from the “Three Olgas” appeared, the market reacted strongly. They immediately reached their price maximum. For three years I've been drinking on them, and they haven't been sold for less than six thousand "green" ones. Such machines have not been galvanized by anyone, anywhere.

The ongoing trade in FSB numbers has led to the fact that the Chekists themselves have lost over 60 such numbers. At the age of 98, they were immediately removed from service, and the persecution began for the lucky Volodars of the “three years.” Particularly “fierce” was the Battalion of Special Assignment (BON), which was closely subordinated to the senior leader of the DIBDR Fedorov. Such cars were parked for several years until the owner and passengers were completely taken care of. As a result, the value of such numbers “fell” to 4000-4500 thousand dollars.

O***GO 97, when the torik showed up, the cost is even cheaper - about three thousand dollars. Their volodars are mainly active mysteries. For example, on the Hummer jeep of the singer Oleksandr Malinin, the number 003 is displayed together with the “olgas”. On the Bentley of the Maxim Galkin impersonator, the number 070 appears. iv.

At the helm of the “threefold” series: A***OO77, B***OO77, M***OO77 and S***OO77 loom authority, which remains the responsibility of the Office of the Presidential Rights Administration.

Numbers A***AA 77 are mainly for private people. To gain great popularity among rich people. Apart from the representative function, there is nothing else to do. Well, perhaps, beyond the boundaries of the Moscow Ring Road, we are still afraid of losing such cars. All the capital's spіvrobіtniki DІBDR galm, check, fine. The Vlasniks, who had paid a huge sum, then marveled for a long time. Once this series appeared, misinformation was released: for example, the numbers of the presidential administration, and also, unfinished ones. Businessmen rushed to buy them up.

Numbers A***AA99 cost around four thousand dollars. Some of the numbers are from the commercial sector, and also from the FSB. Quoted higher than 77. Their authority was raised by the great leader of the Moscow DAI, Mikola Arkhipkin, who created such a series. And the series 97 axle was given for ransom to prominent figures. Zokrema, there to hang on the number of the 220th "Mercedes" Pugachovo (number 001), on the BMW X5 EX-SOLISTKI "LICEUI" Izoldi Ishkhanishvil (number 011), on "Lexus RX300" GU DIBDR Viktor Kir'yanov (01
“Russian Militia” should not be disrespected through dribnitsi

Series MR (Russian Police) costs from 5000 to 10000 dollars. If you don't invest money in your business, The police officers themselves lost their license plates. The stench will lie all the way to the top of the Ministry. Their leader is also the great head of the Department of Child Safety and Health Fedorov. A lot of great businessmen have acquired them. For example, Sergey Zivenko, a kerivnik for Rosspirtprom, and also Sergey Mikhailov (Mikhas). The remaining number is assigned to the number A005MP77. Actor Karachentsiv took his P777MR77. Cars are no longer punished for even more serious damage.

For the purpose of MR numbers of the MO77 series, which were owned by the capital's police and the Moscow administration, they were given out for the ransom of individuals. They create hostility especially against young spivorobіtniks of the Department of BDD. Vartist – 1000 dollars.

Series A***MM77, M***MM77 a number of fates belonged to the HOUSE OF GUVS of Moscow. At the moment it’s really bad to sell. The price of these is close to 7000 USD.

The current fashion is expensive foreign cars (Mercedes W220, ML, Gelendwagen, Audi A8, Toyota LC100) for the fighting Rosmal militia with lighthouses and blue police license plates. The value of such service is twenty to forty thousand dollars per river. As the website writes, it is expected that the capital will be guarded in advance. Even today there are over three hundred such machines in the area. Whatever it is, everything is legal.

The acceptor is writing a statement to the head of the departmental security department to bury him. On paper, he gives his foreign car for protection, and he intends to transport his belongings. Every year, new ones will have blue numbers. Moscow cars with “blue” do not drive around the entire territory of the Russian Federation.
Cooler than the tricolor on the numbers, only the tricolor

And finally, the pinnacle of “marked power” is the federal parliamentary numbers. On the right, in accordance with the law, a member of the people, as well as a member of the Federation, has the right to put a set of numbers with ensigns on his special car. Ale is often not worth it. As a rule, he sells them. The number can be sold in the capital at a price of 20 to 30 thousand dollars (payment is short). Don't be fooled by cars like this.
Who needs special equipment

The Skin Department has quotas for such documents. This is apparently for operational purposes. However, as practice shows, most of the special documents that protect the car and the people who sit in it and go to the market. The presence of such a paper prevents the MVS police officer from checking the documents for the car and checking the documents of people who are visiting someone.

Until recently, such a special coupon cost about 30 thousand dollars per river, and, for example, in 2003, about 25 thousand such entries were seen (before speaking, it is no secret that the assistant of the ex-head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ru General Orlov's shailo was seen in the river close to 200,000 such documents).

In 2004, rock praised the decision to reduce the number of “everyday transactions” to 5,000 pieces, and now the FSB is in control of the records. Who really needs such special equipment is the members of criminal structures. For operational data, almost all of them use “marked” numbers using issued coupons. Officially, neither the Department of Road Safety of Russia nor the Department of Traffic Safety of Moscow commented on all this information, calling it all speculation and the rich imagination of journalists. Ale in private conversations, spivorobіtniki DІBDR confirm everything written above.

If such corruption occurs in the world, it becomes clear why in Moscow there is a problem with drugs and drug addiction. Do not transport it in vans, which are checked on the skin. They should be transported in such cars, “marked by power.”

Blatny license plates drink a little more for the Radian hours. Alemasovy began to appear on them in the mid-90s of the 20th century, after new license plates with three letters and three numbers were introduced, namely the Radiansky ones. It is important for the car number to have a repeating region code, but it gives priority to a number that has three numbers or letters. The most important number is the one that contains both three digits that are repeated and three new letters.

A 7 7 7 A ARUS

Initially, after the introduction of new license plates, lovers of unique license plates on their cars had to contact the traffic police officers of the Department of Road Safety and Road Safety, who performed the functions of registering cars in the MREV. Today, in order to get rid of the criminal automobile state. number, you don’t need to strain yourself too much. You can enter the required search term on the Internet in any search engine; there are a dozen sites that specialize in these similar services. On the black market, the price of a number with new numbers, for example 666 or 777, is valued at tens of thousands of rubles.

The numbers on which there is a special letter code, assigned to another government structure or department, stand apart. There are nearly a hundred such types of letter codes. License plates with such letters cannot be sold on the black market. They may be added additionally for the evidence of great connections and connections with this or that other power structure.

"Blatnі" numbers in Moscow


The most privileged and the most popular are the numbers with the regional code 97 and the AMP special series. Cars with similar license plates are allowed to use special signals on the road. In 2012, during the spring month, information was published about those in our region, the number of similar machines will be 569. At the same time, with the help of a simple mathematical breakdown, it becomes clear that There are only a few cars that can display the license plate AMP 97, which can be 999 Thus, a share of another 430 issues of this series is in the dark. There is a huge demand on the Internet for additional numbers from this “thieves’ series” at prices ranging from four hundred thousand to five million rubles per number.

There is no such confusion about those who include a “flashing light” and a special sound signal before the set of such a number. It is entirely possible that these numbers that are sold carry the AMP 97 code, they are simply used with the preferred series and are not respected by the office. A good drink also works in a car registration marks, In addition to the letters AMP, and from the codes of the Moscow region. These numbers are 77, 177, 99, 199. The letter codes are probably no longer a hundred thousand away from the authorities. How to boast about such a “thieves’” license plate number in front of other participants road ruhu, And also the transmitted lack of clarity among the traffic police officers of the Department of Road Safety and Road Safety, their superiors are not at all against it.


It’s a great drink among those who like to boast of their license plate number, they are painting car registration plates, which are marked by the letters “EKH”, who in Moscow and the region are respected by the FST, with the letters “AMO”, assigned to the administration. history of Moscow, as well as with the symbols “SSS”. The numbers with the remaining letters are partly distributed between different government structures - FSVP and others.

"Blatnі" numbers in the regions

Russian regions have their own “thieves” numbers. In St. Petersburg, prior to such special series, there are registration marks of the AAA, OVO, BAT series, etc. The Rostov region has series numbers MMM, ROS, AAA, RUS, OKO, PNN.

Fight against the sale of “thieves” license plates

The possibility of adding private numbers to special numbers, as well as the presence of numbers with similar letter codes, are obvious mistakes of various control authorities. Unrespectful at this point, the government structures are in no hurry to understand the “left” market of numbers. The maximum that the government officials, who are connected with the obligatory service with this problem, should pay is to blame everything on the illegal income associated with the sale of numbers, which the inspectors of the Department of Road Safety and Inspectorate recover. Based on information from the traffic inspectorate, 50.5 million cars have been registered in our region. For what it's worth, for a share passenger cars falls close to 77%, which is 38,700,000 units of equipment. The Department of Road Safety and Health Authorities are currently registering millions of new cars. For example, in 2012, 2,760,000 new cars were registered. It doesn’t matter to protect that with such an obligation the car is being registered, turnover pennies worth on the illegal market of “special” numbers you can get more than one billion rubles per river.

To carry out anti-corruption efforts, we have directly applied them in different ways. Thus, it was officially proposed to sell “thieves’” numbers at a high price. The police department of the Kamchatka region recommended installing such numbers on equipment such as the current visa and on sewer machines. Minister of Foreign Affairs Rashid Nurgaliev, in 2010, stated that the problem of “low” sales of special numbers had been resolved. Ale then were speechless. The rise of “cool” numbers continued.

In the Rostov region, the Department of Road Safety and Health Inspectorate authorities have tested the number of numbers with the same numbers, corresponding to the underground city. The office of the regional UDIBDR, Zokrem, the intercessor of the head of the regional traffic inspectorate, Oleksandr Revin, stated that everyday privileges on the roads are not given special license plates. But Rostov law enforcement never achieved any significant success.

Even across the river, in the same Rostov region, it was ordered to use the “thieves” numbers and not work on them for the MREV DPS DBIDR authorities. It is not yet clear whether this approach will produce any necessary results. If the traffic police stops issuing such license plates, those especially vulnerable will be able to acquire such a registration plate via the Internet.

Official purchase of numbers from MREV

It is still unclear why the Ministry of Internal Affairs authorities came up with a proposal to legally sell “thieves” numbers at a protected, duly established price. This is a method of successful growth and good behavior in other countries, such as Australia, USA, New Zealand, Kazakhstan. We are satisfied with this – both the motorists, who are required to issue a special license plate, and the state, which collects additional income. Special numbers, in other countries, are marked with a special rank and may have a clear difference from the standard numbers. And illegal sales of such numbers are punishable by penalties. In the current situation, Russian waters will do anything to show their superiority and be seen among other participants in the road movement. The status of the “thieves” numbers will not change until the documents of the state authorities will not allow us to clearly understand that equal rights are on the horizon. For now there is no price, and it is not a fact that the purchase of “thieves” and “beautiful” numbers will continue.

Special license plates in Russia

Data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs explained that, on the one hand, they will help law enforcement officers to eliminate operational tasks and, at the same time, discipline potential violators.

Until 2006, these numbers could be officially installed on a car that was placed on the balance sheet of one of the police departments. The car was formally registered with the MBC and blue license plates were installed on it. (The language is mainly about the cars of the MKTs GUVO (invisible security), where it is possible to negotiate an agreement with merchants, what kind of vantage (in the car that is accompanied) is protected by the OVO machine, which is transferred to the OVO by the merchant himself.)

In the fall of 2006, according to the orders of the Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliev, the police began to fight against the “surplus” of special license plates in their fleet. As a result, approximately 26 thousand cars used blue license plates, and in Moscow itself - about 2 thousand cars. The original white license plates were installed by security service vehicles. Now the blue numbers will no longer be associated with colorography and special signals. For PPS cars without special signals, the license plate was stripped and the blue license plates were taken. Most often, “operational” vehicles began to appear for the transportation of internal organs, but special signals were not given, and prosecution for illegal s/s was strengthened.

The number of “blue” numbers in Moscow, the MVS military personnel in 2007 saw part of the numbers of the series “A***KR 177”, V***KR177, E***KR177, K***KR177. Also part of the series A***RE177 and R***RK177. In the Moscow region - deyaki A/M***MR90 In the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - MMM.

Black numbers

Black numbers install transport that belongs to military units. This could include the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Taxes, the Internal Military Ministry, the Cordon Military. Such license plates appear on a surface that does not display light (as opposed to other, civilian ones). The codes of black numbers indicate their affiliation with military districts and military districts, and those not with subjects of the Russian Federation. For example, code 09 is sent to the Federal Agency for Special Security, 12 - to the Prikordonniye Military FSB, 15 - to the Internal Military Ministry of Internal Affairs, 16 - PSSN (special forces) of the FST of Russia, code 18 - to the Ministry of Taxes, 34 - to the VPS, 45 - to VM F , 67 - to the Airborne Forces, 99 - military traffic inspection. 43 - Leningrad Military District, 97 - Moscow, 76 - Ural, 87 - Siberian, 21 - Pivnichno-Caucasian, 25 - Dalekoshidny, etc.

Zhovti numbers

License plates with black symbols on a white background in the form AA000A 00 were previously installed on cars that belonged to foreign companies and related enterprises. Since 1 June 2003, the same numbers (like “AA000 00”) are visible to legal entities. persons who are involved in passenger transportation.

Special license plates in Russian regions


Until 1993, in Moscow, cars of law enforcement agencies had small numbers of the “MOL”, “MOS”, “MKM” and “MKS” series. The cars of the military servicemen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR had small numbers of the "MAS" series, and from the end of the 80s this series began to become popular in the Magadan region. The “MOS” series belonged to the first persons of the state, “MOL” - to the vehicles for the protection of these first persons, among the people it was deciphered as “We Protect Lion”, “MKS”, “MMA”, “MMV” were used by various law enforcement structures, MKM (Moskovska Chervonopraporna) Police) - Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow (including the police department), IOM (Moscow Regional Police) - Moscow Region. License plates of the MNA and MMN series were placed on buses and allowed the number of the bus fleet to be indicated after the first digit (example: 2*** MNA - 2nd fleet, 1*** MMN - 11th). Service vehicles that operate at various departments and belong to the five Mosavtolegtrans (MOK) plants were numbered similarly, for example, 1 (i.e. 7) – First, 3 (i.e. 6, i 9) – Third, and the vehicle axle number ami IOC at 8 Those 0 were already in charge of the special services, and they knew about the target only. Although there was little car with a well-known license plate, the so-called “mirror” digital combinations, for example, 4224 M**, were especially chic.

Decree of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2008 No. 562 Rules sovereign registration motor transport vehicles and other types self-propelled vehicles on the territory Russian Federation were supplemented by clause 2.1, whereby national registration marks are shown “in the order of increasing their digital values, without reserving for legal or physical persons“Besides the series and the identification of symbols,” which may, theoretically, put an end to the practice of producing “special” license plates.


  • EKH 77- The series that was installed on vehicles of the Federal Security Service (FST) of the Russian Federation. According to the magazine “Autopilot”, the history of the appearance of these issues is as follows: once the head of the Federal Security Service Yuriy Krapivin wanted to discuss with the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin what kind of letter for the supplement to the official assignment of yogo department. AAA Enter the number of the security service. They believed that EKH (Yeltsin + Krapivin = Good) sounded more nasty. A translation was officially published as “a single Kremlin dominion.” Among the people, this abbreviation should be deciphered as “I live as I want.” Nina is missing. At the beginning of 2008, photo-pollination was launched on a regular basis EKH numbers 70 (Tomsk region) on the website.
  • EKH 99- FST of the Russian Federation;
  • EKH 97- FST of the Russian Federation;
  • EKH 177- FST of the Russian Federation;
  • SKA 77- FTS RF
  • SAS 77- if the FSB came into contact
  • ATO 77, VGO 77, MGO 77, SOO 77- the series belongs to cars assigned to the Presidential Administration;
  • KOO 77- Constitutional Court, privateers
  • AMP 97- a series that is a legacy of the fight against special signals. Numbers are issued to vehicles that retain the right to a blue light, regardless of their ownership. In this way, part of the series is seen by the FSB, another part by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (protection, a number of cars, the addition of blue license plates), the government - by other structures, and the other part - by the presidential administration;
  • TOV now it’s important for private/commercial people
  • CCC 77- the series is installed on vehicles of the Special Communications Center, the Federal Service, the Ministry of Communications and “close” structures to them, as well as on special vehicles of anyone. People's name- “three Seeds”;
  • CCC 99- a series of may pay privates, for money or nothing
  • CCC 97- DCSS and privates
  • MMM 77, 99- until the blue numbers appear - MBC, now - privates
  • AAA 77,99,97,177,199- now it’s important to have private people
  • XXX99- Privatniki, є FSB
  • KKK 99- now privates
  • PNN 99- bullets from the tax police, DNA, privateers (including “difficulties”)
  • Others, however, are simply “garni” of the series
  • AMM 77- a colossal series of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which is especially important in the private cars of non-resident people, in the service of the authorities of the Moscow Department of Road Safety and Internal Affairs.
  • AMM 99- the number of deputies of the Moscow Duma is small;
  • KMM 77- a series of Moscow firefights;
  • *MM 77- Moscow Police series until blue numbers appear
  • AMP 77- formerly cars of the Central Aviation Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, nini - on private cars there was care and among the most private ones
  • KMR 77- Privateers
  • MMR 77- Privatniki, bits of the FSB
  • RMR 77- Series of the Ministry of Justice;
  • TMR 77- series for the Department of ensuring law and order in closed territories and sensitive objects (cosmonauts, a few private citizens, the base is closed)
  • AMO 77- Moscow Administration, privateers. The original numbers of this series were distinguished by another feature: they had the Russian ensign, and the letters rus were raised, like the letters/numbers. Part of the new sign is important.
  • AMO 99.97- Private people, including those in the Moscow administration
  • EPE 177- deputies of the Federal Assembly, private citizens
  • SKO 199- Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;
  • however, new letters and numbers in 177 - numbers, including the expansion of the number on Sadovaya-Samotechnaya
  • Be it “round” numbers, especially with small numbers (001-009), ending with two zeros (100, 200, …, 900), with three new digits (111, 222, …, 999), the most prestigious of digits – 777 77 or 999 99, in which all the digits of the number are combined with the digits of the region code.

Moscow region

  • AMO 50, WMO 50, KMO 50, SMO 50, OMO 50, MMO 50, TMO 50, CME 50, UMO 50, HMO 50- Massacres of the government structures of the Moscow region.
  • AMM 50, AMM 90- administration of the Moscow region
  • MMM 50, MMM 90- The prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Taxes, the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Region, etc.
  • AMP 150 MMO 90, 150 MMR 90, 150 RMR 90, 150- GUVS near the Moscow region.

Formally, at this time, the Department of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region, under the supervision of its chief Sergei Sergeev, is fighting the sale of both special series and simply beautiful numbers. For example, starting from September 1, 2008. Numbers with the numbers 001-010 are prohibited from being used on large vehicles; this rule must be adhered to immediately.

St. Petersburg and Leningrad region

  • AMP 97- As a result of the all-Russian replacement of the ensign MRZ (replacing the image region code with the tricolor Russian ensign) on the original MRZ, this series became the “known series” in Russia. In St. Petersburg, this series includes the prosecutor of St. Petersburg S.P. Zaitsev - a178mr97, the prosecutor of the Leningrad region S.V. Romanyuk - a147mr97, Intercessor of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation at the Pivnichno-Zakhidny Federal at the district - a156mr97, the head of the GUVS - A270mr97 i etc. The FSB of Russia has some vehicles with similar threats, for example, a941mr97-a942mr97. GRZ of this series is gaining such great popularity that in Moscow and St. Petersburg there are more and more cars with the same MRZ (duplicates). Also in the Federal Field Service, the servicing department of the General Administration of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg and LV, in reserve - the subordinates of the governors of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region;
  • AAA 78- “Sobchak” series, on a999aa78 was driven by A.A. Sobchak (the first and last mayor of St. Petersburg), with the arrival of V.A. Yakovlev, this series was replaced by o***oo78. At the moment, the series is on wide sale, part of the series is still on the balance sheet of the State Unitary Enterprise "Smolninske" and other bodies of the royal government of St. Petersburg;
  • TOV 78- most of the GRZ was given to private owners, the vast majority was lost in the administration of St. Petersburg, Federal agencies, Federal services, including the security forces, for example o9**oo78 FST, Volodymyr Yakovlev himself went to about007oo78 (p. The hour of replacement of the Governor of St. Petersburg 1996 -2003 rub.);
  • AAA 98- (Major permanent replacement O***OO78) - Administration of St. Petersburg, ownership of DUP "Smolninsk", as well as inclusions of various Federal Services, Federal Agencies, Federal State Unitary Enterprises, inclusions of private companies, for example. а023аа98 – а027аа98 – one commercial bank;
  • TOV 98- private district of St. Petersburg, Federal services and agencies, wide range of private companies for example o001oo98 - head of TOV TD Lukoil-Neva. Affiliation o9**oo98 traditional - FST;
  • TOV 47- more GRZ among private owners, prote y culprits, for example. o020ko47 - Prosecutor's Office LV;
  • OKV 98- Behind the hidden rule: the prosecutor's office and the Investigation Committee under the General Prosecutor's Office. They have released the first 200 numbers (001-099 Prosecutor's Office of St. Petersburg, 100-199 Prosecutor's Office of the Leningrad Region). The issuance of this series of documents to private persons requires only a sheet signed by the prosecutor of one of the named subjects of the Russian Federation. 2**, 3**, 7** - Federal Bailiff Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. o9**ko98 - Ship Department under the Legislative Assembly of the Russian Federation;
  • OSK 98- partial replacement o***ko98 at kvitny-travna 2008 r. Affiliation with the Investigative Committee of the Prosecutor General's Office. The series was launched in the spring of 2008. Most of the vehicles were transferred to this series due to the saving of cargo figures
  • GKS 98- Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, launched in 2008. (regional replacement of MOO77 FGU ATK UD of the President of the Russian Federation), as well as actions from the installations of Right Management of the President of the Russian Federation
  • OKV 78- FSB – by 7** (as the car is “correct”), Ministry of Justice – by 8**, FAPSI (until 2003) and the Federal Police Service – by 9**, and other installations, for example o515ko78 – DMK “Russia” ", o1**ko78 - a/m of the military prosecutor's office, o2**ko78 - a/m of federal services and agencies;
  • OOA 98- First 50 GRZ from the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg (for obvious reasons o001oa98 - the squad of the head of the Legislative Assembly Tyulpanov), up to 199 - behind the sheets of the Legislative Assembly, after private parties and enterprises, for example. Baltika, Special Materials and in;
  • TOV 78- Previously ZAKS of St. Petersburg up to 200, є at FNP, Federal Treasury Department, LenEnergo (o07 * oa78), State Unitary Enterprise (for example o43 * oa78 - State Unitary Enterprise PEC);
  • TOV 47- o001oa47 and o099oa47 - Governor of the Leningrad Region. V. P. Serdyukov, between these two numbers, the administration of the Leningrad region; part of a hundred in the spring of 2009 was given to private owners.
  • BAT 78- a lot from the security forces, for example, 7** - private FSB, 6** - Mitnitsa, GUVP then;
  • VAT 47- similar to the 78th region;
  • VAT 98- a very new series (from 2009) may contain a mixture of privacy and confidentiality. o7**ao98 is traditionally reserved for state security agencies. The first issue in the series oao78 bv visions in 2007. (mostly o6**ao98 - Infinity car, and there are no markings on the streets);
  • OAA 98- “Bugrivska” series, interspersed with special vehicles (FSB of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.) in every hundred;
  • OOS 78- the administration was under Sobchak, thematically and simultaneously, also in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Health, the FSB and in closed enterprises, for example o100os78 - the number of V.V. Putin if he was the first intercessor of the measure of the city of St. Petersburg from outside their ligaments; following the tradition they have. o001os78 director of the Ice Palace. One of the most serious series. For details, you can add such numbers, even if it’s a very good idea to get out of the care of the Department of Health and Safety Management;
  • OSM 78- (Smolny) when Matvienko arrived, everyone was transferred to this series, at once to 7** and 9**, often the FSB lost it, the decision was widely expanded, and thematic cars are being hunted down;
  • OTU 47 78- Pivnichno-Zakhidne Mitney department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia up to 200 (operational mitnitsa), the reshta was allowed into the private series through simple MREV;
  • UN 78- a huge amount of tax police, today's part of the FSNK (DNK) and the Federal Tax Service, could be purchased through the MREV network, or you could simply spend it under distribution;
  • UN 98- o001on98 from Tyulpanov, o100on98 from Bugrov S.I., reshta of numbers from those closest to him. After 200 for sale;
  • OAS 98- the series was launched for arbitration courts, fresh, sickle orders, and private owners;
  • EKH 98- Probably from the FSB, from the FST and from possible private agents. The series has not been widely expanded, 5-10 issues have been seen;
  • MMM 78 MMA 78 MME 78 MMV 78 TRAVNI 47 78 (chastkovo)- a lot at closed enterprises (Admiralty Shipyards, Bank of Russia, Radio TekhKomplekt etc.), partly m***ae78(47) at linear subdivisions GUVSTiS;
  • MMM 98- the simplest MREV didn’t lull, the series is not very expensive.
  • OOM 98- chastkovo replacement of blue r****78, district officers and possible private workers;
  • OOM 78- є GUIN, FSB (171, 173, etc.) were immediately transferred to a***mr97, FSNK and the prosecutor's office (a lot from private parties), thematic і o016om78, everyone studied this MLku with beacons (FSB);
  • OOM 47- similar to region 78, but also limited to private users;
  • OTT 78- a huge amount of money is 100, the previous office had a couple of cars in the first hundred and still lost a couple of 02*, at the same time there are a lot of private owners, but they are also being harassed at state installations and special services;
  • OTT 98- the number of UDIBDR numbers in St. Petersburg and LV. However, 0** and 9** also drove on ensign plates and cool commerce, at the representative office 06* and 07*, pro100tt98 - at S.I. Bugrova. Currently, most of them are private people;
  • OSA 98- came to replace OTT 98 (kviten-traven 2008), UDIBDR SPb and LV. o0**ca98 on the “correct” cars of “their people”, for example o022ca98 Mikhailo Boyarsky, o100ca98 at S. I. Bugrova honor. State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of St. Petersburg and LV. o0**sa98, o8**sa98 and o9**sa98 - hundreds for private users;
  • OTT 47- frequent replacement of blue numbers, most of them from private owners;
  • OMM 78- koshnі RUVS, the situation is the same as i s about***t78;
  • OMM 98- a lot on privates, but also SSSHM, SZ UVDT and so on;
  • GRR 47 78- a lot of RUVS and UVS, mostly nothing else;
  • OVO 78- at this time, most of the numbers have been transferred to region 98 (which was lost from private owners);
  • OVO 98- frequent replacement of blue in ****78, emergency security (UVO), riot police, etc.;
  • GRR 98- replacement of blue a****78, GUVS SPB and LV (not for sale);
  • OMO 98- Replacing the blue with r****78, district officers. Numbers up to one hundred can be obtained on “non-service” cars;
  • OMO 47- Replacement of blue numbers, district officers of the Leningrad region (not for sale);
  • ZMR 98- replacement blue a****78, GUVS SPb and LV, as before 016th - VONI (not for sale);
  • V***(litera-litera) 47 78 98- talk about those whose car “vidomcha” is registered as a legal entity. TOV, ZAT, AT, etc., there are even more themed cars.
  • SSS TTT RRR- About a hundred dollars. e.

GUVS SPb i LV lower numbers and prices:

Numbers on the black aphid:

GUVS metro station of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region (78):

  • A****78- GUVS SPb and LV.
  • B****78- UVO at GUVS St. Petersburg and LV.
  • M****78- Riot police at GUVS.
  • R****78- The district departments took over.
  • T****78- SZUVDT, zokrema, UVS on the metro.
  • U****78- GUVS and 8 GU MVS 5 UVS; University of MVS, initial deposits of VV MVS, part of SZUVDT.
  • O****78- State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region:
    • o01**78, o0100-0209 and o0531-0540 - Administration
    • o0540-o0630 - SB Specialized Battalion DIBDR to ensure safe and uninterrupted passage of special-purpose vehicles (I Rota Suprovod naturally o0310-04**);
    • o0510-0530 - POGLYAD Operational Response Platoon
    • o1410-1470 - OB1 Okremiy battalion No. 1 DPS DIBDR
    • o2210-2509 - SP Specialized Regiment DPS DIBDR
    • o3***78 – districts of St. Petersburg
    • o4000-5999 – districts and regions;
    • o55**78 - 5th directorate under the 8th State Administration
    • o6801-6859 - OB2 Okremiy battalion No. 2 DPS DIBDR
    • o6500-6720 - OB3 Okremiy battalion No. 3 DPS DIBDR
    • o6901-6925 - OR1 1st okrema company DPS DIBDR
    • o6600-6650 - OR2 2nd okrema company DPS DIBDR
    • o6540-6567 - SROR Specialized operational response company of DIBDR
    • o7***78 - MREO (o777778 highway Revolution)

Altai Republic

  • SSS 04- judge
  • HHH 04- Podatkova
  • OOO 04- kerіvnitstvo of the republic
  • MPA 04- MVS
  • PPP 04, PPA 04- prosecutor's office
  • YOU 04- best series since 2008

Belgorod region

  • AAA 31- administration of the region, administration of the city of Bilgorod and Bilgorod district. Possible privates. Don't bother with a hundred.
  • VVV 31- Privateers.
  • EEE 31- Privateers.
  • MMM 31- on the cob MVS and authoritative individuals. Later, it ceased to be quoted and began to focus on motlokha.
  • SSS 31- private people. Previously, cars were seen that were registered with businesses.
  • TTT 31- Privateers.
  • PNN 31- Privateers.
  • KKK 31- Until 099, officials from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. Others are private.
  • XXX 31- Possibly private people. The same goes for transporting and sewing machines.
  • TOV 31- Privateers.
  • UMM 31- MBC will move ahead with private parties. that’s the name of the “Posilena” series))
  • ROZUM 31- farmhouses. Zazvichay the car has been dismantled, don’t show mercy.
  • AMP 31- a series of issues were distributed back in the 90s in the order of the underground Cherga. With the new series of AMP in the 97th region, 3 rooms were reanimated.
  • EKH 31- I’ve never been too crazy! - slightly protected by the Governor!
  • MAX 31- townsmen from Maxim!
  • KIT 31- if 3 however or a mirror, then this is especially naked major and gold young.
  • RRR 31– the regional prosecutor’s office has started, now they can see everything in detail.

And the numbers with the numbers *666** are reserved before release. Amen!

Republic of Bashkortostan

  • R***KS 02, K***KS 02- cars of the legislative body of the republic - State Assembly - Kurultai. Unofficially deciphered as “Republic of Kurultai - Zbori” (among the people - “Great thinness”)
  • S***KR 02-Elect the Kurultai of the Republic. Nini was replaced by S***KS 102.
  • S***KS 102 Some of the numbers from 2008 are assigned to the deputies of the State Assembly - the Kurultai.
  • M***MM 02- before replacing car numbers with “blue” ones, this series belonged entirely to MVS cars. Now from 001 to 100 the prosecutor is being investigated by the prosecutor’s office, the decision is with the private people.
  • U***UU 02- з 001-010 assigned to the officials of the administration of the Ufi place.
  • A***AA 02- car numbers of Members of the Order, officials of the Administration of the President of the same President of the Republic of Bashkortostan and heads of administration of districts and places of the Republic of Belarus. At this time, the remaining numbers have been allocated to private individuals.
  • A020AA 02- Head of the Administration of the Municipal District of the city of Ufa.
  • A100AA 02– President of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
  • A200AA 02– Head of the Sovereign Elections of the Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
  • A300AA 02– Prime Minister of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
  • A***MM 02- before replacing the special series of car numbers with “blue” ones, this series belonged entirely to MBC cars. After the replacement, 001-100 was seen by high-ranking officers of the law enforcement and security forces of the Republic of Belarus (including the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Taxation of the Republic of Belarus, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, etc.)
  • U***MM 02 ta * O***MM 02- We have seen great ceremonies of the UDIBDR Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.
  • V***MM 02- have been seen in great detail by the UDIBDR RB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus to legal entities.
  • O***GO 02– the series was installed on cars of pottery workers of great enterprises and ministries. Z 2008 rock O***GO 02 replaced by R***GO 102 these are all kinds of unnecessary people.
  • R***GO 102- Since 2008, rock workers of great enterprises and ministries have been seen in cars.
  • S***SS 102- iz 001-100 assigned to the prosecutor's office of the Republic of Belarus.

At this time, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus is especially responsible for actively fighting the sale of both special series and simply luxury numbers. Moreover, buying beautiful license plates with numbers in the Republic of Belarus 001-100, 700, 777 is practically not realistic for the average population (as seen on transporters, collectors, and assenizators), only those who enter before the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus can buy them. sign the sheet with the boss UDIBDR. And since at this time the price for beautiful numbers in the Republic of Belarus is about 20-70 thousand rubles and is installed only by reinstallation, then for special series they ask for 70 to 200 thousand rubles, due to the possibilities, so-called, “not Prefinished goods" are the same as other series on roads.

Republic of Kalmikia

  • TOV 08
    • 001-200 – deputies of the People's Khural (parliament)
  • AAA 08- Administration of the Republic of Kalmikia.
  • MMM 08- GUVS near the Republic of Kalmikia.
  • SSS 08- Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kalmikia, judges.

Republic of Karelia

  • TTT 10- The order of the republic, the FSB of the republic and the private ones.
  • PNN 10- a series of cars from the administration of the region and regions of the republic, and from private owners.
  • MMM 10- MVS car series. And private people.
  • EMR 10- a series of MVS cars, which were replaced by “blue” license plates of cars that were “stolen during the short run”, unofficially deciphered as “Ide Militsia Rossii” or “Ide Cop Pratsyuvati”
  • SSS 10- prosecutor's office, judge (?)
  • TOV 10- The series used to be prestigious because none of them provide the same privileges.
  • EKH 10- Vinyatkovo among private people, there are a large number of vlasniks from one of the regions of Karelia.
  • AMP 10- there will be marks on an old copy.

Komi Republic

  • VAT 11- The order of the republic, which was replaced by TOV a year ago, was given to TTT.
  • RRR 11- prosecutor's office
  • UUU 11- Investigative Committee at the Prosecutor's Office
  • TTT 11- Order of the republic, FSB of the republic.
  • TOV 11- Napivlatna series, pottery workers of great industrial companies, as well as other industrial organizations
  • MMM 11- MVS for the Republic of Kazakhstan, part given in private hands
  • VNM 11- operational services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • VON 11- operational services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, partly given under organization
  • XXX,SSS,KKK 11- New series, special features of auto cops. Some numbers are available from taxis.
  • EKH 11- The new plate series, after verification by the prosecutor’s office, “simple” numbers were seen in private hands
  • KCK 11- Napivlatna series, tagged with Gashik
  • MGO 11- Napivlatna series, seen in private hands for a singing “vikup”

Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

  • MMM 14- MVS car series*
  • PNN 14- XXX
  • CCC 14-XXX*
  • RRR 14- prosecutor's office
  • MEN 14- Series of cars from the FSB Directorate for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
  • TTT 14- XXX*
  • AAA 14- the motor depot of the president, the order and parliament of the republic, as well as the department of state enterprises
  • AAU 14- Administration of Municipal District Misto Yakutsk
  • SKA 14- XXX

Republic of Tatarstan

  • MMM 16- formerly a series of MVS cars, which were replaced by “blue” car numbers, which were “disappeared due to shortening.”
  • TTT 16- previously a criminal series called “three aces” (option – “three Tatars”)
  • MPT 16- Previously a series of license plates of special vehicles of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Militia of the Republic of Tatarstan).
  • VKM 16- Previously a series of MVS (Kazan police) cars.
  • VRM 16- Previously a series of MVS (Republican Police) cars.
  • VTM 16- a series of cars of government officials, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, and also after 200 - heads and directors of great enterprises. The 800 series is especially priced.
  • OAA 16- A series of cars of the republic, as well as heads of administration of towns and regions (option of interpretation of Olya Abiy Arbasi (tat.) - Vezka (car) of the Great Uncle) or a Particularly Authoritative Car (150 in total).
  • ROA 16– City Hall of Kazan (up to 100).
  • VBB 116- A series of cars that took part in the Great German War.
  • RSK 16- Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Republic of Udmurtia

  • AAA- administration of the Udmurt Republic
  • TOV- most planted individuals of enterprises and factories of the Udmurt Republic

After the anti-corruption campaign, surpluses of the TOV series with numbers from 100 to 999 were distributed to major car owners who installed cars.

Altai region

  • AAA, TTT, UUU- rare criminal series
  • RRR- formerly the administration of the Altai Territory and the city, then the Prosecutor’s Office, various authorities and organizations, as well as “simply” citizens.
  • XXX- Old series of cars DIBDR, before replacing them with “blues”. They were called Khavalkinsky Khakhatushki.
  • TOV- administration of the Altai region, two numbers each for the regional court and the Ministry of Taxes.
  • KKK, PIN, SSS, MMM- commercial series, created by DIBDR including economical marketing.
  • MUK- GUVS Altai region. Unofficially deciphered as "Police Department of the Region"
  • MOU– UVS of the Barnaul metro station, regional OVS of the Barnaul metro station.
  • MPA, MOS- regional and rural military forces of the Altai region.
  • ASK- Follow up with the department of the Investigative Committee at the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and the AK.

Krasnodar region

  • RRR 23- administration of the Krasnodar region.
  • AAS 23- Legislative assemblies, deputies of regional assemblies of the Krasnodar region.
  • TTT 23
    • 500-800 - mitnitsa Krasnodar region and town.
  • SKS 23
    • 001-200 – FST of the Russian Federation.
  • ANU 93
    • 001-009 - kerіvnitsvo UDIBDR GUVS in the Krasnodar Territory.
  • EKH 93- FST of the Russian Federation.
  • SSM 23- Only a few numbers - Sochi Metro Administration.
  • MMM 23- Most of them are in the state police, and also in the private security forces of the Krasnodar region.
  • MMM 93- among private owners, especially with security forces
  • SSS 23- with numbers 001-009, 100-900, 011, 111-999 - criminal series
  • Kaa- administration of Krasnodar and municipal installations.
  • UUU 23- MVS machines, overlapped with high-pressure machines of the Russian Federation
  • UUU 93
    • 200-400 - Gazprom
  • SSS 93- Investigative Committee of the Prosecutor's Office of the Krasnodar Region.
  • MOS, VOS, IOC 93 to 100- “Olympus” and everything connected with the Olympics

Krasnoyarsk region

  • KRK, TOV- administration of the Krasnoyarsk region, Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk region. Unofficially deciphered as "Krasnoyarsk Territory". Series TOV At this time, it has become obsolete, and according to the orders of the head of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Krasnoyarsk Territory A.V. Gorovoy, with the method of discriminating against the series, some of the numbers were seen on vintage cars.
  • ATO- Administration of the Krasnoyarsk city, City Council.
  • ICC, MSK- Ranishe, MVS. Unofficially deciphered as “Police of the Krasnoyarsk Region” and “Police Service of the Region”.
  • KSM- Vehicles of operational squadrons of the MAF. Unofficially stands for “Criminal Police Service”.
  • ON WEDNESDAY- Suddi. Unofficially deciphered as the Supreme Court of Russia.
  • TTT- Previously there was a so-called “thieves’ series.” At this time, it has become obsolete, and according to the orders of the head of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Krasnoyarsk Territory A.V. Gorovoy, with the method of discriminating against the series, some of the numbers were seen on private cars, including smock carriers.

Novgorod region

  • MMM- up to a hundred - UVS, until blue numbers are issued, later distributed to private clients;
  • A***AA- Administration of Veliky Novgorod and region, A42 * AA - A46 * AA - vandals and privates are being harassed.
  • WOW- UVS is older, up to three hundred (?), settled on private shaggy roads, but cars are dragged down the road.

Primorsky Krai

  • MGO 25- An old series of UVS cars, before they were replaced with “blue” ones.
  • MGO 125 - …
  • VGO 25- Viyskovi
  • EEE 125- FSB
  • AAA 25- these numbers were seen in the first series in Vladivostok
  • AAA 125- the prosecutor's office of the Primorsky region, one of the largest "thieves" series, is seen only behind the prosecutor's office in the region.
  • PNN 25- Series of the administration of Vladivostok, special cars of deputies of the Moscow Duma. Created in the first letter of the nickname of the mayor of Vladivostok Volodymyr Nikolaev. People's decryption - “Mikolaiv is the new boss.”
  • MMM 25– deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the region in 2002.
  • SSS 25- Administration of Primorsky Krai. Created under the first letter named after Sergei Darkin, unofficial decryption - “ Z iroti Z O Z Vetlanskaya."
  • XXX 25- UVS (prosecutor's office). Commercial series, created by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate inclusive of economical processing, these numbers are not reported
  • TOV 25- previously, for the governor Evgen Nazdratenko, administration of the Primorsky region. Unofficial deciphering, naturally, “Partnership with limited responsibility.”
  • TTT 25- previously, according to the measure of Yuri Kopilov, the administration of Vladivostok and federal structures in the Primorsky Territory
  • MVK 125– “thieves” number of the UVS spivorobіtniki. Decoding – “menti” of Vladivostok. Vіdomchi numbers UVS Primorsky Krai
  • MVV 125- Home number of the military personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Vladivostok metro station.
  • MGO 25, 125- regional structures of the Department of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Taxes, etc. specialist. services Businessmen have a lot of numbers.
  • VGO 25, 125- local water supply services of Vladivostok and districts, partly purchased by merchants
  • NGO 25, 125- services UVS, DIBDR and in. Pivdenno-Skhidnogo region of Primorsky Krai (metro station Znakhidka)
  • UOO 25, 125- services of UVS, DIBDR and in the Central region of Primorsky Krai (metro station Ussuriysk)
  • SOO 25, 125- services of UVS, DIBDR and in the Pivnichny region of Primorsky Krai (metro station Spask-Dalniy)

Arkhangelsk region

  • RRR– Administration of the Arkhangelsk region since 2007
  • MAO- police of the Arkhangelsk region
  • MAA– Police of the Arkhangelsk region since 2007
  • MMM- Police of the Arkhangelsk region (one M777MM-29 car in mid-2009)
  • A266MR 97– Head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Arkhangelsk Region
  • JPE- Most often installed on cars of functionaries of the United Russia party. Unofficial decryption - “United Russia Ide”
  • EKH- I Zhu Yak I Want, published "among the people" Zhovten 2009
  • TTT- various government bodies of the Arkhangelsk region

Volodymyr region

  • AVO 33- Administration of Volodymyr region
  • AAA 33- Administration numbers
  • TOV 33- Blatnі numbers yak i skrіz
  • OOM 33
  • Smittya 33- police numbers (not embellished)

Vologda region

  • AAA 35 ATV 35- Order of the Vologda region and administration of the city of Vologda
    • A001AA 35 A435MR 97- Governor of the Vologda region.
    • A535MR 97– Head of the Vologda Regional Duma.
  • AVO 35– City Hall of Vologda.
  • ASK 35- Investigative Committee of the Prosecutor's Office of the Vologda Region.
  • ANV 35– GUVS for the Vologda region.
  • AVU 35– City Hall of Cherepovets.
  • AAA 35 TOV 35 SSS 35 TTT 35- Numbers from 001 to 100 are “good” numbers.

Voronezka region

  • AAA 36- administration of the Voronezk region;
  • VOA 36- Voronezk regional administration;
  • MMM 36- prosecutor's office of the Voronezk region;
  • TTT 36- GUVS for the Voronezk region, private workers;
  • XXX 36- judge;
  • SSS 36- UDIBDR GUVS in the Voronezk region, private persons;
  • VVV 36 ЇЇ 36 KKK 36 ("three poops") NNN 36 TOV 36 PPP 36 UUU 36 EKH 36- “thieves” series $ .

Room type:

  • 957 **tobto" DPS"behind the first letters of the numbers, what else can you give for a sum of 21 "Points", as well as numbers * 100-900 і 001-009 * which ends with the letters “ GO», Well, for example « M100OO", "M 001OO» hang on the cars of spivrobіtniks DIBDR and thieves.

Kaliningrad region

  • AAK- administration of the Kaliningrad region, FSB, prosecutor's office
  • KKK- administration of the Kaliningrad region. Later they were sold like thieves.
  • RRR- administration of the Kaliningrad region for Governor Boos (Boos car number - р001рр 39 ukr)
  • TTT- UVS of the Kaliningrad region
  • RTR- came to change tricolors
  • TOV- prosecutor's office
  • KMK- Department of the Department of Road Safety and Health in the Kaliningrad region (before the introduction of “blue” numbers), the first 500, the rest were sold in private hands.
  • AAЄ- various kinds of State administrations from the Kaliningrad region.

Kaluzka region

  • MAA 40- A series of cars from internal authorities before the introduction of blue numbers. I see Nina actively again.
  • MAV 40- a series of OVS vehicles and special vehicles of OVS military vehicles, as well as those close to them.
  • AAA 40- a series of cars of the administration of the region, city, state unitary enterprises and municipal unitary enterprises (here up to 200), >200 - features of cars close to the authority. Old cars that were taken out of the AAA series in the order of filthiness in 1994-95 are now being hunted down. Then these numbers were scheduled to be issued during the re-registration of cars. The governor's car is a black Mercedes-Benz S 500 (W221) A001AA.
  • PRR 40- prosecutor's office.
  • EMM 40- New police series.
  • TOV 40- in the mid- and late 90s, such numbers were seen especially by persons close to the special orders of the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate. Then, during the fight against privileges, the series was mixed with public utilities and ordinary citizens. At the same time, the series is already super-extensive, and there are a lot of tycoons and representative cars on the road. Also, a lot of “Swedish assistance” cars, vans, and basic privateers are increasingly being used by municipal vehicles, such as smugglers.
  • XXX 40- first hundred – suddi.

Kemerovo region

  • AKO- formerly the administration of the Kemerovo region
  • TOV- old series of administration of the Kemerovo region
  • TTT(“Transport of Comrade Tulev”) – a new series of the administration of the Kemerovo region
  • RRR- Prosecutor's Office of the Kemerovo region
  • MVS- Previous management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • KUM- Series of the Head of the GUVS
  • AKM- administration of Kemerovo (Kuzbass also has a broader definition of “Cars of the Kemerovo Mafia”)
  • AAA- just like that, just expensive numbers, (they’ve just run out, DIBDR in search of new horizons)
  • EKH- very rare and expensive copies, so far only two cars are marked: Lexus LX470 - E999KX42 and Mercedes-Benz S500Long - E777KX42.

Kirov region Nizhny Novgorod region

  • AAA 52- administration of the Nizhny Novgorod region
  • AAA 152- administration of the Volga Federal District, privately - administration of the Nizhny Novgorod region
  • AET 52- Gorky Automobile Plant
  • ANN 52 TKA 52 ANM 52 ENM 52- GUVS Nizhny Novgorod region
  • ANN 152- meriya Nizhny Novgorod, district administration of Nizhny Novgorod
  • VNM 52- formerly police, now special transport of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • ЇЇ 52- mitnitsa
  • PNN 52- commercial organizations under subordinate administration
  • TOV 52 TTT 52- the staff of the Volga Federal District
  • PRR 52- prosecutor's office of the Nizhny Novgorod region
  • SSS 52- Federal Security Service Directorate for the Nizhny Novgorod region
  • SNM 52- structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Nizhny Novgorod

During the Radian hours, the regional committee bosses drove on the GOR numbers, for the Nemtsov Regional Administration, the small Radyansky PNN numbers.

Novosibirsk region

  • AAA 54- part of the numbers (first hundred) of the presidential representative, other “thieves” numbers
  • PNN 54- Numbers of the Novosibirsk mayor's office, the administration of the Novosibirsk region and the region. Unofficially deciphered as “Don’t disrespect the Novosibirsk authorities.” It’s cool that bookers from one of the commercial banks travel to Novosibirsk with Kemerovo “NNN” plates.
  • ASK 54- FSB Directorate for the Novosibirsk Region, after the 200th number - “thieves” numbers
  • ANO 54- Old numbers of the administration of the Novosibirsk region (before the introduction of “NNN”)
  • RRR 54 MOP 54- “Morozivsky” series, produced by the great head of the UDIBDR, Pyotr Morozov.
  • NSO 54- “Yakovlevskaya” series, introduced by the great head of the UDIBDR Vitaly Yakovlev.
  • MRO 54- At the right time, we came to change the MVS series 54 (if they blocked the vikorist of the letter D in the numbers). With the arrival of the head of the UDIBDR Shtelmakh, the value of the MRO series has disappeared forever, and the MRO public has the following interpretation: “Menti Rozcharuvali, Prikro.” .
  • OOM 54- Series by the head of the UDIBDR Shtelmakh.
  • IDP 54- GUVS for the Novosibirsk region
  • BBB 54- Series of the head of the GUVS z NSV
  • UVU 54- Series RUVS and DAI
  • UVO 54- directorate of post-mortem security at the Main Department of Internal Affairs in the Novosibirsk region

Nenets Autonomous Okrug

  • ON O- Administration of Nar'yan-Mar and Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Oryol region

  • AAA 57 , ATV 57- series of administration of the Oryol region.
  • MAA 57 , MMM 57- A series of cars from internal authorities before the introduction of blue numbers.
  • VAT 57- Director of BAT (subject to joint stock partnerships)

Rostov region

  • ARO 61- Some of the rooms are with private individuals, part of this series is in the administration of the Rostov region.
  • AAA 61- some of the numbers are owned by private individuals, and some of the series belong to government agencies.
  • ARU 61- Some of the rooms for private people, a series of the administration of Rostov.
  • OKV 161- series of cars of the prosecutor's office
  • TOV 61- from 001 to 100 legislative assemblies of the Rostov region
  • UUU 61- a series of cars of the Presidential Representation in the Southern Federal District during the hours of Ustinov’s work. (?)
  • KKK 61- a series of cars of the presidential representative office in the Southern Federal District during the work of V.G. Kazantsev (?)
  • XXX 61- damn.
  • SSS 61- damn.
  • AUS 61- a series of MVS cars in the Pivdenny Federal District.
  • RUS 61- a series of UVS cars in Rostov-on-Don.
  • UTU 61- part of this series belongs to the subdivisions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ryazan region

  • AAA 62- fashionable numbers
  • S**** 62- DPS Skopinsky district
  • M**** 62- Traffic police Mykhailivsky district
  • X**** 62- UVS, OVS
  • ARO 62- Administration of the Ryazan region - at this time there is a surplus of distribution in the flooded areas of the region (Sasovo, Shatsk, Yermish)
  • TOV 62- Administration of the Ryazan region - at this time there is a surplus distribution in the city of Ryazan to everyone
  • TTT 62 - garna series came out in less than 1 day
  • PNN 62- similar
  • MMM 62- previously the numbers of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs for the Ryazan region and great officials

Samara region

  • PAA 63 AAR 163– Administration of the Samara region.
  • ATX 163 CAM 163- GUVS for the Samara region
  • SOK 163- Favorite numbers of the company “SIK”, purchased almost the entire series.
  • A263AR 163 A563MR 97– Head of the Provincial Duma Viktor Sazonov
  • A163AR 163 A463MR 97- Governor of the Samara region
  • A063AP 163- funeral of the Governor of the Samara region (number P063AA63 assigned to the ex-governor)
  • M063ON 63 -

Saratov region

  • O0**BB 64, AAA 164- Order of the Saratov region
  • PRR 164- prosecutor's office of the Sarativ region
  • OUU 64- FSB Directorate for the Saratov region
  • U777UU 64 U777UU 164 A464MR 97– Governor of the Saratov region Ipatov P.L.
  • A564MR 97– Head of the Saratov Regional Duma
  • A319MR 97- Head of the GUVS for the Saratov region
  • Tyumen region

Chelyabinsk region

  • AAA- administration of the Chelyabinsk region (the infection has practically come out of existence)
  • TOV- regional administration
  • RRR- prosecutor's office
  • UUU- Moscow administration, new series after leaving AAA
  • TTT- the widest series on sale
  • BBB- favorite numbers for the Bovid auto center

o001oo74 BMW7 governor, drive the car with the X5 with number o010oo74. Inodі o001oo74 numbers change to Escalade. U Mera: o700oo74 BMW x5

Ulyanovsk region

  • A***AA73= Part of the Administration. “Close” people have more. After the governor switched to area code 173, the GRZ went into distribution in the order of cherry.
  • A***AA173= Order of the region, administration under the governor, government. the governor himself.
  • R***AA73= Administration.
  • A***BB73= Prosecutor's office.
  • V***VV73= Court.
  • E***EE73= Deputies of the Ulyanovsk region are the first hundred.
  • M***MM73І * M***MM173= UVS.
  • O***OO73= Naistarisha is a beautiful series. Having arrived in a car, they gathered the requested guests of the place (the artists too). For example, singer Gazmanova brought Audi * to the concert О009ОО73.
  • P***PP73= To go out for wine in the city. Probably, I won’t owe it to anyone.
  • S***SS73 Most of the money was paid for a small fee among “their” people, and the pots were distributed in good order. ALE has entirely thematic rooms. For example, hang on the mine, like a close associate of Minister Nurgaliev.
  • U***UU73= Meriya, zokrema sam mer.
  • U***UH73= Emergency commissioners hang on powerful cars.
  • X***XX73= Specific affiliation is unknown. Cars with such a series were in stock at the FSB office, as well as at party officials.
  • *002**73 = shvidshe for all GUVS. There are a lot of cars with such gas protection systems parked in the parking lot as if they were GUVS.
  • *001**73 , * *007**73 , * *777**73 , * *073**73 = beautiful, that's good. Of course, you don’t just let it go.

Sverdlovsk region

  • А183МР97 (registration numbers: а000366, с002вм96)- Directorate of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in the Urals Federal District (W221 S350;
  • А184МР97- Directorate of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in the Urals Federal District (TLC Prado);
  • А219МР97- GUVS of the Sverdlovsk region (BMW 5er e60);
  • А231МР97- GU MVS z Ural Federal District (BMW 5er e39) ( nini BMW 525i E60);
  • А364МР97- SUVDT (TLK 100);
  • А681МР97- Office of the State Field Service of the Russian Federation in the Urals Federal District (GAZ 3102).

GRZ with white ashes 66:

  • AAA 66- the series was introduced in 1994, at the moment the majority of the series is in private.
    • 001-199 - number of numbers of the motor state of the Governor and the Department of the Sverdlovsk Region, which serves before the purchase and offense of the Chamber of Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region.
    • 200-299 – additional numbers of the Administration of Yekaterinburg and its districts.
    • 300-499 – additional numbers of municipalities (for example, the Kamyanskaya and Tagilskaya administrations always stood like this).
  • SOO 66- I came to shift AAA 66, but I didn’t wake up long. At the moment, almost everything is in private hands.
  • OSV 66- in 2000-2003 administration of the region, regional government, various government organizations and private citizens.
  • PRR 66- Vikorist since 2003 in the Sverdlovsk region and surrounding areas. Cars of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region E. Rossel (all equipped with flashing lights):
    • 001 – W221 S500;
    • 003 - W221 S500 4m (formerly BMW 745Li - now a011aa96);
    • 005 – GL500;
    • 007 – GL500 (2008);
    • 010 – Chevrolet Express (formerly VW Multivan – now a010aa96);
  • SVM 66- before the blue numbers were issued, the GUVS of the Sverdlovsk region was victorious. Regardless of those who, with the arrival of the blue GRZ, this series began to go “left-handed”, there are still members of law enforcement agencies on it.
    • 001 - w221 Plenipotentiary Representative of the Ural Federal District Vinnichenko N.A.
    • 002 - w220 Plenipotentiary Representative of the Ural Federal District Vinnichenko N.A.
    • 003 - 008 - Office of the Povpred of the Ural Federal District
      • 025 - Audi A4 Part. UGIBDD GUVS Z Dyomin Yu.A.
  • AAA 96- Advantages from AAA 66 OSV 66 and RRR 66:
    • 001-199 – regional district. If you touch a private person, then everything is of the utmost importance;
    • 200-299 – administration of the metro station of Yekaterinburg, district administrations; (200, 210 – Chernetsky A.M.)
    • 300-499 - Heads of municipal institutions, who enter to W, private people;
    • 500-699 – regional district, ZAT, TOV, etc.
  • EAA 96
    • 100 - Chorny Toyota Land Cruiser 100 Vorotnikov Volodymyr Oleksandrovich, lieutenant general ext. service, which was so great in 2001-2006. GUVS in the Sverdlovsk Region.
  • ECE 96- Automotive State of GUVS near the Sverdlovsk Region, part of the colossal blue a****66. Dekhto behind the district officers. Not for sale.
  • SVM 96- most of the numbers belong to the Automotive State of the Main Administration of Internal Affairs of the Sverdlovsk Region. “Garni” is often on Audi A6, Pasati - behind the largest warehouse of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Sverdlovsk Region. Not for sale.
      • 001 – Poch. GUVS on Z (TLC 100)
      • 010,020,030,040,050,060,070,080 - intercessor. honor GUVS Z
  • EAE 96- UVO at the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Sverdlovsk Region, the Central Urals Department of Internal Affairs on Transport, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ural Federal District, the Federal Migration Service of the Sverdlovsk Region, and other “marks”.
  • TOV 66- private persons and various government structures, and the Ministry of Justice.
  • EKH 99- FTS of Russia:
    • 086 – Zelena Gazelle.
    • 087 – GAZ 3102 with a blue lighthouse.

after the SCO summit:

  • EKH 177- FTS of Russia:
    • 086 - Ford Focus with a blue beacon.
    • 087 – Ford Transit.
  • Simply beautiful GRZ with white ashes 66, 96- However, the new letters and numbers, in addition to beauty and respect, do not give anything. In 66 regions there are already few numbers with the same letters, in 96 regions BBB 96, KKK 96, etc. have gone out of the window.

GRZ with blue background 66:

  • A****66- GUVS of the Sverdlovsk Region, UVS of Yekaterinburg metro station. (OMON, DAI-GIBDD, PPSM, Dolnichnye police departments under the RUVS and others). Not the entire series is being reviewed, only a0***66, a1***66, a2***66, a3***66, a4***66 are marked (as of Lipen 2009)
    • 0001-0099 - Kerivnitstvo GUVS near the Sverdlovsk Region. From 2006-2007 on e***aa96, s***m96. So the car with lighthouses without rose painting did not lose the blue.
    • 0003 - div a183mr97
    • 1000 - Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the GUVS for the Sverdlovsk region, Yu. A. Dyomin.
    • 1001 – frozen honor UDIBDR GUVS in the Sverdlovsk region.
    • 3900-3999, 0800-0999 + 48**-49*** - UDIBDR GUVS in the Sverdlovsk region. The Specialized Company has plenty.
  • Up to****66- Institutional Educational Institution at the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Sverdlovsk Region, Institutional Educational Institution at the ** district of the Department of Internal Affairs of the metropolitan Yekaterinburg.
  • O****66- close municipal lighting Z.Z.
  • B****66- Serednyouralsk UVS on Transport.
  • U****66- Ural military base of the RF MVS, UrYuI RF MVS. It rarely grows to the edge.

Div. also

Bryansk region PNN - administration of the Bryansk region and Bryansk regional Duma (001-Governor, 002-Head of the Bryansk regional Duma. 003-010 and 044-protectors of the governor of the Bryansk region)




Perm region (territory): A****59 - Regiment of traffic police department of road safety in Perm and the region, regional departments of department of road safety O****59 - Directorate of post-secondary security M****59 - Municipal police (MOB, PPSM, Chergova part) U***SK59 - Prosecutor's office of the region (Inc. under the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation) S***KM59, M***MM159 - UVS of the Perm region (vehicles without special color schemes) R***AA59 - Administration of the city .Perm (Motor depot for the Perm region)

Posted by Wikipedia

- This article describes special types of state registration plates of automobiles, as well as a series of registration plates in other Russian regions, which can be identified as related there is.

- Registration license plates of the Russian Federation are used for registration of cars, motorcycles, vanity and household equipment, and household appliances. Installed on the front and rear parts of the car. Place 1 Format 2 Types of registration ... Wikipedia

- This article describes special types of state registration plates of automobiles, as well as a series of registration plates in other Russian regions, which can be identified as related there is.

- This term has other meanings, div. Vehicle license plate index. Registration license plates of the SRSR - a license plate that is used for registering vehicles on the territory of the SRSR. Zmіst 1 History 1.1 1931 - 1958 1.2 1959 ... Wikipedia

Europe- (Europe) Europe is a heavily populated, highly urbanized part of the world named after the mythological goddess who created the continent of Eurasia alongside Asia and has an area of ​​approximately 10.5 million km² (approx. 2% from the underground area of ​​the Earth) and ... Encyclopedia of Investor

- This term has other meanings, div. Tomsk (meaning). City of Tomsk Prapor Coat of Arms ... Wikipedia

scheme- 2.59 schema (schema): Description of space, structures and boundaries that are used to create and maintain the data base.

This signal separates car license plates on the roads beyond the color (whites belong to mere mortals, blues - MVS, yellows - taxis, reds - diplomats, blacks - military), and the axis of the Russian Federation is the State Inspectorate before that, as wave (or not wave) your charming stick. with a rod, the numbers are separated according to other criteria. For yakim? Read.

For letters

AMP97 - the main federal special series of license plates in Russia , They replaced the so-called ensign numbers with a tricolor (after the AAAFL label), so there is no talk about their lack of accuracy.

First three tens (a001 mp97 - a136 mp97) - Order numbers and numbers of the Administration of the President (VAAFL numbers), including license plates assigned to the motor depots of the Administration of the President, the Federation of the Russian Federation, the State Duma and other high-ranking departments. License plates from A137 MP97 to A201 MP97 are assigned to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. And the number A202 MP97, which is screwed onto the BMW-740, marks the appearance of the Central Viborchoi Commission of the Russian Federation.

30 cars are driving around Russia with license plates ranging from A370 MR97 to A400 MR97 and they are registered by various federal structures of a humanitarian and social nature, such as the Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the FSVP of the Russian Federation and others . ALE! A 375 MP97 I’m wondering about being assigned to film director N. S. Mikhalkov.

License plates A 401 MP97 to A489 MP97 to be a subject of the crown's power in the localities - governors. And that says it all.

A501 MP97 - A589 MP97 assigned to the leaders of the legislative bodies of the governing subjects of the Russian Federation - the speakers of regional councils.

A601 MP97 - A697 MP97– here is a kaleidoscope of various federal structures, such as the Ministry of Defense, Rosfinmonitoring, State Federal Service, Federal Drug Control Service;

Eight decades from the abbreviation AMR belong to the largest cholas of the FSB, assigned to the Federals and A698 MP97, A699 MP97.

Ninth tenth series of the largest chargeable numbers in Russia, right up to A999 MP97 share with each other Rosatom of the Russian Federation, Rossvyazohrankultura of the Russian Federation, Rosaeronavigatsiya of the Russian Federation, Rosstat of the Russian Federation, Federal Financial Markets Service of the Russian Federation, FST of the Russian Federation, FAS of the Russian Federation and other agencies.

EKH99/ EKH177/ EKH97– cars of the Federal Security Service and other nearby agencies of the State Immunity, about more directly lower .

ХХХ77– de jure the series belongs to the FSB, and de facto some of the issues from this series were successfully sold.

AOO77, BOO77, MOO77, SOO77 – all cars with such license plates belong to the motor depots of the Office of the Presidential Inquiry. Ale! For such license plates, a car with a beacon is a real deal, and they don’t have much traffic on the road.

KOO77– in the past, the numbers were assigned to the Constitutional Court, but after the “ensigns” were scrapped, the numbers of this series were hung instead of the AACFO on cars without beacons.

EPE177– nearly 300 issues from this series recently went to the State Duma to replace the “ensign tricolors”

AMP77, VMR77, KMR77, MMR77, OMR77, TMR77 – this series is for cosmonauts, but recently the MBC began a large sales of these issues, including private ones. In addition, both the FSB and the MVS itself are taking advantage of this series.

РМР77- Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, Federal Service Vikonannya Pokaran, prosecutor’s office and other Vikonavian lawyers.

AMO77- All cars of this series may belong to the Mayor of Moscow.

NAA99, TOV99, SAA99, HAA99 – numbers, for special writing (POPIZ), locked in automobile databases. What’s more, it’s in the hands of the FSB and the active NDI, and also with cool privateers. Also, a part of these numbers went to people who went through the program to protect the certificates, so they can get involved in rusty Zhiguli cars.

“I go as I want”

DIBDR axis already, as a number of rocks, now intends to prevent private individuals from the opportunity to buy illegal numbers on the “black market”, legitimizing it on the right through government auctions, and then we are still not going anywhere. license plates that guarantee immunity on the roads, sell. And it’s not easy to know about the Internet. Our correspondent visited one of them to get the prices.

Otje. The leader in the illegal number market is PNN 777 77. The price for this “red” is about 10 million. rubles I’m a smut – it’s obvious.

For sale is the number with the familiar abbreviation AMP77 and for this the “seller” is asking 2 million wooden ones. And from behind that's my name "DSLR"(“188 ... 188”) with the new Moscow index we want “everything” 150 thousand carbovants. The lucky one's path is under the number "777" did not come to light. In particular shortage series EEE and BBB, which have recently appeared. , which some car owners have already received

About the active activity of the “numbers market” in Russia, we can talk about the fact that close to fate, bloggers developed the topic, no matter how many people bought their own number A777AA777 for 15 million rubles, the State Traffic Inspectorate, as a sign of protest against such blatant corruption on the roads, demonstratively installed this license plate on the service car of the capital's MBC - VAZ-2114.

And now for the smut. These are the letters that will please your eyes, and the numbers are true occupy the lower caste in the hierarchy of “targeted adults.” Zhoden, from the list of numbers in this section, does not guarantee his leader any priority of immunity over the DIBDR police officers, or over other road traffic participants. Hiba scho evil daishnik whenever you want to zupiniti , To marvel at the “thieves” in his monastery. Such numbers are simply great. I'm expensive. And, in fact, all such license plates are de jure the primary serial license plates of the Russian Federation, which means that private cars are subject to the letter of the law. Prices with many zeros for such numbers have put the market: private individuals and intermediaries are buying out of satisfaction.

Average price on the Moscow market of “garniy” license plates with three “cool numbers” - 888,100, 007 etc., become $500-$600. “Too beautiful” three-digit numbers on license plates can cost up to $1500. And to get something like this cheaper, and with a guarantee, it’s better to immediately contact the DIBD-Deshniki.

Apart from the market of simply luxurious rooms, it is based in Russia market of “korisnyh” numbers Among them, numbers of sovereign significance most often appear, assigned to high ranks. The rest simply rent out their rooms for obscenely large sums of money. So, guess the series numbers E***KH77-E***KH99, assigned FST and is popularly deciphered as “I go as I want” Today, they are victorious about certain private persons who have quickly become “tenant services” from the Federal status for (a little) $70 000 .

Series X***KX77 and 99(decipher it as you wish), what is due FSB, has also been tagged more than once by private individuals. The rest (I’ll say it a little) paid close to 40,000 USD for the satisfaction of the purchase with such numbers.

Take a trip to Russian roads those cars with a series S***SS77, what to lie Contact the Ministry . YES, if you want, you have the right to seize a car with such license plates, but don’t bother anyone in Moscow. Supply price - $ 4000 . Similar series S***SS99 assigned to the subordinate police and the mitnitsa of Moscow, as well as among the security forces of the State Inspectorate. Behind $ 3000 You can contact us with these numbers.

Series K***KK99 Initially, Feldzvyazku and FAPSI were given over, but they were no longer particularly needed, and as a result, right-handers and left-handers began to diverge among private citizens. $ 2500.


The last squeak of Moscow's road fashion – expensive foreign cars, such as Mercedes W220, ML, Gelendwagen, Audi A 8, Toyota LC100 etc. The military police have rosmalovets with beams-beacons and blue police numbers.

Variety of service " blue number» at Zolotolovoya – from 20 to 40 thousand dollars. On the river. What do you prefer – everything is legal! This service is assigned to the guard of the capital, which is sensitive to the root cause. Just a businessman Write an application to the head of the guard post to assign a guard for your lane. Having said that, I drive some money in my car and thus hand over my foreign car to the security service so that it can be drunk. Today, there are approximately 300 cars with “blue” on the bumper in the capital, which, however, does not go far beyond the borders of Moscow.

Federal Leftist

I axis vin, Olympus of “marked power” on the roads - Federal deputy numbers. The deputies themselves tried to ensure that the law gave the people the right to completely set license plates with a tricolor on their official car. Movlyav, with the method of carelessness. Ale, as a rule, gets to the deputies service vehicles, the same incompleteness also aggravates, and sell your federal license plates for sums from four and write five zeros. Wow, it’s clear. Nayvdalishi – rent rooms for a fee 20-30 thousand. u. on the river

More prices for several cool series of issues that our editors have discovered:

AAA77 ≈ $4.500. At 93-94r. distributed freely to everyone

AAA99 ≈ $4,000. Rely on the FSB

AAA97 - $3000. The 220 Mercedes with number 001 belongs to A.B. Pugachova, also with number 010 on the Lexus RX-300 – frozen. Head of the Main Directorate of the Inspectorate and Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

AMO77 ≈ $2.500. Mainly the responsibility of the mayor of Moscow and godfathers, matchmakers, sons-in-law and fathers-in-law.

AMO99 ≈ $2.000. The first number in this series with number 777 was published by Luzhkov’s sons, but last year Luzhkov’s era went and the numbers are not quoted among the Russian Federation Department of BDR.

KOO77.99 ≈ $2,000. In this case, such numbers are already “visible” for investors, and they are the only numbers in the special series of LLPs that can be purchased in principle. Part of series 77 belongs to the Constitutional Court.

AMM77/MMM77 ≈ $ 8,000. Much more needs to be done by the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs and the fire fighters, which is why they have important immunity on the roads.

Series *MP77 - view $ 5.000 to $ 12.000 . It is up to financiers: banks, funds, to numbers “everywhere” passes from the Directorate of Security of Objects of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation are given.

TOV97 ≈ $2,500. The numbers of this series depicted a number of active culture and mystiques, such as A. Malinin (on Hummer - 003) and M. Galkin (on Bentley - 070), which makes the pompousness of the series on the roads obvious.

PMR77. The series that recently appeared is assigned to the Ministry of Justice. Check out the sale as soon as possible.

KKK77, XXX99, PNN99, UUU99, EEE99 – for such numbers on the black market they ask for up to $1,500, but I don’t think they can do anything, so don't play around.

In this material we have provided you with a comprehensive compilation of the series of car numbers that are assigned to the cars of the fueling people and organizations of Russia. The deciphering of the so-called “thieves” numbers will be a kerivnitsa for you, which is better not to get rid of on the road. In addition, this article debunks the myths about those transport facilities These numbers actually mean absolutely nothing.

Types of license plates

The car number is a unique registration code that is given to all citizens upon issuing a passport (identification number), which confirms the registration of the car on the territory of the state. The wine consists of a single digital set and various variations of twelve letters. The stinks show off in a singing order. In order to correctly determine whether the car belongs to Russia, the right hand number is displayed as the ensign of the Russian Federation, the entry in rectangular, the word RUS and the code group of the region in which the registration number is registered. These rules for registration of car license plates closely correspond to the DSTU. Letters mean series, numbers mean number.

Great to know! The largest numbers of special significance appeared in the USSR in 1965 near the city of Leningrad. The whole lot consisted of twenty-five numbers. These numbers were assigned to the top division of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in Leningrad. At that time, special numbers for “mere mortals” were not officially issued. Ale all kinds of “thieves” numbers could still be obtained through special arrangements through good friends for pennies.

You can see special license plate numbers below. Of course, among such official numbers, and the decoding of the letters will give you the first information about the people who are in these transport services.

• Federal.

• Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

• Ministry of Defense of Russia.

• Diplomatic representations.

• Trading companies.

• Moscow passenger transport.

• Transit signs.

• Special numbers for items and items.

Such numbers began to become rich in great drink within hours Radyansky Union. Ale global drink on thieves' numbers corresponds to the roots of the middle of these "dashing" nineties. They also increased the new license plates to three digits and three letters, which replaced the old black and white “union” numbers.

For anyone especially significant There may be a duplication of the regional code on the car number. Your fetish is three numbers or letters. The most important numbers are the ones in which one letter and one digit are duplicated in threes. Deciphering the plate numbers on the car that is scamming you will help you identify the one you would rather miss by moving to the next row.

As soon as new license plates were introduced, amateurs of all things garnish immediately appeared, including car license plates. In order to remove such things, it would be necessary to contact the DPS DIBDR. The military specialists themselves took up this organization from MREV. Today everything is much simpler. As the gamanets are tightly stuffed, the problem appears to be at the same time as mittevo.

In any sound system, ask what to tsk at you, so that you can add difficult numbers, and then people will already be found there. Believe me, there are plenty of people ready to perform such services for a small fee. In the vastness of the Russian “black” market, numbers with new numbers, for example, 777, are valued at tens of thousands of rubles.

Do you know? The world's most expensive car number was sold in the UAE in 2008 for 14.2 million dollars. This number is "1".

And these are the numbers that you can’t get for great pennies on the “black” market. These numbers have a unique letter code. This is assigned, in particular, to the national power structure and administrative organization. And there are very few such types of rooms, about a hundred. It is possible to get them only because of the great connections between the great power structures and serious ties.

Decryption of serial numbers

If you have seen a car with a flashing light on the road, this obviously indicates what you need to skip. Deciphering a series of stolen car license plates will help you. Do you know who you missed, and who started working?

AAA- Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as private individuals with close connections with the Department of Road Safety.

AMM– police and private individuals

AMO- Moscow City Hall or private individuals

AMR– Russian order and private individuals


VMR– government officials, bank management and private individuals

VGO– active in the right of the President

ЇЇ- thieves' privates


JPE- State Duma

KKK- thieves' privates


KMM– burning and thieving privates

KMR– government and criminal subjects

LLC– The Constitutional Court, which upholds the rights of the President, thieves

MMM- police and criminals

MMR- order, private individuals who are involved in cronyism from the Department of Road Safety, FSB, banks

MGO- Kerivnik to the right of the President

PIN– private individuals who are engaged in cronyism at the Department of Border Safety and Human Welfare

ZMR- Government officials, heads of banks or private thieves

TOV- FSB or thug privates

RMR- Ministry of Justice

CAC- FSB, MVS, thieves

SMM- police, criminals

SOO- Kerivnik on the right of the President, Rada of the Federation

SSS- FST, FSB, officials, criminals


UMR- bureaucrats, thieves

UUU– criminal subjects


XXX- thugs

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