Receipt about the return of money for the given services. Borg's signature: how to issue, srazok

A receipt for the return of pennies is required to confirm the transfer of money to the creditor. When folding a document, it is necessary to know the rules, so that the signature is not invalidated. Properly executed, do not take a lot of time and allow yourself to be safe from the call of the ship.

If the pennies were poised for a receipt, then so it is necessary to turn them. If the applicant saves the document, the docks will not run out of the statute of limitations. There are three fates behind the Russian legislation. For a long time, the document is better not to be chіpati. For example, vіdomі vipadki, if the defendant after turning to the borg, after proponouvav borzhnikovі tear up the roses, and later filed a lawsuit against him, arguing that the borg was unpaid.

A receipt for the return of pennies to the varto is signed at the presence of one of one

Rezpiska є one of the documents, as it is better to write by hand. Obviously, it is not fenced off for the help of the computer, but behind the handwriting you can conduct an examination, but from for a signature on a signed document, you can not always insert the author. That's why most of the receipts and today are folded in the hand.

If the pennies are transferred to the link with the vikonanny, whether it be home-ownership, this fact is shown in the document about the bond. For example, in practice it looks like this: “At the rahunki, pay for the contract of purchase and sale in the form of ___№___ basic amount”. In another situation, as if on the right to go to court, to bring that the pennies were transferred for the contract or for the performance of services, it is impossible to show up. І the creditor can declare that the pennies were transferred from the accounts to the pay borg.

A lot of candidates are in a difficult situation, if they ask for pennies for "business" - the reason is clearly indicated in the documents. But it’s wrong and threatening for the creditor, the shards of the borzhnik can often be hardened, that the pennies were given not to the borg, but to the development of a sleeping business, and wine maє ration, the shards of the money will be rated by the court as an investment in the business.

If you have seen the cost of the water, it is also necessary to indicate it in the list. The same cost of foreign currency and the exchange rate, which turns the coins. Special respect next add dates. If you don’t choose, then the signature, and then the Borg will become stringless. And the creditor does not need to obmezhen for terms for trial before the court.

For writing a rosette, a special arkush from a zoshita or A4 format is written. The passport details of the creditor and the applicant, as well as their contact telephone numbers, are entered. The receipt is made by two accomplices, so that the skin on the other side is small of its copy. Another miraculous way to correctly issue a receipt is to write її at the presence of certificates. The presence and contact details of the obov'yazkovo are specified in the document.

It is necessary to give special respect to transfers and gaps in documents - they are more unique, so that the year did not allow for the inclusion of additional data. At the bottom left part of the document, it is necessary to indicate the date of its folding. The signatures of the parties are taken at the lower right part of the signature.

One more important moment - the parties are guilty of signing the document at the presence of one of one number of certificates, as such. It is impossible to admit a situation, in some cases, the employer or the borzhnik sign a document with a winder. It’s easy to tell in this opinion that the signature is a letter.

Zrazok rosette about turning to Borg

Receipt about the turn of the coins, for example, you can marvel at the bottom, written in the full form, shards of none established by law no form.


What is the need for respect

If the receipt is not folded correctly, such a document will be declarative and may be denounced by the court. It will be more important to bring the turn to the borg in this direction. It is more common to give such pardons:

  1. Inaccurate data of the parties. Tsya іnformatsija є important, oskіlki it is not enough to say more than a nickname, іm'ya that by father's father. If the rozpisci does not have passport data, then it is impossible to tell what kind of Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich took chi and gave pennies. Unfortunately, this situation has been expanded among relatives.
  2. The amount of borg seems to be less than numbers. Tse is wrong, the shards should be given the number, and write the sum in capital letters. In fact, pardon often provokes super girls and judges.
  3. No phrases “having taken pennies for a receipt ...”. From one side, it's just a formality. And yet, an unscrupulous creditor can say that you didn’t turn your money around.
  4. The document is not notarized. The law of which does not matter, but for the guarantee of taking away that return of pennies, it is better to confirm the favor.

On the right, like a hundred pennies, more often than not, they convey all the nuances. A receipt can be a guarantee that the parties do not make any one-to-one claims, otherwise all the claims will be made differently. Therefore, it is necessary to draw up її wisely, wisely, that this document can be seen by lawyers in a year, and be a pardon in a new situation is expensive.

A large sum of pennies is paid for with the folding of a receipt about the turn. The document may be valid under dotrimanni sing vimog. Wrongly written rozpiska may interfere with the right to turn the Borg.

How to correctly write a receipt about the return of pennies?

Receipt - the whole document, which is formed in a simple letter form and to collect information about the transfer of a penny penny sum to a specific person. So that the rozpiska was borgovoy, so that the bones taken for her could be turned, following the rules of singing when folding.

Under the hour of writing the document, the passport data of both sides are entered. Moreover, write down the next words of the employer, and from the passport. Dodatkovo is recommended to make a photocopy of the document, which zasvіdchuє person.

The signature about the otrimannya koshtіv pozichalnik put at the presence of the pozikodavtsa. The documents also signify that the pennies are taken from the borg. The presence of a riddle about the price is not borgovoi for recognition, so you can’t take back a penny.

Obov'yazkovі vymogi

To obov'yazykovyh lie down:

  • date of filing of the receipt;
  • ПІБ, date, place of nationality of the applicant, passport data, registration address and actual residence;
  • ПІБ, date, place of nationality of the creditor, passport data, registration address and actual residence;
  • suma borg (in number and in words);
  • the signature of the borzhnik, what to say about the otrimannya koshtiv (with decryption);
  • the phrase "Penny taken from the borg at the moment of folding the receipt from the sum ...".

If the designated elements are not included before the document, the receipt may be denounced in court.

Dodatkovі vimogi

Dodatkovі vmogi directing to the concretization of borgovyh vіdnosin. Before them one can see:

  • Document storage space;
  • Date of return to Borg. If the hour is not specified, then the goiter may be vykonan at thirty-day lines from the moment of obigu of the creditor;
  • Negative sanctions for nonconformity could not be applied to the meanings of the term. If the fine has not been transferred, it will be charged for the amount of money spent for a leather day at the rate of refinancing of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • Given certificates, dated date of transfer of fees (PIB, date and place of nationality, addresses of registration).

Zrazok rosette about the return of koshtіv

The receipt is written on paper in the hand or on the computer. In the rest of the day, the words “Koshti having taken away the signature in the sum at the time of folding” and the signature with the decryption should be put in the hand.

Notarially certified after ceasing to be obov'yazkovym. Ale, with the appointment at the notary's office, transfers:

  • correct folding of the document;
  • assessment of the physical and mental will become a notary public;
  • the notary acts as a certificate at the time of the transfer of the pennies.

Until nedolіkіv vіdnosyasya:

  • payment for nadan service;
  • timchasov vitrati (record to the notary, cherga, road to the city).

You can know about the turn of the bones:

  • on the Internet;
  • fold independently, dorimuyuchis proponovannyh rules;
  • contact a notary public or a lawyer.

About what should be remembered when folding the receipts - for the sake of lawyers

For the sake of lawyers, how to fold a letter about turning to Borg:

  • Documents may have all written language details;
  • Don’t say varto that the pennies rely on the development of the business, the shards of the cerezikov’s activity. In times of failure, the sum does not turn around, to the fact that the creditor has recognized it with a clear risk, but all the same, having encouraged to invest pennies;
  • The signature and decoding of the postal worker should be put in the hand. Reshta text may be handwritten on a computer;
  • Obov'yazkovo should signify that the Borg had a penny of tribute;
  • As in the list, you should think that it is superfluous to legislate (negative consequences of non-conforming goiter every hour), then the document should not be spent on your money, so the borzhnik will be all the same guilty of turning the pennies. Illegal mind to skasovuyutsya in court order;
  • The receipt is collected from the creditor at the time of payment to the bank. When transferring money from the creditor to the borzhnik, the record “Groshi otrimani at the time of depositing the sum of the sums…” is generated. When the borg is turned, the record “Penny turned from the total debt from the sum ...” will be played;
  • At the hour of the transfer and the turn of the pennies, the date is set;
  • At the expense of both sides, the request for certificates is for the sake of it. You can one person from the side of the debtor, another - from the side of the creditor;
  • The amount is indicated in numbers and in words;
  • In times of doubt about the correctness of the folding of the document, it was necessary to turn to a qualified fahivtsa - a lawyer of the notary rank.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let's take a look at the widest range of foodstuffs about the folding of borgovoi.

Why is it necessary to certify a receipt about the return of money from a notary?

Vіdpovіdno to the civil legislation, the rozpiska is issued in a simple letter form. The document is written by hand or by hand on a computer. It is possible to notarize the signature in case of inconsistency in the correctness of the document and inconsistency of the counterparty. Notarial and simple signatures may have the same legal force.

Why work, how does a borzhnik have to cry for a borg for a receipt?

As soon as the borzhnik is advised to take the debt of the term, the creditor can send a letter claim to this address. The following documents may have negative consequences for the barber:

  • referral to court;
  • contraction of vіdsotkіv for a leather day of stitching, holding that service of the representative of the caller;
  • assignment of the right of extortion.

If the applicant is satisfied with the statement, then after the termination of the term of the denial of the decision, the letter of the letter is written. Yogo can be taken from the primal year in the office of the court, or you can check it, direct the docks of yoga to the FSSP.

After the possession of the vikonavchogo document, the judge's bailiff-viconate destroys vikonavche virobnitstvo. Borzhnik talks about it. You have 5 days to complete the payment according to the bill of lading. In another moment, the primus constriction (arest rakhunkiv ta lane) will stop by.

What is the borgo’s signature and what kind of validity should the parties bear when issuing such a document? How is the borgo's receipt correctly formed, how are the guarantees for the return of the money? You will find the indications for all meals in the hover article below. Here you can zavantazhiti zrazkovo ї rosette.

A penny sum different recognition, Ale y obsyag - some take a position for special needs or great purchases, and some - for sbіlshennya werewolves in business. So, otherwise, with the method of guaranteeing the return to the borg, especially if there is a question about the value of the sum, it is recommended that the position be drawn up on paper. As credit organizations, seeing the positions, put together credit agreements, then in order to withdraw a penny sum physical features is issued, so called, Borg's rozpiska.

Otzhe, what is a Borg receipt? This is an official document, which confirms the fact of the withdrawal from the borg of a penny penny sum. The receipt is handed over by the trustee to the giver at the time of the transfer of the pennies.

Significantly, scho laying down a written contract for the sum of positions, scho transferring 10 minimum payments for work at the time of initiation of the right, is regulated by part 1 of Art. 808 Central Committee of Ukraine.

Ninі, vіdpovіdno to st. 5 federal law"About the minimum cost of payment for the work" No. 82-FZ dated 19 chernya 2000 (as amended on 01.01.2011) the sum of the position, which depends on the registration of the borgovoi rozpiska, becomes 1000 rubles.

On the basis of part 1 of Art. 162 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, due to the validity of the written execution of the agreement, in case of disputes, the parties cannot rely on the evidence to confirm the turn of minds.

Borgov's signature is another document confirming the agreement on the position and її minds, up to part 2 of Art. 808 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which, in his line, signifies the presence of goiter between the employer and the supplier of the position and the return of the penny sum. However, varto signify, which is a pity, not a leather burglary receipt can secure the collection of pennies from a borzhnik at the time of damage to the remaining households. The main reason for this fact is that the document was incorrectly folded.

Pardons, which are often allowed when registering a borgo

How to reconcile court practice, To finish it often traplyayutsya in the form of an incorrectly issued borgo rozpiska, which complicates or makes it impossible to tighten the sumi borgu from the recipient. Let's go over the main ones.

Pardon 1.

A person was not individualized at the borgovіy rozpisci, as she took away a penny sum.

For example: “The certificate of receipt was given by me, Petr Petr Petrovich, to whom, having taken as a position in the eyes of Ivanova Maryna Ivanivna, a penny sum from the sight of 25 thousand rubles.”

Most often, such pardons at borgovyh rozpiskas can be used at the time of registration of positions between individuals, as if they were being rebuked at friendly chi controversies, and, as a rule, setting up a document is a pure formality. However, as if blaming the super girl for turning to Borg, to prove that the very same Petrov Petro Petrovich, having taken away the bag of position, happened to pass the handwriting examination.

Another example of a pardon can be the fact that the borgo list of records about the creditor is visible.

For example: “The certificate of registration was given by me, Petr Petr Petrovich, XXXX, born in the city of XXX, passport XXXX No. XXXXXXX, visions of XXXXXXX, we will register for the address XXXXXX with the one who on May 01, 2014, I took away as a position a penny sum of rozmіrі 25 000 rubles with return line until 01 May 2015.

The wording of the text for the borgo's signature has been proposed, in case of the court's consideration of how to turn to the borgo, you can allow that the borzhnik can file a further agreement with the court, with a similar date and amount, but also from the appointment of other data about the position nickname (for example, one of your relatives chi know). Let me know that the document, which is a kind of tribute, which may be without delay before the contract, if it is an appointment by the giver, but if the position is small, the place is small.

Pardon 2.

Borg's receipt was stored without any indication of the fact of taking away the penny sumi by a specific recipient.

For example: “The certificate of registration was given by me, Petrov Petr Petrovich, XXXXX, born in the city of XXX, passport XXXX No. XXXXXXX, vision XXXXXX, we will register for the address XXXXX with the one who on May 01, 2014, I came home with Ivan Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich Fі nano sumi looks like 25,000 rubles.”

Such a formulation of a borgo's letter can be brought to the point that an unfair guardian gave up with the current term of a borgo's goiter about turning a penny sum to a firm position about homeliness, but not even about it.

On the basis of Art. 812 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the defendant may have the right to challenge the agreement of position for freedom from pennies, having filed arguments in court to prove the fact of the transfer of pennies. At the time, if the court accepts the position of the position of the position of the official, the agreement of the position (borg's signature) will be recognized indefinitely, and in satisfaction, I could be informed about the contraction of the contracting of the position.

Pardon 3.

When folded borgovoi rozpiska may not be assigned a recognition, the term that means the return of a penny sum, won as a position.

For example: “The certificate of registration was given by me, Petrov Petr Petrovich, XXXXX b.n., born in the city of XXX, passport XXXX No. XXXXXXX, vision of XXXXXXX, we will register for the address XXXXXX with the one who on May 01, 2014 I took away the name of Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich. p ., born in the city of XXX, passport XXXX No. XXXXXXX, visions of XXXXXX, we will register for the address XXXXX a penny sum at a cost of 25,000 rubles.

Such a formulation of the borgo’s signature completely allows the applicant, in case of vindication of the dispute, to confirm that the sum of the bula is indicated in the document as a payment for whether it’s a diy (purchase and sale agreement, canceled as a gift or otherwise), and therefore become the main reason for impossibility turning the koshtіv pozikodavtsyu.

Pardon 4.

If in the borgo painting there are no minds who have seen the position, but in the same way: chi є position of the whole / non-live; borg turn term; interest rate chi position є bezvіdsotkovim.

So, even though the position was given to the clerk for some specific purposes, but the stench was not displayed in the borgo painting, the position giver does not have the right to turn the sumi in the pre-line order, to wind up at the same time these costs in other purposes.

At the time of the date of the painting, the line of the return of the coins on the substantiation of part 2 of Art. 314 DC of the Russian Federation, the head of the goiter should turn the position in a 7-day term from the moment the position was presented by the giver, he could easily turn. If the returner does not go to contact and shirks in the wake of the caller from the position giver, the fact of presenting it could be possible to turn the cost and the obviousness of the stitched term of the turn of the position will be even more problematic to bring.

A report from the borgovіy rozpisci of reports about the voucher rate for corystuvannya with other people's coins can be brought to the point of vindication of other views, zocrema, at times.

On the basis of Art. 809 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, there is a daily list of reports about the payment of positions, the amount of which does not exceed the 50-fold minimum wage (less than 5000 rubles), and with this method, there is no increase in income in any sphere under the responsibility, then such a position can be seen, like a bezvіdsotkova.

At the time of the appearance of the borgovіy rozpisci signs about the bindings of the guard, pay a penalty for the obvious prostration of the turn to the borgu, the pozikodavets does not have the right to exercise the rights of the borzhnik її pay what is regulated by Art. 331 of the DC of the Russian Federation, it is written that, regardless of the form of the main borgo goiter, the favor of the parties about the payment of the penalty can be more or less written forms.

Pardon 5.

Borg's signature was entrusted to the computer. Such a form of folding a document can lead to a denial by the applicant of the fact that a handwritten signature was issued, and it was necessary before a handwriting examination was carried out. Tsya pardon vіdpovіdno, to cause a delay in terms of contraction to the borg and zayvі financial vitrati.

In addition, since the signature of the sponsor includes a small number of symbols, the expert can see a lot of visnovkas about those that it is impossible to set the visibility of the symbols on the signature of the sponsor (borzhnik).

Pardon 6.

At the borgovіy rozpisі, written in a handwritten letter by the official, є corrected.

Keep in mind that, if corrected in documents, any penny positions can be negatively affected by the accuracy of information data, and for yourself: sumi positions, turn the term to the borg and pay the bills.

How to properly issue a Borg receipt

As a rule, a borgo's signature cannot be written in a written form, a document can be folded like a simple letter form, as well as notarized. Correctly folded borgovy rozpiska maє povnu legal force and not vimagaє zapevnennya at the notary. However, it is important to note that in case of a guilty superechok if you turn it over to the court order, a notarized document will significantly speed up the process, including the claims of the applicant.

Otzhe, Borg's signature may be written with a hand in hand by a clerk, do not mother be corrected that inaccuracies. This document is guilty of revenge:

  1. vodomosti, scho іndivіdualіzuyut pozikodavtsa i pozishelnika (double name, name after father, date and place of nationality, passport data, information about registration for the place of residence, contact telephone numbers);
  2. information that indicates to those that a penny sum is transmitted to the singful rozmiri in the form of a gift to the clerk as a position; rozmir sumi must be indicated in numbers and in words;
  3. think, on the basis of these bula, the position was seen, and on its own: tsіlova / netіlova, the term of the turn, the interest rate for the cost of koshta or the absence of the position.

Crimia of the wisest points, with the method of lowering the risk of not turning the costs, it is recommended to include a sprat of important minds before the borgo’s listing, and for yourself:

  • Wimogi about the payment of a penalty by the debtor at the rozmіrі at the time of not returning the money.
  • Wimogi about the possibility of looking at whether there were any disputes that you have seen, as far as summing up and registering, in the judicial authorities for the place of residence of the letter. Tsya umova can positively intervene at the time of disputes about the return to Borg, as at the time of the folding of Borg's registration, the holder of registrations in a different place, or again after the withdrawal of money from wines, changing the place of residence.
This may be spelled out in the document on the basis of Article 32 of the CPC of the Russian Federation, zgіdno z akim of the parties, reckoning to the contract (borgoї rozpiska), for the year they can establish a territorial jurisdiction for reference.
  • Wimoga about the understanding of the owner of the legal heritage of the witnesses of the borgovy registration. The name of the mind can be registered with the hand of the clerk, and in times of vindication of the dispute, the poser may have the right to refer to those who are the keeper, with the withdrawal of money, I will reconsider the legacy of their deeds.

What do you need certificates for folded borgovoi?

Irrespective of those that the legislation of the Russian Federation does not avenge minds, that confirms the need for evidence of the time of laying down the position of the contract, the presence of the remaining ones during the transfer of pennies and the removal of the borgo’s signature is not protected. At the time of the court's judgment, the presence of evidence, which confirms the fact of the transfer of pennies, as well as the minds of their turn, can play an important role. Vykhodyachi z vyshchevikladennogo, pozikodavets maє the right to wimagati vіd vіd zachalnika included to the text borgovї rozpiski іnformatsії pro svіdkіv, present at the time of transfer of pennies.

Important! When the borg (full and private) is turned, the pozikodavets is guilty of seeing the pozichalnik a receipt about the withdrawal of sumi borg and turning the borg receipt, taken earlier at the hour of registration of the position. The receipt about the removal of money from the borzhnik may be replaced by a written inscription on the document, which you can turn.


Be aware of the butt of the design of the goiter, passing for permission, we will be appointed at the end of the statute. Fold the text of your goiter, according to your particular needs. It would be best to type yoga on a computer and on a printer, so that it would be impossible to read differently through the peculiarities of your handwriting. Ale, oskіlki single unified form that could not be used before the first formalization, you can fold it in a simple letter form, but with additional documents, they can be presented before the formalization of official papers. Such a way of designing is the best for the opposite side, the shards do not leave any doubts in hand-written goiter at times of blame for the other side.

Write the name of the document "Zobov'yazannya" near the center of the arch. In addition to it, indicate the place (place), de yogo was stored and the date of its creation. The replacement part of the document is obliged to obov'yazkovo include such information as - name, name, father's, passport data, home address and contact telephone numbers for zv'yazku. Give a description of the essence of what was achieved between the parties, please, set aside what became the reason for laying down, please, understand. It is especially worthwhile to write, as if the same goiter was taken by a borzhnik, having written the sum in numbers and in words, indicating the exact terms of the rozrahunka.

In the final part of the goiter, describe the order of diy, confusion in times of impossibility of minds, please destroy the terms assigned to the document. Put a signature and decipher the yoga at the temples (name and initials). Zawirte the document at the notarial service, so please mind you.

Goiter is blamed only if one person (borzhnik) is guilty of goiter, whether it be on the merit of another person (creditor) after zapodіyannya shkodi or vidnosin, that blamed for the contract. To formalize the goiter, it is necessary to protect the singing aspects.


The most important and widest way to formalize the goiter is to lay down the contract. In fact, whether there is any agreement - bilateral goiter, in which the offending parties simultaneously act as the role of a barber, and the role of a creditor. They have the right to vimagati each other victoriously quiet, as described in the contract, and may win the goiter laid by them on the other side.

Civil code Russian Federation install, as may be formalized those chi іnshi vidi contracts. Contracts for the purchase and sale, mini, gift, lease, contract only individually for your own story, but also for the global aspects. The stench may be laid down at the form, as if passing the law to them.

Naychastishe go about the writing of the design of goiter. At the agreement, the responsibilities of the buti are clearly identified by the names of the individuals who are to enter at the vіdnosini, and also think that line, for which they should lie vikonati taken on themselves goitre. To arrange the contract, you can quickly prepare a form or fold the text yourself.

Borg's signature

Mayzhe dermal application be brought to zishtovhuvatisya with such a phenomenon, like a pozika koshtiv. Ale yak ymovіrnіst їhny vlasnik? So that both sides do not blame such food, it is necessary to create a legal document that would protect their interests from the law. Such a document can be a receipt about the return of the money. And how should I correctly file the application and on how subtle when writing the rosette, follow the respect? Let's take a look at the report on the nutritional status of the article.

Zagalni vіdomostі

Rezpiska є document, scho pіdtverdzhuє otrimannya or return of material goods or vykonannya specific obov'yazkіv. Borg's receipt is the best and legal way to get financial money from a creditor, which you can act as a relative, so if you know a person, you can entrust a penny to the owner for the mind of their full return.

It is allowed to write letters, and another option for writing a letter. Ale, with viniknennі rozbіzhnosti prioritetne znachennya matima all the same writing by hand form. Notarize the receipt of chi ni - virishuvate only please the parties.

If the creditor poses a debtor, whom they do not trust, they may have the right to request certificates for the sake of it, if, in case of a guilty dispute, they can confirm the fact of incrimination.

Folding rules

Borg's signature may only be in order, as it is correctly folded. The day, it would seem, would not be the greatest amount of money that could be brought to the point of not returning finances to the employer. And, remember, in case of missing information, the creditor cannot return his pennies.

Obov'yazykovymi dannymi for vkaz_vka at normative documentє:

  1. Information about the candidate: your passport data (PIB, date of birth, place of registration) and real place of residence.
  2. Passport information of the individual, as if giving pennies to the borg (PIB, registration, date of birth).
  3. Rozmir borg (shown in numbers and spelling).
  4. Date of completion of the preparation (after the fact).
  5. The date (strings) of the return of the position boxes.
  6. Meta otrimannya financial costs (to be indicated by a borzhnik).
  7. Signature of the individual, as I take pennies to the borg (from the appointed PIBs).
  8. ПІБ, place of residence and signature of certificates (as such were requested).

In order to secure yourself the protection of shakhraystvo, the creditor may require a copy of the passport from the applicant and carefully check the data assigned by the debtor at the register.

Return of finances to the Vlasnik

Payment to the creditor's borg, as well as the position of financial costs, is accompanied by a letter written by a legal paper. Won and will confirm the actual act of transferring the debtor to the creditor. Data, which are necessary for showing, practically do not look like data given at the borgo painting. But in order to properly file a return statement, the guardian is guilty of respect for the following aspects:

  1. The debtor is guilty of signing the document meta transfer of the money to the creditor (for example, the account of a specific contract for payment of any services). Through the following days of such registration of data with the clerk, the creditor can declare to the one who took the pennies, the money was paid to another borg, not assigned to the contract.
  2. We will not ask the creditor to write about the withdrawal of borgo koshtіv and the number of claims before the next debtor at the rozpisci.

Pardons for the hour of document storage

  1. Wrongly assigned chi wrong data about the borzhnik. In other cases, the applicants say more than the PIB, forgetting about other, no less important, passport data. And nedosvidcheni creditors do not control the writing of the document. It is practically impossible to bring to court that the person herself, and not her namesake, acted as a leader.
  2. The form for filing a rosette has been drafted. It will be important for the creditor to bring the creditor’s accountability to a well-known to you borg with a contracted receipt, it’s not possible to bring the fate of the debtor to the folded contract.
  3. The amount of position, is indicated only in numbers. The presence of a written sumi position can become a stone for the turn of the borg and the cause of a lot of primed superechok for the court. To that sum borg to the side of the contract goiter yazanі vkazuvati like numbers, and capital letters.
  4. The withdrawal of pennies from the side of the beneficiary was not recorded on the form. The creditor obov'yazkovo can control the phrase "a penny for a receipt, having taken it especially". For її vіdstnostі vіdsіtnostі pozichalnik can refer to those who agreed to the contract, but did not take the declared sum into the hands of the wines.
  5. Incorrectly stated meta otrimannya koshtiv. Incorrect wording can lead to infidelity to the borg (pennies, borrowed for business, may not turn around, the shards of the business project “failed”, and the creditor recognized the risk). Until then, even though it is not indicated in the list that the pennies were given by the “borg ...”, then the candidate may have the right not to turn it around.
  6. Identity of the assigned position term. Non-obvious term of turning to borg means only those that are stringless, and the returnee can give a sum of money for an hour, a lot of money for a cost, otherwise you don’t have to call.

The folding of a borgo's receipt is necessary as a creditor, and as a guarantor, in order to secure yourself in the event of dishonest parties from the side of another participant, please. And the designation of the algorithm for writing the document will help the parties to the contract correctly fold the receipt and not miss the important moments in the filling.

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