The car will call and alert you later. Tactical and technical characteristics of the burned cars. Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

The vehicle for signaling and lighting ASO is assigned for commanding the firemen and calling them, transmitting information, lighting with searchlights for the necessary workers.

Head office, yakі vykonuє ASO:

  • transportation of a combat rozrahunka on the floor under the ground (fire, accident);
  • delivery of special equipment - emergency equipment and tools, communication and lighting systems;
  • hanging of emergency maidanchiks at the fire extinguishing departments and liquidation of the aftermath of accidents in the event of vikonann of emergency and repair work.

Climatic mind, in which it is possible to operate a fire-fighting DIA:

  • calm climate;
  • atmospheric temperature - 40 °С - +40 °С.

A car for lighting and fire control of the fire extinguisher during emergency operations for lighting the work area of ​​the fire extinguishing stations with electrical lighting installations, and the control of the fire extinguishing headquarters with the central communication point (CPPZ).

At the places of liquidation, ASO vikoristovuetsya like a mobile power plant, like providing electricity for lighting systems, attaching a connection and an electric tool. Specially equipping the body for a fire extinguishing headquarters.

Complete set and possession of ASO

The cabin is the place of deployment of the combat rozrahunka - it is equipped with a remote control and a 3-seat seat, under it there are special facilities and scorching attachments. To give a sound siren (alarm signal) there is a gas siren, which works in the wake of the engine. Here you will find special tools and tools.

The frame of the body of the fire-fighting car ASO is prepared from a metal profile and sheathed with metal sheets. For installation / dismantling, there are 5 door openings in the body. The body of the assembly has an electric power unit, which consists of a frequency changer, a generator, a line electric cable and equipment for controlling and adjusting parameters. The start of the electric power unit is carried out from the cab, in the location of the wake-up button, generator rheostat , necessary accessories .

Electrical installation ASO

Є a power shield with a voltmeter and a frequency meter, for the additional control of which the generator robot is controlled, and an ammeter for monitoring the power of the stream. There are also sockets for lighting and power supply with a frequency of 50 and 200 Hz.

The vehicle for communication and illumination is equipped with a radio station, recognized for two-way communication from the CPPZ, with fire alarms. For vykonannya straight lined short-hour link (distance up to 300 m) є guchnomovna installation.

The ASO-20 package also includes wine microphones and coils with microphone cables, which ensure the transfer of information to the vehicle's external station. Guchnomovna plant is insured for the connection of 2 wine-growing guchnomovtsiv at a significant distance from ASO-20. Possibility of connection of telephone devices to the subscriber network.

The antenna attachment is mounted on the back of the body and is intended for the installation of a radio antenna. A flagpole and a flagpole are also installed on it, on which an ensign is affixed, signifying the place of roztashuvannya to the headquarters of fire extinguishing.

Svіtlove owned ASO

For illumination by electrical installations of the robot and firefighters, wine and stationary floodlights are included in the set of special equipment. Coils with power cables and vicorous boxes are used for the supply of power tools and wine projectors.

Crim of the main electrical equipment, car alarm and lighting of the ASO of the equipment for the electrical equipment: flashing beacons on the cab, ceiling lamps for lighting the body lights and the cabin of the fire rozrahunka, lamps for rotting with cartridges on the line shield, a socket for lighting the shield.

On the antenna box there are electric lamps for identifying the location of the headquarters in the field. The liveliness of possession and all comforts is carried out by a fast strum.

Appointment: For lighting the area of ​​the work of the fire stations at the station after the accident (accident), ensuring the connection with the central point, the electric supply of the various equipment and the emergency equipment. Also, the ASO is the headquarters of the fire extinguishing.

Fire car ASO prepared on the chassis of a KAMAZ vehicle, in an insulated van with five-ball sandwich panels SUPERTERM®, for operation at a temperature of -40°С ... +40°С, equipment with an energy-power plant (ESU), special equipment, fire-technical fire protection equipment (PTV) and emergency equipment and equipment (ACIO).

Can be installed on domestic and imported vehicles (KAMAZ, URAL, GAZ, MAZ, MAN, Mercedes, Volvo, IVECO, Ford etc.).

The ASO fire truck may have documents for registration at the DIBDR and a Certificate of Compliance with the type of transport security, as well as a permit for the transport of a crew of up to 6 crews.

Salon of the combat rozrahunka of the Pozhezhny car ASO folded in two parts and secure accommodation 6 osib (including water). Front part of the cabin - regular cabin chassis(water cabin), rear passenger ticket body. A single space in the cabin for a free visual contact of the water, the commander of the rozrahunka and members of the combat rozrahunka are secured through the opening at the summіzhny walls of the standard cab and body. Salon of possession of places for possession, as it is placed ergonomically, gostri kuti that edge, building up injuries to a combat rozrahunka, vіdsutnі. Strengthening the possession of the yogic momentary movement under the hour of the rush.

Vantazhny vіdsіk Pozhezhnої machine АСО is a place of residence, in which racks are installed for accommodation special property PTV and ACIO. For illumination of the working space there are additional lamps.

All possessions can be handy, fasteners, and even improved ergonomics. Strengthening of the entire possession of that tool is done in a way that makes it impossible to move it and move it by water and combat protection for an hour, as well as for an hour of emergency situations.

Pіdloga ta rear doors vіdsiku vіdsiku in the middle of the body covered with corrugated aluminium, a kind of re-forging and not weak to corrosion.

ESU power 16 kW with the drive from the dviguna shasi a / m it is recognized for the safety of the livelihood of the wine projectors and the power tool.

ASO of possessions main cable spool of 100 m long cable and a rozpodіlny shield with a hermetic hatch, which closes, we roar the car's bells. A separate shield ensures the connection of additional electric switches through three 220V and one 380V sockets, as well as the connection of the ASO to the local electric lines.

To ensure the illumination of the working area ASO is possessed by light likhtars of splendid illumination. Possibility of illuminating pneumatic box with a height of 8m remote care, which consists of a telescopic hanging part, paired projectors and a control panel. The searchlights are controlled from the control panel installed at the rear wall of the body.

At the Dahu Fire-engine ASO rozmіschenі stationary guchnomovtsі. Vinosnі guchnomovtsі rozmіshchuyutsya on the racks near vіdsіku vіdsіku, їkhnє podklyuchennya rozpodіlnogo shield on the body of the ASO.

Installed on ASO set of on-board navigation and audio equipment, provide counting equipment, radio communication and wire telephone communication, sound recording equipment and sound reinforcement.

Per additional information contact the specialists of TOV "MPZ"

The traffic police operate low modifications of older vehicles, communication and lighting (ASO). The stench is sporudzhenі at the speed of GAS and PAZ of various modifications (shas 4x2.1 chi 4x4.1), the intensity of the engine of these cars is close to 88.5 kW, and for the small capacity of the stench it develops a speed of 80 - 90 km / year.

The largest extensions are ASO-8(66), two modifications of ASO-12 (PAZ-672) and ASO-12(66) mod.90A. The number of combat roses on them is evidently 6, 8 and 5 osib.

The machines are equipped with generators of a variable air pressure of 8 to 20 kW with a frequency of 50 Hz. Only on ASO-8 the generator vibrates the jet with a voltage of 400 V instead of 230 on other machines.

Zasobi lighting (searchlights) type PKN-1500 is the same as all ASO. ASO-8 has two stationary searchlights and two wine lights. ASO-12(66) has 5 portable searchlights, and ASO-12 (PAZ-672) has only 2.

ASO is equipped with stationary and portable radio stations, as well as telephone sets. Їх quantity and radius dії are indicated in the table. 10.4.

Table 10.4



Car type

ASO-12(66) mod.90A

ASO-12 (PAZ-672)

Stationary radio station


Viola 1

Radius dії

Portable radio stations


Viola N

Radius dії

Telephone equipment


Leather ASO is equipped with manual installations and coils with a main cable on stationary and wine coils.

Behind the alteration of possession and technical characteristics of the ASO complex, there is a car for communication and lighting - ASO-20. Vіn vstanovleny, yak i car AG-20, on the chassis PAZ-3205. Boyovy rozrahunok on ASO-20 - 6 osib.

Owner of ASO-20 is mounted in the passenger compartment of the bus, which is divided into two types: headquarters and bell (rear). At the headquarters officer, two tables were installed for the work of the fire extinguishing headquarters. On the tables there are telephones, a tape recorder, a computer, a printer and other equipment.

For the work of the headquarters, the interior position on the ASO-20 is the wine glass. At the rear window, on the tables and shelves, there is a place for a robotic radio operator and a telephone operator: a radio station, a telephone switchboard. Pidsilyuvach guchnomovnogo zvyazku.

Dzherela electroanimation. For zhivlennya spozhivachіv energії on ASO є generator and diesel power plant.

Generator GT40PCH6-2S. At 6000 rpm, it develops a pressure of 20 kW at a pressure of 220 V. The air flow is 15 A and the frequency is (400 ± 8) Hz. Privіd yogo zdіysnyuєtsya vіd dviguna chassis of the base car for the auxiliary KOM and cardan shaft.

On ASO-20, the voltage of 220 400 Hz is converted into a voltage of 220 50 Hz.

Diesel power station AD-4-230-VM1є as a backup power supply for supplying voltage 220 V 50 Hz at the time of the output from the main electrical installation.

Dodatkovі rechargeable batteries 12 or 24 voltages are recognized for the life of the lanceugs, the control scheme of the vibration and the possession of the link.

For recharging the batteries on the ASO, there is an IP-220/12 lifeline, which is switched on at a rate of 220 V 50 Hz and a constant strum of 12 V.

Electric lighting of the city after. It is installed with six searchlights ІО-02-1500-02. Two of them are installed on the projector maidanchik on the back of the car, which can rise to a height of 8 m above the level of the earth. For the help of a special electromechanism, it can turn at the horizontal plane on a cut of ± 260 about, and the vertical plane - on a cut of ± 30 about. Chotiri floodlights can be brought from the cabin and for additional cables to go to the power shield of the car.

Living projectors are powered by a changeable jet with a voltage of 200 V, a frequency of 400 Hz. Potuzhnist, yak spozhivaetsya one generator, dorivnyuє 1.5 kW.

ASO-20 is equipped with a hard-wired radio for a telephone call. The number of devices installed on cars and their actual radius are indicated in Table. 10.5.

Table 10.5

Dodatkove possession is formed from a number of outbuildings. Anti-fog headlights FG-119 are installed on the front bumper of ASO. The stench is recognized for victoria under the hour of the rush ASO under the hour of the fog.

Fari-shukachi FG-16K is designated for illumination of the work area at night. One of them is installed above the water cabin, and the other on the rear wall of the ASO.

On ASO-20 there is a universal set of tools UKI-12. Vіn appointments for rozkrittya and rozbirannya budіvelnyh konstruktsіy pozhezhі. To this warehouse enter rіzaki, lomi rіznogo prichennya, bagri thinly. (Total 10 names).

ASO-20 in the subdivisions of the traffic police can be supplemented with a different electric tool, electric mortisers, an electric saw, and a dimosos. with electric motors with a voltage of 220 V and a frequency of 400 Hz.

Cable coils. Stationary cable reel with a main cable for living wine projectors, remote ASO windows up to 96 m.

The warehouse of the ASO also includes a couple of portable coils for the living of energy-sustaining people, in the distance from the ASO to a distance of up to 36 m. Two cables are used for the safety of the living of portable floodlights. Two other cables can be twisted like a subwoofer.

Before the cables, at the combat opening, there are attached separate boxes (KR), which are used to live comfortably.

Under the hour of operation of the ACO generator, there may be groundings. Grounding wire from midi to dovzhina 20 m and cross section 10 mm2.

The principle diagram of the combat larynx is shown in Fig. 10.9. Possible other options. In case of guilt, two people can help. Firstly, the total tension of all the slowdowns can overwhelm the tension of the generator. In a different way, I rozpodіl navantazhennya lines on the output shield may be equal and do not overshoot 6 kW when the spotlights are switched on.

Ownership of ASO-20 allows you to live with electricity, lighting accessories, operational communication equipment and special equipment. Vono will ensure the functioning of zusil and koshtiv for її adminіnnі pіd pozhezhі.









Distributed by the Federal Sovereign Institution “All-Russian Order“ Sign of the Poshan “Scientific and Lasting Institute of Anti-Fire Defense” (FGU VNDIPO MVS Russia) (,) and the Head Office of the Sovereign Anti-Fire Service (GUDPS MVS Russia) ().

It was brought in and prepared for approval by the fire engineer and the design of the GUDPS MVS of Russia.

Approved by the order of the GUDPS MVS of Russia on 01.01.01 p. No. 51.

Enter upstairs.


1.1. The correct norms of fire safety (hereinafter - Norms) are expanding on fire vehicles, the communication and lighting, which are being re-expanded or modernized (hereinafter - ASO), being created on different motor vehicles, as well as on buses.

1.2. Standards are established at all stages of development, preparation and testing of ASO, as well as during certification in the Fire Safety Certification System.


In these NPBs, there are such terms with different definitions.

2.1.Car zv'yazku and lighting(further - ASO) - a fire car, intended for delivery to the next month (accident, catastrophe) of a special warehouse, arranging communication and lighting, special equipment.

The ASO can provide the firefighting headquarters robot, being an overnight power station, to revive lighting units, operational communication equipment and special equipment.

2.2. Head Parameter - one of the main (basic) parameters, which is considered stable under all technical improvement car, independence of technology and preparation of services for the identification of numerical values ​​of other main parameters.

2.3.Main parameters- Parameters that characterize the car for the main functional features.

2.4.Basic chassis- automobile chassis, completely or non-povnoprividne, which is serially produced, with a bodywork (interior) with a method of attaching yoga for special work.

2.5.Salon- closed spaces, appointments for the placement of a combat rozrahunka, fringing with a dah, a pidlog, sidewalls (sides), doors, windows.

2.6.Emergency exit- emergency doors, emergency windows or emergency hatch, recognized for vikoristannya as an exit when it is impossible to vikorate a regular exit.

2.8.Main life- the whole electric unit, in a way electrical energy go for the help of the dvigun of internal fire.

2.9.Zovnіshne dzherelo zhivlennya- ce dodatkovo zherel zhellennya with characteristics for the frequency and voltage, similar to the main dzherel zhivlennya.

2.10.Insulated neutral- the neutral of the generator or the transformer, as it is not brought to the grounding outbuilding, or it is brought to the new one through the adjustment, control, protection, signaling and other devices, which may be a great opir.

2.11.Zahysne inclusion- swidkodіyuchy zakhist, scho automatically shutdown of electrical installations in the event of a storm attack.

2.12.Electromagnetic conscience- the purpose of the building of radioelectronic devices (further - REM) is to function at the same time in real minds of exploitation with the necessary quality when there is a shift on them.

2.13.Pereshkodozahisnist- the building of the REM is worthy of the song shifts.

2.14.Industrial change pereskoda , made by electric machines , accessories and other electrical appliances.

2.15.The weight of the car has been ordered- the mass of a fully fueled (paliva, olives, cold-water home, etc.) fire-fighting car, lighting and lighting, equipped (spare wheel, tool), but without water, combat fire protection, lighting and lighting, fire-technical PTV).

2.16.What is the weight of the car- the amount of the ASO ordered mass and the mass of the combat rozrahunka, which are delivered, including water, providing sound and lighting, possessing and PTV.

2.17.Stationary radio station- Tse radio station, recognized for work on stationary objects zv'yazku.

2.18.Vizma radio station- all radio stations, recognized for installation on ruhomy objects, that secure communication for an hour for a ruhu and for an hour for a chirp.

2.19.Portable radio station- Tse radio station, which may be in the power of life, is attached to the work during the transfer.

2.20.portable radio station- a radio station that can be worn with a weight of no more than 1 kg.

2.21.Simplex mode- the mode of operation of the radio station, in which case the transmission and reception can be alternately at the skin from two direct lines on one or two different frequencies with automatic or manual switching between reception modes - transmission.

2.22.duplex mode- the mode of operation of the radio station, in which the transmission and reception can be done at the same time in both directions at two different frequencies.

2.23. Transfer of standards and others normative documents, vikoristanih at the airbag, pointed at the addendum 1.


3.1. The sign of a fire car is called and illuminated due to the following structure:

3.2. As the main parameter of the ACO, the value of the pressure of the main power supply (kW) is taken.

3.3. Apply mental signs.

Butt 1: ASO-12(66)-90B XX.

The car is connected to lighting with a generator of 12 kW, on the chassis GAZ-66, models 90-B, XX.

Butt 2: ASO-20 (3205) XXX YUSYaI240 TU.

The vehicle is connected and illuminated with a generator with an intensity of 20 kW, on the chassis PAZ-3205, it is produced according to YUSYaI240.00.00.000 TU.


4.1. In these norms, the values ​​​​of the main and main parameters are set, as well as the overarching technical conditions up to the DIA, up to division 1.

4.2. The head parameter ASO should be selected from the value hovered over in Table 1.

Table 1

4.3. The values ​​of the head parameter ASO, which are not presented in Table 1, are established by the normative and technical documentation for a specific model.

4.4. The main parameters of the ASO are similar to the nomenclature of indications of recognition and safety, as well as the power that they are characterized by, shown in Table 2.

Table 2

display name

Show sign

The name of power, which is characterized

Povna weight, kg


The exhaustion of the engine shasi, kW (k.s.)

Traction and mobility

The pressure of the main dzherel zhivlennya, kW

Energy saving

Availability of sound-wiring attachments, accessories for insulation control, grounding

Electrical safety

The number of months of combat rozrahunka (including the month of water)

Possibility of organizing the operational headquarters of firefighting

Number of stationary radio stations, approx.

Security of operational communication channels

Exterior transmission pressure, W

Distance of communication with the same type of radio stations, km

Number of radio stations to be worn, pcs.

Exhaust tension, W

Call distance, km

Intensity of the guchnomovnoy installation, W

Soundproofing of battlefields

Tension of a stationary guchnomovtsya, W

Vihіdna potuzhnіst vinnogo guchnomovtsya, W

Number of stationary floodlights, approx.

Riven clarification

Number of portable floodlights, approx.

Searchlight intensity, kW

The height of the lighting tower was illuminated by stationary spotlights from the surface of the earth, m

Tactical ability

Chogli drive type

Riven mekhanizatsii

Method of orientation of spotlights on the pins

How to turn the spotlights on the swivel:

b) at the vertical plane, hail

Tactical ability

Number of telephone devices of the MB system, approx.

Riven telephony

Quantity of telephone devices of the CPU system, pcs.

Riven telephony

Availability of methods of counting technique

Riven efficiency

Electromagnetic conscience

The building of stable functioning of the REM at the task of the electromagnetic environment


Thoroughness of the design

Coefficient transverse resistance


Road clearance, mm


Kut zvisu, hail:


The smallest turning radius of a car, m


5.1. Zagalni vimogi

5.1.1. The number of months for the ASO combat rozrahunka, including water, is dependent on the regulatory and technical documentation for a specific model.

5.1.2. The weight of the ASO and the axis of the tension is not to blame for the change in the value set by the plant-maker of the shaft, and the tension on the sides is not to be blamed for more lower by 1%.

5.1.3. For resistance to climatic inflows, ASO is obliged to confirm the installation of U, UHL, category 1 for operation at temperatures dovkilla 233 to 313 K (minus 40 to plus 40 °C), operation in atmosphere types 1 and 2, operating group 5 according to GOST 15150 °C), which is not otherwise transferred to the specific model.

5.1.4. Number and color of flashing beacons, special beep ASO - compliant with GOST R 50574.

5.1.5. ASO can be equipped with fog lamps and headlights-shukachi. One headlight-shukach is to be installed on the water cab, otherwise - on the rear part of the body.

Watching the front headlight-shukach can zdіysnyuvatsya from the cabin, from the working water.

Wimogi until the placement and connection fog lights- for GOST 25478.

5.1.6. Quantity, place of roztashuvannya pristroїv illumination and svetlovoї signalizatsiї all types of basic steps, yakі zaznadnja doopratsyuvannija at preparation of ASO, according to GOST 6964, GOST 8769, GOST 10984, GOST 20961.

5.1.7. In the ASO, if necessary, the system for turning on the hydraulic power steering system was switched on, it was recognized to turn on the overheating of the oil in the hydraulic power steering system and out of tune with the trivality of the base engine running on the drive of the main power supply.

5.1.8. Placement of the combat rozrahunka and reinforcement of equipment, equipment, ESU, PTV on the ASO can ensure the safety and efficiency of the functional tasks during the combat roaring, as well as the hour of the rush at technical service that repair. The weight of the okremi laying lane, recognized for manual transfer during operation, is not guilty of overweighting 40 kg for one individual.

5.1.9. Wezli that detail with a configuration that was not handy for mooring, and a mass of over 20 kg of guilty mother vantageopidyomni elements (open, grab, wow).

5.1.10. The design of ASO is responsible for ensuring the possibility of manual access to all storage elements and units that require repair and maintenance. When possible, the possibility of repair using the aggregate method is ensured (without prior dismantling and sorting out the dry aggregates).

5.1.11. Mastilny materials for aggregates and hubs of the ASO are mainly selected for the maintenance of the base frame.

Vuzli tertya, scho vymagayut in the process of operation of periodic renewal or addition oily material, due to the mother of the annex (oils, etc.), which allow oil to be carried out without disassembly of the unit or su- sidial units.

5.1.12. Riven vibration at work stations and at the entrance to the cabin of the combat rozrahunka ASO - compliant to GOST 12.1.012.

5.1.13. The reliability of the ASO is due to be characterized by an indicator of gamma-wave direction (g \u003d 80%) of the generator of the main power supply and the drive to the drive to be stored for at least 150 years.

5.1.14. At the cab and saloon of the ASO, when the windows, hatches and doors are closed, the ventilation system is responsible for ensuring that the overpressure and the exchange are changed again, up to the requirements of GOST R 50993.

5.1.15. ASO is not intended for operation in vibro-unsafe environment.

5.1.16. It is not allowed to carry out reconstruction in operating organizations (rebuilding or refurbishment) of the ASO, as a transfer of change of quantity, nomenclature and (or) place of location of the property, equipment and PTV, for the capacity of the water supply system, according to the normative and technical documentation, established in accordance with the normative and technical documentation.

5.1.17. Kuti zvisu ASO guilty buti no less:

a) non-povnoprivіdnі shasi - front 20 °, rear 15 °;

b) povnoprivіdnі shasi - front 25 °, rear 25 °;

c) bus - fallow class according to GOST 20774.

5.1.18. The cross-sectional resistance of ASO with a total mass is to blame but not less than 30o.

5.1.19. ASO can be equipped with:

a) spare wheel;

b) a set of water tools;

d) the sign of the emergency ring according to GOST 24333 or the red light, which works in the flashing mode;

e) a first-aid kit (container);

e) anti-roll stops.

5.2. Warehouse parts aso

Vehicles are connected and illuminated due to the advancing main parts:

a) basic chassis with additional transmission for the ESU drive;

b) water cabins;

c) salon;

e) zabіv radio communication and wired telephone communication;

e) sound recording equipment and sound reinforcement;

g) zabіv counting technique;

h) stationary illuminating balaclava.

5.3. Wimogi to basic shasi

5.3.1. Under the hour of the ASO’s creation, it is allowed to vikoristovuvaty as a novnoprivіdnі, іnоvnоprivіvіdnі shаsі, і to navіt shаsі buses.

5.3.2. The chassis, which are supplied for the preparation of the ACO, are subject to certification and other necessary supporting documentation up to the specifications for a specific chassis model.

5.3.3. The location of the fire tank is responsible for ensuring the range of ASO is not less than 400 km (valid to GOST 20306).

5.3.4. Roztashuvannya that design of filler necks of storm tanks may be available only with ASO.

The filling of the neck in the bus is due to but the placement on the stand is not less than 50 cm from any door opening, like fire tank appointments for gasoline, and not less than 25 cm - yakscho for diesel fuel.

The opening of the filler necks can be done in such a way that it is impossible to get the fire on the engine or slam the pipe when refueling.

5.3.5. In case of strain on the drive of the main power supply, the engine and the additional transmission of the ASO are responsible for ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the ESU in the nominal mode for 6 years in the entire range of operating minds. If so, the temperature of the oil in the engine, gearboxes and dampness, as well as the temperature of the coolant in the cooling system of the engine, are due to the values ​​set in the regulatory technical documentation for a particular chassis model.

5.3.6. The electrical installation system is to blame for the installation of the vimikach of the batteries (otherwise, there is no space for this installation).

5.3.7. Riven radio code - according to GOST 17822.

5.3.8. The place of distribution of accumulator batteries is due to protection from the ingress of dirt and water, to ensure the possibility of insulation, as well as to control the level and strength of electricity in the skin accumulator. Accumulator batteries are responsible for the position, we recognize for combat protection and water.

5.3.9. Ecological characteristics of the main part of the blame for vimog:

a) according to the level of sound and internal noise, it is up to GOST 27435, GOST 27436, GOST 19358;

c) for the dimness of the supply of gases diesel engines- for GOST 21393.

5.3.10. Vikidannya and vitikannya mastila, paliva, cooling, galmіvnoї and іnshikh rіdin z be-any aggregate, knot or through the z'єdnannya are not allowed.

5.3.11. For access to the property, roztashovanogo on the road ASO, owing to the transfer of the stationar, get off the handrails. The walkways of the guilds are not less than 150 mm wide, the distance between the walkways is no more than 300 mm. I’ll come down on the surface to blame the mother, which will ensure the position of the foot of the person, which is lifted.

5.3.12. Maydanchiki on the dakha, designated for work, due to the mother, I will fence along the perimeter of the frill not less than 100 mm, as well as the flooring with coverings, so that the forging can be crossed.

5.3.14. Lakofarbovі pokrittya The outer surfaces of the ASO are due to the safety of putting on them the informative filling of a fire car, complying with GOST R 50574.

5.3.15. The design of the chassis is responsible for transferring the possibility of transportation by means of ground transport in accordance with GOST 15150, GOST 2349.

5.3.16. The main part of the mother is the place for the extra fastening and the hour of transportation, as well as the possibility of installing special outbuildings for vikonanny navantazhennya (razvantazhennya) on the platform.

5.3.17. On the end surfaces, the handling sign “Center of Gravity” ASO can be applied at the station, conforming to GOST 14192.

5.4. Vimogi to the water cabin

5.4.1. The cabin and the working room of the water are responsible for complying with the requirements of GOST 12.2.032.

5.4.2. The working place of ASO water on the bus bus may be isolated from the cabin with a partition or I will enclose it.

5.4.3. The cabs of the bus and the vantage chassis are equipped with footrests and handrails, so that the height of the lower edge of the door opening exceeds 650 mm from the level of the roadway.

5.4.4. The working place of the water can be equipped with rear-view mirrors according to GOST 13877, as a matter of responsibility, the sound is installed and the visibility of the road from both sides is safe. A look at the working area of ​​the water may be in accordance with GOST 28070.

5.4.5. The bus is responsible for the internal mirror of the rear view, which provides water visibility to the interior of the combat rozrahunka.

5.4.6. The cabs of the vintage cars may have at least two doors, which open along the course of the car. Doors (independently of the type of chassis) due to the locking of the outbuildings and internal control handles.

Internal locks are the fault of the mother of attachments, which make it difficult for them to wander in Russia. The handles of the locking mechanisms are of a trauma-free form. Wimogi to locks and door hinges - according to GOST 28443.

5.4.7. The doors are due to the mother of the extension, which fixes them in closed and open (not less than 75 °) positions.

5.4.8. The doors are due to be secured by a lowering or a sliding slope, which is fixed in any intermediate position.

5.4.9. The width of the working space for water can be no less than 800 mm.

5.4.10. The cabin, recognized for the placement of water and members of the combat rozrahunka, is responsible for the mother's internal width of not less than 1700 mm, and the width of the seat for the skin, who sits in order with the water, is not less than 450 mm.

5.4.11. Sitting water can be watered down. Pіdresor is guilty of mother mozhlivіst regulation zalezhno vіd masi vodіya.

5.4.12. At the working station of the ASO water, at the warehouse of the combination of fittings, there is a light indication of the position of the lighting balaclava.

5.4.13. At the cabin, there may be placed the necessary signs and (or) diagrams that explain the order of the arrangement by the control bodies of the chassis.

5.4.14. Illumination level at the working area of ​​water ASO must be at least 30 lux at a level of 1 m from the entrance to SNiP.

5.5. Wimogi to the saloon of the fighting rose

5.5.1. Salon ASO is responsible for being a spacious design, which ensures the possibility of operational landing and landing, stability and security of deployment of combat re-roofing, as well as the installation of the necessary equipment, maintenance and dismantling.

5.5.2. Salon ASO is responsible for storing two services: a license for radio operators and a license for radiotelephonists.

5.5.3. The doors to the cabin (at the same bus station) can be separated by a partition.

5.5.4. The design and expansion of the inputs to the cabin is due to the safety of the installation of the necessary equipment, the possibility of their maintenance and dismantling, as well as the organization of the necessary number of working areas in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation for a specific model Aї.

5.5.5. Ergonomic indicators of the organization of working areas may be consistent with GOST 12.2.032.

5.5.6. The level of internal noise in the cabin of the ASO for the hour of work of the ESU (valid to GOST 27435), the level of noise in working areas (valid to GOST 27436 and GOST 12.1.003) is not guilty of overshooting 82 dB.

5.5.7. Illumination level in the aisle of the cabin - not less than 20 lux, descent and exit on equal surfaces - not less than 10 lux, front surfaces of electrical panels, ESU control panels and other accessories and equipment - 100 lux.

5.5.8. The fastening of warehouse units and parts is due to include їхнє mimovіlne mimіshchennya pіd hour ruhu.

5.5.9. The distribution scheme of the possession of that equipment is responsible for ensuring the efficiency of the ADF’s combat larynx. At what arrangement warehouse parts can be safe for kerovan all not less than 25% of the total again masi, and the load on the wheels of the right and left sides may be equal to the permissible allowances ± 1% of the total weight.

5.5.10. When placing the possession of the equipment that messes around, it is necessary to consider the following principles:

a) functional stosuvannya, which transfers the grouping of possession to its functions;

b) the frequency of winning - the most stagnant elements and the possession of a guilty plea from the best jobs.

5.5.11. Hanging boxes for storing possessions and documentation are prepared with outbuildings, which are fixed, twisted and curled with one hand.

5.5.12. If it is necessary for the illumination of the control (zocrem of a portable electric unit) from the ASO, transfer the hanging ramp, the drains are thin.

5.5.13. Quantity, roztashuvannya, type and rozmіri of doors to the interior of the basic chassis ASO - according to GOST 27815 (for body vans - it is up to the normative and technical documentation for a specific model).

5.5.14. The control of the door to the cabin of the combat rozrahunka on the bus buses may take a month of water for the help of the remote drive. The remote drive of the skin doors is due to the duplication of the annex, the placement of the middle of the cabin in a visible and accessible place, near the doors, which seem to be out of place.

5.5.15. The doors to the saloon of the combat opening, which do not allow the remote drive, are responsible for securing the locking outbuilding, which includes the possibility of their own vipadkovy vіdkrivannya. ASO on all types of buses and busses are equipped with attachments that signal the water about the position of the doors.

5.5.16. ASO on the bus bus is responsible for at least two emergency exits from the skin side and, moreover, no less than one emergency hatch in the bus - with a bus overall length of up to 7.5 m inclusive, and two hatches at the bus - with a larger overall headroom.

5.5.17. Emergency (spare) doors to satisfy the advancing vimog:

a) the width of the light is not less than 550 mm;

b) the height is less than 1250 mm;

c) doors due to mother handles for opening in the middle of that ring;

d) the upper handle is obliged to be installed at a height of no more than 1800 mm from the surface of the road;

e) emergency doors are called, mother only one chair.

5.5.18. Access to the emergency doors is not to blame, but we will close it, be it any possessors.

5.5.19. Emergency hatches are of the same type, which are forged or visible. The emergency hatches of the hinges are easily opened both in the middle and in the middle. The design of the emergency hatches is not responsible for the loss of free access to the ASO cabin or exit from it.

5.5.20. Windows can be equipped with light fixtures (curtains, blinds).

5.5.21. For interior decoration (upholstery) of walls and steles, the interior of the ASO combat rozrahunka is to be filled with a smooth, light-resistant material, which allows cleaning and cleaning with disinfectant methods. The fastening of the upholstery is not to blame for the mother of the details that protrude, and the best edges. Pіdloga salon, pіdnіzhki descent owe to mother pokrittya z vologostіyskogo and znosоsіykogo material.

5.5.22. Pokrittya pіdlogi can be extended to the walls of the cabin at a height of 150-200 mm from the rounded in places transition from the vіd podlogi to the wall and allow water to pass.

5.5.23. The ASO scorching system is responsible for complying with GOST 50993 and ensuring that the temperature in the cabin is not lower than 15 ° C for the entire operating range. The management of the scorching system can be changed from a month of water.

5.5.24. Zovnіshnі surfіnі іnі elements of the scorching system, yаkі raztashovanі in salons АСО, not responsible for the temperature higher than 70°С.

5.5.25. The design of the windows and hatches is responsible for ensuring the possibility of changing the efficiency of ventilation. Open for the supply of air for ventilation to the cabin of the ASO due to ventilation not lower than 1.5 m from the surface of the road.

5.5.26. The maximum allowable concentration of shkidlivih speeches in the middle of the interior of the ASO may be subject to the requirements of GOST 12.1.005.


6.1. Wimogi to ESU construction

6.1.1. The design of the ESU of automobiles, communication and lighting may be transferred to the possibility of access to the elements of maintenance and service during the hour of operation, to the elements that require re-verification and adjustment, as well as the ability to install and dismantle.

6.1.2. The ESU, which maintains storage batteries in its warehouse, is responsible for having attachments for automatic charging of batteries.

6.1.3. At the ESU power of 8 kW, and more often, motor-drivers are installed.

6.1.4. At vіdsіkah adminіnnia аСО bodywork (salon) vikonannya sіd transferring the operator's work space.

6.1.5. The ESU ASO is to blame for the arrogance of the horizontal surface up to 10 °.

6.1.6. The location of stained fire tanks of the ASO is responsible for ensuring the safety of the life of the robotic lifeline at a nominal charge without refueling of the fire for at least 6 years.

The main fire cars are subdivided into two specific subcategories: fire carsі fire cars.

Pozhezhnі avtomobilі zagalny zastosuvannya.

Before such cars lie tank trucks, auto pumps, as well as first aid cars.

Tanker trucks are equipped with special tanks for liquids and pumps. Special equipment is given for the transport of flammable substances, various outbuildings and possession without delay until the fire. Like a fire extinguishing the homeland, the water or the pina can wink.

Tanker trucks are the widest type of fire equipment. Іsnuє kіlka types vіdpovіdnih pozhozhnyh machines:

  • legends, the capacity of which does not exceed 2000 liters. The butt of such a transport problem is an AC30 (53A) tank truck;
  • medium, the capacity of which is to become 2-4 cubic meters. The butt of such TZ is tanks of the AC30 (130), AC40 (375) brands;
  • Important, єmnіst yah transfer 4 cubic meters.

Tanker trucks are built on the basis of ZIL vehicles (volume of water tank - 3.5 m3, volume of pumping agent - 210 liters, pump productivity - 40 liters per second). Also, KamAZ cars (water tank - 5m3, pumping capacity 350l, pump productivity - 40l / s) and Ural (water tank volume - 15m3, pumping capacity - 900l, pump productivity - 100l / s).

Autopumps make a design, I go to tank trucks. However, equipped with a great number of vodpovidnogo obladnannya. Also, the installations are equipped with larger capacities for transporting the pinoutvoryuvach. Stop such cars together from the AC and independently. Most of these transport services are built on the basis of the KamAZ chassis. With which sleeve diameter, through which a flammable substance is supplied, it can become 51 or 77 mm. The length of the length of the sleeves on the car can be 3500-5000 meters. The productivity of the pump is 100 liters per second.

Cars first help vikoristovuyutsya for the prompt delivery of rozrahunka, small-sized possession and inflammable substance until the month of fire. For the help of these transport costs, the localization of the city is improved to more exhaustive technology. Cars are being built first to help on the basis of the GAS bus. When the volume of the water tank is 500 liters, the volume of the foamer is 50 liters, the productivity of the pump is 0.8 l / s.

Burning cars of the target vikoristanny.

Nalashtuvannya pinnoy extinguishing. Given special equipment zastosovuєtsya for the delivery of inflammable substances, the possession of and additional outbuildings until the next month. From tank trucks and cars, two portable outbuildings are lifted up, as they provide for lifting generators of stumps to a height (up to thirteen meters). Also, to the warehouse of such a design, the following units and attachments can be included:

  • stationary fire monitors (combinations);
  • two dosing inserts;
  • pin generators (six pieces).

Technіka vykonuєtsya z urakhuvannya shasi Ural. The volume of capacity for transporting a pinoutvoryuvach is 180l. Productivity of the pump - 2400 l/s.

Installations of powder extinguishing. Tsya special equipment is victorious for the liquidation of spalls at various industrial facilities (oil processing enterprises, chemical industry, nuclear energy). Similar transport security Boulevards were taken out of vicariousness in 1986 roci, protea in the last few parts of the vicarious vine until today.

Gas extinguishing installations. This type of technology is zastosovuetsya for extinguishing the electric power, which burn, as if to know under the pressure. Also, special transport services are victorious for liquidation of spalah in archives and museums. For the help of these aggregates, it is possible to extinguish easily occupied and combustible liquids, spilled on the surface or in tanks.

Such special equipment is being developed on the basis of ZIL, KAMAZ, Ural chassis. The main functional mechanism of the car is the installation of a gas extinguisher. Also, the design of the TZ has baloons with carbonic acid. The supply of inflammable speech is established through a special stovbur.

Cars of gas-water extinguishing. This technique is equipped with a turbojet engine. Because of this, an exhausting flow of gas is created, which may be a great coefficient of kinetic energy. There are such machines for extinguishing oil and gas fountains. Cars are built on the basis of KamAZ chassis. The productivity of the pump that supplies gas-water summish is 150 liters per second.

Installing a combined extinguisher. Such special equipment ensures the subsequent supply of special pins and OPS without interruption to the fire. The complete set of the auxiliary machines depends on the type of the base frame and the installation of the superstructure.

Transport zasіb can be used on the KamAZ chassis. The volume of the tank for driving is 6m3. Weight of inflammable powder - 1000 kg. Productivity of the pump - 80 l/s.

Airport cars. This technique wins out at the order of the crews and passengers in the air transport, as well as at the liquidation of fire on the air transport and the last accidents. Aerodrome machines are divided into two types:

  • start cars, which are localized without intermediary white smoky. The butt of such a technique is transport zasib AA40 (131), vikonaniya on the basis of chassis ZIL;
  • the main cars that are in the fire part. The butt of such a machine is an automobile model AA60 (7310), vikonan based on MAZ.

Also, the aerodrome fired special equipment can be mounted on the KamAZ chassis. The transport capacity of the pump is 40 liters per second. The volume of the water tank is 5m3. The mass of carbonic acid to be transported is 50 kilograms.

Pumping stations Such a technique is used for supplying light by highways to mobile trunks or fire cars. The pumping stations are mounted on the ZIL chassis and on the trailers. Productivity of pumps of such installations is 110 liters per second.

Special fire cars

Before this group of cars, the following transport facilities are included:

Sleeve car. The technique is victorious for transporting the singing number of sleeves to the fire point or laying highways on the go. TK is signed on the basis of the ZIL chassis. The number of sleeves that are transported should be deposited according to their diameter.

The speed of laying hoses in one line is 9 kilometers per year.

Machines for organizing lighting and communication. Technique vikoristovuєtsya illuminating the territory of the object, which is to burn. In addition, the units allow you to install a full link between the working brigade and the central headquarters. The butt of such a machine is the ASO12 (66) 90A unit. The intensity of the special equipment generator is 12 kW. The kit has a radio station (portable stationary), a guchnomovets, a telephone, a searchlight. Mounted installation on the chassis GAS.

Burning autodrabins. Attachments are vikoristovuyutsya for pіdёmu spіvrobіtnіv pozhozhnoї service on the upper surfaces. The classification of these machines is based on the improvement of the convergence itself and the type of drive mechanism:

  • go down a little. Stock - auto AL18 (52A) L2. Dovzhina - no more than 20 meters;
  • go the middle time. Stock - auto AL30 (131) L21. Dovzhina - up to 30 meters;
  • go down the great dozhini. Stock - auto AL45 (257) PM109. Dovzhina - 30 meters and more.

Drive autodrabins on electric, hydraulic, mechanical, combined.

Additional fire cars

To enter a group of burning cars cars, yakі vikoristovuyutsya for the transportation of spіvrobіtnіkіv headquarters and parts. Also included here are vantage transport facilities, which are often used for transporting various equipment, values ​​and other speeches. In the Crimea, fuel trucks, transfer trucks, mobile laboratories, truck cranes, excavators and tractors, as well as other transport facilities are brought to the additional special equipment.

Statue nadislav: Ellada

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