Rent of wake-up cars and installation without an operator. KOATUU: leasehold. Good afternoon! I want to see the IP services of an excavator - navantazhuvach. I can’t select KVED and some kind of submissive mode is using my IP

The legal entities of the EP, if they are to lease possession, in the obligatory order, they must indicate in the establishing documents the code for the type of activity (KVED). Zavdyaki tsomu stench otrimayut legal substantiation for business. What will be the KVED codes for rent in 2019? How to recognize a code for a particular type of possession? Vіdpovіdі on qі and іnshі nutrition - in our material.

What are the symbols of your bachelorette? KVED should win in 2019

On this day, the official KVED-2 agreement - “OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2)”, approved by the Order of Rosstandart dated 31.01.2014 No. 14-st (as amended on 10.07.2018) is respected. From 1 July 2018, the remaining changes came into force, so applicants need to be very respectful when choosing a code for the type of activity and hour of registration in the tax service.

The KOATUU code “Leasing of possession” in the classifier is considered to be an offensive rank: in division N, class 77 “Rent and leasing” is selected and subclass of the type of activity 77.3, which includes incl. Then you need to select a specific (minimum two or more) code.

For example, as a result of the government's activity, the organization of the EaP is rented and leased for civil life. The code for the type of duty for the KVED "Rent of the budіvelny statkuvannya" 77.32. This group includes rental of wake-up machines and installation without an operator, including cranes, work platforms without their installation and dismantling. When renting a code with the operator, the code should be selected from the most important types of daily work, placed under the capital code 43 “Robots of the workday specialization”.

Structure of the KVED code

The formation of a digital identification code can be seen on the application of the identifier 77.39.11 by ordering auto-setting:

    77 - class;

    77.3 - subclass;

    77.39 - group;

    77.39.1 - subgroup;

    77.39.11 - view.

For the number of signs after the point can be distinguished, chi є in the end there is a greater narrow type of activity. The very detailed screed - view.

In some cases, the entrepreneurs may be charged with food, as well as some signs in the KVED code "Orenda of possession" need to be victorious. It is most often used when registering a legal or physical person, as well as when introducing a new type of activity. Legislation needs to choose as a minimum group, you cannot simply indicate a class or a subclass. And tse means that the code is guilty of folding as a minimum of 4 digits. The number of KVED codes themselves in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities may be.

As in the process of establishing the activity, it is necessary to register a new KVED code, or to include a non-standard identifier - it is necessary to file an application before the tax inspection under the form No. Р14001.

Where to know the working classifier of KVED codes for 2019?

The guide is available to authorized access on the official web portal]]\u003e Minekonomrazvitku]]\u003e. At the upper part of the page, it is necessary to select the item "Diyalnist". If you want to spend some money in the Directions section, then you need to go to the lower part of the side and enter the point “Zahalno Russian classifiers, secured for the Minekonomrozvitka of Russia”.

The table of KVED codes for different types of installation is given below.



Rental and leasing of agricultural cars and installation (without operator).

Lease of possession with the operator according to the codes:

    01.61 "Supervision of services in the field of Russian Linnitsa";

    02.40 "Supervision of services in the forestry and forest harvesting"

Renting and leasing of emergency cars and installation without an operator

Renting and leasing of office machines and installation, including billing equipment

Renting and leasing of office machines and installation

Rental and leasing of billing machines and installation

Renting and leasing of water transport facilities and installation

Renting and leasing of aircraft and aviation equipment

Renting and leasing of other types of transport, possession and material resources, which are not included in other groups

Renting and leasing of other land transport facilities and possession

Renting and leasing of other motor vehicles and possession

Renting and leasing of outdoor transport and registration

Renting and leasing of other machines and registration, which are not included in other groupings

Rental and leasing of engines, turbines and versatility

Renting and leasing of oil and gas oil and gas industry

Renting and leasing of underground transport equipment

Renting and leasing of professional radio and television equipment and communication equipment

Renting and leasing of control and monitoring equipment

Renting and leasing of accessories, equipment and other installation, as to be used for medical purposes

Renting and leasing of trade registration

Renting and leasing of other machines and certification of scientific and industrial recognition

We are planning to introduce an organization for renting special equipment. We began to collect documents for registration, but then we ran into a problem: we don’t know what to order for the service of special equipment according to KVED. Suggest how to choose the right data for undertaking such a plan?

Expert opinion:

In order to officially register such a company, it is necessary to know the code of KVED according to the services of special equipment and to add the necessary information to the list of activities. Tilki having stated їх, it is possible, on legal basis, to become a landlord. It is necessary to enter qi indications when registering both TOV and VP.

New edition of KVED

It is important to remember that in 2017 the new edition of the Zagalnorossiisk classifier came into force. As a company in the future, it is planned to provide orderlies with special vehicles without a driver, then you need to submit code 77.32. According to these figures, there is a rent and leasing of budive cars and that possession. Selecting similar data, you can rent any specialized equipment, including cradles and foxes.

If the business is going to pick up special equipment together with the crew, it is necessary to select code 43. The code is deciphered as “works of emergency work” and may add additional items:

The stench regulates the different kinds of work - in the dismantling of the work and the preparation of the worker, before the work. The rest of the paragraph includes all addenda vidi robit.

Such a classification is suitable not only for firms that are engaged in business and sporuds, but also for quiet, who rent special equipment at once with the operator. Do not hesitate to indicate the number of options for both groups, in order to expand the range of activities.


Companies renting special equipment can give additional services, for example, vantage transportation or help farmers-growers. In this case, it is necessary for the future Vlasnik of the company to add additional data from the classifier before transferring, as it is necessary to do so.

When completing documents, it is important to check all the nuances. Ideally, the manager of the company is estimating the possibilities of the areas of work of his business and knowing in the new classifier the appropriate options. Otherwise, when scaling the business and mastering new types of activities, it will be necessary to spend an hour on making necessary additions to the documentation.

As soon as it is planned to enter into an organization, as we hope to help the population in various ways, and it is important to choose all the necessary coding, so you can turn to a legal firm.

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