Automotive electronics power supply.


Salon A selection of original and high-quality circuit design solutions and upgrades for various types of vehicles.
Automatic car charger- The circuit turns on the battery for charging when the voltage on it is reduced to a low level and turns off when the maximum is reached.
Charger for a car based on integrated microcircuit LM7815- The basis of the circuit is the integrated circuit LM7815 with a protection system and lances of analog indicators.
A voltmeter and an ammeter are added to the circuits as indicators to ensure control of the current and voltage during the battery charge. Automatic voltage polarity changer for a charging device – used for charging twelve-volt car batteries.
Its main feature lies in the fact that it allows the battery to be connected in any polarity. Automatically charger

for automobile lead-acid batteries Charging device for pushing
car batteries- based on the IR2153 microcircuit, a self-clocking bridge driver, which is often used in industrial ballasts for daylight lamps.
Engine overheating sensor.
So as not to waste time, if the water in the radiator turns into steam, you can use the design on the DS1821 thermostat Ice sensor
As soon as the temperature drops to 4 degrees Celsius, the LED of the mounts on the dashboard of the car will begin to dim, and as the temperature further decreases, the LED will blink at a higher frequency. And if the temperature drops to - 1 degree or lower, the LED lights up steadily until - 6 degrees, and then the device automatically turns off.
Diagram of a sleep alarm for water Apparently, up to 25-30% of transport accidents are caused by the accumulation of water behind the kerm. To assess the psychophysiological state of water during the treatment process in terms of transport

disaggregation of telemetric systems for monitoring the frequency of migratory activity, registration of biopotential, galvanic skin reaction, and roach activity. All of the above methods have not yet found wide acceptance in practice due to their complexity, travel, and the need to fix water on the skins of different sensors, Radio discussion on the topic of lighting in the car interior, as well as self-contained design for illuminating the rear license plate before replacing the light bulbs on the dashboard:, repeat when turning on LEDs automatic anti-slip lighter near light circuits, designs and devices for headlights, Stop signal , what is the significance and further investigation, Scheme for dimming the switching on and turning off of the light in the car interior, Walking fires scheme

automatic servicing on microcontrollers too Preparing the neutral sensor.
Many car enthusiasts know that a car alarm with auto start for a car manual transmission
It is difficult to set the gears, and by switching the alarm system to the “automatic” mode, you can cancel the unacceptable result. However, to resolve this problem, you can make the autostart robot safe by installing a neutral sensor from the reed switch.
It is worth remembering that with an autostart with a manual gearbox, it is logical to put the car in neutral for the alarm and locking the doors can only be activated when the engine is running and the handbrake is raised. If you don't mind, autostart is not possible.
A simple starter blocking circuit It consists of just one resistor and optocoupler.
Scheme of a simple bicycle anti-inflammatory system This design is for a bicycle, so you can change its position or reach a new one. Trivozhny beep
It runs for 30 seconds, and after a few seconds it repeats, and so on until the bicycle anti-theft device is turned on. Droneless car alarm

- blocks the car engine behind any mobile phone or smartphone Articles about making tools and devices for servicing and repairing cars and their main components with your own hands: Servicing car batteries; stroboscope-tachometer circuits;


Lakofarb coatings


Self-propelled regrower for cutting tread and other original designs.

We demonstrate, to the satisfaction of radio amators, the circuit of the electronic transmitter "masi", which does not require mechanical contacts and is therefore more reliable and durable.

In addition, this device can be used as a preventative.

Rox sensors (DS) can be used not only for direct purposes for turning on the light, but also as an element of a security alarm, but also in cars.

For example, it removes the gut that you want to bask under the hood of your car, thereby saving your life, and saving you the work of cleaning your engine from the excess of the poor creature. Even the infrared DD reacts to any biological object that collapses, or there is a “thermal” background. In the car there were components to control the inclusion and control of which are important, and for these purposes an audible alarm would be ideal, in addition, its stagnation under the hour of collapse

in reverse

informs outgoing pedestrians and other drivers about the flow of transport vehicles back, which is especially important on large vintage cars

I invite you to familiarize yourself with the simple diagram of a car window closer. The role of the lifting wheel changes at the moment when the car is set to a security alarm.

The joint of the robot in the installation of the slopes is created as a result of the increase in the flow that flows in the area at the moment of the re-raising of the slope.

Automotive electric fuel pump devices, principle of operation and repair. As an example, let us look at the principle of operation of the 0580254 series electric fuel pump from BOSCH, which is used in all modifications of the K-Jefronic fuel pressure booster system. Car alarm It is used for simulating a car horn and is used on storage transistors and thyristors

The majority have a portable tape recorder with a 9-volt battery of the Crown type.

It’s easy to live on your car’s battery without wasting the life of expensive batteries.

Have you ever forgotten to turn on the turn indicators after performing a maneuver?

The standard clatter from the front panel is always easy to hear, especially when music is playing in the cabin, so I recommend adding a simple turn signal signal circuit to your car with your own hands.

The cigarette lighter is one of the rare automotive tricks, because in the entire hour of its appearance, the axle has already retained its cob structure for over 70 years. As a result, both vintage cars and modern models have the same design stuck in place. In the old days, only one function was used, although today’s “information world” has several different functions, a connector for charging different digital devices is allowed gadgets or start the car. Radio amateur circuits turn signal indicators Designed for working only with LEDs in the brake lights of your car, if you still use the original bulbs, you can easily repeat the design of the turn signal indicator. Just a bummer" Brake lights- automatically turn on the relay if the smell burns for more than 40-60 seconds, and

modernization of turn signal relays

495.3747 allow to enter up to

In our time, like many other cities, there is a supply of food and saving energy resources, saving fuel for vehicles.

Due to the great variety of fittings, in order to protect the wastage of the burner, the greatest width was fitted with the register element of the sensor at the sight of the impeller. Sensors with a different principle of vibration, although they may provide sufficient accuracy, are difficult to prepare and may have shortcomings. Practice has shown that vane sensors, Vikonian sensors with the necessary and sufficient accuracy, can operate randomly without being noticed, with a loss in registration lower than the approval for this type of device The firing system is a collection of various automotive accessories and devices that ensure the generation of an electric spark to ignite the burning mixture in the engine cylinders. internal turmoil

The moment you turn the key in the lock, the system starts to fire.

On this page you can find out

different circuits connection to the heating of VAZ vehicles. And also self-made radio amator options for electronic firing circuits It has the following advantages: the intensity of the spark is increased, the contacts of the breaker do not burn; a resistor is not required for the lancinating coil;

when the ignition is turned on, and the engine is not started, the circuit switches on smoothly without a spark

In the Radiansk automobile industry, the turn signal indicator type RS57 is based on the electromagnetic principle and is used to ensure the blinking of signal lamps, to make the turn signal more visible and noticeable to other participants in the movement. Intermittent indicators for turning signal lamps are sequentially turned on in the lanyard to signal the turn. When the engine temperature reaches a critical level, the radiator cooling fan is activated.

However, there are a lot of negative effects of a sudden start, which is usually indicated on the car’s electrical system.

This article describes a diagram of an option for replacing the relay for the soft start of the cooling fan. Carburetor economizer attachment Carburetors were installed on cars for a long time until they gradually replaced their place with various combustion pressure systems. Ale automobile age Russian cars

Long, and you still have to deal with transport features, such as the carburetor. Well, as you know, your normal robot will be provided with various devices, among them mainly the economizer. Let's talk about this, and also take a look at the diagram of the kerosene stove economizer system.

idle for VAZ cars A car starter is a device that ensures the engine starts after turning in any weather conditions. Mostly all starters, by their very nature, are electric motors of short-stroke action, or high voltage. Start cycle typical annex consists of three trials with a 30 second interval between them.

Since the car's remains share a single source of electrical energy (battery), the engineers chose a permanent source for the electric motor starters. Kozhen car vlassnik, who sits behind the kerm budget car

knows how long it takes to check the heat supply from the engine when it starts up winter hour fate, especially if you live near the outermost part of the world.

An hour to set a comfortable temperature here at 30, and so on. The best idea The biggest problem, in my opinion, is heating the car interior with a fan heater. To put the idea into practice, I used an old toaster and a faulty computer unit. A sound signal begins to generate, indicating trouble.

The main advantage of the other battery is that the accumulated energy is drained through the additional battery, and the first one is kept in reserve, so you don’t have to worry about the car’s factory after a picnic on the road civilization. A lot of foreign cars are already being sent to each other rechargeable battery

under the hood.

The problem with them lies mainly in the parallel connection of 2 batteries This radio design is suitable for charging most smartphones and tablets using 5 volts when the light is switched on. Or you can power the video recorder with a length of 40 hours when the car checks its owner in the parking lot.

The basis is the circuit of the AVR Tiny13 microcontroller, the firmware is being updated. Kozhen Vlasnik passenger car To the best of your ability, you try to paint your car. Moreover, the older the car, the better it is to build a supercar out of it, equipped with the latest advances in science and technology.

All is well and in peace.

You understand, if you buy a copy of not first freshness, hung with flashing lights, beaters and fancy security systems.

We do not propose to equip Tavria

on-board computer Or install an automatic stability control system. Automatic electronics in cars

It is clear that you can make some for your car if you want to know a little about electronics and use a soldering iron.
Corysna electronics

Installed for a car with your own hands and tested on your own, maybe for the benefit of not only us, we are presenting a small digest of simple devices that will make the life of a motorist easier.

  • Get the catalyst
  • If you remove the catalyst with your own hands, you can run into many difficulties.

After soldering, the entire structure is coated with insulating varnish and placed in a thermal chamber.

The control lamp can no longer be imagined.

A very brown and simple device.

For this preparation we will need an old flame-igniter.

When the spark breaks through the housing, the spark on the contacts occurs periodically, and manifests itself in the unstable operation of the engine.

To check the spark plug, there are special tools, but there are none in the arsenal; a replacement will be needed in the future.

We remove the chemical element from the igniter, apply the dart and insulate it so that it does not splatter. We install the attachment on the candle as shown on the little one, press the button and carefully watch the contacts. If the spark has jumped, the spark plug is 100% working.

The simplest charging device

Of course, every motorist is happy to face the situation when it is necessary to charge the battery, but there is no charger at hand.

If you think that selfishness is the lot of little ones and a home-gift that is in need, we will soon see your amends.

This division is devoted to the production of self-made parts from automobile spare parts and humic tires. Practically everything is possible with auto tires. From the city skyline to the full-fledged children's square with goydalki, fairy tale characters and elements for finishing.

Let those who are always busy have the opportunity to show their creative talents and create something beautiful and beautiful in the garden plot and in the Pribudinsky yard. Car tires tend to fall into disrepair, especially given the harshness of the roads and sudden temperature changes. Instead of sending an old tire to a landfill, it can be repurposed and given as a gift

new life on the children's square, near the garden and in the city. We have collected a large number of butts to earn

automobile self-propelled

No matter what you choose to build a car, your children will at some point be delighted to see car kits appear in the yard.

Winsome children will be able to play new games and write freely in their folder, boasting about your creations to their friends.

And the mixed happiness and pride for you in the eyes of a child - perhaps, one way, for the sake of which you can step on the throat of a long-time weekend companion of a sofa, TV and beer.